Analysis of Vibroacoustic

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Advances in Science and Technology

Research Journal
Volume 10, No. 30, June 2016, pages 193–201 Research Article
DOI: 10.12913/22998624/62627



Kamil Szydło1, Paweł Maciąg2, Rafał Longwic1, Małgorzata Lotko2

Department of Automotive Vehicles, Lublin University of Technology, Nadbystrzycka 36, 20-618 Lublin,
Poland, e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]
University of Technology and Humanities in Radom, Malczewskiego 29, 26-600 Radom, Poland

Received: 2016.04.25 ABSTRACT

Accepted: 2016.05.15 The analysis of private tests is presented in the article. The applicable tests refer to
Published: 2016.06.01 accelerations, the level of the sound pressure as well as to the sound power emitted
by the passenger lift cabin at different technical conditions of the lift. For a group of
lifting devices the accelerations were tested at three axes with the use of an accelerom-
eter. The accelerometer was placed in the central part of the cabin with simultaneous
measurement of the acoustic parameters with the sound analyzer equipped with sound
volume double microphone probe. An attempt was made to determine the impact of
the frame - cabin system construction as well as the lift’s technical condition on the
recorded parameters. It can allow to establish the limit values of the lift structure pa-
rameters under which a rapid drop of comfort takes place, while travelling in the lift as
well as to indicate those construction elements the modification of which would affect
the improvement of the operation noiselessness.

Keywords: vibroisolations, sound measuring, noise emission.

INTRODUCTION such factors as ambient temperature, the cabin to-

tal volume and the light intensity (specified in PN-
Lifting devices belong to vertical transporta- 81.21-1 standard) as well as the factors directly
tion machines which are commonly used in nearly dependent on the construction such as vibrations
each, new, multifamily housing. The current pas- or the sound volume level emitted by the slides,
senger lifts significantly differ from the lifts which power drive and cabin walls. Figure 1 presents a
were installed many years ago. Aiming at opti- roll slide of the lift with marked volumes of clear-
mization of the structure in terms of the weight, ances. The clearances during the journey influence,
manufacturing costs as well as energy consump- to a large extent, the vibrations volume in the sys-
tion causes that more and more construction ele- tem consisting of the frame and the cabin.
ments are represented by the products made of Clearances appearing in the slides as well as
thin-walled materials. This is the way to achieve a the cabin walls construction (thin-walled elements
compromise between price and quality. However, resonance) directly influence the level of vibra-
such activities generate a risk to decrease opera- tions and the sound emission which are the param-
tion parameters which determine passengers’ com- eters determining the feeling of comfort. These
fort. Comfort of the passengers who travel in the phenomena are also one of the forms of energy dis-
lift cabin should be understood as psychophysical sipation and they contribute to the overall device
state under which a travelling person feels good efficiency drop.
and safe. The applicable feeling can be influenced The aspects regarding the analysis of vi-
by the factors which do not depend on the con- broacoustic phenomena in lifting devices were
struction directly. The authors can speak about partially touched in the available literature.

Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal Vol. 10 (30), 2016

Table 1. Selected parameters compilation of tested

The lift serial number The lift 1 The lift 2
The year of installation 2009 2012
Loading capacity Q [kg] 450
Speed V [m/s] 1,6 1,4
Lifting height H [m] 21 28,3
The number of stops n 7 9
The cabin depth A [m] 1,150 1,180
The cabin width B [m] 0,930 1,050
single-speed, regulated,
Type of a hoist
with an encoder
The engine room location upper

Type of the slides roll

panel type made of stain-

The cabin walls construction
less steel

Fig. 1. Clearances present in the cabin slide of the

passenger lift.
These are the lifts with increased speed typical for
tall modern buildings. The scheme of tested devic-
Mainly, it referred to:
es is presented in the Figure 2. The operating time
•• the volume of vibrations and noise coming
from the moment of installation was respectively 3
from different lifting components such as the
and 6 years. The times were selected in a such way
slides rollers [1-3];
that it could be possible to establish the differences
•• vibroinsulation methods for the lift doors
within the level and the sound emission sources re-
power drive and the selection of vibroinsula-
sulting from the lift elements wear and tear.
tion materials [4-9];
•• measuring methods and reduction of acoustic
emission in the passenger lifts cabins [10–13].
The analysis of available literature gives the evi-
dence on the lack of publications regarding the meth-
ods saying how to use vibroacoustic phenomena to
evaluate technical condition of the lifting devices.
Herein, the technical condition is recognized as a set
of parameters of the lift structure influencing the pas-
sengers’ comfort.
Thus, the performed tests aimed at getting fa-
miliar with vibroacoustic phenomena appearing
in the lifting devices. Moreover, the tests aimed
at analyzing the above mentioned phenomena in
the light of possibility to increase the construction
noiselessness as well as to use them in the diag-
nosis process focusing on the passengers’ comfort
level monitoring.

