Ecostar 545dm

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Operating instructions EcoStar 545 D-M

1 Introduction and general information 3
1.1 Storage 4
1.2 Name and address of manufacturer 4
1.3 Description of the type of equipment 4
2 Explanation of the safety symbols used 5
3 Use of the appliance for the purpose intended 5
4 CE-Declaration of Conformity 6
5 General safety information 7
5.1 Operator's duty of care 7
5.2 Basic safety measures 8
6 Delivery, shipping, installation and assembly 10
6.1 Delivery 10
6.2 Transport, installation and assembly 10
6.3 Operating conditions 11
6.4 Requirements for the electrical connection 11
6.5 Requirements for the fresh water connection 12
6.6 Requirements for the waste water connection 12
6.7 Emergency-off 12
6.8 Chemicals for the operation of the appliance 12
6.9 Instructions for the disposal of the packaging material 13
7 Settings for initial commissioning by the service engineer 13
7.1 Commissioning 13
8 Washing with dish-washer 13
8.1 Operating panel 13
8.2 Preparation for washing and rinsing 14
8.3 Manual dosing of detergent 14
8.4 Automatic dosing 14
8.5 Operation during washing and rinsing cycle 15
9 Shutting down the dishwasher 16
10 Care and maintenance 16
10.1 Care, general 16
10.2 Refilling of detergent 16
10.3 Refilling with rinse aid 17
10.4 Cleaning 17
10.5 Maintenance of stainless steel surfaces 17
10.6 De-scaling 18
11 Machine with built-in water softening device EW10 18
11.1 General 18
11.2 Adjustment of water hardness 18
11.3 Capacity of the built-in water softening device 18
11.4 Regeneration 18
12 Basic information on the appliance 19
12.1 General description of the washing machine 19
12.2 Noise level 21
12.3 Data reg. the electrical and hydraulic equipment 21
12.4 Dimensions, technical data, installation instructions 21
13 Tips for self-help in the case of faults 22
14 Staff training 23
15 Authorized user of this documentation 23
16 Settings / modifications / on-site adaptation 24
16.1 Using the keyboard for programming 24
16.2 Code entry 24
16.3 Service level 25
16.4 Parameter list 30
16.5 Assignment list View inputs / control outputs 33
16.6 Rinse program parameter update: 01.05.2009 33
17 Operating errors 34
17.1 Information reporting and troubleshooting 34
17.2 Error messages and troubleshooting 36
18 Maintenance 38
18.1 Basic safety measures during normal operation 38
18.2 Dosing units 38
18.3 Maintenance plan 39
19 Environmentally acceptable measures, Disposal of the installation 40
20 Documentation 40

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W e reserve the right to change execution and construction!
MEIKO Maschinenbau GmbH & Co. KG, Postfach 2040, D-77652 Offenburg, Tel.: +49/781/203-0, Fax: +49/781/203-1121
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Operating instructions EcoStar 545 D-M

1 Introduction and general information

Dear Customer,
We are delighted about the confidence you have shown in our products.
It is very important to us that you should obtain significant use from MEIKO products and
that they should make your work easier.

If you follow the instructions in this document carefully, your dishwashing machine will
always give you total satisfaction and will have a long service life.

The cleaning and disinfection machine has been assembled by us at the factory and has
undergone a thorough inspection. This provides us with the certainty and you with the
guarantee that you will receive a fully developed product.

We would therefore ask you to read these operating instructions carefully before
using the installation.

These operating instructions inform users of this installation about

• the installation
• its operating methods
• Its use
• the safety instructions and
• the maintenance

This information will help you to get to know the installation fully and to use it properly. It
will also enable you to avoid repairs and the related loss of operational time.
In the event of any damage caused by non-observance of these operating instructions,
any guarantee claims are invalid. We accept no liability for any consequential loss or
damage arising as a result.

MEIKO is constantly working on the further development of all its models.

We would therefore ask you to understand that because of this, we must reserve the right
to make modifications at any time to any items covered by the contract in terms of their
shape, fittings and technical characteristics.

No claims may therefore be based on the details, the images or the descriptions con-
tained in these operating instructions.

Should you require any further information, or in case any particular problems not dealt
with in great detail in the operating instructions should arise, you may contact the relevant
MEIKO branch to obtain the information you require.

We should also like to inform you that the contents of these instructions do not form part
of or amend any earlier or existing agreement, statement, or legal position.

All MEIKO’s obligations arise from the relevant purchase contract which also contains the
entire and only valid guarantee provisions.

These contractual guarantee rules shall be neither extended nor restricted as a result of
any explanations given in the instructions.

You receive all this technical documentation free of charge.

Further copies are available against the payment of a fee.

MEIKO very much hopes that you will enjoy our product and use it successfully.

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MEIKO Maschinenbau GmbH & Co. KG, Postfach 2040, D-77652 Offenburg, Tel.: +49/781/203-0, Fax: +49/781/203-1121
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Downloaded from manuals search engine
Operating instructions EcoStar 545 D-M

2 Explanation of the safety symbols used

The following safety symbols will appear throughout these operating instructions. The
purpose of these symbols is to draw the reader’s attention to the text of the adjacent
safety information.

This symbol warns that there is danger to human life and health.

This symbol warns that there is danger to the installation, to ma-
terial or to the environment.

This symbol denotes information that helps you to understand the

installation’s operation.

Warning of dangerous electrical current!

Warning of possible hand injuries!

No splashing water: prohibits the use of a high pressure hose.

Danger of explosion: indicates a potential explosion hazard.

Non-potable water: The water is not for drinking. Health can be

endangered by drinking.

Danger of burning: indicates possible hazard due to hot sur-

faces or media.

3 Use of the appliance for the purpose intended

The dishwashing machine EcoStar 545 D-M has exclusively been designed for the
washing of dishes, cutlery and glasses.

The washing machine must be used only in accordance with regulations. Other uses
are prohibited. The items to be washed must be suitable for washing in dish-washing

The EcoStar 545 D-M dishwashing machine is a technically-based piece of equipment

(and is not a consumer product within the meaning of the provisions of the Equipment
and Product Safety Act). It is intended solely for use in commercial (i.e. non-domestic)

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W e reserve the right to change execution and construction!
MEIKO Maschinenbau GmbH & Co. KG, Postfach 2040, D-77652 Offenburg, Tel.: +49/781/203-0, Fax: +49/781/203-1121
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Operating instructions EcoStar 545 D-M

4 CE-Declaration of Conformity

- Konformitätserklärung Datum: 2009-12-29 (Update)

CE Declaration of Conformity / Déclaration de conformité CE / Dichiarazione di conformità CE / Declaración de conformidad CE / CE-conformiteitsverklaring

Firma / Company/Société / Ditta / Empresa / Fabrikant: MEIKO Maschinenbau GmbH & Co. KG
Adresse / Address / Adresse / Indirizzo / Dirección / Adres: Englerstraße 3
D-77652 Offenburg
E-mail: [email protected]

Auftrag Nr.
Order no. / No. de commande / No. d’ordine / No. de pedido / Opdracht nr.:

Spülmaschine Typ FV 28 G FV 130 B DV 80 T DV 120.2 EcoStar 430 F OR 50 H

Dishwasher model
FV 28 GiO FV 250 B DV 80.2 DV 200.2 EcoStar 530 F-M GK 60
Lave-vaisselle modèle FV 40.2 FV 130.2 DV 125.2 DV 200.2 PW EcoStar 545 D-M
Lavastoviglie modello
Lavavajillas modelo FV 40.2 G FV 250.2 DV 270 B
Modelo de lavavajillas FV 60.2 DV 270.2
Vaatwasmachine model
FV 70.2

Declaration of Conformity / Déclaration de conformité / Dichiarazione di conformità / Declaración de conformidad / Conformitetsverklaring:

Hiermit bescheinigen wir in alleiniger Verantwortung die Konformität des Erzeugnisses mit den grundlegenden Anforderungen der
folgenden EG-Richtlinien, harmonisierten Normen, nationalen Normen.
We hereby declare at our sole responsibility that the product conforms to the essential requirements of the following EC Directives, harmonized standards, nationa

Par la présente nous certifions sous notre seule responsabilité la conformité du produit avec les exigences fondamentales des directives CE,
normes harmonisées et normes nationales suivantes.

Con la presente dichiariamo sotto la nostra responsabilità la conformità del prodotto con i regolamenti basilari delle seguenti direttive CE,
normative armonizzate e normative nazionali.

Por la presente declaramos bajo nuestra sola responsabilidad que nuestros productos están en conformidad con las exigencias básicas de las siguientes directiv
de la CE, normas homologadas y normas nacionales.

Hiermee verklaren wij onder geheel eigen verantwoordelijkheid de conformiteit van het product met de fundamentele en gestelde eisen volgens
EG-richtlijnen, geharmoniseerde normen en nationale normen.

EG-Richtlinie / EC Directive / Directive CE / Regolamento CE / Directiva CE / EG-richtlijn


Offenburg, 18.12.2009
Dokumentationsverantwortlicher: Responsible for documentation / Responsable de la documentation / Responsabile della documentazione/
Responsable de la documentación / Voor deze documentatie verantwoordelijk
Daniel Ratano
MEIKO Maschinenbau GmbH & Co. KG, Englerstr. 3 – 77652 Offenburg - Germany

Unterschrift / Signature / Signature / Firma / Firma / Handtekening

Konstruktion / Design Engineering Department / Dpt. Construction / Reparto Costruzione / Depto. de diseño / Constructie
MEIKO Maschinenbau GmbH & Co. KG
(per procura)

Dr. Thomas Peukert

(Leiter Entwicklung und Konstruktion)
Head of Development / Design / Responsable Développement / Construction / Direttore Sviluppo /
Costruzione / Jefe de la sección de desarrollo y diseño / Chef Ontwikkeling/Constructie

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MEIKO Maschinenbau GmbH & Co. KG, Postfach 2040, D-77652 Offenburg, Tel.: +49/781/203-0, Fax: +49/781/203-1121
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Operating instructions EcoStar 545 D-M

5 General safety information

5.1 Operator's duty of care

The dishwashing machine has been constructed based on a risk analysis and after
careful selection of the applicable harmonized standards, as well as additional technical
specifications. It therefore corresponds to the latest technology and is guaranteed to
provide maximum safety.
This level of safety can only be achieved in practice, however, if all the necessary meas-
ures are taken. The operator of the installation has an obligation of care to ensure that
these measures are scheduled, and also to check that they are correctly executed.

