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Order Number 31637
WALC 11 Language for Home Activities

Workbook of Activities for Language and Cognition

by Kathryn J. Tomlin

Skills Ages
■ word finding ■ 16 through adult
■ organization
■ categorization
■ reasoning
■ comprehension

Evidence-Based Practice
■ Communication, both verbal and nonverbal, is a fundamental human need. Meeting this
need by facilitating and enhancing communication in any form can be vital to a patient’s
well-being (NSA, 2005).
■ Therapy should include tasks that focus on semantic processing, including semantic cueing
of spoken output, semantic judgments, categorization, and word-to-picture matching
(Taylor-Goh, 2005).
■ Therapy may target the comprehension and production of complex, as well as simple,
sentence forms (Taylor-Goh, 2005).
■ Therapy should be conducted within natural communication environments (NSA, 2005).
■ Rehabilitation is an important part of a stroke, and the goal is to regain as much
independence as possible (NSA, 2005).
WALC 11 Language for Home Activities incorporates these principles and is also based on
expert professional practice.
National Stroke Association (NSA). (2005). Clinical guidelines for stroke rehabilitation and recovery. Retrieved February 4, 2010,
from www.nhmrc.gov.au/_files_nhmrc/file/publications/synopses/cp105.pdf
Taylor-Goh, S. (2005). Royal college of speech & language therapists clinical guidelines. United Kingdom: Speechmark.

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About the Author
Kathryn J. Tomlin, M.S., CCC-SLP, has been a speech-language
pathologist in hospitals, rehabilitation centers, and long-term care
facilities for over 25 years. Her materials, developed while working
with clients, have evolved over the years. She has authored many
materials with LinguiSystems over the last 20 years. Some of her
works include:

The Source for Apraxia Therapy

WALC (Workbook of Activities for Language and Cognition) Series—
• WALC 1: Aphasia Rehab (English and Spanish versions)
• WALC 2: Cognitive Rehab (English and Spanish versions)
• WALC 8: Word Finding
Kathy and her therapy dog, Zanmi
• WALC 9: Verbal and Visual Reasoning
• WALC 10: Memory

Zanmi, Kathy’s Samoyed, goes to work with her to encourage

clients. Her clients enjoy feeding and spending time with Zanmi,
and Zanmi enjoys their company. Everybody wins!

This book is gratefully dedicated to my parents, who taught me to be a “jack of all trades.”
There are not enough words to thank you for all the lessons you taught me about keeping
a home and about home maintenance. Your wisdom is now being shared with others through
these activities.

Edited by Lauri Whiskeyman

Illustrations by Margaret Warner
Page layout by Jeanne Ketelaar
Cover design by Jason Platt
Table of Contents
Introduction ......................................................................................................... 5

Home Maintenance
Activities Activities
Word Finding ........................................................................8 ........................... 97
Naming Pictures ...................................................................9 ........................... 98
Matching Words to Pictures ................................................12 ......................... 101
Making Associations ...........................................................15 ......................... 104
Matching Words to Definitions ............................................18 ......................... 107
Naming Objects from Descriptions .....................................21 ......................... 110
Naming Wholes from Parts .................................................24 ......................... 113
Comparing Items ................................................................26 ......................... 115
Listing Items for Tasks ........................................................28 ......................... 117

Organization.......................................................................30 ......................... 119

Unscrambling Words ...........................................................31 ......................... 120
Unscrambling Sentences ....................................................34 ......................... 123
Completing a Paragraph .....................................................37 ......................... 126
Sequencing .........................................................................41 ......................... 130
Completing a Schedule ......................................................44 ......................... 133

Categorization....................................................................46 ......................... 135

Categorizing—Listing Items ...............................................47 ......................... 136
Categorizing—Selecting 5 Items ........................................50 ......................... 139
Categorizing—Selecting Correct Items ...............................52 ......................... 141
Naming the Category .........................................................54 ......................... 144

Reasoning ..........................................................................57 ......................... 147

Making Word Deductions ....................................................58 ......................... 148
Determining Category Exclusions ......................................61 ......................... 151
Completing Picture Analogies ............................................63 ......................... 153
Completing Sentence Analogies ........................................65 ......................... 155
Modifying Sentence Incongruities .......................................67 ......................... 157
Determining if Statements Are True or False ......................70 ......................... 160
Comparing Sentence Content ............................................75 ......................... 165
Evaluating Information ........................................................78 ......................... 168
Using Deductive Reasoning ...............................................83 ......................... 173

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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Table of Contents, continued

Home Maintenance
Activities Activities

Picture/Paragraph Comprehension .................................88 ......................... 178

Answering Questions About a Picture ................................89 ......................... 179
Comprehending Information in a Paragraph .......................94 ......................... 184

Resources ....................................................................................................... 187

Answer Key ..................................................................................................... 190

WALC 11: Language for Home Activities 4 Copyright © 2007

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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
After a person suffers a neurological impairment to the brain, various language and
cognitive skills are affected. Rehabilitation therapy can help retrain those skills. A client
may rationalize that he has difficulty with tasks because he doesn’t know the information
to begin with or that the content of the task is not something he is interested in. To
address this, the activities in WALC 11: Language for Home Activities were developed to
provide stimulus items for remediation of language and cognitive-linguistic impairments that
are relevant to a person’s daily activities around the home. The tasks endeavor to make the
content familiar to the client while retraining the foundation skills for language and cognitive
processing, formulation, and expression.

The first section of this book addresses general knowledge associated with the home. The
second section addresses general knowledge associated with home maintenance. A general
assumption may be that women will identify more with the home activities in the first section
and men will identify more with the home maintenance activities in the latter half of the book.
However, this is not always the case. Part of the enjoyment of using these tasks will be
the adventure you and your clients have learning about the topics they find interesting and

The following main skill areas provide the basis for WALC 11.

• Word Finding
Providing the short-answer responses to the tasks will improve your client’s word-
retrieval skills. The tasks will stimulate the recall of information and words stored in
your client’s memory. They will also assist in the speed and accuracy of word retrieval.

• Organization
The tasks in this book involve organization of thought (e.g., unscrambling words and
sentences). Being able to think in a logical, organized manner will improve your client’s
ability to recall information, answer questions, make schedules, and reason effectively.

• Categorization
Information is stored in the brain in a highly organized, logical manner. One of the
storage and retrieval systems is categorization. Many of the tasks in this book will
improve your client’s ability to categorize. This will aid in his ability to comprehend,
process information, and use data to formulate answers.

WALC 11: Language for Home Activities 5 Copyright © 2007

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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Introduction, continued

• Reasoning
Many of the tasks in this book involve taking salient information and using it to deduce
an answer. Some of the tasks involve overt reasoning (e.g., word deduction, analogies)
and other tasks involve covert reasoning (e.g., sequencing sentences of an activity,
determining part/whole relationships).

• Picture/Paragraph Comprehension
Due to difficulties with visual reasoning, visual interpretation, and visual figure-ground
perception, clients frequently do not interpret visual stimuli correctly. Tasks in this
section use scenes to aid in a client’s ability to relearn visual skills.

Due to difficulties with memory and the ability to sustain information over time, a client
frequently has difficulty interpreting information presented in paragraphs. Tasks that
involve interpreting and responding to paragraph information improve a client’s ability
to retain and recall longer material.

There are many processes layered into each task in this book. Some of the processes are:

➤ visual perception: Tasks involving pictures aid a client’s ability to perceive and interpret
visually presented information. Information in some tasks is bolded to help your client key
into content material.

➤ thought organization: Tasks involve interpreting stimuli and then devising a response.
This will aid in reestablishing effective thought organization.

➤ verbal rehearsal: Initially, it will be helpful to have your client verbalize the task items and
the processing he is using to determine the answers. As accuracy improves, encourage
him to solve the problems silently, as silent thinking is much faster than thinking aloud.

➤ attention/concentration: It is important that your client be able to maintain attention to

presented information over time. The tasks in this book address this by slowly increasing
the amount of information presented, beginning with one word at a time, then sentences,
paragraphs, and finally, narratives.

➤ memory: In order to determine a correct response, a client must remember all of the
salient content presented in a task. A client must not only remember what was in the
stimulus item but he must also remember his processing strategies and responses.

Home Activities
WALC 11: Language for Home Activities 6 Copyright © 2007
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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Introduction, continued

➤ convergent and divergent thinking: The format of the tasks in this book addresses
convergent and divergent thinking. Questions that require short, specific answers involve
convergent thinking. Questions that have more than one right answer or require recall of
personal experience involve divergent thinking.

Suggestions for Use

1. Have the client read the tasks aloud initially to insure his processing is efficient and
effective. Once the process is established, have him complete the tasks silently.

2. On tasks that require the client to choose an answer, it may be helpful to show one line
at a time until he is comfortable with the format of the task.

3. Ask the client to read information or answers aloud or to repeat them after you to help
him code the information.

4. A client may need your guidance to find the most effective method to complete a task.

5. Flexibility in thinking is challenged with tasks having more than one right answer. Accept
any logical answers but guard against over generalization or the tendency to focus on the
exceptions instead of the most obvious answers.

6. It may be beneficial to let the client observe you as you think through a task aloud
so he can model your reasoning and thinking strategies.

7. Identify the strategies that are the most difficult for your client and emphasize them
in therapy.

8. Answers are provided in the Answer Key. There are times when items have multiple
answers even if only one is listed. Accept any reasonable answer as correct. Emphasize
enjoyment rather than accuracy.

May you find these tasks as enjoyable to do with your clients as I did writing and revising
them with my clients over the last 20+ years.


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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Home Activities
The activities in the first half of this book address general knowledge associated with the
home. The familiar and relevant content in the tasks will increase your client’s interest as
it taps into information stored in his remote memory. This will make your client feel like the
tasks apply directly to him. These tasks are designed to utilize your client’s foundational skills
to improve language and cognitive processing, sentence formulation, and verbal expression.

Word Finding

Everyone has some degree of word-finding difficulty, but for someone who has a brain
dysfunction, the frequency of anomic difficulties is intensified. A client will frequently
attempt to rationalize that he cannot remember a word because it is not familiar to him.
However, the familiarity of content in these tasks will increase your client’s awareness that
he indeed has difficulty with word finding and will encourage him to remediate the problem.

The tasks in this section address several layers of naming skills, including the following.

• confrontational naming
• making associations
• matching words to definitions
• naming objects from descriptions
• naming whole objects when given a part
• comparing items to determine which fit a superlative condition
• listing items from tasks

The tasks target word finding related to furniture, kitchen items, food, household items,
and household tasks.

Home Activities
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© 2007 Inc.
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Naming Pictures
Name the pictures.

Home Activities—Word Finding

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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Naming Pictures
Name the pictures.

Home Activities—Word Finding

WALC 11: Language for Home Activities 10 Copyright © 2007
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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Naming Pictures
Name the pictures.

Home Activities—Word Finding

WALC 11: Language for Home Activities 11 Copyright © 2007
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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Matching Words to Pictures
Find a word to match each picture. Draw a line from the word to the picture.






Home Activities—Word Finding

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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Matching Words to Pictures
Find a word to match each picture. Draw a line from the word to the picture.

rolling pin

baking pan


cutting board


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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Matching Words to Pictures
Find a word to match each picture. Draw a line from the word to the picture.

Swiss cheese





Home Activities—Word Finding

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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Making Associations
Find a word on the left that goes with a word in the box. The first one is done for you.

coffee shelf

cardboard pot

rocking carton

washing tub

bird table

window chair

picture weight

book bath

bath box

sweat sill

paper machine

end sheet

milk frame

cookie opener

can shirt

Home Activities—Word Finding

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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Making Associations
Find a word on the left that goes with a word in the box. The first one is done for you.

cheese jar

butcher foil

soup case

aluminum shredder

pillow spoon

shower knife

frying shaker

picnic curtain

cookie table

suit bowl

salt pan

coffee bulb

hand mug

mixing case

light mixer

Home Activities—Word Finding

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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Making Associations
Find a word on the left that goes with a word in the box. The first one is done for you.

microwave file

hair stove

nail towel

vacuum control

potato cleaner

shaving cream

remote switch

bath dish

gas pan

hand faucet

dust lotion

medicine peeler

soap spray

light oven

water cabinet

Home Activities—Word Finding

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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Matching Words to Definitions
Match each word to its definition. Write the letter on the blank.

1. _____ sugar a. a covering for a window

2. _____ frame b. used for wiping up a spill

3. _____ couch c. put on a cut

4. _____ curtain d. used to unclog drains

5. _____ tea e. a piece of furniture more

than one person can sit on
6. _____ sponge f. a sweetener

7. _____ aluminum foil g. used to cover or wrap food

8. _____ plunger h. goes around a picture

9. _____ flowers i. decorative plants for a garden

10. _____ bandage j. a beverage

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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Matching Words to Definitions
Match each word to its definition. Write the letter on the blank.

1. _____ mirror a. used to clean pans

2. _____ dresser b. used when dusting furniture

c. a type of eyeglasses
3. _____ iron
d. a kind of spoon used for
4. _____ oven serving soup

e. a piece of furniture used

5. _____ ladle to store clothing

6. _____ bookcase f. the property surrounding

a house

7. _____ furniture polish g. an appliance used to take

wrinkles out of fabric
8. _____ steel wool pad
h. an appliance that bakes food

9. _____ bifocals i. shows your reflection

10. _____ yard j. a piece of furniture

containing several shelves

Home Activities—Word Finding

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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Matching Words to Definitions
Match each word to its definition. Write the letter on the blank.

1. _____ filing cabinet a. a place to hang coats

b. a pan used on the stove to

2. _____ armchair
fry food

3. _____ can opener c. a comfortable place to sit

d. a place to wash your body

4. _____ skillet
e. used for brewing and serving
a beverage
5. _____ coffeepot
f. an appliance that heats the
6. _____ stove bottoms of pans to cook food

g. helps you keep your balance

7. _____ medicine cabinet when walking

h. a place for storing pills,

8. _____ shower
razor, and toothpaste

9. _____ closet i. a container with sliding


10. _____ cane j. a device for opening cans

Home Activities—Word Finding

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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Naming Objects from Descriptions
What object is described?

1. This tree stays green all year. _________________________

2. This is used for cutting meat. ________________________

3. This is used to call your friends. ________________________

4. This is jewelry worn around the neck. ________________________

5. This is what people earn and spend. ________________________

6. This is a vehicle with a steering wheel. ________________________

7. This is used to hang a dress or pants. ________________________

8. This is used to gather groceries at the store. ________________________

9. This is used to sew on a button. ________________________

10. This is a common medicine for colds. ________________________

11. This is used to dry off after a shower. ________________________

12. This is used to get the tangles out of hair. ________________________

13. This is used to water a plant. ________________________

14. This is a piece of furniture with drawers. ________________________

15. This is a room to sleep in. ________________________

Home Activities—Word Finding

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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Naming Objects from Descriptions
What object is described?

1. This is what we walk on that is beside a street. _______________________

2. This is a book that contains recipes. _______________________

3. This kitchen utensil is used to flip pancakes. _______________________

4. This condiment is used on hot dogs

or hamburgers. _______________________

5. This kind of store sells clothing, dishes, and _______________________

many other things.

6. This is something hung on the wall for decoration. _______________________

7. This musical instrument has black and white keys. _______________________

8. This is a small bag used to carry money, keys, _______________________

and other personal belongings.

9. This is a small brush used to clean teeth. _______________________

10. This is an appliance used to bake foods. _______________________

11. This soft object is used to support the head _______________________

when sleeping.

12. This electrical appliance is used to mix _______________________

ingredients together.

13. This appliance cleans clothing. _______________________

14. This meal is eaten in the morning. _______________________

15. This is something we write with. _______________________

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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Naming Objects from Descriptions
What object is described?

1. This shows news, movies, and programs. ________________________

2. This is used to water the lawn. ________________________

3. This shows your reflection when you are ________________________

combing your hair.

4. This is an appliance that cools the air. ________________________

5. This is a warm article of clothing. ________________________

6. This is a container to hold water when ________________________

you wash the floor.

7. This is a spice used to season food. ________________________

8. This is something to write on. ________________________

9. This piece of furniture seats one or more people. ________________________

10. This metal pan is used for baking cookies. ________________________

11. This garden tool is used to dig a hole. ________________________

12. This is a place to store clean sheets and towels. ________________________

13. This is a place to plant flowers and vegetables. ________________________

14. These are containers used to store flour, ________________________

sugar, salt, etc.

15. This is used to fasten papers together. ________________________

Home Activities—Word Finding

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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Naming Wholes from Parts
Name an object associated with each part.

1. knob _____________________ 16. handle _____________________

2. page _____________________ 17. cord _____________________

3. leaf _____________________ 18. blade _____________________

4. shelf _____________________ 19. drawer _____________________

5. pocket _____________________ 20. wick _____________________

6. burner _____________________ 21. legs _____________________

7. core _____________________ 22. eraser _____________________

8. collar _____________________ 23. ink _____________________

9. stem _____________________ 24. frame _____________________

10. lenses _____________________ 25. brim _____________________

11. faucet _____________________ 26. bristles _____________________

12. wheel _____________________ 27. button _____________________

13. mattress _____________________ 28. buckle _____________________

14. hands _____________________ 29. base _____________________

15. hook _____________________ 30. cushion _____________________

Home Activities—Word Finding

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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Naming Wholes from Parts
Name an object associated with each part.

1. lid _____________________ 16. nails _____________________

2. batteries _____________________ 17. curtains _____________________

3. arms _____________________ 18. trunk _____________________

4. zipper _____________________ 19. tray _____________________

5. spout _____________________ 20. lock _____________________

6. door _____________________ 21. nozzle _____________________

7. shade _____________________ 22. stamp _____________________

8. screen _____________________ 23. bone _____________________

9. laces _____________________ 24. fringe _____________________

10. seat _____________________ 25. sheets _____________________

11. pocket _____________________ 26. holes _____________________

12. strap _____________________ 27. tail _____________________

13. switch _____________________ 28. branch _____________________

14. eye _____________________ 29. antenna _____________________

15. bud _____________________ 30. pit _____________________

Home Activities—Word Finding

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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Comparing Items
Circle the answer.

Which item is the __________________

1. longest? pencil yardstick key

2. lightest? feather bar of soap book

3. oldest? infant toddler teenager

4. darkest? ginger ale cola water

5. strongest? rope thread rubber band

6. sweetest? cookie lettuce dinner roll

7. tallest? house bush person

8. hottest? blender iron vacuum

9. widest? road table ocean

10. loudest? screaming talking whispering

11. whitest? dirt grass snow

12. hardest? sugar frying pan dough

13. meanest? puppy therapy dog attack dog

14. softest? kitten rock sink

15. earliest? night morning evening

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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Comparing Items
Circle the answer.

Which item is the __________________

1. shortest? toothpick hairbrush hanger

2. heaviest? stool chair sofa

3. youngest? boy infant grandfather

4. brightest? lamp candle mirror

5. crispiest? butter lunch meat potato chip

6. sourest? ice cream dill pickle tea

7. shortest? hour second day

8. coldest? ice water milk

9. thinnest? cracker muffin slice of bread

10. quietest? shouting talking whispering

11. blackest? cheese licorice chocolate

12. softest? dough ice rock candy

13. largest? bike wagon jet plane

14. greenest? lemon lime grapefruit

15. sharpest? steak knife butter knife spoon

Home Activities—Word Finding

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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Listing Items for Tasks
List four things you need for each activity.

Doing the Laundry

1. ______________________ 3. ______________________

2. ______________________ 4. ______________________

Paying the Bills

1. ______________________ 3. ______________________

2. ______________________ 4. ______________________

Caring for a Pet

1. ______________________ 3. ______________________

2. ______________________ 4. ______________________

Repotting a Plant

1. ______________________ 3. ______________________

2. ______________________ 4. ______________________

Home Activities—Word Finding

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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Listing Items for Tasks
List four things you need for each activity.

Making a Meal

1. ______________________ 3. ______________________

2. ______________________ 4. ______________________

Fixing Your Hair

1. ______________________ 3. ______________________

2. ______________________ 4. ______________________

Filling a Photo Album

1. ______________________ 3. ______________________

2. ______________________ 4. ______________________

Cleaning the Kitchen

1. ______________________ 3. ______________________

2. ______________________ 4. ______________________

Home Activities—Word Finding

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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
The tasks in this section involve organization of thoughts. Being able to think in a logical,
organized manner will improve your client’s ability to take information and comprehend it in
a hierarchical manner. This will help to negate the tendency to think divergently or to utilize
mental manipulation in a manner that becomes tangential and off course. The tasks are
organized as follows to stimulate this progression in thinking to achieve a desired goal.

• In tasks where your client unscrambles words, he first needs to recall word possibilities
within the category and make an organized decision for which word is the correct item.
Then he needs to order the letters correctly to form the word.

• When unscrambling words to make a sentence related to common household activities,

completing paragraphs related to familiar events or activities, or sequencing the steps
of an activity of daily living, your client must use the content in an organized,
progressive manner.

• When completing the scheduling activities, your client must use the information
presented in the paragraph and organize it based on content and on time sequence.

The content of the tasks in this section focuses on food, clothing, household items, and
household activities.

