Circ 1139

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Ground water and surface water a single resource: U

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Judson W. Harvey William M. Alley

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Ground Water
Surface Water
A Single Resource
U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1139

by Thomas C. Winter
Judson W. Harvey
O. Lehn Franke
William M. Alley

Denver, Colorado
Thomas J. Casadevall, Acting Director

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Free on application to the

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publications Data

Ground water and surface water : a single resource /

by Thomas C. Winter . . . [et al.].
p. cm. -- (U.S. Geological Survey circular : 1139)
Includes bibliographical references.
1. Hydrology. I. Winter, Thomas C. II. Series.
GB661.2.G76 1998 98–2686
553.7—dc21 CIP
ISBN 0–607–89339–7

T raditionally, management of water resources has focused on surface water or ground water as if they were
separate entities. As development of land and water resources increases, it is apparent that development of either of
these resources affects the quantity and quality of the other. Nearly all surface-water features (streams, lakes, reser-
voirs, wetlands, and estuaries) interact with ground water. These interactions take many forms. In many situations,
surface-water bodies gain water and solutes from ground-water systems and in others the surface-water body is a
source of ground-water recharge and causes changes in ground-water quality. As a result, withdrawal of water from
streams can deplete ground water or conversely, pumpage of ground water can deplete water in streams, lakes, or
wetlands. Pollution of surface water can cause degradation of ground-water quality and conversely pollution
of ground water can degrade surface water. Thus, effective land and water management requires a
clear understanding of the linkages between ground water and surface water as it applies to any given hydrologic
This Circular presents an overview of current understanding of the interaction of ground water and surface
water, in terms of both quantity and quality, as applied to a variety of landscapes across the Nation. This Circular is a
product of the Ground-Water Resources Program of the U.S. Geological Survey. It serves as a general educational
document rather than a report of new scientific findings. Its intent is to help other Federal, State, and local agencies
build a firm scientific foundation for policies governing the management and protection of aquifers and watersheds.
Effective policies and management practices must be built on a foundation that recognizes that surface water and
ground water are simply two manifestations of a single integrated resource. It is our hope that this Circular will
contribute to the use of such effective policies and management practices.


Robert M. Hirsch
Chief Hydrologist

Preface VI
Introduction 1
Natural processes of ground-water and surface-water interaction 2
The hydrologic cycle and interactions of ground water and surface water 2
Interaction of ground water and streams 9
Interaction of ground water and lakes 18
Interaction of ground water and wetlands 19
Chemical interactions of ground water and surface water 22
Evolution of water chemistry in drainage basins 22
Chemical interactions of ground water and surface water in streams, lakes, and wetlands 23
Interaction of ground water and surface water in different landscapes 33
Mountainous terrain 33
Riverine terrain 38
Coastal terrain 42
Glacial and dune terrain 46
Karst terrain 50
Effects of human activities on the interaction of ground water and surface water 54
Agricultural development 54
Irrigation systems 57
Use of agricultural chemicals 61
Urban and industrial development 66
Drainage of the land surface 67
Modifications to river valleys 68
Construction of levees 68
Construction of reservoirs 68
Removal of natural vegetation 69
Modifications to the atmosphere 72
Atmospheric deposition 72
Global warming 72
Challenges and opportunities 76
Water supply 76
Water quality 77
Characteristics of aquatic environments 78
Acknowledgments 79

Box A -- Concepts of ground water, water table, and flow systems 6

Box B -- The ground-water component of streamflow 12

Box C -- The effect of ground-water withdrawals on surface water 14

Box D -- Some common types of biogeochemical reactions affecting transport of chemicals in

ground water and surface water 24

Box E -- Evolution of ground-water chemistry from recharge to discharge areas in the Atlantic
Coastal Plain 26

Box F -- The interface between ground water and surface water as an environmental entity 28

Box G -- Use of environmental tracers to determine the interaction of ground water and
surface water 30

Box H -- Field studies of mountainous terrain 36

Box I -- Field studies of riverine terrain 40

Box J -- Field studies of coastal terrain 44

Box K -- Field studies of glacial and dune terrain 48

Box L -- Field studies of karst terrain 52

Box M-- Point and nonpoint sources of contaminants 56

Box N -- Effects of irrigation development on the interaction of ground water and surface water 58

Box O -- Effects of nitrogen use on the quality of ground water and surface water 62

Box P -- Effects of pesticide application to agricultural lands on the quality of ground water and
surface water 64

Box Q -- Effects of surface-water reservoirs on the interaction of ground water and surface water 70

Box R -- Effects of the removal of flood-plain vegetation on the interaction of ground water and
surface water 71

Box S -- Effects of atmospheric deposition on the quality of ground water and surface water 74

• Understanding the interaction of ground water realization that ground water and surface water
and surface water is essential to water managers are essentially one resource.
and water scientists. Management of one
• In some regions, the water released from reser-
component of the hydrologic system, such as a
voirs decreases in volume, or is delayed signifi-
stream or an aquifer, commonly is only partly
cantly, as it moves downstream because some
effective because each hydrologic component is of the released water seeps into the stream-
in continuing interaction with other compo- banks. These losses of water and delays
nents. The following are a few examples of in traveltime can be significant, depending
common water-resource issues where under- on antecedent ground-water and streamflow
standing the interconnections of ground water conditions as well as on other factors such as
and surface water is fundamental to develop- the condition of the channel and the presence of
ment of effective water-resource management aquatic and riparian vegetation.
and policy.
• Storage of water in streambanks, on flood
plains, and in wetlands along streams reduces
WATER SUPPLY flooding downstream. Modifications of the
natural interaction between ground water and
• It has become difficult in recent years to surface water along streams, such as drainage
construct reservoirs for surface storage of water of wetlands and construction of levees, can
because of environmental concerns and because remove some of this natural attenuation of
of the difficulty in locating suitable sites. An floods. Unfortunately, present knowledge is
alternative, which can reduce or eliminate the limited with respect to the effects of land-
necessity for surface storage, is to use an surface modifications in river valleys on floods
aquifer system for temporary storage of water. and on the natural interaction of ground water
For example, water stored underground during and surface water in reducing potential
times of high streamflow can be withdrawn flooding.
during times of low streamflow. The character-
istics and extent of the interactions of ground
water and surface water affect the success of WATER QUALITY
such conjunctive-use projects. • Much of the ground-water contamination in the
• Methods of accounting for water rights of United States is in shallow aquifers that
streams invariably account for surface-water are directly connected to surface water. In some
diversions and surface-water return flows. settings where this is the case, ground water can
Increasingly, the diversions from a stream be a major and potentially long-term contrib-
that result from ground-water withdrawals are utor to contamination of surface water. Deter-
considered in accounting for water rights as are mining the contributions of ground water to
ground-water return flows from irrigation and contamination of streams and lakes is a critical
other applications of water to the land surface. step in developing effective water-management
Accounting for these ground-water components practices.
can be difficult and controversial. Another form • A focus on watershed planning and manage-
of water-rights accounting involves the trading ment is increasing among government agencies
of ground-water rights and surface-water rights. responsible for managing water quality as well
This has been proposed as a water-management as broader aspects of the environment. The
tool where the rights to the total water resource watershed approach recognizes that water,
can be shared. It is an example of the growing starting with precipitation, usually moves

through the subsurface before entering stream if factors such as acidity, temperature, and
channels and flowing out of the watershed. dissolved oxygen are altered. Thus, changes in
Integrating ground water into this “systems” the natural interaction of ground water and
approach is essential, but challenging, because surface water caused by human activities can
of limitations in knowledge of the interactions potentially have a significant effect on aquatic
of ground water and surface water. These diffi- environments.
culties are further complicated by the fact that
surface-water watersheds and ground-water • The flow between surface water and ground
watersheds may not coincide. water creates a dynamic habitat for aquatic
fauna near the interface. These organisms
• To meet water-quality standards and criteria, are part of a food chain that sustains a
States and local agencies need to determine the
diverse ecological community. Studies
amount of contaminant movement (wasteload)
indicate that these organisms may provide
to surface waters so they can issue permits and
control discharges of waste. Typically, ground- important indications of water quality as well as
water inputs are not included in estimates of of adverse changes in aquatic environments.
wasteload; yet, in some cases, water-quality • Many wetlands are dependent on a relatively
standards and criteria cannot be met without stable influx of ground water throughout
reducing contaminant loads from ground-water changing seasonal and annual weather patterns.
discharges to streams.
Wetlands can be highly sensitive to the effects
• It is generally assumed that ground water is safe of ground-water development and to land-use
for consumption without treatment. Concerns changes that modify the ground-water flow
about the quality of ground water from wells regime of a wetland area. Understanding
near streams, where contaminated surface water wetlands in the context of their associated
might be part of the source of water to the well, ground-water flow systems is essential to
have led to increasing interest in identifying assessing the cumulative effects of wetlands on
when filtration or treatment of ground water is water quality, ground-water flow, and stream-
needed. flow in large areas.
• Wetlands, marshes, and wooded areas along • The success of efforts to construct new
streams (riparian zones) are protected in some wetlands that replicate those that have been
areas to help maintain wildlife habitat and destroyed depends on the extent to which the
the quality of nearby surface water. Greater replacement wetland is hydrologically similar
knowledge of the water-quality functions to the destroyed wetland. For example, the
of riparian zones and of the pathways of
replacement of a wetland that is dependent on
exchange between shallow ground water and
ground water for its water and chemical input
surface-water bodies is necessary to properly
evaluate the effects of riparian zones on water needs to be located in a similar ground-water
quality. discharge area if the new wetland is to replicate
the original. Although a replacement wetland
may have a water depth similar to the original,
CHARACTERISTICS OF the communities that populate the replacement
AQUATIC ENVIRONMENTS wetland may be completely different from
communities that were present in the original
• Mixing of ground water with surface water can wetland because of differences in hydrogeo-
have major effects on aquatic environments logic setting.

Ground Water and Surface Water
A Single Resource
by T.C. Winter
J.W. Harvey
O.L. Franke
W.M. Alley

As the Nation’s concerns over water source of contamination to aquifers. Surface water
resources and the environment increase, the impor- commonly is hydraulically connected to ground
tance of considering ground water and surface water, but the interactions are difficult to observe
water as a single resource has become increasingly and measure and commonly have been ignored in
evident. Issues related to water supply, water water-management considerations and policies.
quality, and degradation of aquatic environments
Many natural processes and human activities affect
are reported on frequently. The interaction of
ground water and surface water has been shown to the interactions of ground water and surface water.
be a significant concern in many of these issues. The purpose of this report is to present our current
For example, contaminated aquifers that discharge understanding of these processes and activities as
to streams can result in long-term contamination of well as limitations in our knowledge and ability to
surface water; conversely, streams can be a major characterize them.

“Surface water commonly is

hydraulically connected to ground
water, but the interactions are
difficult to observe and measure”


The Hydrologic Cycle and Interactions

of Ground Water and Surface Water
The hydrologic cycle describes the contin- ability in time and space. Precipitation, which is
uous movement of water above, on, and below the the source of virtually all freshwater in the hydro-
surface of the Earth. The water on the Earth’s logic cycle, falls nearly everywhere, but its distri-
surface—surface water—occurs as streams, lakes, bution is highly variable. Similarly, evaporation
and wetlands, as well as bays and oceans. Surface and transpiration return water to the atmosphere
water also includes the solid forms of water— nearly everywhere, but evaporation and transpira-
snow and ice. The water below the surface of the tion rates vary considerably according to climatic
Earth primarily is ground water, but it also includes
conditions. As a result, much of the precipitation
soil water.
The hydrologic cycle commonly is portrayed never reaches the oceans as surface and subsurface
by a very simplified diagram that shows only major runoff before the water is returned to the atmo-
transfers of water between continents and oceans, sphere. The relative magnitudes of the individual
as in Figure 1. However, for understanding hydro- components of the hydrologic cycle, such as
logic processes and managing water resources, the evapotranspiration, may differ significantly even at
hydrologic cycle needs to be viewed at a wide small scales, as between an agricultural field and a
range of scales and as having a great deal of vari- nearby woodland.

Figure 1. Ground water is the second

smallest of the four main pools of 3,000
water on Earth, and river flow to the Net transport
oceans is one of the smallest fluxes, Precipitation to land
on land 10,000
yet ground water and surface water 27,000 Evapotranspiration
are the components of the hydrologic from land
17,000 Evaporation
system that humans use most. (Modi- from oceans
fied from Schelesinger, W.H., 1991,
Biogeochemistry–An analysis of Ice
on oceans
River flow to oceans
global change: Academic Press, San 6,600,000 10,000 92,000

Diego, California.) (Used with

Ground water
2,000,000 Oceans

Pools are in cubic miles

Fluxes are in cubic miles per year

To present the concepts and many facets of
the interaction of ground water and surface water
in a unified way, a conceptual landscape is used
(Figure 2). The conceptual landscape shows in a
very general and simplified way the interaction of
ground water with all types of surface water, such
as streams, lakes, and wetlands, in many different
terrains from the mountains to the oceans. The
intent of Figure 2 is to emphasize that ground water
and surface water interact at many places
throughout the landscape.
Movement of water in the atmosphere
and on the land surface is relatively easy to visu-
alize, but the movement of ground water is not.
Concepts related to ground water and the move-
ment of ground water are introduced in Box A.
As illustrated in Figure 3, ground water moves
along flow paths of varying lengths from areas
of recharge to areas of discharge. The generalized
flow paths in Figure 3 start at the water table,
continue through the ground-water system, and
terminate at the stream or at the pumped well. The
source of water to the water table (ground-water
recharge) is infiltration of precipitation through the
unsaturated zone. In the uppermost, unconfined
aquifer, flow paths near the stream can be tens to
hundreds of feet in length and have corresponding
traveltimes of days to a few years. The longest and
deepest flow paths in Figure 3 may be thousands of
feet to tens of miles in length, and traveltimes may
range from decades to millennia. In general,
shallow ground water is more susceptible to
contamination from human sources and activities
because of its close proximity to the land surface.
Therefore, shallow, local patterns of ground-water
flow near surface water are emphasized in this

“Ground water moves along

flow paths of varying lengths in
transmitting water from areas
of recharge to areas of discharge”


Figure 2. Ground water and surface water interact

throughout all landscapes from the mountains to the
oceans, as depicted in this diagram of a conceptual
landscape. M, mountainous; K, karst; G, glacial;
R, riverine (small); V, riverine (large); C, coastal.

Small-scale geologic features in beds of
surface-water bodies affect seepage patterns at
scales too small to be shown in Figure 3. For
example, the size, shape, and orientation of the
sediment grains in surface-water beds affect
seepage patterns. If a surface-water bed consists
of one sediment type, such as sand, inflow seepage
is greatest at the shoreline, and it decreases
in a nonlinear pattern away from the shoreline
(Figure 4). Geologic units having different perme-
abilities also affect seepage distribution in surface-
water beds. For example, a highly permeable sand
layer within a surface-water bed consisting largely
of silt will transmit water preferentially into the
surface water as a spring (Figure 5).

RECHARGE AREA Figure 3. Ground-water flow paths

vary greatly in length, depth, and
traveltime from points of recharge

to points of discharge in the ground-

water system.
Water table

Unconfined D


aquifer ay


Confining bed

aquifer Centuries

Confining bed

aquifer Millennia

Land surf
Water table er ta
Surface water Wat D ir
g rouection of
n d-w
ater flo
Surface water w
Ground-water flow path

Line of equal
hydraulic head

Figure 4. Ground-water seepage into surface water Figure 5. Subaqueous springs can result from preferred
usually is greatest near shore. In flow diagrams such paths of ground-water flow through highly permeable
as that shown here, the quantity of discharge is equal sediments.
between any two flow lines; therefore, the closer flow
lines indicate greater discharge per unit of bottom

Concepts of Ground Water, Water Table,
and Flow Systems

Water beneath the land surface occurs in two The depth to the water table can be determined by
principal zones, the unsaturated zone and the saturated zone installing wells that penetrate the top of the saturated zone just
(Figure A–1). In the unsaturated zone, the voids—that is, the far enough to hold standing water. Preparation of a water-table
spaces between grains of gravel, sand, silt, clay, and cracks map requires that only wells that have their well screens
within rocks—contain both air and water. Although a consider- placed near the water table be used. If the depth to water is
able amount of water can be present in the unsaturated zone, measured at a number of such wells throughout an area of
this water cannot be pumped by wells because it is held too study, and if those water levels are referenced to a common
tightly by capillary forces. The upper part of the unsaturated datum such as sea level, the data can be contoured to indi-
zone is the soil-water zone. The soil zone is crisscrossed cate the configuration of the water table (Figure A–2).
by roots, voids left by decayed roots, and animal and worm
burrows, which enhance the infiltration of precipitation into A 152.31
138.47 152.31
the soil zone. Soil water is used by plants in life functions LOCATION OF WELL AND
and transpiration, but it also can evaporate directly to the 131.42 ALTITUDE OF WATER
atmosphere. 145.03 LEVEL, IN FEET


Lan 132.21 Shows altitude of water
So d table. Contour interval 10
il-w surfa 126.78
ate ce feet. Datum is sea level
Unsaturated zone r zo
121.34 LINE
Water table 128.37

Surface water
B 152.31

Saturated zone (ground water) 131.42

Figure A–1. The water table is the upper surface of the satu- 126.78
13 137.90
rated zone. The water table meets surface-water bodies at 0
or near the shoreline of surface water if the surface-water
body is connected to the ground-water system. 121.34


C 152.31
In contrast to the unsaturated zone, the voids in the 138.47
saturated zone are completely filled with water. Water in the 131.42
saturated zone is referred to as ground water. The upper 145.03
surface of the saturated zone is referred to as the water table. 14
Below the water table, the water pressure is great enough to
allow water to enter wells, thus permitting ground water to be
126.78 137.90
withdrawn for use. A well is constructed by inserting a pipe 13
into a drilled hole; a screen is attached, generally at its base,
to prevent earth materials from entering the pipe along with 121.34


the water pumped through the screen.