Measures to ensure the safe machine operation:

The operator must ensure in particular that ...
... the washing machine is only used in accordance with the regulations.
Should it be used in any other way, damage or danger may occur, for which we accept
no liability (see the chapter on "Use for the Purpose Intended“).
... in order to preserve the operational and safety guarantees, whenever required, only
original parts supplied by the manufacturer are used.
the user will lose the right to any possible claims if the appliance is modified using any
parts other than original parts.
... only appropriately qualified and authorized personnel use, maintain, and repair the
... the relevant personnel is regularly trained in all questions relating to safety at work
and environmental protection and, in particular, that they are familiar with the operating
instructions as well as with the safety information provided in them.
... the installation is only operated in perfect, operationally efficient condition, all safe-
guards and cladding panels are installed, and, in particular, that the safety systems and
switch elements are regularly checked for their operational efficiency

... machines accessible only from behind may be operated only with rear panel cladding.

... the required personal protective equipment is made available to maintenance and
repair personnel, and is worn by them.

...... a functional test on all safety systems of the machine / installation is carried out
during every regular maintenance.

... the operating instructions are always kept in legible, complete condition at the place
where the installation is installed, and are always at hand.

.... any necessary initial tests to parts supplied by sub-suppliers must be carried out.
More detailed information, if required, can be found in the relevant Instructions for Use.
Once the Multi washer has been installed, put into service and handed over to the cus-
tomer/operator, no modifications (electricalOnce the Multi washer has been installed, put
into service and handed over to the customer/operator, no modifications (electrical or
location modifications, for example) may be made.Once the Multi washer has been
installed, put into service and handed over to the customer/operator, no modifications
(electrical or location modifications, for example) may be made.Once the Multi washer
has been installed, put into service and handed over to the customer/operator, no modi-
fications (electrical or location modifications, for example) may be made.

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W e reserve the right to change execution and construction!
MEIKO Maschinenbau GmbH & Co. KG, Postfach 2040, D-77652 Offenburg, Tel.: +49/781/203-0, Fax: +49/781/203-1121
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Operating instructions EcoStar 545 D-M

.... equipment for optimising energy consumption must not be used to reduce essential
operating temperatures, as set out in DIN 10511.10512 and 10522. If you, the client,
install equipment for optimising energy consumption, any possible reduction in the qual-
ity of the wash and hygiene is your responsibility.

5.2 Basic safety measures

Danger can arise from the improper use of the machine or if it is used for purposes for
which it was not intended.
Parts carrying electric current as well as moving or rotating parts can cause
• Dangers to the user’s life and limb and
• Material damage

The machine may only be operated by adequately qualified staff who have been trained
by the operating company and who have been trained about the Hazard and Safety
Qualified staff, as defined by the Operating Instructions, are persons:
• who are over 14 years of age,
• who, because of their training, experience, instruction and knowledge of the relevant
standards, regulations, accident prevention instructions and operating conditions,
have been authorised by the person responsible for the safety of the machine to
carry out the necessary activities, and who therefore are aware of the possible dan-
gers and how to avoid them,
• who have been trained in first aid and in the on-site rescue arrangements,
• who have read and who observe the safety instructions,
• who have read and who observe the Operating Instructions (or the part applicable to
the work to be carried out).

The machine operates with hot water.(Temperature of wash water = 58-60 °C, by Clean-
ing and disinfection machine must be 74 °CThe machine operates with hot water.
).Avoid all contact with the rinse water.Danger of scalding/burning! Please observe ap-
propriate protective measures.
Observe all the instructions posted on the machine.

Warning !
When electrical equipment is in operation, it is inevitable that certain parts carry a dan-
gerous current.
ALL current to the whole machine MUST be switched off before the machine’s cladding
or electrical equipment is opened.
security measures to prevent the switch from being switched on.
Only specialist personnel may carry out repairs and rectification work on the electrical
part of the machine. The Health and Safety Regulations must be observed.
The machine may be used again only after all cladding panels have been installed by
the user of the machine.

The machine may not be sprayed with a water hose or high-pressure cleaner.

The machine must only be operated under the supervision of instructed staff.

The water in the wash-up area is non-potable and can´t be used for food preparation!

If you are unsure about the operation of the machine, the machine must not be used.

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W e reserve the right to change execution and construction!
MEIKO Maschinenbau GmbH & Co. KG, Postfach 2040, D-77652 Offenburg, Tel.: +49/781/203-0, Fax: +49/781/203-1121
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Operating instructions EcoStar 545 D-M

Do not place any solvents or other easily flammable substances in the wash-up area,
as this increases explosion hazard

The appliance must not be used to transfer waste water from other sources into the
Steel scrub pads are not to be used for the pre-scouring nor for cleaning the items to
be washed.
ATTENTION! Do not wash any metal items in the machine which are not made of stainless steel.
The in-coming of metal parts (especially iron, tinplate, copper) must absolutely be
The appliance must not be used to transfer waste water from other sources into the
drain (Warning: risk of corrosion and blockage).
Only use suitable products for cleaning the stainless steel surfaces, which do not at-
tack the material, form any deposits, nor cause any discolorations.

The hood MUST be closed.

Open the hood very carefully during the programme cycle, as otherwise wash water
could splash out.

The tank heating element may still be hot after the tank has been emptied. There is
therefore the danger of burns when the machine is cleaned manually.

Only detergents and rinse-aids suitable for the use in industrial dishwashers may be

Corresponding information is submitted by the manufacturers of such products.

Detergents and rinse agents can be injurious to health.

The manufacturers hazard instructions on the original packaging and in the safety
data sheets must be observed.

The main switch must be turned off when operation has finished.
The accompanying Operating Instructions must be observed for accessory devices,
e.g. water treatment installations.



5.2.1 Working on electrical equipment

Any repair work and repairs to the power supply on the installation’s electrical equipment
may only be carried out by a qualified electrician!
ATTENTION! Check the electrical equipment regularly! Tighten any loose connections! Replace any
damaged leads/cables immediately!

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MEIKO Maschinenbau GmbH & Co. KG, Postfach 2040, D-77652 Offenburg, Tel.: +49/781/203-0, Fax: +49/781/203-1121
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Operating instructions EcoStar 545 D-M

6 Delivery, shipping, installation and assembly

6.1 Delivery

Check that the delivery is complete immediately after receiving it by comparing it to

MEIKO’s contract confirmation and/or the delivery note.

If necessary, complain about any missing parts immediately to the shipping company and
notify MEIKO.

Examine the appliance for possible transit damage.

Should you suspect any damage has occurred during shipping, you should inform:

• the shipping company,

• and MEIKO

in writing, and also send a photo of the damaged parts to MEIKO.

Damaged appliances must not be commissioned.


6.2 Transport, installation and assembly

In order to avoid damage or life-threatening injuries during shipping of the installation, the
following points must be observed:
• The shipping operations may only be carried out by qualified persons who ob-
serve the safety instructions.
• Observe transport instructions on the packing.
• The appliance must be moved with great care.
• Unpack the machine.

In order to ensure safe shipping, the installation parts are placed on a special four-sided
wooden frame.

Incoming goods should only arrive on these wooden frames.Incoming goods should only
arrive on these wooden frames. The packing is specifically designed to allow the appli-
ances to be moved safely and securely using a pallet truck.

The enclosed technical sheet indicates the connection and consumption ratings of the
Small quantities of steam may escape from the hood of the appliance. Furniture and
equipment situated near the hood must be protected.
An engineer from your local MEIKO Service Centre can install the appliance at the
correct point and connect the tables - upon request. An engineer from your local
MEIKO Service Centre can install the appliance at the correct point and connect the
tables - upon request.
The following must be observed during the installation of the dishwashing machine:
• The complete unit must be levelled in both directions using a water level.
• Compensate for an uneven floor by adjusting the feet.
• Table joints must be sealed with detergent-resistant sealing compound (e.g. sili-

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W e reserve the right to change execution and construction!
MEIKO Maschinenbau GmbH & Co. KG, Postfach 2040, D-77652 Offenburg, Tel.: +49/781/203-0, Fax: +49/781/203-1121
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Operating instructions EcoStar 545 D-M

6.3 Operating conditions

It is taken for granted that the planning of the system, as well as installation, setting in
operation and maintenance works are executed by sufficiently instructed staff and that
these works are checked by responsible specialists. The indications on the name plate of
the machine must correspond to the technical sheet and the local connection conditions.
Conditions to be provided by the customer:
• Frost free storage and installation area
• Electrical connection in accordance with the technical sheet
• Fresh water connection in accordance with the technical sheet
• Waste water connection in accordance with the technical sheet
• Anti-slip floor coverings should be provided around the washing appliance.

6.3.1 Requirements for the installation area

• Ensure that the storage and installation area is permanently frost free.
The machine is only frost-resistant in the state it is delivered or when provided with
special features (option: frost drainage). If the appliance is installed in an area where
the surrounding temperatures are below freezing point, the water freezing inside can
damage the internal water components such as pump, solenoid valve, boiler, etc.

6.4 Requirements for the electrical connection

Work on the electrical part of the machine may only be undertaken by specialist per-

The customer must guarantee the following points relating to the connection:
• The correct voltage and type of current must be available
• Mains supply lines must be protected according to regulations and provided with a
main switch.
• Appliances must have a fixed connection and equi-potential bonding.
• If an unearthed neutral (N) is used with threephase current, the main switch must
have 4-poles (with alternating current 2-poles).
• For connection to three-phase current a 5-pole terminal strip (L1, L2, L3, N, PE)
must be used.
• Electricity supply without neutral conductor (N): when connecting to three-phase
current, use a 4-pole clamping strip (L1, L2, L3, PE).
• Conductor colors: live conductor L1 = black/1, L2 = brown/2, L3 = black/3, neutral
conductor N = blue/4, protective earthing conductor PE = green-yellow.
Protective measures as well as the connection of the equi-potential bonding must be
carried out according to DIN VDE 0100-540 and conform to the local power utilities
Do not protect by fuses any additional consumers together with the dishwashing ma-

•All conductor fixing screws must be re-tightened before commissioning the appli-
The wiring diagram is behind the front panel, resp. front cladding of the appliance.
The enclosed wiring diagram must remain in the appliance.

