Adobe Scan Sep 27, 2024 (1)
Adobe Scan Sep 27, 2024 (1)
Adobe Scan Sep 27, 2024 (1)
Semester: 1"
Coursc Name :<B. Tech. ECE-AI>,
(March, 2023)
Subject: Analog Electronics
Subject Code: BEC 101 Maximum Marks :60
Time :3 Hours
oe: Tis compulsory, Attempt one ouestion cach from the Units I, 1, IM &IV.
Q1 (2.5*8=20)
Q2 What is Zener diode? Explain the Zener breakdown and applications of Zencr
diode. For the given circuit a) calculate VL, VR, 1Z and P2. b) repeat a) with RL
= 3KQ.
+ Ve
I6V 10 v2A
Pu 30 mW
Explain the working of a PN diode in Forward and Reverse bias condition. (10)
Explain properly using circuit diagram, current equation andwaveforms.
What is biasing? Determine the dc bias voltage VcE and the current lç for the (10)
voltage divider configuration shown below:
+22 V
3.9 A2
50 uF
Q5 Explain the current components in a PNP transistor with a help of a suitablc (10)
Q2 (a) Explain how transition capacitance Cr varies
with reverse (10)
(b) Show that the Zener diode can be used as a
with suitable example.[6] voltage regulator
Q3 (a) Draw D.C load line for a CE transistor.
Explain the reason for (10)
selecting Qpoint in the middle of the D.C load line. Also
discuss the reasons which lead to shift in Q point. [5]
(b) In a CE transistor amplifier circuit, the bias is
bias. If the various parameters are Vcc = 12V,
provided by self
R=Sk2, Re=Ik2, RE=2ks2, and B=100, find
() the coordinates of the operating point and
(ii)the stability factor, assuming the transistor to be silicon. (5]
Q4 Derive the equations for voltage gain, current gain,
and output impedance for a BJT in input impedance (10)
CE configuration using low
frequency h-parameter model.
Q5 Drawthe cascode amplifier circuit and
gain, current gain, input impedance and
derive expressions for voltage (10)
output impedance.
Q6 Discuss the effect of negative feedback on the
characteristics: following amplifier (10)
(i) Voltage gain (ii)
Bandwidth (ii) Non-linear distortion (iv) Input
impedance (v) Output impedance.
With the help of relevant schematic diagram, explain the operation (10)
principle ofaUJT with reference to its V-l characteristics. Also explain
how a UJT can be employed in oscillators owing to its ncgative
resistance property.
Q8 Draw and explain the drain and transfer characteristics of an (10)
enhancement and depletion type MOSFET.
Q9 Discuss the different types of biasing methods for JFET. Also (10)
explain how voltage divider bias can be used for both MOSFET as
well as for JFET.
(Pleae rite yur tnrdtmant Nunber)
End-Term Evaminatin (Pegsar and Reappear)
Course Name: B.Tech. ECEAI, Sernester:1 Sem.
(December, 2023)
lor Ky
Page 1 of 2
Q6 Give cdassitication of negative feedback anmplifiers and discuss each (10)
onfigurationwith overall gain using feedback and their input and output
impedance considerations.
Q7 Give detailed working of Unijunction Transistor (UJT) with suitable (10)
diagram, symbols, operations, characteristics, advantages, disadvantages
and areaof applications.
QS Explain the working of n-channel JFET. Give detailed diagram of drain
characteristics and discuss for various gate to source voltage values.
Q9 Sketch a p-channel enhancement type MOSFET and explain its
with the help of gate and drain characteristics waveforms. working (10)
(Please write your Enrollment Number) Enrollment No.
Supplementary Examination
Course Name: B. Tech., Semester: I
(January 2024)
Supplementary Examination
Course Name:<B.Tech. ECE-Al>, Semester:<ll>
(January 2024)
Subject Code: BEC 106 Subject: Signal & Systems
Time :3 Hours Maximum Marks :60
Note:Q. 1 is compulsory. Attempt one question each from the Units I, I1, I1l&IV.
