Reflexive Pronouns Lesson Plan

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Lesson Plan

Teacher: Mohamed Alidrissi Level: Common core Textbook: Outlook Unit: 6

Lesson: Grammar Focus: Reflexive pronouns Timing: 55 min Page: 72

Targeted Language skills: All skills. Materials used: Whiteboard, Textbook

Learning objectives (WALT): Success criteria (WILF):
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
 Identify reflexive pronouns.  Elicit the focus of the lesson.
 Use reflexive pronouns in a dialogue to talk about job  Produce a short dialogue using reflexive
interview. pronouns.

Activities Techniques Mode of


Warm-up  Greeting the students. Game T—SS

 Game: scrambled letters. The word is reflection.
5 min
Review  Review of personal pronouns, object pronouns, possessive pronouns and Recycling T—SS
possessive adjectives.
10 min SS—T

Presentation  T gives Ss a mirror and ask them: what do you see? Setting the T—SS
 T prompts Ss to say: I see myself in the mirror. scene
15 min
 T writes it on the board.
 T asks questions to help Ss identify the reflexive pronoun: Noticing
 where is the object? I see what? What do we call it?
 T tell Ss that today we will be learning a part of speech called reflexive
pronoun and writes on the board as the focus of the lesson.
 T adds more examples on the board for more elaboration. Chart
 T draws a table on the board consisting of two rows of columns for Eliciting
personal and reflexive pronouns and fill it with the help of Ss.
 T writes statements with incorrect pronouns to check Ss’ understanding. Checking T—SS

Practice  Gap filling exercises: Completion T—SS

15 min  Ex: 2 P: 72 Contrast

 Ex 1, 3 P: 72 (Ss do the 3rd exercise only if they have studied modals).

Use  T asks students to produce a short dialogue about a job interview using Dialogue Ss—Ss
reflexive pronouns.
10 min Evaluation Pair work
 T asks Ss to act out their dialogues.
 Ss evaluates the lesson by answering the can-do statements.

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