A Comprehensive Review On System Architecture and International Standards For Electric Vehicle Charging Stations
A Comprehensive Review On System Architecture and International Standards For Electric Vehicle Charging Stations
A Comprehensive Review On System Architecture and International Standards For Electric Vehicle Charging Stations
Keywords: Electric Vehicles (EVs) are rapidly becoming an important facet in the drive for attaining sustainable energy
Electric vehicles goals. However, EV sales still constitute only a small proportion of vehicles in most countries. The expansion of
Charging stations DC fast-charging network will facilitate a sustainable transportation revolution by offering end-user a versatile
International standards
choice to charge EVs for longer journeys. Power converters play a significant role in the design and operation of
Power converters
Power factor
EV charging stations. Modern technologies in charging stations are promising, where state-of-the-art research
Total harmonic distortion allows idle batteries or EVs to operate as distributed energy sources. However, it is always important to ensure
input current harmonics and power factors are within the standard specification. Solid-state switch-mode power
converters have reached a level of maturity with regards to the improvement in power quality and precisely
regulating voltage levels during bidirectional power flow operation. This paper presents an exposition of EV
charging systems, including incentives for development, structures, power converters, standards, industrial ap
plications, and emerging trends. Furthermore, state-of-the-art technologies, including both academic and real-
world EV charging technologies, have been carefully chosen, and a quantitative assessment of the technolo
gies has been provided in this paper.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (C.A. Vaithilingam).
Received 2 June 2021; Received in revised form 11 August 2021; Accepted 12 August 2021
Available online 26 August 2021
2352-152X/© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
G. Rajendran et al. Journal of Energy Storage 42 (2021) 103099
Fig. 2. The number of electric vehicles (in Thousands) in 2019 and 2020 on the road [19].
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2. Architectures
Fig. 4. Number of journal publications on EV charging stations in IEEE and ScienceDirect from 2010 to 2020.
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vehicle. The onboard and off-board charging techniques are shown in fast-charging stations as DC current does not have natural zero-crossings
Fig. 6. Conductive charging is utilized by EVs like Tesla Roadster, Nissan [43,44].
Leaf, Chevy Volt [37]. In inductive or wireless charging technique, the power is transferred
There are two architectures of Conductive charging stations for EVs, through an electromagnetic field without physical contact between the
namely: AC charging systems and DC charging systems are discussed in power supply and the vehicle. Electrical safety is a major advantage of
this study. The two architectures for the EV charging station, namely AC inductive charging over conductive charging. However, this mode of
charging systems and DC charging systems, are shown in Fig. 7. In AC charging has many drawbacks, including significant power loss and poor
charging systems, the secondary side of an MV-LV distribution trans efficiency [48]. Wireless charging enables automatic charging of electric
former acts as a common AC bus which is connected to the onboard EV vehicles in three distinct ways, namely: (1) static wireless charging [49,
charger [22,38]. AC charging consists of AC/DC converters which are 50], (2) Dynamic charging [51], (3) Quasi – Dynamic charging [52,53].
part of onboard charger, whereas, in DC fast-charging systems, a com The static charging has the potential to avoid risk of electric shock
mon AC/DC converter is connected to the MV-LV distribution trans associated with cables and can be installed in appropriate locations such
former. In DC fast-charging systems, a common AC bus rated at 400-480 as parking lots and residential garages. The dynamic charging system is
V is connected to an off-board AC/DC converter [39,40]. These power capable of consistently charging the vehicle while it is in motion through
electronic converters provide rectifications, power factor correction, designated charging tracks on the route, thus extending the EV’s driving
voltage control, isolation, and DC power to the EV port. The AC-bus range and reducing the battery size. The Quasi dynamic charging system
architecture comprises of various power conversion stages, communi charges the vehicle when it is stopped for a short time, such as at traffic
cating with DC loads and sources [41]. Common DC bus connects all the light, thus extending the driving range and allowing reduction in energy
EV chargers in DC charging systems, thus providing necessary isolation storage for EVs. Wireless charging technology with a maximum effi
between the DC bus and EV port using isolated DC/DC converters. This ciency of 88.5% has enabled inductive or wireless power transfer with
DC-bus charging architecture is usually lower in cost and size and pro 230V AC (Level 2) charging and a power rating of 7.2 kW [54]. There are
vides better dynamic performance than AC-bus charging stations [27, several technological difficulties involved with wireless charging infra
42]. However, it is challenging to develop power converters for DC structure in terms of design, operation, and maintenance [55–57].
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Fig. 7. Electric vehicle charging stations integration with electrical grid. (a). AC Charging system. (b) DC Charging system.
