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Where you see one title, there are thousands of rats sneakily working in your back you don't.

Army Book (Core Rules)

2 Edition, version 2022 beta 1 – They shall rise and dominate while you sleep!

Army Model Rules 2 Characters 6

Hereditary Spell 5 Character Mounts 10
Special Items 5 Core 14
Army Organisation 6 Special 16
Quick Reference Sheet 25
Changelog 28

The 9th Age: Fantasy Battles is a community-made miniatures wargame. All rules in this book are
considered part of the Core Rules of T9A and should be available for use in any game. All rules and
feedback can be found and given at: the-ninth-age.com. Refer to the Rulebook for instructions on
How to Read Unit Entries. Recent changes are marked in blue, and listed at the end of this document.
Copyright Creative Commons license: the-ninth-age.com/license.html. Edited with LATEX.
Army Model Rules
Favours of the Dark Gods
A Character with a Favour cannot join a unit that contains any models with a different Favour.

Favour of Kuulima, Goddess of Envy Favour of Cibaresh, God of Lust

Attack Attribute – Close Combat Universal Rule

The model gains Swiftstride. In addition, a Charging The model gains Strider. In addition, units with more
model part with this Attack Attribute must reroll any than half of their models with this Favour are subject
natural to-hit rolls of ‘1’. Units with all of their mod- to the following rules:
els with this Favour must reroll any natural rolls of ‘1’
• They gain Feigned Flight.
when rolling for Charge Range.
• They may declare Flee as a Charge Reaction even
Favour of Akaan, God of Gluttony if they have Fearless.
Attack Attribute – Close Combat • Their Rally Test in their next Player Turn after
voluntarily declaring Flee as a Charge Reaction
The first time a model with this Favour successfully is subject to Minimised Roll. This does not apply
Charges a Fleeing unit, or is on the winning side of a if a unit fails to rally on the next friendly Player
combat and does not Pursue or Overrun, its Close Com- Turn or Flees involuntarily.
bat Attacks from model parts with this Favour gain +1
Strength (the effect lasts for the duration of the game).
Favour of Savar, God of Pride
Universal Rule
Favour of Sugulag, God of Greed
Universal Rule Discipline Tests taken by units with at least one model
with this Favour are subject to Minimised Roll.
The model part gains Great Weapon, Halberd, Paired
Weapons, and Weapon Master. The Special Item al-
Favour of Nukuja, Goddess of Sloth
lowance of Characters with this Favour is increased by
Universal Rule
50 pts.
Models with this Favour gain +1 Resilience. If a model
with this Favour declares a Charge against an enemy
unit that is more than 10″* away or performs an Ad-
vance or March Move of more than 10″*, this effect is
lost until the start of the Melee Phase in the next Player
*These distances are decreased to 6″ if the model is

Favour of Vanadra, Goddess of Wrath

Attack Attribute – Close Combat

The model part gains Lightning Reflexes and +1

Agility. Close Combat Attacks allocated towards the
model gain +1 to hit. These effects are only applied in
the First Round of Combat.

Universal Rules
Battle Fever
Units with more than half of their models with Battle Fever must reroll failed Panic and Break Tests.

The model cannot make Stomp Attacks and, when in the second rank and not in base contact with any enemy models,
can make Grind Attacks across models in the first rank directly in front of it. When a model with Irredeemable is
killed by a Melee Attack, remove it as a casualty only at the end of Initiative Step 0. A unit with at least one model
with Irredeemable may never have more ranks than files.

Legendary Beasts (X)

The sum of the Legendary Beasts values stated in brackets of all models in the army is restricted to 1 per 750 Army
Points, rounding fractions up.

Path of the Exiled

Units with more than half of their models with Path of the Exiled must reroll failed Break Tests. At the end of step 7
of a Round of Combat (after taking Break Tests), models with Path of the Exiled in a unit that failed a Break Test
simultaneously perform Close Combat Attacks (ignoring the rules for Initiative Order, but otherwise following the
normal rules such as Supporting Attacks and Allocating Attacks). Afterwards, they are removed as casualties. Models
with Path of the Exiled cannot join or be joined by models with Path of the Favoured.

Path of the Favoured

Units with more than half of their models with Path of the Favoured must reroll failed Break Tests. In addition,
model parts with Path of the Favoured upgraded to a Champion gain +1 Health Point to a maximum of 3, and their
Discipline is set to 9.

Trophy Rack
The model’s unit may reroll failed Discipline Tests unless Fleeing. Each time attacks made by the model kill an enemy
model that it is fighting a Duel with, the model gains a +1 Combat Score modifier for the rest of the game (this also
applies to attacks made outside the Melee Phase). In addition, the model may take a single Banner Enchantment
(using the bearer’s Special Item allowance as normal).

Veil Walker
When a model with Veil Walker casts a non-Bound Spell, you may discard a single Veil Token when declaring the
target(s) of the spell and activate one of the following effects:
• Secret of Flesh: Failed to-wound rolls from this spell that occur during a Magic Phase must be rerolled.
• Secret of Separation: The spell’s range is increased by 6″. Aura spells only gain +3″ range. Spells with type
Caster are unaffected.
• Secret of Substance: Successful Armour Saves against wounds caused by this spell’s effect must be rerolled.

Personal Protections
Successful to-wound rolls of attacks that are Flaming Attacks made against the model must be rerolled. In addition,
the model considers all units consisting entirely of models without Unburnt as Insignificant.

Hell-Forged Armour – Armour Equipment
Plate Armour. The wearer’s model gains Aegis (5+, against Toxic Attacks).

Spiked Shield – Armour Equipment

Models on foot only.
Shield. For each successful Armour Save roll of 4+ made by the model part against an enemy Melee Attack while
using a Spiked Shield, the model part immediately inflicts 1 hit with its Strength and Armour Penetration on the
model that caused the wound, before any casualties are removed, distributed onto the model’s Health Pool. This is
considered a Special Attack.

Hereditary Spell
Casting Value Range Type Duration Effect

H Hellfire
Damage* The target suffers <2D3> {2D6} hits with Strength 6,
18″ Direct Instant Armour Penetration 0, and Magical Attacks.

*The spell can target units Engaged and in base contact with the Caster’s Front Facing.

Special Items
Weapon Enchantments Wasteland Torch 30 pts
The bearer’s unit gains Strider (Ruins). After deter-
Burning Portent 130 pts mining Deployment Zones (at the end of step 6 of
Enchantment: Hand Weapon. the Pre-Game Sequence), you may choose a single
Attacks made with this weapon become Flam- Field or Forest Terrain Feature that becomes Ruins.
ing Attacks and Magical Attacks, gain Multiple The bearer’s unit gains Flaming Attacks in the First
Wounds (D3), and their Armour Penetration is set Round of Combat.
to 10.

