Op Manual Series FX-18-01

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Dishwasher ranges

Installation and EN
Operation Manual
(Original operating manual)

DSN: FX / GC-18-01
From: 866900001 / 866100001 11. Jul. 2019
EN GC/GCP GX/GP FX/FP Installation and Operation Manual

Table of Contents

1 Notes on the documentation 4

1.1 Application 4
1.2 Layout of the documentation 4
1.3 Symbols used 4

2 Safety instructions and regulations 5

2.1 Hazard levels 5
2.2 Layout of safety instructions 5
2.3 Basic safety instructions 5
2.4 Property damage 7

3 Product description 7
3.1 Intended purpose 7
3.2 Designation 7
3.3 Technical specifications 7

4 Controls 8
4.1 Controls 8
4.2 Overview of main display functions 9
4.3 Navigating, selecting and setting 9

5 Installation 9
5.1 Personnel qualification 9
5.2 Special safety instructions 9
5.3 Transporting to the installation location 10
5.4 Removing the packaging 10
5.5 Installing the machine 10
5.6 Connecting to the power supply 11
5.7 Connecting the water 11
5.8 Connecting the drain 12
5.9 Retrofitting integrated chemical container (optional) 12
5.10 Retrofitting chemical suction lances with low-level sensors (optional) 12

6 Commissioning 13
6.1 Personnel qualification 13
6.2 Checking the software version 13
6.3 Starting the commissioning procedure 13
6.4 Setting the language 13
6.5 Setting the date 13
6.6 Setting the time 14
6.7 Select connected load 14
6.8 Setting the water hardness (optional) 14
6.9 Filling the salt reservoir (optional) 14
6.10 Filling the chemical container and suction hoses 15

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6.11 WLAN 16
6.12 Completing the commissioning procedure 16

7 Operation 16
7.1 Personnel qualification 16
7.2 Special safety instructions 17
7.3 Notes for optimum washing result 17
7.4 Preparations for washing 17
7.5 Displaying and selecting the program 18
7.6 Washing 19
7.7 Switch off machine 20
7.8 Cleaning 20
7.9 Executing hygiene cleaning 21
7.10 Executing the basic cleaning program for washware 21
7.11 Displaying the temperatures 22

8 Setting options, operating and hygiene data 22

8.1 Information on the operation, machine and service contact data 23
8.2 Setting options and hygiene data 24
8.3 Making the general settings 25
8.4 Setting the display indications 25
8.5 Setting the acoustic signal 26
8.6 Making the chemical settings 26
8.7 Monitoring external water treatment 26
8.8 Setting the water hardness (optional) 27
8.9 Setting VAPOSTOP² and TOP-DRY 27
8.10 Hygiene and operating data 27
8.11 Setting the timer 27
8.12 WLAN 27
8.13 Temperature level 28

9 Fault indications and problems 28

9.1 Fault indications 28
9.2 Remedying the problem 31

10 Maintenance 32

11 Disposal 33

12 Product disclaimer 33

13 Conformity 34

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Notes on the documentation

1 Notes on the documentation

1.1 Application
This document contains the most important information for the installation and commissioning of the machine by
qualified personnel, as well as the information required for day-to-day operation by the operator.
▶ Keep the operation manual and all referenced documents in a safe and accessible place.
▶ Store the operation manual in a suitable container protected from humidity and dirt deposits.
▶ If you sell the machine, pass on the installation and operation manual.

1.2 Layout of the documentation

Referenced documents are all instructions that describe the installation, operation, maintenance and repair of the
device, as well as additional instructions for all accessories used.
For the operator:
‒ Comic Card (brief instructions)
‒ Operating instructions
For the specialised tradesman:
‒ Installation instructions
‒ Service Manual
‒ Service Software Manual
‒ Trouble shooting list
‒ Circuit diagram
‒ Spare parts catalogue

1.3 Symbols used

Symbol Meaning
Warning of hazardous electrical voltage

Beware of explosion

Warning of risk of crushing

Beware of hazardous substances

Beware of hand injuries

Beware of slipping

Beware of hazard area

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Installation and Operation Manual
Safety instructions and regulations

Symbol Meaning
Useful additional information and tips

2 Safety instructions and regulations

2.1 Hazard levels

The hazard level is part of the safety instructions and is denoted by the signal word.
Potential consequences are differentiated by the choice of signal word.

imminent danger:
DANGER results in serious physical injury or death

potentially hazardous situation:

WARNING can cause serious physical injury or death

potentially hazardous situation:

CAUTION can cause minor physical injury

potentially harmful situation:

NOTICE can cause damage to the product or other objects

2.2 Layout of safety instructions

These warning notices are depicted with warning symbols and signal words in the corresponding safety colours.

Nature and source of the hazard
Explanation on the nature and source of the hazard
▶ Measures for averting the hazard
▶ Additional measures for averting the hazard, where applicable

2.3 Basic safety instructions

2.3.1 Product safety
The machine conforms to state-of-the-art technology and the recognised safety regulations. Nonetheless, hazards
may occur.
▶ Operate the machine only in compliance with the operation manual.
▶ During machine handling, observe the safety instructions and warning notices that precede each action.
All modifications and alterations to the product are reserved for persons authorised by HOBART.

2.3.2 Personnel qualification

▶ Observe the regulations on occupational health and safety.
▶ Carefully read through the Operation Manual before use.

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Safety instructions and regulations

Activity User group Qualification/training

Installation Qualified personnel Hobart Service or an electrically qualified person trained by
Hobart or a competent person acc. to the German technical
regulations for occupational safety (TRBS 1203) trained by
Trainees Only under professional supervision and examination
Commissioning Qualified personnel Hobart Service or an electrically qualified person trained by
Hobart or a competent person acc. to the German technical
regulations for occupational safety (TRBS 1203) trained by
Trainees Only under professional supervision and examination
Work on electrical sys- Qualified personnel Hobart Service or an electrically qualified person trained by
tem Hobart or a competent person acc. to the German technical
regulations for occupational safety (TRBS 1203) trained by
Work on refrigeration Qualified personnel Category 1 expert certified in accordance with:
systems - Ordinance (EU) No. 517/2014 Article 10
- Implementing regulation (EU) 2015/2067
- German Chemicals Climate Protection Ordinance §5
Operation Operating personnel Only under supervision and after instruction by the operator on
and persons over the the basis of the operating instructions, instructions on dangers
age of 14
Disabled persons The suitability must be assessed by the operator on an individ-
ual basis
Persons up to the age Persons up to the age of 13 are not suited for machine opera-
of 13 tion
Maintenance, repair Qualified personnel Hobart Service or an electrically qualified person trained by
Hobart or a competent person acc. to the German technical
regulations for occupational safety (TRBS 1203) trained by
Trainees Only under professional supervision and examination

2.3.3 Product-specific hazards

Avoid body parts being crushed or knocked:
▶ Observe the instructions on the packaging for storage, lifting or transporting.
Avoid risk of explosion:
▶ Do not install machine in a potentially-explosive location.
Avoid electric shock, fire hazard:
▶ Do not allow water to flow over live components.
‒ Make sure the machine does not overflow when being filled.
▶ Do not damage the connection cable while unpacking.
▶ Have the machine connected to the power supply only by qualified personnel.
▶ Have all modifications to the machine carried out by qualified personnel.
▶ Do not operate the machine without supervision.
▶ Disconnect the machine from the mains prior to cleaning.
Avoid chemical burns, sensitisation of the skin, poisoning:
▶ Wear protective equipment (gloves, safety goggles, protective clothing) when handling chemicals.

