Warlock - Ancient Artifact - Masks - GM Binder

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Otherworldly patron

Ancient Artifact: Masks Court of Masks Table

d6 Loot
"The mask, the mask, the mask, don't you understand? The You are cursed with a form Lycanthropy. You
mask will tell you what you need to know, make you who you know the location of any creature within 30 feet
need to be. Whatever your goal may be, put on the mask and The of you that has no more than half its hit points
see! Trust me..." Beast left and your unarmed strikes deal 1d8 slashing
~ From the dual blade chronicles, chapter 90 damage and uses your CHarisma modifier for
attack and damage rolls.
You have drawn a pact with a group of enchanted masks - to
wear them for the rest of your life, never to express your true The
Your are cursed to be driven by deceit and
emotions: only through these objects can you do so. In Charlatan
trickery. You can disengage as a bonus action,
exchange, you gain the ability to adopt the different roles that and your speed is increased by 10 feet.
each mask was born to play, shifting your form, behaviour, You are cursed to bear the burdens of others.
and even gaining new abilities, though they are never truly The You gain temporary hit points equal to your
your own. Martyr Wisdom modifier at the start of each of your
Expanded Spell List
You are cursed with knowledge unknown and
Ancient Masks Expanded Spells the desire to share it. You can use the Help
Spell Level Spells action up to 30 feet from allies

1st detect evil and good, comprehend languages Your insights curse you to be alone. If there are
no creatures within 15ft. of you, you can seek
2nd borrowed knowledge, enhance ability out the vulnerabilities of a creature within 30
3rd sending, nondetection feet of you as an action forcing it to make a
Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, that
4th arcane eye, polymorph Hermit
creature is vulnerable to a damage type of your
choice until the start of your next turn. The
5th seeming, skill empowerment
effect ends early if a creature enters a space
within 15 feet of you.
Set the Stage
Beginning at 1st level, you choose one of your masks to wear, The
You are cursed to lead. You have access to the
command spell, and can cast it a number of
adopting its role in its entirety, with the following benefits as Noble times equal to your Proficiency Bonus per long
determined by a roll on the Court of Masks Table. rest for free.
You can change your role every short or long rest.

This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used
are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Total Immersion
At 6th level, the masks you wear and your own identity are
inseparable, granting you additional benefits as you lose
yourself further to them, as specified below.
The Beast. You can make an unarmed strike in place of any
spell attack roll you make. Your unarmed strikes count as
magical for overcoming resistance to non-magical damage.
The Charlatan. When a creature rolls a die, you can use your
reaction to treat it as your own, applying your modifiers and
abilities to the roll.
The Martyr. As a bonus action, You can gain temporary hit
points equal to your Warlock level plus your Charisma
modifier. Whenever an attack would cause you to lose all
temporary hit points the attack creature also takes the
damage from that attack. If you use this bonus action, all
attacks against you have advantage until the start of your next
The Scholar. As you become a living library, you can use the
help action as a bonus action. Creature you help deal
additional psychic damage equal to your Charisma modifier
when they attack with advantage.
The Hermit. If a creature moves within 15 feet of you on
their turn they must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a
failed save, that creature can't proceed further towards you
until next turn.
The Noble. You can command up to 2 creature
simultaneously when you cast the command spell.
All the World a Stage
At 10 level, your masks compel you to fill any role they deem
necessary for the situation. As a bonus action, you can
change what mask you have active from your Set the Stage
You can use this feature a number of times equal to your
proficiency bonus per long rest.
Flawless Imitation
At 14th level, the masks twists your personality to fit the
mask you don.
Whenever you use Set the Stage, you treat one ability score
associated with your mask as if it were swapped with your
Charisma score until you use Set the Stage again. While
treated this way, all warlock features using your Charisma
use the mask’s associated ability score instead.
The Beast. Strength
The Charlatan. Dexterity
The Martyr. Constitution
The Scholar. Intelligence
The Hermit. Wisdom
The Noble. Charisma

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