Symbol of Slaughter 35 pts Artefacts

Enchantment: Hand Weapon and Paired Weapons. Ledger of Souls 65 pts
While using this weapon, the wielder gains +2 Attack Dominant.
Value, +2 Agility, and Magical Attacks. Close Combat Immediately before removing a friendly model with-
Attacks made against the wielder’s model gain +1 to out Insignificant in a unit within 9″ of the bearer’s
hit. model due to enemy attacks, you gain one Veil Token
for each Health Point that model had the first time it
Armour Enchantments entered the Battlefield.

Thrice-Forged 60 pts Immortal Gauntlets 45 pts

Enchantment: Suit of Armour. At the start of any Round of Combat, you may discard
The wearer gains +3 Armour. If the wearer’s model a Veil Token from your Veil Token pool. If so, choose
has Towering Presence, its Armour can never be im- either Divine Attacks, Flaming Attacks, or Magical
proved beyond 5. Attacks. The bearer’s Close Combat Attacks gain the
chosen Attack Attribute. The chosen effect lasts until
Gladiator’s Spirit 40 pts the end of the phase.
Enchantment: Suit of Armour.
The wearer gains +1 Armour and Parry. Lord of the Damned 35 pts
Sorcerers, Doomlords, and Shrine Priests only.
Any unit with Irredeemable within 18″ of the bearer’s
Banner Enchantments model may reroll the distance it moves in the Move-
Zealots’ Banner 50 pts ment Phase with Random Movement.
0–3 per Army.
The maximum number of Supporting Attacks that Wyrd Stone 15 pts
models in the second rank of the bearer’s unit can One use only. Must be activated when the bearer’s
perform is increased by 1. model suffers the first hit in the game. This hit is
ignored. If the bearer is hit by several simultaneous
Icon of the Infinite 35 pts attacks, the bearer chooses which attack to ignore.
0–2 per Army. Cannot be taken by units that count
towards Core. Veilgate Orb 10 pts
The bearer can cast Hellfire (Hereditary Spell) as a At the end of Siphon the Veil, the army may keep up
Bound Spell with Power Level (4/8). to 6 Veil Tokens instead of the normal 3.

Army Organisation

Characters Core Special

Max. 45% Min. 20% No limit

Characters (Max. 45%)

Height Large
Exalted Herald Type Infantry
860 pts single model Base 50×50 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

8″ 16″ 9 Fear, Fearless, Legendary Beasts (2), Manifestation, Su-

pernal, Wizard Adept
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

5 8 5 3 Aegis (4+)
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Exalted Herald 6 9 5 2 8
Model Rules
Manifestation: Universal Rule.
During Spell Selection, each Exalted Herald must choose two different Manifestations from the list below and
apply the effects during the game. The model must select 3 spells out of the spells indicated for the chosen
Manifestations, Wrath of God (Thaumaturgy), and Hellfire (Hereditary Spell). This replaces the normal rules
for Spell Selection connected to being a Wizard Adept. In addition, Guiding Light (Divination) becomes the
Attribute Spell for all non-Bound Spells cast by the model.
Optional Model Rules
The Exalted Herald gains The Exalted Herald has access to

Hard Target (1). At the end of each

friendly Melee Phase, if the Exalted Herald
Abiding Spirit Smite the Unbeliever (Thaumaturgy)
has been on the winning side of a combat
in this phase, it Recovers 1 Health Point.

Breath Attack (Str 4, AP 1, Flaming At-

Brand of the Dragon tacks), Fly (8″, 16″), Light Troops, and Breath of Corruption (Occultism)

Stomp Attacks (D6), Stubborn, Tall,

Emissary of Chaos Pentagram of Pain (Occultism)
and Terror

Marked for Doom (Occultism) and

Sorcerer Immortal Veil Walker
The Grave Calls (Occultism)

+1 Strength, +1 Armour Penetration, and

Unholy Avatar The Rot Within (Occultism)
Divine Attacks

Height Standard
Chosen Lord Type Infantry
295 pts single model Base 25×25 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

5″ 10″ 9 Fearless, Path of the Favoured

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

3 7 5 0 Hell-Forged Armour
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Chosen Lord 5 8 5 2 7
Options pts Mount Options pts
Trophy Rack 25 Scythed Skywheel 65
Special Items up to 150 Karkadan 80
If General up to 200 War Dais 95
A single Gift of the Dark Gods no limit Black Steed 100
Must choose (one choice only): Dark Chariot 130
Shield free Chimera 170
Spiked Shield 10 Wasteland Dragon (General only) 370
Must choose a single Favour:
Envy 45 Pride 20
Gluttony 15 Sloth 50
Greed 15 Wrath 20
Lust 5
One choice only:
Lance 10
Paired Weapons 10
Great Weapon 20
Halberd 20
Optional Model Rules
Gifts of the Dark Gods. Each Gift is One of a Kind.
Gifts of the Dark Gods follow the general rules of Special Items concerning which model parts are affected.
Daemonic Wings 70 pts Dark Prelate 55 pts
Models on foot only. The bearer can cast Spectral Blades (Evocation) and
The bearer gains Fly (8″, 16″), Light Troops, and Hand of Glory (Occultism) as Bound Spells with Power
Swiftstride. Level (4/8) and type Caster’s Unit. Hand of Glory is
cast as the amplified version without performing The
Idol of Spite 70 pts Sacrifice.
One use only. May be activated at the start of a Round
of Combat. For the duration of that Round of Combat, Entropic Aura 50 pts
the bearer gains +1 Attack Value, +1 Strength, and +1 Standard and Large models only.
Armour Penetration. Weapon Enchantments and Armour Enchantments
carried by the bearer, models in the bearer’s unit,
Luck of the Dark Gods 65 pts and models in units that are in base contact with the
The bearer’s model gains Aegis (+1, max. 4+). bearer are ignored.

