Chemistry Final Exam Review 1

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Chemistry Final Exam Review

Multiple Choice
Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

____ 1. The study of chemicals that, in general, do not contain carbon is traditionally called what type of chemistry ?
a. bio c. physical
b. inorganic d. analytical

____ 2. Which of the following is NOT an example of matter?

a. air c. smoke
b. heat d. water vapor

____ 3. A golf ball has more mass than a tennis ball because it ____.
a. takes up more space c. contains different kinds of matter
b. contains more matter d. has a definite composition
____ 4. An example of an extensive property of matter is ____.

a. temperature c. mass
b. pressure d. hardness

____ 5. All of the following are physical properties of matter EXCEPT ____.
a. mass c. melting point
b. color d. ability to rust

____ 6. Which state of matter has a definite volume and takes the shape of its container?
a. solid c. gas
b. liquid d. both b and c

____ 7. Which of the following CANNOT be classified as a substance?

a. table salt c. nitrogen
b. air d. gold

____ 8. Which of the following is a heterogeneous mixture?

a. air c. steel
b. salt water d. soil

____ 9. Which of the following is a heterogeneous mixture?

a. vinegar in water c. oil and vinegar
b. milk d. air

____ 10. Separating a solid from a liquid by evaporating the liquid is called ____.
a. filtration c. solution
b. condensation d. distillation

____ 11. A substance that can be separated into two or more substances only by a chemical change is a(n) ____.
a. solution c. mixture
b. element d. compound

____ 12. The chemical symbol for iron is ____.

a. fe c. Fe
b. FE d. Ir

____ 13. Which of the following is a chemical property?

a. color c. freezing point
b. hardness d. ability to react with oxygen

____ 14. Which of the following is NOT a physical change?

a. grating cheese c. fermenting of cheese
b. melting cheese d. mixing two cheeses in a bowl

____ 15. Which of the following does NOT involve a physical change ?
a. mixing c. grinding
b. melting d. decomposing

____ 16. A chemical change occurs when a piece of wood ____.

a. is split c. decays
b. is painted d. is cut

____ 17. When an iron nail is ground into powder, its mass ____.
a. stays the same c. increases
b. decreases d. cannot be determined

____ 18. The expression of 5008 km in scientific notation is ____.

a. 5.008 10 km c. 5.008 10 km
b. 50.08 10 km d. 5.008 10 km

____ 19. The closeness of a measurement to its true value is a measu re of its ____.
a. precision c. reproducibility
b. accuracy d. usefulness

____ 20. If the temperature changes by 100 K, by how much does it change in C?
a. 0 C c. 100 C
b. 37 C d. 273 C

____ 21. What is the density of an object having a mass of 8.0 g and a volume of 25 cm ?
a. 0.32 g/cm c. 3.1 g/cm
b. 2.0 g/cm d. 200 g/cm

____ 22. As the density of a substance increases, the volume of a given mass of that substance ____.
a. increases c. decreases
b. is not affected d. fluctuates

____ 23. The smallest particle of an element that retains the properties of that element is a(n) ____.
a. atom c. proton
b. electron d. neutron

____ 24. Which of the following is NOT a part of Dalton's atomic theory?
a. All elements are composed of atoms.
b. Atoms are always in motion.
c. Atoms of the same element are identical.
d. Atoms that combine do so in simple whole-number ratios.
____ 25. Which of the following is true about subatomic particles?
a. Electrons are negatively charged and are the heaviest subatomic particle.
b. Protons are positively charged and the lightest subatomic particle.
c. Neutrons have no charge and are the lightest subatomic particle.
d. The mass of a neutron nearly equals the mass of a proton.

____ 26. All atoms are ____.

a. positively charged, with the number of protons exceeding the number of electrons
b. negatively charged, with the number of electrons exceeding the number of protons
c. neutral, with the number of protons equaling the number of electrons
d. neutral, with the number of protons equaling the number of electrons, which is equal to the
number of neutrons

____ 27. The particles that are found in the nucleus of an atom are ____.
a. neutrons and electrons c. protons and neutrons
b. electrons only d. protons and electrons

____ 28. As a consequence of the discovery of the nucleus by Rutherford, which model of the atom is thought
to be true?
a. Protons, electrons, and neutrons are evenly distributed throughout the volume of the atom.
b. The nucleus is made of protons, electrons, and neutrons.
c. Electrons are distributed around the nucleus and occupy almost all the volume of the atom.
d. The nucleus is made of electrons and protons.

____ 29. The nucleus of an atom is ____.

a. the central core and is composed of protons and neutrons
b. positively charged and has more protons than neutrons
c. negatively charged and has a high density
d. negatively charged and has a low density

____ 30. The atomic number of an element is the total number of which particles in the nucleus?
a. neutrons c. electrons
b. protons d. protons and electrons

____ 31. An element has an atomic number of 76. The number of protons and electrons in a neutral atom of
the element are ____.
a. 152 protons and 76 electrons c. 38 protons and 38 electrons
b. 76 protons and 0 electrons d. 76 protons and 76 electrons

____ 32. The sum of the protons and neutrons in an atom equals the ____.
a. atomic number c. atomic mass
b. nucleus number d. mass number

____ 33. What does the number 84 in the name krypton-84 represent?
a. the atomic number c. the sum of the protons and electrons
b. the mass number d. twice the number of protons

____ 34. All atoms of the same element have the same ____.
a. number of neutrons c. mass numbers
b. number of protons d. mass

____ 35. Isotopes of the same element have different ____.

a. numbers of neutrons c. numbers of electrons
b. numbers of protons d. atomic numbers

____ 36. The mass number of an element is equal to ____.

a. the total number of electrons in the nucleus
b. the total number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus
c. less than twice the atomic number
d. a constant number for the lighter elements

____ 37. Which of the following sets of symbols represents isotopes of the s ame element?
a. J J J c. M M M
b. L L L d. Q Q Q

____ 38. In which of the following is the number of neutrons correctly represented?
a. F has 0 neutrons. c. Mg has 24 neutrons.
b. As has 108 neutrons. d. U has 146 neutrons.