Level 1 charging stations are classified as slow charging stations with while residential unit cost is $ 2150 [60,62–64]. The standard connector
an output voltage of 120 V or 220 V AC, which takes between 10 and 12 SAEJ1772 is used for level 2 charging stations on AC side. Though time
h for a full charge of EV battery. These charging stations are connected taken by level 2 charging stations is less than slow charging stations, it is
to the EV port using a standard J1772 connector [58]. The installation still very long compared to filling fuel such as oil and gas in conventional
cost for level 1 charging stations ranges from $ 300 to 1500 [59–61]. vehicles. As a result, next level of charging station is introduced, which is
Even though installation cost is significantly low, the EV battery known as DC fast-charging stations. The output of DC fast-charging
charging time is longer. To overcome the problems faced by level 1 stations is 480 V DC or above.
(slow) charging stations, level 2 charging stations are developed to DC fast-charging station takes approximately 30 min to charge the
reduce the charging time, also known as accelerated charging stations. battery in the vehicles. The installation cost of DC fast-charging stations
Level 2 charging stations are designed for private and public facilities. It will range from $ 30,000 to 160,000 [65,61]. Maintenance is another
takes between 4 and 6 h to fully charge the battery in the EV. The consideration for DC fast-charging stations [66]. Operating cost of DC
installation cost for level 2 charging stations ranges from $ 400 to 6500, fast-charging stations is significantly high. The level 3 charging station is
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Table 1
Different types of charging stations [71,72].
Power Level Types Charger Location Typical Use Energy Supply Expected Power Charging Vehicle
Interface Levels Time Technology
Slow Charging Station (Level On-Board Charging at Home Convenience Outlet 1.4 kW for 12A, 11–36 h PHEVs of 5 to 15
1) Single Phase or 1.9kW for 20A 4–11 h kWh
(120 V AC supply Office EVs of 16 to 50
440 V AC supply) kWh
Accelerated Charging Station On-Board Charging at Private Dedicated EVSE 19.2 kW for 80 A 2–3 h PHEVs of 5 to 15
(Level 2) Single Phase or Three or kWh
(440V AC supply) Phase Public Outlets EVs of 16 to 30
EVs of 3 to 50 kWh
DC Fast Charging Stations Off-Board Commercial, Analogous to Dedicated EVSE 50kW 0.4–1 h EVs of 20 to 50
(Level 3) Three Phase filling stations 100kW 0.2–0.5 h kWh
Table 2
Technical specifications of the DC fast chargers.
ManufacturerModel ABB Tritium Veefil-RT PHIHONGIntegrated Type Tesla Supercharger EVTECEspresso&charge
Terra 53 Terra HP
located outside the vehicle, whereas level 1 and level 2 charging stations specifications of the DC fast-charging systems, as shown in Fig. 8(c) and
are located on the EVs [67,68]. High power charging stations can in (d). Tesla supercharger is also known as a “Tesla – Array,” is an example,
crease load demand and overload local distribution networks during which consists of 12 parallel modules [75]. Most manufacturers
peak hours [69]. When level 2 and level 3 charging stations are in mentioned in Table 2 use a similar strategy.
operation, there will be an increase in distribution transformer loss, Various governing boards have established uniform protocols and
voltage deviation, harmonic distortion, peak demand, and thermal couplers to ensure the capability for dc fast charger systems. Fig. 9 de
loading on the distribution systems. Due to the absence of adequate scribes the five standard dc fast charger systems. The IEC-62196 Stan
protection precautions, lifetime, reliability, security, and efficiency of dard identifies four different couplers for dc fast charger systems [76].
the transformer are reduced [70]. Different charging levels classified by Configuration AA (CHAdeMO Association), Configuration BB (also
power levels, charging time, and vehicle technology based on J1772 known as GB/T and usable in China), Configuration CC (Type 1 com
standards are tabulated in Table 1. bined charging system, adopted in North America), Configuration FF
Standard SAE J1772 from Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) (Type 2, integrated charging system, adopted in Europe and Australia).
addresses the general physical, electrical, functional, and performance Tesla Inc. charging standard was created and used specifically for Tesla
requirements to facilitate conductive charging strategies [73]. AC level 1 vehicles, a patented design.