Height Large
Doomlord Type Infantry
355 pts single model Base 40×40 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

6″ 12″ 9 Fearless, Master of Destruction, Path of the Exiled

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

4 6 5 1 Hell-Forged Armour
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Doomlord 5 7 5 2 5 Master of Destruction

Model Rules Options pts
Master of Destruction: Attack Attribute – Close Com- Trophy Rack 25
bat. Special Items up to 150
The model part can use a Shield or a Spiked Shield If General up to 200
simultaneously with a Great Weapon or a Halberd. Must choose (one choice only):
Shield free
Spiked Shield 50
One choice only:
Paired Weapons 5
Halberd 25
Great Weapon 45
Mount Options pts
Wasteland Behemoth 210

Height Standard
Sorcerer Type Infantry
140 pts single model Base 25×25 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

4″ 8″ 8 Battle Fever, Wizard Apprentice

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

3 4 4 0 Light Armour
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Sorcerer 2 4 3 0 3
Magic Options pts Mount Options pts
One choice only: Black Steed 50
Wizard Adept 95 War Dais 50
Wizard Master 265 Scythed Skywheel 55
Dark Chariot 80
Battleshrine 280
Wasteland Behemoth 325
Alchemy Evocation Occultism
Wasteland Dragon (General only) 375
Options pts
Special Items up to 150
If General up to 200
Veil Walker 100
Plate Armour 15
Paired Weapons 5

Height Standard
Barbarian Chief Type Infantry
100 pts single model Base 25×25 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

4″ 8″ 9 Battle Fever
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

3 5 4 0 Heavy Armour
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Barbarian Chief 3 5 5 1 5 Deeds not Words

Model Rules Mount Options pts
Deeds not Words: Attack Attribute. War Dais 55
The model part gains Battle Focus and Hatred Black Steed 85
while joined to one or more R&F models with Battle Shadow Chaser 90
Fever. Dark Chariot 130
Options pts Chimera 165
Trophy Rack 25 Wasteland Behemoth 350
Special Items up to 100
If General up to 150
Shield 5
Throwing Weapons (4+) 5
One choice only:
Light Lance 5
Spear 5
Great Weapon 10
Paired Weapons 10

Height Gigantic
Feldrak Ancestor Type Beast
640 pts single model Base 75×100 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

8″ 16″ 9 Legendary Beasts (2), Primal Legend

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

8 6 6 3 Unburnt, Light Armour

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Feldrak Ancestor 6 6 7 4 3 Breath Attack (Str 4, AP 1, Dying Embers, Flaming At-

tacks), Hatred (against Fly)
Model Rules Options pts
Dying Embers: Attack Attribute. One Weapon Enchantment,
After using the Breath Attack, the model loses a paying twice the listed Point Cost no limit
Health Point with no saves of any kind allowed. One choice only:
Primal Legend: Universal Rule. Great Weapon 10
If the model is the General, the maximum sum of Halberd 35
Legendary Beasts values in the army is increased by Paired Weapons 90
1. While the model is on the board, friendly units
with Fly may not use Flying Movement.

Character Mounts
Height Standard
Black Steed Type Cavalry
Base 25×50 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

8″ 14″ C
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

C C C C+2
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Black Steed 1 3 4 0 3 Harnessed

Options pts Optional Model Rules
Barbarian Chief must take Prized Stallion free Prized Stallion: Universal Rule.
The model’s March Rate is set to 16″.

Height Standard
Shadow Chaser Type Cavalry
Base 25×50 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

10″ 20″ C Light Troops, Strider, Vanguard (6″)

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

C C C C+1
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Shadow Chaser 1 3 3 0 4 Harnessed

Scythed Skywheel Type Construct
0–3 Mounts/Army Base 50×50 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

Ground C C C Fly (6″, 18″), Light Troops, Swiftstride, Tall

Fly 6″ 18″
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

C C C C Cannot be Stomped, Hard Target (1)

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Scythed Skywheel 3 0 3 Grind Attacks (D3+1), Harnessed

Height Standard
War Dais Type Infantry
0–2 Mounts/Army Base 50×50 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

C C C Tall
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

4 C C C+2 Cannot be Stomped

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

War Dais 4 5 4 1 4 Harnessed

Height Large
Dark Chariot Type Construct
0–3 Mounts/Army Base 50×100 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

8″ 8″ C Swiftstride
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

4 C 5 C+2
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Black Steed (2) 1 3 4 0 3 Harnessed

Chassis 5 2 Impact Hits (D6+1), Inanimate

Height Large
Battleshrine Type Construct
0–1 Mounts/Army Base 50×100 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

5″ 10″ C Channel (1), Fear, Keeper of the Beacon, Towering Pres-

ence, Trophy Rack, War Platform
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

5 C 5 C+1 Aegis (5+)

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Wretched One (2) 4 0 1 Grind Attacks (D6+1), Harnessed

Model Rules
Keeper of the Beacon: Universal Rule.
After Spell Selection, the Wizard must replace one of its non-Hereditary Learned Spells with one of the following
• Whispers of the Veil (Evocation)
• The Grave Calls (Occultism)
• Wrath of God (Thaumaturgy) (only if Wizard Master)
• Hellfire (Hereditary Spell)

Height Large
Karkadan Type Cavalry
0–4 Mounts/Army Base 50×75 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

7″ 14″ C Fear
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

C C C C+2
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Karkadan 2 3 5 2 2 Harnessed

Height Large
Chimera Type Cavalry
0–2 Mounts/Army Base 50×100 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

8″ 20″ C Fear, Legendary Beasts (1), Towering Presence

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

4 C 5 C
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Chimera 5 4 5 2 4 Harnessed
Options pts Optional Model Rules
Wings 40 Wings: Universal Rule.
The model’s March Rate is set to 16″ and it gains
Fly (8″, 16″) and Light Troops.

Height Gigantic
Wasteland Behemoth Type Beast
0–2 Mounts/Army Base 100×150 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

7″ 14″ C Legendary Beasts (1)

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

7 3 6 4
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Wasteland Behemoth 6 3 6 3 3 Harnessed

Options pts Optional Model Rules
Additional Limbs 35 Additional Limbs: Universal Rule.
The model’s March Rate is set to 20″ and its Armour
is set to 3.

Height Gigantic
Wasteland Dragon Type Beast
Base 50×100 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

Ground 8″ 16″ C Fly (6″, 12″), Legendary Beasts (1), Light Troops
Fly 6″ 12″
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

6 5 6 4
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Wasteland Dragon 5 5 6 3 3 Breath Attack (Str 4, AP 1, Flaming Attacks), Harnessed

Core (Min. 20%)
Height Standard
Warriors Type Infantry
230 pts + 20 pts/extra model 10–30* models Base 25×25 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

4″ 8″ 8 Fearless, Path of the Favoured, Scoring

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 5 4 0 Hell-Forged Armour, Spiked Shield

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Warrior 2 5 4 1 4
Options pts Command Group Options pts
Only units with a Champion may upgrade Warriors with Champion 30
a single Favour:* Musician 10
Envy 4/model Pride 2/model Standard Bearer 10
Gluttony 2/model Sloth 10/model Banner Enchantment no limit
Greed 8/model Wrath 7/model
Lust 6/model
*The max. unit size for a unit with a Favour is reduced
to 25 models.
One choice only:
Paired Weapons free
Great Weapon 5/model
Halberd 6/model

