Speaking Basic Merah

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misterpepsipare FIPSI ENDRAWAN, S.S.,M.Pd.I

Early program to make English SPEAKING skill with closer material into real
English as like Alphabet, Day & Month, Number, Introduction, Direction and
some basic sentences of Present, Past and Future.
~Program ini bagi pemula yang baru belajar bahasa Inggris dengan menata kalimat dengan materi sesuai
dunia nyata seperti spelling, alphabet, day and months, number, introduction (sesuai standar) dan direction.
Kelas ini dilengkapi diskusi topik-topik yang masih sederhana

Alamat kami / Pendaftaran :

Flamboyan Street 143 B Tulungrejo 64212 Pare, Kediri East Java,


Telp :0821.3209.9539 & 0822.3460.3828(office)

Office Hour : 07:00 - 17:00 (Monday – Saturday)
Email : [email protected]
QR Barcode Website : KampungInggrisKita.com
UNIT 1: What’s Your Name?
Can You spell Your name? One, Two, Three


MISTER PEPSI English Camp & Classes | The possibilities are infinite



1. What month is this month? 1. What day is today?

2. What month was last month? 2. What day was yesterday?
3. What month is next month? 3. What day is tomorrow?
4. What month is after May? 4. What day was 2 days ago?
5. What month is before July? 5. What day is 2 days later?
6. What month is the first month? 6. What day were you born?
7. What month is the fifth month? 7. What day do we join flag ceremony?
8. What month were you born? 8. What day do you study English?
9. What month were your mother born? 9. What day do you do exam?
10. What month do we celebrate Kartini’s day? 10. What day do you go to Malang?

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Practice this dialogue with your partner.

Sandra : Hello, good morning.

David : Hi, Good morning.
Sandra : What’s your name?
David : My name is David .
Sandra : Can you spell your name?
David : Yes, I can. D – A – V – I – D
Sandra : My name is Sandra.
David : Can you spell your name ?
Sandra : Yes, I can. S- A – N- D- R- A
David : Where are you from?
Sandra : I'm from Indonesia.
David : And what are you doing here?
Sandra : I'm attending an English Conference. And how about you? Where are you from?
David : I'm from Singapore.
Sandra : Are you attending the English Conference, too?
David : Yes, I am.
Sandra : Well, nice meeting you David.
David : Nice meeting you too, Sandra.

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UNIT 2: Good Morning, How are you doing?


Greeting Response
Hello/Hi Hello/Hi
Good Morning Good Morning
Good Afternoon Good Afternoon
Good Evening Good Evening
Good Night Good Night
Good Day Good Day

Asking Condition Response

How are you? Fine. Thank You
How are you doing? Not so bad. Thanks
What’s the matter? Very well. Thank you
How’s life? Never better today. Thanks

Formal Situation Response
• I would like to introduce myself. My name is ..... It’s a pleasure to meet you
• May I introduce my self? I’m ....... (It’s) nice to meet you
• Excuse me, My name is ..... (I’m) glad to meet you
• Let me introduce myself. My name’s.... Nice to see you
• Allow me to introduce myself. I’m..... Glad to see you
• How do you do? How do you do?

Speaking Tip
"How do you do?" is quite formal for British English speakers and the reply to this question is to repeat the
phrase, "How do you do?" (as strange as that may sound!)

Informal Situation Response

• Have we met before? My name is ..... (I’m) glad to meet you
• I don’t think we’ve met. My name’s... Happy to meet you
• I don’t think you know me. I’m .... Hi, I’m ......

Mr Grey meets Mrs Marie, one of his students, and her husband in the street.

Mr Grey : Good morning, Mrs Marie.

Mrs Marie : Good morning, Mr Bean. How are you?
Mr Grey : I'm fine thanks, and you?
Mrs Marie : Not too bad. Mr Grey, this is my husband Michael, Michael this is Mr Grey my
English teacher.
Mr Michael : Pleased to meet you.
Mr Grey : Pleased to meet you too. Are you from US, Mr Michael?
Mr Michael : Yes, I’m from California. And you, are you from Miami?
Mr Grey : No, I'm from Washington DC, but I live in los Angeles now.
Mrs Marie : Well, goodbye Mr Grey, it was nice to see you.
Mr Grey : Yes, goodbye.

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Formal Situation Response

• I would like to introduce Mr.Richard. It’s a pleasure to meet you
• May I introduce Mr.Richard. (It’s) nice to meet you
• Excuse me, My friend is Mr.Richard. (I’m) glad to meet you
• Let me introduce Mr.Richard. Nice to see you
• Allow me to introduce Mr.Richard. Glad to see you
• This is Mr.Richard. How do you do?

