Stuck in The Pandemic: Lived Experiences of Senior High School Students in The Schools of Kabankalan I and V

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Volume: 8
Issue: 8
Pages: 926-934
Document ID: 2023PEMJ703
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7927162
Manuscript Accepted: 2023-05-12 00:29:38
Psych Educ, 2023, 8(8): 926-934, Document ID: 2023PEMJ703, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7927162, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Stuck in the Pandemic: Lived Experiences of Senior High School Students in the Schools
of Kabankalan I and V
Jesusa Dela Paz*, Mary Joan Dayon, Junry Esparar, Faustino Padilla, Milagros Aurea Sabidalas
For affiliations and correspondence, see the last page.


This qualitative research studied and analyzed the senior high school learners’ lived experiences on Modular Learning
Delivery Modality during the COVID-19 pandemic. Eleven (11) Senior High School learners were interviewed in the districts
of Kabankalan I and V of DepEd Kabankalan City. Using the Phenomenological Method of Inquiry in organizing, reading,
looking, coding, description, representing, and interpreting the data, four major themes were derived from the study: (1)
Uncomfortable Learning space, (2) Time Management and Parental Support, (3) Challenges Meet in the Modular Distance
Learning, and (4) Realization to Oneself. Considering the careful analysis of the themes the following conclusions were
deduced: (a) The conduciveness of learning spaces affects by external factors; (b): Poor Time management and lack of
parental/guardian support affect the quality of modular distance learning; (c) Challenges encountered by the learners adversely
affected their academic performance; (d) self - realization on the importance of face to face, parents’ support, time
management, and teachers in teaching difficult subjects opened the eyes of the learners to be more self-motivated to continue
education through modular distance learning.

Keywords: Philippines, Study Habits, Modular Learning, Home Learning Environment, Challenges
In Modular Distance Learning

Introduction Learning Recovery and Continuity Plan (BE-LRCP) to

ensure that the Programs, Projects, and Activities
(PPAs) of the schools are aligned with that of the
Since the outbreak of COVID-19 started in late 2019, Division, Region, and Central Office and to forge
it has continued to wreak havoc across the world. Like stronger partnerships among stakeholders. This action
any other sector, education had been hit hard (DO No. ensures the complementary role of the parents,
12, s. 2020). According to the United Nations guardians, household partners, and community
Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (as members to support the teaching-learning process of
cited in DO No. 12, s. 2020)), over 800 million the students at home.
learners from around the world have been affected.
Yet amidst the public health emergency brought about To make the implementation of different learning
by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Department of modalities in the Schools Division of Kabankalan City
Education (DepEd) is committed to ensuring the smooth and organized, the division initiated the pilot
unhampered delivery of basic education services to the implementation of each Learning Delivery Modality
learners and the community (D.O. No. 32 s. 2020) as (Esparar et al., 2022) such as Radio-based instruction,
mandated by the Constitution of the Republic of the TV-based instruction, Online Distance Learning,
Philippines and reiterated in the Enhanced Basic Modular Distance Learning, and Blended Learning in
Education Act of 2013. the five districts with the assistance of the ten (10)
Public Schools District Supervisors and ten (10)
The Department of Education recognizes the public Education Program Supervisors. After the pilot
safety of all learners in the country and had come to a implementation, the majority of the parents chose
decision to close all schools nationwide. However, to Modular Distance Learning. Because of the limited
ensure that the rights of education of every learner are resources, only a few schools opted for Blended
given the importance the Secretary of Education Learning. Moreover, a few schools in the District of
Leonor Briones made a marching order to continue the Kabankalan I and V chose Online Learning for those
delivery of basic quality education despite the health learners who had gadgets and stable internet
crisis. Thus, the contingency plan is adopted known as connection. However, it was only done for some hard-
Basic Education Continuity Plan (BE-LCP) for School to-teach competencies that really need teachers’ help.
Year 2021-2022 employing Multiple Learning
Delivery Modalities (LDMs) to ensure continued Since the majority of the learners in Districts I and V
learning opportunities for learners. (DO No. 12 s. used modular distance learning the assigned Public
2020). Each school had to develop Basic Education- Schools District Supervisors and adoptive Education