and level 2 onboard chargers are developed with a power supply of 120 The significant issues restricting EV acceptance are high vehicle cost,
V and 240 V AC which is capable of generating 1.9 kW and 19.2 kW, range restrictions, and lack of public charging infrastructures. Although
respectively. These onboard chargers are ideal for charging throughout the range for travelling distance can be increased by improving the
the day because of their low power levels. A DC fast charger with an battery technology, the corresponding rise in vehicle weight and costs
ideal capacity of 50 kW and, more recently, up to 350 kW is constructed limits what is technically feasible – the battery can account for up to
for offboard chargers. The DC fast charger controls the battery of the 50% of the total BEV expenditure [77]. Enhancing the availability of a
vehicle using isolated power converters outside the vehicle and can highly efficient EV fast-charging network will minimize the range and
deliver adequate charging speed for EVs [74]. load issues associated with long-distance travel in EVs [46]. While AC
Table 2 illustrates new technologies for DC fast chargers available in level 1 and level 2 charging stations are ideal for short trips, longer trips
the market. Via two power electronic conversion stages, the DC fast- require multiple charging resulting in a longer amount of total charging
charger converts AC voltage into DC voltage; a power factor correc time, which is a hassle for the drivers. An investigation was carried out
tion converter converts three-phase ac voltage into an intermediate DC on 500 Nissan customers to gauge the acceptability of EVs. The major
voltage, and a mid-DC/DC phase converts intermediate DC voltage to a concern of all the 62% of the customers was on the availability of
regulated DC voltage. Galvanic isolation between grid and EV battery is charging facilities, and a further 56% from this segment of customers are
accomplished in one of the two following methods. Firstly, before AC/ concerned about the battery charging time required [78]. Thus, it is
DC conversion stage, a line-frequency transformer is used for grid more desirable for manufacturers to produce more BEVs to address
isolation, as seen in Fig. 8(a). Second alternative entails utilizing a high- concerns on efficient EVs with shorter charging times, which is feasible
frequency transformer to isolate DC/DC converter, as shown in Fig. 8(b). for long journeys.
Multiple equivalent modules are connected in parallel to achieve the Battery charging circuit, which is the main component of EVs, is a
optimum performance when a single charger fails to satisfy the complex electrical system. Current EV manufacturers produce EVs with
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Fig. 8. Block diagram of conventional DC fast charger power conversion systems. (a) Single-module charger with a non-isolated DC/DC converter. (b) Single-module
charger with an isolated DC/DC converter. (c) Multiple paralleled modules are shown in (a). (d) Multiple paralleled modules are shown in (c).
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Table 3
Specifications of currently available BEVs [81].
No. Appearance EV Model Car Type Price* Drive Efficiency Battery Battery Duration for a full charge
(in USD) Range (Wh/km) Capacity Usage
Level 2 AC DC Fast
(km) (kWh) (kWh)
Charging Charging
1 Audi e-Tron SUV 39,500 375 231 95.0 86.5 9h15min for 26 min for
sportback 55 11 kW 155 kW
2 BMW iX3 SUV 44,500 360 206 80.0 74.0 8 h for 11 kW 27 min for
150 kW
3 Tesla Model 3 Sedan 42,950 455 167 82.0 76.0 8h15mins for 21 min for
11 kW 250 kW
4 Hyundai IONIQ Liftback- 29,500 250 153 40.4 38.3 6h15mins for 47 min for
Electric Sedan 7.2 kW 44 kW
5 Jaguar I-Pace SUV 69,500 365 232 90.0 84.7 9h15mins for 44 min for
EV400 11 kW 104 kW
6 Kia e-Niro 64 kWh SUV 27,900 370 173 67.1 64.0 10h30mins for 44 min for
7.2 kW 77 kW
7 Mercedes EQC SUV 67,900 370 216 85.0 80.0 8h45mins for 35 min for
400 4MATIC 11 kW 112 kW
8 Nissan Leaf e+ Hatchback 29,900 325 175 62.0 56.0 10 h for 6.6 35 min for
kW 100 kW
9 Porsche Taycan Sedan 92,000 460 182 93.4 83.7 9 h for 11 kW 20 min for
Plus 262 kW
10 Volkswagen Hatchback 36,500 450 171 82.0 77.0 8h15mins for 36 min for
ID.3 Pro S 11 kW 125 kW
Note: The duration of full charge is from 20% SoC to 80% SoC of the Battery in the BEVs.
The price listed in this table is obtained from manufacturer website (Ex-showroom Price).
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Table 6
Comparative analysis of different converters.
Converter Topologies Bridgeless Boost PFC Totem-pole PFC with SEPIC Converter Three-phase star connected 3-phase boost rectifier
Converter [127] GaN Switches [134] [132, 133] Three switch Rectifier with an inductor network
[135] [135]
Converter Topologies Two-switch boost Two-switch boost converter Three-level The VIENNA rectifier Isolated Bidirectional
converters with AC side with DC side inductors and center-tap switch (three-switch three-level Integrated DualThree-Phase
inductors and dual dc-rail dual dc-rail, with a center tap rectifier [137] three-phase rectifier) Active Bridge PFC Rectifier
output [136] switch [137] [99, 139] [140]
Number PWM 5 5 4 3 24
Number of - - - - 6
Number of switches 5 5 4 3 24
that requires an
isolated gate drive
Number of ac-side 3 3 - 3 3
Number of dc-side - 2 2 - -
Output voltage type Dual Dual Dual Dual Dual
Minimum output >2.45VLL >2.45VLL >2.45VLL >2.45VLL >2.45VLL
Voltage (in V)
Harmonic distortion Low (i.e., <10%) Low (i.e., <10%) 5 – 10% ~3.2% <10%
Control type Hysteresis, Constant Hysteresis, Constant Switching No reference Hysteresis, Constant PFC controller
Switching Frequency Frequency Switching Frequency
EMI filtering Required, small filtering Required, low filtering Effort Required, low Required, low filtering Required
Effort filtering effort Effort
Power density 4 kW/dm3 @ 22 kW 8 kW/dm3 @ 22 kW 8 kW/dm3 @ 22 14 kW/dm3 @ 22 kW 8 kW/dm3 @ 22 kW
Input current Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous
Advantages - Low harmonic distortion - Low harmonic distortion - Low harmonic - Low harmonic distortion - Buck-type converter.