____ 39. What unit is used to measure weighted average atomic mass?
a. amu c. angstrom
b. gram d. nanogram

____ 40. In the Bohr model of the atom, an electron in an orbit has a fixed ____.
a. position c. energy
b. color d. size

____ 41. How does the energy of an electron change when the electron moves closer to the nucleus?
a. It decreases. c. It stays the same.
b. It increases. d. It doubles.

____ 42. What is the shape of the 3p atomic orbital?

a. sphere c. bar
b. dumbbell d. two perpendicular dumbbells

____ 43. How many energy sublevels are in the second principal energy level?
a. 1 c. 3
b. 2 d. 4

____ 44. What is the maximum number of d orbitals in a principal energy level?
a. 1 c. 3
b. 2 d. 5

____ 45. The shape (not the size) of an electron cloud is determined by the electron's ____.
a. energy sublevel c. speed
b. position d. principal quantum number

____ 46. The letter "p" in the symbol 4p indicates the ____.
a. spin of an electron c. principle energy level
b. orbital shape d. speed of an electron

____ 47. What is the next atomic orbital in the series 1s, 2s, 2p, 3s, 3p?
a. 2d c. 3f
b. 3d d. 4s

____ 48. According to the aufbau principle, ____.

a. an orbital may be occupied by only two electrons
b. electrons in the same orbital must have opposite spins
c. electrons enter orbitals of highest energy first
d. electrons enter orbitals of lowest energy first

____ 49. What is the electron configuration of potassium?

a. 1s 2s 2p 3s 3p 4s c. 1s 2s 3s 3p 3d
b. 1s 2s 2p 3s 3p d. 1s 2s 2p 3s 3p 4s

____ 50. How many unpaired electrons are in a sulfur atom (atomic number 16)?
a. 0 c. 2
b. 1 d. 3

____ 51. How does the speed of visible light compare with the speed of gamma rays, when both speeds are mea sured
in a vacuum?
a. The speed of visible light is greater.
b. The speed of gamma rays is greater.
c. The speeds are the same.
d. No answer can be determined from the information given.

____ 52. Which color of visible light has the shortest waveleng th?
a. yellow c. blue
b. green d. violet

____ 53. Which of the following electromagnetic waves have the highest frequencies?
a. ultraviolet light waves c. microwaves
b. X-rays d. gamma rays

____ 54. Which type of electromagnetic radiation includes the wavelength 10 m?

a. gamma ray c. radio wave
b. microwave d. visible light

____ 55. How are the frequency and wavelength of light related?
a. They are inversely proportional to each other.
b. Frequency equals wavelength divided by the speed of light.
c. Wavelength is determined by dividing frequency by the speed of light.
d. They are directly proportional to each other.

____ 56. The light given off by an electric discharge through sodium vapor is ____.
a. a continuous spectrum c. of a single wavelength
b. an emission spectrum d. white light

____ 57. Which scientist developed the quantum mechanical model of the atom?
a. Albert Einstein c. Niels Bohr
b. Erwin Schrodinger d. Ernest Rutherford

____ 58. According to the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, if the position of a moving particle is known, what
other quantity CANNOT be known?
a. mass c. spin
b. charge d. velocity

____ 59. What is another name for the representative elements?

a. Group A elements c. Group C elements
b. Group B elements d. transition elements

____ 60. What is another name for the transition metals?

a. noble gases c. Group B elements
b. Group A elements d. Group C elements

____ 61. Which of the following elements is in the same period as phosphorus?
a. carbon c. nitrogen
b. magnesium d. oxygen

____ 62. Each period in the periodic table corresponds to ____.

a. a principal energy level c. an orbital
b. an energy sublevel d. a suborbital

____ 63. The modern periodic table is arranged in order of increasin g atomic ____.
a. mass c. number
b. charge d. radius

____ 64. Of the elements Pt, V, Li, and Kr, which is a nonmetal?
a. Pt c. Li
b. V d. Kr

____ 65. To what category of elements does an element belong if it is a poor conductor of electricity?
a. transition elements c. nonmetals
b. metalloids d. metals

____ 66. What element has the electron configuration 1s 2s 2p 3s 3p ?

a. nitrogen c. silicon
b. selenium d. silver

____ 67. Elements that are characterized by the filling of p orbitals are classified as ____.
a. groups 3A through 8A c. inner transition metals
b. transition metals d. groups 1A and 2A

____ 68. Which subatomic particle plays the greatest part in determining the properties of an element?
a. proton c. neutron
b. electron d. none of the above

____ 69. Which of the following elements is a transition metal?

a. cesium c. tellurium
b. copper d. tin

____ 70. Which of the following groupings contains only representative elements?
a. Cu, Co, Cd c. Al, Mg, Li
b. Ni, Fe, Zn d. Hg, Cr, Ag

____ 71. How does atomic radius change from top to bottom in a group in the periodic table?
a. It tends to decrease. c. It first increases, then decreases.
b. It tends to increase. d. It first decreases, then increases.
____ 72. How does atomic radius change from left to right across a period in the periodic table?
a. It tends to decrease. c. It first increases, then decreases.
b. It tends to increase. d. It first decreases, then increases.