Home Activities
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Unscrambling Words
Unscramble each word. The first letter is capitalized and underlined.

Spices Clothing

1. l i D l 1. r S i h t

2. l v o C e s 2. a t P n s

3. e G g n i r 3. f S r a c

4. h m y T e 4. S o c s k

5. B l s i a 5. e h S o s

6. c i a l r G 6. p S i l

7. t a S l 7. G v o l s e

8. e g m N t u 8. o t C a

9. e P r p e p 9. B l e t

10. S e a g 10. r S i k t

Home Activities—Organization
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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Unscrambling Words
Unscramble each word. The first letter is capitalized and underlined.

Things in a Things in a
Kitchen Bathroom

1. a s P n 1. o l T w e

2. o k F r 2. a o p S

3. w o B l 3. u T b

4. u s p C 4. a u r t C i n

5. J r a s 5. r o r i M r

6. i S n k 6. I c e S a

7. o l w e T 7. r m H p a e

8. a T e l b 8. T e u s i s s

9. o S n o p 9. i S n k

10. S e v t o 10. a z R o r

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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Unscrambling Words
Unscramble each word. The first letter is capitalized and underlined.

Things in a Cooking
Living Room Words

1. o f S a 1. a k B e

2. a C r p t e 2. l B i o

3. l o C c k 3. l i r o B

4. p a m L 4. r w B o n

5. P s t a l n 5. R s a o t

6. n i u t C r a 6. m e S m r i

7. o B s k o 7. r W a m

8. a h r i C 8. m t a S e

9. C t s o l e 9. t H a e

10. n E d ae Tlb 10. o t T a s

Home Activities—Organization
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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Unscrambling Sentences
Unscramble each sentence. The first word in the sentence is capitalized.

1. roses She the in put vase.


2. 350° the to oven Preheat.


3. the his on He button shirt sewed.


4. What dinner we for having are?


5. timer off the The went on oven.


6. for went We Chicago our to vacation.


7. the the to school kids for went she store After left.

8. Friday vacuums mornings on He downstairs.


9. bag vacuum a The new needed.


10. his to bedroom told his son He clean.


Home Activities—Organization
WALC 11: Language for Home Activities 34 Copyright © 2007
Copyright © LinguiSystems, Inc.
2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Unscrambling Sentences
Unscramble each sentence. The first word in the sentence is capitalized.

1. with think finished do chores your you be will When you?


2. door way Please on the your lock out.


3. vegetables their They in garden planted.


4. hours stuffed for The roasted turkey five.


5. vacuums always she Leona before dusts.


6. room the There closet no in was more.


7. enough everyone wasn’t for milk There.


8. 3:00 Our gets after mail delivered.


9. they because plants drooping water The needed started.


10. under cleaning the sink The were supplies.


Home Activities—Organization
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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Unscrambling Sentences
Unscramble each sentence. The first word in the sentence is capitalized.

1. lit went When out candles some they the electricity.


2. dessert for apple made pie Jeff an.


3. food money Coupons buying you when save.


4. counter on a was box the tissues of There.


5. soup the was in salt There much too.


6. relatives their for They prepared dinner.


7. having dessert What we are for?


8. color should paint we bedroom the What?


9. windows you wash Would the please?


10. table the kitchen Put the on groceries.


Home Activities—Organization
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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Completing a Paragraph
Use the words in the box to fill in the blanks.

lightning glad louder oil

storm living drawer house
two suddenly flashlight

The Storm

The _____________ was becoming worse. It had been raining for

_____________ hours. The thunder was becoming _____________ and

the _____________ more frequent. _____________ the electricity went

out in the _____________. Sam and Anita lit two _____________ lamps

they had in the _____________ room. They got the ______________

out of a kitchen _____________. They were _____________ when the

electricity came back on about 20 minutes later.

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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Completing a Paragraph
Use the words in the box to fill in the blanks.

bidders knew old own

go gift home sale
mornings happy newspaper

Antique Shopping

Karl loved to _______________ to antique auctions. Each week he

checked the _______________ for sales. He usually went on Saturday

_______________, but sometimes he went to an evening

_______________ if it was close to his _______________. He loved to

see all of the _______________ “treasures” being sold to the highest

_______________. Sometimes he bought an item for his

_______________ home, but occasionally he was able to get something

he _______________ one of his family members would like as a

_______________. Even if he bought nothing, he went home feeling


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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Completing a Paragraph
Use the words in the box to fill in the blanks.

several bills savings food

kitchen money time portion
income oven days

Tax Refund

When the Mendozas got their _____________ tax refund, they decided it

was _____________ to plan how to spend it. There were _____________

things that needed to be repaired—the old _____________ floor tile and

the _____________ that always overcooked the _____________. The

money could also help pay some of their medical _____________. After

discussing it for several _____________, they finally decided to use a

_____________ of the money to pay medical bills. The _____________

they had left would be put into their _____________ account.

Home Activities—Organization
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Copyright © LinguiSystems,
2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Completing a Paragraph
Use the words in the box to fill in the blanks.

suitcases Andrew ocean sunny

vacation ready through car
cat newspaper windows

Vacation Time

Frank, Ann, and their children, Rebecca and ______________, were

getting ready to go on ______________. They had rented a house

on the ______________. They spent two days packing their

______________. Ann took their ______________ to a friend to take

care of him while they were gone. Frank went ______________ the

house to make sure all the ______________ were locked. They called

to suspend their ______________ delivery for one week. Finally, they

were ______________ to leave. They put their suitcases in the

______________ and headed for the ______________ beach.

Home Activities—Organization
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Copyright © LinguiSystems, Inc.
2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Put the following steps in the correct order by numbering them. Then, name the task.

Set A ________________________________

_____ Get dressed.

_____ Clean up the kitchen.
_____ Shut off the alarm.
_____ Eat breakfast.
_____ Get up.

Set B ________________________________

_____ Put on the blanket.

_____ Take off the dirty sheets.
_____ Put on the bedspread.
_____ Put on a clean top sheet.
_____ Put on a clean bottom sheet.

Set C ________________________________

_____ Pour the coffee into the mug.

_____ Drink the coffee.
_____ Put the dirty mug in the sink.
_____ Add cream and sugar.
_____ Make the coffee.

Set D ________________________________

_____ Dig up the soil.

_____ Pull out the weeds.
_____ Water the plants.
_____ Pick the vegetables.
_____ Plant the seedlings.

Home Activities—Organization
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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Put the following steps in the correct order by numbering them. Then, name the task.

Set A ________________________________
_____ Eat the hamburgers.
_____ Make the hamburger patties.
_____ Put the hamburger patties on buns.
_____ Put the hamburger patties on the grill.
_____ Start the grill.
_____ Cook the hamburger patties.

Set B ________________________________
_____ Get the window cleaner and paper towels.
_____ Decide to wash the windows.
_____ Dry the window.
_____ Put the window cleaner away.
_____ Wash the window.
_____ Clean any spots you missed.

Set C ________________________________
_____ Sort the laundry into separate loads.
_____ Put the laundry away.
_____ Fold the laundry.
_____ Dry the laundry.
_____ Add the laundry soap.
_____ Put a load in the washer.

Set D ________________________________
_____ Tie the top of the bag.
_____ Get a new garbage bag.
_____ Notice the garbage bag is full.
_____ Put a new bag in the garbage can.
_____ Put the full bag out for the garbage collectors.
_____ Pull the full bag out of the garbage can.

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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Put the following steps in the correct order by numbering them. Then, name the task.

Set A ________________________________

_____ Wash your body.

_____ Get dressed.
_____ Dry yourself off.
_____ Get into the shower.
_____ Wash your hair.
_____ Turn on the water.
_____ Get out of the shower.

Set B ________________________________

_____ Seal the envelope.

_____ Put the letter in the mailbox.
_____ Write a letter.
_____ Write your return address on the envelope.
_____ Address the envelope.
_____ Put the letter into an envelope.
_____ Put a stamp on the envelope.

Set C ________________________________

_____ Put the car into gear.

_____ Get into the car.
_____ Look around to see if the road is clear.
_____ Walk out of the house.
_____ Drive away.
_____ Put the key into the ignition and start the car.
_____ Fasten your seatbelt.

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Copyright © LinguiSystems,
2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Completing a Schedule
Use the clues to fill in Anna’s schedule.

At 6:00 a.m., Anna got up. A half an hour later, she ate breakfast. She raked
leaves at 7:00, and at 8:30, Anna went to visit Rebecca. One hour later, Anna and
Rebecca went to Dawn’s house. At noon, they had lunch and at 1:00 p.m. they
went swimming. At 3:00 they went home. By 4:30 Anna and Rebecca were
watching a movie on TV.

Time Activity

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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Completing a Schedule
Use the clues to fill in Helen’s schedule.

Before going to her dance class at 11:00, Helen had a two-hour business meeting
with Ali and Jenna. After dance class, she had lunch with her brother, Frank, at
noon. By one, she was shopping with Maria at the mall. After two hours, they were
exhausted, so Helen drove home to watch a movie that started at 3:30. By 4:00 she
was fast asleep in front of the TV.

Time Activity

Home Activities—Organization
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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Information is stored in the brain in a highly organized, logical manner. One of the systems
we use for storage and retrieval is categorization. The tasks in this section will help your
client reestablish categorizing strategies.

• Tasks that involve listing items needed to complete familiar activities will assist in recall
of multiple words.

• Tasks that require your client to locate five words related to a given category provide the
information as to how many words he must find. That information is not present in the
next tasks where your client must locate multiple items that belong to a category without
knowing exactly how many to find. This encourages language and cognitive processing
and flexible thinking as your client determines which words belong to the given category.

• When naming the category, your client must use the categorizing skill in reverse order
to determine how the task items are related.

The content of the tasks in this section focuses on cleaning items, appliances, rooms in a
house, household items, and food.

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© 2007 Inc.
PRO-ED, Inc.
Categorizing—Listing Items
List as many items as you can for each category.

Cleaning Items

1. ______________________ 5. ______________________

2. ______________________ 6. ______________________

3. ______________________ 7. ______________________

4. ______________________ 8. ______________________


1. ______________________ 5. ______________________

2. ______________________ 6. ______________________

3. ______________________ 7. ______________________

4. ______________________ 8. ______________________

Rooms in a House

1. ______________________ 5. ______________________

2. ______________________ 6. ______________________

3. ______________________ 7. ______________________

4. ______________________ 8. ______________________

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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Categorizing—Listing Items
List as many items as you can for each category.

Cooking Items

1. ______________________ 5. ______________________

2. ______________________ 6. ______________________

3. ______________________ 7. ______________________

4. ______________________ 8. ______________________

Bathroom Items

1. ______________________ 5. ______________________

2. ______________________ 6. ______________________

3. ______________________ 7. ______________________

4. ______________________ 8. ______________________

Household Tasks

1. ______________________ 5. ______________________

2. ______________________ 6. ______________________

3. ______________________ 7. ______________________

4. ______________________ 8. ______________________

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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Categorizing—Listing Items
List as many items as you can for each category.


1. ______________________ 5. ______________________

2. ______________________ 6. ______________________

3. ______________________ 7. ______________________

4. ______________________ 8. ______________________


1. ______________________ 5. ______________________

2. ______________________ 6. ______________________

3. ______________________ 7. ______________________

4. ______________________ 8. ______________________

Items in a Closet

1. ______________________ 5. ______________________

2. ______________________ 6. ______________________

3. ______________________ 7. ______________________

4. ______________________ 8. ______________________

Home Activities—Categorization
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Copyright © LinguiSystems,
2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Categorizing—Selecting 5 Items
Identify five words in each box associated with the word on the left.

cord telephone news movie

TV channels programs dress water

chair plant food dirt rust

Plant water clock sunlight pot

letters envelopes hair stamps

Mail coaster bills delivered pizza

pack block trip brick

Suitcase clothing handle table carry

moon roof rooms basement

Home residence yard pocket wig

pillow snow bulb switch

Lamp shade light cord bridge

Home Activities—Categorization
WALC 11: Language for Home Activities 50 Copyright © 2007
Copyright © LinguiSystems, Inc.
2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Categorizing—Selecting 5 Items
Identify five words in each box associated with the word on the left.

breakfast cushion milk eat

Cereal vinegar bowl crispy vase

furniture fan sit back

Chair leaves legs seat avenue

shelves pants cold freezer

Refrigerator oven door tile crisper

sleeve melody fry floor

Music harmony notes singer radio

heel book feet peanuts

Shoes sole laces garden leather

pan burner freeze rinse

Stove radio cook heat dial

Home Activities—Categorization
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Copyright © LinguiSystems,
2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Categorizing—Selecting Correct Items
Identify the items that belong in each category.

gasoline bowls measuring cups

Things in a plates milk coffee cup
Kitchen glasses sheets toothpaste
toilet food dishes

Things Used camera basket dirty clothes

washer dryer soda
to Wash sponge pots and pans detergent
Clothes water shampoo fabric softener

lettuce pork chop radish

Ingredients pumpkin onion bark
for a Salad tomatoes cucumber flowers
cereal grass celery

cloth pins mend

Sewing stairs needle limbs
Words thread scissors thimble
beef tape measure patterns

buns dollar half dollar

Money quarter pinch penny
Words brow sugar collar
nickel dime block

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Copyright © LinguiSystems, Inc.
2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Categorizing—Selecting Correct Items
Identify the items that belong in each category.

canary eagle horse

hamster dog roach
Pets slug cheetah squirrel
elephant parrot cat

snow rain drive

hail paper sunny
Weather cover clear windy
sleet wiper pike

ball walk teddy bear

matches doll saw
Toys necktie blocks creamer
truck screen puzzles

bucket flower cactus

vine dirt bush
Plants grass fern shrub
tree garden shovel

wagon blanket nightstand

Things in a pillow bed wheel
Bedroom stove alarm clock eggs
mirror washer dresser

Home Activities—Categorization
WALC 11: Language for Home Activities 53 Copyright © 2007
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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Naming the Category
Name the category for each list of items.

1. salt, oregano, pepper, dill _______________________

2. teaspoon, ounce, cup, tablespoon _______________________

3. bathroom, kitchen, den, bedroom _______________________

4. pork, beef, ham, veal _______________________

5. shower, toilet, bathtub, medicine cabinet _______________________

6. plate, glass, silverware, napkin _______________________

7. laundry, vacuuming, cooking, dusting _______________________

8. fried, scrambled, omelet, soft-boiled _______________________

9. sofa, chair, dresser, cabinet _______________________

10. celery, radish, lettuce, corn _______________________

11. oak, pine, ash, willow _______________________

12. sheets, pillows, mattress pad, blanket _______________________

13. strawberries, bananas, apples, pears _______________________

14. cream, butter, milk, cheese _______________________

15. curtains, drapes, blinds, sheers _______________________

Home Activities—Categorization
WALC 11: Language for Home Activities 54 Copyright © 2007
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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Naming the Category
Name the category for each list of items.

1. glass, cup, goblet, mug ________________________

2. lemon meringue, cherry, pumpkin, apple ________________________

3. pecans, almonds, pistachios, peanuts ________________________

4. rye, wheat, white, whole grain ________________________

5. brown, blonde, brunette, black ________________________

6. perch, bass, flounder, tuna ________________________

7. lemonade, water, iced tea, ginger ale ________________________

8. can, jar, bottle, carton ________________________

9. linoleum, carpet, hardwood, tile ________________________

10. twin, full, queen, king ________________________

11. toaster, can opener, microwave, coffee maker ________________________

12. shirt, pants, socks, skirt ________________________

13. candle, lamp, flashlight, sun ________________________

14. tulips, daisies, geraniums, pansies ________________________

15. oysters, clams, scallops, crabs ________________________

Home Activities—Categorization
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Copyright © LinguiSystems,
2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Naming the Category
Name the category for each list of items.

1. dog, cat, canary, parrot ________________________

2. slipper, shoes, socks, sneakers ________________________

3. rocker, recliner, chair, sofa ________________________

4. chicken, goose, turkey, duck ________________________

5. book, recipe, postcard, magazine ________________________

6. dime, quarter, dollar, nickel ________________________

7. Swiss, cheddar, mozzarella, American ________________________

8. fried, mashed, scalloped, baked ________________________

9. scissors, knife, razor, saw ________________________

10. chocolate layer, marble, angel food, yellow ________________________

11. cards, gifts, cake, party ________________________

12. comb, shampoo, brush, curlers ________________________

13. stem, roots, flower, leaves ________________________

14. hot dogs, baked beans, potato salad, chips ________________________

15. corduroy, wool, cotton, denim ________________________

Home Activities—Categorization
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Copyright © LinguiSystems, Inc.
2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
The tasks in this section involve the skill of being able to use salient information to deduce
an answer. To encourage thought flexibility as well as to discourage fixation, items within a
task are not always uniform (e.g., some questions require a specific answer while others may
have more than one right answer).

• When making word deductions, your client must reason how the words relate and utilize
convergent reasoning to determine the answer.

• For category exclusion, your client must be able to compare and contrast multiple words
to deduce which of the words does not belong with the others.

• Sentence and picture analogies involve deducing how the first pair of items are related
and then carrying over that process so it is reflected in the second set of items.

• Identifying and then correcting incongruities in sentences involves verbal reasoning

based on knowledge stored in your client’s memory. Many of the sentences can be
corrected in multiple ways, so it will require your client to make a determination as to
which correction is best suited for the item according to his knowledge base.

• When determining if sentences are true or false, your client must be able to read the
sentence, compare it to his knowledge, and then determine its correctness.

• For tasks involving comparing sentences to determine if they mean the same thing,
your client needs to ascertain if word order affects the meaning or if the content in one
sentence means the same as the other sentence. He must then make a determination
based on grammar, word order, and content.

• The tasks for evaluating information incorporate a unique format in that they are more
subjective. The items address things your client would or would not do depending upon
his knowledge and background. This allows your client to have more freedom in his
responses as they are based on his own personal preferences.

• The deductive reasoning tasks give practice using clues to determine which item fits the
given content. They also incorporate an exclusion principle as it is easier to determine
the answer by eliminating all unrelated items.

The content of the tasks in this section focuses on objects used around the home to complete
familiar activities, home furnishings, household activities, and household chores.

Home Activities
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© 2007 Inc.
PRO-ED, Inc.
Making Word Deductions
What item is described by the clue words?

1. cord, bag, suction, cleaning ________________________

2. time, hands, wrist, numbers ________________________

3. sweet, cane, white, spoonful ________________________

4. cord, lightbulb, shade, switch ________________________

5. cushions, living room, seats three, soft ________________________

6. breakable, reflects, glass, wall ________________________

7. plush, fibers, wall-to-wall, floor ________________________

8. fast cooking, appliance, kitchen, timer ________________________

9. sharp, blade, cut, handle ________________________

10. shower, absorbent, rectangular, dry ________________________

11. closet, clothing, hang, rod ________________________

12. frame, wall, artist, decoration ________________________

13. kitchen, water, basin, faucet ________________________

14. legs, wooden, furniture, flat top ________________________

15. beverage, mug, caffeine, hot ________________________

Home Activities—Reasoning
WALC 11: Language for Home Activities 58 Copyright © 2007
Copyright © LinguiSystems, Inc.
2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Making Word Deductions
What item is described by the clue words?

1. laces, sole, leather, feet ________________________

2. stir, soup, silverware, handle ________________________

3. bar, clean, slippery, washcloth ________________________

4. story, pages, cover, read ________________________

5. chicken, yolk, shell, omelet ________________________

6. collar, sleeves, clothing, buttons ________________________

7. teeth, paste, bristles, handle ________________________

8. screen, remote, shows, channels ________________________

9. plot, vegetables, flowers, weeds ________________________

10. sharp, sewing, threaded, metal ________________________

11. drive, transportation, gas, trunk ________________________

12. back, arms, cushion, sit ________________________

13. pills, pain reliever, two, headache ________________________

14. hands, wool, warm, winter ________________________

15. write, ink, ballpoint, paper ________________________

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Copyright © LinguiSystems,
2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Making Word Deductions
What item is described by the clue words?

1. legs, cuffs, pockets, belt loops ________________________

2. temperature, glass, mercury, degrees ________________________

3. lenses, arms, see, bifocals ________________________

4. bed, feather, soft, head ________________________

5. tomatoes, condiment, bottle, burger ________________________

6. garden, long, flexible, water ________________________

7. cob, yellow, vegetable, kernel ________________________

8. call, ring, receiver, talk ________________________

9. water, cubes, frozen, drinks ________________________

10. petals, plant, stem, fragrance ________________________

11. sharpen, write, eraser, point ________________________

12. window, material, rod, covering ________________________

13. jewelry, finger, diamond, gold ________________________

14. mattress, sleep, covers, pillows ________________________

15. Italian, noodles, sauce, meatballs ________________________

Home Activities—Reasoning
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Copyright © LinguiSystems, Inc.
2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Determining Category Exclusions
Mark the word that does not belong with the others.