Height Standard
Fallen Type Infantry
145 pts + 15 pts/extra model 5–15 models 0–2 Units/Army* Base 25×25 mm

*0–6 Units/Army if a Doomlord is the General

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

6″ 12″ 8 Fearless, Light Troops, Path of the Exiled

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 2 4 0 Hell-Forged Armour
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Fallen 2 4 4 1 4 Paired Weapons

Height Standard
Barbarians Type Infantry
135 pts + 6 pts/extra model 15–40 models Base 25×25 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

4″ 8″ 7 Battle Fever, Scoring

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 4 3 0 Light Armour
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Barbarian 1 4 4 0 3
Options pts Command Group Options pts
Shield 1/model Champion 10
Throwing Weapons (5+)* 1/model Musician 10
One choice only: Standard Bearer 10
Paired Weapons free Banner Enchantment no limit
Spear and Shield 3/model
Great Weapon 4/model
*0–40 Models/Army

Special (No limit)
Height Standard
Barbarian Horsemen Type Cavalry
130 pts + 18 pts/extra model 5–15 models 0–4 Units/Army Base 25×50 mm

Units of 8 or more models count towards Core instead of Special.

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

8″ 16″ 8 Battle Fever, Scoring

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 4 3 1 Heavy Armour
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Barbarian Horseman 1 4 4 0 3
Black Steed 1 3 4 0 3 Harnessed
Options pts Command Group Options pts
Shield 2/model Champion 10
One choice only: Musician 10
Great Weapon free Standard Bearer 10
Paired Weapons free Banner Enchantment no limit
Light Lance 2/model

Height Standard
Warhounds Type Beast
95 pts + 8 pts/extra model 5–15 models 0–4 Units/Army Base 25×50 mm

Units of 8 or more models count towards Core instead of Special.

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

8″ 16″ 5 Insignificant, Release the Hounds

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 3 3 0
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Warhound 1 3 3 0 4
Model Rules
Release the Hounds: Universal Rule.
One use only. May be activated at the start of a friendly Player Turn (all models in a unit must activate this
rule at the same time). The model gains +6″ March Rate and Devastating Charge (+1 Att, +1 Str) during this
Player Turn.

Height Standard
Warrior Knights Type Cavalry
255 pts + 36 pts/extra model 5–10 models 0–5 Units/Army Base 25×50 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

8″ 14″ 8 Fearless, Path of the Favoured, Scoring

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 5 4 2 Hell-Forged Armour, Shield

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Warrior Rider 2 5 4 1 4
Black Steed 1 3 4 0 3 Harnessed
Options pts Command Group Options pts
Only units with a Champion may upgrade Warrior Rid- Champion 30
ers with a single Favour: Musician 10
Envy 4/model Pride 2/model Standard Bearer 10
Gluttony 3/model Sloth 7/model Banner Enchantment no limit
Greed 7/model Wrath 8/model
Lust 12/model
One choice only:
Great Weapon 1/model
Lance 7/model

Height Large
Warrior Chariot Type Construct
230 pts single model 0–4 Units/Army Base 50×100 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

8″ 8″ 8 Fearless, Path of the Favoured, Swiftstride

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

4 5 5 1 Hell-Forged Armour
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Warrior Crew (2) 2 5 4 1 4 Halberd

Black Steed (2) 1 3 4 0 3 Harnessed
Chassis 5 2 Impact Hits (D6+1), Inanimate

Height Standard
Chosen Type Infantry
250 pts + 50 pts/extra model 5–10 models 0–4 Units/Army Base 25×25 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

5″ 10″ 8 Fearless, Path of the Favoured, Scoring

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

2 6 4 0 Hell-Forged Armour, Spiked Shield

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Chosen 3 6 4 1 5 Master of Battle

Model Rules Command Group Options pts
Master of Battle: Attack Attribute. Champion 30
The model’s maximum number of Supporting Musician 10
Attacks is set to 3. Standard Bearer 10
Options pts Banner Enchantment no limit
Must choose a single Favour:
Envy 9/model Pride free
Gluttony 2/model Sloth 10/model
Greed 13/model Wrath 18/model
Lust 2/model
One choice only:
Paired Weapons 1/model
Great Weapon 4/model
Halberd 8/model

Height Large
Chosen Knights Type Cavalry
400 pts + 100 pts/extra model 3–5 models 0–12 Models/Army Base 50×75 mm

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

7″ 14″ 8 Fear, Fearless, Path of the Favoured, Scoring

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

3 6 4 2 Hell-Forged Armour
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Chosen Rider 3 6 4 1 5 Halberd

Karkadan 2 3 5 2 2 Harnessed
Options pts Command Group Options pts
Chosen Riders must choose a single Favour: Champion 20
Envy 5/model Pride free Musician 10
Gluttony free Sloth 15/model Standard Bearer 10
Greed 6/model Wrath 3/model Banner Enchantment no limit
Lust 6/model

Height Large
Chosen Chariot Type Construct
335 pts single model 0–2 Units/Army Base 50×100 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

7″ 7″ 8 Fear, Fearless, Path of the Favoured, Swiftstride

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

5 6 5 2 Hell-Forged Armour
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Chosen Crew (2) 3 6 4 1 5 Halberd

Karkadan 2 3 5 2 2 Harnessed
Chassis 5 2 Impact Hits (D6+1), Inanimate
Options pts
Chosen Crew must choose a single Favour:
Envy 20 Pride 15
Gluttony 10 Sloth 60
Greed 35 Wrath free
Lust 25

Height Large
Chimera Type Beast
200 pts single model 0–3 Units/Army Base 50×100 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

8″ 20″ 8 Fear, Towering Presence

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

4 3 5 3
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Chimera 5 4 5 2 4
Options pts Optional Model Rules
Wings (0–2 Units/Army) 25 Wings: Universal Rule.
The model’s March Rate is set to 16″ and it gains
Fly (8″, 16″) and Light Troops.

