Environmental Health Code 2022 Saehc-S-13 Barber and Beauty Shops

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Barber and Beauty Shops, SAEHC-S- 13



This Section describes the public health requirements for barber and beauty shops. Compliance with facility and
equipment requirements, as well as good operating practices, will safeguard operators and customers from the
potential spread of communicable disease.

The main hazards found in hairdressing/beauty salons include chemicals causing allergic or contact dermatitis,
infectious diseases such as HIV, Hepatitis B & C, skin infections, the use of electrical equipment including ultra violet
lamps. Operators may be exposed to a wide range of products containing hazardous substances, including hair dyes,
bleaches, permanent wave solutions, shampoos, hair styling agents, peroxides and disinfectants. NOTE: All sub-
sections should be read in conjunction with referenced documents listed at the end of this Section.


All Purpose Detergent: A powder or liquid detergent suitable both for laundering and for other household cleaning.

Disinfect: To kill infectious microorganisms outside the body by chemical or physical means. Some bacterial spore
forming organisms may survive the process, but all other microorganisms are reduced to insignificant levels or
eliminated completely.

Dappen Dish: A small dish with a fluted lid used to store small quantities of a monomer used in applying beauty
treatments e.g. false nail adhesives. The monomer evaporates causing fumes and loss of product therefore by using
a dappen dish the amount of product lost due to evaporation is reduced.

Easily Cleanable: Readily accessible, made of such material and finish, and fabricated such that all surfaces can be
washed and sanitized and that residues may be effectively removed, by normal cleaning methods.

Hot Water: Potable water that meets the specific temperature requirement appropriate for the facility.

Liquid Chlorine Bleach: A solution of sodium hypochlorite, a highly active oxidizing agent. Liquid chlorine bleach is
also called household bleach or simply liquid bleach, and is commonly distributed as an approximately five per cent
solution of sodium hypochlorite.

Sterilize: The complete elimination of all microorganisms.

Styptic Pencil: A styptic or haemostatic pencil is a short stick of medication, usually anhydrous aluminum sulphate,
potassium alum (both are types of alum) or titanium dioxide which is used for stanching blood by causing blood
vessels to contract at the site of a wound. The pencils are used to seal cuts caused by improper shaving.

Vacuum Breaker: A device for relieving a vacuum or partial vacuum formed in a pipeline, thereby preventing back


1.1 Floors shall be finished with smooth, impervious, slip resistant and easily cleanable materials.

1.2 Walls and ceilings shall have a smooth, washable, light colored surface.

1.3 Doors and windows: All openings to the outside shall have tight-fitting, self-closing, solid doors or
glazed windows that preclude the entrance of insects and rodents. All outer doors and windows that will
remain open shall be screened. Screen doors shall be self-closing and shall open outwards.

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Barber and Beauty Shops, SAEHC-S- 13

1.4 Illumination: A minimum of 700 Lux (70 foot-candles) of natural and artificial illumination measured 76
centimeters (30 inches) above the floor shall be provided in all areas where the customer is served or
instruments are cleaned and sanitized.

1.5 Ventilation: All rooms shall be sufficiently ventilated to keep them free of excessive heat, steam and
condensation in accordance with Saudi Aramco Engineering Standards

1.6 Water Supply: An adequate supply of hot and cold running water shall be provided at all sink, hand-
wash basins and laundry machines. The water supply shall meet the requirements of Section SAEHC-

1.7 Sewage shall be disposed of in accordance with requirements equivalent to those outlined in Section
SAEHC-S-02 of this Code.

1.8 Plumbing fixtures shall be properly trapped and vented in accordance with standards equivalent to the
Saudi Aramco Plumbing Code. A vacuum breaker shall be provided between any fixture equipped with
a hose and the water supply line.

1.9 Hand-wash basins and separate hair care sinks shall be provided. Janitor's sinks and utility sinks, if
provided, are not acceptable substitutes for either hand washbasins or hair care sinks and shall not be
used as such.

1.9.1 Hand-wash basins shall be provided with tempered water from a self-closing combination or
premixing faucet which supplies warm water for a minimum of 15 seconds while both hands
are free for washing and rinsing. A foot, knee or elbow operated combination or premixing
faucet may be substituted for a self-closing faucet.

1.9.2 Hand washing cleanser and single-use paper towels shall be provided in dispensers located
next to hand washbasins (common towels are prohibited). The supply of cleanser and paper
towels shall be maintained at all times. A refuse container lined with a disposable plastic bag
shall be provided adjacent to paper towel dispensers. The refuse container may be used for
combined disposal of paper towels and barber/beauty wastes and shall, therefore, be covered
(preferably with a pedal activated lift-lid).

1.10 Storage cabinets, shelves, drawers, etc. shall be provided to properly segregate and store equipment,
supplies, hair care products, clean linen, etc. Cleaning materials and chemicals shall be stored separately
from hair care and beauty products.

1.11 No portion of a barber/beauty shop shall be used as sleeping or living quarters.

1.12 The barber/beauty shop, and all parts of the property used directly or indirectly in connection with
the operation of the shop, shall be kept free of public health nuisances (see Section SAEHC-S-18).