1. shoes hats gloves cars

2. pepper noodles cinnamon salt

3. denim sweater wool cotton

4. fork gallon quart pint

5. bedroom living room carpeting bathroom

6. split pea pudding tomato chicken noodle

7. shower tub sink workbench

8. hour sun minute day

9. plate bowl newspaper silverware

10. tea coffee plate cocoa

11. swimming dusting vacuuming cooking

12. napkins tissues paper plates cans

13. pen tack pencil marker

14. shoe slipper glove sneaker

15. flounder chicken turkey goose

Home Activities—Reasoning
WALC 11: Language for Home Activities 61 Copyright © 2007
Copyright © LinguiSystems,
2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Determining Category Exclusions
Mark the word that does not belong with the others.

1. dish towel stove refrigerator mixer

2. breakfast tuna lunch dinner

3. dresser bed sink mirror

4. milk bagel biscuit muffin

5. bench chair sofa brush

6. bedspread carpet blanket sheets

7. jacket coat sweater socks

8. walls dishes windows floors

9. skirt pants curtains shirt

10. tree tulip daffodil daisy

11. scissors knives razors zippers

12. scrambled hard-boiled toast fried

13. attic alley porch basement

14. recliner sofa loveseat drapes

15. needle slicer thread thimble

Home Activities—Reasoning
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Copyright © LinguiSystems, Inc.
2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Completing Picture Analogies
Circle the picture on the right that solves each analogy.

is to as is to

is to as is to

is to as is to

is to as is to

Home Activities—Reasoning
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Copyright © LinguiSystems,
2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Completing Picture Analogies
Circle the picture on the right that solves each analogy.

is to as is to

is to as is to

is to as is to

is to as is to

Home Activities—Reasoning
WALC 11: Language for Home Activities 64 Copyright © 2007
Copyright © LinguiSystems, Inc.
2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Completing Sentence Analogies
Complete the analogies.

1. A tablecloth is put on a table; a rug is put on the __________________________.

2. A handle is on a pot; a knob is on a ____________________________________.

3. White is the color of salt; black is the color of _____________________________.

4. You fry a hamburger; you bake a ______________________________________.

5. Jokes are found in a joke book; recipes are found in a _____________________.

6. A book is for reading; a TV is for _______________________________________.

7. Legs are part of a table; cushions are part of a ___________________________.

8. Beef is part of a stew; lettuce is part of a ________________________________.

9. Hair is combed; teeth are ____________________________________________.

10. Milk is a dairy product; beans are a ____________________________________.

11. A wick is part of a candle; a bulb is part of a _____________________________.

12. A jar contains applesauce; a can contains _______________________________.

13. Dishwashers clean dishes; washing machines clean _______________________.

14. Furniture is dusted; carpets are _______________________________________.

15. Coffee tastes bitter; sugar tastes ______________________________________.

Home Activities—Reasoning
WALC 11: Language for Home Activities 65 Copyright © 2007
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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Completing Sentence Analogies
Complete the analogies.

1. Cold water is used in iced tea; hot water is used in _______________________.

2. A drink is served in a glass; food is served on a _________________________.

3. A couch is in a living room; a bed is in a _______________________________.

4. Candy tastes sweet; a lemon tastes ___________________________________.

5. A rug is put on the floor; a blanket is put on the __________________________.

6. A spoon is used for eating soup; a fork is used for eating __________________.

7. A bulb is part of a lamp; a battery is part of a ____________________________.

8. Pins are used in fabric; a staple is used on ______________________________.

9. Prongs are part of a fork; a blade is part of a ____________________________.

10. You fry on a burner; you bake in an ___________________________________.

11. Ice cream is cold; pizza is __________________________________________.

12. White is the color of cauliflower; green is the color of ______________________.

13. A bathtub is for bathing; a sink is for __________________________________.

14. A razor is used for shaving; soap is used for ____________________________.

15. Macaroni is used in macaroni salad; potatoes are used in _________________.

Home Activities—Reasoning
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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Modifying Sentence Incongruities
Replace a word or phrase in each sentence that doesn’t make sense.

1. She stored ice cream in the cupboard.


2. They had dinner at six o’clock in the morning.


3. He bought some lumber at the grocery store.


4. The children got home from school just before three in the morning.

5. When her car broke down, Judy called the emergency plumbing service.

6. They closed all the drawers when the rain started.


7. He put salt in his coffee.


8. When the bag was empty, she put a new one in the vacuum cleaner.

9. The zipper on the dresser was stuck.


10. His watch stopped working, so he replaced the band.


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Modifying Sentence Incongruities
Replace a word or phrase in each sentence that doesn’t make sense.

1. Milk is stored in a canister on the counter.


2. She planted a maple tree in the flower box.


3. He decided not to use the lamp because the bulb was frayed.

4. She used nail polish to dust the furniture.


5. The extra tissues are kept in the kitchen sink.


6. She put clean washcloths on the bed once a week.


7. The curtains covered the pictures.


8. The cake needed to be baked for ten minutes at 350°.


9. When the electricity went on, the flashlight came in handy.


10. They decided to have hamburgers for dessert.


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Modifying Sentence Incongruities
Replace a word or phrase in each sentence that doesn’t make sense.

1. The flower bulbs grew in the winter.


2. Jasmine said she would bake a chocolate or pickle cake.


3. He dug up the dirt in the living room with a shovel.


4. She used a rake to flip the pancakes.


5. The man put two cups of sugar on his cereal.


6. He washed the windows with a broom.


7. She used a strainer to cook the spaghetti.


8. Preheat the oven to 650° to roast the chicken.


9. They went to the library to buy aspirin.


10. The neighbors sprinkled sugar on the sidewalk to melt the ice.

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Determining if Statements Are True or False
Write T on the line if the statement is true. Write F if the statement is false.

_____ 1. Chili powder is often used in cake mixes.

_____ 2. A tub, toilet, and sink are usually found in a bathroom.

_____ 3. It’s important to check the oil in your car regularly.

_____ 4. It’s not necessary to sort clothing before washing.

_____ 5. Bottles, garbage, cans, and eggshells can be recycled.

_____ 6. Potato peels can be ground in the garbage disposal.

_____ 7. Aluminum foil is shiny.

_____ 8. Spices and seasoning add flavor to food.

_____ 9. Furniture polish completely prevents furniture from getting dusty.

_____ 10. A bed pillow is filled with large pieces of plastic.

_____ 11. Cheese is made from eggs, water, and vinegar.

_____ 12. Plants need water and sunlight to grow.

_____ 13. A clock usually has five or six hands.

_____ 14. Paper towels can be used to clean up spills.

_____ 15. Lettuce and tomatoes are unhealthy foods to eat.

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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Determining if Statements Are True or False
Write T on the line if the statement is true. Write F if the statement is false.

_____ 1. Pickle relish can be eaten with hamburgers and hot dogs.

_____ 2. Air conditioners cool the air in hot weather.

_____ 3. You should shampoo your carpets daily.

_____ 4. Most trees lose their leaves in the fall.

_____ 5. Oil and grease are easy to wash out of clothing.

_____ 6. A garbage disposal is located below a kitchen sink.

_____ 7. Flour and sugar must be kept in the freezer.

_____ 8. You can freeze meats and vegetables.

_____ 9. Pineapples are used in spaghetti sauces.

_____ 10. Paprika, oregano, and ginger are spices.

_____ 11. Many people preheat the oven before baking.

_____ 12. Some people have telephone answering machines.

_____ 13. Pepper helps melt the ice on sidewalks in the winter.

_____ 14. An omelet is made with eggs.

_____ 15. Many ovens have timers to tell you when baked goods are done.

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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Determining if Statements Are True or False
Write T on the line if the statement is true. Write F if the statement is false.

_____ 1. Dark and white clothes should be washed together in hot water.

_____ 2. Some silver and brass items need to be polished.

_____ 3. Pans need to be washed after something is cooked in them.

_____ 4. Taking two aspirins will bring on a fever.

_____ 5. Spaghetti softens when it is boiled.

_____ 6. Hair and soap can clog drains.

_____ 7. It is recommended that you eat red meat every day.

_____ 8. Window screens help to keep the bugs out.

_____ 9. It is necessary to wear a heavy coat in the summer.

_____ 10. A chair seats one person and a sofa seats two or three.

_____ 11. Daily newspapers are delivered once a week.

_____ 12. Artificial flower arrangements need watering.

_____ 13. You should rinse your hair after shampooing it.

_____ 14. Split seams cannot be repaired.

_____ 15. Grass grows faster in the spring than in the winter.

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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Determining if Statements Are True or False
Write T on the line if the statement is true. Write F if the statement is false.

_____ 1. Curtains and drapes can be used for window coverings.

_____ 2. A carpeted floor is easier to scrub than linoleum.

_____ 3. Many people change their bed sheets once a week.

_____ 4. A sink can be found in the kitchen.

_____ 5. It takes less than an hour to bake a stuffed turkey.

_____ 6. A sponge holds more water than a bucket.

_____ 7. Some plants have flowers and others don’t.

_____ 8. Magazine articles are usually longer than a novel.

_____ 9. Saltwater taffy is chewy.

_____ 10. Pickles are made from onions, carrots, and radishes.

_____ 11. English is read from left to right.

_____ 12. Pillowcases are used to cover pillows.

_____ 13. A hallway joins one room to another.

_____ 14. Most people wear sunglasses on dark, rainy days.

_____ 15. You receive an electrical bill in the mail every day.

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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Determining if Statements Are True or False
Write T on the line if the statement is true. Write F if the statement is false.

_____ 1. Tomatoes are green before they ripen.

_____ 2. The weather forecast can be helpful when planning your day’s activities.

_____ 3. A dish towel is used to dry dishes and glasses.

_____ 4. There are ten quarts in a gallon of milk.

_____ 5. Some people use plant food to help plants stay healthy.

_____ 6. A doorbell tells you when you are getting a phone call.

_____ 7. Many men shave every morning.

_____ 8. Glasses sometimes get spots in the dishwasher.

_____ 9. Some stoves run on gas; some run on electricity.

_____ 10. Refrigerated food will never spoil.

_____ 11. Whole milk has no fat in it.

_____ 12. Sometimes stores have items on sale.

_____ 13. Prescription drugs can be bought over the counter.

_____ 14. You should never lock the door when you leave home.

_____ 15. Sugar, salt, and flour can be stored in canisters.

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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Comparing Sentence Content
Write S on the line if the sentences mean about the same. Write D if the sentences
have different meanings.

_____ 1. Mail is delivered Monday through Saturday.

The mail is delivered every day except Sunday.

_____ 2. After they ate salad, they had soup and sandwiches.
They had soup and salad for dinner.

_____ 3. No one felt like cooking, so they went out to eat.

They went to a fast-food restaurant because they were in a hurry.

_____ 4. Everyone was uncomfortable because it was hot and humid.

The heat and humidity made it uncomfortable for everyone.

_____ 5. What time do you think they will arrive?

When do you expect them to arrive?

_____ 6. The lamp wouldn’t stay lit.

The lightbulb in the lamp flickered on and off.

_____ 7. Al doubled the ingredients.

Al halved the ingredients.

_____ 8. He likes to read before going to sleep.

Before sleeping, he enjoys reading.

_____ 9. It was twenty minutes after eleven.

The time was eleven forty.

_____ 10. There was a half-dozen eggs in the carton.

There were six eggs in the carton.

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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Comparing Sentence Content
Write S on the line if the sentences mean about the same. Write D if the sentences
have different meanings.

_____ 1. When the sun was directly overhead, they had lunch.
They had their lunch at noon.

_____ 2. The cake sank in the middle when she opened the oven door.
She opened the oven door to see if the cake was done.

_____ 3. You can make a new lining by using the old one for a pattern.
By using the old lining as a pattern, you can make a new lining.

_____ 4. She was on page 192 of her favorite book.

She was halfway through the book.

_____ 5. Last night he brought the dog in at 10:00.

No one remembered to bring the dog in last night.

_____ 6. No one, except Dad, likes to mow the lawn.

Dad enjoys mowing the lawn.

_____ 7. He slept until the alarm went off.

When the alarm went off, he woke up.

_____ 8. The picture is hanging crooked.

Someone needs to hang this picture.

_____ 9. Their favorite TV show comes on at 8:00 p.m.

There are many shows they like to watch in the evening.

_____ 10. She puts milk and sugar in her coffee.

She does not drink coffee without milk and sugar in it.

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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Comparing Sentence Content
Write S on the line if the sentences mean about the same. Write D if the sentences
have different meanings.

_____ 1. The snowdrifts were over three feet high.

It snowed so much that the drifts were above our waists.

_____ 2. She cleaned the bathroom last Tuesday.

She cleaned the whole house last week.

_____ 3. Please clean up after you eat.

Be sure to clean up when you’re finished eating.

_____ 4. Flowers bloom in the spring and summer.

Trees lose their leaves in the fall.

_____ 5. My mom, not my sister, is coming with me.

Even though my mom is joining me, my sister is not coming.

_____ 6. The bus stops at the corner of Third and Main.

The bus makes a stop at every other corner.

_____ 7. The flower shop had a sale on roses.

The flower shop had a storewide sale.

_____ 8. Glass and plastic are recycled every Tuesday night.

Every Tuesday night, glass and plastic are recycled.

_____ 9. Tony is allergic to citrus fruits.

Tony is allergic to apples and pears.

_____ 10. When the whistle blew, it was time to go.

It was time to leave when we heard the whistle blow.

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Evaluating Information
Write Yes on the blank if it is something you would do when doing laundry.
Write No if it is not something you would do.

_______ 1. Use fabric softener or dryer sheets.

_______ 2. Dry each load for about three hours.

_______ 3. Pack the clothes tightly in the washer.

_______ 4. Wash the dark clothes separately from the whites.

_______ 5. Add bleach to all of the loads.

_______ 6. Use bleach with only white clothes.

_______ 7. Add detergent to the wash cycle.

_______ 8. Use 4 or 5 cups of detergent to wash each load.

_______ 9. Clean the lint from the dryer filter.

_______ 10. Dry the clothes a day or two after washing them.

_______ 11. Fold the clothes after they are dried.

_______ 12. Carry the load of clothes to your bedroom.

_______ 13. Hang pants, shirts, socks and shoes in the closet.

_______ 14. Sort and match up pairs of socks.

_______ 15. Iron clothes that are wrinkled.

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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Evaluating Information
Write Yes on the blank if it is something you would do to lose weight.
Write No if it is not something you would do.

_______ 1. Discuss your plans with your doctor.

_______ 2. Keep track of the calories that you eat.

_______ 3. Weigh yourself twice a day.

_______ 4. Eat as many carbohydrates as you can.

_______ 5. Stop using all seasonings and spices.

_______ 6. Cut out sweets.

_______ 7. Try to change your eating habits.

_______ 8. Have one dessert instead of two.

_______ 9. Stop eating breakfast and lunch; only eat dinner.

_______ 10. Reduce your fat intake.

_______ 11. Drink several glasses of water before a meal.

_______ 12. Reduce the size of your food portions.

_______ 13. Eliminate between-meal snacks.

_______ 14. Join a group that helps with weight loss.

_______ 15. Reward yourself for reaching your goal.

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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Evaluating Information
Write Yes on the blank if it is something you would do when making dinner.
Write No if it is not something you would do.

_______ 1. Make sure you know how many people will be eating dinner.

_______ 2. Plan what you want to have to eat.

_______ 3. Cook foods that are full of salt and high in calories.

_______ 4. Have food that people will like.

_______ 5. Plan to have several kinds of meat and maybe a vegetable.

_______ 6. Plan to have a balanced meal.

_______ 7. Set the table.

_______ 8. Give each person a napkin.

_______ 9. Listen to the weather forecast.

_______ 10. Choose some loud rock music for background sound.

_______ 11. Clean out the refrigerator.

_______ 12. Cook the food.

_______ 13. Let everyone know what time you will be eating.

_______ 14. Light the candles on the table.

_______ 15. Put leftovers in containers and put them in the fridge.

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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Evaluating Information
Write Yes on the blank if it is something you would do when the electricity goes off.
Write No if it is not something you would do.

_______ 1. Get out a flashlight.

_______ 2. Light some candles.

_______ 3. Start a fire in every room.

_______ 4. Light oil lamps.

_______ 5. Check the circuit breaker.

_______ 6. Look outside to see if your neighbors’ lights are out.

_______ 7. Call your friends in another state to see if their lights are out.

_______ 8. Call the electric company and report a problem.

_______ 9. Turn off the appliances that were on when the lights went out.

_______ 10. Light a fire in the fireplace.

_______ 11. Sit in the dark and do nothing.

_______ 12. Call an electrician to rewire your house.

_______ 13. Replace all of the lightbulbs in the lamps.

_______ 14. Get angry at the electric company.

_______ 15. Go to bed.

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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Evaluating Information
Write Yes on the blank if it is something you would do when you drive.
Write No if it is not something you would do.

_______ 1. Go 20 MPH below the speed limit to conserve gas.

_______ 2. Use your horn a lot to warn people to stay away.

_______ 3. Fasten your seatbelt.

_______ 4. Keep one foot on the brake and the other on the gas pedal.

_______ 5. Make sure you use your turn signals properly.

_______ 6. Make sure your registration is up to date.

_______ 7. Keep to the speed limit.

_______ 8. Only go 5 to 10 MPH over the speed limit.

_______ 9. Pass only on the right.

_______ 10. Speed up to get through yellow lights before they turn red.

_______ 11. Make sure your tires are in good condition.

_______ 12. Have adequate insurance coverage.

_______ 13. Know the rules of the road.

_______ 14. Keep an eye on the other drivers and drive defensively.

_______ 15. Assume that you always have the right-of-way.

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Using Deductive Reasoning

Draw the objects on the shelf.

1. An old jug is in the center of the shelf.

2. A pair of candlesticks are side by side on the far right end.

3. Between the jug and the candlesticks are a small basket and a picture.
The picture is to the left of the basket.

4. On the other end of the shelf is a ceramic pitcher.

5. A clock is between the jug and the pitcher.

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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Using Deductive Reasoning

1 2 3

4 5 6

Use the clues to determine which mug is on sale. Cross off mugs until you are left
with one. The mug that is left is the one on sale.

1. The mug on sale doesn’t have a floral design.

2. The mug on sale has a design on it.

3. The mug with hearts isn’t for sale.

4. The mug on sale doesn’t have diagonal lines.

5. The mug on sale doesn’t make you think of music.

Which mug is on sale? ___________________________

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Using Deductive Reasoning

1 2 3

4 5 6

Use the clues to determine which is Myrtle’s pet. Cross off the animals it can’t be
until you are left with one. The one that is left is Myrtle’s pet.

1. Myrtle has always been afraid of rodents. She would never have a pet that looks
like a mouse or a rat.

2. She has trouble walking, so she does not have a pet that needs to be walked.

3. She has always thought that birds are too messy, so she doesn’t have a pet bird.

4. Her pet is a solid color.

Which pet is Myrtle’s? ___________________________

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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Using Deductive Reasoning

1 2 3

4 5 6

Trisha is trying to decide what to buy for her living room. Use the clues to determine
what she bought. Cross off furniture until you are left with one. The one that is left is
what Trisha bought.

1. She needed something to cover a spot on the wall, so it had to have a back.

2. Trisha thought that the straight back chair was too uncomfortable, so she didn’t
buy it.

3. The furniture that Trisha chose seated only one person.

4. She always loved rocking chairs because her mother had one, but she knew her
husband wouldn’t find a rocker comfortable when he was watching TV.

Which one did Trisha buy? ___________________________

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Using Deductive Reasoning

1 2 3

Trip to Visit the relatives in Stay home and do

Disney World another state day trips

4 5 Humanitarian trip 6
to assist in the
Camping trip to a state
rebuilding in Trip to Europe
park in the mountains
a hurricane
devastated area

Joe and Mary Smith and their two teenage sons are discussing what they should
do for their summer vacation. Use the clues to determine what they decided to do.
Cross off the choices until you are left with one. The one left is what they chose.

1. Money was a little short, so they knew they couldn’t fly overseas.

2. The last thing Joe wanted to do was spend a lot of time with relatives.

3. Mary strongly expressed that she didn’t want to deal with the bugs on a
camping trip.

4. All four felt like they wanted to get away from the house for their vacation.

5. As they had been to Disney World before, they decided not to go there again
this trip.

6. The boys said they wanted to do something meaningful and lasting.

Where did they choose to go? ___________________________

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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Picture/Paragraph Comprehension
People who experience some form of brain dysfunction often have difficulty with visual skills.
They may have trouble interpreting what they see. They may have difficulty ascertaining
specific items in a picture from the picture as a whole. They may have visual-spatial
difficulties and be unable to determine where the items in a picture are in relation to the
other items. Thus, this section presents several pictures with questions that target those
difficulties to provide a structured approach for assisting in remediation of those skill areas.

Frequently, your client may be able to comprehend, manipulate, and deduce answers for
stimuli that involves only a few words or a sentence, but his skills deteriorate as the length
is increased to the paragraph level. This section includes paragraph comprehension tasks
in order to help your client improve his ability to comprehend and retain lengthier written

The tasks in this section provide pictures related to painting and home repairs. The
paragraphs relate to home repair situations your client may have or may encounter.

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Answering Questions About a Picture
Look at the picture and answer the questions.

