Class 10 Agriculturerevision Vsa

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Class 10 Agriculture

Revision of Very Short Answers

Q1) Define the term ‘agriculture’
Ans: The science or practice of cultivating soil and rearing animals is known as agriculture.

Q2) What is called Jhumming cultivation in Madhya Pradesh ?

Ans-The jhumming cultivation in Madhya Pradesh is
called ‘ Bewar’ or ‘Dahiya’

Q3) Name the states of India where intensive subsistence farming is practiced.
Ans-With increasing population, the pressure on land is continuously increasing. Therefore, in all the
densely populated states of India intensive cultivation has become a norm eg. in Haryana, Uttar
Pradesh, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh and Gujarat.

Q4)what is the main characteristic of commercial agriculture?

Ans-The main characteristic of commercial farming is the use of higher doses of modern
inputs like HYV seeds, commercial fertilizers, insecticides and pesticides in order to
obtain higher productivity.

Q5) Give an example of a crop which may be commercial in one region and may provide
subsistence cropin another region.
Ans- Rice is a commercial crop in Haryana and Punjab, but in Orissa it is a subsistence crop.

Q6) What is meant by leguminous plants?

Ans- Leguminous plants are those plants that help to restore the fertility of the soil as their small
nodesabsorb nitrogen from the air and fix it into the soil. All pulses are leguminous.

Q7) What is sericulture?

Ans -The rearing of silk worms for the production of silk is called sericulture

Q8) What is horticulture?

Ans - Intensive cultivation of fruits, flowers andvegetables for thecommercial purpose is known as

Q9) Name the short cropping season practiced in India. Name some crops grown in this period.
Ans-Zaid is the season and watermelon, muskmelon, cucumber, vegetables and fodder crops are
grown in this season.

Q10) Whatis called as the ‘golden fibre’ of India? What is its importance?
Ans-Jute is called the golden fibre of India and it is used to make gunny bags, mats, ropes and yarns

Q11) Name the important millets grown in this area.

Ans-Jowar, bajra and ragi are the important millets grown In India.

Q12) Why is there enormous pressure on agricultural land in intensive subsistence

Ans-The right of inheritance leading to the division of land among successive generations has
rendered land–
holding size uneconomical. The famers continue to take maximum output from the limited land in
the absence of alternative sources of livelihood.
Thus there is enormous pressure on agricultural land.
Q13) Which is the most classic example of plantation crop grown in India? Name its 2 major
producing states.
Ans-Tea is the most classic example of plantation crop grown in India. Its 2 major planting states are
Assam and West Bengal.

Q14) Which variety of coffee is mainly grown in India?

Ans-Arabica coffee is mainly grown in India.

Q15) What is the other name for White Revolution?

Ans-Operation flood is the other name for white revolution.

Q16) Name the 4 major fibre crops grown in India.

Ans-Cotton, jute, hemp and natural silk are the 4major fibre crops in India. The first 3 are derived
from the crops grown in the soil, the latter is obtained from cocoons of the silkworms fed on green
leaves specially mulberry.

Q17) What is the significance of organic farming?

Ans-This farming is important because it is practised without factorymade chemicals such as
fertilisers and
pesticides. Hence, it does not affectenvironment in a negative manner.

Q18) Name the two crops which were used as a raw material for the textile industries in Britain
during colonisation.
Ans- Cotton & indigo

Q19) What is the position of India among the world’s rice producer?
Ans – Our country is the 2nd largest producer of rice in the world after china.

Q20) Name the cereal crop of India which is used both as a food and fodder
Ans-Maize is the cereal crop of India which is used both as a food and fodder.

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