2.1 2.1 Brushes, clips, combs, rollers, scissors, tweezers, and other hair care or beauty instruments and accessories
which have been used on a customer, or soiled in any manner, shall be placed in a properly labeled receptacle
provided for the purpose; such instruments and accessories shall not be used on another customer until they have
been properly cleaned and disinfected. Brushes are prohibited for the application of shaving foams or creams. (Refer
to sub-section 5.13 of this Code Section)

2.1.1 Combs, brushes, etc. shall be cleaned with soap (or detergent) and hot water (minimum
temperature of 49°C (120°F)) to remove all foreign matter that might harbor bacteria.

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2.1.2 Combs, brushes, hair accessories, tweezers, scissors, and other non-electric instruments shall
be disinfected by immersion for at least 2.0 minutes in a solution containing an appropriate
concentration of ‘Barbicide’ or in a solution containing at least at least 500 milligrams per liter
of sodium hypochlorite.

2.1.3 Immersion in other effective disinfectant which is used in accordance with the manufacturer’s
recommendations may be permitted by Environmental Protection (EP) if the product is
specifically designed for disinfection of hair care instruments and is generally recognized as
being safe and non-hazardous to humans.

2.1.4 Clean and soiled tools and implements shall be strictly segregated. Storage drawers for clean
tools and implements shall be maintained in a clean condition. Storage cabinets, work stations
and vanities shall be kept clean.

2.2 Manicure instruments shall be disinfected prior to each use by the method described in sub-section
2.1 above. Instruments or attachments which cannot be properly disinfected shall be disposed of
immediately after use.

2.3 Clippers, vibrators, and other electrical instruments that touch a customer's skin, hair or clothing, shall
be disinfected prior to each use. The method of disinfection recommended by the manufacturer shall be

2.4 For disinfection of instruments that cannot otherwise be sterilized by solutions, other suitable means
must be provided such as an ultraviolet sterilizer. Equipment must be installed and operated in
accordance with manufacturer’s instructions and approved by EP.


3.1 All lotions, powders, soaps, cosmetics, creams, oils, liquids, ointments, or any other substance, shall
not contain toxic or injurious acids, metals or other chemicals.

3.2 All bottles and containers shall be distinctly and correctly labeled to disclose their contents. All bottles
containing poisonous substances shall be additionally and distinctly marked as such, and shall be stored


4.1 Operators shall have a valid photo identification card in their possession that identifies them as being
a barber, beautician, cosmetologist or related practitioner. Identification cards are not transferable.

4.2 Operators shall be trained and qualified in all aspects of the specific tasks assigned to them.

4.3 Operators shall not carry any tool or implement in clothing pockets.

4.4 Operators shall have a valid medical examination certificate.

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4.4.1 As a minimum, all operators shall be given a physical health examination prior to
commencement of employment, whenever necessitated by illness or injury and whenever
requested by EP. Operators shall have an additional chest x-ray every two years thereafter.
The medical examination shall be equivalent to, and completed with the same thoroughness,
as those conducted by the Saudi Aramco Medical Services Organization.

4.4.2 All medical examinations shall be conducted in an approved Saudi Arabian clinic or hospital
by a physician licensed by the Saudi Arab Government.

4.4.3 As a minimum, the examination shall include a chest x-ray, routine urinalysis, blood pressure
measurement, stool analysis (ova and parasites, as well as bacterial tests for Salmonella sp.
and Shigella sp.), and examination for skin disease. The extent of the examination may be
expanded at the discretion of EP.

4.4.4 The medical examination report shall include a statement, signed by the licensed physician
conducting the examination, declaring the individual to be in good physical condition for his
assigned duties and free of all communicable diseases and conditions which can be
transmitted from person to person.

4.4.5 A copy of the operator's medical examination, with a photograph of the operator attached, shall
be kept on file at his work site. The results of all medical examinations shall be available for
review by authorized Saudi Aramco representatives prior to and throughout the individual's
employment by the barber/beauty shop.

4.5 Any operator who is ill has a respiratory infection, skin disease or any other condition, which could be
transmitted from person to person, shall be removed from duty and referred to a physician licensed by
the Saudi Arab Government for evaluation. An explanation of the operator's duties and a request that he
be specifically evaluated and cleared of all illnesses or conditions which could be transmitted from person
to person shall be submitted to the physician. The operator shall not be allowed to return to duty until:

4.5.1 He has been examined and found to be free of disease/condition that could transmitted from
person to person.

4.5.2 He has been treated and is now free of disease/condition that could be transmitted from person
to person.

4.5.3 A statement signed by the examining/treating physician to the effect that the operator has been
examined / treated and is free of communicable disease or other condition which could be
transmitted from person to person is in the operator's file at his work site. This report shall be
available for review by authorized Saudi Aramco representatives and, if so requested, a copy
of the report shall be transmitted to the General Manager, EP.

4.6 An operator that voluntarily reports a suspected disease/condition shall NOT be subject to
punishment, e.g. loss of earnings.