Jesusa Dela Paz

Psych Educ, 2023, 8(8): 926-934, Document ID: 2023PEMJ703, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7927162, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Program Supervisors have monitored the 1.3. challenges?

implementation of the chosen modality. The assigned
supervisors gathered data and feedback from the
different teachers in all grade levels through the focus Literature Review
group discussion (FGD) and through the Monitoring,
Evaluation, and Adjustment (MEA) technology.
Modular Learning
Through the detailed characterization of the data, it
was found that the Senior High school learners have
The COVID-19 pandemic has closed educational
difficulty answering the Self Learning Modules
institutions and dramatically shifts instruction to
(SLMs) since they require direct instruction from the
distance learning. However, students rooted in
teachers. Since, only the parents/guardians, siblings,
marginalized families and from rural areas have
other family members, and household helpers were
limited access to the technology necessary for online
acting home facilitators, it was really hard for the
learning. Modular learning addresses this learning
learners to accomplish their SLMs. Despite the support
inequality by providing more inclusive access to
of their parents, their being busy hampered them from
education. Parents have encountered various
helping their children. In the study conducted by Dr.
challenges from the new mode of learning in a virtual
Lourdes Servito (2001), Parents are partners of
setting; delivery of instruction; unsatisfactory learning
teachers in education, and that they are the home
outcomes; financial difficulties while working for the
facilitators, the “tagapagdaloy” means channel, but
family during the lockdown. (Agaton and Cueto, 2021)
they will not teach the subject matter. It is the
teacher’s duty to teach. It’s a fact that during the There are four types of assessment used in Modular
pandemic teachers did not teach in modular distance Distance Learning and they differ from one another. 1.
learning. Formative Assessments are usually not scored or
graded commonly in five-item multiple choice type
To be home facilitators was a great task for them for
tests in order to assess if the learners understand the
they were not trained and most of them did not know
lesson. 2. Summative assessment is used to evaluate
the subject matter. According to the teachers that the
learners’ understanding and learning in a specific
learners were not complying with their tasks even
period of time. It can be done weekly in a form of a
though they were signing promissory notes in front of
Unit test, and at the end of a quarter in a form of a
their parents during home visitation. The teachers
Quarterly examination. 3. Performance Assessment is
admitted that the learners were complacent that they
used to let the learners complete a particular task about
would pass the subjects even if they could not submit
the lesson using their skills that will manifest their
their performance tasks, quizzes, and assignments.
multiple intelligences. This type of assessment
Because of the data gathered both from the supervisory includes: making experiments, singing, making poetry,
visits and MEA, the researchers were intrigued to find answering graphic organizers, making dramatizations,
out what other bottlenecks they have encountered, and more. It is called authentic assessments since
specifically in the District of Kabankalan I and V, as they are considered by some educators to be more
far as the conduct of the MDL. Hence, this qualitative accurate and meaningful evaluations. 4. Portfolio-
research was conducted to look into the matter head- based assessments are a collection of academic works
on, and use the data gathered as input for instructional that include: poems, results of experiments, creative
intervention. works like drawings, clay sculptures, artworks,
handicrafts, and writing samples. Portfolio-based
Research Questions assessments are often used to evaluate a “body of
This study aimed to investigate the experiences of
senior high school learners in the Modular Distance According to Castroverde (2021) teachers used various
Learning Modality at the height of the pandemic. ways to cope with the challenges encountered in
Specifically, this research study sought to answer the modular distance learning modality such as time
question. management, innovating teachers' strategies, adapting
to the changes brought by the new normal trend in
1. What are your lived experiences as learners in education, being flexible, providing alternative plans,
modular distance learning in terms of: being optimistic, patient, and equipping oneself with
1.1. learning space; the necessary skills for the new normal ways of
1.2. study habits-parental/guardian support; and education.