Q1 (4*5-20)
(a) Verify the Parseval's theorem for energy signal x(t) =e3u(t)
(b) State the Dirichlet's conditions for Fourier series
(c) With the help of graphical example, state and prove sampling
theorem for low pass band-limited signals.
(d) State and prove initial value theorem and final value theorem of z
Q2 a) The input and impulse response to the system are (10)
given by: x(t) = ut + 1), h(t) = u(t-3). Determine
output of the system graphically.
b) For the signal shown in the Fig. 1, sketch the following:
i. x(2t)
ii. x(2t-3)
Fig. 1
O3 a) Check whether the following system is linear, Time (10)
invariant, Casual and Memory less or not: y(t) =
atx(t) + btx(t - 2)
b) A system produces an output of y (t) = e3u(t) for
an input of x(t) = eu(t). Determine the impulse
response and frequency response of the system.
a Obtain the Fourier Transform of the following
i. Signum Function
ii. Rectangular pulse
b) Obtain the exponential Fourier series for the signal:
x() = -A,A, 0<tsn
TISts 2
Q5 a) Find the Fourier transform of the
following (10)
x(t) =e -a<t|
ii) x(t) = te 3u(t)
b) State and Prove time
Scaling property and frequency
differentiation property of Fourier Transform.
06 a) The frequency
(0.7 + 0.6 coswresponse
of a digital filter is,
- 0.9 cos2w)e H(ew) = (10)
phase delay and Determine the
b) Compute the group delay.
Fourier transform and sketch
magnitude and phase function of causal three the sample
sequenoe given by:
xn] =0snsz
Q7 else
a) Detemine the output sequence from the output (10)
sDectrum Y(e), where vlej)=le1+e"
b) Explain Min 3 1-ae-j
Phase system, Max phase system, all
System with example of each. pass
a) Find the inverse
tt ROC: |z>2
-transform of X(z) = 32-1
) If ROC: |z] <1
tt ROC:
b) Determine 1<|z| <2
the z-transform and
a^un]- b*u-n-1] where a>0ROCandfor xn]=
constants. b>0 are
a) Find the
-transform and ROC of Xz) for x(n) (10)
3) u(n) +2(-) u(n). Also find pole and zero
b) Determine the unit step response of a discrete time
LM system, whose input
described by the differential output relation is
=x(n), where the equation,
initial condition y(n) +3
is yl-1) =1 y(n-1)
END TERM Examinatioh
Course Name: MBA,
(November-December 2023)
Management System
Subject Code: MMS 245 Subject: Database Maximum Marks :60
Time :3 Hours
each from the Units I, I, II & V. (5,5,5,5)
NOte: Q. 1 is compulsoryv. Attempt one question
Q1 Answer the following question: -
ita concern in database design?
a) What is data redundancy, and why is
b) Enlist DDL and DML Commands
relational database.
C) Explain the concept of normalization in a
d) What is Big Data? Explain its 6 V's.
its (10)
Q2 a) Describe the key components of a database management system and
role in managing data efficiently.
DBMS users.
b) Explain the different types and categories of (10)
library database system. The
Q3 Design an Entity-Relationship (ER) diagram for a
System needs to keep track of the following information:
Standard Book Number),
a) Books: Each book has a unique ISBN (International
(e.g., Fiction, Non-fiction,
a title, an author, a publication year, and a category
Science, Mystery, etc.).
a name,
b) Library Members: Library members have a unique member ID,
contact information, and a membership start date.
c) Borrowing Transactions: Each borrowing transaction has a member unique
return date. It also records which
transaction ID, a due date, and a
borrowed which book.
Design an ER diagram that represents these entities and their relationships.
Include the appropriate attributes and cardinality (e.g., one-to-many, many-to
many) for each relationship. Also specify the primary keys and foreign keys for
each entity to show how they are related in the database system.
Q4 Explain the concept of data modeling database design. Explain the different
in (10)
types of data modelling techniques in DBMS.