1. How many stories does the house have? _________________________

2. What is the number on the house? _________________________

3. What is between the sidewalk and the road? _________________________

4. What is around the property’s border? _________________________

5. Can you see any gates? _________________________

6. Is smoke coming out of the chimney? _________________________

7. What shape is the window above the door? _________________________

8. How many windows can you see? _________________________

9. What is hanging from the tree? _________________________

10. What is in the backyard? _________________________

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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Answering Questions About a Picture
Look at the picture and answer the questions.

1. What time of day is it? ______________________________

2. What furniture is in the room? ______________________________

3. What is on the couch? ______________________________

4. What is above the couch? ______________________________

5. What room is near the living room? ______________________________

6. What is near the window? ______________________________

7. Is the TV on? ______________________________

8. What kind of chair is in the room? ______________________________

9. What is on the back of the chair? ______________________________

10. What is lying on the chair? ______________________________

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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Answering Questions About a Picture
Look at the picture and answer the questions.

1. How many chairs are there? ______________________________

2. What is on the wall? ______________________________

3. What time is it? ______________________________

4. Is it before or after the meal? ______________________________

5. How many places are set? ______________________________

6. What food is being served? ______________________________

7. Is there a tablecloth on the table? ______________________________

8. Is there a sink in the picture? ______________________________

9. What kitchen appliance can you see? ______________________________

10. What is on the stove? ______________________________

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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Answering Questions About a Picture
Look at the picture and answer the questions.

1. Is the bed made? ______________________________

2. What is the bed near? ______________________________

3. What is on the floor beside the bed? ______________________________

4. What else is on the floor? ______________________________

5. What is taped to the wall? ______________________________

6. Are there curtains on the window? ______________________________

7. What time is it? ______________________________

8. What is beside the alarm clock? ______________________________

9. Is the door open or shut? ______________________________

10. What is on the windowsill? ______________________________

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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Answering Questions About a Picture
Look at the picture and answer the questions.

1. What does the sidewalk lead to? ____________________________

2. What toy is near the alley? ____________________________

3. What is climbing up the tree? ____________________________

4. What is someone planting? ____________________________

5. What shape is the garden? ____________________________

6. What tools are near the garden? ____________________________

7. What kind of garden is it going to be? ____________________________

8. Are the flowers planted or unplanted? ____________________________

9. How many flowers are going to be planted? ____________________________

10. What is coming down? ____________________________

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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Comprehending Information in a Paragraph
Read the paragraph and answer the questions.

It was Saturday morning and Vernon decided to do some chores.

He dusted and started to vacuum the living room. The corner
of the throw rug got caught in the vacuum roller. There was a
loud noise accompanied by the smell of burning rubber. Vernon
quickly turned the vacuum off, dislodged the rug, and inspected
the vacuum. The vacuum belt was torn, so he replaced it with the
spare belt he kept in the kitchen drawer. Vernon decided to finish
vacuuming later in the week.

1. What day was it?

2. What chore did Vernon do first?

3. What chore did he do second?

4. What got caught in the vacuum roller?

5. What odor did he smell?

6. What had happened?

7. Where did Vernon keep the spare belt?

8. Who replaced the belt?

9. When did Vernon decide to finish vacuuming?

10. Has anything like this ever happened to you? What did you do?

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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Comprehending Information in a Paragraph
Read the paragraph and answer the questions.

It was a typical crazy morning. Everyone was getting up to start

their day at school or work, and there were the usual negotiations to
see who got the bathroom next. After everyone was dressed, they
came to the kitchen. Mom and Dad drank coffee and ate bagels
and fruit as they packed school lunches. The children ate bowls of
cereal in a hurry. A few minutes before the bus arrived, the children
grabbed their books and lunches and rushed out the door. Then,
Mom and Dad cleaned up the kitchen and drove to work.

1. Which days of the week could this be happening?

2. What negotiations took place?

3. What did everyone do before they went to the kitchen?

4. What did Mom and Dad have for breakfast?

5. How do you know there is more than one child in the family?

6. What did the children eat for breakfast?

7. What two things did the children take on the bus?

8. Who cleaned up the kitchen?

9. What was the last thing Mom and Dad did?

10. What are weekday mornings like in your home?

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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Comprehending Information in a Paragraph
Read the paragraph and answer the questions.

Andy decided to make an apple pie for dessert because he was

having company for dinner. First, he preheated the oven to 450°.
Then, he pared and sliced six cups of apples and put them in
a bowl. He sprinkled brown sugar, cornstarch, cinnamon, and
nutmeg over the apples until they were well coated. Then, he put
them in a ready-made pie shell he found in his freezer. He dotted
the apples with butter and covered them with the top crust. He put
the pie in the oven and baked it for ten minutes. Andy reduced the
heat to 350° and continued baking the pie for another 40 minutes.
When he finally took the pie out of the oven, it looked perfect to
serve to his company later.

1. Why was Andy making an apple pie?

2. What temperature did he preheat the oven to?

3. How many cups of apples did he slice?

4. What spices did he use in the pie?

5. What kind of pie shell did Andy use?

6. What did Andy do just before he put on the top crust?

7. How long did the pie bake at 450°?

8. What did he reduce the temperature to?

9. How much longer did the pie bake at 350°?

10. Who was going to eat the pie?

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Home Maintenance Activities
The activities in the second half of this book address general knowledge associated with
home maintenance. Much of the content should be familiar to your client, although the format
of some of the tasks is very specific and will only be familiar to the client who has engaged in
the activity associated with the specific item. For example, almost all of your clients will know
something about painting, but not all will know that a primer coat of paint is needed on a wall
previously painted with an oil-based paint. Thus, at times, you will need to ascertain if a task
is appropriate for a client based on his previous experiences and knowledge base.

The familiar and relevant content will increase your client’s interest as it taps into information
stored in his remote memory. This will make your client feel like the tasks apply directly to
him. These tasks are designed to utilize your client’s foundational skills to improve language
and cognitive processing, sentence formulation, and verbal expression.

Word Finding

Everyone has some degree of word-finding difficulty, but for someone who has a brain
dysfunction, the frequency of anomic difficulties is intensified. A client will frequently
attempt to rationalize that he cannot remember a word because it is not familiar to him.
However, the familiarity of content in these tasks will increase your client’s awareness that
he indeed has difficulty with word finding and will encourage him to remediate the problem.

The tasks in this section address several layers of naming skills, including the following.

• confrontational naming
• making associations
• matching words to definitions
• naming objects from descriptions
• naming whole objects when given a part
• comparing items to determine which fit a superlative condition
• listing items from tasks

The tasks target word finding related to tools, making home repairs, home maintenance
chores, painting, plumbing, carpentry, and electrical work.

Home Maintenance Activities

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Naming Pictures
Name these pictures.

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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Naming Pictures
Name these pictures.

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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Naming Pictures
Name these pictures.

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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Matching Words to Pictures
Find a word to match each picture. Draw a line from the word to the picture.



hard hat


caulking gun

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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Matching Words to Pictures
Find a word to match each picture. Draw a line from the word to the picture.

ballpeen hammer

extension light



tin snips

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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Matching Words to Pictures
Find a word to match each picture. Draw a line from the word to the picture.

cordless drill



putty knife


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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Making Associations
Find a word on the left that goes with a word in the box. The first one is done for you.

counter hammer

circuit sink

claw nut

dry wall

hardware drill

caulking bolt

wing iron

rain breaker

sump wood

soldering gun

extension cord

pressure-treated tack

toggle gutter

thumb store

cordless pump

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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Making Associations
Find a word on the left that goes with a word in the box. The first one is done for you.

machine jamb

putty mower

sand blade

smoke hole

ballpeen screw

tin brush

pilot detector

door paper

screw hammer

lawn ladder

step tools

power driver

paint trimmer

saw knife

hedge snips

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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Making Associations
Find a word on the left that goes with a word in the box. The first one is done for you.

monkey roller

latex tile

snow blower

sledge screwdriver

needlenose wrench

paint hammer

duct snake

fiberglass tape

Venetian plug

3-prong blinds

Phillips head pliers

chain saw

plumber’s gun

ceramic insulation

staple paint

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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Matching Words to Definitions
Match each word to its definition. Write the letter on the blank.

1. _____ asphalt
a. a tool used for driving in nails

2. _____ circuit breaker b. a strong glue

c. a tool used to cut wood

3. _____ hammer
d. a curved piece of wire or
plastic for hanging things on
4. _____ handle
e. a part of a window
5. _____ epoxy f. material used in making
6. _____ cement g. it trips when an outlet is
7. _____ outlet
h. a black, sticky substance
used in paving roads
8. _____ hook
i. used for carrying something

9. _____ sash j. a round wooden peg used

to join two pieces of wood

10. _____ saw k. a fixture into which a cord

is plugged

11. _____ roof l. it covers a house

12. _____ dowel

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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Matching Words to Definitions
Match each word to its definition. Write the letter on the blank.

1. _____ plumber’s snake a. the place where wood or

pipes join
2. _____ current b. a small plastic, metal, or
rubber ring
3. _____ padlock c. used to darken wood

d. an auger used for unclogging

4. _____ joint

5. _____ veneer e. a metal fastener with threads

f. a pointed tool used to make

6. _____ vent holes

g. a thin layer of wood

7. _____ hardwood
h. used to secure gates, bikes,
8. _____ awl
i. clears the sidewalk of winter
9. _____ stain
j. a flow of electrical charge

10. _____ screw k. an outlet for air, smoke, or


11. _____ washer l. used for flooring

12. _____ snow blower

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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Matching Words to Definitions
Match each word to its definition. Write the letter on the blank.

1. _____ toggle bolt

a. used to determine if an object
is straight
2. _____ paint
b. a temporary platform for
3. _____ level workers

c. a device used for regulating

4. _____ spackle temperature

d. the upright part of a fence

5. _____ scaffold
e. a strong, rough, cloth material

6. _____ post f. a wing nut that opens up

behind a wall

7. _____ canvas g. a V-shaped cut in a surface

h. used to fill small holes or

8. _____ thermostat cracks in walls

i. used to cover or color walls

9. _____ notch
j. used when a tool’s cord is
too short
10. _____ pipe
k. a tool used for gripping and
11. _____ extension cord
l. a metal or polyurethane tube
that water flows through
12. _____ pliers

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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Naming Objects from Descriptions
What object is described?

1. This is used to cut wood. ________________________

2. This is a material used to build a retaining wall. ________________________

3. This is a material used in fencing. ________________________

4. This is something used by a carpenter. ________________________

5. This tool is used for turning screws. ________________________

6. This material is used in making sidewalks. ________________________

7. This professional fixes water problems. ________________________

8. This is a type of kitchen flooring. ________________________

9. This is used to coat wood. ________________________

10. This is used around bathtub seams. ________________________

11. This provides light on a work area. ________________________

12. This is used to dig a hole. ________________________

13. This worker designs and cares for lawns. ________________________

14. This is used to unclog a drain. ________________________

15. This is used to clean paintbrushes. ________________________

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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Naming Objects from Descriptions
What object is described?

1. This tool is used to pound in nails. ________________________

2. This is used to change channels from the sofa. ________________________

3. This is something used by an electrician. ________________________

4. This is put on lawns and gardens. ________________________

5. This is put on floors. ________________________

6. This is used to trim around lawn edges. ________________________

7. This is used to remove snow from walks. ________________________

8. This professional replaces a roof. ________________________

9. This device is used for holding items firmly. ________________________

10. This takes the moisture out of the air. ________________________

11. This is put between bricks and stones. ________________________

12. This is used to adjust the temperature of the air. ________________________

13. This room contains tools and a workbench. ________________________

14. This rough paper is used to smooth wood. ________________________

15. This is used to start a barbecue grill. ________________________

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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Naming Objects from Descriptions
What object is described?

1. This is used to cut the grass. ________________________

2. This cools the air in the hot summer. ________________________

3. This professional designs buildings. ________________________

4. This is where one can park a car. ________________________

5. This is an enclosure on the back of a house. ________________________

6. This tool is used to make holes in wood. ________________________

7. This material is used to make furniture. ________________________

8. This is something used by a plumber. ________________________

9. This runs along the roof’s edge to carry ________________________

away rainwater.

10. This is used to clean up leaves. ________________________

11. This is used to repair cracks in walls. ________________________

12. This is a material used for building houses. ________________________

13. This melts the ice off walks in the winter. ________________________

14. This measures temperature. ________________________

15. This is climbed on to reach high places. ________________________

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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Naming Wholes from Parts
Name an object associated with each part.

1. shingles _____________________ 16. handle _____________________

2. nails _____________________ 17. jaws _____________________

3. hinge _____________________ 18. cord _____________________

4. rungs _____________________ 19. blade _____________________

5. teeth _____________________ 20. motor _____________________

6. bricks _____________________ 21. plug _____________________

7. prongs _____________________ 22. rafter _____________________

8. numbers _____________________ 23. joint _____________________

9. beam _____________________ 24. flue _____________________

10. bristles _____________________ 25. gears _____________________

11. battery _____________________ 26. cement _____________________

12. threads _____________________ 27. head _____________________

13. lid _____________________ 28. washer _____________________

14. slats _____________________ 29. gutters _____________________

15. drain _____________________ 30. nozzle _____________________

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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Naming Wholes from Parts
Name an object associated with each part.

1. keyhole ___________________ 16. plate ___________________

2. gas ___________________ 17. steps ___________________

3. vent ___________________ 18. faucet ___________________

4. showerhead ___________________ 19. floor ___________________

5. burner ___________________ 20. plank ___________________

6. stone ___________________ 21. jack ___________________

7. putty ___________________ 22. sand ___________________

8. tube ___________________ 23. drawer ___________________

9. frame ___________________ 24. thermostat ___________________

10. railing ___________________ 25. latch ___________________

11. brush ___________________ 26. screen ___________________

12. engine ___________________ 27. speaker ___________________

13. switch ___________________ 28. hose ___________________

14. tile ___________________ 29. chain ___________________

15. pane ___________________ 30. door ___________________

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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Comparing Items
Circle the answer.

Which item is the __________________

1. longest? inch yard foot

2. lightest? screw brick saw

3. darkest? white black beige

4. strongest? twine string rope

5. tallest? garage house shed

6. hottest? soldering iron nail pliers

7. widest? shack trailer mansion

8. loudest? siren alarm clock television

9. hardest? putty stone grout

10. longest? yard meter mile

11. sharpest? putty knife penknife level

12. heaviest? handsaw hacksaw chain saw

13. wettest? paint sandpaper caulking

14. weakest? duct tape masking tape metal bar

15. shortest? hour minute second

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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Comparing Items
Circle the answer.

Which item is the __________________

1. shortest? yard inch mile

2. heaviest? plywood nail beam

3. hardest? clay steel dirt

4. brightest? spotlight lamp flashlight

5. driest? thinner drywall turpentine

6. smoothest? concrete sandpaper glass

7. coldest? plaster dry ice cement

8. tallest? tree bush shrub

9. roughest? sandpaper paint plaster

10. quietest? horn siren beep

11. blackest? tar cement plaster

12. lightest? mallet tape rule sledgehammer

13. largest? lawn mower shovel backhoe

14. thinnest? beam plywood rafter

15. sharpest? wrench pliers saw

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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Listing Items for Tasks
List four things you need for each activity.

Taking Care of a Lawn

1. ______________________ 3. ______________________

2. ______________________ 4. ______________________

Painting a Room

1. ______________________ 3. ______________________

2. ______________________ 4. ______________________

Building Bookshelves

1. ______________________ 3. ______________________

2. ______________________ 4. ______________________


1. ______________________ 3. ______________________

2. ______________________ 4. ______________________

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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Listing Items for Tasks
List four things you need for each job.

Repairing a Crack in the Wall

1. ______________________ 3. ______________________

2. ______________________ 4. ______________________

Fixing a Wooden Porch Step

1. ______________________ 3. ______________________

2. ______________________ 4. ______________________

Hanging a Picture

1. ______________________ 3. ______________________

2. ______________________ 4. ______________________

Maintaining a Car

1. ______________________ 3. ______________________

2. ______________________ 4. ______________________

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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
The tasks in this section involve organization of thoughts. Being able to think in a logical,
organized manner will improve your client’s ability to take information and comprehend it in
a hierarchical manner. This will help negate the tendency to think divergently or to utilize
mental manipulation in a manner that becomes tangential and off course. The tasks are
organized as follows to stimulate this progression in thinking to achieve a desired goal.

• In tasks where your client unscrambles words, he first needs to recall word possibilities
within the category and make an organized decision for which word is the correct item.
Then he needs to order the letters correctly to form the word.

• When unscrambling words to make a sentence related to tools and repairs, completing
paragraphs related to common household problems, or sequencing the steps of home
repair activities, your client must use the content in an organized, progressive manner.

• When completing the scheduling activities, your client must use the information
presented in the paragraph and organize it based on content and on time sequence.

The content of the tasks in this section focuses on carpentry, tools, electricity, household
chores, and home repair.

Home Maintenance Activities

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© 2007 Inc.
PRO-ED, Inc.
Unscrambling Words
Unscramble each word. The first letter is capitalized and underlined.

Carpentry Words Tool Words

1. a S w 1. h e C s i l

2. o W d o 2. w r o l T e

3. i a S n t 3. l r i D l

4. o n t i J 4. m H m a e r

5. V n a s r i h 5. l e L v e

6. l p C a m 6. e l a P n

7. o e w I D 7. e l i P r s

8. n B o d 8. r d v c r r w i S e e

9. e v B l e 9. n T i n s Si p

10. W d g e e 10. e r n h c W

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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Unscrambling Words
Unscramble each word. The first letter is capitalized and underlined.

Electricity Words Home Repair Words

1. t t W a 1. a t n P i

2. u e s F 2. u C l k a

3. h S k c o 3. u r t o G

4. o r C d 4. n S a d

5. r o e w P 5. l e u G

6. p k r S a 6. i O l

7. l g P u 7. h s o l P i

8. r i W e 8. a S t n i

9. m s p A 9. r c a S e p

10. h w t i S c 10. i h t T e g n

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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Unscrambling Words
Unscramble each word. The first letter is capitalized and underlined.

Wallpapering Words Home Appliances

1. r e a W t 1. e o S v t

2. l W l a 2. n a C p e O n r e

3. a e P r p 3. o c l C k a Ri d o

4. p S r t i s 4. w i M a v c o r e

5. d r a e d L 5. e f C o f e k m a r e

6. s o R l l 6. t T s a e o r

7. m S a e 7. h W e s a r

8. a r t t e P n 8. o r g f R a e i e r t r

9. B s u h r 9. w e r D s h a i h s

10. n f K i e 10. y r D r e

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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Unscrambling Sentences
Unscramble each sentence. The first word in the sentence is capitalized.

1. rule A used is tape measuring for.


2. used is paving Asphalt in mixtures.


3. wing A sides has nut flared.


4. excess sump away drains pump A water.


5. Stain to used wood is color.


6. glass careful broken Be handling when.


7. are of porcelain out Most made toilets.


8. disposable Do bags reuse vacuum not.


9. latches by doors held are closed Cupboard.


10. help A can washer fix leaky a faucet.


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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Unscrambling Sentences
Unscramble each sentence. The first word in the sentence is capitalized.

1. the Is out lightbulb?


2. tightening a nut wrench Try the with.


3. ladder level a ground firm on Place.


4. garbage not in glass Do your disposal grind.


5. dresser on A slides runners drawer.


6. is close used holes Sealer to.


7. of layers Plywood veneer of is made.


8. parts is to used join Solder metal.


9. can bolts used hang to be Toggle pictures.


10. and go air chimney Smoke a up hot.


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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Unscrambling Sentences
Unscramble each sentence. The first word in the sentence is capitalized.

1. are aluminum Many covered siding homes in.


2. basement workshop the in can located A be.


3. sawhorses cutting on Support when planks.


4. cleanup and a brush for Use dustpan.


5. smooth is wood to Sandpaper used.


6. Spray hinges lubricating squeaky compound a with.


7. fire smoke against warns A detector.


8. a can Paint appear on blisters wall.


9. the breaker go circuit lights If check the out.


10. choose usually for repairs screws Carpenters.


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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Completing a Paragraph
Use the words in the box to fill in the blanks.

brush ease with rusty

never condition soot expert
flashlight closed damper

Fireplace Damper Won’t Open or Close Easily

The metal may be corroded or caked with ______________. Shine a

______________ on the damper to check its ______________. If the

damper is ______________ and encrusted ______________ soot, use a

wire ______________ to clean the soot and rust off. Then try moving the

______________ until it works with ______________. If you can’t move

the damper, call an ______________ to do the job. Warning:

______________ light a fire when the damper is stuck ______________!

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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Completing a Paragraph
Use the words in the box to fill in the blanks.

expensive cook removing size

solve everything space large
another kitchen steps

Making Space in a Kitchen

One common _____________ problem in a home is a small,

cramped _____________. Enlarging the kitchen, however, may

not _____________ the problem. In fact, a kitchen may be too

_____________ to be efficient and could overwork the ______________

because too many ______________ are needed to get from one work

area to ______________. Instead of ______________ a wall to

increase the ______________ of the kitchen, consider some less

______________ and easier changes that will make better use of the

space you have and keep ______________ you need within reach.