The depth to the water table is highly variable and can Figure A–2. Using known altitudes of the water table at indi-
range from zero, when it is at land surface, to hundreds or vidual wells (A), contour maps of the water-table surface can be
even thousands of feet in some types of landscapes. Usually, drawn (B), and directions of ground-water flow along the water
the depth to the water table is small near permanent bodies table can be determined (C) because flow usually is approxi-
of surface water such as streams, lakes, and wetlands. An mately perpendicular to the contours.
important characteristic of the water table is that its configura-
tion varies seasonally and from year to year because ground- In addition to various practical uses of a water-table map, such
water recharge, which is the accretion of water to the upper as estimating an approximate depth for a proposed well, the
surface of the saturated zone, is related to the wide variation configuration of the water table provides an indication of the
in the quantity, distribution, and timing of precipitation. approximate direction of ground-water flow at any location

on the water table. Lines drawn perpendicular to water-table Actual flow fields generally are much more complex
contours usually indicate the direction of ground-water flow than that shown in Figure A–3. For example, flow systems
along the upper surface of the ground-water system. The of different sizes and depths can be present, and they can
water table is continually adjusting to changing recharge and overlie one another, as indicated in Figure A–4. In a local flow
discharge patterns. Therefore, to construct a water-table map, system, water that recharges at a water-table high discharges
water-level measurements must be made at approximately the to an adjacent lowland. Local flow systems are the most
same time, and the resulting map is representative only of that dynamic and the shallowest flow systems; therefore, they have
specific time. the greatest interchange with surface water. Local flow
systems can be underlain by intermediate and regional flow
systems. Water in deeper flow systems have longer flow paths
GROUND-WATER MOVEMENT and longer contact time with subsurface materials; therefore,
the water generally contains more dissolved chemicals.
The ground-water system as a whole is actually a Nevertheless, these deeper flow systems also eventually
three-dimensional flow field; therefore, it is important to under- discharge to surface water, and they can have a great effect
stand how the vertical components of ground-water movement on the chemical characteristics of the receiving surface water.
affect the interaction of ground water and surface water. A
vertical section of a flow field indicates how potential energy is Local flow system Direction of flow
distributed beneath the water table in the ground-water
system and how the energy distribution can be used to deter- Local Systems

mine vertical components of flow near a surface-water body. Flow

The term hydraulic head, which is the sum of elevation and
water pressure divided by the weight density of water, is used
to describe potential energy in ground-water flow systems. For
example, Figure A–3 shows a generalized vertical section of Intermediate
subsurface water flow. Water that infiltrates at land surface flow system
moves vertically downward to the water table to become
ground water. The ground water then moves both vertically Regional
and laterally within the ground-water system. Movement is flow system
downward and lateral on the right side of the diagram, mostly
lateral in the center, and lateral and upward on the left side of Figure A–4. Ground-water flow systems can be local,
the diagram. intermediate, and regional in scale. Much ground-water
Flow fields such as these can be mapped in a process discharge into surface-water bodies is from local flow
similar to preparing water-table maps, except that vertically systems. (Figure modified from Toth, J., 1963, A theoretical
distributed piezometers need to be used instead of water-table analysis of groundwater flow in small drainage basins:
wells. A piezometer is a well that has a very short screen so p. 75–96 in Proceedings of Hydrology Symposium No. 3,
the water level represents hydraulic head in only a very small Groundwater, Queen’s Printer, Ottawa, Canada.)
part of the ground-water system. A group of piezometers
completed at different depths at the same location is referred
to as a piezometer nest. Three such piezometer nests are
shown in Figure A–3 (locations A, B, and C). By starting at a
water-table contour, and using the water-level data from the
piezometer nests, lines of equal hydraulic head can be drawn. The quantity of ground-water discharge (flux) to and
Similar to drawing flow direction on water-table maps, flow from surface-water bodies can be determined for a known
lines can be drawn approximately perpendicular to these lines cross section of aquifer by multiplying the hydraulic gradient,
of equal hydraulic head, as shown in Figure A–3. which is determined from the hydraulic-head measurements
in wells and piezometers, by the perme-
ability of the aquifer materials. Permeability
WATER TABLE PIEZOMETER C is a quantitative measure of the ease of
Water level water movement through aquifer materials.
For example, sand is more permeable than
120 clay because the pore spaces between sand
urf 11

n ds one 0 grains are larger than pore spaces between
WATER FLOW B u r ate 80 clay particles.
Un 60
A 20

80 0 Figure A–3. If the distribution of hydraulic

10 Ground-water zone
20 head in vertical section is known from

40 nested piezometer data, zones of down-



ward, lateral, and upward components of


30 60
80 ground-water flow can be determined.

Changing meteorological conditions also These periodic changes in the direction of
strongly affect seepage patterns in surface-water flow also take place on longer time scales: focused
beds, especially near the shoreline. The water table recharge from precipitation predominates during
commonly intersects land surface at the shoreline, wet periods and drawdown by transpiration
resulting in no unsaturated zone at this point. Infil- predominates during dry periods. As a result,
trating precipitation passes rapidly through a thin the two processes, together with the geologic
unsaturated zone adjacent to the shoreline, which controls on seepage distribution, can cause flow
conditions at the edges of surface-water bodies to
causes water-table mounds to form quickly adja-
be extremely variable. These “edge effects” prob-
cent to the surface water (Figure 6). This process, ably affect small surface-water bodies more than
termed focused recharge, can result in increased large surface-water bodies because the ratio of
ground-water inflow to surface-water bodies, or it edge length to total volume is greater for small
can cause inflow to surface-water bodies that water bodies than it is for large ones.
normally have seepage to ground water. Each
precipitation event has the potential to cause this
highly transient flow condition near shorelines as
well as at depressions in uplands (Figure 6).
Water table ge water Water table during
Water table before rechar dormant season
following focus
Surface recharge
Water table during
growing season

Figure 6. Ground-water recharge commonly is focused Figure 7. Where the depth to the water table is small
initially where the unsaturated zone is relatively thin adjacent to surface-water bodies, transpiration
at the edges of surface-water bodies and beneath directly from ground water can cause cones of depres-
depressions in the land surface. sion similar to those caused by pumping wells. This
sometimes draws water directly from the surface water
Transpiration by nearshore plants has into the subsurface.
the opposite effect of focused recharge. Again,
because the water table is near land surface at
edges of surface-water bodies, plant roots can
penetrate into the saturated zone, allowing the
plants to transpire water directly from the ground-
water system (Figure 7). Transpiration of ground
water commonly results in a drawdown of the
water table much like the effect of a pumped well.
This highly variable daily and seasonal transpira-
tion of ground water may significantly reduce
ground-water discharge to a surface-water body or
even cause movement of surface water into
the subsurface. In many places it is possible to
measure diurnal changes in the direction of flow
during seasons of active plant growth; that is,
ground water moves into the surface water during
the night, and surface water moves into shallow
ground water during the day.

tude of the stream-water surface. Conversely, for
Streams interact with ground water in all surface water to seep to ground water, the altitude
types of landscapes (see Box B). The interaction of the water table in the vicinity of the stream must
takes place in three basic ways: streams gain be lower than the altitude of the stream-water
water from inflow of ground water through the surface. Contours of water-table elevation indicate
streambed (gaining stream, Figure 8A), they lose gaining streams by pointing in an upstream direc-
water to ground water by outflow through the stre- tion (Figure 8B), and they indicate losing streams
ambed (losing stream, Figure 9A), or they do both, by pointing in a downstream direction (Figure 9B)
gaining in some reaches and losing in other in the immediate vicinity of the stream.
reaches. For ground water to discharge into a Losing streams can be connected to the
stream channel, the altitude of the water table in the ground-water system by a continuous saturated
vicinity of the stream must be higher than the alti- zone (Figure 9A) or can be disconnected from


Flow direction Flow direction

Water table
Water table

Shallow aquifer

60 100
le contour
Ground-water flow line 50 e conto 90
40 30 Ground-water flow line

30 70



Figure 8. Gaining streams receive water from the Figure 9. Losing streams lose water to the ground-water
ground-water system (A). This can be determined from system (A). This can be determined from water-table
water-table contour maps because the contour lines contour maps because the contour lines point in the
point in the upstream direction where they cross the downstream direction where they cross the stream (B).
stream (B).

the ground-water system by an unsaturated zone. ronments, flow direction can vary a great
Where the stream is disconnected from the ground- deal along a stream; some reaches receive ground
water system by an unsaturated zone, the water water, and other reaches lose water to ground
table may have a discernible mound below the water. Furthermore, flow direction can change
stream (Figure 10) if the rate of recharge through in very short timeframes as a result of individual
the streambed and unsaturated zone is greater than storms causing focused recharge near the stream-
the rate of lateral ground-water flow away from the bank, temporary flood peaks moving down the
water-table mound. An important feature of channel, or transpiration of ground water by
streams that are disconnected from ground water is streamside vegetation.
that pumping of shallow ground water near the A type of interaction between ground water
stream does not affect the flow of the stream near and streams that takes place in nearly all streams at
the pumped wells. one time or another is a rapid rise in stream stage
In some environments, streamflow gain or that causes water to move from the stream into the
loss can persist; that is, a stream might always streambanks. This process, termed bank storage
gain water from ground water, or it might always (Figures 11 and 12B), usually is caused by storm
lose water to ground water. However, in other envi- precipitation, rapid snowmelt, or release of water


Flow direction Flow direction

Water table at
high stage
High stage

zone Bank storage
Water table
Water table during base flow

Figure 10.Disconnected streams are separated from Figure 11.

If stream levels rise higher than adjacent
the ground-water system by an unsaturated zone. ground-water levels, stream water moves into the
streambanks as bank storage.

“Streams interact with ground water

in three basic ways: streams gain
water from inflow of ground water
through the streambed (gaining stream),
they lose water to ground water by outflow through
the streambed (losing stream), or
they do both, gaining in some reaches
and losing in other reaches”

from a reservoir upstream. As long as the rise in
stage does not overtop the streambanks, most of the
volume of stream water that enters the streambanks
returns to the stream within a few days or weeks.
Land surface
The loss of stream water to bank storage and return (flood plain)

of this water to the stream in a period of days or al wate

r table
weeks tends to reduce flood peaks and later supple-
ment stream flows. If the rise in stream stage is Streambank

sufficient to overtop the banks and flood large

areas of the land surface, widespread recharge to Streambed

the water table can take place throughout the

flooded area (Figure 12C). In this case, the time it B
takes for the recharged floodwater to return to the
stream by ground-water flow may be weeks,
months, or years because the lengths of the ground-
water flow paths are much longer than those 2 al wate
r table
resulting from local bank storage. Depending on
the frequency, magnitude, and intensity of storms 1

and on the related magnitude of increases in stream

stage, some streams and adjacent shallow aquifers
may be in a continuous readjustment from interac-
tions related to bank storage and overbank C
In addition to bank storage, other processes
may affect the local exchange of water between 3
streams and adjacent shallow aquifers. Changes 2 al wate
r table
in streamflow between gaining and losing condi-
tions can also be caused by pumping ground water 1


Sequential stream stages

1 2 3
Approximate direction of ground-
water flow or recharge through
the unsaturated zone

Figure 12. If stream levels rise higher than their

streambanks (C), the floodwaters recharge ground
water throughout the flooded areas.

near streams (see Box C). Pumping can intercept

ground water that would otherwise have discharged
to a gaining stream, or at higher pumping rates it
can induce flow from the stream to the aquifer.

The Ground-Water Component
of Streamflow
Ground water contributes to streams in most physio- 24 regions. Streams were selected that had drainage basins
graphic and climatic settings. Even in settings where streams less than 250 square miles and that had less than 3 percent
are primarily losing water to ground water, certain reaches of the drainage area covered by lakes and wetlands. Daily
may receive ground-water inflow during some seasons. The streamflow values for the 30-year period, 1961–1990, were
proportion of stream water that is derived from ground-water used for the analysis of each stream. The analysis indicated
inflow varies across physiographic and climatic settings. The that, for the 54 streams over the 30-year period, an average
amount of water that ground water contributes to streams can of 52 percent of the streamflow was contributed by ground
be estimated by analyzing streamflow hydrographs to deter- water. Ground-water contributions ranged from 14 percent
mine the ground-water component, which is termed base flow to 90 percent, and the median was 55 percent. The ground-
(Figure B–1). Several different methods of analyzing hydro- water contribution to streamflow for selected streams can
graphs have been used by hydrologists to determine the base- be compared in Figure B–2. As an example of the effect
flow component of streamflow. that geologic setting has on the contribution of ground water
One of the methods, which provides a conservative to streamflow, the Forest River in North Dakota can be
estimate of base flow, was used to determine the ground- compared to the Sturgeon River in Michigan. The Forest
water contribution to streamflow in 24 regions in the contermi- River Basin is underlain by poorly permeable silt and clay
nous United States. The regions, delineated on the basis of deposits, and only about 14 percent of its average annual
physiography and climate, are believed to have common flow is contributed by ground water; in contrast, the Sturgeon
characteristics with respect to the interactions of ground River Basin is underlain by highly permeable sand and gravel,
water and surface water (Figure B–2). Fifty-four streams and about 90 percent of its average annual flow is contributed
were selected for the analysis, at least two in each of the by ground water.

Figure B–1. The ground-water compo- 100,000

nent of streamflow was estimated
from a streamflow hydrograph for the Total streamflow
Homochitto River in Mississippi, using Base flow
a method developed by the institute of 10,000
Hydrology, United Kingdom. (Institute
of Hydrology, 1980, Low flow studies:

Wallingford, Oxon, United Kingdom,

Research Report No. 1.)



1 21 41 61 81 101 121 141 161 181 201 221 241 261 281 301 321 341 361

A. Dismal River, Nebr.
J. Duckabush River, Wash. B. Forest River, N. Dak.

Ground-water contribution
I. Orestimba Creek, Calif. to streamflow C. Sturgeon River, Mich.



Shaded relief from Thelin and Pike
digital data 1:3,500,000 1991
Albers Equal-Area Conic projection.

SCALE 1:26,000,000
0 250 500 MILES

H. Santa Cruz River, Ariz. D. Ammonoosuc River, N.H.

G. Dry Frio River, Tex. E. Brushy Creek, Ga.

F. Homochitto River, Miss.
Figure B–2. In the conterminous United States, 24 regions were delineated where the interactions of ground water and
surface water are considered to have similar characteristics. The estimated ground-water contribution to streamflow is
shown for specific streams in 10 of the regions.

The Effect of Ground-Water Withdrawals
on Surface Water
Withdrawing water from shallow aquifers that are from recharge will equal outflow to the stream plus the with-
directly connected to surface-water bodies can have a signifi- drawal from the well. In this new equilibrium, some of the
cant effect on the movement of water between these two ground water that would have discharged to the stream is
water bodies. The effects of pumping a single well or a small intercepted by the well, and a ground-water divide, which
group of wells on the hydrologic regime are local in scale. is a line separating directions of flow, is established locally
However, the effects of many wells withdrawing water between the well and the stream (Figure C–1B). If the well is
from an aquifer over large areas may be regional in scale. pumped at a higher rate, Q2, at a later time a new equilibrium
Withdrawing water from shallow aquifers for public is reached. Under this condition, the ground-water divide
and domestic water supply, irrigation, and industrial uses between the well and the stream is no longer present and
is widespread. Withdrawing water from shallow aquifers near withdrawals from the well induce movement of water from
surface-water bodies can diminish the available surface-water the stream into the aquifer (Figure C–1C). Thus, pumpage
supply by capturing some of the ground-water flow that other- reverses the hydrologic condition of the stream in this reach
wise would have discharged to surface water or by inducing from a ground-water discharge feature to a ground-water
flow from surface water into the surrounding aquifer system. recharge feature.
An analysis of the sources of water to a pumping well in a In the hydrologic system depicted in Figures C–1A
shallow aquifer that discharges to a stream is provided here and C–1B, the quality of the stream water generally will
to gain insight into how a pumping well can change the quan- have little effect on the quality of the shallow ground water.
tity and direction of flow between the shallow aquifer and the However, in the case of the well pumping at the higher rate, Q2
stream. Furthermore, changes in the direction of flow between (Figure C–1C), the quality of the stream water, which locally
the two water bodies can affect transport of contaminants recharges the shallow aquifer, can affect the quality of ground
associated with the moving water. Although a stream is used water between the well and the stream as well as the quality of
in the example, the results apply to all surface-water bodies, the ground water withdrawn from the well.
including lakes and wetlands. This hypothetical withdrawal of water from a shallow
A ground-water system under predevelopment aquifer that discharges to a nearby surface-water body is a
conditions is in a state of dynamic equilibrium—for example, simplified but compelling illustration of the concept that ground
recharge at the water table is equal to ground-water discharge water and surface water are one resource. In the long term,
to a stream (Figure C–1A). Assume a well is installed and is the quantity of ground water withdrawn is approximately equal
pumped continually at a rate, Q1. After a new state of dynamic to the reduction in streamflow that is potentially available to
equilibrium is achieved, inflow to the ground-water system downstream users.

A Figure C–1. In a schematic hydrologic
Recharge ar setting where ground water discharges
ea to a stream under natural conditions (A),

Land surface placement of a well pumping at a rate
Water table (Q1) near the stream will intercept part
of the ground water that would have
discharged to the stream (B). If the well
is pumped at an even greater rate (Q2),
it can intercept additional water that
would have discharged to the stream
Unconfined aquifer in the vicinity of the well and can draw
water from the stream to the well (C).
Confining bed

Q1 Divide

Land surface
Water table

Unconfined aquifer

Confining bed


Land surface
Water table

Unconfined aquifer

Confining bed

Where streamflow is generated in head- usually is located at the downstream end of
waters areas, the changes in streamflow between pools in pool and riffle streams (Figure 14A),
gaining and losing conditions may be particularly or upstream from channel bends in meandering
variable (Figure 13). The headwaters segment streams (Figure 14B). The subsurface zone where
of streams can be completely dry except during stream water flows through short segments of its
storm events or during certain seasons of the year adjacent bed and banks is referred to as the
when snowmelt or precipitation is sufficient to hyporheic zone. The size and geometry of
maintain continuous flow for days or weeks. hyporheic zones surrounding streams vary greatly
During these times, the stream will lose water to in time and space. Because of mixing between
the unsaturated zone beneath its bed. However, ground water and surface water in the hyporheic
as the water table rises through recharge in the zone, the chemical and biological character of the
headwaters area, the losing reach may become a hyporheic zone may differ markedly from adjacent
gaining reach as the water table rises above the surface water and ground water.
level of the stream. Under these conditions, the Ground-water systems that discharge to
point where ground water first contributes to the streams can underlie extensive areas of the land
stream gradually moves upstream. surface (Figure 15). As a result, environmental
Some gaining streams have reaches that conditions at the interface between ground water
lose water to the aquifer under normal conditions and surface water reflect changes in the broader
of streamflow. The direction of seepage through landscape. For example, the types and numbers
the bed of these streams commonly is related of organisms in a given reach of streambed result,
to abrupt changes in the slope of the streambed in part, from interactions between water in the
(Figure 14A) or to meanders in the stream channel hyporheic zone and ground water from distant
(Figure 14B). For example, a losing stream reach sources.

Figure 13. The location where peren-

nial streamflow begins in a channel
can vary depending on the distribution
of recharge in headwaters areas. Unsaturated
zone Location of
Following dry periods (A), the start of flow
start of streamflow will move up- Water ta
mbed of stream
ble Flowing (gaining) stream
channel during wet periods as the
ground-water system becomes more
saturated (B). Stream
Saturated zone Stream

Unsaturated Location of
zone start of flow
of stream
table Flowing (gaining) stream

Saturated zone


Flow in
Pool and riffle

Flow in

Figure 14.Surface-water exchange with ground water in the hyporheic zone is associated with abrupt changes
in streambed slope (A) and with stream meanders (B).