Informal Situation Response

• Have you met before? My friend is Mr.Richard. (I’m) glad to meet you
• I don’t think you’ve met. My friend’s Mr.Richard. Happy to meet you
• I don’t think you know him. He’s Mr.Richard. Hi, I’m ......

Cultural considerations
At work, one person may have higher status – your boss, or a client, for example. It's polite to address them
as Mr / Ms until the situation becomes more informal.
If someone says, "Please call me (Henry)", you know you can use first names. If someone uses your first
name, you can use their first name too.
People in European and English-speaking cultures often shake hands when they meet someone for the first
* Don't forget to smile! :-)


Formal Situation Response

• Would you be interested in coming to Allright, Thank you
the cinema with me tonight?
• Would you like to come to my birthday party? With pleasure, Thank you
• Would you like to join our vacation? I’d like to very much, Thanks
• Would you like to go to my boarding house? I’d like to, but I’m not feeling well today
• Would you like to visit us sometimes? It sounds great
• Would you like to go with me? I’m sorry I can’t go. My mother’s sick

Informal Situation Response

• Are you free next Thursday? Allright, Thank you
• Are you doing anything next weekend? Sure, That sounds like fun
• Do you fancy coming to the cinema with us on Tuesday? Great. I can’t wait
• Let’s go to the shoping mall? What a great idea, thanks
• How about joining us hang out this weekend? Okay
• Why don’t you go tho the course with me? Sure! What's on?
• What about having dinner with our classmate? Fine, see you tonight
• Shall we begin the discuss now? Sorry, we wait

Speaking Tip
It's important to be polite when you decline an invitation. We normally give a reason why we can't do
something and say we're sorry that we can't accept the invitation.

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F. Conversation:
Paul : Hello Steve. Nice to see you again
Steve : Hello Paul. Haven’t seen you for ages. Where have you been?
Paul : I’ve been in Japan as a matter of fact
Steve : And How long have you been there?
Paul : Just over a year
Steve : Going back?
Paul : Yes, I’m leaving the day after tomorrow
Steve : Well, time to go back to work, I suppose. Look, would you have time to drop in
and have a chat with us this evening? I know Merry would be very glad to see
Paul : Thanks, I’d like to very much
Steve : Good. See you tonight then
Paul : Fine

MISTER PEPSI English Camp & Classes | The possibilities are infinite
UNIT 3: What time is it?

A. Questions and Expressions with Time

General Question: WHAT TIME IS IT?

Question with action Answer Words/phrases

When do you.......? I usually/always.....? in the evening
at 9:00
on Mondays

When did you......? I ......(past tense) last night

before class
while I was eating
When will you......?. I will......... tomorrow
When are you going to...? I am going to..... next Tuesday
When do you plan to.....? I plan to ....... in a few days

What time do you......? (same as above) at 7:30

around 4:00
Extended Time

How long do you......? I........ (usually) from 9:00 to 11:00

Ongoing Action

How long have you....?. It takes..... (me) for five days

for two hours
since yesterday

How often do you.....? I have ...... often, usually

always, never
once in a while

Time British American

06.00 am It’s 6 o’clock sharp It’s six o’clock sharp

06.05 am It’s five (minutes) past six It’s six five (minutes)

06.15 am It’s a quarter past six It’s six fifteen (minutes)

06.30 am It’s a half past six It’s six thirty (minutes)

06.35 am It’s twenty-five to seven It’s six thirty five (minutes)

06.45 am It’s a quarter to seven It’s six fourty five (minutes)

06.58 am It’s two minutes to seven It’s six fifty eight

07.00 am It’s seven o’clock It’s seven o’clock

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MISTER PEPSI English Camp & Classes | The possibilities are infinite
UNIT 4: Can You show me the way to ....?

A. Asking for directions

Excuse me. How do I get to (the railway station) please?
Excuse me. Where's the nearest (post office) please?
Excuse me. I'm looking for the Number 6 bus stop.

How do I get to your office?

Can you tell me the best way of getting to your office?
What's the quickest way of getting to your office?
Where are you exactly?