The subject of testing
Fig. 2. The passenger lift scheme: A – the cabin depth,
Two passenger lifts were selected for the test. B – the cabin width, D – depth of the part under the
They have similar technical and operating param- pane, H – lifting height, E – height of the part above the
eters. The lifts parameters are presented in Table 1. pane, Q – loading capacity, V – the movement speed.

Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal Vol. 10 (30), 2016

Measuring equipment lection of a proper measuring point. This situa-

tion happens at distances smaller than the wave
Measurements of the lift cabin accelerations length of the lowest emitted frequencies or when
were done on the X-axis, Y-axis, Z-axis with the the measuring microphone is placed at the dis-
use of MEREX AMX905 device by AUTOMEX tance smaller than the biggest, double size source
company (Fig. 3). It is a microscope device used of sound. In such cases the acoustic measure-
to measure accelerations and the angle of inclina- ments method requires to be changed into the en-
tion of transportation centers mounting elements. ergetic method. The energetic equivalents of the
The measuring range of accelerators was sound pressure constitute the sound volume and
±10 m/s2 whereas the measurement resolution is strength. LI sound volume is defined with the use
±0,01m/s2. Sampling frequency was 10Hz. of the following dependencies:
Measurements of the sound volume were per-
formed with the use of Bruel&Kjaer (B&K) 2260 (1)
Investigator equipped with B&K 3595 double
microphone probe for sound volume. The above where: I – the sound volume in the applicable
mentioned analyzer is the one among a few de- point of environment [W/m2],
vices that can measure the energetic form of the I0 – the reference volume I0 = 1 [pW/m2].
sound pressure in the actual conditions (outside
laboratory). A total measuring system consists of The level of the sound power of a given Lw
B&K 3595 double microphone probe, 2260 In- source can be determined with the following
vestigator and the installed BZ7205 software al- dependence:
lowing to measure the sound volume via the in-
tensity method. The probe measures the values of (2)
pressures in two microphones isolated with a sep- where: W – the sound power of a given source [W],
arator. Then, the signals from them are transmit- W0 – the reference power W0 = 1 [pW].
ted to a device processor where the calculations
necessary to find the sound volume are made. Each of the above listed values, describing the
acoustic condition in a given point is based on the
Tests methodology
logarithmic scale what constitutes natural con-
In order to ensure optimum measuring con- nection with a human feeling of linear decrease
ditions the lifting devices were withdrawn from of the sound volume together with the pressure
operation. Once measuring equipment was in- logarithm increase or the sound intensity (Weber-
stalled inside the lifting devices a series of cours- Fechner’s rule) (Sound Intensity Software BZ
es were done; the sequence was repeated three 7205 Technical Documentation, Bruel&Kjaer
times – the journey from the lowest stop to the Sound & Vibration Measurement A/S 1997).
highest one as well as return to the lowest stop The applied BruelKjaer 2260 Investigator
(Fig. 4). Such parameters were measured as the analyzer equipped with B&K 3595 double mi-
cabin accelerations on X-axis, Y-axis, Z-axis, the crophone probe for the sound volume was used
sound pressure and the sound power generated to perform measurements because as it was
by respective walls of the cabin. mentioned earlier, it is one out of few devices
Accelerations on X-axis, Y-axis, Z-axis were that is able to measure the energetic form of the
measured with Merex AMX905 device which sound pressure under the real conditions (out-
was installed (located and leveled) on the in-
side the Laboratory). The below dependencies
tersection of the floor diagonals. A sequence of
are used for the above. When Euler’s (3) equa-
measuring movements was performed. The place
tion is used then dependencies are based on the
where the measuring device was located is pre-
sented in Figure 2. particles speed measurement. The particles are
Measurement of the acoustic parameters in connected with the pressure gradient (rate, at
the passenger lift cabins is difficult due to their which a temporary pressure changes together
small dimensions. The existing acoustic condi- with distance) which is presented in Figure 3.
tions of the near field significantly hinder the ap-
plication of single microphone meters of the free (3)
field sound pressure. It is caused by hindered se-

Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal Vol. 10 (30), 2016

Fig. 3. The pressure gradient is approximated by using two closely spaced pressure microphones face-to-face [13]

Pressure gradient is a continuous function Plan of tests

thanks to which the curve visible in Figure
5 changes smoothly. With the use of two mi- The performed tests of accelerations as
crophones located close to each other the rap- well as the power and sound pressure aimed
prochement straight line can be obtained versus at determining the location of main emission
the pressures gradient by making the calculation sources of those parameters and verifying the
of the pressures remainder and dividing by the impact of the lift subassys operating wear and
distance between them. tear on measured values. Moreover, the tests
purpose was to identify how the change of ac-
(4) celerations value influences the acoustic pa-
rameters change. For that purpose the follow-
ing parameters were measured:
•• A/G(X,Y,Z) [m/s2] – accelerations / delays in
X,Y, Z axes,
The measurements of the sound power •• Lp(A) [dB] – the level of sound pressure with
were performed in accordance with ISO 9614- A correction curve,
2:1996 “Acoustics standard. Determination •• Lp(L) [dB] – the level of sound pressure with-
of sound power levels of noise sources using out correction curve,
sound intensity. Measurement by scanning” •• Lw(L) [dB] – the sound power emitted by the
The microphones were isolated with a separa- cabin walls without correction curve,
tor of 12 mm length. On the basis of signals •• SPL [dB] – the spectral analysis of the sound
transmitted from double microphone probe of pressure in 1/3rd octave bands (sound pressure
the sound source average scanning time and level).
the value of tested surface defined field, the
The conducted measurements are presented
internal device processor measured the sound
in Table 2.
power. This method also allows to establish di-
Three times measurements of accelerations
rection of the energy flow [13]. Prior to each
and the sound volume were performed simulta-
series of testing the analyzer was calibrated
with B&K 4231 calibrator. The sound level was
presented directly in dB via the application of Table 2. Values measured in respective lifts
Lin/Log transducer as well as with the use of A/G (X, Y, Z) Lp(A) Lp(L) Lw(L) SPL
A correction characteristic to correlate the re- [m/s2] [dB] [dB] [dB] [dB]
The lift 1 + + + + +
ceived values with subjective sense of feeling
in terms of sound volume for peoples’ ears. The lift 2 + + + + +

Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal Vol. 10 (30), 2016

wear and tear of the lift slides system. Side ac-

celerations in the directions X, Y recorded dur-
ing the journey in tested devices are presented
in Figure 6.
Cabin accelerations in X-axis and Y-axis
direction are caused by roughnesses on the lift
slides (among others where they join) or they
can come from distorted material of the slides
rollers due to a long lasting pressure gener-
ated by downtime of device. The cabin accel-
Fig. 4. Sequence of the rides during the measure- erations in X-axis and Y-axis are also caused
ments execution by the clearances resulting from the rollers’
wear and tear (Fig. 1). The Figure 7 illustrates
a graphic form of the recorded measurements
neously for each lift as per the sequence present- results of accelerations in X and Y axes after
ed in Figure 4. The results analysis gave chance the construction modernization. The slides
to determine the location of the sound emission frames of the objects subject to tests were re-
sources and to plan construction modifications placed with new elements with the possibility
aiming at improving the level of the passengers’ to regulate the clearance between the rollers. In
comfort while travelling in the lift. Once the order to determine the influence of the frames
changes were implemented to the construction design changes on the level of vibrations and
of the frame-cabin system the whole sequence of the sound emission it was decided to install the
measurements was repeated. old elements of the rollers. After the installa-
tion, the system was properly adjusted in ac-
cordance with the manufacturer’s manual and
ANALYSIS THE TESTS RESULTS another series of tests was initiated.
The performed modernization of the slides
Acoustic phenomena appearing in the cab- did not influence the value of Z axis accelera-
ins of the tested lifts are closely connected with tions. Whereas, the values of accelerations in X
physical phenomena taking place during the lift and Y axes, which are visible in Figure 7, after
movement such as the cabin accelerations on X- the elimination of the slides clearances, signifi-
axis, Y-axis and Z-axis. The accelerations charts cantly decreased in comparison to the first se-
of tested lifts in vertical Z-axis are presented in ries of tests presented in Figure 6.
Figure 5 within one complete ride cycle. The All accelerations which are not caused by
first peak visible in Figure 5 is responsible for the power drive intentionally in Z-axis direc-
the lift acceleration during the movement up- tion should be treated as undesirable because
wards, whereas the second peak directed in the they are one of the energy dissipation forms,
opposite side is responsible for the acceleration the effect of which is the sound emission in the
(start-up of the movement) downwards. Visible cabin and the passengers comfort decrease.
non-linear declinations between the two peaks With respect to the fact that in the lift pit it is
are probably caused by the working elements very difficult to eliminate the accelerations in X
of suspension due to which the lift cabin during and Y axes completely as well as due to the fact
the movement can demonstrate additional accel- that most often the lift cabin is made of panel
erations in the direction of Z-axis coming, for thin-walled elements susceptible to resonating,
example, from moving weight inside the cabin what consequently can significantly lead to the
(e.g. the passengers’ movement). The accelera- increase of the acoustic emission level, it was
tions values on Z-axis have lower meaning due decided to modernize the internal walls of the
to the fact that these are the values that can be lift cabin. The cabin panels were taped with the
controlled (by regulating the power drive con- bands of hydroinsulating material what has been
trol). More important are the values of accelera- presented in Figure 8. It is made of asphalt and
tions on X-axis and Y-axis because these are the polymer mixture, which is insulating and sticky
accelerations which are not desirable and the and applied on one side of the aluminum foil
change in their value gives the evidence on the carrying element.

Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal Vol. 10 (30), 2016

Fig. 5. Breakdown of accelerations in Z-axis for tested lifts.

Fig. 6. Breakdown of accelerations in X, Y-axis for tested lifts.

Fig. 7. Breakdown of accelerations in X, Y-axis for the lifts after modernization

The physical phenomena appearing in the from the Table present the values measured by
cabins of tested lifts are closely connected with both microphones (ch1 and ch2) and a calculated
acoustic phenomena taking place during the lift average value for both measurements. The values
movement such as the sound volume and the in the brackets come from the repeated measure-
sound power generated by respective walls of the ments once the modifications were implemented
cabin. The results of the sound Lp[dB] pressure (the slides frames replaced and the cabin walls
level measurements with double channel method taped with the soundproof tape). The measur-
are compiled in Table 3. The respective values ing microphone was located at 1.8 m height in

Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal Vol. 10 (30), 2016

Fig. 9. Correction curves used in acoustic measure-


system in terms of the tested devices. Each of

Fig. 8. The solution to cover the cabin walls with the the three rollers coming into the slide has a ball
soundproof tape
antifriction bearing and slides mounted in four
places to the cabin frame, move along the steel
the middle of the cabin. The measurements were
slides. The wear and tear of the slides caused
performed both without the correction curve (Lin
by the worn out rollers or damaged bearings
value) as well as with A correction curve in or-
lead to the increased acoustic emission which,
der to demonstrate the optimal correlation which
is equal to a human being’s ear perception. Such as a result of the vibration transfer, is received
a table is the best way to illustrate the fact that by the cabin walls. The results of recorded lev-
even though there are relatively high values of the els of the sound pressure presented in Table 3
sound pressure level, its frequency causes that the demonstrate the significance of the lifting de-
subjective perception of the loudness by a human vices modernization. Modification of the guid-
being’s ear is much lower. ing system and the application of soundproof-
Subjective perception of the sound emission ing elements on the internal panels of the cabin
depends, to a large extent, on its frequency which walls resulted, in case of the lift No. 1, with the
was presented in Figure 9, containing a combina- sound emission value drop by 4 dB what can
tion of correction curves. be clearly noticed by the human being’s ear. A
While analyzing the values presented in smaller change in the recorded values of sound
Table 3 it can be stated that the higher level of pressure in the lift No. 2 is probably caused by
the sound pressure appears in the lift 1 com- the fact that before design modification the lift
paring with the lift 2, even though technical slides had, in comparison to the lift No. 1, low-
parameters are similar. It can result from a er values of clearances connected with shorter
higher wear and tear of the device’s elements period of their operation. The increased level
caused by the fact that a given device was op- of sound emission can be also caused by the
erated longer. The slides made of steel rollers carrying lines which, when coming out from
covered with “vulkollan” type of material are the friction wheel of an excessive wear and
the carriageable elements of the frame-cabin tear (recognized by worn out wedge grooves),