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Product description

▶ Do not open the machine during operation, wait for the program to finish.
▶ Wear protective equipment (gloves, safety goggles, protective clothing) when cleaning parts contaminated by
washing solution.
Avoid burns, scalds (to the hands):
▶ Do not open the machine during operation, wait for the program to finish.
Otherwise, hot water could spray out.
Avoid slipping:
Moisture can build up on the machine floor.
▶ Use a suitable floor covering to prevent this from causing a slipping hazard.

2.3.4 Additional hazards

Potential hazards caused by operating resources to be used can be found in the enclosed safety datasheets. Work-
places must be signed accordingly.

2.4 Property damage

Avoid frost damage:
Temperatures below 0°C lead to functional damage.
▶ Before storing below 0°C, empty residual water in hoses, tank and boiler.
▶ Prior to restart, store the machine at room temperature (min. 15°C) for 24h.
Avoid water damage:
▶ Do not operate the machine without supervision.
▶ Close on-site shut-off valves at the end of operation.

3 Product description

3.1 Intended purpose

The machine is an item of technical equipment intended solely for commercial dishwashing.
The machine is designed solely for cleaning crockery (porcelain, glass, ceramic, temperature-resistant plastics or
stainless steel or similar) from the food industry.
Not for washing:
‒ Containers that do not come into contact with foodstuffs, such as ashtrays, candlesticks, electric appliances etc.
‒ Animals or textiles
‒ Foodstuffs intended for further consumption

3.2 Designation
The rating plate is located on the front of the machine. If you have any questions regarding service and parts, quote
the serial and DSN No.

3.3 Technical specifications

Dimensions (H x W x D) 705 x 460 x 705 x 600 x 825 x 600 x 825 x 600 x
590 mm 603 mm 603 mm 640 mm
Water consumption per basket 1.9 to 3.2 l* 2 to 4 l* 2 to 10.6 l* 2 to 10.6 l*

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Voltage see rating plate
Total connected load
Fuse protection
Tank capacity 8l 10.6 l 10.6 l 10.6 l
Loading height 315 mm 305 mm 425 mm 425 mm
Emission sound pressure level LpA 58 dB (A) 61 dB (A) 61 dB (A) 61 dB (A)
(measurement uncertainty kpA= 2.5
Weight 50 kg 59 kg 60 kg 60 kg
* Depending on programme and entry of dirt / FP with 1 l In Eco programme

4 Controls

4.1 Controls

2 1 4 4 3 4

4 4

① ON/OFF button Tapping this button switches the machine on.

As soon as the machine is ready for operation, the wash programme can be
started by tapping the button.
Holding the button for 3 seconds activates the automatic drain and self-
cleaning cycle and switches off the machine. After switch off, however, the
machine is not voltage free!
The button also shows the current operating state through different colours
(see section 7.4.1 ff. and section 9)
② STOP button In case of handling errors or machine faults, this key can be used to switch
off the machine immediately without prior pump out.
After switch off, however, the machine is not voltage free!
③ Display Selection menu / fault and information displays
④ Display buttons Context-specific, integrated into the touch screen and identified by symbols

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4.2 Overview of main display functions

Tapping on the symbol enables direct access to
Temperature display
Programme selection
Machine/operating data and login for further settings and displays

4.3 Navigating, selecting and setting

Current settings are shown inversely. The display buttons are context-specific,
used for navigation or selection and identified by symbols. Example - Make the
desired selection via the Up/Down arrow symbol or the Left/Right arrow symbol
or set via the +/- symbol. A selection different to the current setting is indicated
by a frame. Confirm the selection by tapping the tick symbol.

The back symbol enables you to return to a previous menu level or complete a

5 Installation

5.1 Personnel qualification

Installation must only be carried out by qualified personnel (see section 2.3.2).

5.2 Special safety instructions

Risk of being crushed or knocked
When being lifted, transported and mounted on an optional substructure, the machine can overturn
or fall and cause injury.
▶ Heed information on the packaging. Wear personal protective equipment.

Frost damage
Temperatures below 0°C during transport/storage cause function impairments.
▶ Prior to installation, store the machine at room temperature (min. 15°C) for 24h.

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5.3 Transporting to the installation location

▶ If possible transport the machine in its packaging and on the

▶ Use suitable transport means (elevating truck, crane etc.).

▶ If using a forklift, shim the machine with wooden trusses.
▶ Secure the door to prevent opening when transporting without packaging.

5.4 Removing the packaging

Risk of electric shock, fire hazard
When the machine is unpacked, the connection cable can become damaged and later cause injury
from electric shock or fire.
▶ Do not damage the connection cable while unpacking the machine.

▶ Remove packaging materials and accessories from the machine.

▶ Inspect the machine for possible transport damage.

5.5 Installing the machine

Risk of electric shock, fire hazard
Water ingress can cause short circuit and mortal danger from electric shock and fire.
▶ Machine must be shimmed and must be accessible only from the front. Otherwise a back
cover (optional) must be installed.

Risk of explosion
Installing the machine in a potentially explosive location can cause explosion and serious injury
EX from ejected parts.
▶ Do not install machine in a potentially-explosive location.

Wall clearance is not required.

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▶ Align machine horizontally with the aid of a spirit level by turning the adjustable feet until the door handle is flush
with the control panel.

Property damage
Vapour may escape from the dishwasher door and lead to property damage.
▶ Adjacent furniture has to be protected to prevent swelling.

5.6 Connecting to the power supply

Risk of electric shock
Failure to connect properly to the power supply can cause mortal danger from electric shock.
▶ Have the machine connected to the power supply only by qualified personnel.

NOTE: To guarantee the electrical safety of the machine, it must be connected to a protective earthing
equipment conductor installed as specified. In addition, the machine must be connected on site to the
equipotential bonding connection. The connecting screw ( ) provided for this purpose is located next to
the cable inlet.
These fundamental safety requirements and the professional design of the on-site installation must be
verified by a qualified electrician.
Hobart does not accept any liability for damage caused by improper installation! Any applicable local
installation instructions must be observed!
The mains cable must be connected via a cut-out device (main switch or accessible plug device).
Modification to an alternative power supply is possible as per the variants on the circuit diagram. Connection dia-
grams are located adjacent to the connection terminals.

5.7 Connecting the water

NOTE: The machine must be operated with potable water. For water with an extremely high mineral con-
tent, an external demineralisation unit is recommended.
▶ If possible, connect to warm water (max. 60 °C).
▶ Connect variants with cold rinse to cold water.
Water hardness:
‒ Machines without softener: max. 3 °d = 0.5 mmol/l.
‒ Machines with softener: max. 35 °d = 6.2 mmol/l.
Flow pressure:
‒ Machines without softener: flow pressure 0.5 – 10 bar.
‒ Machines with softener: flow pressure 0.8 – 10 bar.
‒ If the flow pressure > 10 bar: provide pressure reducing valve.

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▶ Connect the union nut "A" (3/4" thread) of the water supply hose to
the site shut off valve.

▶ Do not kink or cut the water supply hose.

▶ Any required extension must be executed using a suitable pressure hose, e.g. 324088-1.