; gr
re d-
Di un low
o f
n ter
tio wa

Interface of local and regional



p o

r h e i c z o
Direction of

ground-water flow systems,

hyporheic zone, and stream

Figure 15. Streambeds and banks are unique environments because they are where ground water that drains much
of the subsurface of landscapes interacts with surface water that drains much of the surface of landscapes.


Lakes interact with ground water in three

basic ways: some receive ground-water inflow Lake surface

throughout their entire bed; some have seepage

loss to ground water throughout their entire
bed; but perhaps most lakes receive ground-
water inflow through part of their bed and have
seepage loss to ground water through other parts
(Figure 16). Although these basic interactions are
the same for lakes as they are for streams, the inter- B
actions differ in several ways.
The water level of natural lakes, that is,
those not controlled by dams, generally does not Lake surface
change as rapidly as the water level of streams;
therefore, bank storage is of lesser importance in
lakes than it is in streams. Evaporation generally
has a greater effect on lake levels than on stream
levels because the surface area of lakes is generally
larger and less shaded than many reaches of
streams, and because lake water is not replenished
as readily as a reach of a stream. Lakes can be C
present in many different parts of the landscape and
can have complex ground-water flow systems
associated with them. This is especially true for Lake surface

lakes in glacial and dune terrain, as is discussed in

a later section of this Circular. Furthermore, lake
sediments commonly have greater volumes of
organic deposits than streams. These poorly perme-
able organic deposits can affect the distribution of
seepage and biogeochemical exchanges of water Figure 16. Lakes can receive ground-water inflow (A),
and solutes more in lakes than in streams. lose water as seepage to ground water (B), or both

Reservoirs are human-made lakes that are

designed primarily to control the flow and distribu-
tion of surface water. Most reservoirs are
constructed in stream valleys; therefore, they
have some characteristics both of streams and
lakes. Like streams, reservoirs can have widely
fluctuating levels, bank storage can be significant,
and they commonly have a continuous flushing
of water through them. Like lakes, reservoirs
can have significant loss of water by evaporation,
significant cycling of chemical and biological
materials within their waters, and extensive
biogeochemical exchanges of solutes with organic

“Lakes and wetlands can receive
ground-water inflow throughout
their entire bed, have outflow
throughout their entire bed,
or have both inflow and outflow
at different localities”



Wetlands are present in climates and land-

scapes that cause ground water to discharge to land
surface or that prevent rapid drainage of water
from the land surface. Similar to streams and lakes,
wetlands can receive ground-water inflow,
recharge ground water, or do both. Those wetlands
that occupy depressions in the land surface have
interactions with ground water similar to lakes and
streams. Unlike streams and lakes, however,
wetlands do not always occupy low points and
depressions in the landscape (Figure 17A); they
also can be present on slopes (such as fens) or even
on drainage divides (such as some types of bogs).
Fens are wetlands that commonly receive ground-
water discharge (Figure 17B); therefore, they
receive a continuous supply of chemical constitu- subsurface discontinuities in geologic units cause
ents dissolved in the ground water. Bogs are upward movement of ground water (Figure 17A).
wetlands that occupy uplands (Figure 17D) or Many wetlands are present along streams, espe-
extensive flat areas, and they receive much of their cially slow-moving streams. Although these
water and chemical constituents from precipitation. riverine wetlands (Figure 17C) commonly receive
The distribution of major wetland areas in the ground-water discharge, they are dependent prima-
United States is shown in Figure 18. rily on the stream for their water supply.
In areas of steep land slopes, the water table
sometimes intersects the land surface, resulting
in ground-water discharge directly to the land
surface. The constant source of water at these
seepage faces (Figure 17B) permits the growth of
wetland plants. A constant source of ground water
to wetland plants is also provided to parts of the
landscape that are downgradient from breaks in
slope of the water table (Figure 17B), and where

Line of equal ground-water
hydraulic Area favorable for
wetland formation flow
Land surface
Water table
Wetlands in riverine and coastal areas have
especially complex hydrological interactions
because they are subject to periodic water-level
changes. Some wetlands in coastal areas are
affected by very predictable tidal cycles. Other Zone of low permeability Zone of high permeability

coastal wetlands and riverine wetlands are more

affected by seasonal water-level changes and by B
flooding. The combined effects of precipitation, Land surface
evapotranspiration, and interaction with surface Areas favorable for
wetland formation ble
Water ta
water and ground water result in a pattern of water SEEPAGE FACE
depths in wetlands that is distinctive. BREAK IN SLOPE
Hydroperiod is a term commonly used in
wetland science that refers to the amplitude and Direction of ground-water flow
frequency of water-level fluctuations. Hydro-
period affects all wetland characteristics, including
the type of vegetation, nutrient cycling, and the
types of invertebrates, fish, and bird species C Wetland
present. Land surf
Water table

Direction of ground-water flow

D Wetland
Land surface


Direction of ground-water flow

Figure 17. The source of water to wetlands can be

from ground-water discharge where the land surface
is underlain by complex ground-water flow fields (A),
from ground-water discharge at seepage faces and at
breaks in slope of the water table (B), from streams (C),
and from precipitation in cases where wetlands have no
stream inflow and ground-water gradients slope away
from the wetland (D).


0 200 MILES


This map shows the approximate distribution of large
wetlands in the Nation. Because of limitations of scale
and source material, some wetlands are not shown

0 250 500 MILES Predominantly wetland

0 100 MILES
0 250 500 KILOMETERS Area typified by a high density of small wetlands

Figure 18. Wetlands are present throughout the Nation, but they cover the largest areas in the glacial terrain of
the north-central United States, coastal terrain along the Atlantic and gulf coasts, and riverine terrain in the
lower Mississippi River Valley.

A major difference between lakes and Another difference in the interaction between
wetlands, with respect to their interaction with ground water and surface water in wetlands
ground water, is the ease with which water moves compared to lakes is determined by rooted vegeta-
through their beds. Lakes commonly are shallow tion in wetlands. The fibrous root mat in wetland
around their perimeter where waves can remove soils is highly conductive to water flow; therefore,
fine-grained sediments, permitting the surface water uptake by roots of emergent plants results in
water and ground water to interact freely. In significant interchange between surface water and
wetlands, on the other hand, if fine-grained and pore water of wetland sediments. The water
highly decomposed organic sediments are present exchanges in this upper soil zone even if exchange
between surface water and ground water is
near the wetland edge, the transfer of water and
restricted at the base of the wetland sediments.
solutes between ground water and surface water is
likely to be much slower.

Chemical Interactions of
Ground Water and Surface Water

Two of the fundamental controls on water microbes, producing high concentrations of

chemistry in drainage basins are the type of dissolved carbon dioxide (CO2). This process
geologic materials that are present and the lowers the pH by increasing the carbonic acid
length of time that water is in contact with
(H2CO3) concentration in the soil water. The
those materials. Chemical reactions that affect
production of carbonic acid starts a number of
the biological and geochemical characteristics of
mineral-weathering reactions, which result in
a basin include (1) acid-base reactions, (2) precipi-
tation and dissolution of minerals, (3) sorption and bicarbonate (HCO3−) commonly being the most
ion exchange, (4) oxidation-reduction reactions, abundant anion in the water. Where contact times
(5) biodegradation, and (6) dissolution and exsolu- between water and minerals in shallow ground-
tion of gases (see Box D). When water first infil- water flow paths are short, the dissolved-solids
trates the land surface, microorganisms in the soil concentration in the water generally is low. In
have a significant effect on the evolution of water such settings, limited chemical changes take place
chemistry. Organic matter in soils is degraded by before ground water is discharged to surface water.

“Two of the fundamental controls

on water chemistry in drainage
basins are the type of geologic
materials that are present and the
length of time that water is in
contact with those materials”

In deeper ground-water flow systems, the CHEMICAL INTERACTIONS OF GROUND
contact time between water and minerals is much WATER AND SURFACE WATER IN
longer than it is in shallow flow systems. As a STREAMS, LAKES, AND WETLANDS
result, the initial importance of reactions relating to
microbes in the soil zone may be superseded over Ground-water chemistry and surface-water
time by chemical reactions between minerals and chemistry cannot be dealt with separately where
water (geochemical weathering). As weathering surface and subsurface flow systems interact. The
progresses, the concentration of dissolved solids movement of water between ground water and
increases. Depending on the chemical composition surface water provides a major pathway for
of the minerals that are weathered, the relative chemical transfer between terrestrial and aquatic
abundance of the major inorganic chemicals systems (see Box F). This transfer of chemicals
dissolved in the water changes (see Box E). affects the supply of carbon, oxygen, nutrients such
Surface water in streams, lakes, and wetlands as nitrogen and phosphorus, and other chemical
can repeatedly interchange with nearby ground constituents that enhance biogeo-
water. Thus, the length of time water is in contact chemical processes on both sides of the interface.
with mineral surfaces in its drainage basin can This transfer can ultimately affect the biological
continue after the water first enters a stream, lake, and chemical characteristics of aquatic systems
or wetland. An important consequence of these downstream.
continued interchanges between surface water and
ground water is their potential to further increase
the contact time between water and chemically
reactive geologic materials.

“The movement of water between

ground water and surface water
provides a major pathway for
chemical transfer between
terrestrial and aquatic systems”

Some Common Types of
Biogeochemical Reactions
Affecting Transport of Chemicals
in Ground Water and Surface Water

Acid-base reactions involve the transfer of hydrogen Sorption is a process in which ions or molecules
ions (H+) among solutes dissolved in water, and they affect the dissolved in water (solutes) become attached to the surfaces
effective concentrations of dissolved chemicals through (or near-surface parts) of solid materials, either temporarily or
changes in the H+ concentration in water. A brief notation for permanently. Thus, solutes in ground water and surface water
H+ concentration (activity) is pH, which represents a negative can be sorbed either to the solid materials that comprise
logarithmic scale of the H+ concentration. Smaller values of an aquifer or streambed or to particles suspended in ground
pH represent larger concentrations of H+, and larger values of water or surface water. The attachments of positively charged
pH represent smaller concentrations of H+. Many metals stay ions to clays and of pesticides to solid surfaces are examples
dissolved when pH values are small; increased pH causes of sorption. Release of sorbed chemicals to water is termed
these metals to precipitate from solution. desorption.
When ions attached to the surface of a solid are
PRECIPITATION AND DISSOLUTION replaced by ions that were in water, the process is known
as ion exchange. Ion exchange is the process that takes
OF MINERALS place in water softeners; ions that contribute to water hard-
ness—calcium and magnesium—are exchanged for sodium
Precipitation reactions result in minerals being on the surface of the solid. The result of this process is that
formed (precipitated) from ions that are dissolved in water. the amount of calcium and magnesium in the water declines
An example of this type of reaction is the precipitation of and the amount of sodium increases. The opposite takes
iron, which is common in areas of ground-water seeps and place when saltwater enters an aquifer; some of the sodium
springs. At these locations, the solid material iron hydroxide in the saltwater is exchanged for calcium sorbed to the solid
is formed when iron dissolved in ground water comes in material of the aquifer.
contact with oxygen dissolved in surface water. The reverse,
or dissolution reactions, result in ions being released into
water by dissolving minerals. An example is the release of
calcium ions (Ca++) and bicarbonate ions (HCO3−) when
calcite (CaCO3) in limestone is dissolved. Oxidation-reduction (redox) reactions take place when
electrons are exchanged among solutes. In these reactions,
oxidation (loss of electrons) of certain elements is accompa-
nied by the reduction (gain of electrons) of other elements.

For example, when iron dissolved in water that does not hydrocarbons, can be used directly by microorganisms as
contain dissolved oxygen mixes with water that does contain food sources and are rapidly degraded in many situations.
dissolved oxygen, the iron and oxygen interact by oxidation Other compounds, such as chlorinated solvents, are not as
and reduction reactions. The result of the reactions is that easily assimilated. The rate of biodegradation of an organic
the dissolved iron loses electrons (the iron is oxidized) and chemical is dependent on its chemical structure, the environ-
oxygen gains electrons (the oxygen is reduced). In this case, mental conditions, and the types of microorganisms that are
the iron is an electron donor and the oxygen is an electron present. Although biodegradation commonly can result in
acceptor. Bacteria can use energy gained from oxidation- complete degradation of organic chemicals to carbon dioxide,
reduction reactions as they decompose organic material. water, and other simple products, it also can lead to interme-
To accomplish this, bacterially mediated oxidation-reduction diate products that are of environmental concern. For
reactions use a sequence of electron acceptors, including example, deethylatrazine, an intermediate degradation
oxygen, nitrate, iron, sulfate, and carbon dioxide. The pres- product of the pesticide atrazine (see Box P), commonly is
ence of the products of these reactions in ground water and detected in water throughout the corn-growing areas of the
surface water can be used to identify the dominant oxidation- United States.
reduction reactions that have taken place in those waters. For
example, the bacterial reduction of sulfate (SO42−) to sulfide
(HS−) can result when organic matter is oxidized to CO2.
Gases are directly involved in many geochemical
reactions. One of the more common gases is carbon dioxide
Biodegradation is the decomposition of organic (CO2). For example, stalactites can form in caves when
chemicals by living organisms using enzymes. Enzymes dissolved CO2 exsolves (degasses) from dripping ground
are specialized organic compounds made by living water, causing pH to rise and calcium carbonate to precipitate.
organisms that speed up reactions with other organic In soils, the microbial production of CO2 increases the
compounds. Microorganisms degrade (transform) organic concentration of carbonic acid (H2CO3), which has a major
chemicals as a source of energy and carbon for growth. Micro- control on the solubility of aquifer materials. Other gases
bial processes are important in the fate and transport of many commonly involved in chemical reactions are oxygen,
organic compounds. Some compounds, such as petroleum nitrogen, hydrogen sulfide (H2S), and methane (CH4). Gases
such as chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and radon are useful as
tracers to determine the sources and rates of ground-water
movement (see Box G).

Evolution of Ground-Water Chemistry
from Recharge to Discharge Areas in
the Atlantic Coastal Plain
Changes in the chemical composition of ground water dissolution of minerals and ion-exchange, add or remove
in sediments of the Atlantic Coastal Plain (Figure E–1) provide solutes. These natural processes and reactions commonly
an example of the chemical evolution of ground water in a produce a predictable sequence of hydrochemical facies. In
regional flow system. In the shallow regime, infiltrating water the Atlantic Coastal Plain, ground water evolves from water
comes in contact with gases in the unsaturated zone and containing abundant bicarbonate ions and small concentra-
shallow ground water. As a result of this contact, localized, tions of dissolved solids near the point of recharge to water
short-term, fast reactions take place that dissolve minerals containing abundant chloride ions and large concentrations
and degrade organic material. In the deep regime, long- of dissolved solids where it discharges into streams, estuaries,
term, slower chemical reactions, such as precipitation and and the Atlantic Ocean.

Figure E–1. In a coastal plain, such as

along the Atlantic Coast of the United States, A HYPOTHETICAL COASTAL PLAIN
the interrelations of different rock types, shallow
and deep ground-water flow systems (regimes),
and mixing with saline water (A) results in the Piedmont
evolution of a number of different ground-water Fall line
Local flow systems Estuary
chemical types (B). (Modified from Back, Ocean
Shallow regime
William, Baedecker, M.J., and Wood, W.W., Short-term fast reactions
1993, Scales in chemical hydrogeology—
De Long-term slow chemical reactions ne
A historical perspective, in Alley, W.M., ed., ep
reg g
im Regional flow in
Regional Ground-Water Quality: New York, e systems M
ix Saline
van Nostrand Reinhold, p. 111–129.) ground water
Crystalline rocks
(Reprinted by permission of John Wiley &
Sons, Inc.)

0 60 MILES


Average flow velocity = 5 meters per year

Increasing dissolved solids

Calcite saturation: increasing decreasing super-

Mixed-cation bicarbonate
Calcium bicarbonate
Calcium-sodium bicarbonate

Calc Sodium bicarbonate

sulfa Sodium chloride
Crystalline rocks

0 60 MILES

Many streams are contaminated. Therefore,
the need to determine the extent of the chemical
reactions that take place in the hyporheic zone is
widespread because of the concern that
the contaminated stream water will contaminate
shallow ground water (see Box G). Streams offer
good examples of how interconnections between
ground water and surface water affect chemical
processes. Rough channel bottoms cause stream
water to enter the streambed and to mix with
ground water in the hyporheic zone. This mixing
establishes sharp changes in chemical concentra-
tions in the hyporheic zone.
A zone of enhanced biogeochemical activity
usually develops in shallow ground water as a
result of the flow of oxygen-rich surface water into in shallow ground water in the vicinity
the subsurface environment, where bacteria and of streambeds.
geochemically active sediment coatings are abun- The movement of nutrients and other chem-
dant (Figure 19). This input of oxygen to the ical constituents, including contaminants, between
streambed stimulates a high level of activity ground water and surface water is affected by
by aerobic (oxygen-using) microorganisms if biogeochemical processes in the hyporheic zone.
dissolved oxygen is readily available. It is not For example, the rate at which organic contami-
uncommon for dissolved oxygen to be completely nants biodegrade in the hyporheic zone can exceed
used up in hyporheic flow paths at some distance rates in stream water or in ground water away from
into the streambed, where anaerobic microorgan- the stream. Another example is the removal of
isms dominate microbial activity. Anaerobic dissolved metals in the hyporheic
bacteria can use nitrate, sulfate, or other solutes in zone. As water passes through the hyporheic zone,
place of oxygen for metabolism. The result of these dissolved metals are removed by precipitation of
processes is that many solutes are highly reactive metal oxide coatings on the sediments.

Figure 19. Microbial activity and

chemical transformations commonly

are enhanced in the hyporheic zone

of stream
flow compared to those that take place
in ground water and surface water.

High ox
microbia This diagram illustrates some of the
l Nitrate
Very low
Ferric iro
processes and chemical transforma-
no oxyg
en Anaerob
ic micro Inches
tions that may take place in the
processe bial
s Ammon
ium Ferrous to hyporheic zone. Actual chemical
iron interactions depend on numerous
Ground water

fl o

factors including aquifer miner-


nly lo

dependin w in oxygen alogy, shape of the aquifer, types of


d g on geo Feet
un land use
, and pre logy, organic matter in surface water and
g ro sence o to
of organic f
D ir e c
carbon miles ground water, and nearby land use.