- Only 2 high-freq. Switches - Only 2 high-freq. Switches distortion - Only 2 high-freq. - Low rating devices
- Flexible topology - Only 2 high-freq. Switches - Low harmonics
Disadvantages - Very high component - High component count - 4 isolated gate - High output voltage - High component count
count - 5 isolated gate drives drives - High output voltage
- 5 isolated gate Drives - High output voltage - 360Hz distortion
(input current)
- High output
Converter Topologies Three-Phase Three-Switch Three-Phase Buckþ Integrated Active Filter Isolated Integrated Active SWISS Rectifier
Buck-Type PWM Rectifier Boost – Type Rectifier Matrix-type PFC rectifier Filter Matrix-type PFC [145]
[141] [142] [143] rectifier [144]
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Table 6 (continued )
Converter Topologies Three-Phase Three-Switch Three-Phase Buckþ Integrated Active Filter Isolated Integrated Active SWISS Rectifier
Buck-Type PWM Rectifier Boost – Type Rectifier Matrix-type PFC rectifier Filter Matrix-type PFC [145]
[141] [142] [143] rectifier [144]
Number of bidirectional
Number of switches that 3 4 16 12 8
requires an isolated gate
Number of ac-side Inductors 3 - 3 - 3
Number of dc-side Inductors 2 2 1 - 2
Output voltage type Single single Single Single Single
Minimum output Voltage (in >2.45VLL >2.45VLL >2.45VLL >2.45VLL >2.45VLL
Harmonic distortion <10% <10% <10% <10% <10%
Control type PWM controller PWM controller PFC controller PFC controller PFC controller
EMI filtering Required Required Required Required Required
Power density 8 kW/dm3 @ 22 kW 8 kW/dm3 @ 22 kW 4 kW/dm3 @ 22 kW 4 kW/dm3 @ 22 kW 4 kW/dm3 @ 22
Input current Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous
Advantages - Buck type converter Buck+ Boost Converter - Buck type converter - Buck type converter - Buck type
- Low rating devices are - Low rating devices - Low rating devices converter
required - Low harmonics - Low harmonics - Low rating
- Low harmonics
Disadvantages - Number of switches - Number of switches - Number of switches - Number of switches - Number of
- More losses - Complexity in the - Complexity in the - Complexity in the controller switches
- Less efficiency controller controller - More losses - Complexity in
- Less efficiency - More losses - Less efficiency the controller
- Less efficiency - More losses
- Less efficiency
Fig. 10. Topologies of DC/DC charger. (a). Half-bridge converter [148]. (b). Interleaved half-bridge converter [148]. (c). Cascaded half-bridge converter [148]. (d).
Full bridge converter with inbuilt transformer [153].
uncontrolled EV charging causes an overload of distribution transformer Consequently, voltage imbalance will be eliminated, and power quality
and feeder, accelerating aging of the transformer, and high-power loss. of the system will be improved. Various power converters have been
[95–97]. used to mitigate power losses and harmonics in the grid. These power
Also, distribution system stability, voltage unbalance, and poor converters are called power factor correction converters [99]. These
power quality is caused by power electronics interface of EV chargers, converters play a significant role in reducing the harmonics and
which retains constant power [98]. One alternative approach to mitigate improving the quality of the power in the distribution systems.
power demand and reduce the impact on grid due to EV charging is to In addition, economic mobility cannot be accomplished before
develop suitable power converters. Power converters are used to miti renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind, have been responsible
gate harmonics in the input current, eliminating losses in the system. for power generators. ESS is able to store energy from renewable sources
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to control the more complex systems to provide the desired output. for 800 V voltage level [88]. Liquid cooling is one of the most effective
Various power factor correction techniques are developed for converters means of cooling a cable to decrease thermal stress without losing its
and controllers [108–110]. Different power factor correction controllers efficiency for DC fast chargers. Wireless charging is seen on DC
are designed to enhance the quality of the power in the grid. fast-charging stations that reduce the need for cables. Other wireless
Power provided to the EV is constrained by battery charging, charger charging benefits provide innate galvanic isolation and ease [112,113].
ratings, connector, and cable between vehicle and charger. The However, wireless charging systems have problems, including lower
connector ratings are redefined based on standards, and the CHAdeMO reliability and power density than conductive charging systems
standard is used as it currently supports maximum power capability. To [114–116]. The study of wireless charging technologies is beyond the
avoid overheating, it needs higher charging current wires with wider scope of this paper.
diameters. The cable weight for a 50 kW dc fast charger is about 9 kg
[111]. Cable with a power rating of 200 kW will weigh more than 22.7
2.2. Power converters for charging station
kg with a charging voltage of 400 V. Power transfer at high voltage
levels is one method to reduce the cable weight and deliver more power
There are three major configurations of power electronic converters
to the vehicle. Cable weight limits the charging capability below 350 kW
for DC fast-charging stations.
