Factors Affecting Rate of Penetration

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E-323 : Drilling Engineering

Instructor: Engr. Azam khan

Teaching Assistant : Engr. Muhammad Awais Qureshi
 Footage drilled per unit time is ROP
 The speed at which drill bit breaks the rock under it to deepens the borehole.
 The speed of a drill bit or a clean-out nozzle in penetrating a formation or a
wellbore deposit.

 Usually reported in (ft/hr) or (m/hr)

Factors Affecting ROP 6/24/2021 2

Bit Type

Formation characteristics

Drilling Fluid Properties

Bit Operating Condition

Bit Tooth Wear

Bit Hydraulic

Factors Affecting ROP 6/24/2021 3

Rolling cutter bits
 The initial penetration rates for shallow depths
are often highest when using bits with long
teeth and a large cone offset angle.
 Soft Formations - These bits are practical only in soft
 Hard Formations- Rapid tooth wear and sudden decline in
penetration rate.

Factors Affecting ROP 6/24/2021 4

Diamond and PDC bits
 Drag bits are designed to obtain given penetration
selection of the size and number of diamonds or PDC
The width and number of cutters can be used to compute
the effective number of blades
 The PDC bits perform best in soft, firm, and medium-
hard, nonabrasive formations that are not “gummy”.

Factors Affecting ROP 6/24/2021 5

 Compressive strength
 Hardness and/or abrasiveness
 State of underground stress (overburden pressure, etc.)
 Elasticity
 Stickiness or balling tendency
 Permeability
 Fluid content and interstitial pressure
 Porosity

Factors Affecting ROP 6/24/2021 6

 Hard Abrasives Mineral- Rocks containing hard abrasive
minerals can cause rapid dulling of the bit teeth.

 Gummy clay minerals – Rocks containing gummy clay

minerals can cause the bit to ball up and drill in very
inefficient manner

Factors Affecting ROP 6/24/2021 7

 In permeable rocks, the drilling fluid filtrate can move into the rock ahead of the
bit and equalize the pressure differential acting on the chips formed beneath each

 The nature of the fluid contained in the pore space of the rock also affects this
mechanism since more filtrate volume would be required to equalize the pressure in
a rock containing gas than in a rock containing liquid.

Factors Affecting ROP 6/24/2021 8

 When drilling is initiated, a threshold
force or bit weight W has to be
 Threshold force can be found when
plotting drilling rates as a function of
bit weight per diameter ( W/dt) and
then extrapolated back to zero drilling
 The laboratory correlation obtained in
this manner is shown in Fig.

Factors Affecting ROP 6/24/2021 9

 Drilling fluid density,
 Rheological flow properties,
 Filtration characteristics,
 Solids content and distribution,
 Chemical composition.

Factors Affecting ROP 6/24/2021 10

Penetration rate decreases with
increasing fluid density, viscosity and
solids content.

Penetration rate increases with increasing

filtration rate.
Better Cleansing of the bottom hole
Factors Affecting ROP 6/24/2021 11
 The content of solids particles with a size less than 1 [µm] influence the ROP
dramatically since they are plugging off filtration below the bit.
 Effecting the Bottom hole cleaning and resulting in decreasing ROP.

 The chemical composition of the fluid has an effect on penetration rate is that
the hydration rate and bit balling tendency of some clays are affected by the
chemical composition of the fluid.

Factors Affecting ROP 6/24/2021 12

 The penetration rate is largely dependent on the
differential pressure.
 The effective differential pressure at the bottom of the
hole does not only have an influence to the cutting
action, it also influences the chip removal and
therefore the cleaning of the bottom hole.
 It should be noted that a change in differential pressure
when it is low causes a large change in ROP, when the
differential pressure is high, a change of it influences
the penetration rate only slightly.

Factors Affecting ROP 6/24/2021 13

 A typical plot of penetration rate versus bit weight
obtained experimentally with all other drilling
variables held constant is shown in Fig.
Point a:
 No significant penetration rate is obtained
until the threshold bit weight is applied.
Segment (a-b) :
 Penetration rate increases with increasing
values of bit weight.

Factors Affecting ROP 6/24/2021 14

(Segment b-c):
 As the weight on bit values are increased, a higher increase in ROP is
Segment c-d:
 after a certain value of bit weight, subsequent increase in bit weight
causes only slight improvements in penetration rate.
Segment d-e:
 In some cases, a decrease in penetration rate is observed at extremely
high values of bit weight. This type of behavior often is called bit

Factors Affecting ROP 6/24/2021 15

 A typical plot of penetration rate versus
rotary speed obtained with all other
drilling variables held constant is shown
in Fig.
 Segment a-b :
 Penetration rate usually increases linearly
with an increase in rotary speed.

 Segment b-c:
 After a certain rotary speed value, the
increase in ROP decelerates as rotation speed
is increased.

Factors Affecting ROP 6/24/2021 16

 Most bits tend to drill slower as the drilling time elapses because of
tooth wear.
 Rolling Cutter Bits
 The tooth length of milled tooth rolling cutter bits is reduced continually by
abrasion and chipping.
 Tungsten Carbide insert Type -Bits
 The teeth of tungsten carbide insert-type rolling cutter bits and PDC bits fail by
breaking rather than by abrasion. Often, the entire tooth is lost when breakage
 The reduction of ROP is generally less severe for insert bits as for
milled tooth bits unless a large number of teeth are broken during
the bit run.
Factors Affecting ROP 6/24/2021 17
 Significant improvements in penetration rate could be achieved by
a proper jetting action at the bit.
 The impact force (the force striking against the bottom of the
borehole) developed by jetting the drilling-fluid through the bit
nozzles is important in the cleaning of the cutting (crushed rock
debris) at the bottom of the borehole.
 The improved jetting action promoted better cleaning of the bit
face as well as the hole bottom.
 To improve the cleaning capacity of the bit extended nozzles are
often applied where the discharging nozzle ends are closer to the
hole bottom.
 Extended nozzles are mounted on the drilling bit, a center jet
must also be used to prevent bit balling in soft formations.

Factors Affecting ROP 6/24/2021 18

 When a low WOB is applied and drilling rates are low, the required hydraulics for
efficient hole cleaning is small.
 When the WOB is increased and the well is drilled faster, efficient hydraulic
programs have to be followed to realize the higher penetration rates.

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Factors Affecting ROP 6/24/2021 20

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