The Interface Between Ground Water and Surface
Water as an Environmental Entity
In the bed and banks of streams, water and solutes These algae recovered rapidly following storms because
can exchange in both directions across the streambed. This concentrations of dissolved nitrogen were higher in
process, termed hyporheic exchange, creates subsurface areas of the streambed where water moved upward than in
environments that have variable proportions of water from areas where water moved downward. Areas of streambed
ground water and surface water. Depending on the type of where water moved upward are, therefore, likely to be the first
sediment in the streambed and banks, the variability in slope areas to return to more normal ecological conditions following
of the streambed, and the hydraulic gradients in the adjacent flash floods in desert streams.
ground-water system, the hyporheic zone can be as much
as several feet in depth and hundreds of feet in width. The 2.0


Downward Upward
dimensions of the hyporheic zone generally increase with flow flow
increasing width of the stream and permeability of streambed 1.5

The importance of the hyporheic zone was first recog-
nized when higher than expected abundances of aquatic
insects were found in sediments where concentrations of
oxygen were high. Caused by stream-water input, the high 0.5
oxygen concentrations in the hyporheic zone make it possible
for organisms to live in the pore spaces in the sediments,
thereby providing a refuge for those organisms. Also, –1.5 –1.0 –0.5 0 0.5
spawning success of salmon is greater where flow from the VERTICAL HYDRAULIC GRADIENT
stream brings oxygen into contact with eggs that were depos- Figure F–1. Abundance of algae in streambed sediments,
ited within the coarse sediment. as indicated by concentration of chlorophyll a, was markedly
greater in areas where water moved upward through the sedi-
Little Lost Man Creek, California ments than in areas where water moved downward through
the sediments in Sycamore Creek in Arizona. (Modified from
Valett, H.M., Fisher, S.G., Grimm, N.B., and Camill, P., 1994,
Vertical hydrologic exchange and ecologic stability of a desert
stream ecosystem: Ecology, v. 75, p. 548–560.) (Reprinted
with permission.)

Sycamore Creek,

The hyporheic zone also can be a source of nutrients

and algal cells to streams that foster the recovery of streams
following catastrophic storms. For example, in a study of the
ecology of Sycamore Creek in Arizona, it was found that the
algae that grew in the top few inches of streambed sediment
were quickest to recover following storms in areas where
water in the sediments moved upward (Figure F–1).

Hyporheic zones also serve as sites for nutrient uptake. The importance of biogeochemical processes that take
A study of a coastal mountain stream in northern California place at the interface of ground water and surface water in
indicated that transport of dissolved oxygen, dissolved carbon, improving water quality for human consumption is shown by
and dissolved nitrogen in stream water into the hyporheic the following example. Decreasing metal concentrations
zone stimulated uptake of nitrogen by microbes and algae (Figure F–3) in drinking-water wells adjacent to the River Glatt
in Switzerland was attributed to the interaction of the river with
attached to sediment. A model simulation of nitrogen uptake
subsurface water. The improvement in ground-water quality
(Figure F–2) indicated that both the physical process of water
started with improved sewage-treatment plants, which
exchange between the stream and the hyporheic zone and the lowered phosphate in the river. Lower phosphate concentra-
biological uptake of nitrate in the hyporheic zone affected the tions lowered the amount of algal production in the river, which
concentration of dissolved nitrogen in the stream. decreased the amount of dissolved organic carbon flowing
into the riverbanks. These factors led to a decrease in the
bacteria-caused dissolution of manganese and cadmium that
were present as coatings on sediment in the aquifer. The
result was substantially lower dissolved metal concentrations

200 in ground water adjacent to the river, which resulted in an

Without uptake
unexpected improvement in the quality of drinking water.

Without storage
Time of upstream nitrate


150 With storage and



75 Data

Model simulations 20

1000 1400 1800 2200 0200 0600 1000 1400 Manganese

Figure F–2. Nitrate injected into Little Lost Man Creek in 4

northern California was stored and taken up by algae and 2

microbes in the hyporheic zone. (Modified from Kim, B.K.A.,
Jackman, A.P., and Triska, F.J., 1992, Modeling biotic uptake 0
by periphyton and transient hyporheic storage of nitrate in a Cadmium
natural stream: Water Resources Research, v. 28, no.10,

p. 2743–2752.)

79 80 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92

Figure F–3. A decline in manganese and cadmium concen-

trations after 1990 in drinking-water wells near the River Glatt
in Switzerland was attributed to decreased phosphate in the
river and hydrologic and biogeochemical interactions between
river water and ground water. (Modified from von Gunten,
H.R., and Lienert, Ch., 1993, Decreased metal concentrations
in ground water caused by controls on phosphate emissions:
Nature, v. 364, p. 220–222.) (Reprinted with permission from
Nature, Macmillan Magazines Limited.)

Use of Environmental Tracers to Determine the
Interaction of Ground Water and Surface Water
Environmental tracers are naturally occurring dissolved are industrial chemicals that are present in ground water less
constituents, isotopes, or physical properties of water that than 50 years old, also can be used to calculate ground-water
are used to track the movement of water through watersheds. age in different parts of a drainage basin.
Useful environmental tracers include (1) common dissolved 222
Radon is a chemically inert, radioactive gas that has
constituents, such as major cations and anions; (2) stable a half-life of only 3.83 days. It is produced naturally in ground
isotopes of oxygen (18O) and hydrogen (2H) in water water as a product of the radioactive decay of 226radium in
molecules; (3) radioactive isotopes such as tritium (3H) and uranium-bearing rocks and sediment. Several studies have
radon (222Rn); and (4) water temperature. When used in documented that radon can be used to identify locations of
simple hydrologic transport calculations, environmental
tracers can be used to (1) determine source areas of water
and dissolved chemicals in drainage basins, (2) calculate 60
hydrologic and chemical fluxes between ground water and
surface water, (3) calculate water ages that indicate the length 50

Total discharg
of time water and dissolved chemicals have been present in
the drainage basin (residence times), and (4) determine 40

average rates of chemical reactions that take place during

30 Unsaturated
transport. Some examples are described below.


zone flow

Juday Creek, Indiana Saturated soil

10 zone flow

Bedrock zone flow





80 discha

zone flow

Saturated soil
40 zone flow
Walker Branch, Tennessee
Bedrock zone flow
Major cations and anions have been used as 0
tracers in studies of the hydrology of small watersheds 1 2 3 4 5 6
MARCH, 1991
to determine the sources of water to streamflow during
storms (see Figure G–1). In addition, stable isotopes of Figure G–1. The relative contributions of different
oxygen and hydrogen, which are part of water molecules, subsurface water sources to streamflow in a
are useful for determining the mixing of waters from different stream in Tennessee were determined by
source areas because of such factors as (1) differences analyzing the relative concentrations of calcium
in the isotopic composition of precipitation among recharge and sulfate. Note that increases in bedrock zone
areas, (2) changes in the isotopic composition of shallow (ground water) flow appear to contribute more to
subsurface water caused by evaporation, and (3) temporal the stormflow response at the downstream site
variability in the isotopic composition of precipitation than to the stormflow response at the upstream
relative to ground water. site in this small watershed. (Modified from
Radioactive isotopes are useful indicators of the Mulholland, P.J., 1993, Hydrometric and stream
time that water has spent in the ground-water system. For chemistry evidence of three storm flowpaths in
example, tritium (3H) is a well-known radioactive isotope of Walker Branch Watershed: Journal of Hydrology,
hydrogen that had peak concentrations in precipitation in the v. 151, p. 291–316.) (Reprinted with permission
mid-1960s as a result of above-ground nuclear-bomb testing from Elsevier Science-NL, Amsterdam, The
conducted at that time. Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), which Netherlands.)

significant ground-water input to a stream, such as from
springs. Radon also has been used to determine stream-
water movement to ground water. For example, radon was
used in a study in France to determine stream-water loss to
ground water as a result of ground-water withdrawals. (See
Figure G–2.)
An example of using stream-water temperature and
sediment temperature for mapping gaining and losing reaches
of a stream is shown in Figure G–3. In gaining reaches of the
stream, sediment temperature and stream-water temperature
are markedly different. In losing reaches of the stream, the
diurnal fluctuations of temperature in the stream are reflected
more strongly in the sediment temperature.

Pumping well

Lot River
Water table 75
A Gaining Reach
water 70 Water column
Chemically Mixing zone flow
zone 65
River Alluvial aquifer


Dissolved oxygen 60


246 248 250 252 254 256 258 260

Manganese 76

B Losing Reach

72 Water
Zinc column


Dissolved organic carbon 66


Radon 62
218 220 222 224 226 228 230 232 234 236
ucta n c e
Specific cond DAY OF YEAR

Figure G–3. Ground-water temperatures

generally are more stable than surface-water
Figure G–2. Sharp changes in chemical concentrations temperatures. Therefore, gaining reaches of
were detected over short distances as water from the Lot Juday Creek in Indiana are characterized
River in France moved into its contiguous alluvial aquifer in by relatively stable sediment temperatures
response to pumping from a well. Specific conductance of compared to stream-water temperatures (A).
water was used as an environmental tracer to determine the Conversely, losing reaches are characterized
extent of mixing of surface water with ground water, and by more variable sediment temperatures caused
radon was used to determine the inflow rate of stream water. by the temperature of the inflowing surface
Both pieces of information were then used to calculate the water (B). (Modified from Silliman, S.E., and
rate at which dissolved metals reacted to form solid phases Booth, D.F., 1993, Analysis of time series
during movement of stream water toward the pumping well. measurements of sediment temperature for
(Modified from Bourg, A.C.M., and Bertin, C., 1993, identification of gaining versus losing portions
Biogeochemical processes during the infiltration of river of Juday Creek, Indiana: Journal of Hydrology,
water into an alluvial aquifer: Environmental Science and v. 146, p. 131–148.) (Reprinted with permission
Technology, v. 27, p. 661–666.) (Reprinted with permission from Elsevier Science-NL, Amsterdam, The
from the American Chemical Society.) Netherlands.)

The magnitude of surface-water inflow and
outflow also affects the retention of nutrients in
wetlands. If lakes or wetlands have no stream
outflow, retention of chemicals is high. The
tendency to retain nutrients usually is less in
wetlands that are flushed substantially by through-
flow of surface water. In general, as surface-water
inputs increase, wetlands vary from those that
strongly retain nutrients to those that both import
and export large amounts of nutrients. Further-
more, wetlands commonly have a significant role
Lakes and wetlands also have distinctive in altering the chemical form of dissolved constitu-
biogeochemical characteristics with respect to their ents. For example, wetlands that have throughflow
interaction with ground water. The chemistry of of surface water tend to retain the chemically
ground water and the direction and magnitude of oxidized forms and release the chemically reduced
exchange with surface water significantly affect the forms of metals and nutrients.
input of dissolved chemicals to lakes and wetlands.
In general, if lakes and wetlands have little interac-
tion with streams or with ground water, input of
dissolved chemicals is mostly from precipitation;
therefore, the input of chemicals is minimal. Lakes
and wetlands that have a considerable amount of
ground-water inflow generally have large inputs of
dissolved chemicals. In cases where the input of
dissolved nutrients such as phosphorus and
nitrogen exceeds the output, primary production by
algae and wetland plants is large. When this large
amount of plant material dies, oxygen is used in the
process of decomposition. In some cases the loss of
oxygen from lake water can be large enough to kill
fish and other aquatic organisms.

“The chemistry of ground water

and the direction and magnitude
of exchange with surface water
significantly affect the input of dissolved
chemicals to lakes and wetlands”

Interaction of Ground Water and
Surface Water in Different Landscapes
Ground water is present in virtually all perspective of the interaction of ground water and
landscapes. The interaction of ground water with surface water in different landscapes, a conceptual
surface water depends on the physiographic and landscape (Figure 2) is used as a reference. Some
climatic setting of the landscape. For example, a common features of the interaction for various
stream in a wet climate might receive ground-water parts of the conceptual landscape are described
inflow, but a stream in an identical physiographic below. The five general types of terrain discussed
setting in an arid climate might lose water to are mountainous, riverine, coastal, glacial and
ground water. To provide a broad and unified dune, and karst.

downslope quickly. In addition, some rock types
The hydrology of mountainous terrain
underlying soils may be highly weathered or
(area M of the conceptual landscape, Figure 2) is
fractured and may transmit significant additional
characterized by highly variable precipitation and
water movement over and through steep land amounts of flow through the subsurface. In some
slopes. On mountain slopes, macropores created by settings this rapid flow of water results in hillside
burrowing organisms and by decay of plant roots springs.
have the capacity to transmit subsurface flow A general concept of water flow in moun-
tainous terrain includes several pathways by which
precipitation moves through the hillside to a stream
(Figure 20). Between storm and snowmelt periods,
streamflow is sustained by discharge from the
ground-water system (Figure 20A). During intense
storms, most water reaches streams very rapidly by
partially saturating and flowing through the highly
conductive soils. On the lower parts of hillslopes,
the water table sometimes rises to the land surface
during storms, resulting in overland flow (Figure
20B). When this occurs, precipitation on the satu-
rated area adds to the quantity of overland flow.
When storms or snowmelt persist in mountainous
areas, near-stream saturated areas can expand
outward from streams to include areas higher on
the hillslope. In some settings, especially in arid
regions, overland flow can be generated when the
rate of rainfall exceeds the infiltration capacity of
the soil (Figure 20C).
Near the base of some mountainsides, the
water table intersects the steep valley wall some
distance up from the base of the slope (Figure 21,
left side of valley). This results in perennial

discharge of ground water and, in many cases, the
presence of wetlands. A more common hydrologic
process that results in the presence of wetlands in
some mountain valleys is the upward discharge
Unsaturated zone

of ground water caused by the change in slope of the
water table from being steep on the valley side to
being relatively flat in the alluvial valley (Figure 21,
Water table
right side of valley). Where both of these water-table
conditions exist, wetlands fed by ground water, which
Ground-water zone
commonly are referred to as fens, can be present.
Another dynamic aspect of the interaction
of ground water and surface water in mountain
settings is caused by the marked longitudinal compo-
nent of flow in mountain valleys. The high gradient of
mountain streams, coupled with the coarse texture of
Unsaturated zone

streambed sediments, results in a strong down-valley
component of flow accompanied by frequent
exchange of stream water with water in the hyporheic
Water table
zone (Figure 14) (see Box H). The driving force for
water exchange between a stream and its hyporheic
Ground-water zone
zone is created by the surface water flowing over
rough streambeds, through pools and riffles, over
cascades, and around boulders and logs. Typically,
the stream enters the hyporheic zone at the down-
C stream end of pools and then flows beneath steep
sections of the stream (called riffles), returning to the
Unsaturated zone

stream at the upstream end of the next pool (Figure
ne 14A). Stream water also may enter the hyporheic zone
upstream from channel meanders, causing stream
Water table
water to flow through a gravel bar before reentering
the channel downstream (Figure 14B).
Ground-water zone

Figure 20. Water from precipitation moves to mountain VALLEY
streams along several pathways. Between
storms and snowmelt periods, most inflow to streams
commonly is from ground water (A). During storms
and snowmelt periods, much of the water inflow to ert
streams is from shallow flow in saturated macropores Seepage W
in the soil zone. If infiltration to the water table is face Break in
large enough, the water table will rise to the land
surface and flow to the stream is from ground water, Direction of
regional flow
soil water, and overland runoff (B). In arid areas Direction of
local flow
where soils are very dry and plants are sparse, infiltra-
tion is impeded and runoff from precipitation can
occur as overland flow (C). (Modified from Dunne, T., Figure 21. In mountainous terrain, ground water can
and Leopold, L.B., 1978, Water in environmental discharge at the base of steep slopes (left side of
planning: San Francisco, W.H. Freeman.) (Used with valley), at the edges of flood plains (right side of
permission.) valley), and to the stream.

Streams flowing from mountainous terrain
commonly flow across alluvial fans at the edges
of the valleys. Most streams in this type of setting
lose water to ground water as they traverse the
highly permeable alluvial fans. This process has
long been recognized in arid western regions, but it
also has been documented in humid regions, such
as the Appalachian Mountains. In arid
and semiarid regions, seepage of water from
the stream can be the principal source of aquifer
recharge. Despite its importance, ground-water

Termed cirque lakes, they receive much of their

water from snowmelt. However, they interact with
ground water much like the processes shown in
Figure 21, and they can be maintained by ground
water throughout the snow-free season.
The geochemical environment of mountains
is quite diverse because of the effects of highly
variable climate and many different rock
and soil types on the evolution of water chemistry.
Geologic materials can include crystalline,
volcanic, and sedimentary rocks and glacial
deposits. Sediments can vary from those having
well-developed soil horizons to stream alluvium
that has no soil development. During heavy precip-
itation, much water flows through shallow flow
paths, where it interacts with microbes and soil
gases. In the deeper flow through fractured
bedrock, longer term geochemical interactions of
recharge from losing streams remains a highly ground water with minerals determine the chem-
uncertain part of the water balance of aquifers istry of water that eventually discharges to streams.
in these regions. Promising new methods of Base flow of streams in mountainous terrain is
estimating ground-water recharge, at least locally, derived by drainage from saturated alluvium in
along mountain fronts are being developed—these valley bottoms and from drainage of bedrock frac-
methods include use of environmental tracers, tures. Mixing of these chemically different water
measuring vertical temperature profiles in stream- types results in geochemical reactions that affect
beds, measuring hydraulic characteristics of the chemistry of water in streams. During down-
stream transport in the channel, stream water mixes
streambeds, and measuring the difference in
with ground water in the hyporheic zone. In some
hydraulic head between the stream and the
mountain streams, the volume of water in the
underlying aquifer. hyporheic zone is considerably larger than that in
The most common natural lakes in moun- the stream channel. Chemical reactions in
tainous terrain are those that are dammed by rock hyporheic zones can, in some cases, substantially
sills or glacial deposits high in the mountains. alter the water chemistry of streams (Figure 19).

Field Studies of Mountainous Terrain
The steep slopes and rocky characteristics of moun- Chalk Creek, Colorado Mirror Lake,
tainous terrain make it difficult to determine interactions of New Hampshire
ground water and surface water. Consequently, few detailed
hydrogeologic investigations of these interactions have
been conducted in mountainous areas. Two examples are
given below.
A field and modeling study of the Mirror Lake area
in the White Mountains of New Hampshire indicated that
the sizes of ground-water flow systems contributing to surface-
water bodies were considerably larger than their
topographically defined watersheds. For example, much of the
ground water in the fractured bedrock that discharges to Saint Kevin Gulch,
Mirror Lake passes beneath the local flow system associated Colorado
with Norris Brook (Figure H–1). Furthermore, a more exten-
sive deep ground-water flow system that discharges to the
Pemigewasset River passes beneath flow systems associated
with both Norris Brook and Mirror Lake.
Studies in mountainous terrain have used tracers to
determine sources of ground water to streams (see Box G). In
addition to revealing processes of water exchange between
ground water and stream water, solute tracers have proven
useful for defining the limits of the hyporheic zone surrounding
mountain streams. For example, solute tracers such as chlo-
ride or bromide ions are injected into the stream to artificially
raise concentrations above natural background concentra-
tions. The locations and amounts of ground-water inflow are
determined from a simple dilution model. The extent that
tracers move into the hyporheic zone can be estimated by the
models and commonly is verified by sampling wells placed in
the study area.