Jesusa Dela Paz

Psych Educ, 2023, 8(8): 926-934, Document ID: 2023PEMJ703, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7927162, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Modular learning is a student-centered, andragogical Ashish (2013), stated that how a student takes his or
approach where outcomes are achieved by breaking her studies, greatly determines his/her level of
down a body of knowledge into its components. academic achievement. If students must ensure
Learners are able to utilize prior knowledge to assess academic success throughout the entire year, it is
what information is known and complete modules important to ditch bad study habits and establish good
related to areas that still need to be learned (Tate, ones (Ashish, 2013). He further maintained that no
Schubert, & Mc Coy 2014). In modular distance matter what age or academic level, employing
learning, the teachers take the responsibility of effective study strategies can make all the difference
monitoring the progress of the learners. The students between acing a class, barely passing or worse, and
may ask assistance from the teacher via email, failing miserably. She admits that many of today’s
telephone and text message/instant messaging. For most common study methods or habits can lead to
students who experience difficulties, the teacher will utter disappointment despite best efforts and
give remedial activities (Abude, 2021). intentions. To Ashish (2013), knowing exactly what
does and does not work on a personal level, even
Home Learning Environment (learning space) tracking study patterns and correlating it with related
grades, and then proactively creating a study plan and
Home is the first institution of a child that has schedule around the proven effective methods, is the
significant relationships with the student’s overall life. most powerful study tool of all. Crow and Crow
Family interactions are important at home and take (2007), proposed that to study there is a need to
place frequently, which were found significantly acquire knowledge and habits which will be useful in
related to student’s academic achievement. (Khan, meeting new situations, interpreting ideas, making
Begum, & Inaz 2020). In her doctoral dissertation, judgments creating new ideas, and perfecting skills.
Parveen (2007) studied students’ home environment This is also supported by the study of Sawar et al.
and was of the view that it significantly influences (2009), in their analysis of “Study Orientation of High
students’ childhood which has further influences on and Low Academic Achievers at Secondary School
the adult life of the child. Parveen (2007) along with Level in Pakistan” revealed that the high achievers had
Muola (2010) believe that the home environment better study orientation, and study attitude than the low
hinders or supports children's overall development. achievers.
Parents’ attitudes play a dominant role and where it is
supportive enhance children's performances and has Crow and Crow (2002) stated that effective study
positive impacts on a child’s development. Interactions habits include plan/place, a definite timetable, and
of family members contribute to students as it enables taking brief well-organized notes. Many studies have
them to improve their linguistic, social, and been carried out by researchers like Adeyemo (2005)
intellectual skills. There is evidence that a supportive and Gbore (2006) on effective study habits. They
home environment enhances a child’s confidence in argue that study habits have a strong relationship with
his/herself and enables them to be sociable. This the academic performance of students. A student who
confidence helps students in developing their cultivates certain study habits will perform differently
adjustment capabilities in different environments from a student who has another set of study habits. It is
which positively influences students’ educational believed that student who lacks effective and efficient
performances. means of studying would be building on a shaking
foundation and consequently have a weak foundation.
A study conducted by Clark et al. (2007), also agreed The teachers teach all the students collectively but all
that a positive domestic environment is a prominent the students do not have the same grades, here we see
indicator of students’ success in their academics. They underachievers and high achievers in mathematics.
further added that the teaching-learning process carried With these, the teachers get puzzled by the sight of
out at school is incomplete without the support of the such situations and then try or push too much (Riaz et
home environment. In this regard, the study of Shah et al., 2002). There may be several reasons like different
al. (2012), emphasized that the awareness of parents’ levels of intelligence, lack of good infrastructural
role in the education of their children is fundamental. facilities, lack of good libraries, and so on. But one of
It makes the relationship between student’s home the reasons is that students fail to make good an effort
environment and their academic achievement at the to learn what their teachers taught them in school and
secondary school level. do not study at home because they fail to recognize the
importance of study habits to their academic
Study Habits achievement.