Q5 What is 1 NE, 2 NF and 3 NF? Reduce the following table up till 3 NF: (10)
Full Name Address Movie Rented Salutation
Janet Jones Plot 4 First Street Pirates of Ms.
Caribbean, Clash
of Titans
Robert Phil 3rd Street 34 Forgetting Sarah, Mr.
Avenue Daddy's Little
Girl, Twilight
Q6 What is SQL, and what is its primary purpose in the world of databases? What is (10)
a foreign key in aSQL table and explain its importance with help of any example.
Q7 Write SQL query for following consider table: (10)
EMP (empno, deptno, ename ,salary, Designation, joiningdate, DOB,city)
i) Write Commands for creating employee database,
ii) Display names of employees whose employee table.
ii) Display age of all the employees
experience is more than 10 years.
iv) Display average salary of all employees.
v) Display name of employee from highest to
lowest salary
Q8 Explain the need for NoSQL database. How is
explain the major characteristics of NOSQL. NOSQL different from RDBMS. Also
Q9 What is NOSQL? Explain the
major advantages and different categories of NOSOL (10)
disadvantages. Databases. State
(Please write your Enrollment Number) Enrollment No.
End-Term Examination
Course Name:B.Tech. (ECE), Semester:3rd
(November-December, 2023)
Fig. 1
f= 1000 Hz
-20 -
Fig. 2
Q3 Identify the types of biasing techniques applied in circuits given below in fig. 3 (10)
and Fig.4. Compare both these techniques for the thermal stabilityprovided to
circuit in terms of Stability 'S' factor.
Page 1 of 2
Flg. 3 Flg, 4
Q4 Analyze the circult glven In Fig. 5,using smallslgnal modelling (5SM) In amplifiers (10)
& find its voltage galn.
Re 3K
Rn tookn
Fig. 5
Q5 Write short notes on any two of the following : (10)
Cascaded Amplifiers
Darlington pair
T-Low frequency models
IV. Cascode Amplifiers
Q6 What are different types of negative feedback topologies? Give comparative
analysis of them for the parameters (i) Nonlinear Distortion (ii) Noise (i) (10)
Bandwidth (iv) Input impedance (v) Output impedance. Give detailed block
diagrams for all these topologies.
Q7 Explain voltage and current operations of SCR and discuss its V-l
characteristics. (10)
Q8 Explain the working of n-channel JFET. What are the major
the collector characteristics of aBJT differences between (10)
JFET? Compare the units of each axis and the
and the drain characteristics of a
react to increasing levels of lo versus controlling variable. How does lc
of VGs?
changes in lo to increasing negative values
Q9 Sketch a p-channel enhancement type MOSFET and explain its working with
help of gate and drain characteristics the (10)
Page 2 of2
(Please write your Enrollment Number) Enrollment No.
Vy 10 v
Pzy = 30 mW
20 V
(a) Explain the
DC analysis and working of n-p-n
also evaluate VC[ type BJT in detail. (7.5+7.5= 15)
and Ic equations. Explain the voltage divider CE
(b) What are the hybrid
parameters? Convert a CE fixed bias circuit into
circuit. For the network below,
determine Zi, Zo, Av, Ai. h-parameter small signal
330 k«)
2.7 k4?
h 120
h,= 20 HAV
(a) Explain the
MOSFET and and
in What the benefit of
characteristics of JFET. Also define the (7.5+7.5= 15)
difference between
Multi-stage amplifier? Explain darlington pair emitter follower amplifier
Enrollnment No.
(Please write your Enrollment
End-Term Examination-
<Programme Name
B.Tech><_3_ SEM>
(DEC, 2021)
Subject:< Analog ElectronicsMaximum
Subject Code:< BEC-201 Marks : 30
Time:1 Hour 15 minutes
any one question from the rest.