Figure H–1. Ground-water flow A A'

systems in the Mirror Lake area extend FEET FEET
beyond the topographically defined 2,100 2,100
Surface drainage divide

surface-water watersheds. (Modified

Surface drainage divide

from Harte, P.T., and Winter, T.C., 1,800 1,800

1996, Factors affecting recharge to Water table

crystalline rock in the Mirror Lake area, 1,500

Grafton County, New Hampshire: in
Pemigewasset River
Norris Brook

Morganwalp, D.W., and Aronson, D.A.,

eds., U.S. Geological Survey Toxic 1,200 1,200

Substances Hydrology Program—

Proceedings of Technical Meeting, 900 Lake 900
Colorado Springs, Colorado,
September 20–24, 1993: U.S. Geolog- 600 600
ical Survey Water-Resources Investiga-
tions Report 94–4014, p. 141–150.)
300 Piezometer 300
SEA boundary SEA
Lower boundary of
bedrock as defined
in model

–400 –400

0 1,500 3,000 FEET


Streambed flux
10 Stream surface elevation
Riffle–greater than 1-percent slope


Figure H–2. In mountain streams characterized



by pools and riffles, such as at Saint Kevin Gulch

0.0001 in Colorado, inflow of water from the hyporheic
Subsurface zone to the stream was greatest at the downstream
to stream
0 end of riffles. (Modified from Harvey, J.W., and
Stream to
subsurface Bencala, K.E., 1993, The effect of streambed
– 0.0001 topography on surface-subsurface water exchange
in mountain catchments: Water Resources
– 0.0002 Research, v. 29, p. 89–98.)
0 33 66 99 132

A study in Colorado indicated that hyporheic exchange The source and fate of metal contaminants in streams
in mountain streams is caused to a large extent by the irreg- receiving drainage from abandoned mines can be determined
ular topography of the streambed, which creates pools and by using solute tracers. In addition to surface drainage from
riffles characteristic of mountain streams. Ground water enters mines, a recent study of Chalk Creek in Colorado indicated
streams most readily at the upstream end of deep pools, that contaminants were being brought to the stream by
ground-water inflow. The ground water had been contami-
and stream water flows into the subsurface beneath and to the
nated from mining activities in the past and is now a new
side of steep sections of streams (riffles) (Figure H–2). source of contamination to the stream. This nonpoint ground-
Channel irregularity, therefore, is an important control on the water source of contamination will very likely be much more
location of ground-water inflow to streams and on the size of difficult to clean up than the point source of contamination
the hyporheic zone in mountain streams because changes in from the mine tunnel.
slope determine the length and depth of hyporheic flow paths.


In some landscapes, stream valleys are small

and they commonly do not have well-developed
flood plains (area R of the conceptual landscape,
Figure 2) (see Box I). However, major rivers
(area V of the reference landscape, Figure 2) have
valleys that usually become increasingly wider
downstream. Terraces, natural levees, and aban-
doned river meanders are common landscape
features in major river valleys, and wetlands and
lakes commonly are associated with these features.
The interaction of ground water and surface
water in river valleys is affected by the interchange
of local and regional ground-water flow systems
with the rivers and by flooding and evapotranspira-
tion. Small streams receive ground-water inflow
primarily from local flow systems, which usually
have limited extent and are highly variable season-
ally. Therefore, it is not unusual for small streams
to have gaining or losing reaches that change
For larger rivers that flow in alluvial valleys,
the interaction of ground water and surface water
usually is more spatially diverse than it is for
smaller streams. Ground water from regional flow
systems discharges to the river as well as at various
places across the flood plain (Figure 22).
If terraces are present in the alluvial valley, local
ground-water flow systems may be associated with
each terrace, and lakes and wetlands may
be formed because of this source of ground
water. At some locations, such as at the valley
wall and at the river, local and regional ground-
water flow systems may discharge in close
proximity. Furthermore, in large alluvial valleys,
significant down-valley components of flow in the
streambed and in the shallow alluvium also may be
present (see Box I).

Regional upland Figure 22. In broad river valleys, small
RIVERINE VALLEY local ground-water flow systems associ-
Water table
ated with terraces overlie more regional
ground-water flow systems. Recharge
Flood levels from flood waters superimposed on these
ground-water flow systems further
complicates the hydrology of river

Direction of local flow

Direction of regional flow

Added to this distribution of ground-water Riverine alluvial deposits range in size from
discharge from different flow systems to different clay to boulders, but in many alluvial valleys, sand
parts of the valley is the effect of flooding. At times and gravel are the predominant deposits. Chemical
of high river flows, water moves into the ground- reactions involving dissolution or precipitation of
water system as bank storage (Figure 11). The minerals (see Box D) commonly do not have a
flow paths can be as lateral flow through the river- significant effect on water chemistry in sand and
bank (Figure 12B) or, during flooding, as vertical gravel alluvial aquifers because the rate of water
seepage over the flood plain (Figure 12C). As flood movement is relatively fast compared to weath-
waters rise, they cause bank storage to move into ering rates. Instead, sorption and desorption reac-
higher and higher terraces. tions and oxidation/reduction reactions related to
The water table generally is not far below the the activity of microorganisms probably have a
land surface in alluvial valleys. Therefore, vegeta- greater effect on water chemistry in these systems.
tion on flood plains, as well as at the base of some As in small streams, biogeochemical processes in
terraces, commonly has root systems deep enough
the hyporheic zone may have a significant effect on
so that the plants can transpire water directly from
the chemistry of ground water and surface water in
ground water. Because of the relatively stable
larger riverine systems. Movement of oxygen-rich
source of ground water, particularly in areas of
surface water into the subsurface, where chemi-
ground-water discharge, the vegetation can tran-
cally reactive sediment coatings are abundant,
spire water near the maximum potential transpira-
tion rate, resulting in the same effect as if the water causes increased chemical reactions related to
were being pumped by a well (see Figure 7). This activity of microorganisms. Sharp gradients in
large loss of water can result in drawdown of the concentration of some chemical constituents in
water table such that the plants intercept some of water, which delimit this zone of increased
the water that would otherwise flow to the river, biogeochemical activity, are common near the
wetland, or lake. Furthermore, in some settings it is boundary between ground water and surface water.
not uncommon during the growing season for the In addition, chemical reactions in the hyporheic
pumping effect of transpiration to be significant zone can cause precipitation of some reactive
enough that surface water moves into the subsur- solutes and contaminants, thereby affecting water
face to replenish the transpired ground water. quality.

Field Studies of Riverine Terrain
Streams are present in virtually all landscapes, and Straight River, Minnesota
in some landscapes, they are the principal surface-water
features. The interaction of ground water with streams varies
in complexity because they vary in size from small streams
near headwaters areas to large rivers flowing in large alluvial
valleys, and also because streams intersect ground-water flow
systems of greatly different scales. Examples of the interac-
tion of ground water and surface water for small and large
riverine systems are presented below.
The Straight River, which runs through a sand plain in
central Minnesota, is typical of a small stream that does not
have a flood plain and that derives most of its water from
Missouri River near
ground-water inflow. The water-table contours near the river Cache River, Arkansas
Glasgow, Missouri
bend sharply upstream (Figure I–1), indicating that ground
water moves directly into the river. It is estimated from base-
flow studies (see Box B) that, on an annual basis, ground
water accounts for more than 90 percent of the water in
the river.

95 015 ' 95 0 15 '

14 148

70 0

46 0 55 ' 0
gh 1430


1450 In contrast, the results of a study of the lower Missouri

River Valley indicate the complexity of ground-water flow and
1430 13 380 its interaction with streams in large alluvial valleys. Configura-
46 0 50 ' 1420 1
0 1 2 MILES tion of the water table in this area indicates that ground water
flows into the river at right angles in some reaches, and it
flows parallel to the river in others (Figure I–2A). This study
EXPLANATION also resulted in a map that showed patterns of water-table
1420 WATER-TABLE CONTOUR—Shows altitude of the water fluctuations with respect to proximity to the river (Figure I–2B).
table in feet above sea level. Dashed where approximately
located. Contour interval 10 feet This example shows the wide variety of ground-water flow
Figure I–1. Small streams, such as the Straight River in conditions that can be present in large alluvial valleys.
Minnesota, commonly do not have flood plains. The flow of Another study of part of a large alluvial valley provides
ground water directly into the river is indicated by the water- an example of the presence of smaller scale flow conditions.
table contours that bend sharply upstream. (Modified from The Cache River is a stream within the alluvial valley of the
Stark, J.R., Armstrong, D.S., and Zwilling, D.R., 1994, Mississippi River Delta system in eastern Arkansas. In a study
Stream-aquifer interactions in the Straight River area, of the Black Swamp, which lies along a reach of the river,
Becker and Hubbard Counties, Minnesota: U.S. Geological a number of wells and piezometers were installed to deter-
Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 94–4009, mine the interaction of ground water with the swamp and the
83 p.) river. By measuring hydraulic head at different depths in the

alluvium, it was possible to construct a hydrologic section
A B through the alluvium (Figure I–3), showing that the river
Missouri Missouri
receives ground-water discharge from both local and regional

River River
I ground-water flow systems. In addition, the section also

shows the effect of the break in slope associated with the

II terrace at the edge of the swamp, which causes ground water
r ee

r ee
60 from a local flow system to discharge into the edge of the


596 swamp rather than to the river.
592 III

230 230
Black Swamp Wetland

0 1 MILE I 0 1 MILE

205 205

Dune sand
Water table
592 IV
588 586 180 Silt and clay 180

Local flow
590 WATER-TABLE CONTOUR—Shows altitude of water table in Sand and gravel
feet above sea level. Contour interval 2 feet Regional flow

Figure I–2. In flood plains of large rivers, such as the 130 130
Missouri River near Glasgow, Missouri, patterns of ground- 0 0.5 1 MILE

water movement (A) and water-table fluctuations (B) can be

complex. Zone I is an area of rapidly fluctuating water levels, Figure I–3. The Cache River in Arkansas provides an
zone II is an area of long-term stability, zone III is an area of example of contributions to a river from regional and local
down-valley flow, and zone IV is a persistent ground-water ground-water flow systems. In addition, a small local ground-
high. (Modified from Grannemann, N.G., and Sharp, J.M., Jr., water flow system associated with a terrace discharges to
1979, Alluvial hydrogeology of the lower Missouri River: the wetland at the edge of the flood plain. (Modified from
Journal of Hydrology, v. 40, p. 85–99.) (Reprinted with Gonthier, G.J., 1996, Ground-water flow conditions within a
permission from Elsevier Science-NL, Amsterdam, The bottomland hardwood wetland, eastern Arkansas: Wetlands,
Netherlands.) v. 16, no. 3, p. 334–346.) (Used with permission.)


Coastal terrain, such as that along the east-

central and southern coasts of the United States, Regional upland
extends from inland scarps and terraces to the COASTAL TERRAIN
ocean (area C of the conceptual landscape, Water
Figure 2). This terrain is characterized by
(1) low scarps and terraces that were formed when Terrace
the ocean was higher than at present; (2) streams, Ocean

estuaries, and lagoons that are affected by tides; Direction of regional flow
(3) ponds that are commonly associated with Direction of local flow

coastal sand dunes; and (4) barrier islands.

Wetlands cover extensive areas in some coastal
terrains (see Figure 18). Figure 23. In coastal terrain, small local ground-water
The interaction of ground water and surface flow cells associated with terraces overlie more
water in coastal terrain is affected by discharge regional ground-water flow systems. In the tidal zone,
of ground water from regional flow systems and saline and brackish surface water mixes with fresh
from local flow systems associated with scarps and ground water from local and regional flow systems.
terraces (Figure 23), evapotranspiration, and tidal
flooding. The local flow systems associated with
scarps and terraces are caused by the configuration
of the water table near these features (see Box J).
Where the water table has a downward break in
slope near the top of scarps and terraces, downward
components of ground-water flow are present;
where the water table has an upward break in slope
near the base of these features, upward components
of ground-water flow are present.

Evapotranspiration directly from ground

water is widespread in coastal terrain. The land
surface is flat and the water table generally is close
to land surface; therefore, many plants have root
systems deep enough to transpire ground water at
nearly the maximum potential rate. The result is
that evapotranspiration causes a significant water

loss, which affects the configuration of ground- Estuaries are a highly dynamic interface
water flow systems as well as how ground water between the continents and the ocean, where
interacts with surface water. discharge of freshwater from large rivers mixes
In the parts of coastal landscapes that with saline water from the ocean. In addition,
are affected by tidal flooding, the interaction of ground water discharges to estuaries and the ocean,
ground water and surface water is similar to that in delivering nutrients and contaminants directly to
alluvial valleys affected by flooding. The principal coastal waters. However, few estimates of the loca-
difference between the two is that tidal flooding is tion and magnitude of ground-water discharge to
more predictable in both timing and magnitude coasts have been made.
than river flooding. The other significant difference In some estuaries, sulfate-rich regional
is in water chemistry. The water that moves into ground water mixes with carbonate-rich local
bank storage from rivers is generally fresh, but the ground water and with chloride-rich seawater,
water that moves into bank storage from tides creating sharp boundaries that separate plant
generally is brackish or saline. and wildlife communities. Biological communi-
ties associated with these sharp boundaries are
adapted to different hydrochemical conditions, and
they undergo periodic stresses that result from
inputs of water having different chemistry. The
balance between river inflow and tides
causes estuaries to retain much of the particulate
and dissolved matter that is transported in surface
and subsurface flows, including contaminants.

“Ground water discharges to estuaries

and the ocean, delivering nutrients and
contaminants directly to coastal waters”

Field Studies of Coastal Terrain
Along the Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico, and Arctic Coasts A
of the United States, broad coastal plains are transected by FEET FEET
streams, scarps, and terraces. In some parts of these regions, 70 70
local ground-water flow systems are associated with scarps
56 Suffolk 56
and terraces, and freshwater wetlands commonly are present. Scarp
Other parts of coastal regions are affected by tides, resulting 42 Great 42
in very complex flow and biogeochemical processes. Swamp 28
28 Direction of ground-water flow
Underlying the broad coastal plain of the mid-Atlantic Observation
14 14
United States are sediments 600 or more feet thick. The Well
sands and clays were deposited in stratigraphic layers that 0 0
slope gently from west to east. Ground water moves regionally DATUM IS SEA LEVEL 0 0.5 1 MILE

toward the east in the more permeable sand layers. These B


aquifers are separated by discontinuous layers of clay that 32

restrict vertical ground-water movement. Near land surface, Ground surface


local ground-water flow systems are associated with changes Water table
in land slope, such as at major scarps and at streams.
Studies of the Dismal Swamp in Virginia and North
Carolina provide examples of the interaction of ground water 26 Potentiometric surface
and wetlands near a coastal scarp. The Suffolk Scarp borders of deeper ground water

the west side of Great Dismal Swamp. Water-table wells and

deeper piezometers placed across the scarp indicated a A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J
downward component of ground-water flow in the upland and 1982 1983
an upward component of ground-water flow in the lowland Figure J–1. Ground-water discharge at the edge of the
at the edge of the swamp (Figure J–1A). However, at the Great Dismal Swamp in Virginia provides an example of
edge of the swamp the direction of flow changed several times local ground-water flow systems associated with coastal
between May and October in 1982 because transpiration of scarps (A). The vertical components of flow can change
ground water lowered the water table below the water level of direction seasonally, partly because evapotranspiration
the deep piezometer (Figure J–1B). discharges shallower ground water during part of the
year (B). (Modified from Carter, Virginia, 1990, The Great
Dismal Swamp—An illustrated case study, chapter 8,
in Lugo, A.E., Brinson, Mark, and Brown, Sandra, eds.,
Rhode River, Maryland Ecosystems of the world, 15: Forested wetlands, Elsevier,
Amsterdam, p. 201–211.) (Reprinted with permission from
Elsevier Science-NL, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.)

Great Dismal Swamp, Virginia

A The gentle relief and sandy, well-drained soils of
coastal terrain are ideal for agriculture. Movement of excess
nutrients to estuaries are a particular problem in coastal areas
Cropland because the slow rate of flushing of coastal bays and estu-
Forest aries can cause them to retain nutrients. At high concentra-
tions, nutrients can cause increased algal production, which
Rhode results in overabundance of organic matter. This, in turn, can
Subtidal River
lead to reduction of dissolved oxygen in surface water to the
extent that organisms are killed throughout large areas of
estuaries and coastal bays.
Movement of nutrients from agricultural fields has
been documented for the Rhode River watershed in Maryland
(Figure J–2). Application of fertilizer accounts for 69 percent
of nitrogen and 93 percent of phosphorus input to this water-
shed (Figure J–2B and J–2C). Almost all of the nitrogen
that is not removed by harvested crops is transported in
Chesapeake ground water and is taken up by trees in riparian forests
Bay and wetlands or is denitrified to nitrogen gas in ground water
0 0.5 1 MILE
before it reaches streams. On the other hand, most of the
phosphorus not removed by harvested crops is attached to
B NITROGEN BUDGET soil particles and is transported only during heavy precipita-
Precipitation tion when sediment from fields is transported into streams and
Cropland Forest Wetland Rhode deposited in wetlands and subtidal mudflats at the head of the
fertilizer 46% >52% uptake and River Rhode River estuary. Whether phosphorus is retained in sedi-
and Mudflats Estuary
ments or is released to the water column depends in part on
69% harvest whether sediments are exposed to oxygen. Thus, the uptake
of nutrients and their storage in riparian forests, wetlands, and
Streamflow <1% Tidal exchange subtidal mudflats in the Rhode River watershed has helped
<1% maintain relatively good water quality in the Rhode River

nd 53 %
-w estuary.
a t e r fl o w
In other areas, however, agricultural runoff and input
of nutrients have overwhelmed coastal systems, such as in
the northern Gulf of Mexico near the mouth of the Mississippi
C PHOSPHORUS BUDGET River. The 1993 flood in the Mississippi River system deliv-
Precipitation ered an enormous amount of nutrients to the Gulf of Mexico.
Cropland Forest Wetland Rhode
Following the flood, oxygen-deficient sediments created areas
fertilizer 45% Sediment and River of black sediment devoid of animal life in parts of the northern
transport Mudflats Estuary
Gulf of Mexico.
93% harvest
48% Tidal

Figure J–2. Forests and wetlands separate cropland from

streams in the Rhode River watershed in Maryland (A). More
than half of the nitrogen applied to cropland is transported by
ground water toward riparian forests and wetlands (B). More
than half of the total phosphorus applied to cropland is trans-
ported by streams to wetlands and mudflats, where most is
deposited in sediments (C). (Modified from Correll, D.L.,
Jordan, T.E., and Weller, D.E., 1992, Nutrient flux in a
landscape—Effects of coastal land use and terrestrial commu-
nity mosaic on nutrient transport to coastal waters: Estuaries,
v. 15, no. 4, p. 431–442.) (Reprinted by permission of the
Estuarine Research Federation.)


