Test: Waves: Section A: Core

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Test: Waves Class: Name: Date:

Test: Waves Multiple-choice

Section A: Core (3) The velocities of particles A and B are
always the same in magnitude but in
1 A wave is opposite directions.
(1) a sine curve which moves through A (1) only.
B (2) only.
(2) a transfer of material from one place to
C (1) and (2) only.
D (2) and (3) only.
(3) a transfer of energy in the form of
4 Figure c shows a wave in the same section of a
A (2) only.
string at two different instants. What is the
B (3) only. greatest possible period of the wave?
C (1) and (2) only.
D (1), (2) and (3). t = 0.5 s

2 direction of propagation of pulse

t = 0.7 s


Fig a Fig c

In Figure a, when the pulse completely passes A 0.2 s

the cork, the cork will B 0.4 s
A keep oscillating horizontally. C 0.6 s
B keep oscillating vertically. D
D 0.8 s
C jump out of the water surface.
D 5 A longitudinal wave passes through a medium
D remain stationary.
containing a series of particles. Figure d shows
the positions of these particles at a certain
3 A transverse wave travelling from right to left
moment t. The dotted lines are the equilibrium
passes through a series of particles (A to F).
positions of these particles.
The dotted line represents the equilibrium
position of the particles. 0.2 cm

direction of propagation of wave 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12


E F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Fig d

Fig b
Which of the following statements about the
Which of the following statements about the particles is/are correct?
particles is/are correct? (1) Particle 5 is at the centre of rarefaction.
(1) Particles E and F are momentarily at rest. (2) The amplitude of the wave is 0.2 cm.
(2) Particles B and C are moving downwards. (3) The wavelength of the wave is 0.8 cm.

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Class: Name: Date: Test: Waves

A (1) only. Which of the following diagrams best

B (3) only. represents the reflected pulse?

C (1) and (2) only. A B

D (1), (2) and (3).


Fig e

A straight water pulse travels towards a straight

barrier at 45° (Fig e). Which of the following
diagram best represents the reflected pulse?

8 When water waves travel from a shallow region

to a deep region, which of the following
physical quantities of the wave would increase?
(1) Frequency
(2) Wavelength
C D (3) Wave speed
A (1) and (2) only.
B (1) and (3) only.
C (2) and (3) only.
D (1), (2) and (3).

Fig f

A circular pulse is sent towards a straight

barrier in a ripple tank (Fig f ).

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Test: Waves Class: Name: Date:

9 10 compact
source double translucent
slit screen
direction of
travel of
straight water

Fig g B C red
Fig h filter

In Figure g, ABCD represents the boundary of

a rectangular glass block placed in the water of In Figure h, Young's double-slit experiment is
a ripple tank to form a shallow region. A series set up and red fringes are found on the
of straight water waves travels towards AB. screen. If the red filter is replaced by a green
Which of the following diagrams best shows the and a violet one, how will the separation
subsequent wave pattern? between the fringes change as compared with
that of the red fringes?
Green filter Violet filter
A Increase Increase
B Increase Decrease
C Decrease Increase
D Decrease Decrease

B A D 11 Figure i shows six light rays being reflected by

a plane mirror. Three of them are originated
from a point light source which is placed in
front of the mirror. Q is parallel to R and T is
parallel to U.
(Note: diagram is not drawn to scale.)

point light source





plane mirror
Fig i


Which of the following three rays are most

likely emitted from the point light source?
A P, S and U.
B P, Q and R.
C S, T and U.
D Q, R and S.

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Class: Name: Date: Test: Waves

12 15
incident ray

air water

2F F F 2F

path 1
path 2 path 4
path 3

Fig k
Fig j

A light ray is entering an air bubble inside An illuminated object O is initially placed 30
water (Fig j). Which path best represents the cm in front of a convex lens of focal length 25
emerging ray? cm (Fig k). Then the object is moved 10 cm
A Path 1. closer to the lens. Which of the following
B Path 2. statements best describes the image?

C Path 3. A The image becomes infinitely large.

A B The image changes from inverted to
D Path 4.
13 Which of the following effects is/are resulting C The image changes from virtual
from total internal reflection? to real.
(1) Mirage. D The image forms in the opposite
(2) Transmission of signals in optical fibre. side of the object.

(3) Diamonds sparkle when light shines on

A (1) only.
B (1) and (2) only.
C (2) and (3) only.
D (1), (2) and (3).

14 Which of the following MUST be a property of

a real image?
A It is erect.
B It is of the same size as the object.
C It can be picked up on a screen.
D It is as far behind the mirror/
lens as the object is in front.