Note: Q. 1 iscompulsory. Attempt
Q1 with suitable diagram.
explain the working of PN junction diode
(a) Derive the diode equation and range of RL and IL that will
of the fig below,determine the
(b) i) or the Zener diode network
result in VRL being maintained at 10 V.
rating of the diode.
ii) Determine the maximum wattage
circuit given
What do you mean by Clamper circuit? Determine the output waveform of the
20 V
-20 V
(7.5+7.5= 15)
follower amplifier
(a) What the benefit of Multi-stage amplifier? Explain darlington pair emitter
in details.
and find its
(b) Explain the construction and characteristics of depletion type MOSFET
characteristics equation. Also define the difference between MOSFET and JFET.
Q3 (7.5+7.5= 15)
(a) What are the hybrid parameters? Convert a CE fixed bias circuit into h-parameter small signal
circuit. For the network below, determine Zi,Zo, Av, Ai.
2.7 k2
330 k)
h= 120
1, h= 20 uAN
(b) Explain the working of n-p-n type BJT in detail. Explain Emitter bias CE configuration andalso
evaluate VCE and Lc equations.
(Please write your Enrollment Number) Enrollment No.
(a) Describe the Ebers moll model for pnp transistor. Explain its significance.
(b) What is the need of Bias stabilization? What are the important factors which
affects the bias
(c) What are the hybrid parameters? Convert a CE fixed bias circuit into
circuit. For the network below, determine Zi, Zo, Av, Ai. h-parameter small signal
2.7 k2
330 kS2
h= 120
h,, = 1.I75 kO
hay 20 PAN
(a) Explain the working of (7.5+7.5= 15))
DC analysis and also evaluaten-p-n type BJT indetail.
VcE and Iç equations.
Explain the voltage divider CE configuration
(b)Derive the expression for CE short
circuit current gain Aias a function of
(a) Explain the
MOSFET and and characteristics of JFET. Also define the (7.5+7.5= 15)
difference between
(b) What is the benefit of
in details. Multi-stage amplifier? Explain darlington pair
emitter follower amplifier
Enrollment No.
Enrollment Number)
(Please write your
End-Term Examination-
<Programme Name B.Tech ><_3_ SEM>
(DEC, 2021)
Subject Code:< BEC-207 Subject:< Analog Electronics I >
Maximum Marks :30
Time:1 Hour 15 minutes
Note: Q. 1 is compulsory. Attempt any one question from the
Q1 (5*3=15)
(a) Explain the working of n-p-n type BJTin detail. Explain Emiter bias CE configuration and
also evaluate VcE and Ic equations.
(b) What is the concept of negative feedback and draw the schematic diagrams of four basic
negative feedback configurations.
(c) Draw the h-parameter equivalent circuit for a typical common emitter amplifier and
expression for Ai , Av, Ri and Ro. derive
(a) What is the benefit of Multi-stage (7.5+7.5= 15)
in details. amplifier? Explain darlington pair emitter follower amplifier
(b) Explain the construction and
characteristics equation. Also define thecharacteristics of depletion type
difference between MOSFET and find its
(a) Explain the
working of SCR in details. Also write
(b) Discuss the
the difference (7.5+7.5= 15)
between TRIAC and
analysis of CD JFET DIAC.
lla N
(Hs)s0EVE IVPE)om)
Q6 (a) What is a flip flop? How is an SR flip flop realized employing (6+4)
(i) NOR gates
(ii) NAND gates
(6) Implemnent an 8:1 MUX using two 4:1 MUX(s) use block diagrams.
(a) AS-bit DAC produces Vo = 1.4Vfor adigital input of 00111. Find (8+2)
i) its % resolution,
(ü) step size (AV),
(iii) Vo for digital input of 11000 and
(iv) full scale analog voltage
(b)State the various performance characteristics of ADC.
Q8 A combinational circuít is defined by the
following function. (10)
F1 (ABC) =Sm (4, 5,7)
Fz (ABC) = m (3, 5, 7)
Implement this circuit with a PLA having 3 inputs, 3
2 outputs. product terms and
Write a short Note on
(i) Content Addressable (S+5)
(ii) Dual-Slope ADC ORMemory
Successive-Approximation ADC
(Please write your Enrollment Number) Enrollment No.