5.8 Connecting the drain

▶ Connect the drain hose to a site drain.
The connection between machine and site drain must not exceed a max. height of 0.75 m.

max. 0.75 m
▶ Do not kink or lay the drain hose loose on the ground.

5.9 Retrofitting integrated chemical container (optional)

Risk of electric shock
When touching live parts (hot water tank heater, tank heater, pumps).
▶ Have mounted by qualified personnel only.

▶ Install according to separate installation instructions.

5.10 Retrofitting chemical suction lances with low-level sensors (optional)

Risk of electric shock
When touching live parts (hot water tank heater, tank heater, pumps).
▶ Have mounted by qualified personnel only.

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▶ Install according to separate installation instructions.

6 Commissioning

6.1 Personnel qualification

Commissioning must only be carried out by qualified personnel (see section 2.3.2).

6.2 Checking the software version

Check the software version in service mode and update it if necessary.

6.3 Starting the commissioning procedure

When the machine is turned on for the first time, the commissioning procedure starts automatically with the lan-
guage selection, followed by further requisite commissioning steps.
▶ Tap ON/OFF button.

Display is activated.
The set language menu is displayed.

6.4 Setting the language

▶ Select the required language using the Up/Down symbol.

▶ Tap the tick symbol.

The language is activated.

The Set date menu is displayed.

6.5 Setting the date

▶ Make settings using the Up/Down symbol.

▶ Use the Left/Right symbol to toggle between Day/Month/Year.

▶ Tap the tick symbol.

The date is activated.

The Set time menu is displayed.

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6.6 Setting the time

▶ Make settings using the Up/Down symbol.

▶ Use the Left/Right symbol to toggle between hours and minutes.

▶ Tap the tick symbol.

The time is activated.

6.7 Select connected load

This ensures the consumption is correctly calculated. The value must be adapted for alternative connection var-
iants (according to information in wiring diagram).
▶ Set using the Up/Down symbol.

▶ Tap the tick symbol.

Selection is activated.

6.8 Setting the water hardness (optional)

On machines with integrated softener, make the water hardness setting to the local water supply.
▶ Set using the Up/Down symbol.

▶ Tap the tick symbol.

Water hardness is activated.

6.9 Filling the salt reservoir (optional)

On machines with integrated softener, an instruction to fill the salt reservoir appears during commissioning.

Property damage
Accidentally filling the salt reservoir with detergent will damage the water softener.
▶ Do not fill the salt reservoir with detergent.

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▶ Open the door.

▶ Unscrew the salt reservoir lid and add 1.5 kg of granular
(2-8 mm) regenerating salt (do not use salt tablets).

▶ Fill up the reservoir with potable water (only at commissioning).

▶ Make sure the lid seal is free of dirt and salt.
▶ Screw lid back on and tighten.

Property damage
Salt residues on the tank floor cause corrosion damage.
▶ Remove salt residues by hand.
▶ Start a wash programme to remove all traces of salt if necessary.

▶ To continue the commissioning procedure, tap the tick symbol.

6.10 Filling the chemical container and suction hoses

We recommend the use of HOBART Hyline detergent and rinse aid.

CAUTION: Mixing chemicals in the hose when exchanging chemicals can lead to crystallisation and dam-
age to the hoses and dosing units. This is prevented by intermediary rinsing with water (see section 8.6).
Failure to comply with this information will invalidate the guarantee and product liability.

Chemical burns, sensitisation of the skin, poisoning
Incorrect handling of detergent or rinse aid can lead to serious injuries.
▶ Use only commercially available detergents and rinse aid (for industrial use).
▶ Observe the manufacturer's application and safety instructions.
▶ Wear protective equipment (gloves, safety goggles, protective clothing) when handling chemi-

6.10.1 Provisioning external chemical canisters

On machines without integrated chemical container, an instruction to insert the suction hoses into external canis-
ters appears. Suction height of dosing pump: max. 1.5 m.

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▶ Place suction hose without colour marking at the suction valve down to the bottom of a detergent container.
▶ Place suction hose with blue marking at the suction valve down to the bottom of a rinse aid container.
▶ Tap the tick symbol.

Instruction "Close the machine door" is displayed.

▶ Close door and tap the tick symbol.

Suction hose filling is activated and visualised in the display by a time bar.

6.10.2 Filling integrated chemical containers (optional)

On machines with retrofitted, integrated containers, the instruction to fill the chemical containers appears.
▶ Open the frontal covering forwards.
▶ Fill the colourless container with detergent to the "MAX" mark using a funnel. Do not overfill the container!
▶ Fill the blue container with rinse aid to the "MAX" mark using a funnel. Do not overfill the container!
▶ Tap the tick symbol.

The instruction "Close the machine door" is displayed.

▶ Close doors and tap the tick symbol.

Suction hose filling is activated and visualised in the display by a time bar.

6.11 WLAN
Depending on the language selection, a prompt may appear asking whether the presence of a country approval
was checked at www.washsmart.info.
▶ Set using the Up/Down symbol.

▶ Tap the tick symbol.

Selection is activated.

6.12 Completing the commissioning procedure

The machine can be started or alternatively switched off.
▶ Tap the Up/Down symbol until the required setting is highlighted.

▶ Tap the Up/Down symbol.

Machine starts or switches off.

7 Operation

7.1 Personnel qualification

The machine must be operated by instructed personnel (see section 2.3.2).

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7.2 Special safety instructions

Chemical burns, sensitisation of the skin, poisoning, burning
If the Door is opened during operation, vapour can escape and/or wash water can spurt out and
cause injury.
▶ Do not open the Door during operation, wait for the program to finish.

Danger of slipping
Moisture can build up on the machine floor and cause slipping.
▶ Provide a floor covering that is guaranteed to be non-slip in case of moisture.

7.3 Notes for optimum washing result

The rinse result is significantly affected by the water quality. The minerals dissolved in the water become visible on
the washware in the form of spots and streaks during the drying process.

If the mineral content is high, we recommend the use of a HOBART HYDROLINE demineralising

Before washing new glasses the first time with a commercial glass washer, intensive basic cleaning is mandatory to
reduce the greasy film which is on most glasses for protection during production. We recommend this basic clean is
carried out by hand (wear gloves) with a higher detergent concentration (minimum 10 g/l) in a sink using a brush.
Alternatively, the programme described in section 7.10 can also be used.

7.4 Preparations for washing

7.4.1 Preparing the machine
▶ Check correct position of wash/rinse arms and strainers.
▶ Open site shut-off valve.
▶ Turn on main switch or insert the plug.
▶ Check level of detergent and rinse aid container.
▶ Close the door.
▶ Tap the ON/OFF button.

Machine is switched on.

The tank is filled.
The ON/OFF button will become gradually green during the filling
and heating cycle. This process can take several minutes.

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When the button becomes completely green, the machine is ready

for operation.

7.4.2 Preparing the washware

▶ Remove any food residue.
▶ Place wash ware face down in the rack.
NOTE: We recommend using mesh baskets for the PREMAX models GP and GPC.

7.5 Displaying and selecting the program

7.5.1 Programme overview

Programme Description GC GCP GX GP FX FP

Short For slight dirt deposits X
Standard For normal dirt deposits X
Intensive For normal dirt deposits/extended
X --
ECO Economy programme for light to nor-
-- X
mal dirt deposits
Cold For normal dirt deposits and glass
X --
Intensive with For heavier dirt deposits. With tank
-- X
water exchange water change
Duration For heavy dirt deposits -- X
Cutlery For thorough cutlery cleaning -- X -- X
Hygiene For machine cleaning (see 7.9) X
Basic cleaning For removing stubborn deposits (see
Cold prewash For rinsing albuminous soil deposits optional - for FXL only

X = Programme available
-- = Programme not available

7.5.2 Displaying and selecting the program

The standard programme is automatically selected after switching on. If necessary, a different programme can be

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▶ To display the current programme, tap the programme selection

symbol before the start.