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Test: Waves Class: Name: Date:

Directions: Each question below consists of two Which of the following statements is/are
statements. Decide whether each of the two correct?
statements is true or false. If both are true, then (1) The amplitude of the longitudinal wave is
decide whether or not the second statement is a 6 cm.
correct explanation of the first statement. Then
(2) The period of one complete oscillation of
select one option A, B, C or D according to the
the particle is 0.2 s.
following table:
(3) The particle is moving from left to right
1st 2nd at time = 0.1 s.
statement statement A (1) only.
A True True 2nd statement is a B (2) only.
correct explanation C (1) and (2) only.
of the 1st statement B
D (2) and (3) only.
B True True 2nd statement is not
a correct explanation E 18
of the 1st statement 1.25 cm

C True False

D False True
Fig m

16 1st statement: A ray of white light is dispersed
by a glass prism into a spectrum of different
2nd statement: Different colours of light have time / s
different refractive indexes in glass.

Section B: Core + Extension Fig n

E 17 Figure l shows the displacement-time graph of

a particle on a longitudinal wave. The Figure m represents a set of circular waves at
displacement of the particle to the right is a certain time instant in a ripple tank. The
taken as positive. lines represent wave crests. Figure n shows
the variation of the displacement of particle P
on the water surface with time. Which of the
displacement / cm
following expressions represents the speed of
the travelling water wave?
A 1.25
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
time / s
B 1.25 × 0.25

-2 1.25
Fig l 1.25

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Class: Name: Date: Test: Waves

E 19 C CRO reading

to power P
supply C.R.O
Y receiver

position of
transmitter P Q receiver
D CRO reading
Fig o

In Figure o, two 3-cm microwave transmitters

X and Y are connected to a low voltage power
supply. A receiver is connected to a CRO.
position of
When the receiver moves from P to Q, where P Q receiver D
P lies on the centre line between X and Y, the
reading of the CRO varies as shown in
E 20
Figure p.
CRO reading


position of
P Q receiver

Fig p

Which of the following figures best shows the Fig q

display of CRO when the frequency is
Jenny can hear the voice of Annie but cannot
A CRO reading see the light of her torch because
A sound is a kind of mechanical wave while
light is a kind of electromagnetic wave.
B sound wave is a longitudinal wave while
light is a transverse wave.
position of
P Q receiver C sound wave can diffract while light wave
B CRO reading
D the wavelength of the sound is
comparable to the width of the door
while that of light wave is much smaller.

position of
P Q receiver

© Oxford University Press 2003 New Physics at Work 91

Test: Waves Class: Name: Date:

E 21 Figure r shows the traces on a CRO of four Directions: Each question below consists of two
notes produced by different musical statements. Decide whether each of the two
instruments. (Note: The settings of the CRO statements is true or false. If both are true, then
remain unchanged.) decide whether or not the second statement is a
correct explanation of the first statement. Then
(1) 4
4 select one option A, B, C or D according to the
3 3

2 2 following table:
1 1

0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1st 2nd
–2 –2 statement statement
–3 –3

–4 –4 A True True 2nd statement is a

correct explanation
of the 1st statement
(3) 4
3 3 B True True 2nd statement is not
2 2 a correct explanation
1 1
of the 1st statement
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
–1 –1
–2 –2 C True False
–3 –3
–4 –4

Fig r D False True

Which pair of traces represent the same

A (1) and (3). E 23 1st statement: We can hear ultrasound if the
amplitude of the ultrasound is large enough.
B (1) and (4).
2nd statement: The larger the amplitude of a
C (2) and (3).
wave, the larger is the energy carried by the
D (2) and (4). wave.
E 22 Which of the following statements about
sound is correct?
(1) Loudness is measured in decibel (dB).
(2) When the sound intensity level is zero,
the amplitude of the sound wave is zero.
(3) Constant exposure to loud noise can
cause loss of hearing.
A (1) only.
B (1) and (3) only.
C (2) and (3) only.
D (1), (2) and (3).

92 New Physics at Work © Oxford University Press 2003

Class: Name: Date: Test: Waves

Test: Waves Conventional

Section A: Core

1 A continuous straight water wave is approaching a straight barrier at an angle (Fig a). Page total

incident wavefronts

angle of
incidence =
angle of
direction of
travel of barrier (1A)
incident reflected
normal to the
direction of

Fig a

(a) On Figure a, draw how the incident wavefronts are reflected by the barrier. (Draw
the reflected wavefronts and their direction of travel.) (2 marks)

(b) The straight barrier is then replaced by two slits as shown in Figure b.

Waves bends
around the
edges of the
slits into the
A circular waves
N are formed.
A Correct
N of nodal and
A antinodal lines.

Fig b

(i) In Figure b, draw the pattern of the water waves after they pass through the
slits. Draw the nodal and antinodal lines as well. (2 marks)

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Test: Waves
Wave Class: Name: Date:

(ii) Explain how the pattern in (i) is formed.

(2 marks)
Page total
The pattern shows places of strong waves and calm water. Places of strong waves are

where waves emerging from the two slits reinforce each other; (1A)

places of calm water are where the waves cancel each other. (1A)

2 A radar transmitter sends out a narrow beam of microwaves (with wavelength 2 cm)
in short pulses. It is reflected by an aircraft (Fig c). Figure d shows the transmitted
pulse P1 and the echo (reflected) pulse P2 displayed on an oscilloscope.
(Given that the speed of electromagnetic waves is 3 × 108 m s–1.)