B. Giving for directions

Go straight on / left / right at the lights / at the roundabout /at the junction of … and …
Go past the supermarket
You'll come to / see …
It's the first turning on the right after the bank
You'll see a large sign / roundabout
On your left you'll see an industrial centre / a hospital / the police station
Just after the level crossing / shopping centre (or mall)
Go past the petrol station / the garage
It's about five minutes from here

C. Use prepositions of direction

Go past = continue past something so that is is now behind you
Go across = cross something, like a road or crossroads
Go along = continue down a road
Go straight on = don't turn left or right
Go up = walk / drive up a hill
Go down = walk or drive down a hill or a road
Go through = pass through something, such as a tunnel or a town
Go out of = exit (i.e. a railway station)
It's in front of you = you can see it facing you
It's opposite the bank = it faces the bank
It's on the corner = it's where two roads meet at a 90° angle

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UNIT 5: Tell me your routines, please!
A. Make sentences


Get up Bag Happy Easily
Wake up Book Sad Fluently
Take a bath Shoes Beautiful In the class
Pray Uniform Angry On this evening
Have a breakfast Pencil box Hungry Lovely
Study TV Ugly Deeply
Sweep House Handsome Softly
Wash face Spoon Good Freely
Have brunch Broom Bad Peacefully
Watch Carpet Lucky At noon
Play with friends Frame Awful Happily
Take a nap Glass Sorrow This morning
Take a rest Plate Kind Rudely
Stay up late Pillow Disappointed Fastly

B. Reading Passage

My daily activities

In this occasion, I want to tell you about my daily activities. Every day, I get up early morning. It’s
about 4.30 o’clock. I go to bathroom, wash my face and take wudhu. Then, I do subuh prayer. I
recite holy Quran after prayer for about 5 minutes. After that, I go to bathroom again to take a
bath. After taking a bath, I get dressed and prepare to Mr. Pepsi course. I study at Mr. Pepsi from
07.00 am until 10.00 am. I often have a breakfast in Food stall in front of Mr. Pepsi camp &
course. I seldom take a nap and at 01.00 pm I have a lunch with my friends. I always want to fulfil
my day by doing useful activities. I have dinner at 07.00 pm. After that, I review the lesson from
my teachers. I watch television rarely. I usually go to bed at 10.00 pm. That’s all my explanation
about my daily activities and I say thank you very much for your attention.

C. Sequencing words
First of all, I (packed my suitcase)
Secondly, I …. (made sure I had all my documents)
Previously (before that) ….. I changed some money.
Then… I (called a taxi for the airport)
Later (on)… (when we were stuck in traffic, I realized…)
But before all that… (I had double checked my reservation)
Finally,… (I arrived at the wrong check-in desk at the wrong airport for a flight that didn't go until the
next day

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UNIT 5: Where were you yesterday?

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MISTER PEPSI English Camp & Classes | The possibilities are infinite
UNIT 6: What will you do?

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MISTER PEPSI English Camp & Classes | The possibilities are infinite
UNIT 6: Chatting Topics

1. My biggest concern for the future is...

2. Real wealth is never measured in money or possessions.
3. Conservation is survival.
4. Real love is not the stuff of pop songs.
5. If I were an animal I'd be a...
6. Plants have feelings too.
7. Junk food's popularity relies on marketing.
8. To err is human. To forgive is divine. Discuss.
9. The world is a smaller place these days.
10. The more we communicate, the less we really say.
11. When I grow up...
12. To be grown up is a state of mind.
13. Goals are good for you.
14. The most important lesson of my life so far...
15. Intelligence is not enough.
16. If I ruled the world...
17. Color affects the way people feel.
18. I’ll health begins in the mind.
19. Team sports build strong individuals.
20. Laughter is the best medicine.
21. Fools and their money are easily parted.
22. Discipline is not a dirty word.
23. Beauty is always in the eye of the beholder.
24. Children learn what they live with.
25. Poverty is a state of mind.
26. What characteristics make an ideal hero and why?
27. What and who is an average person?
28. Being young is over-rated.
29. In what situation is lying a good idea?
30. Does money make the world go around?
31. What human quality do we need more of and why?
32. Who has been the most influential person in your life and why?
33. How we look is unimportant. It's who we are on the inside that counts.
34. Fashion victims I have known.
35. Pets are for people who don't have children.
36. Summer is the best and worst of times. Why?
37. The media controls how and what we think.
38. Advertising targeting children is immoral.
39. Talking to someone and talking with someone are two different activities.
40. Real learning doesn't occur in a classroom.
41. What would you rather be - wise or intelligent?
42. True wisdom comes from experience.
43. A sense of humor is essential.
44. Uniforms stifle individuality.
45. What is normal is decided by the society we live in.

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