____ 73. Atomic size generally ____.

a. increases as you move from left to right across a period
b. decreases as you move from top to bottom within a group
c. remains constant within a period
d. decreases as you move from left to right across a period

____ 74. What element in the second period has the largest atomic radius?
a. carbon c. potassium
b. lithium d. neon

____ 75. Which of the following elements has the smallest atomic radius?
a. sulfur c. selenium
b. chlorine d. bromine

____ 76. What is the charge of a cation?

a. a positive charge
b. no charge
c. a negative charge
d. The charge depends on the size of the nucleus.

____ 77. The metals in Groups 1A, 2A, and 3A ____.

a. gain electrons when they form ions c. all have ions with a 1 charge
b. all form ions with a negative charge d. lose electrons when they form ions

____ 78. What is the element with the lowest electronegativity value?
a. cesium c. calcium
b. helium d. fluorine

____ 79. What is the element with the highest electronegativity value?
a. cesium c. calcium
b. helium d. fluorine

____ 80. What is the energy required to remove an electron from an atom in the gaseous state called?
a. nuclear energy c. shielding energy
b. ionization energy d. electronegative energy

____ 81. Compared with the electronegativities of the elements on the left side of a period, the electronegativities
of the elements on the right side of the same period tend to be ____.
a. lower c. the same
b. higher d. unpredictable

____ 82. Which of the following statements correctly compare s the relative size of an ion to its neutral atom?
a. The radius of an anion is greater than the radius of its neutral atom.
b. The radius of an anion is identical to the radius of its neutral atom.
c. The radius of a cation is greater than the radius of its neutral atom.
d. The radius of a cation is identical to the radius of its neutral atom.

____ 83. How many valence electrons are in an atom of phosphorus?

a. 2 c. 4
b. 3 d. 5

____ 84. What is the electron configuration of the gallium ion?

a. 1s 2s 2p 3s 3p c. 1s 2s 2p 3s 3p 4s 4p
b. 1s 2s 2p 3s 3p 4s d. 1s 2s 2p 3s 3p 3d

____ 85. The octet rule states that, in chemical compounds, atoms tend to have ____.
a. the electron configuration of a noble gas
b. more protons than electrons
c. eight electrons in their principal energy level
d. more electrons than protons

____ 86. A compound held together by ionic bonds is called a ____.

a. diatomic molecule c. covalent molecule
b. polar compound d. salt

____ 87. What is the formula unit of aluminum oxide?

a. AlO c. AlO
b. Al O d. Al O

____ 88. Which of the following is true about the melting temperature of potassium chloride?
a. The melting temperature is relatively high.
b. The melting temperature is variable and unpredictable.
c. The melting temperature is relatively low.
d. Potassium chloride does not melt.

____ 89. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of most ionic compounds?
a. They are solids.
b. They have low melting points.
c. When melted, they conduct an electric current.
d. They are composed of metallic and nonmetallic elements.

____ 90. Which of these elements does not exist as a diatomic molecule?
a. Ne c. H
b. F d. I

____ 91. Why do atoms share electrons in covalent bonds?

a. to become ions and attract each other
b. to attain a noble-gas electron configuration
c. to become more polar
d. to increase their atomic numbers
____ 92. Which of the following is the name given to the pairs of valence electrons that do not participate in bonding in
diatomic oxygen molecules?
a. unvalenced pair c. inner pair
b. outer pair d. unshared pair

____ 93. Which of the following diatomic molecules is joined by a double covalent bond?
a. c.
b. d.
____ 94. When one atom contributes both bonding electrons in a single covalent bond, the bond is called a(n)
a. one-sided covalent bond c. coordinate covalent bond
b. unequal covalent bond d. ionic covalent bond

____ 95. A bond formed between a silicon atom and an oxygen atom is likely to be ____.
a. ionic c. polar covalent
b. coordinate covalent d. nonpolar covalent

____ 96. Which of the following covalent bonds is the most polar?
a. H—F c. H—H
b. H—C d. H—N

____ 97. When placed between oppositely charged metal plates, the region of a water molecule attracted to the
negative plate is the ____.
a. hydrogen region of the molecule c. H—O—H plane of the molecule
b. geometric center of the molecule d. oxygen region of the molecule

____ 98. What type of ions have names ending in -ide?

a. only cations c. only metal ions
b. only anions d. only gaseous ions

____ 99. When naming a transition metal ion that can have more than one common ionic charge, the
numerical value of the charge is indicated by a ____.
a. prefix c. Roman numeral following the name
b. suffix d. superscript after the name

____ 100. An -ate or -ite at the end of a compound name usually indicates that the compound contains ____.
a. fewer electrons than protons c. only two elements
b. neutral molecules d. a polyatomic anion

____ 101. Which of the following compounds contains the Mn ion?

a. MnS c. Mn O
b. MnBr d. MnO

____102. How are chemical formulas of binary ionic compounds generally written?
a. cation on left, anion on right
b. anion on left, cation on right
c. Roman numeral first, then anion, then cation
d. subscripts first, then ions

____103. Which of the following formulas represents an ionic compound?

a. CS c. N O
b. BaI d. PCl

____ 104. Which element, when combined with fluorine, would most lik ely form an ionic compound?
a. lithium c. phosphorus
b. carbon d. chlorine