The programme selection list is displayed.

The programme currently selected is inversely highlighted.

▶ Select a different programme using the Up/Down symbol.

▶ Confirm with the tick symbol.

▶ The programme selection list can be exited without changes by tapping the back symbol.

7.6 Washing
▶ Slide rack into the machine and close the doors.
▶ Tap the ON/OFF button.

While the programme is running, the ON/OFF button gradually

changes from blue back to green.

As soon as the ON/OFF button illuminates completely green

again, the wash cycle is finished.

With PREMAX models, a drying and condensation process (3 minutes duration) automatically starts at the end of
the wash programme (as soon as it is activated). This can be interrupted at any time by opening the door.

With the GCP model, condensate can drip from above on the door. For technical reasons, the dryer
fan also switches on temporarily in stand-by-mode.

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▶ Open the door and remove the rack.

▶ Allow the wash ware enough time to dry.

7.7 Switch off machine

▶ Close the door.
▶ Push the ON/OFF button for three seconds.

The machine drains the tank and rinses the machine inte-
rior. At the same time, the ON/OFF button gradually
changes from green back to colourless.

The machine then switches off.

When the ON/OFF button has extinguished completely:
▶ Turn off main switch or remove the plug.
▶ Close on-site shut-off valve.

If no button is pressed, the machine switches off automatically after 6 hours, but will not pump out.

7.8 Cleaning

Property damage
The use of unsuitable agents can cause corrosion or damage to the surfaces.
▶ Do not use any chlorine-containing, acidic or metal-containing additives to clean the machine.
▶ Do not use metal sponges.

▶ Turn off main switch or remove the plug.

▶ Open the door.
7.8.1 Executing daily cleaning
▶ Remove sieves and clean. Make sure that food debris does not enter pump intake!
▶ Flush the fine strainer under running water.
▶ Clean machine areas that cannot be reached by the water circulation (door sealing, etc.).
▶ Replace strainer.
▶ Leave the door open for ventilation.
▶ Check the surface of the operating panel and clean if required.

7.8.2 Executing weekly cleaning

▶ Push and hold the clip fastener on the wash and rinse arms, remove the wash and rinse arms and clean.
▶ Replace the wash and rinse arms.

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7.9 Executing hygiene cleaning

When a pre-set number of rinse cycles has been reached, the instruction "Execute hygiene program" appears in
the display, indicating that an automatic hygiene clean of the machine interior should be executed.
▶ Before end of operation, remove the rack and place a HOBART hygiene tab in the machine interior.
▶ Close the door.
▶ Tap the programme selection symbol.

▶ Use the Up/Down symbol to select the hygiene programme.

▶ Confirm with the tick symbol.

▶ Tap the ON/OFF button.

As the hygiene program runs (duration approx. 10 minutes),

the green illuminated segments extinguish successively.

At the end of the programme, the machine switches off automatically.

If necessary, hygiene clean should be executed before the pre-set number of rinse cycles is
reached. With regular use, the machine interior will remain free of food residues and deposits.

7.10 Executing the basic cleaning program for washware

Special program for removing stubborn coatings/deposits on washware (e.g. protective film on new glasses, starch

Chemical burns, sensitisation of the skin, poisoning
The use of unsuitable chemicals can cause injury.
▶ Manual addition of a special agent as recommended by your chemical supplier.
▶ Observe the manufacturer's application and safety instructions.

▶ Open the door.

▶ Manually remove coarse soil from tank cover.
▶ According to the individual dosing recommendations, add the
powder quantity required for the tank content (see 3.3) to the
flat side of the tank.

▶ Tap the programme selection symbol.

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Setting options, operating and hygiene data

▶ Select the basic cleaning programme using the Up/Down symbol.

▶ Confirm with the tick symbol.

▶ Slide the loaded rack into the machine and close the door.
▶ Tap the ON/OFF button.

While the program is running (duration approx. 6 minutes),

the ON/OFF button gradually changes from blue back to

As soon as the ON/OFF button illuminates green again, the rinse cycle is finished.

For each subsequent basic cleaning cycle, 4 litres of water must be added manually.

7.11 Displaying the temperatures

▶ Tap on the Temperature symbol.

The effectively reached washing and rinsing temperatures of the last wash programme are displayed.

8 Setting options, operating and hygiene data

Possible in stand-by and washing operation when the machine is switched on.
▶ Tap the Select menu symbol.

22 0000000246-001-EN / 11. Jul. 2019 HOBART

Installation and Operation Manual
Setting options, operating and hygiene data

▶ The login and information selection is displayed.

‒ Service login gives trained technicians access to further setting options.

‒ The Head login enables the operator access to the settings and data described below.
‒ Information provides access to operating data, machines and service contact data (if saved).
For navigating, selecting and exiting in the individual menus, see section 4.3.

8.1 Information on the operation, machine and service contact data

▶ In the top menu level, select "Information" using the Up/Down
symbol and confirm with the tick symbol.

The submenu is displayed.

Submenu Selection
Machine type Displays machine type and serial number
Operating data Lists the commissioning data and counter readings for operating hours, wash cycles,
water and power consumption
Service addresses Displays the saved Service contact phone numbers

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EN GC/GCP GX/GP FX/FP Installation and Operation Manual

Setting options, operating and hygiene data

8.2 Setting options and hygiene data

8.2.1 Accessing setting options and hygiene data
▶ Select Head login in the top menu level using the Up/Down
symbol and confirm with the tick symbol.

PIN input is shown.

Enter PIN code "1111":

▶ Set the first number using the Up/Down symbol.

▶ Skip to the next number via the tick symbol.

▶ The back symbol enables you to exit or return to the previous number.

Once the code has been correctly entered, the submenus available for settings and hygiene data are dis-

8.2.2 Overview of selection menu for settings and hygiene data

Main menu Selection

General settings Language
Temperature unit
Display indications Programme representation
Temperature display
Acoustic signal On/Off
Chemical settings Rinse aid dosing
Detergent dosing
Filling chemical hoses
Rinse aid density
Cleaner density

24 0000000246-001-EN / 11. Jul. 2019 HOBART

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Setting options, operating and hygiene data

Main menu Selection

External water treatment Set counter
Reset counter
Remaining water quantity
Activate/deactivate (not for RO-I)
Degree of hardness Setting
VAPOSTOP²/TOP-DRY Standard mode
Silent mode
Hygiene Hygiene programme reminder
Display report
Transmit report
Timer Activate/deactivate
WLAN Activate/deactivate
Connection wizard
Request access code
Connection test before access code
Manual setup
Temperature level Europe

8.3 Making the general settings

Submenu Selection
Language Languages available
Date/Format Date setting and formats:
Time/Format Time setting and format:
Temperature unit °C / °F

Tapping the format symbol when setting date and time allows the display format to be changed as
Complete the setting by tapping the back symbol.

8.4 Setting the display indications

Submenu Selection
Programme representation Assigning the symbols to the wash programmes
Step 1: select the relevant wash programme
Step 2: select the required symbol
Finish: Tap the back symbol.