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W e reserve the right to change execution and construction!
MEIKO Maschinenbau GmbH & Co. KG, Postfach 2040, D-77652 Offenburg, Tel.: +49/781/203-0, Fax: +49/781/203-1121
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Operating instructions EcoStar 545 D-M

6.5 Requirements for the fresh water connection

Each appliance carries the DVGW test symbol and does not require an extra safety
valve in the water feed.
• Fresh water connection must be made according to EN 1717 or according to lo-
cal regulations.

The minimum flow pressure of the clean water supply upstream of the solenoid
valve must be 0,6 bar and if water-softening equipment (EW 10) is incorporated
into the machine: 3bar.
The maximum pressure must not exceed 5 bar
• If the flow pressure is below the minimum, increase the flow pressure with a
booster pump; if the maximum pressure is exceeded, limit it with a pressure re-
• Suitable protective measures must be taken to ensure that no iron particles can
enter the appliance via the mains water supply. Similarly, precautions must be
taken to prevent the entry of other metal particles, for example copper turnings.
Corresponding instructions are contained in the installation drawing. Therefore
suitable measures must be taken.
• A dirt trap must be fitted into the fresh water supply to protect the solenoid valve.

6.6 Requirements for the waste water connection

• Build an odour trap into the waste water connection if this is not already built-in
(further information about this is in the Installation drawing / Technical Sheet).
• The drain hose must be connected to the waste water pipe in the building.
• A grease trap may be needed, depending on the machine application.

6.7 Emergency-off
• Set the local main switch to „OFF“ or switch off the local main fuse.

6.8 Chemicals for the operation of the appliance

Only alkali detergents and acid rinse agents suitable for use in commercial dish-
washers may be used. Corresponding information is submitted by the manufacturers
of such products.
MEIKO recommends brand cleaning products from leading manufacturers. - clean-

ing and hygiene products are an excellent choice.

If unsuitable products are used, the life expectancy of the dosing units can be re-
duced considerably.
Observe the dosing instructions of the manufacturer.
Detergents and rinse-aids can present a health hazard if they are not correctly used.
Please observe the manufacturers’ instructions on the original packing and on the
safety data sheets.
If a de-scaling agent is used, please strictly observe the manufacturer’s instructions
reg. handling and safety. After having used such an agent, the product must be
completely removed from the machine, as even small residues are sufficient to de-
stroy plastic parts and packing materials.
Chemical product settings
The correct settings for the quantity of detergent and rinse agent depend on the prod-
uct used.
The relevant chemical supplier can install the correct setting.

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W e reserve the right to change execution and construction!
MEIKO Maschinenbau GmbH & Co. KG, Postfach 2040, D-77652 Offenburg, Tel.: +49/781/203-0, Fax: +49/781/203-1121
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Operating instructions EcoStar 545 D-M

6.9 Instructions for the disposal of the packaging material

• The four-sided wooden frame consists of untreated, raw wood.
Special country-specific import regulations may also stipulate the use of wood which
has been treated against pests.
• The plastic sheeting (PE sheeting) may be recycled.
• The cardboard packaging material used to protect the edges can also be recycled.
• The steel tensioning strap made of strip steel may be recycled with the steel scrap.
• The plastic tensioning strap of plastic (PP) can be recycled.

7 Settings for initial commissioning by the service engi-


7.1 Commissioning
In order to avoid damage to the installation and the injury and death of persons when
commissioning the installation, the following points must be observed without fail:
Any necessary initial tests to parts supplied by sub-suppliers must be carried out. More
detailed information, if required, can be found in the relevant Instructions for Use.
• The installation may only be commissioned by suitably qualified persons ob-
serving the safety instructions.
• Before initial startup, check that any tools and parts not belonging to the instal-
lation have been removed.
• Check whether any escaping liquid is removed.
• Activate all the safety systems and hood switch before commissioning.
• Check that all screw connections are tight.
• Please also read the chapter on “General safety instructions ".
• Commissioning and instructions will be provided by technicians specially trained
by Meiko. The operator may only use the installation after training has been

8 Washing with dish-washer

The appliance must not be used without a thorough knowledge of the ”Operating In-
structions“. Incorrect operation could result in injuries to personnel or damage to the

8.1 Operating panel

Program is running Program is running
appliance is switched on
Program start key
“Off” key

Temperature display tank / boiler,

Fault display
Information display
Code display
Illustration 1; Operating panel

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W e reserve the right to change execution and construction!
MEIKO Maschinenbau GmbH & Co. KG, Postfach 2040, D-77652 Offenburg, Tel.: +49/781/203-0, Fax: +49/781/203-1121
Downloaded from manuals search engine
Operating instructions EcoStar 545 D-M

Key / display Meaning

Short program – Wash programme I

Normal program – Wash program II

Intensive program – Wash program III

Wash temperature

Final rinse temperature

Program start
Tank drain
Self-cleaning cycle

Switch off appliance/

Cycle interruption

Table 1; Program key function / items to be washed

8.2 Preparation for washing and rinsing

The preparatory work described below must be carried out before each opera-
• Open the hood.
• Place the screen and stand pipe in position.
• Close the hood.
Danger of crushing!
Close the appliance with both hands.

• Switch on the appliance by pressing one of the program pre-selection keys.

During the filling and heating phase, the light above the pre-selection key will flash.
When the light remains constantly lit, the machine is ready for operation.
The time until the operation readiness is reached depends on the temperature of the
supplied water and the installed boiler, resp. tank heating capacity.
In the case of cold water supply, the time taken is: about 25 minutes.

8.3 Manual dosing of detergent

If there is no detergent dosing pump, the detergent must be added manually to the wash-
ing water. To obtain a concentration of 2 g/l, an initial amount of 40 g and a later addition
of 30 g after each of 5 cycles should be added.
If the detergent is in powder form, the powder should be scattered evenly on the water in
the tank and dissolved after the tank has been filled. This will prevent discolouration of
stainless steel parts.

8.4 Automatic dosing

The required detergent (detergent dosing pump: option) and rinse aid is transported out
of the containers into the tank, resp. boiler, via electronically controlled dosing units. The
dosing is effected automatically acc. to the requirements arising during the wash process.

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If unsuitable products are used, the life of the dosing equipment will be significantly
ATTENTION! We therefore recommend that detergents should have a pH value greater than 7 and
that rinse agents should have a pH value between 7 and 2.

8.5 Operation during washing and rinsing cycle

The following fundamental principles must be observed when placing the items to be
washed in the baskets:

• All hollow containers must always to be loaded upside down. Otherwise the water
will be trapped inside and they will not dry to a brilliant finish.
• Plates, trays and big plates should always stand at a slight angle in the basket. The
inside faces pointing upwards.
• When using cutlery baskets, ensure that cutlery is always inserted handle down.
• Load the cutlery baskets with a mixture of spoons, knives and forks, as identical
items of cutlery can be too close together.
• Do not overload the baskets.
• Do not stack the dishes in the wash basket directly on top of each other. As the
wash water could not strike the items directly and unnecessarily long wash times
would have to be selected. Short wash times with baskets which are not overloaded
are much more economical

8.5.1 Start the wash cycle

Program start key • Pre-wash the dishware (major food residues, serviettes, tooth picks, etc.) and
place in the basket.
• Place the basket in the appliance, ensuring that it is correctly centred.
• Close the hood.
• Press the program start key or press down the hood rod.
The appliance washes and rinses automatically and switches off the wash program after
completion. The program cycle is indicated by a light on the program start key.
The wash time can differ from the set program time if the boiler heating capacity is not
sufficient for heating up the fresh water to the pre-set boiler temperature during the
program time. In this case, the automatic wash time extension is activated.

8.5.2 Remove the cleaned items

• When the light goes out, open the hood and remove the basket.

In case of Airbox AktivAir

After the wash is finished the extraction fan is switched on for three minutes.
The steam coming from the tank partially condensates and goes back into the tank. The
rest mixes into the air so that steam formation is minimised

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9 Shutting down the dishwasher

• Press the OFF-key. The machine is switched off when all the lights are out.
• Remove the stand-pipe.

Machines without built-in drain pump:

• After the water has been drained from the tank, the tank is sprayed with clean hot
water by pressing the Program Start button. The hood must remain closed.

Machines with built-in drain pump:

• Press the program start key to drain the tank.
• The tank interior is sprayed with clean hot water after the tank water has been
drained. The hood must remain closed. The waste water pump switches off auto-

10 Care and maintenance

10.1 Care, general

The appliance has been designed to minimise the need for cleaning, care and mainte-
However, for a reliable, safe and permanent function of the appliance and in the in-
terest of hygiene and cleanliness a correct care and maintenance is necessary.
To facilitate this procedure, a maintenance contract can be concluded with the manu-
facturer or the manufacturer’s agent.
Works/repairs which were not correctly executed and the use of unauthorised parts
by unqualified personnel endanger both operators and the appliance, and will invali-
date the warranty.

10.2 Refilling of detergent

External container
The container is located next to the appliance.
• Check the filling level of the container and if necessary, replace it by a full one.
Only non-foaming alkali detergents (pH > 7) suitable for commercial dishwashers
may be used.
ATTENTION! Detergent dosing units must be checked to see if they are functioning properly if
there is reason to believe that they are malfunctioning. Carry out a visual inspection!

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10.3 Refilling with rinse aid

External container
The container is located next to the appliance.
• Check the level and, if necessary, replace the container by a full one.
Only non-foaming acid rinse aid (pH < 7) suitable for commercial dishwashers may be
ATTENTION! Detergent dosing units must be checked to see if they are functioning properly if there is
reason to believe that they are malfunctioning. Carry out a visual inspection!