____105. Which of the following compounds contains the lead(II) ion?

a. PbO c. Pb2O
b. PbCl4 d. Pb2S

____106. What is the correct formula for potassium sulfite?

a. KHSO c. K SO
b. KHSO d. K SO

____107. Sulfur hexafluoride is an example of a ____.

a. monatomic ion c. binary compound
b. polyatomic ion d. polyatomic compound

____ 108. In naming a binary molecular compound, the number of atoms of each element prese nt in the molecule is
indicated by ____.
a. Roman numerals c. prefixes
b. superscripts d. suffixes

____109. When dissolved in water, acids produce ____.

a. negative ions c. hydrogen ions
b. polyatomic ions d. oxide ions

____ 110. When naming acids, the prefix hydro- is used when the name of the acid anion ends in ____.
a. -ide c. -ate
b. -ite d. -ic

____ 111. When the name of an anion that is part of an acid ends in -ite, the acid name includes the suffix ____.
a. -ous c. -ate
b. -ic d. -ite

____112. What is the formula for phosphoric acid?

a. H PO c. HPO
b. H PO d. HPO

____113. Suppose you encounter a chemical formula with H as the cation. What do you know about this
compound immediately?
a. It is a polyatomic ionic compound. c. It is a base.
b. It is an acid. d. It has a 1 charge.

____ 114. What does an -ite or -ate ending in a polyatomic ion mean?
a. Oxygen is in the formula. c. Nitrogen is in the formula.
b. Sulfur is in the formula. d. Bromine is in the formula.

____ 115. What SI unit is used to measure the number of representative particles in a substance?
a. kilogram c. kelvin
b. ampere d. mole

____116. Avogadro's number of representative particles is equal to one ____.

a. kilogram c. kelvin
b. gram d. mole

____ 117. How many molecules are in 2.10 mol CO ?

a. 2.53 10 molecules c. 3.49 10 molecules
b. 3.79 10 molecules d. 1.26 10 molecules

____118. The atomic masses of any two elements contain the same number of ____.
a. atoms c. ions
b. grams d. milliliters

____ 119. What is the molar mass of (NH ) CO ?

a. 144 g c. 96 g
b. 138 g d. 78 g

____ 120. What is the mass in grams of 5.90 mol C H ?

a. 0.0512 g c. 389 g
b. 19.4 g d. 673 g

____ 121. What is the number of moles in 432 g Ba(NO ) ?

a. 0.237 mol c. 1.65 mol
b. 0.605 mol d. 3.66 mol

____122. The volume of one mole of a substance is 22.4 L at STP for all ____.
a. gases c. solids
b. liquids d. compounds

____123. The molar volume of a gas at STP occupies ____.

a. 22.4 L c. 1 kilopascal
b. 0 C d. 12 grams

____ 124. What is the volume, in liters, of 0.500 mol of C H gas at STP?
a. 0.0335 L c. 16.8 L
b. 11.2 L d. 22.4 L

____125. If the density of a noble gas is 1.783 g/L at STP, that gas is ____.
a. Kr c. Ar
b. Xe d. He

____126. If 60.2 grams of Hg combines completely with 24.0 grams of Br to form a compound, what is the
percent composition of Hg in the compound?
a. 28.5% c. 71.5%
b. 39.9% d. 60.1%

____ 127. What is the percent by mass of carbon in acetone, C H O?

a. 20.7% c. 1.61%
b. 62.1% d. 30.0%

____128. The lowest whole-number ratio of the elements in a compound is called the ____.
a. empirical formula c. binary formula
b. molecular formula d. representative formula

____ 129. What is the empirical formula of a compound that is 40% sulfur and 60% oxygen by weight?
a. SO c. SO
b. SO d. S O
____ 130. What does the symbol in a chemical equation mean?
a. Heat is supplied to the reaction. c. yields
b. A catalyst is needed. d. precipitate

____ 131. In the chemical equation H O (aq)  H O(l) O (g), the is a ____.
a. catalyst c. product
b. solid d. reactant

____ 132. This symbol ( ) indicates that ____.

a. heat must be applied
b. an incomplete combustion reaction has occurred
c. a gas is formed by the reaction
d. the reaction is reversible
____ 133. What are the coefficients that will balance the skeleton equation below?
AlCl + NaOH Al(OH) NaCl
a. 1, 3, 1, 3 c. 1, 1, 1, 3
b. 3, 1, 3, 1 d. 1, 3, 3, 1

____ 134. When the equation Fe Cl FeCl is balanced, what is the coefficient for Cl ?
a. 1 c. 3
b. 2 d. 4

____135. Chemical equations must be balanced to satisfy ____.

a. the law of definite proportions c. the law of conservation of mass
b. the law of multiple proportions d. Avogadro’s principle

____ 136. In every balanced chemical equation, each side of the equation has the same number of ____.
a. atoms of each element c. moles
b. molecules d. coefficients
____ 137. What are the missing coefficients for the skeleton equation below?
Al (SO ) (aq) KOH(aq)  Al(OH) (aq) K SO (aq)
a. 1, 3, 2, 3 c. 4, 6, 2, 3
b. 2, 12, 4, 6 d. 1, 6, 2, 3

____138. The type of reaction that takes place when one element reacts with a compound to form a new
compound and a different element is a ____.
a. combination reaction c. single-replacement reaction
b. decomposition reaction d. double-replacement reaction

____139. Which of the following is a balanced equation representing the decomposition of lead(IV) oxide?
a. PbO Pb 2O c. Pb O 2Pb O
b. PbO Pb O d. PbO Pb O

____140. In the activity series of metals, which metal(s) will displace hydrogen from an acid?
a. only metals above hydrogen c. any metal
b. only metals below hydrogen d. only metals from Li to Na
____ 141. If a combination reaction takes place between rubidium and bromine, the chemical formula for the
product is ____.
a. RuBr c. RbBr
b. Rb Br d. RbBr