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Setting options, operating and hygiene data

Submenu Selection
Display brightness
Temperature display Activate/deactivate the permanent display
Current/maximum temperature measurement

8.5 Setting the acoustic signal

Submenu Selection
Acoustic signal Sound on / sound off

8.6 Making the chemical settings

Submenu Selection
Rinse aid dosing Factory setting: 0.30 g/l
Possible range: 0–2.0 g/l
Detergent dosing Factory setting: 2.5 g/l
Possible range: 0–9.5 g/l
Filling chemical hoses Fill detergent dosing hose NO/YES
Fill rinse aid suction hose NO/YES
Rinse aid density Factory setting: 1 g/cm³
Possible range: 0.9–1.5 g/cm³
Cleaner density Factory setting: 1 g/cm³
Possible range: 0.9–1.5 g/cm³

If in the Fill chemical hoses submenu, the prompt Fill detergent suction hose and/or Fill rinse aid suction
hose are set to Yes, the filling process will start.
The filling process is visualised in the display by a time bar.
NOTE: The hose filling for detergent only functions when the door/hood is closed.
It can be stopped by tapping the Abort button if necessary.

8.7 Monitoring external water treatment

This allows you to monitor the capacity of an external water treatment or a pre-filter based on the water flow.

Submenu Selection
Set counter Determine the initial value (factory setting = 14000 litres)
Reset counter NO
YES (resets the current counter reading to the initial value)
Remaining water quantity Displays the actual counter reading (residual capacity)
Activate/deactivate Activates or deactivates (factory setting) the function
Not an option with ROI

26 0000000246-001-EN / 11. Jul. 2019 HOBART

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Setting options, operating and hygiene data

8.8 Setting the water hardness (optional)

Submenu Selection
Degree of hardness Setting to the water hardness of the local water supply
Factory setting: 30°dH
Possible range: 0–35°dH

8.9 Setting VAPOSTOP² and TOP-DRY

Submenu Selection
VAPOSTOP²/TOP-DRY Standard mode
Silent mode (reduces fan noise to 4 dB (A), increases run time)

8.10 Hygiene and operating data

Submenu Selection
Hygiene programme reminder Activates (factory setting) or deactivates the reminder mes-
sage to run a hygiene programme at the end of the preset
number of cycles
Display report
Transmit report

The machine automatically reports all operating and hygiene-relevant events (e.g. wash programme, error mes-
sages) with their time.
The report can be either shown on the display or transmitted to a USB stick in txt format.
The reporting starts with the current date and the last event that occurred on this day. The previous events then
A maximum of 1500 events are saved. Older records are overwritten.
Also listed are commissioning, temperature and dosing settings, counter readings and number of wash pro-
grammes run.

8.11 Setting the timer

Times for automatic machine switch-on can be defined here.

Submenu Selection
Activate/deactivate Activates or deactivates (factory setting) the function
Settings Here, a switch-on time can be set individually for each week day

A small clock symbol remains in the top left-hand section of the display for 30 minutes after the machine has been
activated and turned off

8.12 WLAN
Important: The functionality outside of Europe depends on the availability of a local approval for the radio module.
Contact your local Hobart distributor or visit www.washsmart.info

Submenu Selection
Activate/deactivate Activates or deactivates (factory setting) the function.
Status Shows details of the connection (SSID of network, signal strength, channel , IP etc).

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Fault indications and problems

Submenu Selection
Connection wizard Step-by-step guide to establishing a connection.
Can be selected using the following options:
‒ Search for network
‒ WPS: Simplified procedure by pressing the button on the router
‒ Add network (for hidden networks)
Request access code Requests a new code for coupling to the Hobart app if a network connection is estab-
Connection test Tests the connection to the Cloud.
Manual setup Enables the connection to be established without step-by-step guidance by the wiz-

‒ Supports IEEE 802.11 b/g/n in the 2.4 GHz frequency range

‒ Maximum transmission capacity 19.6 dBm in the 2.4 GHz frequency range
‒ Encryption: WPA2-PSK / open network
‒ Port 443 free for communication between machine and server (default: open)
‒ IP address via DHCP or fixed IP address
‒ Connections via Captive Portal is not possible
‒ Adequate WLAN reception required at the dishwasher's installation location
‒ Correct date setting required

The HOBART WashSmart App is available for download from the App Store and the Play Store.
Web browser version at https://login.washsmart.info

8.13 Temperature level

Submenu Selection
Temperature level Europe

Here, it is possible to change from standard temperatures according to European DIN 10534 to elevated tempera-
tures according to NSF (Thermolabel 71°C). As a result, the program run times are extended.
This setting is not available for the PREMAX models FP and GP(C).

9 Fault indications and problems

9.1 Fault indications

Displayed error messages are shown in the order of priority. They must be acknowledged with the tick symbol.
Acknowledged error messages for which the error is still pending are first hidden to enable further messages to be
If all fault messages have been acknowledged but errors are still pending, these messages will then be shown

28 0000000246-001-EN / 11. Jul. 2019 HOBART

Installation and Operation Manual
Fault indications and problems

‒ Limited operation is possible.
‒ The ON/OFF button illuminates green/red alternately.
‒ The error code is shown in the display (see table).

Error code Message text Action

003 Temperature not reached. Contact service tech- Contact your HOBART Service Partner.
004 Temperature not reached. Contact service tech- Contact your HOBART Service Partner.
008 Temperature not reached. Contact service tech- Contact your HOBART Service Partner.
009 Temperature not reached. Contact service tech- Contact your HOBART Service Partner.
018 Water level regulation in the wash tank. Acknowledge, pump-out programme starts auto-
021 Fault in the drain system. Clean the drain hose if Clean the drain hose if necessary and pump-out
necessary and pump-out the machine again. the machine again.
Contact Service technician if required.
022 Fault in the drain system. Clean the drain hose if Clean the drain hose if necessary.
029 Programme aborted. Close the door. Close the door.
034 Service interval due. Contact service technician. Contact your HOBART Service Partner.
036 Detergent deficiency. Top up detergent. Refill detergent (see section 6.10).
037 Rinse aid deficiency. Top up rinse aid. Refill rinse aid (see section 6.10).
038 Input voltage too high! Machine has been Have the input voltage checked by the (site)
switched off. electrician.
039 Filling programme aborted. Close the door. Close the door.
040 Execute hygiene programme. Execute hygiene programme.
041 External water treatment depleted. Replace. Replace part or full desalination cartridge.
042 Osmosis pre-filter depleted. Replace. Replace pre-filter.
043 Salt deficiency. Refill regenerating salt. Refill regenerating salt.
060 Fault - osmosis system in continuous operation. Contact your HOBART Service Partner.
Contact service technician.
061 Fault - osmosis system power outage. Contact Contact your HOBART Service Partner.
service technician.
062 Fault - osmosis system in standby. Contact serv- Contact your HOBART Service Partner.
ice technician.
063 Fault - osmosis system water supply pressure Contact your HOBART Service Partner.
too low. Check water supply. Contact service

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Fault indications and problems

Error code Message text Action

064 Fault - osmosis system is leaking. Close water Contact your HOBART Service Partner.
supply. Contact service technician.
065 Drying function faulty. Drying wizard deactivated. Contact your HOBART Service Partner.
Contact service technician.
066 Drying function faulty. Drying wizard deactivated. Contact your HOBART Service Partner.
Contact service technician.
067 Drying function faulty. Drying wizard deactivated. Contact your HOBART Service Partner.
Contact service technician.
068 Fault - drying temperature sensor. Contact serv- Contact your HOBART Service Partner.
ice technician.
069 Fault - drying temperature sensor. Contact serv- Contact your HOBART Service Partner.
ice technician.
070 Washing temperature too low. Contact service Contact your HOBART Service Partner.
071 Washing temperature too low. Contact service Contact your HOBART Service Partner.