Height Large
Wretched Ones Type Infantry
75 pts + 85 pts/extra model 1–6 models 0–2 Units/Army Base 40×40 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

3D6″ 5 Fearless, Irredeemable, Random Movement (3D6″), Un-

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

3 2 4 0 Fortitude (5+)
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Wretched One 4 0 1 Grind Attacks (D6+1)

Height Large
Forsworn Type Infantry
200 pts + 60 pts/extra model 3–9 models 0–3 Units/Army Base 40×40 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

6″ 12″ 8 Bodyguard (Doomlord), Fearless, Path of the Exiled,

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

3 4 4 1 Hell-Forged Armour
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Forsworn 2 5 4 1 4
Options pts Command Group Options pts
Spiked Shield 15/model Champion 10
Damnation* 10/model Musician 10
One choice only: Standard Bearer 10
Paired Weapons free Banner Enchantment no limit
Great Weapon 2/model
Halberd 2/model
*0–2 Units/Army and 0–6 Models/Unit
Optional Model Rules
Damnation: Universal Rule.
The unit cannot be joined by any Characters, and it may never have more ranks than files. When the unit fails a
Break Test, it does not perform the extra Close Combat Attacks from Path of the Exiled. Instead replace each
model of the unit with a Wretched One model after step 8 of the Round of Combat Sequence (after taking Panic
• The unit with Damnation is considered destroyed and its models are considered to be removed as casualties.
• Each Wretched One model is placed in the same position and facing the same direction as the replaced
model, even if the replaced model was in base contact with an enemy unit. In this case, the Wretched One
model is placed in base contact with the enemy unit too.
• The Wretched One models form a new unit.
• The Wretched One unit follows the rules for Summoned Units, except that it ignores the Unit Spacing rule
when placed on the Battlefield.
• The Wretched One unit cannot perform any Combat Reforms during that Round of Combat, however the
enemy units can do so as normal.
• Note that the following Round of Combat is not considered the First Round of Combat for the Wretched
One unit nor the enemy units it is Engaged with.

Height Large
Feldraks Type Beast
340 pts + 115 pts/extra model 3–6 models 0–12 Models/Army Base 50×75 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

8″ 16″ 9 Fear, Scoring

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

4 4 5 2 Unburnt, Light Armour

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Feldrak 3 4 5 2 3 Hatred (against Fly)

Options pts Command Group Options pts
One choice only: Champion 10
Great Weapon 8/model Musician 10
Halberd 10/model Standard Bearer 10
Paired Weapons 15/model Banner Enchantment no limit

Height Large
Battleshrine Type Construct
320 pts single model 0–2 Units/Army Base 50×100 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

5″ 10″ 8 Battle Fever, Beacon of the Dark Gods, Channel (1), Fear,
Not a Leader, Towering Presence, Trophy Rack, War Plat-
form, Wizard Apprentice
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

5 4 5 4 Aegis (5+)
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Shrine Priest 1 4 3 0 3
Wretched One (2) 4 0 1 Grind Attacks (D6+1), Harnessed
Options pts
The Shrine Priest may take a single Banner Enchant-
ment* or Artefact* no limit
*from this Army Book only; this replaces the option to
take a Banner Enchantment from Trophy Rack
Model Rules
Beacon of the Dark Gods: Universal Rule.
Instead of selecting spells as normal, the Wizard must select one of the following spells during Spell Selection:
• Whispers of the Veil (Evocation)
• The Grave Calls (Occultism)
• Hellfire (Hereditary Spell)

Height Standard
Flayers Type Cavalry
155 pts + 12 pts/extra model 5–10 models 0–4 Units/Army Base 25×50 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

10″ 20″ 8 Battle Fever, Feigned Flight, Light Troops, Strider, Van-
guard (6″)
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

1 4 3 1 Light Armour
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Flayer 1 4 4 0 4
Shadow Chaser 1 3 3 0 4 Harnessed
Options pts Optional Model Rules
Shield 2/model Skinning Lash: Special Attack.
Light Lance 2/model A unit with at least one model with Skinning Lash can
One choice only: make a Sweeping Attack against a single unengaged
Bow (4+) 1/model enemy unit when passing within 1″ (it does not need
Throwing Weapons (5+) 2/model to and cannot move through or over that unit). The
Skinning Lash (0–15 Models/Army) 4/model enemy unit suffers 1 hit with Strength 4 and Armour
Penetration 0 for each model with Skinning Lash in
Command Group Options pts
the unit. A unit that loses one or more Health Points
Champion 10
due to one or more Skinning Lash Sweeping Attack
Musician 10
suffers −1 Discipline until the end of its next Player

Height Gigantic
Hellmaw Type Construct
260 pts single model 0–2 Units/Army Base 100×150 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

5″ 10″ 5 Fearless, Gateway, Supernal

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

5 3 5 2 Aegis (5+)
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Hellmaw 5 3 5 2 1
Options pts
One choice only:
One Ominous Gateway 100
Two Ominous Gateways 200
Model Rules
Gateway: Universal Rule.
At the end of each friendly Magic Phase, each Hellmaw may do one of the following:
• Open a Gateway: Mark a single point on the Battlefield with a Gateway Marker. This point must be within
Line of Sight and 24″ of the Hellmaw, and more than 6″ away from enemy units. There can never be more
than 4 friendly Gateway Markers on the Battlefield (including Ominous Gateways).
• Close a Gateway: Choose a friendly Gateway Marker with its centre within Line of Sight and 24″ of the
Hellmaw. All units within 6″ of the centre of the marker suffer D6 hits with Toxic Attacks and Magical
Attacks. Then remove the marker.
If all friendly Hellmaws have been removed as casualties, immediately close all friendly Gateways as
described above.
A friendly unit may choose to enter the Gateway if all the following conditions are met:
• The unit does not contain any Gigantic models.
• The unit is in contact with the centre of a friendly Gateway Marker.
• All models in the unit just performed an Advance or March Move and no other model has moved since.
Remove the unit from the Battlefield. The unit:
1. Is then placed back on the Battlefield within 3″ of the centre of any other friendly Gateway Marker. No
model can end up with its centre farther away than its March Rate from the centre of the chosen marker.
2. Must have the same formation, but may face any direction.
3. Must follow the Unit Spacing rule.
4. Suffers D6 + X hits with Toxic Attacks and Magical Attacks, distributed by the owner, where X is equal
to the number of ranks in the unit. Hits distributed onto models with Hell-Forged Armour or Supernal
automatically fail to wound.
5. Loses Scoring until its next Player Turn.
Only a single unit may exit the same Gateway Marker in each Player Turn.
Optional Model Rules
Ominous Gateway: Universal Rule.
0–2 per Army.
At the start of step 7 of the Pre-Game Sequence (Spell Selection), for each Ominous Gateway in your army, mark
a point on the Battlefield outside the opponent’s Deployment Zone with a Gateway Marker.

