Teaching Reading: Brain Drain

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: 09/03/2023 Timing: 55 minutes Unit 8 : brain drain

Level: 2bac School: Al Maari high school

Integrated skills: reading, writing, speaking

Objectives: by the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
 Understand the brain drain and its negative effects.
 Scan for specific information
 Make inferences

Instructional aids, material or tools needed: laptop /VA/ WB/

Stages Activities and procedures Techniques Timing of

Warm up Playing the game: first letter last letter. 5 min

 Review of the previous learnt vocabulary. Q/A T / SS

 Eliciting answers from ss
 Show ss pictures to help them elicit the words.
Pre-  Pre teach the vocabulary in the reading text (patriotism-
Eliciting 10 mins
 Are you for or against brain drain?
 Ask ss to predict what the text will be about?
 T invites the SS to skim the text and check their predictions. al
 Ss read the text and answer the questions.
 Activity 1: Are these sentences true or false? Justify
- Brain drain refers to the emigration of illiterate people.
- Correcting the task.
 Ss read the text for the 2nd time and answer the questions.
While  Activity 2: Answer the WH questions.
- What are the negative effects of brain drain on the sending countries? Scanning 20 mins
 Activity 3: Complete the following sentences.
- Brain drain refers to ………………………………. work
 Activity 4: find the synonyms in the text
- Rich and successful =
- Looking for =
 Activity 5: What does the words refer to: which / who
 Whole class correction.
Post-  T invites the ss to form groups and write about some solutions
reading that can help to solve this problem. Monitoring Pair
10 mins
 T moves around to check and help students. work
 Ss are asked to read their solutions.
d problem

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