‒ Limited operation is not possible.
‒ The ON/OFF button illuminates permanently red.
‒ The error code is shown in the display (see table).
‒ Once the error display has been acknowledged, the machine
turns off.

Error code Message text Action

001 Fault - hot water tank temperature sensor. Con- Contact your HOBART Service Partner.
tact service technician.
002 Fault - hot water tank temperature sensor. Con- Contact your HOBART Service Partner.
tact service technician.
006 Fault - wash tank temperature sensor. Contact Contact your HOBART Service Partner.
service technician.
007 Fault - wash tank temperature sensor. Contact Contact your HOBART Service Partner.
service technician.
011 Fault - Wash chamber temperature sensor. Con- Contact your HOBART Service Partner.
tact service technician.
012 Fault - Wash chamber temperature sensor. Con- Contact your HOBART Service Partner.
tact service technician.
013 Disinfection not guaranteed. Contact service Contact your HOBART Service Partner.
014 Fault - hot water tank pressure sensor. Contact Contact your HOBART Service Partner.
service technician.
015 Fault - hot water tank pressure sensor. Contact Contact your HOBART Service Partner.
service technician.
016 Fault - wash tank pressure sensor. Contact serv- Contact your HOBART Service Partner.
ice technician.

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Installation and Operation Manual
Fault indications and problems

Error code Message text Action

017 Fault - tank pressure sensor. Contact service Contact your HOBART Service Partner.
020 Fault - wash tank pressure sensor. Pump out Pump out machine.
machine and re-start.
031 Check if the supply/water cock is open. Check water supply.
032 Check if the supply/water cock is open. Check water supply.
033 Fault in the filling system. Contact service tech- Contact your HOBART Service Partner.
035 Insert tank cover strainer correctly. Insert tank cover strainer correctly.
044 Salt deficiency. Refill regenerating salt. Refill regenerating salt.
045 Number of rinse cycles without regenerating salt Contact your HOBART Service Partner.
exceeded. Contact service technician.
049 Handling faulty. Contact service technician. Contact your HOBART Service Partner.
052 Fault in the filling or drain system. Contact serv- Contact your HOBART Service Partner.
ice technician. Disconnect machine from the
water and power supply!

9.2 Remedying the problem

9.2.1 Poor wash result

Nature of the problem Possible cause Remedy

Wash ware not clean. Wash arm stiff (must rotate easily by hand). Remove wash arms and clean them thor-
Also check water outlet from machine to
wash arm is clear.
Wash arm nozzles are clogged (visual Remove wash arm, remove cleaning caps
check). and rinse wash arm thoroughly until all soil-
ing is removed.
Replace cleaning caps.
Rinse nozzles clogged (usually by lime Remove rinse arms and descale them in
deposit). separate container.
Check site softening system for function.
Detergent concentration is too low or too Check detergent concentration setting.
Coarse strainer clogged. Remove, empty and clean strainer.
Fine strainer clogged or obstructed by lime Remove fine strainer. If heavily soiled, soak
deposits. in a vinegar solution. Then clean it thor-
oughly with a brush until the pores are free.
The fine strainer should generally be
cleaned daily (see operating instructions).
Wrong programme selected for heavily Select programme with longer wash cycle.
soiled wash ware.

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Nature of the problem Possible cause Remedy

Wash ware does not dry Wash ware still greasy. Detergent concentration too low: increase
properly. (see operation instructions).
Check if detergent is appropriate. If not,
choose a stronger one.
Drain contaminated water and refill
machine. Clear wash ware more thoroughly
Rack is not suitable for type of dishes (slop- Use appropriate racks to create a sloping
ing). position which allows water to drain away
from cavities.
Wash ware remains in the machine too Remove wash ware as soon as cycle is
long at the end of wash cycle. completed to enable it to dry.
Streaks and spots on Hard water or high mineral content. Check water quality.
wash ware. Every local water works holds data on the
composition of the water they supply and
will provide these on request.
Reference values: Ideal calcium value: 0 –
3°d (total hardness). Ideal mineral content
value: for glasses, max. conductivity 100
µS/cm, for dishes, still viable to max. 400
Rack is not suitable for type of dishes (slop- Use appropriate racks to create a sloping
ing). position which allows water to drain away
from cavities.
Machines with integrated softener: use of Do not use salt tablets.
wrong salt (e.g. tablets).

9.2.2 Other problems

Nature of the problem Potential causes Remedy

Glasses are totally or Surface of glasses is rough and porous, Use new glasses, this is not caused by a
partially cloudy. this is called glass corrosion. malfunction on the machine.
Glass/dish breakage. Use of unsuitable dish or glass racks. Use suitable racks.
Machine switches off Machine coupled to a maximum system or Have machine connected separately (elec-
suddenly during opera- locked against other current consumers. trician!).
tion. A site fuse has tripped. Check site fuses.

10 Maintenance

▶ In order to maintain the warranty, as well as a permanently safe, efficient,

and trouble-free operation of the machine(s), the required maintenance
must be carried out by authorized service technicians. We therefore rec-
ommend the conclusion of an inspection and maintenance contract,
which guarantees qualified support by specially trained service techni-
cians according to a time schedule based on the operating conditions.

Genuine spare parts must be used for repairs and wearing part replacements. Wearing parts include dosing
hoses, rinse arm bearings, etc. In Germany, your HOBART machines are governed by the Ordinance on Indus-

32 0000000246-001-EN / 11. Jul. 2019 HOBART

Installation and Operation Manual

trial Health and Safety and must be inspected by a qualified electrician in accordance with the intervals specified
by the Institute for Work and Health of the German Social Accident Insurance [DGUV V3 (BGV A3)].

11 Disposal

▶ The machine operator is responsible for disposing of the machine and its
operating materials correctly and in accordance with environmental regu-
lations. Observe the national and local legal provisions and regulations.

