Btech Oe 3 Sem Analog Electronics Koe037 2022

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Subject Code: KOE037

0Roll No: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Time: 3 Hours Total Marks: 100
Note: Attempt all Sections. If you require any missing data, then choose suitably.

1. Attempt all questions in brief. 2*10 = 20
Qno Questions CO
(a) Write name of any four diode circuits and draw low frequency hybrid-π 1
model of BJT.
(b) What is objective of different biasing schemes for BJT and FET 1
(c) Define different parameters used in high frequency hybrid-π model. 2
(d) What is effect of negative feedback on gain and bandwidth? 2
(e) In an RC phase shift oscillator, R = 200 KΩ and C = 200pF. Find the 3
frequency of BJT –based oscillator.
(f) Explain Barkhausen criterion. 3
(g) Differentiate between CMRR and ICMR for a differential amplifier. 4
(h) Determine the range of differential-mode operation of MOS differential 4
Pair of overdrive voltage (Vov) is 1V.
(i) Draw the circuit of precision half wave rectifier and its ideal transfer 5
(j) What are the limitations of an ideal integrator? 5

2. Attempt any three of the following: 10*3 = 30
Qno Questions CO
(a) Draw the small signal AC equivalent circuit of a Common Drain FET 1
amplifier. Derive the expression for voltage gain, input impedance and
output impedance.
(b) Why class AB power amplifiers are preferred over Class B operations? 2
A transformer-coupled class A power amplifier supplies to an 80Ω load
connected across the secondary of a step-down transformer having a
turn-ratio 5:1. Determine the maximum power output for a zero signal
collector of 120 mA.
(c) Draw the neat circuit diagram of RC phase shift oscillator and derive its 3
frequency of oscillations.
(d) Discuss the basic topology of current mirror and its variants with V-I 4
(e) Sketch the three-input inverting summing circuit and derive an 5
expression for the output voltage. Find out the voltages V2 and V3 of
the given network.
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Subject Code: KOE037
0Roll No: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


3. Attempt any one part of the following: 10*1 = 10
Qno Questions CO
(a) What is the significance of stability factor in transistor operation? A 1
voltage divider circuit has R1 = 39KΩ, R2 = 82 KΩ, RC = 3.3 KΩ, RE=1 
KΩ and VCC =18V.The silicon transistor used has β=120. Find Q-point
and stability factor.
(b) Why does gain of amplifier falls at low and high frequencies? Specify 1
different schemes of coupling in multistage amplifiers. Compare their
merits and demerits.

4. Attempt any one part of the following: 10 *1 = 10

Qno Questions CO
(a) Find the midband gain and the upper 3-db frequency of the common- 2
emitter amplifier shown in given figure for the following case: VCC =
VEE = 10V, I = 1mA, RB = 100  KΩ, RC = 8  KΩ, Rsig = 5  KΩ, RL= 5 
KΩ, β0 = 100, VA = 100V, Cµ = 1pF, fT = 800 MHZ and rx = 50Ω.

(b) Explain the block diagram of a feedback amplifier. Draw the block 2
diagram of voltage series feedback amplifier and find the effect of
feedback on input and output impedances.
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Subject Code: KOE037
0Roll No: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


5. Attempt any one part of the following: 10*1 = 10

Qno Questions CO
(a) Draw the circuit of Wien-bridge oscillator and discuss its basic 3
principle of operation. Also determine frequency of oscillation.
(b) With a neat circuit diagram, explain the operation of Colpitts oscillator. 3
Derive the expression for frequency of oscillation and the minimum
gain for sustained oscillations.

6. Attempt any one part of the following: 10*1 = 10

Qno Questions CO
(a) Write short notes on any two of the following: 4
(i)Minimum sustainable voltage(VON)
(ii)Maximum usable load
(iii) Differential gain and Common mode gain
(b) Give the differential half-circuit of the differential amplifier shown in 4
given figure. Assume that Q1 and Q2 are perfectly matched. Neglecting
ro, determine the differential voltage gain.

7. Attempt any one part of the following: 10*1 = 10

Qno Questions CO
(a) Explain how a Schmitt Trigger circuit works with a neat diagram. 5
Design an Schmitt trigger with VUT = 2V, VLT = -1V. Assume േ Vsat =
(b) How is order of filter decided? Design a wide band pass filter to meet 5
the following specifications: f1 = 5kHz, f2 = 15kHz and Pass band

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