10.4 Cleaning
After the tank has been drained, proceed as follows:
• Do not use a foaming detergent for dish-washing by hand for pre-cleaning close to the
dish-washer. Foam can cause malfunctions in the dish-washer and a poor wash.
• Food residues sticking to the tank, tank heating element and sieves must be removed
with a brush.
• Disassemble the wash arms and rinse them with flowing water.
• Wash nozzles must be cleaned daily.
• The cleanliness of final rinse nozzles must be checked weekly and if necessary clean
under running water.
The inserts for the final rinse nozzles must be inserted with the prongs facing the water

10.4.1 Safety instructions for cleaning

The tank heating element may still be hot after the tank has been emptied. There is
therefore the danger of burns when the machine is cleaned manually.

The machine, switch cabinet and other electrical components must NOT be sprayed with
a hose or a high pressure cleaner.

10.5 Maintenance of stainless steel surfaces

The appliance is made of high-quality stainless steel. Nevertheless, under certain con-
ditions corrosion may appear.

To maintain stainless steel surfaces permanently free from corrosion use

• only cleaning products which are properly.
Use only products which do not attack the material, build up a film or cause discolora-

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10.6 De-scaling
If the appliance was operated with hard water, the boiler and wash tank could have lime
scale deposits. De-scaling of the tank interior, boiler housing, tank heating, boiler heating
and wash and final rinse system then becomes necessary.

For de-scaling the appliance use only products suitable for industrial dishwashers.
ATTENTION! Please observe the instructions of the manufacturers of such products.
After de-scaling the appliance:
• Remove the de-scaling agent completely from the appliance. 1 or 2 rinse cycles with
fresh water are necessary to achieve this.
Even small residues of de-scaling agents can be sufficient to destroy plastic parts and
sealing materials! If the appliance is heavily scaled, you should ask a service engineer
from the agency responsible to de-scale the boiler.

11 Machine with built-in water softening device EW10

(Not in case of machines with air gap)

11.1 General
If the red lamp lights up, the capacity of the water softener has been almost ex-
hausted. About a further 10 program cycles are possible before the water softener is
completely exhausted. It is therefore possible to delay the necessary regeneration
until a time when the machine is not in use.
It is important to note that if the machine continues to be used when the water sof-
tener is exhausted, capacity can be reduced and the machine may even become

11.2 Adjustment of water hardness

The water softening device is pre-set to 30°Gh in the factory. When the service engineer
installs or commissions the appliance he should adjust this value depending on the actual
water hardness. Should there be any further changes in the water hardness, this parame-
ter must be adjusted accordingly as set out in the Short Programming Instructions.

11.3 Capacity of the built-in water softening device




Kapazität in Liter







5 10 15 20 25 30
Wasserhärte in °dH

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11.4 Regeneration
Press the OFF-key.
Remove the stand-pipe, empty the tank.
Fill the salt solution container with 0.8 kg regenerating salt. A funnel can be used for
this if necessary.
By regenerating salt we mean here sodium chloride with a grain size of 0.3 to 1 mm.

The seal and the thread of the salt solution container must be cleaned before closing
the container. Carefully lock the salt solution container cover. The penetration of wash
water can reduce the capacity of the built-in water softening device.
• Press the regeneration button.
• The regeneration process starts automatically and lasts for about 25 minutes.

The machine cannot be used during this time. The hood must remain closed.

The regeneration process is indicated by a yellow light. The machine can be filled again
when the light has gone out.

• Even if the red light has not come on to indicate that the water softener is ex-
hausted, the regeneration process can be started by pressing the regeneration but-
ton for at least 3 seconds.
We recommend that you fill the machine immediately after the regeneration process in
order to dissolve and remove from the wash tank any salt particles that have been
If the salt remains in the wash tank for a lengt hyperiod, this can result in corrosion and
even pitting corrosion in the bottom of the tank.

12 Basic information on the appliance

Each dishwashing machine is manufactured acc. to the latest state of the art technol-
ogy. Operation is safe.

Dangers could arise from this model, if it is not correctly operated by unsuitable operat-
ing staff or if it is not used acc. to it’s purpose.

We accept no responsibility for damage of the appliance and other objects caused by op-
erating faults, resp. non-observance of the operating instructions. Any modifications to
the appliance - especially technical modifications inside - undertaken by unauthorised
persons without the written permission of the manufacturer will invalidate the warranty.

12.1 General description of the washing machine

12.1.1 Execution
Square basket appliance with stationary basket

12.1.2 Wash principle

The appliance has one wash and one final rinse cycle.
The temperature regulator keeps the wash temperature. A centrifugal pump circulates the
water out of the cleaning tank into the clean nozzles. The water jets reach the items to be
cleaned out of differing directions. Therefore an even washing result can be guaranteed.

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The cleaning cycle is followed by the fresh water final rinse. The items are rinsed via a
separate nozzle system with hot fresh water 80 - 83° C. Thus heating up the items for the
following drying process. At the same time the final rinse water serves for the regenera-
tion of the wash water, the level of soil of the wash water thus being reduced.

12.1.3 Disinfection machine with A0 control

The standard factory setting is A0 = 30.
The tank temperature for washing is 74 °C. Tank heating is active while washing. After
every second as of 65° C in the wash tank the measured tank temperature is allocated
one factor (the higher the temperature, the higher the factor). These factors are continu-
ally added until the desired hygiene value, e.g. A0 30, has been reached. The dripping
phase and final rinse begin when the wash time set in the programme is reached or ex-
The display indicates the A0 value.

12.1.4 Disinfection machine with Thermolabel control

Thermolabel = measuring tape that changes colour after 4 seconds at 71 °C and shows
the required hygiene value.

The tank water is heated up to 71 °C during washing. After a brief stop time the dripping
pause and the final rinsing starts as long as the washing time set in the programme has
been reached or exceeded.

Both method makes it possible to achieve disinfection levels higher than the standard
(e.g. in hospitals).

The tank temperature falls when the programme begins, depending on the washware.
The time needed to reach the set disinfection parameters could exceed the set pro-
gramme time.
High washing temperatures and long retention times in the wash tank can lead to glass
corrosion and premature peeling of the decor.

12.1.5 Detergent dosage

The detergent dosing unit (option) is designed for the automatic adding of liquid, alkaline
detergent into the wash water.
The detergent is transported out of the container into the wash tank by means of a hose
line. The dosing unit is self-priming. The dosing is effected during each filling cycle and at
the beginning of each programme cycle using timer control.

Normally, a dosing of approx. 2 ml of detergent per liter of tank water is the correct
concentration. This can be increased/reduced acc. to the water quality, items to be
washed and degree of soiling to 5 ml/l or to1 ml/l.

12.1.6 Rinse aid dosing

The rinse aid dosing unit is designed to automatically add liquid final rinse aid into the
fresh water.
The rinse aid is transported out of the container into the fresh water supply line by means
of a hose line. The dosing unit is self-priming. The dosing takes place during each filling
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Operating instructions EcoStar 545 D-M

The correct dosing results in a smooth, even water film.

In case of overdosing, there are bubble and stripe formations - reduce dosing.
In case of under-dosing, water drops remain on the washed items - increase dosing.

12.1.7 Airbox AktivAir

After the wash is finished the extraction fan is switched on for three minutes. The time can
be set using a time relay. Times shorter than three minutes should not be set because oth-
erwise residual moisture would stay in the housing and possibly damage the fan motor.

12.2 Noise level

Work place noise level LpA ≤ 70 dB

12.3 Data reg. the electrical and hydraulic equipment

See attached technical sheet

12.4 Dimensions, technical data, installation instructions

See attached technical sheet

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13 Tips for self-help in the case of faults

Fault: Remedy
Machine does not fill. • No water available
• Dirt trap blocked
• Level switch defective
• Solenoid valve defective
• Hood safety switch defective

Rinse water does not • No water available

• Dirt trap blocked
• Solenoid valve defective
• Booster pump has failed (with air gap)
• Fresh water rinse system furred

Stripes and smears on the • Rinse water mineral content too high (see operating
dishes! instructions)
• If this is observed only at particular times, check water
softener for regeneration. This must not carried out
during the dishwashing operation.
• Water pre-treatment defective or not carried out
• Different water type depending on the waterworks
• Unsuitable rinse aid products or wrong dosage quan-

Formation of a significant • Detergent for dish-washing by hand enters the wash

amount of foam in the tank because of pre-cleaning the dishes
wash tank!
• Daily cleaning is carried out with foaming cleansing
agents which afterwards enter the machine.
• Improve pre-wash, as too much food residue is enter-
ing the tank. Alternatively, empty wash tanks between
• Rinse water quantity too low
• Detergent or rinse aid product not suitable
• Temperatures too low < 40°C

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Operating instructions EcoStar 545 D-M

14 Staff training
Only trained and instructed personnel are allowed to work on the dishwashing machine.
Staff responsibilities for the installation’s operation, maintenance and repair must be
clearly defined.
Any personnel undergoing training are only allowed to work on the dishwashing machine
installation under the supervision of an experienced person.

persons Trained operating Trained Trained in-house

personnel in-house techni- technician or instal-
cian lation engineer
Installation and assembly


Operation, use


Checking safety devices

Fault finding



Training should be recorded in writing.

15 Authorized user of this documentation

The works described in this booklet (chapter 14 - 18) may only be carried out by
specialists of the manufacturer, the responsible agency or an authorized dealer.

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16 Settings / modifications / on-site adaptation

16.1 Using the keyboard for programming

Increase value/ Decrease value/ Accept / Exit / Start Pro-

move forward move backwards modify gramming

Function field Value field

Access codes for various user-levels have been defined. Once the complete code has
been entered, the entered code is compared with the internal code table. Depending on
the code entered, the corresponding user level will be accessed. 2 access codes are
available for each user level; the first is for restricted access, i.e. no modification of pa-
rameters is possible (viewing mode), and the second gives access to the entire range of
functions (viewing and modification).

In the short programming instructions accompanying every machine in the series, this is
described in condensed form.
For control programming, the power supply must be available but the machine must be
completely switched off (no LED must be illuminated).