Jesusa Dela Paz

Psych Educ, 2023, 8(8): 926-934, Document ID: 2023PEMJ703, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7927162, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Challenges to Distance Learning described by Moustakas (1994), “Phenomenology

seeks meanings from appearances and arrives at
The sudden and unexpected global shift to online essences through intuition and reflection on conscious
teaching caused difficulties in several aspects: access acts of experience, leading to ideas, concepts
to online systems, teacher and student competencies judgments, and understandings” (p. 58). The construct
and pedagogies for distance learning, and the of the research study is that of a phenomenological
requirements of specific fields of study (Marinoni et qualitative design. As defined by Creswell (2009),
al., 2020). For example, restricted internet access has “phenomenology is a research strategy of inquiry in
presented major problems in low- to medium-resource which the researcher identifies the essence of human
countries such as India (Dutta, 2020) whilst Toquero experiences about a phenomenon as described by
(2020) describes the suspension of distance learning in participants” (p. 13).
the Philippines because HEIs were not prepared to
implement online learning systems. In this research study, the students are directly
involved in modular distance learning regarding their
The results of the previous review and similar lived experiences at home. The students were
arguments elsewhere (Garrison, 1997) suggest that we interviewed and gathered their narratives for data
are entering a postindustrial era of distance education analysis. Through the phenomenological method, the
characterized by the ability to personalize and share researchers evaluated some common experiences of
control of the educational transaction through frequent students and categorized them as majors and
two-way communication in the context of a subthemes that would serve as the basis for new
community of learners. Moreover, this can be learnings from the study.
accomplished in an affordable manner along with
access to educational resources and information via Participants
networks that may well provide educational
experiences superior to traditional face-to-face The participants of this study were eleven (11) Senior
educational experiences. An educator, as a member of High School students of the Districts of Kabankalan I
a community of learners and not solely as a member of and V who were randomly selected using the
an organizational team of curriculum developers following criteria: 1) The students were enrolled as
creating prepackaged self-study learning materials, Senior High School at District of Kabankalan I and V;
may facilitate education at a distance in a timely and 2) Willingness to be interviewed; 3) Experienced
adaptable manner. Modular Distance Learning. These participants are
currently enrolled at schools in the districts of
The challenge the field of distance education faces is Kabankalan I and V for the School Year 2022-2023.
the construction of theories addressing specific
components and concerns of postindustrial distance Instruments of the Study
education. For example, the creation of distance
education theory that informs and explains computer- The research study used the Researcher Interview
mediated communication is both an opportunity and a Form (RIF) containing the open-ended question:
challenge. Asynchronous collaborative learning may “What are your lived experiences as learners in
well be the defining technology of the postindustrial Modular Distance Learning?”
era of distance education. It has been argued that this
The researchers prepared a letter approved by the
technology, along with audio and video conferencing,
Schools Division Superintendent of the Schools
represents a paradigmatic shift in distance education,
Division Office of Kabankalan City to conduct an
making it possible to adopt collaborative approaches to
interview with Senior High School students at the
learning at a distance (Garrison, 1997)
selected secondary schools of the two districts namely
District of Kabankalan I and V. Upon approval of the
Methodology letter the researchers sought the approval of the
selected school principals to conduct the research. The
students were selected based on the standards
This research study used Qualitative Research Design established by the researchers.
using the Phenomenological Method of Inquiry.
Phenomenological research is a method with strong The data were collected through the Individual
philosophical origins and can enhance and strengthen a Interview Form (IIF) and one on one interviews with
research design. (Wilson, 2015) Its objective is to the students. The interview with the participants was
understand human experience (Manen 1997). As recorded and transcribed. To check the validity of the

Jesusa Dela Paz

Psych Educ, 2023, 8(8): 926-934, Document ID: 2023PEMJ703, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7927162, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

transcriptions the participants conformed with them. one to break down the findings by using the analysis
The responses were coded and arranged into themes. steps to find the validity of the report. It also helps by
The data were analyzed using Creswell's six steps having everything organized and broken up into all the
followed in the process of qualitative data analysis correct categories needed. This would be done by
(2013). evaluating the question by breaking it up and
following the six steps and analyzing each part to
Step One: Organize and prepare the data that was ensure the validity of the report. Once that is all done
collected. one should be able to find out what lesson the
researchers wanted to learn from their data report
This is to be sorted depending on the information from (Creswell, 2014).
the source. The researchers will have to type the
notes, transcribe interviews and scanning materials are
also part of this step. (Creswell, 2014) Result

Step 2. Read and look at the data.