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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Completing a Paragraph
Use the words in the box to fill in the blanks.

circuit tripped plug fix

electric electrician loose lamp
outlet fails frayed

Why Won’t This Heater Work?

If your ______________ heater won’t turn on, you should first examine

the cord and ______________. If the cord is ______________ around

the plug, the plug is broken, or the prongs are _______________, you

should replace the plug. If this isn’t the problem, then check the

______________ breaker to see if it has ______________. If none

of these problems exist, check the wall _______________ with a

______________ that works. If the lamp ______________ to turn

on, you can be sure the wall outlet isn’t working and it’s time to call the

______________ because you need a professional to ______________

the problem.

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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Completing a Paragraph
Use the words in the box to fill in the blanks.

hold material rivets flatten

hole place petals tool
end through spread

Installing Rivets

Various types of _______________ are used to join metal pieces and

wood. To install a rivet, drill a small ______________ the same size

as the rivet in each piece of the ______________ you will be joining.

Insert the rivet ______________ these holes. Next, hammer the tail

______________ of the rivet so the edges _______________ out and

catch the surface of the material. Finally, set the scored end with a

riveting ______________. The scored sections will ______________

out so they look like the ______________ of a flower. These petals

______________ the rivet and joined material in _______________.

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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Put the following steps in the correct order by numbering them. Then, name the task.

Set A ________________________________
_____ Pump up and down vigorously several times.
_____ Get out the plunger.
_____ Check to see if water will go down the drain.
_____ Notice the kitchen drain seems clogged.
_____ Put the plunger over the drain opening.

Set B ________________________________
_____ Put the mower away.
_____ Walk out to the shed.
_____ Fill the mower with gas.
_____ Mow the lawn.
_____ Get the mower from the shed.

Set C ________________________________
_____ Hammer a picture hanger on the spot.
_____ Make sure the picture is hanging straight.
_____ Mark a spot on the wall.
_____ Hang the picture on the hanger.
_____ Choose a picture to hang.

Set D ________________________________
_____ Wipe the wall with a damp cloth.
_____ Move furniture away from the wall.
_____ Put down a drop cloth.
_____ Clean up.
_____ Paint the wall.

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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Put the following steps in the correct order by numbering them. Then, name the task.

Set A ________________________________
_____ Rinse the pieces and dry thoroughly.
_____ Exert pressure on the mend.
_____ Bring the pieces together so they are interlocked.
_____ Clean the plate’s broken edges with a mild detergent.
_____ Leave the plate in place until the glue dries.
_____ Apply a thin coating of glue along both edges.

Set B ________________________________
_____ Take the plank’s measurements.
_____ Pry out the rotten plank.
_____ Nail the new plank in place.
_____ Buy a replacement plank.
_____ Cover the space so someone doesn’t fall in.
_____ Coat the new plank with preservative.

Set C ________________________________
_____ Prepare the soil.
_____ Weed when necessary.
_____ Plant the seedlings.
_____ Pick the vegetables.
_____ Decide where you want the vegetable garden.
_____ Water the seedlings.

Set D ________________________________
_____ Polish when the wax dries.
_____ Wash the car.
_____ Wipe off any spots missed.
_____ Let the water dry off the car.
_____ Rinse the car.
_____ Apply wax.

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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Put the following sentences in the correct order by numbering them. Then, name
the task.

Set A ________________________________

_____ After you put the pins in the sockets, turn the tube ¼ of the way around
to make it fit snug.
_____ A fluorescent bulb is held in the light fixture by pins at either end of the
tube that are pushed into the sockets.
_____ If the light flickers, try turning the tube to make the connection better.

Set B ________________________________

_____ This will make the door slide easily.

_____ Coat the bottom and sides of the metal track with a silicone lubricating
_____ With the door completely open, clean out the track along the floor.

Set C ________________________________

_____ It can be very frustrating to get caught in a room because the doorknob
came off in your hand.
_____ Use a screwdriver to tighten the screws that hold the knob in place.
_____ To prevent this, you will want to fix it right away instead of waiting.

Set D ________________________________

_____ To prevent the clips from getting loose, use the correct fasteners.
_____ Use toggle bolts to secure the clips on a hollow wall.
_____ If the wall is solid, the mirror will need expansion fasteners and screws.
_____ An unframed mirror should be mounted with clips along the top, bottom,
and sides.

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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Completing a Schedule
Use the clues to fill in the schedule.

You have three major tasks to complete this weekend—caulking the tub,
painting your bedroom, and wallpapering the bathroom. You want to watch
your favorite team play football. List the steps you need to follow so you finish
the tasks before the game begins.

You know you’ll need supplies from the hardware store, so first you check
what you have at home and then make a list of what you need. When you
get home from the hardware store, you paint the bedroom and quickly
clean up the drop cloths, brushes, rollers, paints, and pans. Then, it’s on to
wallpapering the bathroom. Before you wallpaper, you wash down the
walls. While the paper is drying, you caulk the bathtub. You clean up the
bathroom just as the pregame show ends. By now, you’re ready for the game
and a nap!

1st _______________________________________________________________

2nd _______________________________________________________________

3rd _______________________________________________________________

4th _______________________________________________________________

5th _______________________________________________________________

6th _______________________________________________________________

7th _______________________________________________________________

8th _______________________________________________________________

9th _______________________________________________________________

Last _______________________________________________________________

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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Completing a Schedule
Use the clues to fill in the schedule.

John needs to plan his morning. He needs to finish his errands by noon so he
can pick up a lumber order at the home improvement center. John plans to get
up at 8:00, shower, and eat breakfast so he can be out of the house by 8:45.

John knows he has to stop at the bank to get some money after he gets
gas. The hardware store and gas station don’t open until 10:00. Since the
hardware store is next to the home improvement center, John will go to the
hardware store on his way to the home improvement center.

The post office and Farm and Family Center are closest to John’s house and
they are open the earliest. There is usually a line at the post office by 9:30,
so he plans to be there before then. He wants to be at the gas station when it
opens. He plans on being at the AutoStore at 11:00.

8:00 ______________________________________________________________

9:00 ______________________________________________________________

9:30 ______________________________________________________________

10:00 ______________________________________________________________

10:30 ______________________________________________________________

11:00 ______________________________________________________________

11:30 ______________________________________________________________

12:00 ______________________________________________________________

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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Information is stored in the brain in a highly organized, logical manner. One of the systems
we use for storage and retrieval is categorization. The tasks in this section will help your
client reestablish categorizing strategies.

• Tasks that involve listing items needed to complete familiar activities will assist in recall
of multiple words.

• Tasks that require your client to locate five words related to a given category provide the
information as to how many words he must find. That information is not present in the
next task where your client must locate multiple items that belong to a category without
knowing exactly how many to find. This encourages language and cognitive processing
and flexible thinking as your client determines which words belong to the given category.

• When naming the category, your client must use the categorizing skill in reverse order
to determine how the task items are related.

The content of the tasks in this section focuses on tools, hardware, painting, and building

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Categorizing — Listing Items
List as many items as you can for each category.

Hand Tools

1. ______________________ 5. ______________________

2. ______________________ 6. ______________________

3. ______________________ 7. ______________________

4. ______________________ 8. ______________________

Things Used by a Plumber

1. ______________________ 5. ______________________

2. ______________________ 6. ______________________

3. ______________________ 7. ______________________

4. ______________________ 8. ______________________

Parts of a Car

1. ______________________ 5. ______________________

2. ______________________ 6. ______________________

3. ______________________ 7. ______________________

4. ______________________ 8. ______________________

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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Categorizing — Listing Items
List as many items as you can for each category.

Tools and Things that Cut

1. ______________________ 5. ______________________

2. ______________________ 6. ______________________

3. ______________________ 7. ______________________

4. ______________________ 8. ______________________

Things in a Toolbox

1. ______________________ 5. ______________________

2. ______________________ 6. ______________________

3. ______________________ 7. ______________________

4. ______________________ 8. ______________________

Garden and Lawn Care Items

1. ______________________ 5. ______________________

2. ______________________ 6. ______________________

3. ______________________ 7. ______________________

4. ______________________ 8. ______________________

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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Categorizing — Listing Items
List as many items as you can for each category.

Occupations Involved in Construction

1. ______________________ 5. ______________________

2. ______________________ 6. ______________________

3. ______________________ 7. ______________________

4. ______________________ 8. ______________________

Things in a Hardware Store

1. ______________________ 5. ______________________

2. ______________________ 6. ______________________

3. ______________________ 7. ______________________

4. ______________________ 8. ______________________

Things Used by an Electrician

1. ______________________ 5. ______________________

2. ______________________ 6. ______________________

3. ______________________ 7. ______________________

4. ______________________ 8. ______________________

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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Categorizing — Selecting 5 Items
Identify five words in each box associated with the word on the left.

ballpeen flake claw handle

Hammer skin head nails water

claim fertilizer edging sale

Lawn mower rye grass truck crabgrass

stairs tools reason handle

Toolbox lid drama latch carry

rafters furnace roof storage

Attic hot beams mower report

fender dipstick cockpit caboose

Car tracks radiator muffler battery

asphalt nails sanding cupboards

Carpentry wood tires hammer snake

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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Categorizing — Selecting 5 Items
Identify five words in each box associated with the word on the left.

Building brick water stone hose

Materials wood cement soil concrete

watts wires weeds amps

Electricity tiles current cord flue

grain hinges screws glue

Hardware nails panel washers bolts

daisy bread cherry mahogany

Woods oak pine rye walnut

chisel wrench rope pliers

Tools hammer bucket punch porch

roller thinner brush drop cloth

Painting hair paint shoe chew

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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Categorizing — Selecting Correct Items
Identify the items that belong in each category.

switch outlet watts

Electrical saw seats whistle
Words circuit current wire
volts shower asphalt

wallpaper tape aluminum

iron steel plastic
Metals gold tin rubber
brass copper silver

razor plane box cutter

Things that tin snips helmet wiper
Cut level jigsaw shears
tape measure hacksaw can

shorts suspension dark

Parts of a exhaust spiral windows
Truck engine web hail
windshield bed roof

zipper yard pound

inch ton phone
Measurements brick ranch mile
meter foot ounce

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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Categorizing — Selecting Correct Items
Identify the items that belong in each category.

roller saw drips

Painting primer drop cloth drill
Words aluminum brush latex
carpet salt thinner

watch pipes healing

Plumbing water sting sink
Words faucet acre chimney
drains toilet shower

saw pliers chisel

oil trucker hammer
Tools punch wrench awl
plane boots estimate

hallway walls series

Parts of a bedroom hatch basement
House cloud watch roof
stairs kitchen bathroom

nails wood path

Carpentry lathe plane boards
Words pillow pipes strainer
caulking sander varnish

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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Categorizing — Selecting Correct Items
Identify the items that belong in each category.

plumber lounger wafer

Laborers and roofer mason electrician
Workers flower sleeper landscaper
painter contractor fortune

fertilizer weed killer flour

taping edging seeding
Lawn Care watering mowing flushing
rice flicking trimming

staple dynamite flowerpots

Things in a shovel rake hoe
Garage broom stairway bucket
shelves car milk

suds concrete iron

Building cement juice wood
Materials stone steel tile
brick dust ashes

shop vac girder broom

Cleaning trunk rags twine
Items night vacuum mop
dustpan pliers towels

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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Naming the Category
Name the category for each list of items.

1. folding rule, tape measure, ruler, yardstick _________________________

2. latex, semi-gloss, enamel, primer _________________________

3. carpenter, architect, plumber, roofer _________________________

4. nail, bolt, washer, screw _________________________

5. varnish, shellac, paint, stain _________________________

6. wrench, hammer, chisel, pliers _________________________

7. building supply, hardware store, lumberyard _________________________

8. iron, brass, steel, copper _________________________

9. paint tray, brushes, rollers, drop cloth _________________________

10. rake, hoe, trowel, shovel _________________________

11. oak, pine, walnut, cherry _________________________

12. inch, yard, meter, foot _________________________

13. wood, stone, cement, concrete _________________________

14. hack, circular, hand, coping _________________________

15. scissors, tin snips, saw, razor _________________________

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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Naming the Category
Name the category for each list of items.

1. basement, rooms, attic, roof _________________________

2. hornets, carpenter ants, termites, silverfish _________________________

3. jar, can, box, bag _________________________

4. mallet, sledge, ballpeen, tack _________________________

5. Phillips head, flat head _________________________

6. brick, boards, steel, plaster _________________________

7. fertilizer, seed, weed killer, grub control _________________________

8. beam, girder, joist, rafter _________________________

9. dustpan, broom, brush, rags _________________________

10. flathead, machine, masonry, wood _________________________

11. circuit, current, flow, wires _________________________

12. pipe wrench, snake, plunger, blow torch _________________________

13. oil, grease, WD-40, petroleum jelly _________________________

14. Allen, monkey, pipe, adjustable _________________________

15. goggles, helmet, steel-toed boots _________________________

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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Naming the Category
Name the category for each list of items.

1. step, extension, aluminum, straight _________________________

2. flagstone, slate, granite, mica _________________________

3. plasterboard, plywood, paneling, drywall _________________________

4. paintings, portraits, tapestries, mirrors _________________________

5. mortar hoe, trowel, edger, jointer _________________________

6. heat pump, boiler, furnace, radiator _________________________

7. varnish, shellac, polyurethane _________________________

8. vise, clamp, screws, jig _________________________

9. hardwood, tile, linoleum, carpet _________________________

10. height, weight, length, width _________________________

11. rust, mildew, decay, dry rot _________________________

12. rope, twine, string, thread _________________________

13. yew, boxwood, arborvitae, privet _________________________

14. common, finishing, masonry, ten-penny _________________________

15. adhesive, epoxy, rubber cement, acrylic resin _________________________

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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
The tasks in this section involve the skill of being able to use salient information to deduce
an answer. To encourage thought flexibility as well as to discourage fixation, items within a
task are not always uniform (e.g., some questions require a specific answer while others may
have more than one right answer).

• When making word deductions, your client must reason how the words relate and utilize
convergent reasoning to determine the answer.

• For category exclusion, your client must be able to compare and contrast multiple words
to deduce which of the words does not belong with the others.

• Sentence and picture analogies involve deducing how the first pair of items are related
and then carrying over that process so it is reflected in the second set of items.

• Identifying and then correcting incongruities in sentences involves verbal reasoning

based on knowledge stored in your client’s memory. Many of the sentences can be
corrected in multiple ways, so it will require your client to make a determination as to
which correction is best suited for the item according to his knowledge base.

• When determining if sentences are true or false, your client must be able to read the
sentence, compare it to his knowledge, and then determine its correctness.

• For tasks involving comparing sentences to determine if they mean the same thing,
your client needs to ascertain if word order affects the meaning or if the content in one
sentence means the same as the other sentence. He must then make a determination
based on grammar, word order, and content.

• The tasks for evaluating information incorporate a unique format in that they are more
subjective. The items address things your client would or would not do depending upon
his knowledge and background. This allows your client to have more freedom in his
responses as they are based on his own personal preferences.

• The deductive reasoning tasks give practice using clues to determine which item fits the
given content. They also incorporate an exclusion principle as it is easier to determine
the answer by eliminating all unrelated items.

The content of the tasks in this section focuses on home and garden tools and equipment
and home repair.

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Making Word Deductions
What item is described by the clue words?

1. rough, paper, smooth, wood _________________________

2. tool, turns, screws, handle _________________________

3. privacy, posts, surround, gate _________________________

4. two prongs, electrical, cord _________________________

5. hardware, attaches door, frame _________________________

6. cut, sharp, handle, blades _________________________

7. bristles, handle, nylon, spreads paint _________________________

8. primer, latex, high-gloss, flat _________________________

9. hit, handle, claw, nails _________________________

10. shingles, slope, gutters, ridge _________________________

11. flue, damper, smoke, fire brick _________________________

12. faucet, basin, handles, drain _________________________

13. clear, furniture, coating, protection _________________________

14. handle, monkey, grasps, adjustable _________________________

15. fenders, engine, roof, drive _________________________

Home Maintenance Activities—Reasoning

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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Making Word Deductions
What item is described by the clue words?

1. long, electricity, wire, plug _________________________

2. blades, air, circulates, cools _________________________

3. glass, socket, lamp, bright _________________________

4. one wheel, garden, handles, push _________________________

5. pointed, head, hammer, metal _________________________

6. blade, cut, teeth, handle _________________________

7. climb, rungs, extension, height _________________________

8. vegetables, plot, weeds, water _________________________

9. laces, feet, steel-toed, protection _________________________

10. adjust, heater, temperature, degrees _________________________

11. bristles, cleaning, sweep, handle _________________________

12. grass, cut, gasoline, motor _________________________

13. metal-eater, corrosion, cars _________________________

14. turns, door, grasp, locks _________________________

15. handle, turns, bores holes _________________________

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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Making Word Deductions
What item is described by the clue words?

1. degrees, mercury, temperature, measures _________________________

2. head protection, hard, brim _________________________

3. C-shaped, tightens, holds _________________________

4. white, patches cracks, walls _________________________

5. tool, beveled edge, shaves wood _________________________

6. handle, bladed head, chops _________________________

7. black, paving, sticky, hard _________________________

8. heavy material, awnings, tents, sail _________________________

9. silver, roll, sticky, holds _________________________

10. unclogs, rubber cup, handle, suction _________________________

11. hang, strips, pattern, seams _________________________

12. weigh, balanced, gauge, pounds _________________________

13. container, liquid, handle, carry _________________________

14. blade, handle, cut, sharp _________________________

15. straight, used for measuring, inches _________________________

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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Determining Category Exclusions
Mark the word that does not belong with the others.

1. mallet curved claw wrench sledge

2. welder cook plumber painter

3. varnish stain paint glass

4. rafters sink shower toilet

5. adjustable monkey nail allen

6. damper scraper sandpaper putty knife

7. boards beams pipes planks

8. circuit flow current paper

9. pipe brick hose tube

10. sandpaper screws bolts nails

11. dustpan broom vacuum card

12. grout plaster can spackle

13. beam glue epoxy paste

14. stones block brick oil

15. plans pole designs blueprints

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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Determining Category Exclusions
Mark the word that does not belong with the others.

1. roll nut washer bolt

2. plane chisel lathe linoleum

3. pine rose oak cherry

4. faucet basin pipes shed

5. chain saw hacksaw seesaw handsaw

6. plank spackle plastic wood putty

7. gutter rain spout wheel downspout

8. stove train freezer oven

9. can jar box sieve

10. pool shovel hoe rake

11. glass ceramic steel porcelain

12. paper bubble blister peel

13. cut slice slit age

14. wobbly firm shaky unstable

15. duct tape masking tape tape worm electrical tape

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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Completing Picture Analogies
Circle the picture on the right that solves each analogy.

is to as is to

is to as is to

is to as is to

is to as is to

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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Completing Picture Analogies
Circle the picture on the right that solves each analogy.

is to as is to

are to as are to

is to as is to

is to as is to

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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Completing Sentence Analogies
Complete the analogies.

1. A rug is put on the floor; paint is put on the ______________________________.

2. A vise grasps; a hammer ____________________________________________.

3. A saw has teeth; a brush has ________________________________________.

4. Solder is made of metal; windows are made of ___________________________.

5. Paint is used to cover; glue is used to __________________________________.

6. Rim means the same as edge; portion means the same as _________________.

7. A carpenter works with wood; an electrician works with ____________________.

8. A putty knife is flat; a drill bit is _______________________________________.

9. Oil is used to lubricate; varnish is used to _______________________________.

10. Hinges can creak; pipes can _________________________________________.

11. A plug has prongs; a hammer has a ___________________________________.

12. A Phillips head is a kind of screwdriver; a needle-nose is a kind of


13. A rug is used in the living room; linoleum is used in the ____________________.

14. Stain is used for coloring; bleach is used for _____________________________.

15. Storm windows are used in the winter; screens are used in the

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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Completing Sentence Analogies
Complete the analogies.

1. Burners are part of a stove; blades are part of a __________________________.

2. Gloves are worn on the hands; goggles are worn on the ____________________.

3. Walls are made from brick; floors are made from __________________________.

4. A tape rule is used for measuring; sandpaper is used for ____________________.

5. An electrician uses a voltage meter; a plumber uses a _____________________.

6. Black paint is dark; white paint is _____________________________________.

7. Wood screws are used in wood; machine screws are used in


8. A saw cuts wood; tin snips cut ________________________________________.

9. A paint roller is used on the wall; a paintbrush is used on the


10. A furnace heats; an air conditioner _____________________________________.

11. Carpet is on a floor; shingles are on a __________________________________.

12. A sash is part of a window; a step is part of a ____________________________.

13. Screws are put in a hole; lightbulbs are put in a __________________________.

14. Toggle bolts are used on hollow walls; expansion fasteners are used on

15. Gasoline is made from oil; boards are made from _________________________.

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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Modifying Sentence Incongruities
Replace a word or phrase in each sentence that doesn’t make sense.