Height Gigantic
Forsaken One Type Beast
390 pts single model 0–2 Units/Army Base 50×100 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

3D6″ 5 Fearless, Irredeemable, Legendary Beasts (2), Random

Movement (3D6″), Unbreakable
Defensive HP Def Res Arm

6 2 6 0 Fortitude (5+)
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Forsaken One 6 2 1 Grind Attacks (D6+3)

Height Gigantic
Marauding Giant Type Infantry
290 pts single model 0–3 Units/Army Base 50×75 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

7″ 14″ 8 Giant See, Giant Do, Legendary Beasts (1)

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

7 3 5 1
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Marauding Giant 5 3 5 2 3 Rage

Model Rules Options pts
Giant See, Giant Do: Universal Rule. Big Brother 25
The model gains Battle Fever. Must choose (one choice only):
Rage: Attack Attribute – Close Combat. Giant Club free
Whenever the model loses a Health Point, it gains Tribal Warspear 10
+1 Attack Value. Whenever it gains a Health Point, it Monstrous Familiar 15
suffers −1 Attack Value.
Optional Model Rules
Big Brother: Universal Rule.
The model’s Health Points are set to 8, and its base size is changed to 75×100 mm. The roll for the number of
hits from its Stomp Attacks is subject to Maximised Roll.
Giant Club: Close Combat Weapon.
Attacks made with this weapon gain +1 Strength and +1 Armour Penetration.
Monstrous Familiar: Universal Rule.
The model gains Wizard Apprentice. Instead of selecting spells as normal, it must select one of the following
spells (during Spell Selection): Glory of Gold (Alchemy), Breath of Corruption (Occultism), or Hellfire (Hereditary
Tribal Warspear: Close Combat Weapon.
Attacks with a Tribal Warspear gain +1 Strength and Multiple Wounds (D3, against Towering Presence).
Charging enemy units in base contact with the wielder suffer −1 Agility. The wielder gains Not a Leader and
War Platform with the following exception: it can only join units that include at least one Barbarians model.

Height Gigantic
Feldrak Elder Type Beast
450 pts single model 0–2 Units/Army Base 50×100 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules

8″ 16″ 9 Legendary Beasts (2)

Defensive HP Def Res Arm

6 5 6 3 Unburnt, Light Armour

Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi

Feldrak Elder 5 5 6 3 3 Hatred (against Fly)

Options pts
One choice only:
Great Weapon 25 Paired Weapons 65
Halberd 45

Quick Reference Sheet
Exalted Herald Adv 8″ Mar 16″ Dis 9 Fear, Fearless, Legendary Beasts (2), Manifestation, Supernal,
Wizard Adept
Large, Infantry HP 5 Def 8 Res 5 Arm 3 Aegis (4+)
Exalted Herald Att 6 Off 9 Str 5 AP 2 Agi 8
Chosen Lord Adv 5″ Mar 10″ Dis 9 Fearless, Path of the Favoured
Standard, Infantry HP 3 Def 7 Res 5 Arm 0 Hell-Forged Armour
Chosen Lord Att 5 Off 8 Str 5 AP 2 Agi 7
Doomlord Adv 6″ Mar 12″ Dis 9 Fearless, Master of Destruction, Path of the Exiled
Large, Infantry HP 4 Def 6 Res 5 Arm 1 Hell-Forged Armour
Doomlord Att 5 Off 7 Str 5 AP 2 Agi 5 Master of Destruction
Sorcerer Adv 4″ Mar 8″ Dis 8 Battle Fever, Wizard Apprentice
Standard, Infantry HP 3 Def 4 Res 4 Arm 0 Light Armour
Sorcerer Att 2 Off 4 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 3
Barbarian Chief Adv 4″ Mar 8″ Dis 9 Battle Fever
Standard, Infantry HP 3 Def 5 Res 4 Arm 0 Heavy Armour
Barbarian Chief Att 3 Off 5 Str 5 AP 1 Agi 5 Deeds not Words
Feldrak Ancestor Adv 8″ Mar 16″ Dis 9 Legendary Beasts (2), Primal Legend
Gigantic, Beast HP 8 Def 6 Res 6 Arm 3 Unburnt, Light Armour
Feldrak Ancestor Att 6 Off 6 Str 7 AP 4 Agi 3 Breath Attack (Str 4, AP 1, Dying Embers, Flaming Attacks),
Hatred (against Fly)

Character Mounts
Black Steed Adv 8″ Mar 14″ Dis C
Standard, Cavalry HP C Def C Res C Arm C+2
Black Steed Att 1 Off 3 Str 4 AP 0 Agi 3 Harnessed
Shadow Chaser Adv 10″ Mar 20″ Dis C Light Troops, Strider, Vanguard (6″)
Standard, Cavalry HP C Def C Res C Arm C+1
Shadow Chaser Att 1 Off 3 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 4 Harnessed
Scythed Skywheel Adv C Mar C Dis C Fly (6″, 18″), Light Troops, Swiftstride, Tall
Standard, Construct HP C Def C Res C Arm C Cannot be Stomped, Hard Target (1)
Scythed Skywheel Att - Off - Str 3 AP 0 Agi 3 Grind Attacks (D3+1), Harnessed
War Dais Adv C Mar C Dis C Tall
Standard, Infantry HP 4 Def C Res C Arm C+2 Cannot be Stomped
War Dais Att 4 Off 5 Str 4 AP 1 Agi 4 Harnessed
Dark Chariot Adv 8″ Mar 8″ Dis C Swiftstride
Large, Construct HP 4 Def C Res 5 Arm C+2
Black Steed (2) Att 1 Off 3 Str 4 AP 0 Agi 3 Harnessed
Chassis Str 5 AP 2 Agi Impact Hits (D6+1), Inanimate
Battleshrine Adv 5″ Mar 10″ Dis C Channel (1), Fear, Keeper of the Beacon, Towering Presence,
Trophy Rack, War Platform
Large, Construct HP 5 Def C Res 5 Arm C+1 Aegis (5+)
Wretched One (2) Att - Off - Str 4 AP 0 Agi 1 Grind Attacks (D6+1), Harnessed
Karkadan Adv 7″ Mar 14″ Dis C Fear
Large, Cavalry HP C Def C Res C Arm C+2
Karkadan Att 2 Off 3 Str 5 AP 2 Agi 2 Harnessed
Chimera Adv 8″ Mar 20″ Dis C Fear, Legendary Beasts (1), Towering Presence
Large, Cavalry HP 4 Def C Res 5 Arm C
Chimera Att 5 Off 4 Str 5 AP 2 Agi 4 Harnessed
Wasteland Behemoth Adv 7″ Mar 14″ Dis C Legendary Beasts (1)
Gigantic, Beast HP 7 Def 3 Res 6 Arm 4
Wasteland Behemoth Att 6 Off 3 Str 6 AP 3 Agi 3 Harnessed
Wasteland Dragon Adv 8″ Mar 16″ Dis C Fly (6″, 12″), Legendary Beasts (1), Light Troops
Gigantic, Beast HP 6 Def 5 Res 6 Arm 4
Wasteland Dragon Att 5 Off 5 Str 6 AP 3 Agi 3 Breath Attack (Str 4, AP 1, Flaming Attacks), Harnessed