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Along with the converters mentioned above, bidirectional DC/DC The full-bridge LLC (FB-LLC) resonant converter is another isolated
converters are utilized in EV charging systems to charge the EV battery power converter for DC fast charging station. ZVS operation can be
from the DC bus in vehicle-to-grid (V2G) operating mode. Meanwhile, achieved over an extensive load range by FB-LLC converter [26,162].
the power must be transmitted from the EV battery to the grid through Unidirectional FB-LLC power converter is shown in Fig. 12. The variable
V2G mode of operation. Thus, bidirectional DC/DC converters are voltage gain is achieved by voltage regulation using voltage division and
required for power transmission in both directions, G2V and V2G frequency-dependent impedance. The power converter’s narrower gain
operating modes. The basic configuration for both G2V and V2G oper curve allows a wide output voltage range within a small frequency
ating modes, a DC/DC converter, must be selected based on the two- range. However, efficiency of the power converter is improved by ZVS
quadrant operating condition. Whilst charging, it operates as a buck operation at resonance frequency. The advantages of LLC converters
converter; during discharging, it operates as a boost converter [154]. over conventional ZVS converters are short circuit protection, better
Various topologies for bidirectional DC/DC converters are proposed in voltage regulation at light loads, and it has both zero voltage switching
the literature. These topologies are categorized as isolated and and zero current switching (ZCS) properties [163–165].
non-isolated DC/DC converters discussed in the following section. A bidirectional LLC converter can be used within the DC/DC con
version stage, as shown in Fig. 13. However, the gain curve of an LLC Isolated DC/DC conversion stage. Renewable energy source converter is decreased during bidirectional operation (regeneration
interface, battery energy storages, or EV battery charging systems usu mode) [166]. LLC converter’s efficient operation in bidirectional mode
ally have a DC/DC converter followed by AC/DC conversion stage. (regenerative mode) is limited due to the wide variations in the oper
Galvanic isolation is needed to maintain the insulation between the grid ating switching frequency, reducing the efficiency. Since LLC power
and battery for safety purposes. The battery must not be grounded (i.e., converters possess variable input and output voltage, the symmetry
floating with respect to the ground) at all times, and this can be achieved property is lost. In a bidirectional (regeneration mode), an additional
by isolated DC/DC converters. capacitor at the secondary side of a high-frequency transformer in the
Phase-shift full-bridge DC/DC converter is a potential converter for modified LLC converter to retain the symmetry property [166,167]. The
application which requires only unidirectional power flow, as shown in half-bridge design of LLC converter can be applicable for DC
Fig. 11. This converter operates in a zero voltage switching (ZVS) fast-charging stations. [162]. However, resonant capacitor in LLC con
concept to reduce the switching loss, as the converter is driven by phase- verter needs to carry high voltage-stress at high power, making
shifted PWM gate signals [155]. The leakage inductance of an LCL component selection a complicated process. In order to overcome the
resonance transformer, a parasitic capacitance of the reverse biased abovementioned problem, a multi-level LLC converter [168], a
diodes, output inductor, turn-off losses of active switches, switching three-phase LLC converter [169], and an LLC converter with paralleled
losses in the output diodes, and large ringing effect across the output modules [170] were designed.
diodes are the major drawbacks of phase-shift full-bridge DC/DC con As Dual Active Bridge (DAB) converter has many advantages,
verter. A passive [156] or active [157] snubber circuit minimizes including high power density, high efficiency, less voltage stress on
voltage overshoot and ringing effects of the power converter. As a result, power semiconductor devices, require small size filter components, and
overall losses in the system increases hence reducing overall system low sensitivity to component variations, it is commonly used as DC/DC
efficiency. power converter for EV charging stations [171–176]. With material
A new type of current fed phase-shift full-bridge converter is pro developments in SiC and GaN-based power semiconductor devices, DAB
posed by transferring inductor from output side to transformer’s pri converters have gained more attention, allowing enhanced performance
mary side and connecting Diode Bridge to the output capacitor, which and improved power density [177,178]. The power flow path in DAB
reduces the voltage overshoot and ringing effect in the power converter converter is controlled by adjusting phase shift between primary and
[158,159]. However, zero voltage switching range becomes highly secondary voltage using transformer leakage inductance. DAB converter
load-dependent [160,161]. The trailing edge pulse width modulation is commonly used in isolated bidirectional DC/DC conversion applica
method maintains a wide operating range for EV battery charging [160]. tions due to its simple structure and soft switching operation, control
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three-level boost converter has higher efficiency and smaller magnetic processes, or characteristics that allow users to achieve the same
components size compared to other converters. Even though three-level outcome time and time again. International standards to meet the needs
boost converter is better than other boost converters, the electromag of EV industry are being established. International standards are well
netic interference (EMI) in these converters is high, affecting efficiency developed to resolve safety, reliability, and interoperability issues of EV
and lifetime of battery in the EV [189]. A Flying capacitor converter is industry [192]. Various international standards on EV charging stations
another suitable converter for fast charging stations, as shown in Fig. 17. are shown in Fig. 18.