Code – input:
View service data: CODE 10000
Modify service data: CODE 10001
View configuration data: CODE 20000
View dosing technology: CODE 40000
Modify dosing technology: CODE 40044

The code numbers for the further levels can be found in the Service Manual.

16.2 Code entry

To get into the code entry mode, you should keep the key “0” pressed (for around 3 sec-
onds) until you see

on the display unit..

By pressing the key “0” once again you can leave the programming area at any time.

The digit to be modified will flash.

Press the “I” key to increase the value/code indicated on the display unit, or press the “II”
key to decrease it, or press the “accept” key to save it. The next value will then flash and
will be the only one visible.
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If your entry is incorrect you will exit the code entry procedure, and the information code
122 will be displayed.

If you enter all the digits correctly you will arrive at the chosen level, either service, con-
figuration or machine data.

16.3 Service level

The list of service parameters can be found on this level (parameter numbers 1xx). Here
you can view these or modify them, or you can also call up the ventilation of the rinse and
wash hoses.

On the service level, you will first see the display below:

This corresponds to the viewing/modifying parameters (see 15.3.1)

This corresponds to rinse aid inlet ventilation (see 15.3.2)

This corresponds to detergent inlet ventilation (see 15.3.3)

This corresponds re-setting partial demineralisation display (see 15.3.4)

This corresponds first-time-filling of boiler (see 15.3.5)

Press the “I” key to move forwards or the “II” key to move backwards or the “accept” key
to make a selection. You are now at the current level.

You can leave this level by pressing the “0” key.

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16.3.1 View/modify parameters


this display by pressing the “accept” key.

Now, the first parameter will be displayed with a value.

Press the “I” key to go forwards and the “II” key to go backwards, until the parameter you
require is displayed.
Confirm the parameter to be modified by pressing the “accept” key, the value will flash.
Increase the value using the "I" key or reduce it using the "II" key and confirm with the
"Accept" key.
You can leave this level by pressing the “0” key.

See 15.4 for list of parameters

16.3.2 Ventilating the rinse aid inlet

this display by pressing the “accept” key.

Now the dosage pump will be activated and the remaining running time will be indicated.

You can leave this level by pressing the “0” key. The ventilation will be interrupted off.

16.3.3 Ventilating the detergent inlet

this display by pressing the “accept” key.

Now the dosage pump will be activated and the remaining running time will be indicated.

You can leave this level by pressing the “0” key. The ventilation will be interrupted off.

Should the ventilation process be insufficient, repeat the process.

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Operating instructions EcoStar 545 D-M

The function "vent detergent pipe" is not existing with machines including detergent
dosing system type ADT ('Advanced Dosing Technology with depression dosing). The
detergent dosing pipe is vented automatically when the first cycle is running, after filling
of the detergent reserve container.

16.3.4 Resetting the TE degree of depletion display

this display by pressing the “accept” key.

If the option "Display degree of depletion" is active during operation with partial deminer-
alization cartridges, the counter has to be reset using the function above after the car-
tridge has been changed
You can leave this level by pressing the “0” key again.

16.3.5 First-time-filling of boiler

this display by pressing the “accept” key.

After emptying the boiler (repair of descaling) it must be filled with water again before the
heater is switched on. This is achieved using this parameterization.
You can leave this level by pressing the “0” key again.

16.3.6 Configuration level

You can find the list of configuration parameters on this level (parameter numbers 2xx). +
Here you can view these and modify them. You can also call up the status of the inputs
and outputs, or set the outputs for testing.

On the service level, you will first see the display below:

This corresponds to the viewing/modifying parameters. (see 15.3.7)

This corresponds to viewing the status of inputs. (see 15.3.8)

This corresponds to viewing and setting the status of outputs. (see 15.3.9)

Press the “I” key to move forwards or the “II” key to move backwards or the “accept” key
to make a selection. You are now at the current level.

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You can leave this level by pressing the “0” key.

16.3.7 Viewing / modifying parameters: (depending on the code en-


this display by pressing the “accept” key.

Now, the first parameter will be displayed with a value.

Press the “I” key to move forwards or press the “II” key to move backwards, until the pa-
rameter you require is displayed.
Confirm the parameter to be modified by pressing the “accept” key, the value will flash.
Increase the value using the "I" key or reduce it using the "II" key and confirm with the
"Accept" key.
You can leave this level by pressing the “0” key.
See 15.4 for list of parameters

16.3.8 Viewing input status:


this display by pressing the “accept” key.

Now, the first digital input will be shown, with status.

Press the “I” key to move forwards and the “II” key to move backwards, until you reach
the input you require.

Display: input set

Display: input not set

You can leave this level by pressing the “0” key.

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The direct value (here the boiler temperature) is displayed for the analog inputs. Use the
“I“ to go forward and the “II“ to go backward until the desired input is displayed

Assignment details for the inputs are given on the assignment list for each machine.( see

16.3.9 Viewing / modifying output status (according to code entered)


this display by pressing the “accept” key.

Now, the first output will be shown, with status.

Press the “I” key to move forwards and the “II” key to move backwards, until you reach
the output you require.

Press the “accept” key to confirm the modification of the output, the value will flash. Press
the “I” key to modify the value and press the “accept” key to save it.
The output is now set.

You can leave this level by pressing the “0” key.

Assignment details for the outputs are given on the assignment list for each machine.
(see 15.5)

16.3.10 Viewing / modifying dosing technology level

By entering code 40000 (read only) or 40044 (read / enter), the user can access the 4th
parameter level summarizing all the dosing technology parameters:
P104, P105, P218, P219, P224, P225, P321, P322, P326, P327.

See 15.4 for list of parameters

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16.4 Parameter list

Par. Configuration Use as value Unit Factory Note

No. options range setting
101 Wash program Parameters 1 ...50 - 2 Allocate the wash program to the
Key 1 key I
Assignment adjustable
102 Wash program Parameters 1 ...50 - 3 Allocate the wash program to the
Key 2 key II
Assignment adjustable
103 Wash program Parameters 1 ...50 - 7 Assign rinse programme -no. of
Key 3 the key I+II pressed together;
Assignment adjustable
104 Rinse agent Parameters 0.10 ...1.00 ml/Liter 0.2 Value can be read from the rinse
Dosing quantity water aid container label (dependant on
water quality)
105 Rinse program Parameters 0.1...20.0 ml/Liter 2.0 Value can be read from the deter-
Dosing quantity water gent container label (dependant on
water quality)
106 Hardness degree Parameters 0 ...50 [°dH] 30 The quantity of soft water available
(°KH) between two regenerations de-
pends onthe hardness of the wa-
for partial demineralisation TE too
107 Beep ON/OFF Parameters 0/1 - 1 Switch on/off acoustic ready mes-
109 Partial / full de- Parameters 0,1,2 - 0 Partial / full desalination available?
salination avail- 0: NO
able? 1: partial demineralisation (TE)
2: full desalination (VE)
110 Hardness litres Parameters 0 ...250 1000 L 120 When the cartridge’s capacity is
per cartridge type reached (hardness litres/degree of
hardness), “Replace Cartridge” will
be displayed
(INFO 725) (only in the case of
111 Total Operation Indication 5 figures h Operation time
time query only
112 Total number of Indication 5 figures - Wash cycles/loads,
wash cycles query only
113 Total number of Indication 5 figures - Wash cycles/loads,
wash cycles since re-setting possible
last reset
114 Serial number Indication 8 figures - Option for calling the serial number

115 Condition Indication 0 ...100 % Only for partial / full desalination

Remaining car- TE: indication in %
tridge capacity VE: 100 = OK;
0 = replace
119 Beep ON/OFF Parameters 0/1 - 1 It is possible to shut off communi-
cation via IR interfaces. (0)

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Operating instructions EcoStar 545 D-M

Par. Configuration Use as value Unit Factory Note

No. options range setting
120 Total number of Parameters 0/1 - 0 Effective only upon power supply
wash cycles Indi- reset ON/OFF
cation ATTENTION! All changes to ser-
vice parameters will be
Power supply reset must be car-
ried out within 5 minutes, other-
wise factory settings will not be
Without power supply reset, the
information 123 will be displayed.
201 Machine type Parameters 101 ...104 - 103 101: EcoStar E/A1 (with FA, EW)
102: EcoStar E/A2 (minimuml)
103: EcoStar E/A1 (with new dos-
ing technology / ADT)
104: EcoStar with TL or A0
ATTENTION! Attention! Only as-
signment list and machine se-
quences change – no parameters
202 Must be-tank Parameters 10 ...82 °C 60 Standard for all the rinse programs
temperature on one appliance! Output depend-
ent on definition.
203 Pre-rinse time Parameters 0 ...8 sec. 0 See pre-rinse process step

204 Post-rinse time Parameters 4.0 ...25.0 sec. 10.0 Duration of final rinse time, running
time limited by P306!!
205 Operation indica- Parameters 0 ...10 - 1 Definition of the information which
tor is to be switched via the poten-
tial-free contact
0 – no information
1 – Filling/Heating, ready for wash-
ing/washing or draining
2 – Filling/Heating, ready for wash-
3-Filling / Heating
4 - ready for washing
5 - Washing
6 - Draining
7 - Error
8 – Not status machine OFF and
9 - EW active
10 - not status Machine OFF
211 A0-value Parameters 0 ...60 - 0 Only with LED1! If 0 no A0 calcula-
tion, otherwise sum up and display
up to the set value.
218 Shortage of rinse Parameters 0/1 - Monitoring
aid Indication
219 Shortage of de- Parameters 0/1 - Monitoring
tergent Indication

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Operating instructions EcoStar 545 D-M

