2015-07-28 General Alert - Escalator Incident

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Although, escalator incidents statistics are not
available from the region, globally, the results
shows a disturbing figure. In a developed
country with strict laws on maintenance and
safety records such as United States, have
recorded an average of 30 Deaths and 17,000
Injuries a year, relating to escalator mishaps.


On the 26th of July 2015, a Chinese mother lost her life in an escalator accident at reputed shopping
mall. The floor board gave way unexpectedly that made the victim fall inside. She managed to push
her toddler to safety before she plunged through the flooring, as per the reports. The onlookers
tried to pull the victim out, but the conveyer kept pulling her inside.

Ref: http://timesofoman.com/article/64378/World/Asia/Woman-thrusts-her-toddler-to-safety-

A report said, from the primary investigation of the incident, it was found that, at an earlier time, the
same escalator was put on maintenance, but failed to screw down the floor board before it was
opened to the public. An Emergency Stop Button Activation could have saved the life of the victim
even though could have resulted in serious injuries. This Alert is brought to you in interest of general
awareness which might help you, your families and friends to safety, while using an escalator.

Some Other Incidents Related to Escalator Entrapments

The child’s feet got entrapped while taking a

ride down the auto walk. The kid had kept his
shoe touching the Escalator brush at the side.

Hazard Alert Document v Jan 2013 1.0 Issue: Tuesday, July 28, 2015
Do s

The emergency stop button should be used in case of an incident or

escalator or auto walk malfunction.

Apart from the top and the bottom location. Some escalators have
1 Emergency Stop button in the middle.

Activate it when you see others in danger or instruct other to use it if you
don’t have access.

2 Face forward and hold the handrail

Keep feet firmly on the step and away from the escalator’s or auto walk’s
3 sides.

At the end of the ride, step off properly from the escalator or auto walk and
4 make room for the next passengers to step off.

Children should always be accompanied by an adult and their hands

5 should be held during the ride.

Hazard Alert Document v Jan 2013 1.0 Issue: Tuesday, July 28, 2015
Don’t s

1 Never take a stroller or shopping cart on a step escalator.

Physically-challenged passengers, using canes, crutches, walkers or

2 wheelchairs should never use the escalator.

3 Do not transport large, long or heavy items on the escalator

Do not play on the escalator or auto walk. Children should be

4 accompanied by an adult and should not be left alone near an escalator or
auto walk

5 Do not enter or exit the escalator or auto walk in the wrong direction.

Do not sit on the escalator or auto walk or on the handrail, or lean over the
6 railing.

Hazard Alert Document v Jan 2013 1.0 Issue: Tuesday, July 28, 2015

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