1. Replace the handle if you have a leaky faucet.


2. Rubber cement is used to fill in cracks or spaces between ceramic tiles.


3. A hinge is a type of bolt used on hollow walls.


4. Varnish is a thin layer of superior quality wood glued to an inferior wood.


5. A damper is a movable metal plate that controls the amount of air that goes
up the rain spout.

6. An awning is usually made out of aluminum or silicone.


7. Solder is a molten plaster used to join metal parts together.


8. A plane is a type of hammer.


9. Use a hose to raise a car when changing a flat tire.


10. Call an electrician for plumbing problems.


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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Modifying Sentence Incongruities
Replace a word or phrase in each sentence that doesn’t make sense.

1. Rinse the car with alcohol after washing it.


2. A lawn mower has ten wheels.


3. Use a hedge trimmer to cut down a tree.


4. An electric sander is used to smooth concrete.


5. A washer and nut are used with a nail.


6. A ladder can fit inside a toolbox.


7. A sluggish clock can be opened with a chemical drain cleaner.


8. A tool belt is worn around the calf.


9. A wrench is used to drive in nails.


10. There are 5,000 pounds in a ton.


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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Modifying Sentence Incongruities
Replace a word or phrase in each sentence that doesn’t make sense.

1. Construction workers wear slippers on their feet for protection.


2. It is safe to use a ladder on uneven loose gravel.


3. Paint is a coating used to cover Styrofoam surfaces.


4. A wing nut has flared sides you can tighten with your teeth.

5. The place where two pipes meet is called a joist.


6. A circular saw can be used to trim bushes.


7. Grout is used to fill in cracks around rubber tiles.


8. Air conditioners heat the air in the summer.


9. Walls can be made from concrete block, sawdust, or stones.


10. A plumber’s snake can be used to open paint cans.


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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Determining if Statements Are True or False
Write T on the line if the statement is true. Write F if the statement is false.

_____ 1. A chimney should be professionally inspected five times a year.

_____ 2. Frayed cords on window blinds should be replaced.

_____ 3. Sagging floor beams can be caused by dry rot.

_____ 4. A rafter is a beam found in walls.

_____ 5. A lawn mower is used to cut the grass.

_____ 6. A clogged drain can always be opened by running the water full force.

_____ 7. Spackle is a kind of glue used for mending ceramic.

_____ 8. It is usually best to apply two coats of paint.

_____ 9. Varnish is used for coating and refinishing wood.

_____ 10. If your screen door won’t shut, it may be because the springs and
door checks are loose.

_____ 11. It’s safe to replace an electrical outlet without turning off the electricity.

_____ 12. The best way to check that an outlet is working is to stick a metal
object into it.

_____ 13. If there is a strong odor of gas in a room, don’t light any matches.

_____ 14. It’s a good idea to hammer down and countersink protruding nails.

_____ 15. Broken glass can be mended with glue.

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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Determining if Statements Are True or False
Write T on the line if the statement is true. Write F if the statement is false.

_____ 1. A flood always occurs when a sink’s washer is worn.

_____ 2. Use powdered graphite to help loosen a sticky lock.

_____ 3. Nothing can be done once a water pipe starts to freeze.

_____ 4. If the burners on a gas range aren’t working, check to see if the pilot
light is out.

_____ 5. Lawn mower blades should be sharpened periodically.

_____ 6. When the holes in a showerhead close, it’s probably because minerals
in the water are plugging them.

_____ 7. It won’t help keep cold air out if you weather strip windows.

_____ 8. The main switch for a home’s electricity is located under the kitchen sink.

_____ 9. Sandpaper can be used for smoothing wood.

_____ 10. Fence posts never need to be replaced.

_____ 11. You should drill a pilot hole for a screw.

_____ 12. Wood screws can be made of solder.

_____ 13. A Phillips head screwdriver has a single-slot head.

_____ 14. Rubbing soap on the threads of a screw makes it easier to turn in
the wood.

_____ 15. Sometimes you can use water to clean paintbrushes.

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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Determining if Statements Are True or False
Write T on the line if the statement is true. Write F if the statement is false.

_____ 1. When you replace a machine screw, the new one should be exactly the
same size as the one you are replacing.

_____ 2. Screws tighten pieces of wood together better than nails.

_____ 3. A round-headed screw will lie flush with the surface.

_____ 4. If a screwdriver slips, it can damage the head of the screw.

_____ 5. You shouldn’t start a screw by forcing it into the wood.

_____ 6. Chair legs should be glued instead of joined by screws.

_____ 7. Washable wallpapers can be scrubbed with a coarse brush.

_____ 8. Before washing wallpaper, test a small area that can’t easily be seen.

_____ 9. Use a lot of hot, soapy water when washing a painted wall.

_____ 10. Short circuits can cause fires.

_____ 11. Periodically check the cords and plugs of electrical appliances.

_____ 12. Lights that go out in one part of a home and not another indicates
a circuit breaker may have tripped.

_____ 13. Turn off the circuit breaker before working on something electrical.

_____ 14. You should always use glue to attach carpets to floors.

_____ 15. You should check the oil in your car every day.

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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Determining if Statements Are True or False
Write T on the line if the statement is true. Write F if the statement is false.

_____ 1. Indoor/outdoor carpet is frequently used in bedrooms.

_____ 2. If the electricity goes out, it’s a good idea to turn off the lamps
and appliances.

_____ 3. Hammers, screwdrivers, and pliers have handles.

_____ 4. Throw out any tool with a dull blade.

_____ 5. All homes are cooled with window unit air conditioners.

_____ 6. A nail can be removed with the claw of a hammer.

_____ 7. Scaffolding is used when preparing a garden.

_____ 8. You should wear goggles or safety glasses when using a chain saw.

_____ 9. A caulking gun is used for hunting animals.

_____ 10. Most stepladders have a fold-down shelf.

_____ 11. A snow shovel and snow blower are useful in cold winter climates.

_____ 12. Metal washers are used to attach drill bits to the drill.

_____ 13. Pipe cutters can be used to tighten screws.

_____ 14. A thermometer measures temperature.

_____ 15. A tape rule can be used for pipe insulation.

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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Determining if Statements Are True or False
Write T on the line if the statement is true. Write F if the statement is false.

_____ 1. A level helps determine how straight an object is.

_____ 2. A putty knife is usually used to spread paint.

_____ 3. Metal punches are used for measuring distances.

_____ 4. Pliers are used for grasping, turning, and tightening.

_____ 5. Drill bits attach to the end of a wrench.

_____ 6. Many sizes of screws can be bought in a hardware store.

_____ 7. A monkey wrench can be adjusted to different sizes.

_____ 8. Roof shingles are frequently made out of rubber.

_____ 9. A C-clamp can hold pieces of wood together.

_____ 10. Plaster is frequently used to cover bookshelves.

_____ 11. Epoxy and rubber cement are types of floor coverings.

_____ 12. Extra nails and screws can be stored in boxes or jars.

_____ 13. A patio can be made from brick, flagstone, and barrels.

_____ 14. It is a good idea to have extra lightbulbs.

_____ 15. Many newer toilets are designed to conserve water.

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Comparing Sentence Content
Write S on the line if the sentences mean about the same. Write D if the sentences
have different meanings.

_____ 1. Strike the nail with a hammer.

Hit the nail with a hammer.

_____ 2. Handling any electrical appliance requires care.

Use care when working with electrical appliances.

_____ 3. Your garbage disposal is made to grind soft foods.

Don’t grind metals, glass, or plastics in your garbage disposal.

_____ 4. Use rubber or contact cement to glue the dish pieces back together.
Seal the edges of the plate with an adhesive.

_____ 5. Constant banging and slamming is hard on a door.

A door should never be slammed.

_____ 6. A sagging floor is dangerous and should be repaired.

Guard against the dangers of a sagging floor by fixing the problem.

_____ 7. Dampness in a house always comes from moisture on the pipes.

There are many causes for excess moisture in a home.

_____ 8. Turn a screw to the right when tightening it.

When tightening a screw, turn it clockwise.

_____ 9. Water vapor from the bathroom can cause wall damage.
Excessive moisture from various sources affects walls in rooms.

_____ 10. Mend the rip with a matching piece of plastic.

Patch the tear with a piece of the same plastic material.

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Comparing Sentence Content
Write S on the line if the sentences mean about the same. Write D if the sentences
have different meanings.

_____ 1. Spread the prongs with your fingers.

Use your fingers to spread the prongs.

_____ 2. Trim away the excess tape.

Don’t let any of the cloth extend over the edges.

_____ 3. Varnishing can be tricky, tacky work.

Varnish, although sticky, helps seal the wood.

_____ 4. Screen blocks admit light and air.

Light and air can come through screen blocks.

_____ 5. It is best to call a professional to make your furnace repairs.

Tackling heating problems can be a real challenge.

_____ 6. To insure that wood won’t move when cutting, put it in a vise.
A vise will hold wood steady when you are cutting it.

_____ 7. Leaky faucets are a nuisance.

Home repairs should be completed quickly.

_____ 8. Stain darkens wood.

Darken wood with stain.

_____ 9. Gutters should be cleaned of debris.

Debris should be cleaned from gutters.

_____ 10. Sandpaper will smooth rough edges.

Rough edges can give you splinters.

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Comparing Sentence Content
Write S on the line if the sentences mean about the same. Write D if the sentences
have different meanings.

_____ 1. Dig a hole, keeping the sides straight.

Keep the sides vertical when digging a hole.

_____ 2. A wheelbarrow is used for lawn work.

Many electrical appliances help keep a lawn beautiful.

_____ 3. Walls lower than three feet will probably not require a permit.
A permit is needed when building an addition on your home.

_____ 4. Dry ingredients are mixed before water is added.

Mix the dry ingredients before adding water.

_____ 5. A retaining wall is built with concrete block.

Concrete block is used to build a retaining wall.

_____ 6. A drain clog can be loosened with a plunger.

Call a plumber if you have a drain problem.

_____ 7. Check the circuit breaker if the lights go out.

If all the appliances stop working, there must be a storm.

_____ 8. Mortar sticks masonry units together.

Masonry units are joined with mortar.

_____ 9. Slate can range widely in color.

Slate is frequently used in patios.

_____ 10. Use a saw to cut wood.

When cutting wood, use a saw.

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Evaluating Information
Write Yes on the blank if it is something you would do when you paint. Write No if it is
not something you would do.

_______ 1. Cover the old paint with one thick coat of new paint.

_______ 2. Apply two coats of paint.

_______ 3. Look at the paint samples in daylight and under electric light before
making a final decision.

_______ 4. Use high-gloss paint on your ceiling because it is so shiny.

_______ 5. Wash latex-painted walls with oil and epoxy.

_______ 6. Clean up paint drippings right away.

_______ 7. Remove hardware and cover plates before painting.

_______ 8. Use a paint roller or wide brush on the woodwork and trim.

_______ 9. Select a brush that best suits the job.

_______ 10. Paint large, flat areas with a narrow brush.

_______ 11. Cover the furniture and floor with a drop cloth.

_______ 12. Wash the walls before painting.

_______ 13. Put lots of paint on the brush or roller.

_______ 14. Apply a coat of primer before using latex paint over oil-based paint.

_______ 15. Paint the ceiling black if the walls are white.

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Evaluating Information
Write Yes on the blank if it is something you would do if a sink drain is clogged.
Write No if it is not something you would do.

_______ 1. Push a broom handle down the pipe to loosen the obstruction.

_______ 2. Use a plunger to loosen the obstruction.

_______ 3. Run the water hard to push the clog down the drain.

_______ 4. Take all the pipes apart and find the clog.

_______ 5. Use a chemical drain cleaner to loosen the clog.

_______ 6. Let the clog sit for a couple of days because time will work the
clog loose.

_______ 7. Use a plumber’s snake to clear the drain.

_______ 8. Once the clog is cleared, run the water for a few minutes.

_______ 9. Buy a new sink.

_______ 10. Ignore it.

_______ 11. Try plunging it. If that doesn’t work, use a chemical cleaner.

_______ 12. Remove all the water and debris from the basin.

_______ 13. Permanently turn off all the water to all pipes in the house.

_______ 14. Turn the faucet on and let it run for 20 minutes.

_______ 15. Call a plumber if all of your efforts fail.

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Evaluating Information
Write Yes on the blank if it is something you would do when your window air
conditioner won’t start. Write No if it is not something you would do.

_______ 1. Check the circuit breaker to see if it has tripped.

_______ 2. Spread the plug prongs out so they fit firmly into the outlet.

_______ 3. Jiggle something in the outlet to see if it’s working.

_______ 4. Replace the filter, plug, and outer covering.

_______ 5. Make sure the unit is plugged in properly.

_______ 6. Check the outside temperature to see if it is still hot out.

_______ 7. Set the dials properly.

_______ 8. Take off the cover and vacuum out the dust inside the unit.

_______ 9. Check for a faulty plug.

_______ 10. Throw it out and then go buy a new air conditioner.

_______ 11. Ask your neighbor if his air conditioner works.

_______ 12. Clean the filter, adjust the dials, and check the plug.

_______ 13. Wait until next summer to see if it works then.

_______ 14. Call a repairman if none of your actions work.

_______ 15. Take it apart and see if you can fix it.

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Evaluating Information
Write Yes on the blank if it is something you would do to use a ladder safely.
Write No if it is not something you would do.

_______ 1. Use a homemade ladder made of balsam wood.

_______ 2. Use a ladder horizontally without supports.

_______ 3. Place a ladder on firm, level ground.

_______ 4. Make sure your feet and the rungs are free from grease.

_______ 5. Sufficiently overlap the sections of an extension ladder so it’s sturdy.

_______ 6. Face the ladder, hold it with both hands, and place your feet firmly on
each rung as you climb.

_______ 7. Carry large, heavy items up and down the ladder.

_______ 8. Anchor the ladder with a rope.

_______ 9. Hold the ladder with one hand as you climb up and down.

_______ 10. Use an aluminum ladder to do electrical work.

_______ 11. Replace any rotted steps on a wooden ladder.

_______ 12. Ignore the rotted steps.

_______ 13. Link several ladders together to get up high.

_______ 14. Only have one person on the ladder at a time.

_______ 15. Add a few steps if it’s too short.

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Evaluating Information
Write Yes on the blank if it is something you would do if your vacuum isn’t working
properly. Write No if it is not something you would do.

_______ 1. Check the condition of the bristles on the roller.

_______ 2. Throw it out.

_______ 3. Replace the cord if it’s worn or frayed.

_______ 4. Check to see if something is lodged in the hose.

_______ 5. Stick it in the closet and ignore the whole thing.

_______ 6. Check the plug and outlet.

_______ 7. Change the bag if it’s full.

_______ 8. Hire a cleaning service to do the vacuuming from now on.

_______ 9. Bang the vacuum on the floor in case something is stuck.

_______ 10. Make sure the on/off switch is working.

_______ 11. Wash off the roller, the inner canister, and motor.

_______ 12. Plug the vacuum in, turn it on, and take the motor apart.

_______ 13. Check that all the dials are set correctly.

_______ 14. Replace all the hoses, belts, and wheels.

_______ 15. Take it to a repair shop if you can’t fix it.

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Using Deductive Reasoning

Bricklayer’s Crate Opener Ballpeen

Engineer’s Chipping Curved Claw

Use the clues to determine which hammer the carpenter used. Cross off hammers
until you are left with one. The hammer that is left is the one the carpenter used.

1. The hammer was not pointed.

2. It did not have the title of a professional in its name.

3. It was not rounded on one end.

4. It was not used for prying off the lids of wooden crates.

5. He not only needed the hammer for driving in nails but also for removing nails.

Which hammer did he use? ___________________________

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Using Deductive Reasoning

utility sink
drainboard sink
with backsplash
stainless steel sink

group wash sink

double bowl sink sink

soak sink
self-rimming sink

Use the clues to determine which sink the Smiths bought for their home. Cross off
sinks until you are left with one. The one that is left is the sink the Smiths bought.

1. They didn’t want a cast iron or fiberglass sink.

2. The group wash sink was unnecessary.

3. The portable sink was too expensive.

4. A double bowl sink or one with a drainboard was too large for the area.

5. Ms. Smith wanted a sink with only one faucet.

Which sink did they buy? ___________________________

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Using Deductive Reasoning



A Straight-handle standard duty shears D Electrician’s scissors

B Bent-handle standard duty shears E Blunt-point pocket scissors
C Bent-handle extra heavy-duty shears F Double sharp point scissors

Use the clues to determine which pair of shears or scissors the tailor used. Cross
off pairs until you are left with one. The pair that is left is the one the tailor used.

1. He needed ones with a sharp tip, so the blunt-point ones were eliminated.

2. Because he was cutting material, he didn’t need extra heavy-duty shears.

3. Since he was not cutting wires, he didn’t need the electrician’s scissors.

4. He was afraid he would make a mistake if he used double sharp scissors.

5. Out of the two remaining shears, he decided to use the ones that were not
straight handled so the material wasn’t lifted too high while he was cutting.

Which pair of scissors or shears did he use? ___________________________

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Using Deductive Reasoning

Supervisor Basement Porch Attic





Four carpenters (Rex, Chris, Skip, Bob) are doing work at a house. One of them is
the supervisor. The other three are working in three different areas: the basement,
the porch, and the attic.

Use the clues to determine who is the supervisor and where each carpenter is working.

1. From where he is working, Rex can hear the carpenter who is working on the porch.

2. Skip is not working in the basement.

3. From his location, Bob can see the supervisor.

4. Skip is using his skills to repair the beams in the attic.

5. Rex and the supervisor discussed the shelving Rex will build in the basement.

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Using Deductive Reasoning

Plumber Mason Roofer Painter





Pete, Paul, Pat, and Preston are all contractors. They are a plumber, mason, roofer,
and painter.

Use the clues to determine each one’s profession.

1. Pete, who is not the painter, drives to work with the mason.

2. The painter bowls with Pat on Tuesdays and goes to Rotary Club meetings
with Preston.

3. Preston is not the roofer.

4. The mason and the painter are the only two who attend Rotary Club meetings.

5. Pete is afraid of heights, so he isn’t the roofer.

Jack, Alice, Candie, and Tony are two sets of workers. Tony does plumbing but not
with Jack. Candie does landscaping but not with Alice.

Which pair does the plumbing? _________________________________

Which pair does the landscaping? _________________________________

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Picture/Paragraph Comprehension
People who experience some form of brain dysfunction often have difficulty with visual skills.
They may have trouble interpreting what they see. They may have difficulty ascertaining
specific items in a picture from the picture as a whole. They may have visual-spatial
difficulties and be unable to determine where the items in a picture are in relation to the
other items. Thus, this section presents several pictures with questions that target those
difficulties to provide a structured approach for assisting in remediation of those skill areas.

Frequently, your client may be able to comprehend, manipulate, and deduce answers for
stimuli that involves only a few words or a sentence, but his skills deteriorate as the length
is increased to the paragraph level. This section includes paragraph comprehension tasks
in order to help your client improve his ability to comprehend and retain lengthier written

The tasks in this section provide pictures related to painting and home repairs. The
paragraphs relate to home repair situations your client may have or may encounter.

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Answering Questions About a Picture
Look at the picture and answer the questions.

1. What is going to happen? _____________________________

2. Which room is being painted? _____________________________

3. What painting equipment is in the room? _____________________________

4. What is near the stepladder? _____________________________

5. What is in the paint tray? _____________________________

6. What color is the paint? _____________________________

7. Is the window open or closed? _____________________________

8. Is the floor covered? _____________________________

9. What furniture is in the room? _____________________________

10. Are there curtains on the window? _____________________________

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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Answering Questions About a Picture
Look at the picture and answer the questions.

1. What room is in the picture? _____________________________

2. What needs to be fixed? _____________________________

3. How many tiles are missing? _____________________________

4. What design is on one row of the tiles? _____________________________

5. Is there a window in the bathroom? _____________________________

6. Are there curtains on the window? _____________________________

7. Does the bathroom have a shower? _____________________________

8. What is hanging over the curtain rod? _____________________________

9. Is the towel striped or plain? _____________________________

10. What is on the shower wall? _____________________________

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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Answering Questions About a Picture
Look at the picture and answer the questions.

1. What needs to be fixed? ____________________________

2. How many cracks are in the wall? ____________________________

3. What is stuck in the wall near the cracks? ____________________________

4. Is the door open or closed? ____________________________

5. Where is the can of plaster? ____________________________

6. What is on top of the can of plaster? ____________________________

7. What is in the picture that is to be hung? ____________________________

8. Where is the picture? ____________________________

9. Whose room is it? ____________________________

10. What is on the floor in front of the door? ____________________________

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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Answering Questions About a Picture
Look at the picture and answer the questions.

1. What is at the top of the railings? _____________________________

2. How many steps are there? _____________________________

3. How many steps need to be fixed? _____________________________

4. How many windows can you see? _____________________________

5. What is below the window on the right? _____________________________

6. Where is the wood to fix the step? _____________________________

7. What is lying on the wood? _____________________________

8. Has the wood been cut for the step? _____________________________

9. What kind of saw is being used? _____________________________

10. Where are the nails and hammer? _____________________________

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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Answering Questions About a Picture
Look at the picture and answer the questions.