Par. Configuration Use as value Unit Factory Note

No. options range setting
224 Power supply Parameters 0 ...3 - 1 Definition: Energizing rinse aid
mode pump:
0 – no signal
1 – energizing according to calcu-
lated running time
2 - energizing as final rinse
3 - energize as wash pump
225 Power supply Parameters 0 ...4 - 1 Definition: Energizing detergent
mode pump:
detergent dosing 0 – no signal
pump 1 – energizing according to calcu-
lated running time
2 - energizing as final rinse
3 - energize as wash pump
4 – Option – detergent pump using
negative pressure dosing ADT
228 Water softener Parameters 0/1 - 0 In case of incorporated water
EW 10 incorpo- or softener set to 1
rated? 1
240 Detergent pump Parameters 0/1 - 0 Effective only upon power supply
activation mode reset ON/OFF
ATTENTION! All changes to ser-
vice parameters will be
Power supply reset must be car-
ried out within 5 minutes, other-
wise factory settings will not be
Without power supply reset, the
information 123 will be displayed.
241 Air gap (FA) in- Parameters 0/1 - 0 0: FA not available, final rinse over
corporated? Y1
1: FA available, Plug connector
242 Drain pump (LP) Parameters 0/1 - 0 0: LP not incorporated
incorporated? 1: LP incorporated
243 Frost drainage Parameters 0/1 - 0 0: no effect
(without FA) Tank filling before Heating
321 Rinse agent Parameters 0.1 ...10 l/h 1.3 Rinse agent pump.
pump output Output definition.
322 Detergent pump Parameters 0.1 ...20 l/h 8.5 Detergent pump
output Output definition.
326 pipe vent time Parameters 0 ...255 sec. 180 Activate rinse agent pump tempo-
Rinse agent rarily to remove air from pipe.
327 pipe vent time Parameters 0 ...100 sec. 30 Activate detergent pump temporar-
Detergent ily to remove air from pipe.
346 Indication Parameters 0/1 - 1 0: LED2 with LEDs
LED 2 or LED 1 1: LED1 with temperature display
347 Desinfection tem- Parameters 10 ...80 °C 0 Only with disinfection machine
perature no.4 in parameter 201
348 Desinfection tem- Parameters 0 ...90 10 sec. 0 Only with disinfection machine
perature no.4 in parameter 201

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Operating instructions EcoStar 545 D-M

16.5 Assignment list

View inputs / control outputs

Input / output / other Conditions
Left Right
dIn 1 0/1 Hood closed none
dIn 2 0/1 Boiler level none
dIn 3 0/1 Tank level none
dIn 4 0/1 Hood start none
dIn 7 0/1 Hall-sensor ADT (option) none
dIn 9 0/1 Level rinse aid (option) none
dIn 10 0/1 Level detergents (optin) none
dIn 12 0/1 Measure conductance VE (optional) none
AIn 1 83°C Boiler temperature none
AIn 2 60°C Tank temperature none

out 1.1 0/1 Wash pump No leak water

out 1.2 0/1 Booster Pump No leak water
out 1.3 0/1 Drain pump No leak water
out 2.1 0/1 Rinse aid – dosage pump No leak water
out 2.2 0/1 Detergent – dosage pump No leak water
out 2.3 0/1 Tank heating No leak water
out 3.1 0/1 Filling valve No leak water
out 3.2 0/1 Soft starter valve No leak water
out 3.3 0/1 Boiler heating No leak water
out 3.4 0/1 Operation indicator No leak water
out 3.5 0/1 EW valve No leak water
Leak water switch condition: Leak water switch must not have operated.

16.6 Rinse program parameter update: 01.05.2009

Boiler temperature target Wash time target value
Program no.: value
Washing Total
1 83 44 60
2 83 74 90
3 83 104 120
4 83 134 160
5 83 164 180
6 83 194 210
7 83 224 240
8 83 254 270
9 83 284 300
10 83 344 360
11 65 44 180
12 65 74 210
13 65 104 240

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Operating instructions EcoStar 545 D-M

14 65 134 360
15 65 164 180
16 85 44 60
17 85 74 90
18 85 104 120
19 85 134 150
20 85 164 180
21 85 194 210
22 85 224 240
23 85 254 270
24 85 284 300
25 85 344 360
26 75 44 60
27 75 74 90
28 75 104 120
29 75 134 150
30 75 164 180
31 75 194 210
32 75 224 240
33 75 254 270
34 75 284 300
35 75 344 360
36 65 224 240

The dosage times will be adapted to the rinse time, so that the correct concentration
remains if the rinse time is modified.

17 Operating errors
Despite being expertly designed, the machine may develop minor faults which are usually
easy to eliminate. This section explains a number of possible problems and how you can
deal with them yourself.
Before carrying out work on the open appliance, it MUST be disconnected from the
power supply. The local main switch must be switched ”OFF“, or the local main fuse
must be removed.
Should any of the operational faults described arise repeatedly, their cause must be
established in each case.
Faults not described here can in general only be eliminated by a technician or electri-
cian. Please contact the agency responsible or the authorised dealer.

17.1 Information reporting and troubleshooting Confirmation key

“Off” key

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Operating instructions EcoStar 545 D-M

Figure 2: Information display

Information displays can be cleared by pressing the confirmation key.

Provided that the machine function is restored, the next program sequence will begin.
The information display can also be deleted by pressing the “Off” key.

Information indicator (extract)

Info No. Description Possible cause

120 Emergency program active No boiler / tank heating
Restricted washing possible. No fresh water supply
Check system
121 Hood not closed Check connection S1
Change microswitch
Check microswitch adjustment
Replacing a defective I/O circuit board
122 Incorrect password / Enter code once again
no authorization
123 Factory setting parameter list Switch power supply ON/OFF within 5

and set parameters back

to factory settings. This will be
rejected and parameters will be re-

Information 123 will disappear

420 Shortage of rinse aid If the machine is ready for operation, a
shortage of rinse agent will be signalled
(only if there is a built-in warning sys-
520 Shortage of detergent If the machine is ready for operation, a
shortage of detergent will be signalled
(only if there is a built-in warning sys-
521 Shortage of detergent with dosing Impulses of the flow meter are recog-
system ADT nized, although the detergent dosing is
not approached. Valve of the dosing unit
is not closing.
522 Error in the dosing system ADT Impulses of the flow meter are recog-
nized, although the detergent dosing is
not approached.
Valve of the dosing unit is not closing.
720 Regeneration in progress Regeneration program has started and
is in progress. (It is possible to pause
the program, but not cancel it.)
723 Regeneration necessary The user must start the regeneration.
(empty tank, add salt!)
Table 2: Information displays

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Operating instructions EcoStar 545 D-M

17.2 Error messages and troubleshooting

Figure 3: Error messages

Error messages will disappear automatically when the fault has been rectified.

Error messages (extract)

ERR.-No. Description Possible cause

001 EEPROM plug-in fault. EEPROM not available / incorrectly

Empty or incorrect EEPROM
Replace EEPROM with correct
parameter set
201 Boiler level not reached during Fresh water inlet insufficient
1st filling (only FA-machines) (water faucet closed)
Entering hose kinked
Inlet filter soiled
Solenoid valve defective
Boiler switch defective
202 Boiler level during filling not See 201
reached early enough (only FA-
203 No change detected by the Plug Boost pump defective
connector emptying .(only FA - Plug connector loosened
Machine) Start capacitor defective
Plug connector loosened
Plug connector loosened
Boiler level switch defective
No boost pump signal to - from in-
put/output circuit boards
Check boost pump DSP / S2 using
manual control
204 Following the end of final-rinse See 203
time, still no change detected
(only FA - Machine)
205 Boiler temperature not reached Boiler heating defective / thermal fuse
after max. Heat time (P.310) radiator
Temperature sensor defective, incorrect
installation position
Boiler contactor defective, performance
switch loosened
No signal from ON/OFF circuit boards
210 Temperature sensor short circuit Check sensor cable (plug contacts)
Replace sensor
Install sensor correctly
211 Temperature sensor interruption See 210

212 Actual boiler temperature too Contactor sticking

high(>95°C) Incorrect sensor / defective sensor
Check sensor / cable
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ERR.-No. Description Possible cause

301 Number of final rinse cycles for Feeding water pressure too low
tank filling exceeded Sieve in feeding valve is dirty
Tank level analysis disrupted Rinse jets soiled
Air trap soiled
Condensate in level pipe
Hose kinked / loose / not watertight
302 During the self-cleaning pro- Fresh water supply insufficient
gramme the tank level (S3) does (water faucet closed)
not fall on time. Drain pump soiled / defective
(Only with built -in drain pump.) Rotor loose
Drain pump plug connector loose
Start capacitor defective
Tank level analysis disrupted
No signal from ON/OFF circuit boards
304 Tank temperature not reached Tank heating defective / thermal fuse
after max. heat time (P.314) Radiator
Temperature sensor defective, incorrect
installation position
Tank protection defective, performance
switch loose
310 Temperature sensor short circuit See 210

311 Temperature sensor interruption See 211

312 Actual Tank temperature too high See 212

Table 3: Error messages

Should information or fault numbers not shown in the tables be indicated, or

should the suggested measure not lead to the elimination of the fault, please no-
tify a customer service technician.

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Operating instructions EcoStar 545 D-M

18 Maintenance
Maintenance work may only be carried out when the dishwashing machine is shut down.
In addition, the dishwashing machine main power switch must be in the OFF position and
locked in this position.

Existing safety systems may not be removed!

A functional test on all safety systems of the machine / installation is carried out during
every regular maintenance
ATTENTION! We recommend that you take out a maintenance contract with our manufacturer’s agent
in order to ensure a long service life.

18.1 Basic safety measures during normal operation

Observe the maintenance periods prescribed in the operating instructions!
Observe the maintenance instructions given in these operating instructions for individual
Before carrying out any maintenance or repair work, prohibit access to the operating
area to any unauthorized persons! Provide or display a sign drawing attention to the
maintenance or repair work!
Before carrying out any maintenance and repair work, switch off the electrical power at
the main electrical power switch and secure the switch with a padlock! The key for this
lock must be kept in the hands of the person carrying out the maintenance and repair
work! Failure to observe these precautions can result in severe physical injury or dam-
age to property.
Before carrying out any maintenance and repair work, ensure that all the parts of the
machine that may be touched have cooled down to room temperature!
ATTENTION! Carefully dispose of any cleaning products that could harm the environment!

