I.T. July 2013

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Time allowed 3 Hours Max. Marks: 100

Instructions: Attempt all questions.
Q1. MCQs. Select the Best Suitable answer for each. 25
1. In data flow diagram, actions perform on data are called _______________.
A. Process B. Storing C. Validation
2. Which is the most accurate job title for an individual who studies the problems and
needs of a business to determine how people, processes, data, communications, and
technology can best accomplish improvements for the business?
A. Programmer/ B. Systems C. Information D. Database
analyst analyst analyst administrator
3. Raw facts in isolation that describe the organization and convey meaning but
generally are not useful by themselves called:
A. Data B. Data flow C. Information

4. The act of contracting a service or function to an external third part is called:

A. Outsourcing B. Contracting C. Consulting

5. A model that represents the proposed system as a single process:

A. Data flow B. System model C. Process Model D. Context \model
6. Teleconferencing in which participants see each other over video screens called___.
A. Video Conferencing B. Tele Communication C. Digital Conferencing
7. A continuous waveform that passes through a communication medium; used for voice
communication called.
A. Analog Signals B. Degital Signals C. Sound Waves
8. Which of the following skills does a successful systems analyst need to have:
A. Interpersonal B. Systems C. Interpersonal D. Problem E. All of
relations analysis and Communicatio Solving the
Skills design skills n skills skills above

9. These people are responsible for the day-to-day data processing in the average
A. Management B. Clerical C. Professional D. Consultants E. Technical Workers
workers and workers

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10. DFD stands for which one of the following:
A. Data Function B. Data Function C. Data Flow D. Data Flow E. Data Flow
Direct Drive Drive Diagram Design

11. An information system application that provides it users with decision-oriented

information whenever a decision-making situation arises is called:
A. management B. executive C. decision D. transaction E. system
information information support processing builder
system system system system

12. The open-ended boxes on a process model represent:

A. data flows B. process C. inputs D. data stores E. Boundaries

13. A technique for quickly building a functioning model of the information system using
rapid application development tools is called:
A. modeling B. information C. querying D. transactions E. prototyping
system processing

14. The following storage units are listed in order of increasing size.

bit, byte, ____________________, megabyte, gigabyte

15. The rounded rectangles on a process model represent:

A. Processes B. Inputs C. data stores

16. The process of creating small stable data structures from complex groups of data
when designing a relational database called __________________________.
A. Data Structure B. Normalization C. Tables

17. Data that has been manipulated so it is useful to someone by telling them something
they don't already know or confirming something that they suspect is called:
A. Data B. data flow C. information

18. Which of the following is a simple horizontal bar chart that depicts project tasks
against a calendar?
A. PERT chart B. Bar chart C. Project D. Line chart E. Gantt char

19. The definition for feasibility is:

A. An ongoing activity by which an analyst plans an acceptable system
B. Measure of how beneficial the development of an information system would be to
an organization
C. An activity of measuring and analyzing developer productivity

The Institute of Corporate Secretaries of Pakistan – July 2013 Page 2 of 4

D. An activity of approximating the time, effort, costs, and benefits of developing
E. None of the above

20. All data processing involves

A. input and output B. input and processing C. input, processing and

21. The on-going maintenance of a system(s) after it has been placed into operation,
including program maintenance and system improvements is called:
A. systems B. systems support C. systems D. systems
planning design implementation

22. Which of the following fact-finding techniques provides the systems analyst with the
greatest opportunity to probe for more feedback from an individual?
A. Observation B. questionnaires C. Interviews

23. The Operating System is responsible for

A. Controlling peripherals devices such as monitor, printer, disk drives
B. Detecting errors in user’s programs
C. Provide an interface that allows to choose program to run and manipulate files
D. Manage user’s files on disk

24. The process of converting a message into meaningless text for security is called ___.
A. Encoding B. Encryption C. Decryption

25. The use of digital technologies such as electronic funds transfer, credit cards, smart
cards, debit cards and internet-based payment systems to pay for products and
services electronically called _______________.
A. E-commerce B. E-banking C. E-solution

Q2. (a) What is an organization? How do organizations use information? 5

(b) What is meant by business process? 5

Q3. (a) What is multimedia? What technologies are involved? 5

(b) What are the major types of software? How do they differ in terms of users
and uses? 5

Q4. (a) What is object oriented programming? How does it differ from conventional
software development? 5
(b) What criteria should be used when selecting software for the organization? 5

Q5. (a) Define a database and database file management system. 5

(b) What is a data warehouse? How can it benefit organization? 5

Q6. (a) What is the relationship between bandwidth and the transmission capacity of
a channel? 5
(b) What are intranets and extranets? How do they differ from the Web? 5

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Q7. (a) How can the internet facilitate electronic commerce and electronic business?
What is the difference between the logical design and the physical design of 5
(b) an information system?

Q8. (a) What is outsourcing? Under what circumstances, should it be used for
building information system? 5
(b) What do we mean by information system failure? 5
(c) What is a decision-support system (DSS)? How does is differ from a
management information system (MIS)? 5


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