4.7 Operators shall not prepare or consume food, in any area of the barber/beauty shop. Operators shall
eat and use tobacco in designated areas during non-work periods only.

4.8 Operators shall wear neat, clean, light colored uniforms that are changed at least daily. Clothing that is
used once and then discarded is permissible.

4.9 Operators shall maintain a high degree of personal cleanliness and shall conform to good hygienic

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4.10 Operators shall thoroughly wash their hands and the exposed portions of their arms before starting
work; before and after each customer; after using the toilet; after touching their ears, nose, mouth or hair;
before and after any cleaning procedure; after smoking, eating or drinking; and during work as often as
necessary to keep hands clean. They shall keep their fingernails clean and trimmed.

4.11 Smoking is prohibited within buildings.

4.12 Operators shall wear suitable personal protective equipment when using beauty care products and
clipping nails.


5.1 Operators shall refuse service to any customer afflicted with a visible skin rash, lice, etc. The operator
shall recommend that the afflicted customer report to his physician for evaluation.

5.2 Barber/beauty shops shall be properly maintained and shall be kept clean and in a sanitary condition
at all times. Fixtures, such as hand washbasins, hair care sinks and barber/beauty chairs, shall be lightly
cleaned after each customer and shall be thoroughly cleaned and sanitized at the end of each workday.
Physical facilities and equipment, such as floors, walls, doors, windows, cabinets, shelves, mirrors,
waiting room chairs, etc. shall be cleaned on a regularly scheduled basis.

5.3 Straightedge or other multi-use razors are prohibited. Only single-use disposable razors and razor
blades shall be used. A new disposable razor or razor blade shall be used for each customer. After use
on one customer, the razor or razor blade shall be discarded in a clearly labelled, rigid-walled, puncture
resistant sharps container. If razor blades are used, the blade holder shall not be used on another
customer until it has been properly cleaned and disinfected.

5.4 No common article may be used on any person except the temporary cover placed over clothing. The
temporary cover shall not touch any skin about the face or neck. This shall be accomplished by placing
a clean cloth, towel or single-use disposable soft paper guard around the customer's neckline before the
temporary cover is wrapped around the customer's neck.

5.5 There shall be as many separate clean towels, cloth neck guards and cloth headrest covers for each
customer as may be required for service to the customer. Once used, towels, cloth neck guards and cloth
headrest covers shall not be reused for another customer until they have been washed and dried.

5.6 Clean towels, cloth neck guards, cloth headrest covers and temporary covers shall be stored in a clean,
dry place protected from contamination.

5.7 After use, or when they become soiled, damp or unclean, towels, cloth neck guards, cloth headrest
covers and temporary covers shall be placed in a nonabsorbent container or washable laundry bag where
they shall be held until they are removed for laundering. Towels, cloth headrest covers and protective
covers shall be washed and dried at the end of each workday (more often if necessary). Laundry
containers and bags shall be cleaned or washed when emptied.

5.8 The headrest shall be covered with a clean cloth or a single-use disposable paper towel prior to use
by each customer.

5.9 The use of styptic pencils is strictly prohibited.

5.10 No powder puff, sponge or wet or dry duster shall be used in any barber or beauty shop.

5.11 All supplies which come in direct contact with a customer that cannot be disinfected (for example, cotton
pads, emery boards, and paper neck strips) shall be disposed of in a waste receptacle immediately after

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Barber and Beauty Shops, SAEHC-S- 13

5.12 Hair cuttings shall be removed from the floor immediately after each customer and shall be placed in a
refuse container lined with a disposable plastic bag. The refuse container shall be covered, preferably
with a pedal activated lift-lid.

5.13 Brushes or other applicators, shall not be used for the application of shaving foams, creams or lotions
to any part of the body including the face, neck or head of customers.

5.14 Do not use nickel-plated equipment with permanent wave solutions containing ammonium
thioglycolate. Use high quality stainless steel or plastic equipment.

5.15 Excess cream, ointment and lotion, once dispensed, shall be discarded as waste.


6.1 Spent wax used for depilation must be discarded as waste and in no circumstances shall be filtered
and reused on another customer. For intact skin, no special procedure is necessary for applying wax.
For broken skin, a disposable spatula or a sterilized metal spatula shall be used. Good personal hygiene
should be observed at all times.

6.2 All nail care and waxing implements that come into direct contact with a client and are not capable of
being sanitized in accordance with this code shall be disposed of in a waste receptacle immediately after

6.3 Products containing liquid methyl methacrylate (MMA) monomer are prohibited.

6.4 Dirty brushes must be cleaned with disposable absorbent paper towels which must be discarded after


1. Hairdressing Beauty Salons: Safety Guidance Sheet, Wyre Borough Council, Poulton-
Le-Fylde, UK (2008).
2. Sanitary and Safety Rules regulating Barber Shops: State of Nebraska (June 2007).
3. Salons and Barber Shops Safety Checklists: Education Safety Association of Ontario
4. Health and Safety in Hairdressing Salons: Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council, UK
5. National Hairdressers Federation, Bedford, UK.
6. Medical Trex, Viaq Emilio Parodi, 2r 17047 Quiliano Savona Italy

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