Warriors Adv 4″ Mar 8″ Dis 8 Fearless, Path of the Favoured, Scoring
Standard, Infantry HP 1 Def 5 Res 4 Arm 0 Hell-Forged Armour, Spiked Shield
Warrior Att 2 Off 5 Str 4 AP 1 Agi 4
Fallen Adv 6″ Mar 12″ Dis 8 Fearless, Light Troops, Path of the Exiled
Standard, Infantry HP 1 Def 2 Res 4 Arm 0 Hell-Forged Armour
Fallen Att 2 Off 4 Str 4 AP 1 Agi 4 Paired Weapons
Barbarians Adv 4″ Mar 8″ Dis 7 Battle Fever, Scoring
Standard, Infantry HP 1 Def 4 Res 3 Arm 0 Light Armour
Barbarian Att 1 Off 4 Str 4 AP 0 Agi 3

Barbarian Horsemen Adv 8″ Mar 16″ Dis 8 Battle Fever, Scoring
Standard, Cavalry HP 1 Def 4 Res 3 Arm 1 Heavy Armour
Barbarian Horseman Att 1 Off 4 Str 4 AP 0 Agi 3
Black Steed Att 1 Off 3 Str 4 AP 0 Agi 3 Harnessed
Warhounds Adv 8″ Mar 16″ Dis 5 Insignificant, Release the Hounds
Standard, Beast HP 1 Def 3 Res 3 Arm 0
Warhound Att 1 Off 3 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 4
Warrior Knights Adv 8″ Mar 14″ Dis 8 Fearless, Path of the Favoured, Scoring
Standard, Cavalry HP 1 Def 5 Res 4 Arm 2 Hell-Forged Armour, Shield
Warrior Rider Att 2 Off 5 Str 4 AP 1 Agi 4
Black Steed Att 1 Off 3 Str 4 AP 0 Agi 3 Harnessed
Warrior Chariot Adv 8″ Mar 8″ Dis 8 Fearless, Path of the Favoured, Swiftstride
Large, Construct HP 4 Def 5 Res 5 Arm 1 Hell-Forged Armour
Warrior Crew (2) Att 2 Off 5 Str 4 AP 1 Agi 4 Halberd
Black Steed (2) Att 1 Off 3 Str 4 AP 0 Agi 3 Harnessed
Chassis Str 5 AP 2 Agi Impact Hits (D6+1), Inanimate
Chosen Adv 5″ Mar 10″ Dis 8 Fearless, Path of the Favoured, Scoring
Standard, Infantry HP 2 Def 6 Res 4 Arm 0 Hell-Forged Armour, Spiked Shield
Chosen Att 3 Off 6 Str 4 AP 1 Agi 5 Master of Battle
Chosen Knights Adv 7″ Mar 14″ Dis 8 Fear, Fearless, Path of the Favoured, Scoring
Large, Cavalry HP 3 Def 6 Res 4 Arm 2 Hell-Forged Armour
Chosen Rider Att 3 Off 6 Str 4 AP 1 Agi 5 Halberd
Karkadan Att 2 Off 3 Str 5 AP 2 Agi 2 Harnessed
Chosen Chariot Adv 7″ Mar 7″ Dis 8 Fear, Fearless, Path of the Favoured, Swiftstride
Large, Construct HP 5 Def 6 Res 5 Arm 2 Hell-Forged Armour
Chosen Crew (2) Att 3 Off 6 Str 4 AP 1 Agi 5 Halberd
Karkadan Att 2 Off 3 Str 5 AP 2 Agi 2 Harnessed
Chassis Str 5 AP 2 Agi Impact Hits (D6+1), Inanimate
Chimera Adv 8″ Mar 20″ Dis 8 Fear, Towering Presence
Large, Beast HP 4 Def 3 Res 5 Arm 3
Chimera Att 5 Off 4 Str 5 AP 2 Agi 4
Wretched Ones Adv 3D6″ Mar - Dis 5 Fearless, Irredeemable, Random Movement (3D6″), Unbreak-
Large, Infantry HP 3 Def 2 Res 4 Arm 0 Fortitude (5+)
Wretched One Att - Off - Str 4 AP 0 Agi 1 Grind Attacks (D6+1)
Forsworn Adv 6″ Mar 12″ Dis 8 Bodyguard (Doomlord), Fearless, Path of the Exiled, Scoring
Large, Infantry HP 3 Def 4 Res 4 Arm 1 Hell-Forged Armour
Forsworn Att 2 Off 5 Str 4 AP 1 Agi 4
Feldraks Adv 8″ Mar 16″ Dis 9 Fear, Scoring
Large, Beast HP 4 Def 4 Res 5 Arm 2 Unburnt, Light Armour
Feldrak Att 3 Off 4 Str 5 AP 2 Agi 3 Hatred (against Fly)
Battleshrine Adv 5″ Mar 10″ Dis 8 Battle Fever, Beacon of the Dark Gods, Channel (1), Fear, Not a
Leader, Towering Presence, Trophy Rack, War Platform, Wizard
Large, Construct HP 5 Def 4 Res 5 Arm 4 Aegis (5+)
Shrine Priest Att 1 Off 4 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 3
Wretched One (2) Att - Off - Str 4 AP 0 Agi 1 Grind Attacks (D6+1), Harnessed

Flayers Adv 10″ Mar 20″ Dis 8 Battle Fever, Feigned Flight, Light Troops, Strider, Vanguard (6″)
Standard, Cavalry HP 1 Def 4 Res 3 Arm 1 Light Armour
Flayer Att 1 Off 4 Str 4 AP 0 Agi 4
Shadow Chaser Att 1 Off 3 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 4 Harnessed
Hellmaw Adv 5″ Mar 10″ Dis 5 Fearless, Gateway, Supernal
Gigantic, Construct HP 5 Def 3 Res 5 Arm 2 Aegis (5+)
Hellmaw Att 5 Off 3 Str 5 AP 2 Agi 1
Forsaken One Adv 3D6″ Mar - Dis 5 Fearless, Irredeemable, Legendary Beasts (2), Random Move-
ment (3D6″), Unbreakable
Gigantic, Beast HP 6 Def 2 Res 6 Arm 0 Fortitude (5+)
Forsaken One Att - Off - Str 6 AP 2 Agi 1 Grind Attacks (D6+3)
Marauding Giant Adv 7″ Mar 14″ Dis 8 Giant See, Giant Do, Legendary Beasts (1)
Gigantic, Infantry HP 7 Def 3 Res 5 Arm 1
Marauding Giant Att 5 Off 3 Str 5 AP 2 Agi 3 Rage
Feldrak Elder Adv 8″ Mar 16″ Dis 9 Legendary Beasts (2)
Gigantic, Beast HP 6 Def 5 Res 6 Arm 3 Unburnt, Light Armour
Feldrak Elder Att 5 Off 5 Str 6 AP 3 Agi 3 Hatred (against Fly)

Aim Table
Name Aim Shooting Model
Bow 4+ Flayer
Throwing Weapons 4+ Barbarian Chief
5+ Barbarian, Flayer

Favours of the Dark Gods

This is only a short summary. Refer to the corresponding chapters above for the complete rules.