Glacial and dune terrain (area G of the

conceptual landscape, Figure 2) is characterized
by a landscape of hills and depressions. Although
stream networks drain parts of these landscapes,
many areas of glacial and dune terrain do not
contribute runoff to an integrated surface drainage
network. Instead, surface runoff from precipitation
falling on the landscape accumulates in the depres-
sions, commonly resulting in the presence of lakes
and wetlands. Because of the lack of stream
outlets, the water balance of these “closed” types of
lakes and wetlands is controlled largely by
exchange of water with the atmosphere (precipita-
tion and evapotranspiration) and with ground water
(see Box K).

Figure 24. In glacial and dune terrain,

local, intermediate, and regional ground-
water flow systems interact with lakes
and wetlands. It is not uncommon for Direction of local flow
wetlands that recharge local ground-
water flow systems to be present in Direction of regional flow
lowlands and for wetlands that receive
discharge from local ground water to be
present in uplands.

Lakes and wetlands in glacial and dune

terrain can have inflow from ground water, outflow
to ground water, or both (Figure 16).
The interaction between lakes and wetlands and
ground water is determined to a large extent by
their position with respect to local and regional
ground-water flow systems. A common conception
is that lakes and wetlands that are present in topo-
graphically high areas recharge ground water, and
that lakes and wetlands that are present in
low areas receive discharge from ground water.
However, lakes and wetlands underlain by deposits
having low permeability can receive discharge
from local ground-water flow systems even if they
are located in a regional ground-water recharge
area. Conversely, they can lose water to local
ground-water flow systems even if they are located
in a regional ground-water discharge area (Figure

Lakes and wetlands in glacial and dune Transpiration directly from ground water has
terrain underlain by highly permeable deposits a significant effect on the interaction of lakes and
commonly have ground-water seepage into one wetlands with ground water in glacial and dune
side and seepage to ground water on the other side. terrain. Transpiration from ground water (Figure 7)
This relation is relatively stable because the water- has perhaps a greater effect on lakes and wetlands
table gradient between surface-water bodies in this underlain by low-permeability deposits than in any
type of setting is relatively constant. However, the other landscape. The lateral movement of ground
boundary between inflow to the lake or wetland water in low-permeability deposits may not be fast
and outflow from it, termed the hinge line, can enough to supply the quantity of water at the rate it
is removed by transpiration, resulting in deep and
move up and down along the shoreline. Movement
steep-sided cones of depression. These cones of
of the hinge line between inflow and outflow is a
depression commonly are present around the
result of the changing slope of the water table in
perimeter of the lakes and wetlands (Figure 7 and
response to changes in ground-water recharge in
Box K).
the adjacent uplands. In the north-central United States, cycles in
the balance between precipitation and evapotrans-
piration that range from 5 to 30 years can result in
large changes in water levels, chemical concentra-
tions, and major-ion water type of individual
wetlands. In some settings, repeated cycling of
water between the surface and subsurface in the
same locale results in evaporative concentration
of solutes and eventually in mineral precipitation in
the subsurface. In addition, these dynamic hydro-
logical and chemical conditions can cause signifi-
cant changes in the types, number, and distribution
of wetland plants and invertebrate animals within
wetlands. These changing hydrological conditions
that range from seasons to decades are an essential
process for rejuvenating wetlands that provide
ideal habitat and feeding conditions for migratory

“The hydrological and chemical

characteristics of lakes and wetlands
in glacial and dune terrain are
determined to a large extent by their
position with respect to local and
regional ground-water flow systems”

Field Studies of Glacial and Dune Terrain
Glacial terrain and dune terrain are characterized by variation, some wetlands recharge ground water, some
land-surface depressions, many of which contain lakes and receive ground-water inflow and have outflow to ground water,
wetlands. Although much of the glacial terrain covering the and some receive ground-water discharge. Wetland P1
north-central United States (see index map) has low topo- provides an example of how their functions can vary in time.
graphic relief, neighboring lakes and wetlands are present at a The wetland receives ground-water discharge most of the
sufficiently wide range of altitudes to result in many variations time; however, transpiration of ground water by plants
in how they interact with ground water, as evidenced by the around the perimeter of the wetland can cause water to
following examples. seep from the wetland. Seepage from wetlands commonly
The Cottonwood Lake area, near Jamestown, North is assumed to be ground-water recharge, but in cases like
Dakota, is within the prairie-pothole region of North America. Wetland P1, the water is actually lost to transpiration. This
The hydrologic functions of these small depressional wetlands process results in depressions in the water table around
are highly variable in space and time. With respect to spatial the perimeter of the wetland at certain times, as shown in

Cottonwood Lake, Nevins Lake,

North Dakota Michigan

Limit of most recent

glacial advance Island Lake, Nebraska

99 0 06 '
P9 P2

is in feet greater than 1,640 feet


above sea level. Contour interval 20
47 0 06 ' 5 I
5 feet 0 19

19 185 200 I


I I I I T7
I T3

I I 21


I P1 T5





24230 0







20 T9



Base from U.S. Geological Survey 0 300 600 FEET

Figure K–1. Transpiration directly from ground water causes cones of depression to form by late summer around the
perimeter of prairie pothole Wetland P1 in the Cottonwood Lake area in North Dakota. (Modified from Winter, T.C., and
Rosenberry, D.O., 1995, The interaction of ground water with prairie pothole wetlands in the Cottonwood Lake area, east-
central North Dakota, 1979–1990: Wetlands, v. 15, no. 3, p. 193–211.) (Used with permission.)

Figure K–1. Transpiration-induced depressions in the water
table commonly are filled in by recharge during the following
spring, but then form again to some extent by late summer
nearly every year.
Nevins Lake, a closed lake in the Upper Peninsula of
Michigan, illustrates yet another type of interaction of lakes
with ground water in glacial terrain. Water-chemistry studies
of Nevins Lake indicated that solutes such as calcium provide
an indicator of ground-water inflow to the lake. Immediately
following spring snowmelt, the mass of dissolved calcium in
the lake increased rapidly because of increased ground-water
inflow. Calcium then decreased steadily throughout the
summer and early fall as the lake received less ground-water
inflow (Figure K–2). This pattern varied annually depending
on the amount of ground-water recharge from snowmelt and
spring rains. The chemistry of water in the pores of the lake
sediments was used to determine the spatial variability in
the direction of seepage on the side of the lake that had the
102 0 25 '
most ground-water inflow. Seepage was always out of the lake
at the sampling site farthest from shore and was always Roundup Lake Well and concentration
upward into the lake at the site nearest to shore. Flow rever- of dissolved organic
1 carbon, in milligrams
sals were documented at sites located at intermediate 21 per liter
distances from shore. 41 0 45 '

11,000 194,205
0 6
Dissolved Ground-water 158,895 Island Lake
9,900 4
calcium mass inflow 0 1 MILE
31 23

7,700 Figure K–3. Seepage from lakes in the sandhills of Nebraska
52,965 causes plumes of dissolved organic carbon to be present
6,600 in ground water on the downgradient sides of the lakes.
(Modified from LaBaugh, J.W., 1986, Limnological character-
5,500 –17,655 istics of selected lakes in the Nebraska sandhills, U.S.A.,
and their relation to chemical characteristics of adjacent












ground water: Journal of Hydrology, v. 86, p. 279–298.)

1989 1990 1991 1992 (Reprinted with permission of Elsevier Science-NL,
Figure K–2. A large input of ground water during spring Amsterdam, The Netherlands.)
supplies the annual input of calcium to Nevins Lake in the
Upper Peninsula of Michigan. (Modified from Krabbenhoft,
D.P., and Webster, K.E., 1995, Transient hydrogeological
controls on the chemistry of a seepage lake: Water
Resources Research, v. 31, no. 9, p. 2295–2305.)

Dune terrain also commonly contains lakes and

wetlands. Much of the central part of western Nebraska,
for example, is covered by sand dunes that have lakes and
wetlands in most of the lowlands between the dunes. Studies
of the interaction of lakes and wetlands with ground water at
the Crescent Lake National Wildlife Refuge indicate that most
of these lakes have seepage inflow from ground water and
seepage outflow to ground water. The chemistry of inflowing
ground water commonly has an effect on lake water chemistry.
However, the chemistry of lake water can also affect ground
water in areas of seepage from lakes. In the Crescent Lake
area, for example, plumes of lake water were detected in
ground water downgradient from the lakes, as indicated by the
plume of dissolved organic carbon downgradient from
Roundup Lake and Island Lake (Figure K–3).


Karst may be broadly defined as all land-

forms that are produced primarily by the dissolu-
tion of rocks, mainly limestone and dolomite. Karst
terrains (area K of the conceptual landscape, Figure
2) are characterized by (1) closed surface depres-
sions of various sizes and shapes known as sink-
holes, (2) an underground drainage network that
consists of solution openings that range in size
from enlarged cracks in the rock to large caves, and
(3) highly disrupted surface drainage systems,
which relate directly to the unique character of the
underground drainage system.
Dissolution of limestone and dolomite guides
the initial development of fractures into solution recharges ground water, which then affects how
holes that are diagnostic of karst terrain. Perhaps much mineral dissolution will take place before
nowhere else is the complex interplay between solute equilibrium is reached.
hydrology and chemistry so important to changes Ground-water recharge is very efficient in
in landform. Limestone and dolomite weather karst terrain because precipitation readily infiltrates
quickly, producing calcium and magnesium through the rock openings that intersect the land
carbonate waters that are relatively high in ionic surface. Water moves at greatly different rates
strength. The increasing size of solution holes through karst aquifers; it moves slowly through
allows higher ground-water flow rates across a fine fractures and pores and rapidly through solu-
greater surface area of exposed minerals, which tion-enlarged fractures and conduits. As a result,
stimulates the dissolution process further, eventu- the water discharging from many springs in karst
ally leading to development of caves. Development terrain may be a combination of relatively slow-
of karst terrain also involves biological processes. moving water draining from pores and rapidly
Microbial production of carbon dioxide in the soil moving storm-derived water. The slow-moving
affects the carbonate equilibrium of water as it component tends to reflect the chemistry of the
aquifer materials, and the more rapidly moving
water associated with recent rainfall tends to reflect
the chemical characteristics of precipitation and
surface runoff.
Water movement in karst terrain is especially
unpredictable because of the many paths ground
water takes through the maze of fractures and solu-
tion openings in the rock (see Box L). Because of
the large size of interconnected openings in well-
developed karst systems, karst terrain can have true
underground streams. These underground streams
can have high rates of flow, in some places as great
as rates of flow in surface streams. Furthermore, it
is not unusual for medium-sized streams to disap-
pear into the rock openings, thereby completely

disrupting the surface drainage system, and to coincide. An extreme example is a stream that
reappear at the surface at another place. Seeps and disappears in one surface-water basin and reap-
springs of all sizes are characteristic features of pears in another basin. This situation complicates
karst terrains. Springs having sufficiently large the identification of source areas for water and
ground-water recharge areas commonly are the associated dissolved constituents, including
source of small- to medium-sized streams and contaminants, in karst terrain.
constitute a large part of tributary flow to larger Water chemistry is widely used for studying
the hydrology of karst aquifers. Extensive tracer
studies (see Box G) and field mapping to locate
points of recharge and discharge have been used to
estimate the recharge areas of springs, rates of
ground-water movement, and the water balance of
aquifers. Variations in parameters such as tempera-
ture, hardness, calcium/magnesium ratios, and
other chemical characteristics have been used to
identify areas of ground-water recharge, differen-
tiate rapid- and slow-moving ground-water flow
paths, and compare springflow characteristics in
different regions. Rapid transport of contaminants
within karst aquifers and to springs has been docu-
mented in many locations. Because of the rapid
movement of water in karst aquifers, water-quality
problems that might be localized in other aquifer
systems can become regional problems in karst
Some landscapes considered to be karst
terrain do not have carbonate rocks at the land
surface. For example, in some areas of the south-
eastern United States, surficial deposits overlie
carbonate rocks, resulting in a “mantled” karst
streams. In addition, the location where the streams terrain. Lakes and wetlands in mantled karst terrain
emerge can change, depending on the spatial distri- interact with shallow ground water in a manner
bution of ground-water recharge in relation to indi- similar to that in sandy glacial and dune terrains.
vidual precipitation events. Large spring inflows to The difference between how lakes and wetlands
interact with ground water in sandy glacial and
streams in karst terrain contrast sharply with the
dune terrain and how they interact in the mantled
generally more diffuse ground-water inflow char-
karst is related to the buried carbonate rocks. If
acteristic of streams flowing across sand and gravel
dissolution of the buried carbonate rocks causes
aquifers. slumpage of an overlying confining bed, such that
Because of the complex patterns of surface- water can move freely through the confining bed,
water and ground-water flow in karst terrain, many the lakes and wetlands also can be affected by
studies have shown that surface-water drainage changing hydraulic heads in the aquifers under-
divides and ground-water drainage divides do not lying the confining bed (see Box L).

Field Studies of Karst Terrain
Karst terrain is characteristic of regions that are under- An example of mantled karst can be found in north-
lain by limestone and dolomite bedrock. In many karst areas, central Florida, a region that has many sinkhole lakes. In this
the carbonate bedrock is present at land surface, but in other region, unconsolidated deposits overlie the highly soluble
areas it may be covered by other deposits and is referred to as limestone of the Upper Floridan aquifer. Most land-surface
“mantled” karst. The Edwards Aquifer in south-central Texas is depressions containing lakes in Florida are formed when
an example of karst terrain where the limestones unconsolidated surficial deposits slump into sinkholes that
and dolomites are exposed at land surface (Figure L–1). In form in the underlying limestone. Thus, although the lakes are
this outcrop area, numerous solution cavities along vertical not situated directly in limestone, the sinkholes in the bedrock
joints and sinkholes provide an efficient link between the land underlying lakes commonly have a significant effect on the
surface and the water table. Precipitation on the outcrop area hydrology of the lakes.
tends to infiltrate rapidly into the ground, recharging ground
water. In addition, a considerable amount of recharge to the
aquifer is provided by losing streams that cross the outcrop
area. Even the largest streams that originate to the north are
dry in the outcrop area for most of the year. The unusual
highway signs in this area go beyond local pride in a prolific
water supply—they reflect a clear understanding of how
vulnerable this water supply is to contamination by human
activities at the land surface.
Just as solution cavities are major avenues for ground-
water recharge, they also are focal points for ground-water
discharge from karst aquifers. For example, springs near the
margin of the Edwards Aquifer provide a continuous source of Edwards Aquifer,
Texas Lake Barco, Florida
water for streams to the south.

Study area

100 0 98 0

Edwards 99 0 Div



41 0



0 30 MILES
Lake Barco is one of numerous lakes occupying
depressions in northern Florida. Results of a study of the
Outcrop area of Edwards Line separating
Aquifer freshwater zone to the
interaction of Lake Barco with ground water indicated that
north from saltwater shallow ground water flows into the northern and northeastern
Artesian area within freshwater zone zone to the south parts of the lake, and lake water seeps out to shallow ground
Figure L–1. A large area of karst terrain is associated with the water in the western and southern parts (Figure L–2A). In
Edwards Aquifer in south-central Texas. Large streams lose a addition, ground-water flow is downward beneath most of
considerable amount of water to ground water as they Lake Barco (Figure L–2B).
traverse the outcrop area of the Edwards Aquifer. (Modified The studies of lake and ground-water chemistry
from Brown, D.S., and Patton, J.T., 1995, Recharge to included the use of tritium, chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), and
and discharge from the Edwards Aquifer in the San Antonio isotopes of oxygen (see Box G). The results indicated signifi-
area, Texas, 1995: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File cant differences in the chemistry of (1) shallow ground water
Report 96–181, 2 p.) flowing into Lake Barco, (2) Lake Barco water, (3) shallow

82 0 01 ' 82 0 00 ' 30 " 82 0
29 0 41 '
ground water downgradient from Lake Barco, and (4) deeper
101 WATER TABLE ALTITUDE–In feet above sea level.
ground water beneath Lake Barco. Oxygen-rich lake water Contour interval is variable
moving through the organic-rich lake sediments is reduced, DIRECTION OF GROUND-WATER FLOW
resulting in discharge of oxygen-depleted water into the WELL LOCATION
ground water beneath Lake Barco. This downward-moving 83 ALTITUDE OF LAKE SURFACE–In feet above sea level

ground water may have an undesired effect on the chemical 101

quality of ground water in the underlying Upper Floridan 98
95 98
aquifer, which is the principal source of water supply for the 95
region. The patterns of ground-water movement determined
89 92
from hydraulic-head data were corroborated by chemical 85
tracers. For example, the dates that ground water in different Lake Lake 85
Rowan Barco
parts of the flow system was recharged, as determined from 29 0 40 '30 "
83 82.1
CFC dating, show a fairly consistent increase in the length of
time since recharge with depth (Figure L–2C).
82 0 Long
8 Lake Lake

0 600 FEET Goodson 82

82 EQUIPOTENTIAL LINE–In feet above sea level



well well
nest nest
100 table 100
Lake Barco

50 50
82 Surficial sand

77 Bedrock
–50 –50

1987 WELL LOCATION–Number is the year
that ground water at that location
was recharged
100 table 100
Lake Barco
Figure L–2. Lake Barco, in northern Florida, is a flow-through 1987
1986 1967
lake with respect to ground water (A and B). The dates that 1986
ground water in different parts of the ground-water system 50 50
was recharged indicate how long it takes water to move from 1981 1964 1962
Surficial sand
the lake or water table to a given depth (C). (Modified from 1959
Katz, B.G., Lee, T.M., Plummer, L.N., and Busenberg, E., SEA SEA
1995, Chemical evolution of groundwater near a sinkhole LEVEL 1978 LEVEL

lake, northern Florida, 1. Flow patterns, age of groundwater,

and influence of lake water leakage: Water Resources
–50 –50
Research, v. 31, no. 6, p. 1549–1564.) VERTICAL SCALE GREATLY EXAGGERATED 0 500 FEET

Human activities commonly affect the distri- The effects of human activities on the quan-
bution, quantity, and chemical quality of water tity and quality of water resources are felt over
resources. The range in human activities that affect a wide range of space and time scales. In the
the interaction of ground water and surface water is following discussion, “short term” implies time
broad. The following discussion does not provide scales from hours to a few weeks or months, and
an exhaustive survey of all human effects but “long term” may range from years to decades.
emphasizes those that are relatively widespread. To “Local scale” implies distances from a few
provide an indication of the extent to which feet to a few thousand feet and areas as large as a
humans affect the water resources of virtually all few square miles, and “subregional and regional
landscapes, some of the most relevant structures scales” range from tens to thousands of square
and features related to human activities are super- miles. The terms point source and nonpoint source
imposed on various parts of the conceptual land- with respect to discussions of contamination are
scape (Figure 25). used often; therefore, a brief discussion of the
meaning of these terms is presented in Box M.