12 Product disclaimer

Product disclaimer
Installations and repairs carried out by non-authorized technicians or using non-genuine spare parts, and any tech-
nical alterations to the machine not approved by the manufacturer will invalidate the manufacturer's warranty and
product liability.
HOBART reserves the right to make changes or improvements to its products without prior notice.
© HOBART GmbH, Offenburg 2019

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13 Conformity


Declaration of Conformity / Déclaration de Conformité / Declaración de Conformidad / Dichiarazione di conformitá / Conformiteitsverklaring / Deklaracja zgodności / Декларация
соответствия / Uygunluk beyanı / Deklarcija o sukladnosti / Izjava o skladnosti / Declaração de Conformidade / Prohlášení o shodě

Hersteller / Dokumentationsbevollmächtigter: HOBART GMBH / Verena Wiedenhöfer

Manufacturer / authorized to compile the technical file: Robert-Bosch-Straße 17
Fabricant / autorisée à constituer le dossier technique: 77656 Offenburg / Germany
Fabricante / autorizado para unificar la información técnica:
Fabbricante / Responsabile della documentazione:
Fabrikant / Geautoriseerd om de technische documentatie samen te stellen:
Producent / autoryzowany przedstawiciel:
Изготовитель / ответственный за составление документации:
Üretici / Dokümantasyon yetkilisi:
Proizvođač / ovlašten za sastavljanje tehničkog spisa:
Proizvajalec / pooblaščeni za dokumentacijo:
Fabricante / Responsável pela documentação:
Výrobce / osoba zplnomocněná sestavením dokumentace:

Maschine: Geschirrspülmaschine (FX/FP/FXL/Care) Gläserspülmaschine (GX/GP)

Machine: Dishwasher Glasswasher
Machine: Machine à laver la vaisselle Lave verres
Máquina: Lavavajillas Lavavasos
Macchina: Lavastoviglie Lavabicchieri
Machine: Vaatwasmachine Glazenwasmachine
Urządzenie: Zmywarka do naczyń Zmywarka do naczyń ze szkŁa
Машина: Посудомоечная машина Стаканомоечная машина
Makine: Tezgahaltı bulaşık makineleri Bardak yıkama
Stroj: Perilica posuđa Perilica čaša
Stroj: Stroj za pomivanje posode Stroj za pomivanje kozarcev
Máquina: Máquina lava-loiça Máquina lava-copos
Stroj: Myčka na nádobí Myčka na sklenice

Trade mark / Marque / Marca
comercial / Marchio / Merk /
Marka / Марка / Marka /
Zaštitni znak / Znamka / Marca /

Type: FX-Serie GX-Serie Design State: FX-18-01 Serial No.: 86 69 XXXXX

FP-Serie GP-Serie
FXL-Serie Care

Hiermit bestätigen wir, dass die genannte Maschine entsprechend den nachfolgend aufgeführten Normen gefertigt und geprüft worden ist.
Herewith our confirmation that the named machine has been manufactured and tested in accordance with the following standards.
Par la présente, nous déclarons que la machine citée ci-dessus a été fabriquée et testée en conformité aux normes.
Por la siguiente confirmamos que la máquina mencionada ha sido fabricada conforme a las siguientes normas.
Con la presente confermiamo che la macchina indicata è stata costruita in conformità alle norme di seguito riportate.
Hierbij bevestigen wij dat de genoemde machine is gefabriceerd en getest volgens de hiervolgende voorwaarden.
Niniejszym deklarujemy, że wymieniony produkt spełnia wymogi następujących norm.
Настоящим мы подтверждаем, что указанная машина изготовлена в соответствии с приведенными ниже нормами.
İşbu belge ile belirtilen makinenin aşağıda listelenen normlar doğrultusunda hazırlandığını beyan ederiz.
Ovime potvrđujemo da je gore navedeni stroj proizveden i testiran sukladno sljedećim standardima.
S tem izjavljamo, da je naveden stroj izdelan in preizkušen v skladu s spodaj navedenimi standardi.
Com a presente declaramos que a máquina supracitada foi construída e inspecionada segundo as normas referidas a seguir.
Tímto potvrzujeme, že uvedený stroj byl vyroben a zkontrolován podle následujících norem.

DIN SPEC 10534:2019-02

EN 55014-1:2006 + A1:2009 + A2:2011
EN 55014-2:2015
EN 60335-2-58:2005 + Corr. 2007 + A1:2008 + A11:2010 + A2:2015 + A12:2016
EN 61000-4-3:2006 + A1:2008 + A2:2010
EN 61000-6-2:2005
EN 61000-6-3:2007 + A1:2011
EN ISO 12100:2010

Die Maschine stimmt mit den folgenden Richtlinien überein:

The product complies with the following directives:
La machine est conforme aux directives fixées:
La máquina armoniza con las siguientes Directivas:
La macchina è conforme alle direttive seguenti:
Het product voldoet aan de volgende richtlijnen:
Urządzenie spełnia wymogi następujących dyrektyw:
Машина соответствует требованиям следующих директив:
Makine, aşağıdaki yönetmelikler ile uyumludur:
Ovaj stroj je u skladu sa sljedećim direktivama:
Stroj ustreza zahtevam sledečih direktiv:
A máquina está em conformidade com as seguintes diretivas:
Stroj je v souladu s ustanoveními následujících směrnic:

2006/42/EC (Maschinenrichtlinie, Machinery-Directive)

2014/30/EU (EMV-Richtlinie, EMC-Directive)
2014/53/EU (Funkanlagen-Richtlinie, RED)
2011/65/EU (RoHS Richtlinie, RoHS Directive)

Die Schutzziele der Niederspannungsrichtlinie 2014/35/EU wurden gemäß Anhang I Nr. 1.5.1 der Maschinenrichtlinie 2006/42/EC eingehalten.
Protective Goals of the Low Voltage Directive 2014/35/EU are in compliance with Appendix I No 1.5.1 of the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC.
Les objectifs de protection de la directive sur les basses tensions 2014/35/EU ont été respectés conforme à l’annexe I Nr. 1.5.1 der de la directive relative aux machines 2006/42/EC.
Directiva de protecciones de baja tension 2014/35/EU estan en acuerdo con el apendice I No 1.5.1. de la directiva de maquinaria 2006/42/EC.
Gli obiettivi di protezione della direttiva per basse tensioni 2014/35/EU è stata rispettata secondo allegato I n. 1.5.1 della Direttiva per macchine 2006/42/EC.
De veiligheidsdoelstellingen van de laagspanningsrichtlijn 2014/35/EU zijn nageleefd in overeenstemming met nr. 1.5.1 van bijlage I van de machine richtlijn 2006/42/EC.
Produkt spełnia wymogi bezpieczeństwa dyrektywy niskonapięciowej 2014/35/EU, zgodnie z załącznikiem I nr. 1.5.1 dyrektywy maszynowej 2006/42/EC.
Цели, охраняемые Директивой по высоковольтному оборудованию 2014/35/EU, соблюдены в соответствии с приложением № 1.5.1 Директивы по машинному
оборудованию 2006/42/ЕС.
Alçak Gerilim Yönetmeliği 2014/35/EU'nin koruyucu hedeflerine, Makine Yönetmeliği 2006/42/EC, ek I no. 1.5.1'e göre uyulmuştur.
Sigurnosni ciljevi direktive o niskom naponu 2014/35/EU udovoljavaju dodatku i br. 1.5.1. Direktive o strojevima 2006/42/EC
Upoštevani so zaščitni cilji Direktive o nizki napetosti 2014/35/EU v skladu s prilogo I, št. 1.5.1 Direktive o strojih 2006/42/EC.
Os objetivos de proteção da Diretiva de Baixa Tensão 2014/35/EU foram cumpridos de acordo com o Apêndice I, n.º 1.5.1 da Diretiva de Máquinas 2006/42/EC.
Cíle ochrany dle nízkonapěťové směrnice 2014/95/ES byly splněny dle přílohy I č. 1.5.1 směrnice o strojních zařízeních 2006/42/ES.

Bestätigt durch:
Confirmed by: Offenburg, 22.07.2019 ppa.