Envy Model part gains Swiftstride and reroll to-hit rolls of ‘1’ when Charging. Reroll rolls of ‘1’ in
Attack Attribute – Close Combat Charge Range rolls for units consisting entirely of models with this Favour.
Gluttony Model part gains +1 Strength with Close Combat Attacks for the rest of the game the first time
Attack Attribute – Close Combat it successfully Charges a Fleeing unit, or wins a combat and doesn’t Pursue or Overrun.
Greed The model part gains Great Weapon, Halberd, Paired Weapons, and Weapon Master. +50 pts
Universal Rule Special Item allowance.
Lust Model gains Strider. Units with majority of models with this Favour gain Feigned Flight, may
Universal Rule declare Flee even if Fearless, and then Rally with Minimised Roll the next turn.
Minimised Roll for Discipline Tests.
Universal Rule
Sloth Model gains +1 Resilience, unless it declares a 10+″ (6+″ for Gigantic) Charge or Advance/March
Universal Rule Moves for 10″ or more (6+″ for Gigantic) (lost for a Player Turn).
Wrath Model part gains Lightning Reflexes and +1 Agility. Enemies gain +1 to hit the model. Effects
Attack Attribute – Close Combat apply only in the First Round of Combat.

2022 beta 1
Design Changes
• Minor rule clarifications

Non-Price Changes
• War Dais 0-2 Mounts/Army
• Feldraks 0-12 Models/Army
• Legendary Beasts category replaced with an Army wide Universal Rule: The sum of the Legendary Beasts
values stated in brackets of all models in the army is restricted to 1 per 750 Army Points, rounding fractions up.
• Legendary Beasts (2): Exalted Herald, Feldrak Ancestor, Feldrak Elder, Forsaken One
• Legendary Beasts (1): Character Mounts Behemoth, Chimera, and Dragon, as well as Marauding Giant

Price Changes

• special item Burning portent 125 ↗ 130 • barbarian chief base cost 110 ↘ 100
• special item Gladiator’s Spirit 35 ↗ 40 • barbarian chief paired weapons 5 ↗ 10
• special item Icon of the infinite 40 ↘ 35 • barbarian chief shadow chaser 70 ↗ 90
• special item Ledger of Soul 75 ↘ 65 • barbarian chief dark chariot 120 ↗ 130
• Exalted Herald base cost 830 ↗ 860 • barbarian chief chimera 160 ↗ 165
• Chosen lord Spiked shield 15 ↘ 10 • barbarian chief Wasteland Behemoth 365 ↘ 350
• Chosen lord lust 0 ↗ 5 • feldrak ancestor base cost 650 ↘ 640
• Chosen lord pride 30 ↘ 20 • feldrak ancestor paired weapons 80 ↗ 90
• Chosen lord sloth 45 ↗ 50 • feldrak ancestor halberd 40 ↘ 35
• Chosen lord damonic wings 80 ↘ 70 • Warriors base cost 225 ↗ 230
• Chosen lord luck of the dark gods 60 ↗ 65 • Warriors additional models 22 ↘ 20
• Chosen lord war dais 90 ↗ 95 • Warriors Champion 25 ↗ 30
• Chosen lord karkadan 85 ↘ 80 • Warriors greed 7 ↗ 8
• Chosen lord scythed skywheel 90 ↘ 65 • Warriors lust 4 ↗ 6
• Chosen lord chimera 155 ↗ 170 • Warriors pride 3 ↘ 2
• doomlord base cost 360 ↘ 355 • Warriors sloth 9 ↗ 10
• doomlord great weapon 40 ↗ 45 • Warriors wrath 8 ↘ 7
• doomlord Wasteland Behemoth 225 ↘ 210 • fallen base cost 150 ↘ 145
• sorcerer base cost 145 ↘ 140 • fallen additional models 16 ↘ 15
• sorcerer adept 75 ↗ 95 • barbarians additional models 7 ↘ 6
• sorcerer master 225 ↗ 265 • barbarians paired weapons 1 ↘ 0
• sorcerer dark chariot 70 ↗ 80 • barbarians great weapon 3 ↗ 4
• sorcerer scythed skywheel 65 ↘ 55 • barbarians throwing weapons 2 ↘ 1.5
• sorcerer wasteland behemoth 340 ↘ 325 • warrior knights base cost 250 ↗ 255
• sorcerer wasteland dragons 400 ↘ 375 • warrior knights additional models 38 ↘ 36

• warrior knights gluttony 4 ↘ 3 • chosen chariot envy 25 ↘ 20
• warrior knights greed 5 ↗ 7 • chosen envy 8 ↗ 9
• warrior knights lust 10 ↗ 12 • chosen chariot greed 25 ↗ 35
• chosen base cost 260 ↘ 250 • forsworn paired weapons 1 ↘ 0
• chosen additional models 55 ↘ 50 • forsworn great weapon 3 ↘ 2
• chosen Champion 25 ↗ 30 • forsworn halberd 3 ↘ 2
• chosen gluttony 3 ↘ 2 • battleshrine base cost 310 ↗ 320
• chosen greed 10 ↗ 13 • flayers base cost 145 ↗ 155
• chosen lust 0 ↗ 2 • flayers additional models 14 ↘ 12
• chosen sloth 11 ↘ 10 • Chimera Wings 30 ↘ 25
• chosen wrath 16 ↗ 18 • feldraks base cost 330 ↗ 340
• chosen knights base cost 410 ↘ 400 • feldraks additional models 120 ↘ 115
• chosen knights additional models 110 ↘ 100 • feldraks paired weapons 12 ↗ 15
• chosen knights envy 6 ↘ 5 • feldraks great weapon 10 ↘ 8
• chosen knights greed 3 ↗ 6 • marauding giant big brother 35 ↘ 25
• chosen knights lust 8 ↘ 6 • feldrak elder base cost 435 ↗ 450
• chosen knights pride 3 ↘ 0 • feldrak elder paired weapon 55 ↗ 65
• chosen knights sloth 12 ↗ 15 • feldrak elder great weapon 30 ↘ 25
• chosen knights wrath 0 ↗ 3 • hellmaw base cost 280 ↘ 260
• chosen chariot base cost 340 ↘ 335


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