Kings Forge Glassworks

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Game Overview
Glassworks is an expansion for King’s
Forge. It is recommended that players
already be familiar with the rules to
King’s Forge before incorporating this
expansion. This expansion adds:
 A new Crafting material, Glass dice
 A new permanent Gathering
location, the Glassworks, with its own
special rules.
 New Gather and Craft cards; many
of which prominently feature the new
Glass mechanic.
Due to the large number of
applicant inquiries for the Components
position of King’s Forge, King
Sedwickson III is raising 28 Dice
the minimal qualifications.  26 blue-green translucent “GLASS”
In addition to the requisite  2 yellow 8-sided for the “Academy”
of two years of college level Gather card
courses (or applicable real
world experience) the King is
now calling for applicants to 32 Cards
have previous employment  24 Craft cards
experience as Glaziers  8 Gather Cards
(Glaciers need not apply).
6 Glassworks tiles

Forge (as well as all of the Gather cards
Glass included in other expansions, if desired).
King’s Forge: Glassworks includes a Add seven Gather cards (ten in a 5-player/
brand new material type: Glass. Players Apprentices game) from this deck to the
can obtain this new resource through the two Mine and Forest cards to form the
Glassworks tiles and select Gather cards. Gather deck as normal.
Glass dice are identical in function to the
other four basic types of dice, with the one Place the Glass dice in an easy-to-reach
exception of being “spent” when used to location near the other dice supplies.
successfully Craft an item. Glass dice may
be used to fulfill the following costs on Lastly, shuffle the six Glassworks tiles and
any Gather card: return three of them to the game box,
as these tiles will not be used this game.
Place the remaining three in an easy-
to-reach location around the play area
Setup (preferably somewhere below the docks).
When playing with the Glassworks Note: When playing a 2-player game, only
expansion, be sure to shuffle in the place two Glassworks tiles out and return
Glassworks Craft cards into the Craft deck four to the game box.
before the start of the game. The Craft
deck will be constructed as normal, but
will contain a random number of “glass”
cards in it each game.

After separating the two Mines and

two Forests, shuffle in the Gather cards
included with Glassworks (denoted with
the in their lower right corner) to the
rest of the Gather cards included in King’s

Glassworks Tiles next player in normal clockwise fashion.
No other player may use the same Glass-
During Play works ability that was already chosen by
Several Gather cards included in King’s
another player, but players may use the
Forge: Glassworks will give players the
ability listed on the unused half of a tile.
opportunity to obtain Glass dice through
Spent dice should be left on the Glass-
normal means. However, the primary
works tiles until the Clean-up phase.
way of obtaining glass is through visiting
the Glassworks tiles (do note that only
Glass dice may be used to fulfill the cost
3 of the Glassworks tiles will be used in
of any Gathering phase ability with an
each game of King’s Forge). On a given
or icon. Furthermore, certain Gather
player’s turn during the Gathering phase,
cards require Glass dice be used (as
that player may decide to visit the Glass-
denoted by ) Furthermore, cards and
works and select one of the six abilities.
abilities that provide players with ANY
That player pays the cost of the selected
dice type can choose Glass as that type.
ability (note: costs MAY be paid for
This includes cards such as the Library
using Glass dice), and then receives the
and Conjurer. See the Appendix on page
shown amount of Glass dice. Acquired
6 for more information to clarify Glass’
Glass dice go to a player’s Smithy tile as
interaction with specific Gather cards.
Similarly to the other four major dice
Taking this action is equivalent to visiting
types, Glass dice are considered to be
The Docks. After a player receives his
FINITE in the supply. If players run out,
Glass dice, they must discard one of
no Glass dice can be gained until some is
the face-up Gather cards from play and
returned to the supply.
place it face-down in front of them. A
new Gather card is revealed from the
See the next page for the possible Glass-
Gather deck. If there are no Gather cards
works locations.
available, a player may not visit any of
the Glassworks tiles. Play proceeds to the

Crafting with Glass
Using Glass during the Crafting phase
is different than using other dice. After
completing a craft item using one or
more Glass dice, the Glass dice are
returned to the Stock at the end of the
round. All other dice are returned to a
player’s Smithy tile as normal. Whenever
a player’s Glass dice are replaced by an-
other player’s dice (i.e. during a “Steal”),
these dice are returned to that player’s
Smithy Tile and NOT to the general

New Craft Cards

King’s Forge: Glassworks introduces 18
new Craft cards that are designed to be
shuffled in to your King’s Forge base
deck. These new Craft cards all require
at least one Glass die. If you do include
these cards, it is required that you also
include the Glassworks tiles and highly
recommended that you include the
Glassworks Gathering cards into your set
of possible Gathering cards before game

