Unit I: Anteena Fundamentals

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UNIT I: ANTEENA FUNDAMENTALS Understand the application of EM waves in free

space and antenna parameters

Introduction, Radiation Mechanism-single wire,
2 wires, dipoles, Current Distribution on a thin
wire antenna. Antenna Parameters -Radiation
Patterns, Patterns in principal planes, Main Lobe
and side Lobes, Beam widths, Beam Area,
Radiation Intensity, Beam Efficiency,
Directivity, Gain and Resolution, Antenna
Aperture Efficiency, Effective height. Related

UNIT II: THIN LINEAR WIRE Analyze the dipole antennas and loop antennas
ANTENNAS and their radiation field components

Retarded potentials, Radiation from small

electric dipole , Quarter wave Monopole & Half
wave dipole- Current Distributions, Evaluation
of Field Components, Power Radiated,
Radiation Resistance, Beam widths, Directivity,
Effective Area and Effective Height. Natural
current distributions, fields and patterns of Thin
Linear Center-fed Antennas of different lengths,
Radiation Resistance at a point which is not
current maximum. Antenna Theorems –
Applicability and Proofs for equivalence of
directional characteristics. Loop Antennas:
Small Loops - Field Components, Comparison
of far fields of small loop and short dipole,
Concept of short magnetic dipole, D and Rr
relations for small loops.

UNIT III: ANTENNA ARRAYS Understand the concept of pattern

multiplication and analyze antenna arrays with
2 element arrays – different cases, Principle of corresponding radiation patterns
Pattern Multiplication, N element Uniform
Linear Arrays – Broadside, Endfire Arrays, EFA
with Increased Directivity, Derivation of their
characteristics and comparison; Concept of
Scanning Arrays. Directivity Relations (no
derivations). Related Problems. Binomial
Arrays, Effects of Uniform and Non-uniform
Amplitude Distributions, Design Relations.


RADIATORS understand and analyze patch antennas and
analyze helical antenna
Introduction, Travelling wave radiators – basic
concepts, Long wire antennas– field strength
calculations and patterns, Microstrip Antennas-
Introduction, Features, Advantages and
limitations, Rectangular Patch Antennas-
Geometry and Parameters, Impact of different
Parameters on characteristics. Broadband
Antennas: Helical Antennas – Significance,
Geometry, basic properties; Design
considerations for monofilar helical antennas in
Axial Mode and Normal Modes (Qualitative

UNIT V: VHF, UHF AND Understand the concept of reflector antennas

MICROWAVE ANTENNAS and horn antennas.
Reflector Antennas: Flat Sheet and Corner
Reflectors. Paraboloidal Reflectors– Geometry,
characteristics, types of feeds, F/D Ratio, Spill
Over, Back Lobes, Aperture Blocking, Off-set
Feeds, Cassegrain Feeds. Horn Antennas –
Types, Optimum Horns, Design Characteristics
of Pyramidal Horns; Lens Antennas –
Geometry, Features, Dielectric Lenses and
Zoning, Applications. Antenna Measurements –
Patterns Required, Set Up, Distance Criterion,
Directivity and Gain Measurements
(Comparison, Absolute and 3-Antenna

UNIT VI: WAVE PROPAGATION Understand and Summarize the characteristics

of ground wave propagation, sky wave
Concepts of Propagation – frequency ranges propagation ,space wave propagation and
and types of propagations. Ground Wave tropospheric wave propagation
Propagation–Characteristics, Parameters,
Wave Tilt, Flat and Spherical Earth
Considerations. Sky Wave Propagation –
Formation of Ionospheric Layers and their
Characteristics, Mechanism of Reflection
and Refraction, Critical Frequency, MUF &
Skip Distance – Calculations for flat and
spherical earth cases, Optimum Frequency,
LUHF, Virtual Height, Ionospheric
Abnormalities, Ionospheric Absorption.
Fundamental Equation for Free-Space
Propagation, Basic Transmission Loss
Calculations. Space Wave Propagation –
Mechanism, LOS and Radio Horizon.
Tropospheric Wave Propagation – Radius of
Curvature of path, Effective Earth’s Radius,
Effect of Earth’s Curvature, Field Strength
Calculations, M-curves and Duct
Propagation, Tropospheric Scattering.


UNIT I: INTRODUCTION Find the historical background and basic

Origin of Satellite Communications, Historical concepts of satellite communications.
Back-ground, Basic Concepts of Satellite
Communications, Frequency allocations for
Satellite Services, Applications, Future Trends of
Satellite Communications.

UNIT II: ORBITAL MECHANICS AND Understand and Analyse the orbital
LAUNCHERS mechanics and orbital effects in
Orbital Mechanics, Look Angle communication system.
determination, Orbital perturbations, Orbit
determination, launches and launch vehicles,
Orbital effects in communication systems

UNIT III: SATELLITE SUBSYSTEMS : Understand the attitude and orbital control
system of satellite
Attitude and orbit control system, telemetry,
tracking, Command and monitoring, power
systems, communication subsystems, Satellite
antenna Equipment reliability and Space

UNIT IV: SATELLITE LINK DESI Understand the satellite link design and
Basic transmission theory, system noise comparison of multiple access techniques.
temperature and G/T ratio, Design of down
links, up link design, Design of satellite links
for specified C/N, System design example.
Frequency division multiple access
(FDMA) Intermodulation, Calculation of C/N.
Time division Multiple Access (TDMA) Frame
structure, Examples. Satellite Switched TDMA
Onboard processing, DAMA, Code Division
Multiple access (CDMA), Spread spectrum
transmission and reception.

UNIT V: EARTH STATION understand the Earth station technology, LEO

TECHNOLOGY and GEO systems considerations.
Tracking systems, Terrestrial
interface, Primary power test
Orbit consideration, coverage and
frequency considerations, Delay &
Throughput considerations, System
considerations, Operational
NGSO constellation Designs

UNIT VI: SATELLITE NAVIGATION & understand satellite navigation and GPS
Radio and Satellite Navigation, GPS Position
Location principles, GPS Receivers and codes,
Satellite signal acquisition, GPS Navigation
Message, GPS signal levels, GPS receiver
operation, GPS C/A code accuracy, Differential

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