____142. The calculation of quantities in chemical equations is called ____.

a. stoichiometry c. percent composition
b. dimensional analysis d. percent yield
____ 143. How many moles of aluminum are needed to react completely with 1.2 mol of FeO?
2Al(s) + 3FeO(s)  3Fe(s) + Al O (s)
a. 1.2 mol c. 1.6 mol
b. 0.8 mol d. 2.4 mol
____ 144. Hydrogen gas can be produced by reacting aluminum with sulfuric acid. How many moles of sulfuric acid are
needed to completely react with 15.0 mol of aluminum?
2Al(s) + 3H SO (aq)  Al (SO ) (aq) + 3H (g)
a. 0.100 mol c. 15.0 mol
b. 10.0 mol d. 22.5 mol
____ 145. The equation below shows the decomposition of lead nitrate. How many grams of oxygen are produced when
11.5 g NO is formed?

a. 1.00 g c. 2.88 g
b. 2.00 g d. 32.0 g

____ 146. Iron(III) oxide is formed when iron combines with oxygen in the air. How many grams of Fe O are formed
when 16.7 g of Fe reacts completely with oxygen?

a. 12.0 g c. 47.8 g
b. 23.9 g d. 95.6 g

____ 147. How many grams of chromium are needed to react with an excess of CuSO to produce 27.0 g Cu?
2Cr(s) + 3CuSO (aq) Cr (SO ) (aq) + 3Cu(s)
a. 14.7 g c. 33.2 g
b. 18.0 g d. 81.5 g

____ 148. When an equation is used to calculate the amount of product that will form during a reaction, t hen the value
obtained is called the ____.
a. actual yield c. theoretical yield
b. percent yield d. minimum yield

____149. How does the gas propellant move when an aerosol can is used?
a. from a region of high pressure to a region of lower pressure
b. from a region of high pressure to a region of equally high pressure
c. from a region of low pressure to a region of higher pressure
d. from a region of low pressure to a region of equally low pressure

____ 150. What happens to the temperature of a gas when it is compressed?

a. The temperature increases.
b. The temperature does not change.
c. The temperature decreases.
d. The temperature becomes unpredictable.

____ 151. When the Kelvin temperature of an enclosed gas doubles, the particles of the gas ____.
a. move faster
b. strike the walls of the container with less force
c. decrease in average kinetic energy
d. decrease in volume

____152. Boyle's law states that ____.

a. the volume of a gas varies inversely with pressure
b. the volume of a gas varies directly with pressure
c. the temperature of a gas varies inversely with pressure
d. the temperature of a gas varies directly with pressure

____153. Charles's law states that ____.

a. the pressure of a gas is inversely proportional to its temperature in kelvins
b. the volume of a gas is directly proportional to its temperature in kelvins
c. the pressure of a gas is directly proportional to its temperature in kelvins
d. the volume of a gas is inversely proportional to its temperature in kelvins

____154. As the temperature of a fixed volume of a gas increases, the pressure will ____.
a. vary inversely c. not change
b. decrease d. increase

____ 155. If a sealed syringe is plunged into cold water, in which direction will the syring e piston slide?
a. in c. No movement will occur.
b. out d. The direction cannot be predicted.

____156. A gas occupies a volume of 2.4 L at 14.1 kPa. What volume will the gas occupy at 84.6 kPa?
a. 497 L c. 14 L
b. 2.5 L d. 0.40 L

____ 157. A sample of gas occupies 17 mL at –112 C. What volume does the sample occupy at 70 C?
a. 10.6 mL c. 36mL
b. 27 mL d. 8.0mL

____158. At high pressures, how does the volume of a real gas compare with the volume of an ideal gas under
the same conditions?
a. It is much greater. c. There is no difference.
b. It is much less. d. It depends on the type of gas.

____159. Under what conditions of temperature and pressure is the behavior of real gases most like that of
ideal gases?
a. low temperature and low pressure c. high temperature and low pressure
b. low temperature and high pressure d. high temperature and high pressure
____ 160. A breathing mixture used by deep-sea divers contains helium, oxygen, and carbon dioxide. What is the partial
pressure of oxygen at 101.4 kPa if = 82.5 kPa and = 0.4 kPa?
a. 82.9 kPa c. 18.5 kPa
b. 19.3 kPa d. 101.0 kPa

____161. The tendency of molecules to move toward areas of lower concentration is called ____.
a. suffusion c. effusion
b. suspension d. diffusion

____ 162. Which of the following gases will effuse the most rapidly?
a. bromine c. ammonia
b. chlorine d. hydrogen

____163. If a crystal added to an aqueous solution causes many particles to come out of the solution, the
original solution was ____.
a. unsaturated c. an emulsion
b. saturated d. supersaturated

____164. Which of the following occurs as temperature increases?

a. Solubility decreases. c. Solubility remains the same.
b. Solubility increases. d. Molarity doubles.

____ 165. What is the molarity of a solution that contains 6 moles of solute in 2 liters of solution?
a. 6M c. 7M
b. 12M d. 3M

____166. What is the molarity of a solution containing 7.0 moles of solute in 569 mL of solution?
a. 81M c. 12M
b. 0.081M d. 4.0M

____ 167. If an atom is reduced in a redox reaction, what must happen to another atom in the system?
a. It must be oxidized.
b. It must be reduced.
c. It must be neutralized.
d. Nothing needs to happen to another atom in the system.