Glassworks Gather the yellow die to the Stock. The yellow dice
are not meant to be finite; if more than
Card Overview one player is in possession of this ability
King’s Forge: Glassworks includes 8 new
(e.g. a second player copies this card using
Gather Cards to diversify your game.
the Workshop Gather card and the Uma
These cards are welcome to be shuffled in
apprentice card is in play), substitute dice
with your non-Forest/non-Mine Gather
may be used.
cards before the start of every game. Rules
clarifications are listed below.
TOP: Allocate one Gem or Magic die and one
die of any type to move one Gem die from
TOP: Allocate five dice of any type(s)
the Stock to your Smithy tile. The allocated
to move one Gem die and one Magic
die is returned to you during Clean-up.
die from the Stock to your Smithy tile.
All spent dice are returned to the Stock
BOTTOM: When a player claims the
during Clean-up.
Bank card, they must place X number of
their unused dice on it immediately (X
BOTTOM: Allocate three dice of any
can be “0”). At any point during the rest
type(s); two of these will be returned to the
of the round, that player may remove a die
Stock during Clean-up. During Crafting,
from Bank and place it on their Smithy
roll the 8-sided yellow die alongside any
tile to add 1 pip to any one die. This effect
other unused dice you have. You may use
may be repeated on the same, or different
abilities to modify it and use it as ANY
dice. Do note that this would allow a
TYPE. Note that the value of the die can
player may move dice from Bank to their
be 8 or higher! This may result in making
Smithy tile during the Gather phase, and
a Crafted item VERY DIFFICULT to
then also use the Astrologer card during
steal by the other players, though not
the start of the Crafting phase to retrieve
impossible with enough bonuses. At
the dice on their Smithy Tile and roll
the end of the round, make sure to return
them during Crafting.

Cellar BOTTOM: Allocate one die of any type;
TOP: Allocate four dice of any type(s) to this die will be returned to the Stock during
move one gem die and one wood die from Clean-up. Until the end of the round, you
the Stock to your Smithy tile. Three of the may activate this card to increase one
dice are returned to the Stock and one to rolled die by two pips and an additional
you during Clean-up. rolled die by one pip. These bonuses
may not be combined or saved to use at
BOTTOM: Allocate one die of any type different times. For instance, if you rolled a
to place one Glass die directly into your “1” when using the Laboratory card during
Supply. Additionally, you may increase the Gathering phase, you can use the “+2”
the pip value on any one rolled die this to increase this die to “3,” but may not use
the “+1” for anything else this round.
round by one.
TOP: Take two Glass dice from the
TOP: Allocate three dice of any type(s) Stock and place them into your Supply.
to move two Glass dice from the Stock to Then, following in clockwise order, each
your Smithy tile. Spent dice are returned opponent takes two Glass dice from
to your Smithy Tile during Clean-up. the Stock and places them onto their
respective Smithy Tiles. Remember, Glass
BOTTOM: Allocate nine dice of any dice are finite and not all players may gain
type(s) to place four Metal dice directly their requisite number of dice.
into your Supply. The allocated dice are
returned to you during Clean-up. BOTTOM: Allocate one Glass die which
will be returned to the Stock during
Furnace Clean-up. At any time during the rest of
TOP: Allocate two dice of any type, and the round, you may use this ability to re-
one wood die to move three Glass dice roll ANY NUMBER of just-rolled dice.
from the Stock to your hand. The wood die
is returned to the Stock during Clean-up.

Laboratory BOTTOM: Allocate five dice of any
TOP: Allocate one Glass die and then roll type(s) to move one Magic die from the
any die available (this die can be borrowed Stock to your Smithy tile. In clockwise
from any player’s supply, Smithy Tile, or order, all opponents then move one
the Stock as long as this die is returned Metal die from the Stock to each of their
to the place it came from). The rolled die respective Supplies. It is possible that all
may be affected by modifiers. If the players may not receive a Metal die if the
resulting roll is 1-3, place a Wood die Stock runs out, as each of the main dice
onto your Smithy Tile. If it is 4-6, place a types is finite.
Gem die onto Your Smithy Tile. The spent
Glass die is returned to the Stock during
BOTTOM: Your unused Glass dice may Designer - Nick Sibicky
be used as Metal, Wood, or Gem types Art - Denis Martynets
during Crafting this round. However, Art Direction - Dann May
please note that whenever Glass is used Graphic Design -Dann May,
to fulfill the requirements on a Craft Jonathan Kirtz and Cody Jones
card, it is returned to the Stock during Publisher - Game Salute
Clean-up and NOT back to a player’s
Smithy Tile. These glass dice are returned
whether or not they were placed on a
“Glass” space on a Craft card. See rules
section above for more clarifications.

TOP: Take a Glass die from the Stock and
place it onto your Smithy Tile.

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