Agricultural Development
Agriculture has been the cause of significant substantial negative effects of agriculture on water
modification of landscapes throughout the world. resources and have developed methods to alleviate
Tillage of land changes the infiltration and runoff some of these effects. For example, tillage prac-
characteristics of the land surface, which affects tices have been modified to maximize retention of
recharge to ground water, delivery of water and water in soils and to minimize erosion of soil from
the land into surface-water bodies. Two activities
sediment to surface-water bodies, and evapotrans-
related to agriculture that are particularly relevant
piration. All of these processes either directly or to the interaction of ground water and surface
indirectly affect the interaction of ground water and water are irrigation and application of chemicals to
surface water. Agriculturalists are aware of the cropland.

Figure 25. Human activities and structures, as depicted
by the distribution of various examples in the concep-
tual landscape, affect the interaction of ground water
and surface water in all types of landscapes.

Point and Nonpoint
Sources of Contaminants
Contaminants may be present in water or in air as The differentiation between point and nonpoint sources
a result of natural processes or through mechanisms of of contamination is arbitrary to some extent and may depend
displacement and dispersal related to human activities. in part on the scale at which a problem is considered. For
Contaminants from point sources discharge either into ground example, emissions from a single smokestack is a point
water or surface water through an area that is small relative to source, but these emissions may be meaningless in a regional
the area or volume of the receiving water body. Examples of analysis of air pollution. However, a fairly even distribution of
point sources include discharge from sewage-treatment tens or hundreds of smokestacks might be considered as a
plants, leakage from gasoline storage tanks, and seepage nonpoint source. As another example, houses in suburban
from landfills (Figure M–1). areas that do not have a combined sewer system have indi-
Nonpoint sources of contaminants introduce vidual septic tanks. At the local scale, each septic tank may
contaminants to the environment across areas that are be considered as point source of contamination to shallow
large compared to point sources, or nonpoint sources may ground water. At the regional scale, however, the combined
consist of multiple, closely spaced point sources. A nonpoint contamination of ground water from all the septic tanks in
source of contamination that can be present anywhere, and a suburban area may be considered a nonpoint source of
affect large areas, is deposition from the atmosphere, both contamination to a surface-water body.
by precipitation (wet deposition) or by dry fallout (dry deposi-
tion). Agricultural fields, in aggregate, represent large areas
through which fertilizers and pesticides can be released to the

Figure M–1. The transport of contamination from a point Waste site

source by ground water can cause contamination of surface

water, as well as extensive contamination of ground water.




Surface-water irrigation systems represent entire area of crops. In many irrigated areas, about
some of the largest integrated engineering works 75 to 85 percent of the applied water is lost to
undertaken by humans. The number of these evapotranspiration and retained in the crops
systems greatly increased in the western United (referred to as consumptive use). The remainder of
States in the late 1840s. In addition to dams on the water either infiltrates through the soil zone to
streams, surface-water irrigation systems include recharge ground water or it returns to a local
(1) a complex network of canals of varying size
surface-water body through the drainage system
and carrying capacity that transport water, in many
(referred to as irrigation return flow). The quantity
cases for a considerable distance, from a surface-
water source to individual fields, and (2) a drainage of irrigation water that recharges ground water
system to carry away water not used by plants that usually is large relative to recharge from precipita-
may be as extensive and complex as the supply tion because large irrigation systems commonly are
system. The drainage system may include under- in regions of low precipitation and low natural
ground tile drains. Many irrigation systems that recharge. As a result, this large volume of artificial
initially used only surface water now also use recharge can cause the water table to rise (see
ground water. The pumped ground water Box N), possibly reaching the land surface
commonly is used directly as irrigation water, but in some areas and waterlogging the fields. For this
in some cases the water is distributed through the reason, drainage systems that maintain the level of
system of canals. the water table below the root zone of the crops,
Average quantities of applied water range generally 4 to 5 feet below the land surface, are an
from several inches to 20 or more inches of water essential component of some irrigation systems.
per year, depending on local conditions, over the The permanent rise in the water table that is main-
tained by continued recharge from irrigation return
flow commonly results in an increased outflow of
shallow ground water to surface-water bodies
downgradient from the irrigated area.

Effects of Irrigation Development
on the Interaction of
Ground Water and Surface Water
Nebraska ranks second among the States with respect resource. Areas of significant rise and decline in ground-water
to the area of irrigated acreage and the quantity of water used levels due to irrigation systems are shown in Figure N–2.
for irrigation. The irrigation water is derived from extensive Ground-water levels rise in some areas irrigated with surface
supply systems that use both surface water and ground water water and decline in some areas irrigated with ground water.
(Figure N–1). Hydrologic conditions in different parts of Rises in ground-water levels near streams result in increased
Nebraska provide a number of examples of the broad-scale
ground-water inflow to gaining streams or decreased flow from
effects of irrigation development on the interactions of ground
the stream to ground water for losing streams. In some areas,
water and surface water. As would be expected, irrigation
systems based on surface water are always located near it is possible that a stream that was losing water before devel-
streams. In general, these streams are perennial and (or) opment of irrigation could become a gaining stream following
have significant flow for at least part of the year. In contrast, irrigation. This effect of surface-water irrigation probably
irrigation systems based on ground water can be located caused the rises in ground-water levels in areas F and G in
nearly anywhere that has an adequate ground-water south-central Nebraska (Figure N–2).


irrigation project

0 20 40 MILES

Figure N–1. Nebraska is one of the most extensively irrigated States in the Nation. The irrigation water comes from
both ground-water and surface-water sources. Dots are irrigation wells. (Map provided by the University of Nebraska,
Conservation and Survey Division.)

Average annual precipitation ranges from less than
15 inches in western Nebraska to more than 30 inches in
eastern Nebraska. A large concentration of irrigation wells is
present in area E (Figure N–2). The ground-water withdrawals
by these wells caused declines in ground-water levels that
could not be offset by recharge from precipitation and the
presence of nearby flowing streams. In this area, the with-
drawals cause decreases in ground-water discharge to the
streams and (or) induce flow from the streams to shallow
ground water. In contrast, the density of irrigation wells in
areas A, B, and C is less than in area E, but water-level
declines in these three western areas are similar to area E.
The similar decline caused by fewer wells in the west
compared to the east is related to less precipitation, less
ground-water recharge, and less streamflow available for
seepage to ground water.


> +50-foot rise G
+20 to +50
+10 to +20 E
–5 to +10 C
–5 to –10
–10 to –15
–15 to –20
–20 to –25
–25 to –30 0 20 40 MILES
> –30-foot decline

Figure N–2. The use of both ground water and surface water for irrigation in Nebraska has resulted in significant rises and
declines of ground-water levels in different parts of the State. (Map provided by the University of Nebraska, Conservation
and Survey Division.)

Although early irrigation systems made use Whether ground water or surface water was used
of surface water, the development of large-scale first to irrigate land, it was not long before water
sprinkler systems in recent decades has greatly managers recognized that development of either
increased the use of ground water for irrigation for water resource could affect the other. This is partic-
several reasons: (1) A system of supply canals is ularly true in many alluvial aquifers in arid regions
not needed, (2) ground water may be more readily where much of the irrigated land is in valleys.
available than surface water, and (3) many types of Significant changes in water quality accom-
sprinkler systems can be used on irregular land pany the movement of water through agricultural
surfaces; the fields do not have to be as flat as fields. The water lost to evapotranspiration is rela-
they do for gravity-flow, surface-water irrigation. tively pure; therefore, the chemicals that are left
behind precipitate as salts and accumulate in the
soil zone. These continue to increase as irrigation
continues, resulting in the dissolved-solids concen-
tration in the irrigation return flows being signifi-
cantly higher in some areas than that in the original
irrigation water. To prevent excessive buildup of
salts in the soil, irrigation water in excess of the
needs of the crops is required to dissolve and flush
out the salts and transport them to the ground-water
system. Where these dissolved solids reach high
concentrations, the artificial recharge from irriga-
tion return flow can result in degradation of the
quality of ground water and, ultimately, the surface
water into which the ground water discharges.

“Whether ground water or surface water was

used first to irrigate land, it was not
long before water managers recognized
that development of either water
resource could affect the other”

Applications of pesticides and fertilizers
to cropland can result in significant additions of
contaminants to water resources. Some pesticides
are only slightly soluble in water and may attach
(sorb) to soil particles instead of remaining in solu-
tion; these compounds are less likely to cause
contamination of ground water. Other pesticides,
however, are detected in low, but significant,
concentrations in both ground water and surface
water. Ammonium, a major component of fertilizer
and manure, is very soluble in water, and increased
concentrations of nitrate that result from nitrifica-
tion of ammonium commonly are present in both
ground water and surface water associated with
agricultural lands (see Box O). In addition to these
nonpoint sources of water contamination, point
sources of contamination are common in agricul-
tural areas where livestock are concentrated in
small areas, such as feedlots. Whether the initial
contamination is present in ground water or surface
water is somewhat immaterial because the close
interaction of the two sometimes results in both
being contaminated (see Box P).

“Whether the initial contamination is present

in ground water or surface water is
somewhat immaterial because the close
interaction of the two sometimes results
in both being contaminated”

Effects of Nitrogen Use on the Quality of
Ground Water and Surface Water
Nitrate contamination of ground water and surface High concentrations of nitrate can contribute to exces-
water in the United States is widespread because nitrate is sive growth of aquatic plants, depletion of oxygen, fishkills,
very mobile in the environment. Nitrate concentrations are and general degradation of aquatic habitats. For example, a
increasing in much of the Nation’s water, but they are particu- study of Waquoit Bay in Massachusetts linked the decline in
larly high in ground water in the midcontinent region of the eelgrass beds since 1950 to a progressive increase in nitrate
United States. Two principal chemical reactions are important input due to expansion of domestic septic-field developments
to the fate of nitrogen in water: (1) fertilizer ammonium can be in the drainage basin (Figure O–1). Loss of eelgrass is a
nitrified to form nitrate, which is very mobile as a dissolved concern because this aquatic plant stabilizes sediment and
constituent in shallow ground water, and (2) nitrate can be provides ideal habitat for juvenile fish and other fauna in
denitrified to produce nitrogen gas in the presence of chemi- coastal bays and estuaries. Larger nitrate concentrations
cally reducing conditions if a source of dissolved organic supported algal growth that caused turbidity and shading,
carbon is available. which contributed to the decline of eelgrass.

Waquoit Bay, Massachusetts

Morgan Creek, Maryland

Figure O–1. The areal extent of eelgrass

in Waquoit Bay, Massachusetts, decreased
markedly between 1951 and 1987 because
of increased inputs of nitrogen related to
domestic septic-field developments. (Modified
Eelgrass Waquoit
from Valiela, I., Foreman, K., LaMontagne, M., Bay
Hersh, D., Costa, J., Peckol, P., DeMeo-
Andeson, B., D’Avanzo, C., Babione, M.,
Sham, C.H., Brawley, J., and Lajtha, K.,
1992, Couplings of watersheds and coastal
waters—Sources and consequences
of nutrient enrichment in Waquoit Bay,
Massachusetts: Estuaries, v. 15, no. 4,
p. 433–457.) (Reprinted by permission of
1951 1971 1978 1987
the Estuarine Research Federation.)

Significant denitrification has been found to take
place at locations where oxygen is absent or present at
very low concentrations and where suitable electron-donor
compounds, such as organic carbon, are available. Such
locations include the interface of aquifers with silt and clay
confining beds and along riparian zones adjacent to streams.
For example, in a study on the eastern shore of Maryland,
nitrogen isotopes and other environmental tracers were used
to show that the degree of denitrification that took place
depended on the extent of interaction between ground-water
and the chemically reducing sediments near or below the
bottom of the Aquia Formation. Two drainage basins were
studied: Morgan Creek and Chesterville Branch (Figure O–2).
Ground-water discharging beneath both streams had similar
nitrate concentration when recharged. Significant denitrifica-
tion took place in the Morgan Creek basin where a large
fraction of local ground-water flow passed through the
reducing sediments, which are present at shallow depths
(3 to 10 feet) in this area. Evidence for the denitrification
included decreases in nitrate concentrations along the flow
path to Morgan Creek and enrichment of the 15N isotope.
Much less denitrification took place in the Chesterville Branch
basin because the top of the reducing sediments are deeper
(10 to 20 feet) in this area and a smaller fraction of ground-
water flow passed through those sediments.

Greater than 10 Recharge
5 to 10 NO3 – = 3 to 20 milligrams per liter
Chesterville Branch
2 to 5
N(NO –) = 2 to 6 per mil
NO 3– = 9 to 10 milligrams per liter
Less than 2 Morgan Creek 15
N(NO –) = 4 to 5 per mil
NO3– = 2 to 3 milligrams per liter 3
N(NO –) = 7 to 10 per mil South
r tab

Base of A
quia Form
Ground water ation
NO3– = 0 milligrams per liter
N(excess N 2) = 2 to 5 per mil Ground water
NO 3– = 3 to 5 milligrams per liter
N(NO –) = 4 to 5 per mil

Figure O–2. Denitrification had a greater effect on ground water discharging to Morgan Creek than to Chesterville Branch in
Maryland because a larger fraction of the local flow system discharging to Morgan Creek penetrated the reduced calcareous
sediments near or below the bottom of the Aquia Formation than the flow system associated with the Chesterville Branch.
(Modified from Bolke, J.K., and Denver, J.M., 1995, Combined use of ground-water dating, chemical, and isotopic analyses
to resolve the history and fate of nitrate contamination in two agricultural watersheds, Atlantic coastal plain, Maryland: Water
Resources Research, v. 31, no. 9, p. 2319–2337.)

Effects of Pesticide Application to
Agricultural Lands on the Quality of
Ground Water and Surface Water
Pesticide contamination of ground water and surface
A Sampling period February 20 to 22
water has become a major environmental issue. Recent

studies indicate that pesticides applied to cropland can

contaminate the underlying ground water and then move (0.12) Water table
along ground-water flow paths to surface water. In addition, 0.3 0.3
as indicated by the following examples, movement of these 660 Sand 0.2
pesticides between surface water and ground water can be 650 0.1
dynamic in response to factors such as bank storage during 640 0.1 Glacial till
periods of high runoff and ground-water withdrawals.
A study of the sources of atrazine, a widely used
herbicide detected in the Cedar River and its associated B Sampling period March 20 to 22

alluvial aquifer in Iowa, indicated that ground water was the 690

major source of atrazine in the river during base-flow condi- 680 Sand

Water table
tions. In addition, during periods of high streamflow, surface (0.51) 6 0.5
670 0. 0.6 0.4 0.2
water containing high concentrations of atrazine moved 0.5
660 0.3 0.2 Sand
into the bank sediments and alluvial aquifer, then slowly 0.5
discharged back to the river as the river level declined. 0.1
Reversals of flow related to bank storage were documented 640
Glacial till
using data for three sampling periods (Figure P–1). The first 630
sampling (Figure P–1A) was before atrazine was applied to
cropland, when concentrations in the river and aquifer were
C Sampling period April 3 to 5

relatively low. The second sampling (Figure P–1B) was after

680 Sand

atrazine was applied to cropland upstream. High streamflow at Water table

this time caused the river stage to peak almost 6 feet above its 670 0.4 0.2
base-flow level, which caused the herbicide to move with 660
0.3 0.
2 Sand
the river water into the aquifer. By the third sampling date 0.1
(Figure P–1C), the hydraulic gradient between the river 640
and the alluvial aquifer had reversed again, and atrazine- Glacial till
contaminated water discharged back into the river. VERTICAL EXAGGERATION X 4 0 100 200 FEET

0.1 Line of equal atrazine concentration, Well location
in micrograms per liter
Direction of
(0.21) Concentration of atrazine in river at time ground-water
of sampling, in micrograms per liter flow

Figure P–1. Concentrations of atrazine increased in the

Cedar River in Iowa following applications of the chemical
on agricultural areas upstream from a study site. During high
streamflow (B), the contaminated river water moved into the
alluvial aquifer as bank storage, contaminating ground water.
After the river level declined (C), part of the contaminated
ground water returned to the river. (Modified from Squillace,
P.J., Thurman, E.M., and Furlong, E.T., 1993, Groundwater
as a nonpoint source of atrazine and deethylatrazine in a river
during base flow conditions: Water Resources Research,
v. 29, no. 6, p. 1719–1729.)

In a second study, atrazine was detected in ground 10
water in the alluvial aquifer along the Platte River near Lincoln,
Nebraska. Atrazine is not applied in the vicinity of the well
field, so it was suspected that ground-water withdrawals at the
well field caused contaminated river water to move into the
aquifer. To define the source of the atrazine, water samples
were collected from monitoring wells located at different
distances from the river near the well field. The pattern of 8


concentrations of atrazine in the ground water indicated that
peak concentrations of the herbicide showed up sooner in
wells close to the river compared to wells farther away (Figure 7
P–2). Peak concentrations of atrazine in ground water were
much higher and more distinct during periods of large ground-
water withdrawals (July and August) than during periods of
much smaller withdrawals (May to early June). 6

Cedar River, Iowa


164 FEET

197 FEET

Lincoln, Nebraska
361 FEET


Figure P–2. Pumping of municipal water-supply wells near

Lincoln, Nebraska, has induced Platte River water contami-
nated with atrazine to flow into the aquifer. Distances shown
are from river to monitoring well. (Modified from Duncan, D.,
Pederson, D.T., Shepherd, T.R., and Carr, J.D., 1991,
Atrazine used as a tracer of induced recharge: Ground
Water Monitoring Review, v. 11, no. 4, p. 144–150.) (Used
with permission.)

Urban and Industrial Development
Point sources of contamination to surface- Box M). These contaminant plumes commonly
water bodies are an expected side effect of urban discharge into a nearby surface-water body. If
development. Examples of point sources include the concentration of contaminant is low and the
direct discharges from sewage-treatment plants, rate of discharge of plume water also is small rela-
industrial facilities, and stormwater drains. These tive to the volume of the receiving surface-water
facilities and structures commonly add sufficient body, the discharging contaminant plume will have
loads of a variety of contaminants to streams to only a small, or perhaps unmeasurable, effect on
strongly affect the quality of the stream for long the quality of the receiving surface-water body.
distances downstream. Depending on relative flow Furthermore, biogeochemical processes
magnitudes of the point source and of the stream, may decrease the concentration of the contaminant
discharge from a point source such as a sewage- as it is transported through the shallow ground-
treatment plant may represent a large percentage of water system and the hyporheic zone. On the other
the water in the stream directly downstream from hand, if the discharge of the contaminant plume is
the source. Contaminants in streams can easily large or has high concentrations of contaminant, it
affect ground-water quality, especially where could significantly affect the quality of the
streams normally seep to ground water, where receiving surface-water body.
ground-water withdrawals induce seepage from the
stream, and where floods cause stream water to
become bank storage.
Point sources of contamination to ground
water can include septic tanks, fluid storage tanks,
landfills, and industrial lagoons. If a contaminant is
soluble in water and reaches the water table,
the contaminant will be transported by the slowly
moving ground water. If the source continues to
supply the contaminant over a period of time,
the distribution of the dissolved contaminant
will take a characteristic “plumelike” shape (see

“Contaminants in streams can easily affect

ground-water quality, especially where
streams normally seep to
ground water, where ground-water
withdrawals induce seepage from the stream,
and where floods cause stream water to
become bank storage”

Drainage of the Land Surface
In landscapes that are relatively flat, have Drainage of the land surface is common
water ponded on the land surface, or have a in regions having extensive wetlands, such as
shallow water table, drainage of land is a common coastal, riverine, and some glacial-lake landscapes.
practice preceding agricultural and urban develop- Construction of artificial drainage systems is
ment. Drainage can be accomplished by extensive in these regions because wetland condi-
constructing open ditches or by burying tile drains tions generally result in deep, rich, organic soils
beneath the land surface. In some glacial terrain that are much prized for agriculture. In the most
underlain by deposits having low permeability, extensive artificially drained part of the Nation, the
drainage of lakes and wetlands can change the glacial terrain of the upper Midwest, it is estimated
areal distribution of ground-water recharge and that more than 50 percent of the original wetland
discharge, which in turn can result in significant
areas have been destroyed. In Iowa alone, the
changes in the biota that are present and in the
destruction exceeds 90 percent. Although some
chemical and biological processes that take place
wetlands were destroyed by filling, most were
in wetlands. Furthermore, these changes can ulti-
destroyed by drainage.
mately affect the baseflow to streams, which in
turn affects riverine ecosystems. Drainage also
alters the water-holding capacity of topographic
depressions as well as the surface runoff rates from
land having very low slopes. More efficient runoff
caused by drainage systems results in decreased
recharge to ground water and greater contribution
to flooding.