____ 168. What is another name for an oxidation-reduction reaction?

a. O-reaction c. redox reaction
b. R-reaction d. oxred reaction

____169. In which of the following types of reaction are electrons gained?

a. decomposition c. neutralization
b. oxidation d. reduction

____ 170. Oxidation is ____.

a. a loss of oxygen c. a loss of electrons
b. a gain of electrons d. a gain of hydrogen

____ 171. Cu  Cu + 2 e-
The equation above represents the type of reaction called ____.
a. redox c. reduction
b. hydrolysis d. oxidation

____ 172. Which type of reaction does Sn  Sn represent?

a. oxidation c. hydrolysis
b. reduction d. none of the above
____173. The oxidation number of magnesium in magnesium chloride is ____.
a. –1 c. +1
b. 0 d. +2

____174. The oxidation number of hydrogen when it is in a compound other than a hydride is ____.
a. –2 c. 0
b. –1 d. +1

____ 175. The oxidation number of bromime in bromime gas is ____.

a. –2 c. 0
b. –1 d. +1
Chemistry Final Exam Review
Answer Section


1. ANS: B DIF: L2 REF: p. 8 OBJ: 1.1.1

2. ANS: B DIF: L1 REF: p. 39 OBJ: 2.1.1
3. ANS: B DIF: L1 REF: p. 39 OBJ: 2.1.1
4. ANS: C DIF: L1 REF: p. 39 OBJ: 2.1.1
5. ANS: D DIF: L1 REF: p. 40 OBJ: 2.1.2
6. ANS: B DIF: L1 REF: p. 41 OBJ: 2.1.3
7. ANS: B DIF: L2 REF: p. 40 OBJ: 2.2.1
8. ANS: D DIF: L1 REF: p. 45 OBJ: 2.2.2
9. ANS: C DIF: L1 REF: p. 45 OBJ: 2.2.2
10. ANS: D DIF: L2 REF: p. 46 OBJ: 2.2.3
11. ANS: D DIF: L2 REF: p. 48 OBJ: 2.3.1
12. ANS: C DIF: L1 REF: p. 51 OBJ: 2.3.3
13. ANS: D DIF: L1 REF: p. 53 OBJ: 2.4.1
14. ANS: C DIF: L2 REF: p. 53 OBJ: 2.4.1
15. ANS: D DIF: L2 REF: p. 53 OBJ: 2.4.1
16. ANS: C DIF: L2 REF: p. 53 OBJ: 2.4.1
17. ANS: A DIF: L1 REF: p. 55 OBJ: 2.4.3
18. ANS: A DIF: L1 REF: p. 63 OBJ: 3.1.1
19. ANS: B DIF: L1 REF: p. 64 OBJ: 3.1.2
20. ANS: C DIF: L1 REF: p. 77, p. 78 OBJ: 3.2.3
21. ANS: A DIF: L2 REF: p. 90, p. 91 OBJ: 3.4.1
22. ANS: C DIF: L2 REF: p. 91 OBJ: 3.4.2
23. ANS: A DIF: L1 REF: p. 101, p. 102
OBJ: 4.1.1, 4.1.2
24. ANS: B DIF: L2 REF: p. 102 OBJ: 4.1.2
25. ANS: D DIF: L2 REF: p. 104, p. 105, p. 106
OBJ: 4.2.1
26. ANS: C DIF: L3 REF: p. 106 OBJ: 4.2.1
27. ANS: C DIF: L2 REF: p. 106, p. 107
OBJ: 4.2.1, 4.2.2
28. ANS: C DIF: L2 REF: p. 108 OBJ: 4.2.2
29. ANS: A DIF: L2 REF: p. 107, p. 108
OBJ: 4.2.2
30. ANS: B DIF: L1 REF: p. 110 OBJ: 4.3.1
31. ANS: D DIF: L1 REF: p. 110 OBJ: 4.3.1
32. ANS: D DIF: L1 REF: p. 111 OBJ: 4.3.1
33. ANS: B DIF: L1 REF: p. 111 OBJ: 4.3.1
34. ANS: B DIF: L1 REF: p. 110 OBJ: 4.3.1
35. ANS: A DIF: L1 REF: p. 112, p. 113
OBJ: 4.3.1
36. ANS: B DIF: L2 REF: p. 111 OBJ: 4.3.1
37. ANS: C DIF: L3 REF: p. 112, p. 113
OBJ: 4.3.1
38. ANS: D DIF: L2 REF: p. 112, p. 113
OBJ: 4.3.2
39. ANS: A DIF: L1 REF: p. 115 OBJ: 4.3.3
40. ANS: C DIF: L2 REF: p. 128 OBJ: 5.1.2
41. ANS: A DIF: L2 REF: p. 128 OBJ: 5.1.3
42. ANS: B DIF: L2 REF: p. 131 OBJ: 5.1.3
43. ANS: B DIF: L2 REF: p. 131 OBJ: 5.1.3
44. ANS: D DIF: L2 REF: p. 131, p. 132
OBJ: 5.1.3
45. ANS: A DIF: L2 REF: p. 131 OBJ: 5.1.4
46. ANS: B DIF: L2 REF: p. 131 OBJ: 5.1.4