Fig c

P1 P2

1 cm

time base setting: 10 µ s cm–1

Fig d

(a) Explain briefly why the reflected pulse displayed on the oscilloscope has a
smaller amplitude than the transmitted pulse. (2 marks)

The transmitted microwave pulse is partly diffracted and partly reflected on reaching the

aircraft. (1A)

Therefore, only part of the energy of the transmitted pulse is reflected back to the receiver. (1A)

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Class: Name: Date: Test: Waves

(b) Find the time interval between the transmission of the pulse and reception of the
reflected pulse. (1 mark)
Page total
Time interval = 6 × 1 × 10–5

= 6 × 10–5 s (1A)

(c) What is the distance of the aircraft from the radar station? (2 marks)

Distance = speed × time

6 × 10–5
= (3 × 108) × (1M)

= 9000 m (1A)

(d) What is the frequency of the microwaves? (2 marks)

By f = (1M)
3 × 108

= 1.5 × 1010 Hz (1A)

(e) State another application of microwave. (1 mark)

Any one of the following: (1A)

Microwave oven, Satellite communication

3 An illuminated letter 'F' is placed in front of a lens as shown in Figure e. Figure f

shows what the observer sees.

F 1A for each

lens correct ray
(withhold 1
mark for dotted
eye lines or with
Fig f
For the image

Fig e

Is the lens concave or convex? Draw on graph paper a ray diagram to show how the
image of the letter ‘F’ is formed. (4 marks)

It is a convex lens. (1A) Go on to the next page

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Test: Waves
Wave Class: Name: Date:

Section B: Core + Extension

4 Ivan wants to produce a spectrum of white light using a 45° – 90° – 45° prism. He Page total
directs a ray of white light at side AB of the glass prism as shown in Figure g.

The ray is
A totally
reflected at
AC and
leaves the
prism at BC.


Fig g

E (a) (i) In Figure g, complete the path of the ray through and out of the prism.
(1 mark)
*(ii) Explain why Ivan cannot produce a spectrum in this way. (4 marks)

(b) The student then uses a 90° – 60° – 30° prism and directs a ray of white light into
the prism as shown in Figure h.

The ray bend
away from
normal at AC.
A spectrum is
formed on
the screen,
with red at
the upper
end and
red violet at the
blue lower end.

Fig h

(i) In Figure h, complete the path of the ray to show how this prism produces
a spectrum on the screen. Mark on the diagram the colour at the two ends
of the spectrum. (2 marks)
(ii) The refractive index of the glass is 1.510 for red light and 1.521 for blue light.
Calculate the angle between the red and blue light emerging from the prism.
(4 marks) Go on to the next page

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Class: Name: Date: Test: Waves

(a) (ii) The ray is totally internally reflected at AC. (1A)

There is no bending of light ray when the ray enters side AB of the prism Page total

(at an angle of incidence = 90°) (1A)

and leaves from side BC. (1A)

For effective communication (1C)

sin i
(b) (ii) By ng = , (1M)
sin r

For red light, sin θR = 1.510 sin 30°

⇒ θR = 49.0° (1A)

For blue light, sin θB = 1.521 sin 30°

⇒ θB = 49.5° (1A)

The angle between the red and blue light is

θB – θR = 0.50° (1A)

(iii) The red light and the violet light are very closed together when emerging
from the prism. In Figure i, complete the path of the ray to show how these
two rays can be made further apart with the same apparatus. (3 marks)

30° Direct the ray at

side AB of the
prism at an
angle other than
red 90° (1A)
such that there is
refraction at both
blue AB (1A)
and AC (1A)


Fig i Go on to the next page

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Test: Waves
Wave Class: Name: Date:

E 5 Figure j shows two loudspeakers, A and B, connected to the same signal generator
which is set to give sound waves with a wavelength of 0.4 m. Initially, only A is
switched on. Page total

loudspeaker A
2.4 m
signal generator

B 2.8 m

Fig j

(a) If B is also switched on, what happens to the loudness of the sound heard at point
P? Explain briefly. (3 marks)

The loudness of the sound at P increases (doubles). (1A)

Path difference at P = 2.8 m – 2.4 m = 0.4 m (1M)


So constructive interference occurs at P. (1A)

(b) Figure k shows the displacement-time graph of an air molecule at P when only
loudspeaker A is switched on.

displacement / cm

time / s

Fig k

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Class: Name: Date: Test: Waves

(i) In Figure l, draw the displacement-time graph of that air molecule when
loudspeaker B is also switched on.
(ii) In Figure m, draw the displacement-time graph of that air molecule when Page total
the signal generator halves the frequency of the output signal and both
loudspeakers are switched on.
(3 marks)

displacement / cm

doubles (1A)
time / s

Fig l

displacement / cm

time / s
zero amplitude

Fig m


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