Q2 If two circuits Xand Yare to be connected in cascade. Give the two port (10)
parameters of the combination with diagram of cascade combination
Q3 Using nodal analysis find all branch currents (10)
for the following circuit
2 s2
Q4 A
series RLC circuit withR= 2 ohm, L=1 Hand C= 0.5 Farad with the (10)
applied voltage V(t) =sin t. Find i (t) if the switch is closed at t= 0. Use
Laplace transform method.
Avoltage pulse of magnitude 8 Volts and duration 2 seconds extending (10)
from t=2 seconds to t=4 seconds is applied to a series RL circuit. Obtain
the expression for the current i(t).
Q6 Explain Hybrid and Transmission parameters with examples.
Q7 Explain the concept of interconnection of Two-Port networks. Show that (10)
H=H, + H, for two Two-Port networks, when (10)
these are connected in
series-parallel connection.
Q8 How is a physical network
admittance function. Discuss. realized by considering the driving point (10)
09 Find the first and second Cauer
forms of LC networks for the given
point impedance function driving (10)
Z(s) =(s +10s +9)/(s +4s)
(Please write your Enrollment Number) Enrollment No..
End-Term Examination
Course Name:<B. Tech CSE/T/MAE/ECE/DMAM/ECE-A >, Semester:<3rd>
(November-December, 2023)
a) Define database management system and what are it's various
applications? What are the different anomalies in designing a database?
Q2 List and explain various data models used for database
design. (10)
Write SQL Queries for following set of tables:
EMPLOYEE (EmpNo, Name, DoB, Address, Gender, (10)
Salary, DNumber)
DEPARTMENT (DNumber, Dname, ManagerEmpNo,
i) Display the Age of 'male
ii)Display all employees in employees.
'Marketing. Department named
i) Display the name of
employee. highest salary paid 'female
iv) Which employee is
v) Display the oldest manger in company?
name of department of the employee
and stepwise convert it
Q5 Create the E-R diagram for a university database
into arelational database using the mapping algorithm.
Q8 List and explain the various issues while transactions are
running (10)
concurrently in DBMS.
Q9 Explain Concurrency control with locking methods.
(Please write your Enrollment Enrollment No.
End-Term Examination- ONLINE MODE
B.Tech. (ECE), 3 Semester
| Subject Code: Subject: Signal &Systems
BEC-203 Maximum Marks :30
Time: 1 Hour 15 minutes
Note: Q. 1is compulsory.Attempt any one question from the rest.
Q.1 (5*3=15)
is an odd function. Explain with
(a) Show that the convolution of an odd and an even function
the help of examples.
(b) Consider a causal LTI system with xín] as input and vín] as output are related by the difference
Y[n] =Y[n-1] +X
Determine Y[n] if X[n] = 6(n-1)
(c) Determine the Fourier Series component of the periodic square wave signalgiven below:
(a) Discuss which property of Continuous Time Fourier Transform is (7.5+7.5= 15)
used in the Amplitude
Modulation of communication signals. Consider an exponentially damped sinusoidal
defined by wave
g(t)= e-t sin(w,t)u(t)
Find the Fourier Transform of g(t).
(b) Using z-transform find the
convolution of the following two signals:
x(n) = {1, -2, 1)
Ka(n) = 0sns5
0, elsewhere
Differentiate between DTFT and
Convergence (ROC) of Z-transform. Z-Transform. Discuss different properties (7.5+7.5= 15)
(b) Transfer Region of
functions of zero-order hold and ideal
below. Explain how these are interpolation filter
comparison for how will the used in reconstruction of signal from are given in figure
zero-order hold. higher order holds affect the its
sampled and reconstructed with the help of block output signal ifsamples.
in place
signals. diagrams and graphical representations of
Zoro oder