Size of the inductor in this converter is smaller compared to a conven The international standards for EVs are used for making policies for
tional three-level converter. Power rating of this converter can be the various industries as follows:
enhanced by increasing number of phase legs connected in parallel and
interleaved. The most challenging part of this converter is a flying • vehicle manufacturers,
capacitor. A high-level short-circuit protection is required for this con • battery manufacturers,
verter because of the flying capacitor. The undesired voltage overshoot • vehicle component manufacturers,
during the converter’s switching operation is caused by larger switching • utility companies,
common loops of flying capacitor converter [190]. A 55 kW flying • providers of EV charging stations,
capacitor converter for a fast charger is proposed in [191], which im • Battery switching station operators,
proves the battery voltage by three times, and efficiency of the system is • Code officials/Electrical inspectors,
96.5%. • Service technicians,
• First responders,
3. International standards • Insurance companies.
An international standard is a document that is developed through Different EV charging standards are provided by Institute of Elec
the consensus of experts from many countries and is approved and trical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), International Organization for
published by a globally recognized body. It comprises rules, guidelines, Standardization (ISO), Japan Electric Vehicle Association (JEVA),
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stations. Standard IEC 62440 is intended to guide customers on the safe battery materials testing, battery size, identifications, and packaging,
use of cables in EV charging stations. The communication between battery recycling, secondary battery use, battery testing methodology,
vehicle and grid is addressed by ISO 15118. It includes physical layer EV hybrid vehicle crash safety, EV charging safety, EV charging, and
and data link layer requirements for wireless communication and grid communication, and EV power rating. Table 10 provides a
Network and application protocol conformance tests. Standard ISO comprehensive list of various SAE standards on EV charging stations.
17409 specifies electrical safety for conductive charging stations. Fig. 20 SAE J3073 and SAE J3178 address thermal management and adhesives
shows an infographic view of IEC standards for EV charging stations. of EV batteries. Battery size and packaging are addressed in SAE J1797,
J3124, J2981, and J3004. Various testing methodology for EV batteries
is specified by SAE J2758, J2380. The requirements for EV safety are
3.2. SAE standards addressed by SAE J3040, J1766, and J2990. SAE J1718, J2953/1/2/3
addresses safety measurements for EV charging stations. The perfor
Society of automotive engineering (SAE) has developed various in mance of EV battery and required power rating for EV is specified by
ternational standards for EV charging stations. The standard covers SAE J1978, J2758. The vibration durability testing of a single battery of
different sections such as battery performance and power ratings,
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Fig. 23. Battery charging methods and apparatus by Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd [206].
EVs is described by SAE J2380. Standard SAE J2293/1 establishes re nine months. In January 2020, Tesla Motors opened an EV
quirements for electrical energy transfer of EVs and the off-board EVSE. manufacturing unit in Shanghai valued USD 2 billion, which can
Standard SAE J1798 provides common test and verification methods to manufacture approximately 3000 EVs per week [204]. Many industries
determine EV battery module performances. SAE J537 serves as a guide such as Qualcomm, LG Electronics, Apple Inc, Canon, Xerox Corp, Intel
for testing procedures of automotive 12 V storage batteries. SAE J551-5 Corp, Ericcson Telefon Ab L M, Samsung Electronics Co Ltd, and Sony
covers the measurement of magnetic and electric field strengths over the Corp have registered various patents on EV charging stations. Fig. 22
frequency range of 9 kHz to 30 MHz and conductive emissions over the shows that number of patents in industries are gradually increasing
frequency range of 450 kHz to 30 MHZ. The SAE information report SAE every year. The number of patents on EV fast-charging stations in 2020
J2836-1, 2, 3 establishes communication between plug-in electric is 19,986, which is 1.3% higher than in 2019 [205].
vehicle and utility grid, EVSE, and distributed energy resource, respec In 2020, most of the manufacturers patented technologies such as
tively. The safety requirement for EV batteries is addressed by SAE wireless communication for EV charging stations and EVs, cyber security
J2929, J2464, J3009 [202]. Fig. 21 shows the SAE standard for EV threat, navigation on EV charging stations, collecting data from
charging stations. charging stations such as voltage, current, connector type, power level,
and battery performance, and a pre-cooling system for battery in EVs.