47. ANS: D DIF: L2 REF: p. 133 OBJ: 5.2.1
48. ANS: D DIF: L2 REF: p. 133 OBJ: 5.2.1
49. ANS: D DIF: L2 REF: p. 133, p. 134, p. 135
OBJ: 5.2.1
50. ANS: C DIF: L3 REF: p. 133, p. 134
OBJ: 5.2.1
51. ANS: C DIF: L2 REF: p. 139 OBJ: 5.3.1
52. ANS: D DIF: L2 REF: p. 139 OBJ: 5.3.1
53. ANS: D DIF: L2 REF: p. 139 OBJ: 5.3.1
54. ANS: D DIF: L2 REF: p. 139 OBJ: 5.3.1
55. ANS: A DIF: L2 REF: p. 139 OBJ: 5.3.1
56. ANS: B DIF: L2 REF: p. 141 OBJ: 5.3.2
57. ANS: B DIF: L1 REF: p. 130 OBJ: 5.3.4
58. ANS: D DIF: L2 REF: p. 145 OBJ: 5.3.4
59. ANS: A DIF: L1 REF: p. 164 OBJ: 6.1.1
60. ANS: C DIF: L1 REF: p. 166 OBJ: 6.1.1
61. ANS: B DIF: L1 REF: p. 162, p. 163
OBJ: 6.1.1
62. ANS: A DIF: L2 REF: p. 157 OBJ: 6.1.1
63. ANS: C DIF: L2 REF: p. 157 OBJ: 6.1.1
64. ANS: D DIF: L2 REF: p. 158 OBJ: 6.1.3
65. ANS: C DIF: L3 REF: p. 160 OBJ: 6.1.3
66. ANS: C DIF: L2 REF: p. 164 OBJ: 6.2.2
67. ANS: A DIF: L2 REF: p. 166 OBJ: 6.2.2
68. ANS: B DIF: L2 REF: p. 164 OBJ: 6.2.2
69. ANS: B DIF: L1 REF: p. 166 OBJ: 6.2.3
70. ANS: C DIF: L1 REF: p. 164, p. 166
OBJ: 6.2.3
71. ANS: B DIF: L1 REF: p. 171 OBJ: 6.3.1
72. ANS: A DIF: L2 REF: p. 171 OBJ: 6.3.1
73. ANS: D DIF: L2 REF: p. 171 OBJ: 6.3.1
74. ANS: B DIF: L2 REF: p. 171 OBJ: 6.3.1
75. ANS: B DIF: L3 REF: p. 171, p. 175
OBJ: 6.3.1
76. ANS: A DIF: L1 REF: p. 172 OBJ: 6.3.2
77. ANS: D DIF: L2 REF: p. 162, p. 163, p. 172, p. 176
OBJ: 6.3.2
78. ANS: A DIF: L1 REF: p. 177 OBJ: 6.3.3
79. ANS: D DIF: L1 REF: p. 177 OBJ: 6.3.3
80. ANS: B DIF: L2 REF: p. 173 OBJ: 6.3.3
81. ANS: B DIF: L2 REF: p. 177, p. 178
OBJ: 6.3.3
82. ANS: A DIF: L2 REF: p. 172, p. 176
OBJ: 6.3.3
83. ANS: D DIF: L1 REF: p. 187 OBJ: 7.1.1
84. ANS: D DIF: L2 REF: p. 190 OBJ: 7.1.1
85. ANS: A DIF: L2 REF: p. 188 OBJ: 7.1.2
86. ANS: D DIF: L1 REF: p. 194 OBJ: 7.2.1
87. ANS: D DIF: L2 REF: p. 195 OBJ: 7.2.1
88. ANS: A DIF: L1 REF: p. 196 OBJ: 7.2.2
89. ANS: B DIF: L1 REF: p. 196, p. 198
OBJ: 7.2.2
90. ANS: A DIF: L1 REF: p. 217 OBJ: 8.2.1
91. ANS: B DIF: L2 REF: p. 217 OBJ: 8.2.1
92. ANS: D DIF: L1 REF: p. 218 OBJ: 8.2.2
93. ANS: A DIF: L2 REF: p. 221 OBJ: 8.2.3
94. ANS: C DIF: L2 REF: p. 223 OBJ: 8.2.4
95. ANS: C DIF: L2 REF: p. 238, p. 239
OBJ: 8.1.1, 8.4.1
96. ANS: A DIF: L3 REF: p. 238, p. 239
OBJ: 8.4.1
97. ANS: A DIF: L3 REF: p. 239 OBJ: 8.4.2
98. ANS: B DIF: L1 REF: p. 254 OBJ: 9.1.1
99. ANS: C DIF: L1 REF: p. 254, p. 255
OBJ: 9.1.1
100. ANS: D DIF: L2 REF: p. 257 OBJ: 9.1.2
101. ANS: C DIF: L1 REF: p. 262, p. 263
OBJ: 9.2.1
102. ANS: A DIF: L1 REF: p. 261 OBJ: 9.2.1
103. ANS: B DIF: L2 REF: p. 262 OBJ: 9.2.1
104. ANS: A DIF: L2 REF: p. 253, p. 254, p. 262
OBJ: 9.2.1
105. ANS: A DIF: L2 REF: p. 262, p. 263
OBJ: 9.2.1
106. ANS: C DIF: L2 REF: p. 257, p. 261, p. 262
OBJ: 9.2.2
107. ANS: C DIF: L2 REF: p. 268 OBJ: 9.3.1
108. ANS: C DIF: L1 REF: p. 269 OBJ: 9.3.2
109. ANS: C DIF: L1 REF: p. 271 OBJ: 9.4.1
110. ANS: A DIF: L2 REF: p. 272 OBJ: 9.4.1
111. ANS: A DIF: L2 REF: p. 272 OBJ: 9.4.1
112. ANS: B DIF: L2 REF: p. 272 OBJ: 9.4.2