18.1.1 Before starting operations following maintenance or repair

Before starting operations following maintenance or repair work, all initial tests must be
carried out as described in “Machine Settings for Initial Commissioning by the Service

18.1.2 Observe the environmental protection regulations

Legal obligations relating to the avoidance of waste materials and to their recy-
cling/removal in accordance with applicable regulations must be observed!
ATTENTION! In particular, during installation, repair and maintenance work, materials that could pol-
lute water such as: Grease and oils, Cleaning fluids containing solvents, must not pollute
the ground or run into the sewerage system! These materials must be stored, shipped,
collected and disposed of in suitable containers!

18.2 Dosing units

The dosing units themselves are maintenance free in principle but the working life of the
wearing parts (peristaltic tube) is largely dependent on the chemical used.

18.2.1 Change of products

Change of product means that one rinse aid or detergent product is replaced by another.
The use of differing products alongside each other can result in break-downs.
Hose lines and dosing units must always be rinsed out with warm water.

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Operating instructions EcoStar 545 D-M

18.3 Maintenance plan

Component replaced
FV 130.2 – FV 250.2
DV 125.2 / DV 200.2 /
FV 28G / FV28GIO

FV 40.2 / FV 60.2 /

DV 80.2 / DV 120.2 /

Component faulty
EcoStar 530 F-M

EcoStar 545D-M /

Component OK
EcoStar 430 F

DV 200.2 PW

/ DV 270.2
FV 70.2 D

DV 270 B
OR 50 H
GK 60
Maintenance procedures
1. Pumps
Check pumps for watertightness, pump rotor noise, rotation di-
rection and function
Check pump suction
Check pump sieves correctly fitting and operating correctly
Check sliding ring washer/contra-rotation ring

2. Wash systems
Check water level in tank
Check that wash water pipe is watertight
Check washing system is complete and produces correct spray
Check wash arm hubs

3. Fresh water rinse

Check flow pressure/water pressure
Check rinsing system is complete and produces correct spray
Check that system is watertight

4. Housing and mounting parts

Check housing, tank, sheet metal cover, hood, doors and cover-
ing of machine base for damage and correct operation
Check tank cover sieves
Check boiler, hoses, clamps, plastic parts and seals
Check operation of raising and lowering equipment

5. Fresh water installation

Check level regulation
Check valves, clean dirt trap
Check that all connections (incl. hand spray) are watertight
Check settings of built-in water softener (if fitted)
Check operation of complete or partial water softener (if fitted)
Check water hardness

6. Waste water equipment

Check if watertight
Check pressure hose position and operation of drain pump

7. Electrical installation
Check of all fuses
Tighten all electrical connections
Check tank and boiler heating
Check thermostat and stop switch

8. Detergent dosing
Check dosage, adjust if necessary

9. Rinse aid dosing

Check dosage, adjust if necessary

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Operating instructions EcoStar 545 D-M

Component replaced
FV 130.2 – FV 250.2
DV 125.2 / DV 200.2 /
FV 28G / FV28GIO

FV 40.2 / FV 60.2 /

DV 80.2 / DV 120.2 /

Component faulty
EcoStar 530 F-M

EcoStar 545D-M /

Component OK
EcoStar 430 F

DV 200.2 PW

/ DV 270.2
FV 70.2 D

DV 270 B
OR 50 H
GK 60
Maintenance procedures
10. Operation check of the complete machine
Check machine for correct interaction of all functions

11. Test run

Check results of test wash and rinse
Brief instruction for new personnel

19 Environmentally acceptable measures, Disposal of the

Each discarded appliance is to be made immediately unserviceable - to avoid later acci-
• Therefore, set the local main switch to „OFF“ or switch off the local main fuse.

When you eventually dispose of the installation (dismantlement/scrapping), the parts and
their corresponding materials should preferably be re-used.

Here is a list of the materials that most frequently occur when dismantling:
• Chrome-nickel-steel
• Aluminium
• Copper
• Brass
• Electrical and electronic parts
• PP and other synthetic materials

20 Documentation
Installation drawing / technical sheet
Technical data sheet
Wiring diagram / Programming instructions

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Short Operating instruction EcoStar 545 D-M

Operating panel

1. Preparation for washing and rinsing

Open the hood.
Place the screen on suction and stand pipe in position.
Close the hood.
Switch on the appliance by pressing one of the program pre-selection keys.
Check level and if necessary refill detergent and rinse aid reservoirs.
The machine is ready for operation when flash light of pre-selector button

2. Operation during washing and rinsing cycle

Place the items in the basket.
Place the basket in the appliance.
Close the hood.
Program I for normal soiled dishes.
Program II for normal soiled dishes.
Program III (press I+II) for heavily soiled dishes.
Press the program start key or press down the hood rod.
The appliance washes and rinses automatically and switches off the wash
program after completion. When the light goes out, open the hood and
remove the basket.

3. Shutting down the appliance

Press the “0“ button (Off button). The machine is switched off when all the
lights are out

Open the hood and remove the stand-pipe

If the appliance has a built-in waste water pump, the program start button
must be pressed to empty the tank.
The tank interior is sprayed with clean hot water after the tank water has been
drained. The hood must remain closed. The waste water pump switches off
Clean tank, strainers and wash arms

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Short Operating instruction EcoStar 545 D-M

Operating panel

1. Preparation for washing and rinsing

Open the hood.
Place the screen on suction and stand pipe in position.
Close the hood.
Switch on the appliance by pressing one of the program pre-selection keys.
Check level and if necessary refill detergent and rinse aid reservoirs.
The machine is ready for operation when flash light of pre-selector button

2. Operation during washing and rinsing cycle

Place the items in the basket.
Place the basket in the appliance.
Close the hood.
Program I for normal soiled dishes.
Program II for normal soiled dishes.
Program III (press I+II) for heavily soiled dishes.
Press the program start key or press down the hood rod.
The appliance washes and rinses automatically and switches off the wash
program after completion. When the light goes out, open the hood and
remove the basket.

3. Shutting down the appliance

Press the “0“ button (Off button). The machine is switched off when all the
lights are out

Open the hood and remove the stand-pipe

If the appliance has a built-in waste water pump, the program start button
must be pressed to empty the tank.
The tank interior is sprayed with clean hot water after the tank water has been
drained. The hood must remain closed. The waste water pump switches off
Clean tank, strainers and wash arms

4. Regeneration

A red lamp indicates that the capacity of the water softener is nearly
Carry out the regeneration process according to the operating instructions

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Quick programming instructions
EcoStar 530 F-M / EcoStar 545 D-M

Using the keyboard for programming The following main positions are available on the service
Increase value/ Decrease value/ Accept / Exit 1-1 ----- View/modify parameters
move forward move backwards modify
1-2 ----- Ventilate rinse aid inlet
1-3 ----- Ventilate detergent inlet
1-5 ----- Resetting the partial desalination display
1-6 ----- First-time-filling of boiler after emptying the boiler
View parameters:

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1-1 ----- Accept the position using the “accept” key, or use
the “I” or “II” keys to select the parameters. On the left, the
parameter Pxxx will be displayed, and on the right, the value
belonging to it.
You can use the “0” key to go back one level.
Function field Value field
Modify parameters:
1-1 ---- Choice of parameters as when viewing, but access is via code for “modify
service data”. To modify one of the parameters, select it by using the “accept” hey – the
value will flash.
Select the value by using the “I” key or the “II” key, and save using the “accept” key. You
General: can leave the current level and go back to the previous level by using the “0” key.
For control programming, the power supply must be available but the machine must
be completely switched off (no LED must be illuminated). Ventilate rinse aid inlet 1-2 -----
Code entry: Ventilate detergent inlet 1-3 ----- (is not existing with depression dosing ADT)
View service data: CODE 10000 Modify service data: CODE 10001 Select the position you require. The selected dosing pump
will be energized and the remaining running time will be
To get into the code entry mode, you should keep the “0” displayed.
key pressed (for around 3 seconds) until you see Exit the ventilation programme by using the “exit” key.
Code 1---- on the display unit. By pressing the “0” key
once again, you can leave the programming area at any time.
The digit to be modified will flash. Using the key "I" will increase the display unit val-
Information/ error display:
ues, which will be accepted by using the "accept" key. You should select each of the
If you receive an information message, you must follow the
digits in this way one after the other, until the code has been completely entered.
instructions. The rinse operation will still be possible.
If your entry is incorrect, you will leave the code entry procedure, and the information
code 122 will be displayed. If you enter all the digits correctly, you will arrive at the If you receive an error message, no further rinse operation is
service level. usually possible. Notify customer service.
You can move forwards using the “I” key, and backwards using the “II” key.
Parameter mode
Attention: the modification of factory set parameters may cause the restricted overall operation of the machine. In case of arbitrary modification of parameters by unauthorized
personnel, guarantee claims will become invalid.

Par. Service parameters/ setting Use value Unit Factory Note

No. options as range setting
101 Rinse programme / key 1 Parameter 1 ..50 - 2* Assign rinse programme no. to key 1; verification adjustable
102 Rinse programme / key 2 Parameter 1 ..50 - 3* Assign rinse programme no. to key 2; verification adjustable

103 Rinse programme / key 3 Parameters 1 ..50 - 7* Assign rinse programme no. to key 1+2 pressing at the same time;
verification adjustable
104 Rinse aid dosing quantity Parameter 0.10 ..1.00 ml/Liter 0.2 Value must be set approximately according to manufacturer’s in-

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water formation, then it must be corrected depending on the water hard-
ness and the rinse result.
105 Detergent dosing quantity Parameter 0.1... ml/Liter 2.0 Value must be set approximately according to manufacturer’s in-
20.0 water formation, then it must be corrected depending on the water hard-
ness and the rinse result.
106 Hardness degree Parameter 0 ..50 [°dH] 30 The quantity of soft water available between two regenerations
depends on the hardness of the water.
107 Switch beep on / off Parameter 0/1 - 1 Switch on/off acoustic "beep" ready message

109 Partial / full desalination Parameter 0, 1, 2 - Partial / full desalination available?

available? 0: NO
1: partial demineralisation (TE)
2: full desalination (VE)
110 Hardness litres per cartridge Parameter 0 ..250 1000 L When the cartridge’s capacity is reached (hardness litres/degree of
type hardness), “Replace Cartridge” will be displayed
(INFO 725) (only in the case of TE)
111 Total Operation time Indication 5 figures h 0 Operating time, query only
112 Total number of wash cy- Indication 5 figures - 0 wash cycles / loads, query only
clesTotal number of wash
113 Total number of wash cycles Indication 5 figures - 0 wash cycles / loads, resetting possible
since last reset
114 Serial number Indication 8 figures - Serial Possibility of querying factory settings
number Attention: the first 5 digits will be displayed in rotation with the last 3
Par. Service parameters/ setting Use value Unit Factory Note
No. options as range setting
115 Condition Indication 0 ..100 % Only for partial / full desalination:
Remaining cartridge capacity TE : indicati on in %, VE: 1 00 = O K;
0 = replace

119 Beep ON/OFF Parameters 0/1 - 1 It is possible to shut off communication via IR interfaces. (0)
120 Load factory setting service Parameter 0/1 - 0 Effective only upon power supply reset ON/OFF
parameters Attention! All changes to service parameters will be reversed.
Power supply reset must be carried out within 5 minutes, otherwise
factory settings will not be loaded.
Without power supply reset, the information 123 will be displayed.

