Call For UBA - SEG Projects

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Sir / Madam

Greetings from Unnat Bharat Abhiyan

We are pleased to inform you that the Unnat Bharat Abhiyan SEG Portal is now open for
Proposal Submission.

Submit SEG Proposal following the instructions mentioned below:

Technology Development: This category involves the submission of proposals where the
technological interventions are already developed in the lab and they are now ready to
disseminate in the field/ rural areas. The technological interventions should be the solution to
problems identified in the initial baseline survey in that particular area under the Unnat
Bharat Abhiyan scheme. The fund cap under this category is ₹1,00,000.

Technology Customization: This category involves the technological interventions which

are already available in the market but require some alterations/modifications to benefit the
rural population according to their geographical locations. The proposal should specify a time
target for specific outputs. The fund cap for this category is ₹50,000 and PIs should ensure
the sustainability of the project after the completion of the project.

(1) PIs should ensure that the solutions submitted by them are fully sustainable,
innovative, implementable and scalable, also, PIs should ensure the sustainability of
the project after the completion of the project. There is no scope for mere lab projects
or proto-types and all solutions and should have been tested at the field level. There is
no scope for institutions to suggest the solutions in the form of provision of subsidies,
provision of funds for implementation of financing research proposals or projects for
the construction of infrastructure for funding from Unnat Bharat Abhiyan. It should
be demand driven.

(2) Long-term research projects/fellowships of any kind, cost on Ph.D. programmes,

setting up laboratories/centres, exhibitions and similar events, workshops and
capital/construction are not available through the Unnat Bharat Abhiyan program, as
the mandate of UBA SEG is to provide the financial support for technical
interventions in the fields (In UBA village) not for Research & Development (R&D).
Proposal Format
SEG State District Select Adopted Village

Apply for SEG Proposal

Title of the Technology Name of the Principal Investor E-mail of Principal Investor
(50 words)
Project Details:
Project Objective (1000 words)
Mobile No. of Principal Investor:
Total cost of the Product/ Technology
Categories of Fund Enter Amount
Electricity Cost
Equipment/ Machinery cost
Manpower cost
Miscellaneous Expense
Running cost
Site Preparation Cost
Total Proposed Amount Rs.

Funds Raised Details of the funds raised from other agencies

(100 words)
Describe your role at various stage of the Project Process of Execution of the Project
(100 words) (500 words)

Impact on Village\ Beneficiaries

(500 words)
Name, Contact Details of Student, Staff and villagers Involved in this project
S.No Involvement Name Mobile E-mail Work Action
as Number Area

Duration of Implementation of Project

How to maintain future sustainability of installed technology in the village?

(500 words)
Impact of this work on learning of Students/ Teachers
(100 words)
Role of PI after compilation of the project duration
(100 words)
Upload Photographs
Upload Document
For further Details contact the UBA Coordinator

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