113. ANS: B DIF: L2 REF: p. 271, p. 276, p. 277
OBJ: 9.4.1, 9.5.2
114. ANS: A DIF: L1 REF: p. 257, p. 278
OBJ: 9.1.3, 9.5.3
115. ANS: D DIF: L1 REF: p. 290 OBJ: 10.1.2
116. ANS: D DIF: L1 REF: p. 290 OBJ: 10.1.2
117. ANS: D DIF: L2 REF: p. 291, p. 292
OBJ: 10.1.2
118. ANS: A DIF: L1 REF: p. 294 OBJ: 10.1.3
119. ANS: C DIF: L2 REF: p. 295, p. 296
OBJ: 10.1.4
120. ANS: D DIF: L2 REF: p. 297, p. 298
OBJ: 10.2.1
121. ANS: C DIF: L2 REF: p. 299 OBJ: 10.2.1
122. ANS: A DIF: L1 REF: p. 300 OBJ: 10.2.2
123. ANS: A DIF: L1 REF: p. 300 OBJ: 10.2.2
124. ANS: B DIF: L2 REF: p. 301 OBJ: 10.2.2
125. ANS: C DIF: L3 REF: p. 302 OBJ: 10.2.2
126. ANS: C DIF: L2 REF: p. 305, p. 306
OBJ: 10.3.1
127. ANS: B DIF: L2 REF: p. 307 OBJ: 10.3.1
128. ANS: A DIF: L1 REF: p. 309 OBJ: 10.3.2
129. ANS: C DIF: L2 REF: p. 310 OBJ: 10.3.2
130. ANS: A DIF: L1 REF: p. 323 OBJ: 11.1.2
131. ANS: C DIF: L1 REF: p. 323 OBJ: 11.1.2
132. ANS: D DIF: L1 REF: p. 323 OBJ: 11.1.2
133. ANS: A DIF: L1 REF: p. 324, p. 325
OBJ: 11.1.3
134. ANS: C DIF: L1 REF: p. 327, p. 328
OBJ: 11.1.3
135. ANS: C DIF: L1 REF: p. 325 OBJ: 11.1.3
136. ANS: A DIF: L1 REF: p. 325, p. 327
OBJ: 11.1.3
137. ANS: D DIF: L2 REF: p. 324, p. 327
OBJ: 11.1.3
138. ANS: C DIF: L1 REF: p. 333 OBJ: 11.2.1
139. ANS: B DIF: L2 REF: p. 332 OBJ: 11.2.1
140. ANS: A DIF: L2 REF: p. 333 OBJ: 11.2.1
141. ANS: D DIF: L2 REF: p. 330, p. 337
OBJ: 11.2.2
142. ANS: A DIF: L1 REF: p. 354 OBJ: 12.1.1
143. ANS: B DIF: L1 REF: p. 359, p. 360
OBJ: 12.2.1
144. ANS: D DIF: L2 REF: p. 359, p. 360
OBJ: 12.2.1
145. ANS: B DIF: L2 REF: p. 360, p. 361, p. 362
OBJ: 12.2.2
146. ANS: B DIF: L2 REF: p. 360, p. 361, p. 362
OBJ: 12.2.2
147. ANS: A DIF: L2 REF: p. 371 OBJ: 12.3.1
148. ANS: C DIF: L1 REF: p. 372 OBJ: 12.3.2
149. ANS: A DIF: L1 REF: p. 416 OBJ: 14.1.2
150. ANS: A DIF: L1 REF: p. 416 OBJ: 14.1.2
151. ANS: A DIF: L1 REF: p. 417 OBJ: 14.2.1
152. ANS: A DIF: L1 REF: p. 418 OBJ: 14.2.1
153. ANS: B DIF: L1 REF: p. 420 OBJ: 14.2.1
154. ANS: D DIF: L1 REF: p. 422 OBJ: 14.2.1
155. ANS: A DIF: L2 REF: p. 420 OBJ: 14.2.1
156. ANS: D DIF: L2 REF: p. 419 OBJ: 14.2.1
157. ANS: C DIF: L2 REF: p. 421 OBJ: 14.2.1
158. ANS: A DIF: L2 REF: p. 428 OBJ: 14.3.2
159. ANS: B DIF: L2 REF: p. 428 OBJ: 14.3.2
160. ANS: C DIF: L2 REF: p. 434 OBJ: 14.4.1
161. ANS: D DIF: L1 REF: p. 435 OBJ: 14.4.2
162. ANS: D DIF: L2 REF: p. 436 OBJ: 14.4.2
163. ANS: D DIF: L2 REF: p. 474 OBJ: 16.1.3
164. ANS: B DIF: L2 REF: p. 474 OBJ: 16.1.3
165. ANS: D DIF: L1 REF: p. 481 OBJ: 16.2.1
166. ANS: C DIF: L2 REF: p. 480, p. 481
OBJ: 16.2.1
167. ANS: A DIF: L1 REF: p. 632 OBJ: 20.1.1
168. ANS: C DIF: L1 REF: p. 632 OBJ: 20.1.1
169. ANS: D DIF: L1 REF: p. 633 OBJ: 20.1.1
170. ANS: C DIF: L1 REF: p. 633 OBJ: 20.1.1
171. ANS: D DIF: L1 REF: p. 634 OBJ: 20.1.2
172. ANS: A DIF: L1 REF: p. 634 OBJ: 20.1.2
173. ANS: D DIF: L1 REF: p. 639 OBJ: 20.2.1
174. ANS: D DIF: L1 REF: p. 639 OBJ: 20.2.1
175. ANS: C DIF: L1 REF: p. 639 OBJ: 20.2.1


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