Modifications to River Valleys
Levees are built along riverbanks to protect
adjacent lands from flooding. These structures
commonly are very effective in containing smaller
magnitude floods that are likely to occur regularly
from year to year. Large floods that occur much
less frequently, however, sometimes overtop or
breach the levees, resulting in widespread flooding.
Flooding of low-lying land is, in a sense, the most
visible and extreme example of the interaction of
ground water and surface water. During flooding,
recharge to ground water is continuous; given
sufficient time, the water table may rise to the land
surface and completely saturate the shallow aquifer
(see Figure 12). Under these conditions, an
extended period of drainage from the shallow
aquifer takes place after the floodwaters recede.
The irony of levees as a flood protection mecha-
nism is that if levees fail during a major flood, the
area, depth, and duration of flooding in some areas
may be greater than if levees were not present.


The primary purpose of reservoirs is to store

water for uses such as public water supply, irriga-
tion, flood attentuation, and generation of electric
power. Reservoirs also can provide opportunities
for recreation and wildlife habitat. Water needs
to be stored in reservoirs because streamflow is
highly variable, and the times when streamflow
is abundant do not necessarily coincide with the
times when the water is needed. Streamflow can
vary daily in response to individual storms and
seasonally in response to variation in weather
The effects of reservoirs on the interaction
of ground water and surface water are greatest near
the reservoir and directly downstream from it.
Reservoirs can cause a permanent rise in the water
table that may extend a considerable distance from
the reservoir, because the base level of the stream,
to which the ground-water gradients had adjusted,
is raised to the higher reservoir levels. Near the

dam, reservoirs commonly lose water to shallow REMOVAL OF NATURAL VEGETATION
ground water, but this water commonly returns to
the river as base flow directly downstream from the To make land available for agriculture and
urban growth, development sometimes involves
dam. In addition, reservoirs can cause temporary
cutting of forests and removal of riparian vegeta-
bank storage at times when reservoir levels are
tion and wetlands. Forests have a significant role in
high. In some cases, this temporary storage of
the hydrologic regime of watersheds. Deforestation
surface water in the ground-water system has been
tends to decrease evapotranspiration, increase
found to be a significant factor in reservoir
storm runoff and soil erosion, and decrease infiltra-
management (see Box Q).
tion to ground water and base flow of streams.
Human-controlled reservoir releases and From the viewpoint of water-resource quality and
accumulation of water in storage may cause high management, the increase in storm runoff and soil
flows and low flows to differ considerably in erosion and the decrease in base flow of streams
magnitude and timing compared to natural flows. are generally viewed as undesirable.
As a result, the environmental conditions in river In the western United States, removal of
valleys downstream from a dam may be altered as riparian vegetation has long been thought to result
organisms try to adjust to the modified flow condi- in an increase in streamflow. It commonly is
tions. For example, the movement of water to and believed that the phreatophytes in alluvial valleys
from bank storage under controlled conditions transpire ground water that otherwise would flow
would probably be much more regular in timing to the river and be available for use (see Box R).
and magnitude compared to the highly variable Some of the important functions of riparian vegeta-
natural flow conditions, which probably would tion and riparian wetlands include preservation of
lead to less biodiversity in river systems down- aquatic habitat, protection of the land from erosion,
stream from reservoirs. The few studies that have flood mitigation, and maintenance of water quality.
been made of riverine ecosystems downstream Destruction of riparian vegetation and wetlands
from a reservoir indicate that they are different removes the benefits of erosion control and flood
from the pre-reservoir conditions, but much more mitigation, while altering aquatic habitat and
needs to be understood about the effects of reser- chemical processes that maintain water quality.
voirs on stream channels and riverine ecosystems
downstream from dams.

Effects of Surface-Water Reservoirs
on the Interaction of
Ground Water and Surface Water
The increase of water levels in reservoirs causes the is large enough that it needs to be considered in the reservoir
surface water to move into bank storage. When water levels in management plan for the Columbia River system. As a
reservoirs are decreased, this bank storage will return to the specific example, if the water level of the reservoir is raised
reservoir. Depending on the size of the reservoir and the 100 feet, held at that level for a year, then lowered 100 feet,
magnitude of fluctuation of the water level of the reservoir, the water that would drain back to the reservoir during a
the amount of water involved in bank storage can be large. year would be equivalent to an additional 3 feet over the reser-
A study of bank storage associated with Hungry Horse voir surface. (Information from Simons, W.D., and Rorabaugh,
Reservoir in Montana, which is part of the Columbia River M.I., 1971, Hydrology of Hungry Horse Reservoir, north-
system, indicated that the amount of water that would return to western Montana: U.S. Geological Survey Professional
the reservoir from bank storage after water levels are lowered Paper 682.)

Hungry Horse Reservoir,


Effects of the Removal of Flood-Plain
Vegetation on the Interaction of
Ground Water and Surface Water
In low-lying areas where the water table is close to land
surface, such as in flood plains, transpiration directly from
ground water can reduce ground-water discharge to surface
water and can even cause surface water to recharge ground
water (see Figure 7). This process has attracted particular
attention in arid areas, where transpiration by phreatophytes
on flood plains of western rivers can have a significant effect
on streamflows. To assess this effect, a study was done on
transpiration by phreatophytes along a reach of the Gila River
upstream from San Carlos Reservoir in Arizona. During the
first few years of the 10-year study, the natural hydrologic Gila River,
system was monitored using observation wells, streamflow Arizona
gages, and meteorological instruments. Following this initial
monitoring period, the phreatophytes were removed from the
flood plain and the effects on streamflow were evaluated. The
average effect of vegetation removal over the entire study
reach was that the Gila River changed from a continually 5

losing river for most years before clearing to a gaining stream 4 Before removal of phreatophytes
during some months for most years following clearing. Specifi- from flood plain
cally, average monthly values of gain or loss from the stream
indicated that before clearing, the river lost water to ground 2
water during all months for most years. After clearing, the river
1 Flow
gained ground-water inflow during March through June and from river
during September for most years (Figure R–1). 0
–1 into river



4 After removal of phreatophytes

from flood plain

1 Flow
from river
–1 into river


Figure R–1. Removal of phreatophytes from the flood plain

along a losing reach of the Gila River in Arizona resulted in
the river receiving ground-water inflow during some months
of the year. (Modified from Culler, R.C., Hanson, R.L., Myrick,
R.M., Turner, R.M., and Kipple, F.P., 1982, Evapotranspira-
tion before and after clearing phreatophytes, Gila River flood
plain, Graham County, Arizona: U.S. Geological Professional
Paper 655–P.)

Modifications to the Atmosphere
Atmospheric deposition of chemicals, such as a surface-water body received a significant inflow of
sulfate and nitrate, can cause some surface-water bodies ground water, chemical exchange while the water
to become acidic. Concern about the effects of acidic passed through the subsurface commonly neutralized
precipitation on aquatic ecosystems has led to research the acidic water, which can reduce the acidity of the
on the interaction of ground water and surface water, surface water to tolerable levels for aquatic organisms.
especially in small headwaters catchments. It was clear Conversely, if runoff of acidic precipitation was rapid
when the problem was first recognized that surface- and involved very little flow through the ground-water
water bodies in some environments were highly suscep- system, the surface-water body was highly vulnerable
tible to acidic precipitation, whereas in other environ- and could become devoid of most aquatic life.
ments they were not. Research revealed that the
interaction of ground water and surface water is impor-
tant to determining the susceptibility of a surface-water
body to acidic precipitation (see Box S). For example, if

“The interaction of ground water

and surface water is
important to determining the
susceptibility of a surface-water
body to acidic precipitation”

The concentration of gases, such as carbon are embedded in the natural variability of the present
dioxide (CO2) and methane, in the atmosphere has a global climate regime.
significant effect on the heat budget of the Earth’s Surficial aquifers, which supply much of the
surface and the lower atmosphere. The increase in streamflow nationwide and which contribute flow to
concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere of about 25 lakes, wetlands, and estuaries, are the aquifers most
percent since the late 1700s generally is thought to be sensitive to seasonal and longer term climatic variation.
caused by the increase in burning of fossil fuels. At As a result, the interaction of ground water and surface
present, the analysis and prediction of “global water also will be sensitive to variability of climate or to
warming” and its possible effects on the hydrologic changes in climate. However, little attention has been
cycle can be described only with great uncertainty. directed at determining the effects of climate change on
Although the physical behavior of CO2 and other green- shallow aquifers and their interaction with surface
house gases is well understood, climate systems are water, or on planning how this combined resource will
exceedingly complex, and long-term changes in climate be managed if climate changes significantly.

Effects of Atmospheric Deposition
on the Quality of
Ground Water and Surface Water
In areas where soils have little capacity to buffer England have indicated that acidity was higher in streams
acids in water, acidic precipitation can be a problem because during storms when more of the sub-
the infiltrating acidic water can increase the solubility of surface flow moved through the soil rather than through
metals, which results in the flushing of high concentrations the deeper flow paths (Figure S–1). Moreover, in a study
of dissolved metals into surface water. Increased concentra- of the effects of acid precipitation on lakes in the Adirondack
tions of naturally occurring metals such as aluminum may Mountains of New York, the length of time that water was
be toxic to aquatic organisms. Studies of watersheds have in contact with deep subsurface materials was the most
indicated that the length of subsurface flow paths has an effect important factor affecting acidity because contact time
on the degree to which acidic water is buffered by flow through determined the amount of buffering that could take place
the subsurface. For example, studies of watersheds in (Figure S–2).

Figure S–1. Acidity is higher (pH is lower) 7

in streams when most of the flow is

contributed by shallow soil water because

the water has had less time to be neutral- 6

ized by contact with minerals compared

to water that has traversed deeper
flow paths. (Modified from Robson, A., 5

Beven, K.J., and Neal, C., 1992, Towards

identifying sources of subsurface flow—
A comparison of components identified 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1,000
by a physically based runoff model and


those determined by chemical mixing

techniques: Hydrological Processes,

v. 6, p. 199–214.) (Reprinted with 16

permission from John Wiley & Sons

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1,000


Soil water


Deeper water

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1,000

Adirondack Mountains,
New York





0 5 10 15 20 25

Figure S–2. The longer water is in contact with deep

subsurface materials in a watershed, the higher the alkalinity
in lakes receiving that water. (Modified from Wolock, D.M.,
Hornberger, G.M., Beven, K.J., and Campbell, W.G., 1989,
The relationship of catchment topography and soil hydraulic
characteristics to lake alkalinity in the northeastern United
States: Water Resources Research, v. 25, p. 829–837.)

The interaction of ground water and surface other changes in aquatic environments. As a result,
water involves many physical, chemical, and studies of the interaction of ground water and
biological processes that take place in a variety surface water have expanded to include many other
of physiographic and climatic settings. For many
settings, including headwater streams,
decades, studies of the interaction of ground water
and surface water were directed primarily at large lakes, wetlands, and coastal areas.
alluvial stream and aquifer systems. Interest in Issues related to water management and
the relation of ground water to surface water has water policy were presented at the beginning
increased in recent years as a result of widespread of this report. The following sections address
concerns related to water supply; contamination
the need for greater understanding of the
of ground water, lakes, and streams by toxic
substances (commonly where not expected); acidi- interaction of ground water and surface water with
fication of surface waters caused by atmospheric respect to the three issues of water supply,
deposition of sulfate and nitrate; eutrophication of water quality, and characteristics of aquatic
lakes; loss of wetlands due to development; and environments.

Water Supply
Water commonly is not present at the water at even a great distance from surface water
locations and times where and when it is most can reduce the amount of ground-water inflow to
needed. As a result, engineering works of all surface water or cause surface water to recharge
sizes have been constructed to distribute water ground water.
from places of abundance to places of need.
The hydrologic system is complex, from the
Regardless of the scale of the water-supply system,
development of either ground water or surface climate system that drives it, to the earth materials
water can eventually affect the other. For example, that the water flows across and through, to the
whether the source of irrigation water is ground modifications of the system by human activities.
water or surface water, return flows from irrigated Much research and engineering has been devoted
fields will eventually reach surface water either to the development of water resources for water
through ditches or through ground-water discharge. supply. However, most past work has concentrated
Building dams to store surface water or diverting
on either surface water or ground water without
water from a stream changes the hydraulic connec-
much concern about their interrelations. The need
tion and the hydraulic gradient between that body
of surface water and the adjacent ground water, to understand better how development of one water
which in turn results in gains or losses of ground resource affects the other is universal and will
water. In some landscapes, development of ground surely increase as development intensifies.

Water Quality
For nearly every type of water use, whether the effects of biogeochemical processes on water
municipal, industrial, or agricultural, water has quality at the interface between surface water and
increased concentrations of dissolved constituents near-surface sediments. These processes can have a
or increased temperature following its use. There- profound effect on the chemistry of ground water
fore, the water quality of the water bodies that recharging surface water and on the chemistry of
receive the discharge or return flow are affected surface water recharging ground water. Repeated
by that use. In addition, as the water moves down- exchange of water between surface water and near-
stream, additional water use can further degrade surface sediments can further enhance the impor-
the water quality. If irrigation return flow, or tance of these processes. Research on the interface
discharge from a municipal or industrial plant, between ground water and surface water has
moves downstream and is drawn back into an increased in recent years, but only a few stream
aquifer because of ground-water withdrawals, the environments have been studied, and the transfer
ground-water system also will be affected by the value of the research results is limited and uncer-
quality of that surface water. tain.
Application of irrigation water to cropland The tendency for chemical contaminants to
can result in the return flow having poorer quality move between ground water and surface water is a
because evapotranspiration by plants removes key consideration in managing water resources.
some water but not the dissolved salts. As a result, With an increasing emphasis on watersheds as a
the dissolved salts can precipitate as solids, focus for managing water quality, coordination
increasing the salinity of the soils. Additional between watershed-management and ground-
application of water dissolves these salts and water-protection programs will be essential to
moves them farther downgradient in the hydrologic protect the quality of drinking water. Furthermore,
system. In addition, application of fertilizers and ground-water and surface-water interactions have a
pesticides to cropland can result in poor-quality major role in affecting chemical and biological
return flows to both ground water and surface processes in lakes, wetlands, and streams, which in
water. The transport and fate of contaminants turn affect water quality throughout the hydrologic
caused by agricultural practices and municipal and system. Improved scientific understanding of the
industrial discharges are a widespread concern that interconnections between hydrological and
can be addressed most effectively if ground water biogeochemical processes will be needed to reme-
and surface water are managed as a single resource. diate contaminated sites, to evaluate applications
Water scientists and water managers need for waste-discharge permits, and to protect or
to design data-collection programs that examine restore biological resources.

Characteristics of Aquatic Environments
The interface between ground water and and chemical balances of a wetland change, the
surface water is an areally restricted, but particu- wetland can take on a completely different func-
larly sensitive and critical niche in the total envi- tion, or it may be destroyed. Generally, the most
ronment. At this interface, ground water that has devastating impacts on wetlands result from
been affected by environmental conditions on the changes in land use. Wetlands commonly are
terrestrial landscape interacts with surface water drained to make land available for agricultural
that has been affected by environmental conditions use or filled to make land available for urban and
upstream. Furthermore, the chemical reactions that industrial development. Without understanding
take place where chemically distinct surface water how wetlands interact with ground water, many
meets chemically distinct ground water in the plans to use land formerly occupied by wetlands
hyporheic zone may result in a biogeochemical fail. For example, it is operationally straightfor-
environment that in some cases could be used as an ward to fill in or drain a wetland, but the ground-
indicator of changes in either terrestrial or aquatic water flow system that maintains many wetlands
ecosystems. The ability to understand this interface may continue to discharge at that location. Many
is challenging because it requires the focusing of structures and roads built on former wetlands
many different scientific and technical disciplines and many wetland restoration or construction
at the same, areally restricted locality. The benefit programs fail for this reason. Saline soils in many
of this approach to studying the interface of ground parts of the central prairies also result from evapo-
water and surface water could be the identification ration of ground water that continues to discharge
of useful biological or chemical indicators of to the land surface after the wetlands were drained.
adverse or positive changes in larger terrestrial and Riparian zones also are particularly sensitive
aquatic ecosystems. to changes in the availability and quality of ground
Wetlands are a type of aquatic environment water and surface water because these ecosystems
present in most landscapes; yet, in many areas, commonly are dependent on both sources of water.
their perceived value is controversial. The principal If either water source changes, riparian zones may
characteristics and functions of wetlands are deter- be altered, changing their ability to provide aquatic
mined by the water and chemical balances that habitat, mitigate floods and erosion, stabilize
maintain them. These factors in large part deter- shorelines, and process chemicals, including
mine the value of a wetland for flood control, contaminants. Effective management of water
nutrient retention, and wildlife habitat. As a resources requires an understanding of the role of
result, they are especially sensitive to changing riparian zones and their dependence on the interac-
hydrological conditions. When the hydrological tion of ground water and surface water.

Technical review of this Circular was provided by
S.P. Garabedian, J.W. LaBaugh, E.M. Thurman, and
K.L. Wahl of the U.S. Geological Survey, and James
Goeke of the Nebraska Conservation and Survey Divi-
sion, University of Nebraska. J.V. Flager provided tech-
nical and editorial reviews of the manuscript at several
stages during its preparation, and M.A. Kidd edited the
final manuscript. Design and production of the Circular
were led by R.J. Olmstead. Conceptual landscapes were
provided by J.M. Evans, and manuscript preparation was
provided by J.K. Monson.

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