Harald Disch
Direktor Produktentwicklung Europa
Director Warewash Engineering Europe

34 0000000246-001-EN / 11. Jul. 2019 HOBART

Installation and Operation Manual


Declaration of Conformity / Déclaration de Conformité / Declaración de Conformidad / Dichiarazione di conformitá / Conformiteitsverklaring / Deklaracja zgodności / Декларация
соответствия / Uygunluk beyan / Deklarcija o sukladnosti / Izjava o skladnosti / Declaração de Conformidade / Prohlášení o shodě

Hersteller / Dokumentationsbevollmächtigter: HOBART GMBH / Verena Wiedenhöfer

Manufacturer / authorized to compile the technical file: Robert-Bosch-Straße 17
Fabricant / autorisée à constituer le dossier technique: 77656 Offenburg / Germany
Fabricante / autorizado para unificar la información técnica:
Fabbricante / Responsabile della documentazione:
Fabrikant / Geautoriseerd om de technische documentatie samen te stellen:
Producent / autoryzowany przedstawiciel:
Изготовитель / ответственный за составление документации:
Üretici / Dokümantasyon yetkilisi:
Proizvođač / ovlašten za sastavljanje tehničkog spisa:
Proizvajalec / pooblaščeni za dokumentacijo:
Fabricante / Responsável pela documentação:
Výrobce / osoba zplnomocněná sestavením dokumentace:

Maschine: Gläserspülmaschine
Machine: Glasswasher
Machine: Lave verres
Máquina: Lavavasos
Macchina: Lavabicchieri
Machine: Glazenwasmachine
Urządzenie: Zmywarka do naczyń ze szkŁa
Машина: Стаканомоечная машина
Makine: Bardak yıkama
Stroj: Perilica čaša
Stroj: Stroj za pomivanje kozarcev
Máquina: Máquina lava-copos
Stroj: Myčka na sklenice

Trade mark / Marque / Marca
comercial / Marchio / Merk /
Marka / Марка / Marka /
Zaštitni znak / Znamka / Marca /

Type: GC-Serie Design State: GC-18-01 Serial No.: 86 61 XXXXX


Hiermit bestätigen wir, dass die genannte Maschine entsprechend den nachfolgend aufgeführten Normen gefertigt und geprüft worden ist.
Herewith our confirmation that the named machine has been manufactured and tested in accordance with the following standards.
Par la présente, nous déclarons que la machine citée ci-dessus a été fabriquée et testée en conformité aux normes.
Por la siguiente confirmamos que la máquina mencionada ha sido fabricada conforme a las siguientes normas.
Con la presente confermiamo che la macchina indicata è stata costruita in conformità alle norme di seguito riportate.
Hierbij bevestigen wij dat de genoemde machine is gefabriceerd en getest volgens de hiervolgende voorwaarden.
Niniejszym deklarujemy, że wymieniony produkt spełnia wymogi następujących norm.
Настоящим мы подтверждаем, что указанная машина изготовлена в соответствии с приведенными ниже нормами.
İşbu belge ile belirtilen makinenin aşağıda listelenen normlar doğrultusunda hazırlandığını beyan ederiz.
Ovime potvrđujemo da je gore navedeni stroj proizveden i testiran sukladno sljedećim standardima.
S tem izjavljamo, da je naveden stroj izdelan in preizkušen v skladu s spodaj navedenimi standardi.
Com a presente declaramos que a máquina supracitada foi construída e inspecionada segundo as normas referidas a seguir.
Tímto potvrzujeme, že uvedený stroj byl vyroben a zkontrolován podle následujících norem.

DIN SPEC 10534:2019-02

EN 55014-1:2006 + A1:2009 + A2:2011
EN 55014-2:2015
EN 60335-2-58:2005 + Corr. 2007 + A1:2008 + A11:2010 + A2:2015 + A12:2016
EN 61000-4-3:2006 + A1:2008 + A2:2010
EN 61000-6-2:2005
EN 61000-6-3:2007 + A1:2011
EN ISO 12100:2010

Die Maschine stimmt mit den folgenden Richtlinien überein:

The product complies with the following directives:
La machine est conforme aux directives fixées:
La máquina armoniza con las siguientes Directivas:
La macchina è conforme alle direttive seguenti:
Het product voldoet aan de volgende richtlijnen:
Urządzenie spełnia wymogi następujących dyrektyw:
Машина соответствует требованиям следующих директив:
Makine, aşağıdaki yönetmelikler ile uyumludur:
Ovaj stroj je u skladu sa sljedećim direktivama:
Stroj ustreza zahtevam sledečih direktiv:
A máquina está em conformidade com as seguintes diretivas:
Stroj je v souladu s ustanoveními následujících směrnic:

2006/42/EC (Maschinenrichtlinie, Machinery-Directive)

2014/30/EU (EMV-Richtlinie, EMC-Directive)
2014/53/EU (Funkanlagen-Richtlinie, RED)
2011/65/EU (RoHS Richtlinie, RoHS Directive)

Die Schutzziele der Niederspannungsrichtlinie 2014/35/EU wurden gemäß Anhang I Nr. 1.5.1 der Maschinenrichtlinie 2006/42/EC eingehalten.
Protective Goals of the Low Voltage Directive 2014/35/EU are in compliance with Appendix I No 1.5.1 of the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC.
Les objectifs de protection de la directive sur les basses tensions 2014/35/EU ont été respectés conforme à l’annexe I Nr. 1.5.1 der de la directive relative aux machines 2006/42/EC.
Directiva de protecciones de baja tension 2014/35/EU estan en acuerdo con el apendice I No 1.5.1. de la directiva de maquinaria 2006/42/EC.
Gli obiettivi di protezione della direttiva per basse tensioni 2014/35/EU è stata rispettata secondo allegato I n. 1.5.1 della Direttiva per macchine 2006/42/EC.
De veiligheidsdoelstellingen van de laagspanningsrichtlijn 2014/35/EU zijn nageleefd in overeenstemming met nr. 1.5.1 van bijlage I van de machine richtlijn 2006/42/EC.
Produkt spełnia wymogi bezpieczeństwa dyrektywy niskonapięciowej 2014/35/EU, zgodnie z załącznikiem I nr. 1.5.1 dyrektywy maszynowej 2006/42/EC.
Цели, охраняемые Директивой по высоковольтному оборудованию 2014/35/EU, соблюдены в соответствии с приложением № 1.5.1 Директивы по машинному
оборудованию 2006/42/ЕС.
Alçak Gerilim Yönetmeliği 2014/35/EU'nin koruyucu hedeflerine, Makine Yönetmeliği 2006/42/EC, ek I no. 1.5.1'e göre uyulmuştur.
Sigurnosni ciljevi direktive o niskom naponu 2014/35/EU udovoljavaju dodatku i br. 1.5.1. Direktive o strojevima 2006/42/EC
Upoštevani so zaščitni cilji Direktive o nizki napetosti 2014/35/EU v skladu s prilogo I, št. 1.5.1 Direktive o strojih 2006/42/EC.
Os objetivos de proteção da Diretiva de Baixa Tensão 2014/35/EU foram cumpridos de acordo com o Apêndice I, n.º 1.5.1 da Diretiva de Máquinas 2006/42/EC.
Cíle ochrany dle nízkonapěťové směrnice 2014/95/ES byly splněny dle přílohy I č. 1.5.1 směrnice o strojních zařízeních 2006/42/ES.

Bestätigt durch:
Confirmed by: Offenburg, 22.07.2019 ppa.

Harald Disch
Direktor Produktentwicklung Europa
Director Warewash Engineering Europe

HOBART 0000000246-001-EN / 11. Jul. 2019 35

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