1. Is the house one or two stories? ________________________

2. What needs to be fixed? ________________________

3. Where are the new shingles? ________________________

4. What tools and supplies are near the shingles? ________________________

5. How many windows are on the front of the house? ________________________

6. What is below the window on the left? ________________________

7. Which window has shutters? ________________________

8. Who is coming out of the house? ________________________

9. Is the door open or closed? ________________________

10. Where is the ladder? ________________________

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Comprehending Information in a Paragraph
Read the paragraph and answer the questions.

Replacing a Wooden Step

To replace a step, first buy a new piece of wood. Before you nail the
piece down, paint the underside of it with wood preservative. You can
buy wood preservative at a hardware or home improvement store.
Use the preservative on the stringer supports too. Next, nail the new
board in place. Countersink the nails with a tool called a nail set.
Then, fill the holes over the nail heads with plastic wood or some other
kind of wood filler. Finally, paint or stain the step to match the rest of
the steps.

1. What two things should be painted with wood preservative?

2. Where can you buy wood preservative?

3. What do you do after you use the wood preservative?

4. What do you use to countersink a nail?

5. What do you use to fill the holes over the nail heads?

6. What can you use so the new step matches the other steps?

7. If you don’t know what a stringer support is, where could you find out about it?

8. What else do you know about this topic?

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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Comprehending Information in a Paragraph
Read the paragraph and answer the questions.

Sweating Pipes

Cold water pipes can be found in the basement ceiling or leading into
the bathroom or kitchen sink. If the pipes are exposed, they collect
moisture from the air, or sweat. Pipes sweat more often in the winter
when the house is heated. The moisture, or condensation, drips onto
the floor and can cause damage. An easy way to solve the problem
is to wrap the pipes with insulating material. Fiberglass insulation
is an ideal material found in any hardware or building supply store.
Purchase insulation that is waterproof or has a waterproof outside
covering. If you use waterproof insulation, you only need to wrap the
pipe once. If you use a non-waterproof insulation, you will need to
add a waterproof wrapping over the insulation.

1. What can happen to cold water pipes if exposed?

2. What is the moisture on pipes called?

3. What kind of wrapping material will prevent condensation?

4. Where can you buy it?

5. What kind of fiberglass wrapping material should you get?

6. If you use waterproof insulation, how many times do you need to wrap the pipe?

7. What should you do if you buy non-waterproof insulation?

8. What else do you know about this topic?

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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Comprehending Information in a Paragraph
Read the paragraph and answer the questions.

Creaking Stairs

It’s easy to reduce or eliminate the creaking in stairs that are open.
Here are three suggestions.

• For a temporary solution, spray a silicone lubricant into the creaking

area. This area will frequently be where the risers meet the tread.

• Insert a small wooden wedge between the tread and the stringer.

• Insert screws up through the treads into the risers.

If your staircase is enclosed, drive finishing nails along the tread

into the stringer on the top of the stair. You can also use a silicone
lubricating spray to eliminate the creak.

1. How many ways can you fix a creak in stairs that are open?

2. How many ways can you fix a creak in stairs that are enclosed?

3. What kind of spray can eliminate a creak?

4. Where are creaks frequently found?

5. Where can you insert a wedge to stop a creak?

6. What can you put through the treads and into the risers on an open staircase?

7. What kind of nails can you use on the surface of a step?

8. Where would you put these nails?

9. What else do you know about this topic?

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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Evidence-Based Research Articles Regarding Therapy for Cognitive-Communication Disorders

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2006). Treatment efficacy summary: Aphasia

resulting from left hemisphere stroke. Retrieved 12/23/06 from www.asha.org.

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2006). Treatment efficacy summary: Cognitive-

communication disorders resulting from right hemisphere brain damage. Retrieved 12/23/06 from

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2006). Treatment efficacy summary: Cognitive-

communication disorders resulting from traumatic brain injury. Retrieved 12/23/06 from

Boghal, S.K., Teasell, R.W., Foley, N.C., & Speechley, M.R. (2003). Rehabilitation of aphasia: More is
better. Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation, 10(2), 66-76.

Carney, N., Chestnut, R., Maynard, H., Mann, N.C., Patterson, P., & Helfand, M. (1999). Effect of
cognitive rehabilitation on outcomes for persons with traumatic brain injury: A systematic review.
Journal of Head Trauma Research, 14(3), 277-307.

Cicerone, K.D., Dahlberg, C., Kalmar, K., Langenbahn, D.M., Malec, J.F., Bergquist, T.F., et al. (2000).
Evidence-based cognitive rehabilitation: Recommendations for clinical practice. Archives of
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 81(12), 1596-1615.

Cicerone, K.D., Dahlberg, C., Malec, J., Langenbahn, D.M., Felicetti, T., Kneipp, S., et al. (2005).
Evidence-based cognitive rehabilitation: Updated review of the literature from 1998 through 2002.
Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 86(8), 1681-1692.

Coelho, C.A., DeRuyter, F., & Stein, M. (1996). Treatment efficacy: Cognitive-communication
disorders resulting from traumatic brain injury in adults. Journal of Speech and Hearing
Research, 39(5), S5-S17.

Winocur, G., Craik, F.I.M., Levine, B., Robertson, I.H., Binns, M.A., Alexander, M., et al. (2007).
Cognitive rehabilitation in the elderly: Overview and future directions. Journal of the International
Neuropsychological Society, 13, 166-171.

Books on Cognitive Communication

Elman, R. (Ed.). (2006). Group treatment of neurogenic communication disorders:

The expert clinician’s approach. (2nd ed.). San Diego: Plural Publishing, Inc.

Helms-Estabrooks, N., & Albert, M.L. (2005). Manual of aphasia and aphasia therapy. Austin, TX:
Pro-Ed, Inc.

WALC 11: Language for Home Activities 187 Copyright © 2007

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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Hillis, A. (2002). The handbook of adult language disorders. NY: Psychology Press, an imprint of the
Taylor & Francis Group.

Keith, R.L., & Schumacher, J.G. (2001). Speech and language rehabilitation. (4th ed.). Austin, TX:
Pro-Ed, Inc.

LaPointe, L.L. (2005). Aphasia and related neurogenic language disorders. (3rd ed.). NYC: Thieme

Sarno, M.T., & Peters, J.F. (Eds). (2004). The aphasia handbook: A guide for stroke and brain injury
survivors and their families. NYC: National Aphasia Association.

Books on Home Repair/Home Maintenance

Black & Decker. (2001). The complete photo guide to home improvement: Over 1700 photos, 250
step-by-step projects. Chanhassen, MN: Creative Publishing International.

Creative Publishing International. (2004). The complete photo guide to home repair: With 350
projects and 2300 photos. Chanhassen, MN: Author.

Family Handyman Magazine Editors. (2005). Complete do-it-yourself manual: Completely revised
and updated. Pleasantville, NY: Reader’s Digest.

Reader’s Digest Editors. (1996). New fix-it-yourself manual: How to repair, clean, and maintain
anything and everything in and around your home. Pleasantville, NY: Reader’s Digest.

Sussman, J., & Glakas-Tenet, S. (2002). Dare to repair: A do-it-herself guide to fixing (almost)
anything around the house. NYC: HarperCollins Publishers.


American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA)

Promotes the interests of and provides the highest quality services for professionals in audiology,
speech-language pathology, and speech and hearing science; advocates for people with
communication disabilities
800-498-2071 (members)
800-638-8255 (non-members)

Aphasia Hope Foundation

Promotes research into the prevention and cure of aphasia as well as ensuring that all survivors of
aphasia and their caregivers are aware of and have access to the best possible treatments available;
the largest collaborative online resource for aphasia
866-449-5804 (toll free)
WALC 11: Language for Home Activities 188 Copyright © 2007
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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Brain Injury Association of America (BIA)
Provides information, education, and support to persons currently living with TBI, their families, and
professionals working with individuals who have sustained a TBI

National Aphasia Association (NAA)

Promotes public education, research, rehabilitation, and support services to assist people with
aphasia and their families

National Institute of Neurological Disorders & Stroke (NINDS)

Supports and conducts research on the brain and nervous system; fosters the training of investigators
in the basic and clinical neurosciences; and seeks better understanding, diagnosis, treatment, and
prevention of neurological disorders

National Rehabilitation Information Center (NARIC)

Provides information to the disability and rehabilitation community through online publications,
searchable databases, and timely reference and referral data

National Stroke Association (NSA)

Provides information and resources for stroke survivors, their families, and caregivers
800-787-6537 (STROKES)


Liles, M.D., & Liles, R.M. (1974). Good housekeeping guide to fixing things around the house.
NY: Good Housekeeping Books.

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2007 PRO-ED, Inc.
Answer Key
The most likely answers are listed here. Accept other logical, appropriate answers as correct.

HOME ACTIVITIES page 15 page 21 17. lamp, hair dryer

coffeepot 1. evergreen, pine 18. knife, ice skates, chain saw
page 9 cardboard box 2. knife 19. dresser, desk
bureau/dresser, sofa/couch, rocking chair 3. phone 20. candle
rocking chair, piano, desk, washing machine 4. necklace 21. table, chair
picture, lamp, table, alarm clock birdbath 5. money 22. pencil
windowsill 6. car, truck 23. pen
page 10 picture frame 7. hanger 24. picture
ladle, oven mitt, bowl, rolling bookshelf 8. cart, basket 25. hat
pin, cutting board, baking pan, bathtub 9. needle and thread 26. brush
pitcher, mug, scissors sweatshirt 10. cough medicine, cold 27. shirt, coat
paperweight medicine, aspirin 28. belt
page 11 end table 11. towel 29. lamp
corn, grapes, bananas, cheese, milk carton 12. comb, brush 30. sofa, chair
strawberries, turkey, cabbage/ cookie sheet 13. watering can
lettuce, cake, pepper can opener 14. bureau/dresser, desk page 25
15. bedroom 1. jar, pot
page 12 page 16 2. flashlight
cheese shredder page 22 3. chair, jacket, shirt
butcher knife 1. sidewalk 4. jacket, pants
soup spoon 2. cookbook 5. watering can, pitcher
aluminum foil 3. spatula, flipper 6. room, house
pillowcase 4. ketchup, mustard 7. lamp, window
shower curtain 5. department store 8. TV, computer, door
frying pan 6. picture, tapestry 9. shoes
picnic table 7. piano 10. chair
cookie jar 8. purse, backpack 11. pants
suitcase 9. toothbrush 12. purse, backpack
salt shaker 10. oven 13. light
coffee mug 11. pillow 14. needle, face
hand mixer 12. mixer 15. flower
mixing bowl 13. washer 16. fingers, hammer
lightbulb 14. breakfast 17. windows
15. pen, pencil 18. tree, car
page 13 page 17 19. freezer, cupboard
microwave oven page 23 20. door
hairspray 1. television 21. hose
nail file 2. hose, sprinkler 22. envelope
vacuum cleaner 3. mirror 23. meat, dog
potato peeler 4. fan, air conditioner 24. rug, scarf
shaving cream 5. coat, sweater 25. bed
remote control 6. bucket 26. sieve, colander
bath towel 7. salt, pepper 27. dog, cat
gas stove 8. paper 28. tree
hand lotion 9. sofa/couch 29. roof, car
dustpan 10. cookie sheet 30. peach, cherry
medicine cabinet 11. shovel
soap dish 12. closet page 26
light switch 13. garden 1. yardstick
water faucet 14. canisters 2. feather
15. staple, paper clip 3. teenager
page 14 page 18 4. cola
1. f 4. a 7. g 10. c page 24 5. rope
2. h 5. j 8. d 1. door, toaster 6. cookie
3. e 6. b 9. i 2. book 7. house
3. tree, table 8. iron
page 19 4. closet, book 9. ocean
1. i 4. h 7. b 10. f 5. pants, jacket 10. scream
2. e 5. d 8. a 6. stove 11. snow
3. g 6. j 9. c 7. apple 12. frying pan
8. shirt 13. attack dog
page 20 9. flower 14. kitten
1. i 4. b 7. h 10. g 10. glasses 15. morning
2. c 5. e 8. d 11. sink
3. j 6. f 9. a 12. car, bicycle page 27
13. bed 1. toothpick
14. gloves, clock 2. sofa
15. coat, fish 3. infant
16. suitcase 4. lamp

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5. potato chip 8. tissues 2. Jeff made an apple pie for 9:30 Dawn’s house
6. dill pickle 9. sink dessert. 12:00 lunch
7. second 10. razor 3. Coupons save you money 1:00 went swimming
8. ice when buying food. 3:00 went home
9. cracker page 33 4. There was a box of tissues 4:30 watching a movie
10. whispering Things in a Living Room on the counter.
11. licorice 1. sofa 5. There was too much salt page 45
12. dough 2. carpet in the soup. 9:00 business meeting
13. jet plane 3. clock 6. They prepared dinner for 11:00 dance class
14. lime 4. lamp their relatives. 12:00 lunch
15. steak knife 5. plants 7. What are we having for 1:00 shopping
6. curtain dessert? 3:00 drove home
page 28 7. books 8. What color should we 3:30 watching a movie
Laundry: washer, dryer, 8. chair paint the bedroom? 4:00 asleep
detergent, basket 9. closet 9. Would you please wash
Bills: the bills, checks, 10. end table the windows? pages 47-49
envelopes, stamps 10. Put the groceries on the Answers will vary.
Pet care: food, water, toys, vet Cooking Words kitchen table.
Plant: soil, plant, pot, water 1. bake page 50
2. boil page 37 TV: cord, channels, programs,
page 29 3. broil storm, two, louder, lightning, news, movie
Meal: food, plates, dishes, 4. brown suddenly, house, oil, living, Plant: water, plant food, dirt,
glasses 5. roast flashlight, drawer, glad sunlight, pot
Hair: comb, brush, shampoo, 6. simmer Mail: letters, envelopes, bills,
mirror, hairspray 7. warm page 38 delivered, stamps
Photo album: photos, album, 8. steam go, newspaper, mornings, sale, Suitcase: pack, clothing, handle,
labels, pen 9. heat home, old, bidders, own, knew, trip, carry
Kitchen: bucket, rag, detergent, 10. toast gift, happy Home: residence, roof, yard,
mop rooms, basement
page 34 page 39 Lamp: shade, light, bulb, cord,
page 31 1. She put roses in the vase. income, time, several, kitchen, switch
Spices 2. Preheat the oven to 350°. oven, food, bills, days, portion,
1. dill 3. He sewed the button on money, savings page 51
2. cloves his shirt. Cereal: breakfast, bowl,
3. ginger 4. What are we having for page 40 milk, crispy, eat
4. thyme dinner? Andrew, vacation, ocean, Chair: furniture, legs, sit,
5. basil 5. The timer on the oven suitcases, cat, through, windows, seat, back
6. garlic went off. newspaper, ready, car, sunny Refrigerator: shelves, door,
7. salt 6. We went to Chicago for cold, freezer, crisper
8. nutmeg our vacation. page 41 Music: harmony, melody,
9. pepper 7. After the kids left for school, Set A: 3, 5, 1, 4, 2 notes, singer, radio
10. sage she went to the store. getting ready in the morning Shoes: heel, shoe, laces,
8. He vacuums downstairs Set B: 4, 1, 5, 3, 2 feet, leather
Clothing on Friday mornings. changing the sheets/making Stove: pan, burner, cook,
1. shirt 9. The vacuum needed a the bed heat, dial
2. pants new bag. Set C: 2, 4, 5, 3, 1
3. scarf 10. He told his son to clean having a cup of coffee page 52
4. socks his bedroom. Set D: 1, 4, 3, 5, 2 Kitchen: plates, glasses, bowls,
5. shoes planting a garden milk, food, measuring cups,
6. slip page 35 coffee cup, dishes
7. gloves 1. When do you think you page 42 Wash clothes: washer, water,
8. coat will be finished with your Set A: 6, 2, 5, 3, 1, 4 basket, dryer, dirty clothes,
9. belt chores? grilling hamburgers detergent, fabric softener
10. skirt 2. Please lock the door on Set B: 2, 1, 4, 6, 3, 5 Salad: lettuce, tomatoes, onion,
your way out. washing windows cucumber, radish, celery
page 32 3. They planted vegetables Set C: 1, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 Sewing: cloth, thread, pins,
Things in a Kitchen in their garden. doing laundry needle, scissors, tape
1. pans 4. The stuffed turkey roasted Set D: 3, 4, 1, 5, 6, 2 measure, mend, thimble,
2. fork for five hours. emptying the trash/taking patterns
3. bowl 5. Leona always dusts before out the garbage Money: quarter, nickel, dollar,
4. cups she vacuums. dime, half dollar, penny
5. jars 6. There was no more room page 43
6. sink in the closet. Set A: 4, 7, 6, 2, 3, 1, 5 page 53
7. towel 7. There wasn’t enough milk taking a bath/shower Pets: canary, hamster, dog,
8. table for everyone. Set B: 3, 7, 1, 5, 4, 2, 6 parrot, horse, cat
9. spoon 8. Our mail gets delivered writing a letter Weather: snow, hail, sleet, rain,
10. stove after 3:00. Set C: 5, 2, 6, 1, 7, 4, 3 clear, sunny, windy
9. The plants started drooping going somewhere in Toys: ball, truck, doll, blocks,
Things in a Bathroom because they needed water. the car/ driving a car teddy bear, puzzles
1. towel 10. The cleaning supplies were Plants: vine, glass, tree, flower,
2. soap under the sink. page 44 fern, cactus, bush, shrub
3. tub 6:00 got up Bedroom: pillow, mirror, blanket,
4. curtain page 36 6:30 ate breakfast bed, alarm clock, bureau,
5. mirror 1. When the electricity went 7:00 raked leaves dresser
6. scale out, they lit some candles. 8:30 visited Rebecca
7. hamper

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page 54 8. TV 10. vegetable page 70
1. spices 9. garden 11. lamp 1. F 5. F 9. F 13. F
2. measurements 10. needle, sewing machine 12. beans, corn 2. T 6. T 10. F 14. T
3. rooms in a home 11. car 13. clothes 3. T 7. T 11. F 15. F
4. meat 12. chair 14. vacuumed 4. F 8. T 12. T
5. things in a bathroom 13. aspirin 15. sweet
6. place setting 14. gloves, mittens page 71
7. chores 15. pen page 66 1. T 5. F 9. F 13. F
8. eggs 1. hot tea, coffee 2. T 6. T 10. T 14. T
9. furniture page 60 2. plate 3. F 7. F 11. T 15. T
10. vegetables 1. pants 3. bedroom 4. T 8. T 12. T
11. trees 2. thermometer 4. sour
12. things on a bed 3. eyeglasses 5. bed page 72
13. fruit 4. pillow 6. meat 1. F 5. T 9. F 13. T
14. dairy products 5. ketchup 7. flashlight 2. T 6. T 10. T 14. F
15. window coverings 6. hose 8. paper 3. T 7. F 11. F 15. T
7. corn 9. knife 4. F 8. T 12. F
page 55 8. phone 10. oven
1. things to drink out of 9. ice cubes 11. hot page 73
2. pies 10. flower 12. green beans, peas 1. T 5. F 9. T 13. T
3. nuts 11. pencil 13. washing 2. F 6. F 10. F 14. F
4. breads 12. curtain 14. washing 3. T 7. T 11. T 15. F
5. hair color 13. ring 15. potato salad 4. T 8. F 12. T
6. fish 14. bed
7. drinks, beverages 15. spaghetti page 67 page 74
8. containers 1. ice cream/cans, cupboard/ 1. T 5. T 9. T 13. F
9. flooring page 61 freezer 2. T 6. F 10. F 14. F
10. bed sizes 1. cars 2. dinner/breakfast, morning/ 3. T 7. T 11. F 15. T
11. kitchen appliances 2. noodles evening 4. F 8. T 12. T
12. clothing 3. sweater 3. lumber/groceries, grocery
13. light sources 4. fork store/lumberyard page 75
14. flowers 5. carpeting 4. morning/afternoon 1. S 4. S 7. D 10. S
15. shellfish, seafood 6. pudding 5. plumbing/towing, car broke 2. D 5. S 8. S
7. workbench down/sink began to leak 3. D 6. S 9. D
page 56 8. sun 6. drawers/windows
1. pets 9. newspaper 7. salt/sugar page 76
2. footwear 10. plate 8. empty/full 1. S 4. D 7. S 10. S
3. things to sit on 11. swimming 9. zipper/drawer, dresser/ 2. D 5. D 8. D
4. poultry, birds 12. cans dress 3. S 6. S 9. D
5. things to read 13. tack 10. band/battery
6. money 14. glove page 77
7. cheese 15. flounder page 68 1. S 4. D 7. D 10. S
8. potatoes 1. milk/sugar, canister on the 2. D 5. S 8. S
9. things that cut page 62 counter/in the refrigerator 3. S 6. D 9. D
10. cakes 1. dish towel 2. a maple tree/flowers, flower
11. things related to a birthday 2. tuna box/yard pages 78-82
12. things used with hair 3. sink 3. bulb/cord Answers will vary. Guard against
13. parts of a plant/flower 4. milk 4. nail polish/furniture polish, all items being answered “Yes.”
14. picnic food 5. brush nail polish/rag
15. fabric, material 6. carpet 5. kitchen sink/bathroom page 83
7. socks closet
page 58 8. dishes 6. washcloths/sheets
1. vacuum cleaner 9. curtains 7. pictures/windows
2. watch 10. tree 8. ten minutes/45 minutes
3. sugar 11. zippers 9. on/off
4. lamp 12. toast 10. hamburgers/cake, dessert/
5. couch, sofa 13. alley dinner
6. mirror 14. drapes page 84
7. carpet, rug 15. slicer page 69 mug #5
8. microwave oven 1. winter/spring
9. knife page 63 2. pickle/yellow page 85
10. towel bird, mitten, eggs, bed 3. living room/garden #2 gray cat
11. hanger 4. rake/spatula, flip the
12. picture page 64 pancakes/gather the leaves page 86
13. sink plane, house, oven, radio into a pile #2 recliner
14. table 5. cups/teaspoons, on his
15. coffee page 65 cereal/in the cookie batter page 87
1. floor 6. broom/paper towels, #5 humanitarian trip
page 59 2. door washed the windows/swept
1. shoe 3. pepper the floor page 89
2. spoon 4. cake 7. strainer/pot 1. 2
3. soap 5. cookbook 8. 650°/375° 2. 72
4. book 6. watching 9. library/drugstore, buy 3. mailbox
5. egg 7. sofa, couch aspirin/get some books 4. fence
6. shirt 8. salad 10. sugar/salt 5. no
7. toothbrush 9. brushed 6. yes

