Island For Sale

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Pack ISBN: 978-1-4058-5201-2

Book ISBN: 978-1-4058-5045-2
CD-ROM ISBN: 978-1-4058-5046-9

First edition published2000

This edition published2007

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Texc copyright© Penguin Books Ltd2000

This edition copyright© Pearson Education Ltd 2007
Illustrations by Victor Rjvas Villa

Ser in 12.5/ I6pt A. Garamond

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Island for Sale
Anne Collins

Level 1

Series Editors: Andy Hopkins and Jocelyn Potter

Activities 1

- What's the book about?

1 Look at the picture on the front of this book. What country is this
story about?
• Italy • Japan • Mexico • Scotland • India • Russia
2 Talk about the people in the pictures. What do they like? What do you
think? Put ticks(✓) under A or B.


lot of money ✓

big new houses

old castles

expensive cars

long holidays

quiet evenings



111B What happens first?

Look at the words at the bottom of page 1. What are they in your
language? T hen look at the pictures. What do you think? Put the right
words in these sentences.
1 Lana is ................................ . I a town a country an island

2 Duncan lives in an old ................................ . house hotel castle

friend boat dog

3 Jock is Duncan's ................................

4 Duncan likes ............................... . running fishing reading

5 The things in the castle are very

new old expensive
Island for Sale


T here are many islands in the sea near Scotland. This story is
about one of these islands. The name of the island is Lana.
Lana isn't big, but it's very beautiful. It's very quiet, too. There are
no houses or roads or cars on Lana. But there's a castle. The castle is
very old.
A young Scotsman lives in the castle. The Scotsman's name is
Duncan McTavish. Duncan lives in the castle with his dog, Jock.
Duncan is very happy on his island. He likes going for walks with
Jock. He likes swimming and fishing in his little boat.
There are many big rooms in
Duncan's castle. They have a lot of
old things in them - pictures and
heavy tables, chairs and beds.
In winter the castle is very cold
and dark. Duncan puts on a lot of
electric lights in all the rooms.

sale /se1I/ (n) This boat is for sale. Do you want to buy it?
island /'a,1:md/ (n) There are a lot of islands in the North Sea.

dog /dog/ (n) Who is going to take the dog for a walk?
fish /frJ/ (v/n) He likes fishing in the river at weekends.
electric /i'lektnk/ (adj) There are no electric lights in the house; there is no electricity here.
Leaping Larry says, 'We want to see the island.'
'OK,' Duncan says. 'We can go in my boat.'
Duncan, Larry and Roxanne get into Duncan's boat. Jock gets in,
too. Bobo is with Roxanne.
It's a beautiful day, but Roxanne isn't happy.

G Now make sentences with the words. Write them here.

Visit the famous island of Lana!

Stay in a Scottish castle and
paint beautiful pictures!


About the castle

About the holidays

Please come and visit us. Bring your friends too!

Jean and Duncan McTavish,
·n\e Castle, lslanc\ of Lana, Scotland
~ - - -- -

Anne Collins
British English
Duncan McTavish and his dog, Jock, live in a castle on a
Scottish island. One day, Duncan gets a letter from the
electricity company. They want £5,000. But Duncan
doesn't have the money. He can do only one thing:
sell his island. Is a famous rock star going to buy it?

Level 1200 headwords Pre-intermediate

Level 4 1700 headwords Intermediate

Cover illustration by Victor Rivas Villa




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