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Rinse program- Boiler temperature Wash time target value
me no.: target value Washing Total (*) Depending on the installed heating power and the infeed temperature, there can be a difference between
the factory settings of the rinsing programs and the values listed above.
2 83 74 90
3 83 104 120 Details of further pre-defined rinse programmes are given in the Service Instructions, chapter 15.6.
7 83 224 240
Saugleitung für Reiniger bzw. Klarspüler
Suction line for detergent resp. rinse aid
Conduite d'aspiration pour détergent, resp. produit tensio-actif
Tubo d´aspirazione per detergente e brillantante
Tubo de aspiración para detergente y abrillantador
Układ ssący płynu do mycia lub nabłyszczacza
Aanzuigleiding voor zeep- resp. naglansmiddel
9 006 926
Klarsichtschlauch für Reiniger
Transparent hose for detergent
Tuyau transparent pour détergent
8 005 393 Flessibile trasparente per detergente
8 005 372 Tubo flexible transparente para detergente
Wężyk przezroczysty do płynu do mycia
Transparante slang voor zeep

9 006 928
Schlauch blau für Klarspüler
Hose blue for rinse aid
Tuyau bleu pour produit tensio-actif
Flessibile blu per brillantante
∅ 7 mm Tubo flexible azul para abrillantador
Wężyk niebieski do nabłyszczacza
Slang blauw voor naglansmiddel

Deckel Reiniger- bzw. Klarspülerbehälter

Lid for detergent resp. rinse aid container
Couvercle pour conteneur de détergent, resp. produit tensio-actif
Tappo per canistre detergente o brillantante
Tapa del depósito de detergente o abrillantador
Nakrętka kanistra z płynem do mycia lub z nabłyszczaczem
Deksel zeep- resp. naglanscontainer

ACHTUNG! Saugleitung von Wärmequellen fernhalten!

ATTENTION! Keep away suction line from heating sources!
ATTENTION! Ecartez la conduite d'aspiration de toute source de chaleur!
ATTENZIONE! Tenere il tubo d´aspirazione lontano da fonti di calore!
¡ATENCION! ¡Mantenga el tubo de aspiración alejado de las fuentes de calor!
UWAGA! Układ ssący należy trzymać z dala od źródeł ciepła!
LET OP! Aanzuigleiding van warmtebronnen verwijderd houden!
Saugleitung 7-sprachig_2009-09.doc / 15.09.2009 / BP

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Anschlussvorschrift für Laugenpumpe
Connection prescription for drain pump 8.97/LP 7
Prescription de connexion pour pompe de vidange sprachig.DOC

Prescrizioni di collegamento per la pompa scarico

Prescripciones para la conexión de la bomba de vaciado
Reguła instalacji pompy spustowej
Aansluitschema voor machine met afvoerpomp

Druckleitung, durchgehend steigend verlegt

Freier Auslauf Pressure pipe continuously ascending
Air gap Tuyau de pression continuellement ascendant
Système anti-refoulement avec Tubo di pressione, montato con salita continua
disconnecteur atmosphèrique Tubo de presión, continuamente ascendente
Air gap Układ ciśnieniowy wznoszący w pionie
Sistema air gap Drukleiding, stijgend gemonteerd
System wolny wlot (air gap)
Vrij uitloop
Max. 800

Ablaufverrohrung mit Siphon bauseits

Drain pipework with siphon, locally
Drain pump
Tuyauterie de vidange avec siphon sur place
Pompe de vidange
Scarico con sifone a cura del committente
Pompa di scarico
Tubería de desagüe con sifón, a cargo del cliente
Bomba de vaciado
Orurowanie kanalizacyjne z syfonem przez klienta
Pompa spustowa
Afvoer met sifon, bouwkundig
Saugleitung Afvoerpomp
Suction pipe
Tuyau d`aspiration
Tubo d`aspirazione
Tubo de aspiración
Układ ssący

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Geschirrspülautomaten Sonderwaschanlagen
Gläserspülautomaten Förderanlagen
Topfwaschautomaten Speisereste-Anlagen
Universalwaschautomaten Kücheneinrichtungen
Salat- u. Gemüsewaschautomaten Pflegeeinrichtungen
Vollautomatische Spülanlagen Reinigungs- und Desinfektionsautomaten

- Konformitätserklärung Datum: 2009-12-29 (Update)

CE Declaration of Conformity / Déclaration de conformité CE / Dichiarazione di conformità CE / Declaración de conformidad CE / CE-conformiteitsverklaring

Firma / Company/Société / Ditta / Empresa / Fabrikant: MEIKO Maschinenbau GmbH & Co. KG
Adresse / Address / Adresse / Indirizzo / Dirección / Adres: Englerstraße 3
D-77652 Offenburg
E-mail: [email protected]

Auftrag Nr.
Order no. / No. de commande / No. d’ordine / No. de pedido / Opdracht nr.:

Spülmaschine Typ FV 28 G FV 130 B DV 80 T DV 120.2 EcoStar 430 F OR 50 H

Dishwasher model FV 28 GiO FV 250 B DV 80.2 DV 200.2 EcoStar 530 F-M GK 60
Lave-vaisselle modèle FV 40.2 FV 130.2 DV 125.2 DV 200.2 PW EcoStar 545 D-M
Lavastoviglie modello
Lavavajillas modelo
FV 40.2 G FV 250.2 DV 270 B
Modelo de lavavajillas FV 60.2 DV 270.2
Vaatwasmachine model FV 70.2

Declaration of Conformity / Déclaration de conformité / Dichiarazione di conformità / Declaración de conformidad / Conformitetsverklaring:

Hiermit bescheinigen wir in alleiniger Verantwortung die Konformität des Erzeugnisses mit den grundlegenden Anforderungen d
folgenden EG-Richtlinien, harmonisierten Normen, nationalen Normen.
We hereby declare at our sole responsibility that the product conforms to the essential requirements of the following EC Directives, harmonized standards,
national standards.

Par la présente nous certifions sous notre seule responsabilité la conformité du produit avec les exigences fondamentales des directives CE,
normes harmonisées et normes nationales suivantes.

Con la presente dichiariamo sotto la nostra responsabilità la conformità del prodotto con i regolamenti basilari delle seguenti direttive CE,
normative armonizzate e normative nazionali.

Por la presente declaramos bajo nuestra sola responsabilidad que nuestros productos están en conformidad con las exigencias básicas de las siguientes
directivas de la CE, normas homologadas y normas nacionales.

Hiermee verklaren wij onder geheel eigen verantwoordelijkheid de conformiteit van het product met de fundamentele en gestelde eisen volgens
EG-richtlijnen, geharmoniseerde normen en nationale normen.

EG-Richtlinie / EC Directive / Directive CE / Regolamento CE / Directiva CE / EG-richtlijn


Offenburg, 17.12.2009
Dokumentationsverantwortlicher: Responsible for documentation / Responsable de la documentation / Responsabile della
documentazione/ Responsable de la documentación / Voor deze documentatie verantwoordelijk
Daniel Ratano
MEIKO Maschinenbau GmbH & Co. KG, Englerstr. 3 – 77652 Offenburg - Germany

Unterschrift / Signature / Signature / Firma / Firma / Handtekening

Konstruktion / Design Engineering Department / Dpt. Construction / Reparto Costruzione / Depto. de diseño / Constructie
MEIKO Maschinenbau GmbH & Co. KG
(per procura)

Dr. Thomas Peukert

(Leiter Entwicklung und Konstruktion)
Head of Development / Design / Responsable Développement / Construction / Direttore Sviluppo /
Costruzione / Jefe de la sección de desarrollo y diseño / Chef Ontwikkeling/Constructie

Postanschrift / Postal Address / Adresse postale: MEIKO Maschinenbau GmbH & Co. KG Deutsche Bank AG Offenburg (BLZ 664 700 35) 0416800
Englerstr. 3 – 77652 Offenburg – Postfach 2040 – 77610 Offenburg - Germany BIC DEUTDE6F664 – IBAN: DE13 6647 0035 0041 6800 00
Telefon: +49 781 203-0 – Telefax +49 781-203-1179- - email: [email protected] Volksbank Offenburg eG (BLZ 664 900 00) 189103
MEIKO Maschinenbau GmbH & Co. KG – Offenburg – HRA Offenburg 470 603 BIC GENODE61OG1 – IBAN: DE55 6649 0000 0000 1891 03
Komplementär GmbH: MEIKO Verwaltungs GmbH – HRB Offenburg 470 421 Sparkasse Offenburg/Ortenau (BLZ 664 500 50) 00-012112
Geschäftsführer: Dipl. Kfm. Burkhard Randel – Dr. Ing. Stefan Scheringer BIC SOLADES10FG – IBAN: DE15 6645 0050 0000 0121 12
Ust-IdNr.: DE 142540206 – StNr. 14073/21602 Postgiro Karlsruhe (BLZ 660 100 75) 31522-752

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