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7. round 6. cereal page 103 page 108
8. 6 7. books, lunches 1. d 4. a 7. l 10. e
9. tire 8. Mom and Dad 2. j 5. g 8. f 11. b
10. picnic table 9. drove to work 3. h 6. k 9. c 12. i
10. Answers will vary.
page 90 page 109
1. night page 96 1. f 4. h 7. e 10. l
2. sofa, rocker, plant stand/ 1. He was having company. 2. i 5. b 8. c 11. j
table, TV stand 2. 450° 3. a 6. d 9. g 12. k
3. pillow 3. six
4. picture 4. cinnamon, nutmeg page 110
5. kitchen 5. ready-made 1. saw
6. plant, picture, couch 6. dotted the apples 2. brick, wood, stone
7. no with butter 3. posts, wood, wire
8. rocker 7. ten minutes 4. hammer, saw, wood
9. blanket, afghan 8. 350° 5. screwdriver
10. cat 9. 50 minutes 6. cement
10. Andy’s company 7. plumber
page 91 page 104 8. linoleum, hardwood, tile
1. 6 countersink 9. paint, stain, varnish
2. clock, cupboards HOME MAINTENANCE circuit breaker 10. caulking, grout
3. 5:00 ACTIVITIES claw hammer 11. lamp, extension light
4. before drywall 12. shovel, post hole digger
5. 6 page 98 hardware store 13. landscaper, gardener
6. spaghetti, salad hinge, folding ruler, screwdriver, caulking gun 14. plunger, chemical drain
7. no hammer, hard hat, scraper, wing nut cleaner, plumber’s snake
8. no creeper, caulking gun, drill rain gutter 15. water, paint thinner
9. stove sump pump
10. pots page 99 soldering iron page 111
drill bit, putty knife, extension cord 1. hammer
page 92 sledgehammer, wrench, plane, pressure-treated wood 2. remote control
1. no level, pliers, circular saw, screw toggle bolt 3. wires, screwdriver, wire
2. window, nightstand, thumbtack stripper, needlenose pliers
alarm clock, poster page 100 electric drill 4. fertilizer, water, weed killer
3. sneakers wrench, outlet, tape measure, 5. carpet, varnish, wax
4. clothing extension light, pulley, scaffold, page 105 6. clippers, weed whacker,
5. poster tin snips, C-clamp, molly/toggle machine screw edger
6. no bolt putty knife 7. shovel, snow blower
7. 7:00 sandpaper 8. roofer
8. glass page 101 smoke detector 9. clamp, vise
9. shut ballpeen hammer 10. dehumidifier
10. toy car tin snips 11. mortar
pilot hole 12. thermostat
page 93 door jamb 13. workshop, basement,
1. alley screwdriver garage
2. bike lawn mower 14. sandpaper
3. squirrel stepladder 15. lighter, match, auto start
4. flowers power tools
5. rectangle paintbrush page 112
6. trowel, hoe saw blade 1. lawn mower
7. flower hedge trimmer 2. air conditioner, fan
8. unplanted 3. architect, contractor
9. 9 page 106 4. garage, parking lot
10. rain monkey wrench 5. porch, sunroom
latex paint 6. drill
page 94 snow blower 7. wood
1. Saturday sledgehammer 8. pipes, wrench
2. dusted page 102 needlenose pliers 9. gutter
3. vacuum paint roller 10. rake, leaf blower
4. throw rug duct tape 11. spackle, plaster, putty
5. burning rubber fiberglass insulation 12. wood, brick, stone
6. belt tore Venetian blinds 13. salt
7. kitchen drawer 3-prong plug 14. thermometer
8. Vernon Phillips head screwdriver 15. ladder
9. later that week chain saw
10. Answers will vary. plumber’s snake page 113
ceramic tile 1. roof
page 95 staple gun 2. boards
1. weekdays 3. door
2. bathroom time page 107 4. ladder
3. got dressed 1. h 4. i 7. k 10. c 5. saw
4. coffee, bagels, fruit 2. g 5. b 8. d 11. l 6. wall
5. school lunches = more than 3. a 6. f 9. e 12. j 7. plug
one lunch; children means 8. ruler
more than one child

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9. ceiling page 116 Home Repair Words 9. Toggle bolts can be used
10. brush 1. inch 1. paint to hang pictures.
11. flashlight 2. beam 2. caulk 10. Smoke and hot air go up
12. screw 3. steel 3. grout a chimney.
13. jar, paint can 4. spotlight 4. sand
14. louvered door, 5. drywall 5. glue page 125
window blinds 6. glass 6. oil 1. Many homes are covered in
15. sink 7. dry ice 7. polish aluminum siding.
16. toolbox 8. tree 8. stain 2. A workshop can be located
17. wrench 9. sandpaper 9. scrape in the basement.
18. drill 10. beep 10. tighten 3. Support planks on
19. saw 11. tar sawhorses when cutting.
20. mower 12. tape rule page 122 4. Use a dustpan and brush
21. cord 13. backhoe Wallpapering Words for cleanup.
22. roof 14. plywood 1. water 5. Sandpaper is used to
23. pipes 15. saw 2. wall smooth wood.
24. chimney 3. paper 6. Spray squeaky hinges with
25. car page 117 4. strips a lubricating compound.
26. sidewalk Lawn: mower, grass seed, 5. ladder 7. A smoke detector warns
27. hammer, shower fertilizer, water 6. rolls against fire.
28. nut and bolt Painting: brushes, paint, 7. seam 8. Paint blisters can appear
29. roof roller, drop cloth 8. pattern on a wall.
30. hose Bookshelves: wood, nails, 9. brush 9. If the lights go out, check
hammer, stain 10. knife the circuit breaker.
page 114 Barbecuing: grill, meat, 10. Carpenters usually choose
1. door coals, spatula Home Appliances screws for repairs.
2. car 1. stove
3. dryer page 118 2. can opener page 126
4. shower Wall: spackle, putty knife, 3. clock radio soot, flashlight, condition, rusty,
5. stove sandpaper, paint 4. microwave with, brush, damper, ease,
6. wall Step: wood, hammer, nails, saw 5. coffeemaker expert, never, closed
7. wall Picture: picture, hammer, nail, 6. toaster
8. caulking gun picture hanger 7. washer page 127
9. house, picture Car: oil, wax, washer fluid, 8. refrigerator space, kitchen, solve, large,
10. stairs inspections 9. dishwasher cook, steps, another, removing,
11. vacuum cleaner 10. dryer size, expensive, everything
12. car page 120
13. light Carpentry Words page 123 page 128
14. floor 1. saw 1. A tape rule is used for electric, plug, frayed, loose,
15. window 2. wood measuring. circuit, tripped, outlet, lamp,
16. outlet 3. stain 2. Asphalt is used in paving fails, electrician, fix
17. stairs 4. joint mixtures.
18. sink 5. varnish 3. A wing nut has flared sides. page 129
19. room 6. clamp 4. A sump pump drains away rivets, hole, material, through,
20. deck 7. dowel excess water. end, flatten, tool, spread, petals,
21. phone 8. bond 5. Stain is used to color wood. hold, place
22. cement 9. bevel 6. Be careful when handling
23. workbench 10. wedge broken glass. page 130
24. heater 7. Most toilets are made out Set A: 4, 2, 5, 1, 3
25. door, gate Tool Words of porcelain. unclogging a drain
26. window 1. chisel 8. Do not reuse disposable Set B: 5, 1, 3, 4, 2
27. radio, phone, TV 2. trowel vacuum bags. mowing the lawn
28. car radiator 3. drill 9. Cupboard doors are held Set C: 3, 5, 2, 4, 1
29. bicycle 4. hammer closed by latches. hanging a picture
30. house, garage, workshop 5. level 10. A washer can help fix a Set D: 3, 1, 2, 5, 4
6. plane leaky faucet. painting a room
page 115 7. pliers
1. yard 8. screwdriver page 124 page 131
2. screw 9. tin snips 1. Is the lightbulb out? Set A: 2, 5, 4, 1, 6, 3
3. black 10. wrench 2. Try tightening the nut with gluing a broken plate
4. rope a wrench. Set B: 3, 1, 6, 4, 2, 5
5. house page 121 3. Place a ladder on firm replacing a plank on a
6. soldering iron Electricity Words level ground. wooden porch
7. mansion 1. watt 4. Do not grind glass in your Set C: 2, 5, 3, 6, 1, 4
8. siren 2. fuse garbage disposal. planting a vegetable garden
9. stone 3. shock 5. A dresser drawer slides Set D: 5, 1, 6, 3, 2, 4
10. mile 4. cord on runners. washing/waxing a car
11. penknife 5. power 6. Sealer is used to close
12. chain saw 6. spark holes.
13. paint 7. plug 7. Plywood is made of layers
14. masking tape 8. wire of veneer.
15. second 9. amps 8. Solder is used to join
10. switch metal parts.

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page 132 page 139 Building material: cement, stone, page 149
Set A: 2, 1, 3 Hammer: ballpeen, head, claw, brick, concrete, steel, iron, 1. extension cord
replacing a fluorescent nails, handle wood, tile 2. fan
lightbulb Lawn: mower, fertilizer, rye grass, Cleaning items: shop vac, 3. bulb
Set B: 3, 2, 1 edging, crab grass dustpan, rags, vacuum, 4. wheelbarrow
lubricating the track of toolbox: lid, tools, latch, handle, broom, mop, towels 5. nail
a sliding door carry 6. saw
Set C: 1, 3, 2 Attic: rafters, hot, beams, roof, page 144 7. ladder
fixing a doorknob storage 1. measuring tools 8. garden
Set D: 2, 3, 4, 1 Car: fender, dipstick, radiator, 2. paint 9. boots
hanging a mirror muffler, battery 3. professions 10. thermostat
Carpentry: wood, nails, sanding, 4. hardware 11. broom
page 133 hammer, cupboards 5. wood finishes 12. lawn mower
1st check what you have at home 6. tools 13. rust
2nd make a list page 140 7. stores 14. knob
3rd go to hardware store Building materials: brick, wood, 8. metals 15. drill
4th paint bedroom cement, stone, concrete 9. paint supplies
5th clean up Electricity: watts, wires, current, 10. garden tools page 150
6th wash down the walls cord, amps 11. woods, trees 1. thermometer
7th wallpaper the bathroom Hardware: nails, hinges, screws, 12. measurements 2. hard hat
8th caulk the bathtub washers, bolts 13. building materials 3. clamp
9th clean up the bathroom Woods: oak, pine, cherry, 14. types of saws 4. spackle
Last: game and a nap mahogany, walnut 15. things that cut 5. plane
Tools: chisel, hammer, wrench, 6. ax
page 134 punch, pliers page 145 7. tar
8:00 get up, shower, eat Painting: roller, thinner, paint, 1. parts of a house 8. canvas
breakfast brush, drop cloth 2. insects, pests 9. duct tape
9:00 post office 3. containers 10. plunger
9:30 Farm and Family Center page 141 4. hammers 11. wallpaper
10:00 gas station Electrical words: switch, circuit, 5. screwdrivers 12. scale
10:30 bank volts, outlet, current, watts, 6. building materials 13. bucket
11:00 AutoStore wire 7. lawn/lawn care items 14. saw, knife
11:30 hardware store Metals: iron, gold, brass, steel, 8. supports in a building 15. ruler, yardstick
12:00 home improvement center tin, copper, aluminum, silver 9. cleaning items/supplies
Things that cut: razor, tin snips, 10. types of screws page 151
page 136 plane, jigsaw, hacksaw, box 11. electrical items 1. wrench
Hand tools: hammer, saw, cutter, shears 12. plumber’s tools 2. cook
pliers, wrench, level, chisel, Parts of a truck: exhaust, engine, 13. lubricants 3. glass
file, screwdriver windshield, suspension, bed, 14. types of wrenches 4. rafters
Plumber: pipes, wrench, pliers, windows, roof 15. safety clothing 5. nail
snake, hammer, drain cleaner, Measurements: inch, meter, 6. damper
elbow joints, faucet yard, ton, foot, pound, mile, page 146 7. pipes
Car: battery, exhaust pipe, ounce 1. ladders 8. paper
steering wheel, windshield, 2. stones 9. brick
tires, trunk, hood, engine page 142 3. wall coverings, wallboards 10. sandpaper
Painting words: roller, primer, 4. things hung on the wall 11. card
page 137 drop cloth, brush, drips, latex, 5. masonry tools 12. can
Cut: handsaw, chain saw, thinner 6. heat sources 13. beam
hacksaw, scissors, shears, tin Plumbing: water, faucet, drains, 7. clear wood finishes 14. oil
snips, pipe cutter, box cutter, pipes, toilet, sink, shower 8. used to hold things 15. pole
utility knife Tools: saw, punch, plane, pliers, 9. floor coverings
Toolbox: hammer, nuts, electrical wrench, chisel, hammer, awl 10. things that are measured page 152
tape, scissors, bolts, pliers, Parts of a house: hallway, 11. corrosion, deterioration 1. roll
screwdriver, level, pencil bedroom, stairs, walls, in a house 2. linoleum
Lawn care: mower, edger, hedge kitchen, basement, roof, 12. things that can be tied 3. rose
trimmer, shovel, hoe, trowel, bathroom 13. types of shrubs/hedges 4. shed
rake, leaf blower, grass seed Carpentry words: nails, lathe, 14. nails 5. seesaw
wood, plane, sander, boards, 15. glues 6. plank
page 138 varnish 7. wheel
Construction: contractor, page 148 8. train
plumber, electrician, mason, page 143 1. sandpaper 9. sieve
carpenter, painter, architect, Laborers and workers: plumber, 2. screwdriver 10. pool
roofer roofer, painter, mason, 3. fence 11. steel
Hardware store: tools, hardware, contractor, electrician, 4. plug 12. paper
trash cans, batteries, cords, landscaper 5. hinge 13. age
shovel, brooms, paint, brushes Lawn care: fertilizer, watering, 6. scissors 14. firm
Electrician: wires, pliers, wrench, weed killer, edging, mowing, 7. paintbrush 15. tape worm
wire cutters, ladder, switches, seeding, trimming 8. paint
outlets, screws Things in a garage: shovel, 9. hammer page 153
broom, shelves, rake, car, 10. roof sockets
flowerpots, hoe, bucket 11. chimney screwdriver
12. sink folding ruler
13. varnish mallet
14. wrench
15. car

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page 154 page 159 page 170 page 181
circular saw 1. slippers/boots 1. Yes 6. No 11. No 1. wall
scissors 2. safe/dangerous, uneven 2. Yes 7. Yes 12. Yes 2. two
lock loose gravel/firm ground 3. No 8. No 13. No 3. nail
pencil 3. Styrofoam/wood 4. No 9. Yes 14. Yes 4. closed
4. teeth/fingers 5. Yes 10. No 15. No 5. on the floor
page 155 5. joist/joint 6. putty knife
1. wall 6. circular saw/hedge trimmer, page 171 7. lion/jungle
2. strikes trim bushes/cut boards 1. No 6. Yes 11. Yes 8. leaning against the wall
3. bristles 7. rubber/ceramic 2. No 7. No 12. No 9. Tony’s
4. glass 8. heat/cool 3. Yes 8. Yes 13. No 10. throw rug
5. stick 9. sawdust/bricks 4. Yes 9. No 14. Yes
6. part 10. plumber’s snake/ 5. Yes 10. No 15. No page 182
7. wires screwdriver, open paint 1. flowerpots
8. round cans/clear a clogged drain page 172 2. three
9. seal 1. Yes 6. Yes 11. No 3. one
10. rattle page 160 2. No 7. Yes 12. No 4. two
11. claw 1. F 5. T 9. T 13. T 3. Yes 8. No 13. Yes 5. bush
12. pliers 2. T 6. F 10. T 14. T 4. Yes 9. No 14. No 6. on the sawhorses
13. kitchen 3. T 7. F 11. F 15. T 5. No 10. Yes 15. Yes 7. gloves
14. whitening 4. F 8. T 12. F 8. no
15. summer page 173 9. handsaw
page 161 curved claw 10. on the sidewalk
page 156 1. F 5. T 9. T 13. F
1. fan, mower 2. T 6. T 10. F 14. T page 174 page 183
2. eyes 3. F 7. F 11. T 15. T round self-rimming sink 1. one
3. wood 4. T 8. F 12. F 2. roof
4. smoothing page 175 3. on the ground
5. wrench page 162 B. bent-handle standard 4. hammer, nails
6. light, bright 1. T 5. T 9. F 13. T duty shears 5. two
7. metal 2. T 6. F 10. T 14. F 6. window box
8. metal 3. F 7. F 11. T 15. F page 176 7. left window
9. trim 4. T 8. T 12. T Rex–basement 8. boy
10. cools Chris–supervisor 9. open
11. roof page 163 Skip–attic 10. leaning on the house
12. stairway 1. F 5. F 9. F 13. F Bob–porch
13. socket 2. T 6. T 10. T 14. T page 184
14. solid walls 3. T 7. F 11. T 15. F page 177 1. underside, stringer
15. wood 4. F 8. T 12. F Pete–plumber supports
Paul–painter 2. hardware or home
page 157 page 164 Pat–roofer improvement store
1. handle/washer 1. T 5. F 9. T 13. F Preston–mason 3. nail the new board in place
2. rubber cement/grout 2. F 6. T 10. F 14. T 4. nail set
3. hinge/molly or toggle 3. F 7. T 11. F 15. T plumbing–Tony, Alice 5. plastic wood, wood filler
4. varnish/veneer 4. T 8. F 12. T landscaping–Candie, Jack 6. paint or stain
5. rain spout/chimney 7. from a store clerk,
6. silicone/canvas page 165 page 179 reference book, the Internet
7. plaster/metal 1. S 4. D 7. D 10. S 1. painting 8. Answers will vary.
8. plane/ballpeen, type of 2. S 5. D 8. S 2. bedroom
hammer/used to shave 3. D 6. S 9. D 3. paint, roller, paint tray, page 185
or smooth wood stepladder, drop cloths 1. collect moisture, sweat
9. hose/jack page 166 4. paint can, roller, paint tray 2. condensation
10. electrician/plumber, 1. S 4. S 7. D 10. D 5. roller 3. fiberglass insulation
plumbing/electrical 2. D 5. D 8. S 6. light blue 4. hardware or building
3. D 6. S 9. S 7. open supply store
page 158 8. yes, mostly 5. waterproof
1. alcohol/water page 167 9. bed, chair 6. once
2. ten/four 1. S 4. S 7. D 10. S 10. no 7. add a waterproof wrapping
3. hedge trimmer/ax, 2. D 5. S 8. S 8. Answers will vary.
chain saw, cut down 3. D 6. D 9. D page 180
a tree/trim bushes 1. bathroom page 186
4. concrete/wood page 168 2. tiles 1. three
5. nail/bolt 1. No 6. Yes 11. Yes 3. one 2. two
6. ladder/wrench, hammer 2. Yes 7. Yes 12. Yes 4. diamonds 3. silicone lubricant
7. clock/drain 3. Yes 8. No 13. No 5. yes 4. where risers meet the tread
8. calf/waist 4. No 9. Yes 14. Yes 6. yes 5. between the tread and
9. wrench/hammer, drive 5. No 10. No 15. No 7. yes stringer
in nails/tighten bolts 8. towel, shower curtain 6. screws
10. 5,000/2,000 page 169 9. plain 7. finishing nails
1. No 6. No 11. Yes 10. shampoo, soap dish, 8. along the tread into the
2. Yes 7. Yes 12. Yes showerhead, shower stringer
3. No 8. Yes 13. No handle, spigot 9. Answers will vary.
4. No 9. No 14. No
5. Yes 10. No 15. Yes


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Copyright © LinguiSystems, Inc.
2007 PRO-ED, Inc.

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