4. Recent trends and industrial developments The EVSE is controlled by a microprocessor inside an EV charging sta
tion. ABB, one of the leading manufacturers of EV charging stations, has
In 2020, the EV charging station market expanded at a faster pace published patents on the protection of EVSE, charging connectors, ca
compared to 2019 [203]. Global EV charging station market is valued bles, and loss detection techniques. ABB also patented technology on
approximately USD 5.03 billion in 2020 and is projected to achieve USD loss reduction in cable using different cooling systems and proposed new
36.87 billion by 2026. Due to rising environmental issues and demand technology to identify cybersecurity threats in EV charging stations.
for sustainable energy-efficient transportation, EV market has seen sig Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd has proposed a new method to deter
nificant expansion. Asia-Pacific is leading the charging station market, mine the number of EV charging ports for EVs based on the state of the
followed by Europe. China is the largest EV market in Asia-Pacific and battery, such as a state of charge (SOC) and state of health (SOH). The
delivered 872,000 units of EVs in 2019 at a rate of 20.8% over the first proposed method helps determine whether fast-charging of the battery
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G. Rajendran et al. Journal of Energy Storage 42 (2021) 103099
the leading manufacturers of EVs and EV charging stations, has pro 5. Near to future advancements and future roadmap
posed home charging stations for their customers. They have proposed
new power electronic converter system for EV charging stations with Wide Band-Gap semiconductors achieve prominence in the auto
galvanic isolation and two DC/DC converter to improve the system ef mobile industry. Wide Bandgap (WBG) power semiconductors such as
ficiency. Ford Global Technologies Llc has proposed a system that de silicon carbide (SiC) and gallium nitride (GaN) can be considered more
tects the controller of the vehicle and measures the temperature of the suitable for EV charging applications as they have many advantages over
battery in the vehicle. They have also implemented a communication conventional silicon (Si) devices, such as high-power density, high ef
system to monitor the charge level, travel route, charge waypoint, en ficiency, and good thermal performance. Fig. 24 shows the properties of
vironments, location data, vehicle data, and battery performance data. Si, SiC, and GaN power semiconductor devices [178]. Both SiC and GaN
Various patents registered by different manufacturers are listed in devices have high breakdown field property, which allows them to
Table 11. operate at low leakage currents and high voltages. Higher frequency
operation can be achieved by higher electron mobility and electron
Fig. 24. The material properties of Si, SiC, and GaN power semiconductor.
Fig. 25. Applications of SiC and GaN devices in EV charging stations [237].
G. Rajendran et al. Journal of Energy Storage 42 (2021) 103099
Fig. 26. Comparison of Si, SiC, and GaN based isolation converters [236].
Fig. 27. Future roadmap of electric vehicles in different countries between 2025 and 2050 [238].
Fig. 28. Greenhouse gas emission reduction by Transportation sector and share of electricity for transportation sector between 2020 and 2050 [238].
G. Rajendran et al. Journal of Energy Storage 42 (2021) 103099
saturation velocity of the materials. In addition, increased thermal solve this problem. Analysis shows an incremental trend in research
conductivity ensures that the material is superior for thermally effective focus pertaining to EV charging stations, and in 2020, a 1.5% increase in
conduction. The combination of high thermal conductivity with wide publication is reported compared to the previous year.
bandgap and high breakdown field makes SiC power semiconductor Various architectures for EV charging stations are analyzed in detail.
material suitable for high power applications, particularly for EV Although the installation cost of AC charging stations is low compared to
charging stations [35]. SiC-based power converter consumes 20–30% DC fast-charging stations, many automobile manufacturers are installing
less circuit area compared to Si-based power converter for EV charging DC fast charging stations as it takes less time to fully charge EV batteries
stations. Also, the conduction and switching losses of SiC based power because of higher power capacity. In addition to that, types of charging
converters are 73% less compared to the power converters made by Si stations are chosen based on the requirement of the EV customer. Level 1
based IGBTs [227]. For example, a 15 kW SiC-based EV charger deliv charging station is chosen for the range of 0–10 km in the household
ered 33% higher power and 25% smaller area compared to a similarly outlets. The level 2 charging station is chosen for the range of 50 km. The
rated Si-based EV charger [228–230]. Although GaN and SiC devices are DC fast charging station is chosen for the range of 100–200 km.
known to be the most advanced technologies, other semiconductor Technological challenges and trends in EV fast-charging stations are
materials such as diamond and gallium oxide show significant potential analyzed in detail. Considering installation cost, charging time, and
and are currently being investigated in several number of laboratories power levels, three types of charging stations have been analyzed. On
[231]. These modern semiconductor materials overcome many average, level 1 (AC charging) and level 2 (AC charging) charging sta
well-known Si based semiconductor device limitations in terms of tions take approximately 11 h and 3 h, respectively, whereas level 3 (DC
blocking voltage, operating temperature, and switching frequency, all of fast charging) charging station takes only 30 min to fully charge the EV
which are linked to the primary physical parameters used in the power batteries. Furthermore, various models for DC fast-charger, including
system design: critical electric field, band-gap energy, charge carriers, their power levels, output voltage and current, peak efficiency, volume,
saturation velocity, and thermal conductivity [232–235]. weight, and charging time, and different power conversion stages for DC
In recent years SiC and GaN devices have improved their perfor fast-charging stations, are analyzed in detail.