Table 3. Measurement of the sound pressure level Lp[dB] with double channel method (two measuring micro-
The lift 2
The lift 1 ave-
Correction method The lift 1 ch1 The lift 1 ch2 The lift 2 ch1 The lift 2 ch2 average
rage value
With "A" cor-
Lp(A) [dB] 59,7 (56,1) 60,6 (56,8) 60,15 (56,45) 54,9 (53,1) 55,3 (53,4) 55,1 (53,25)
rection curve
Lin Lp(L)[dB] 79,4 (75,5) 79,9 (76,1) 79,65 (75,8) 81,3 (79,1) 81,7 (79,3) 81,5 (79,2)

Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal Vol. 10 (30), 2016

start vibratingwith the amplitude dependent on sound sources. The scanning method, compliant
the line length leading to uncomfortable effect, with ISO 9614-2:1996 standard, of respective
which is heard by the passenger and described walls in the tested objects cabins gave chance to
as “cracking”. determine a total power of sound Lw(L) emitted
The slides and lines operating wear and by tested lifts. The measurements results are in-
tear are not so obviously noticed after the anal- cluded in Table 4 whereas Table 5 provides the
ysis of data values included in Table 3. One of partial breakdown of the sound powers emitted
the reasons of this ambiguity was the fact that by respective walls. Data clearly indicates the in-
measuring method for the free field was ap- crease of emitted sound volume in case of the lift
plied. However, the spectral analysis (Fig. 10 cabin with a longer period of its operation as well
as the drop of the sound volume after the installa-
and 11) of recorded data shows a clear impact
tion of new slides and acoustic insulation for the
of the operation length on respective ranges of
cabin walls.
emitted sound frequencies.
On the basis of the above presented spectral Table 4. The power of sound emitted by the cabin walls
breakdowns in 1/3rd octave bands, significant in-
The lift serial number The lift 1 The lift 2
crease of the sound emission regarding the lift 1 in
Total volume emit- 72,8 68,5
a range from 100 to 4000 [Hz] can be noticed. ted by 5 walls lin
Lw(L) [dB]
(69.1) (66.4)
Within the applicable frequencies range a hu-
man being’s ear is especially sensitive to the re-
Table 5. Partial powers of the sound emitted by re-
ceipt of sound stimuli recognized as noise - it is
spective walls
presented in Figure 9 graphically. The reduction
of sound emission is clearly noticeable after the The lift serial number The lift 1 The lift 2

implementation of design modifications. Front Lw(L) [dB] 62.4 (61.1) 58.9 (58.1)
The application of the analyzer equipped with Back Lw(L) [dB] 70.6 (68.2) 72.4 (71.2)
double microphone intensity probe allowed us to Left Lw(L) [dB] 64.1 (61.2) 67.5 (66.3)
perform the measurement in the near field of the Right Lw(L) [dB] 63.3 (60.2) 67.2 (66.2)
Top Lw(L) [dB] 59.7 (58.2) 73.8 (72.1)

Further, detailed tests probably will allow

the authors to localize the main sources of the
sound emission and to determine the border of
the drive-carriagable elements applicability for
further operation, contributing at the same time,
to the increase of safety and improvement of the
passenger comfort.

Fig. 10. Spectral analysis of the sound (SPL) in 1/3rd
octave bands for the lift 1 On the basis of conducted experimental tests
the following can be stated:
1. Accelerations in the axis which is different
than the one of the lift cabin movement, driven
by the power drive, are the form of dissipation
of energy increasing the energy consumption
by the whole device and decreasing the com-
fort of travelling.
2. The wear and tear of the carriageable elements
of the lift have the impact on the increase of
sound which is emitted by the lift cabin walls
Fig. 11. Spectral analysis of the sound (SPL) in 1/3rd and which is perceptible by the passengers as
octave bands for the lift 2 the increased loudness.

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