mance, such as lower conduction and switching loss, higher operating AC/DC charging converters are often facing harmonics and power
temperature, and better parameter stability. They are also used for factor deterioration issues. To overcome these challenges and improve
various high voltage/ high power applications such as electric aircraft, prospects of higher EV penetration, a comprehensive analysis of AC/DC
railway, wind energy application, EV/HEV application, welding power power converters is carried out based on the number of controlled
sources, Data centers, solar energy applications [227]. Applications of switches, harmonics in input current, and filter requirements. Research
SiC and GaN devices used in various parts of EVs and EV charging sta shows that the Vienna rectifier is the most promising converter topology
tions are shown in Fig. 25. Furthermore, the comparison of weight, for AC/DC conversion stage for EV charging stations due to input current
volume, and peak efficiency of Si, SiC, and GaN isolation converters THD of less than 5%, and it has the highest power density of 12 kW/dm3
were presented in [236]. It shows that the GaN device based isolation among all AC/DC converters. As it has many advantages in the AC/DC
converter has reduced volume by 53% weight by 79%, and increased conversion stage, Vienna rectifier can be used for high-power applica
power density by 170%, and increased specific power by 500% tions making it ideal for EV DC fast-charging stations. Furthermore,
compared to Si device based isolation converters is shown in Fig. 26 isolated and non-isolated DC/DC converters for EV charging stations are
[236]. analyzed in detail. For DC/DC conversion of EV charging stations, an
According to the international energy agency study, the number of isolated converter is more reliable than non-isolated converters in order
electric vehicles in the globe is projected to increase gradually and reach to maintain insulation between the grid and battery. Dual Active Bridge
its peak in 2050. As shown in Fig. 27, most of the countries have converter is the most promising converter for EV charging stations as it
implemented various policies aimed at increasing the number of electric has many advantages, including high power density, high efficiency, and
vehicles on the road and achieving net-zero emissions by 2050. Addi small size of filter components.
tionally, Fig. 28 illustrates the reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by Various international standards have been established to harmonize
the transportation sector and the percentage of electricity required for EV charging patterns, EV charging safety, power quality, communica
transportation sector by different countries. tion between EV and charging stations, and ensuring universal EV
acceptance. International Electrochemical Commission (IEC) and Soci
6. Conclusions and suggestions ety of Automotive /-Engineers (SAE) standards are widely used as in
ternational standards for EVs among them. IEC has provided standards
In this paper, a review of EV charging stations based on architec for general requirements for EVs AC/DC conductive power supply sys
tures, standards, AC/DC power converters, DC/DC converters, and tem, DC-off board conductive power supply system, battery swap sys
future aspects of EV charging stations is presented. With greater sense of tem, and communication systems. Also, it has established various
awareness on global warming and climate change and to reduce de standards for plugs, socket-outlets, vehicle connectors, and vehicle inlets
pendency on fossil fuel as the primary source of energy, investment and for EV charging systems. In addition, IEC standard has covered re
technological advancement on alternative energy sources are gaining quirements for the magnetic field power transfer systems for WPT
momentum. Transportation, a major economic driver, takes up a major application. Furthermore, the combination of IEC and ISO has estab
share of global electricity usage. Electrical vehicles (EVs) are poised to lished standards for vehicle–to–grid communication interface systems
become a major automobile choice due to their inherent ability to pro for EVs. On the other hand, SAE has provided international standards for
vide a positive impact by reducing fossil fuel dependency and reducing wireless charging communication, power quality requirements, safety
carbon emission. This lead to a rise in the number of EVs on the road, requirements for charging stations and batteries, digital communication,
enabled by government policies in different countries and techno- technical reports for automotive battery recycling, and test procedures
economic advancements. for EVSE systems.
EVs have various benefits such as lower fuel and maintenance costs, The introduction of wide band-gap technology such as SiC and GaN
low noise levels, and are extremely efficient because they use electric has opens up new research and development opportunities to advance
motors instead of internal combustion engines. Despite a rise in number high-power bidirectional converters, enabling super-fast-charging or
of EVs on the road, there is still a shortage of charging infrastructure, discharging of EV batteries. These devices can enable higher power
and the usual long charging period limits EV usage to regular commutes density for the Si-based EV charger, which can yield promising outcomes
and short-distance trips. A cost-effective and pervasive charging system for future applications. Various industries such as Samsung Electronics
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