This chapter shows the results of the interview with
At this step, the researchers begin to look at the data the senior high school learners on their lived
collected and see the tone, general ideas, and experiences during the conduct of Modular Distance
credibility. (Creswell,2014). The answers will be Learning and was analyzed using the
coded by sentence, phrase, or paragraph depending on phenomenological approach of inquiry where the
the weight of the responses. The purpose of this step researchers identify the essence of human experiences
is to avoid repetition, giving of synonyms, and about a phenomenon as described by participants
clarification of things. (Creswell, 2009). The major themes derived from the
narratives were: 1. Uncomfortable Learning space 2.
Step three. Coding Time Management and Parental Support 3. Challenges
Meet in the Modular Distance Learning. 4. Realization
In this step, the researchers will have to place of Oneself.
segments, pictures, and text data in categories and then
label them with a term (Creswell, 2014) The codes are Theme 1: Uncomfortable Learning Space
categorized into main topics and sub-topics.
The participants encountered uncomfortable learning
Step four. Description stage spaces at home. The following were the sub-themes: 1.
A lot of distractions outside and inside the learning
In this step, the researchers will have to generate a environment. 2. Divert to social media 3. Small
description of the setting for the people places, or learning space
events as well as categories for analysis (Creswell,
2014). Sub Theme 1: A lot of distractions inside and
outside of the learning space.
Step Five. Represented.
It was found out during the interview that there were a
This step goes over and over again to address the lot of distractions in their learning space at home both
findings from the analysis (Creswell,2014) At this inside and outside. There were many sounds coming
point the researchers will have to exercise their from outside that distracted their concentration like the
judgement. They will have to decide whether they loud sounds from the neighbors, shouting of people,
have to remove redundancies, and classify essential and sounds of transportation. Inside their learning
elements, what are important, what are less and what space, there were lots of objects, family members
are not. This is done through reentering the categories. talking, and cries of babies.
Step 6. Interpretation Learner 1. “Kadamo distractions like singgit sang
mga tao sa tupad balay, sounds of transportation kg
This step is the final step where one asks what was
learned from this report (Creswell, 2014) This step mga tricycle” (There were many distractions like
assists in evaluating the answers because all the data shouting of the neighbors, sounds of transportation,
collected can be broken down into subcategories. sounds of tricycles)
From there depending on the source would depend on Learner 2: “Ang palibot sang balay puno sang mga
how much further would go. This is because it allows objects nga nagasabad sa akon concentration.” (The

Jesusa Dela Paz

Psych Educ, 2023, 8(8): 926-934, Document ID: 2023PEMJ703, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7927162, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

surrounding were full of objects that distracts my The learners revealed that they can not fully focus on
concentration). their studies because there were a lot of responsibilities
Learner 8: “My nagahibi nga bata, naga-estoryahanay given to them. Learner 4 & 7 revealed: “Kabudlay
sa sulod balay” (There were babies crying, mag focus sa study ko kay kadamo obra sa balay
conversation inside the house) kadamo sang obligasyon ko sa balay kag sa
simbahan” ( Its very difficult to focus on my study
Sub Theme 2: Divert to Social Media. because of various home chores and I have so many
responsibilities at home and on church). Learner 11: I
Some of the learners revealed that some of the helped my sister who had twin babies and I can’t
distractions to their concentration while studying was concentrate at that time.
the tendency to divert their attention to social media
because they were bored studying their SLMs, This scenario really affected the study of the learners
especially in Mathematics. in the MDL. This is supported by Esparar et al. (2021)
stating that parents were busy with their work so
Learner 4: My whole life was exposed to social balancing their time with the daily routine and
media. teaching their kids has been a struggle for most of
Learner 6: “Kabudlay kung wala sang maestra nga
Sub-Theme 2: Financial Support.
naga-explain especially sa Math. Naga divert na lang
akon attention sa social media.” (Its very difficult if It was revealed that the financial support had really
there was no teacher to explain the lesson, especially great contributors to their study in the MDL
in Mathematics so I tend to divert to social media.”
Learners 7, 10, 11. revealed that they were delayed in
Sub-Theme 3: Small Learning Space. answering their modules because they have no money
for fare to get and return their modules. “Ang akon
Several learners revealed that they have small learning ginikanan wala kung kaisa kwarta ihatag sa akon nga
spaces in their homes. inogplete.”(My parents sometimes had no money to
give me for the fare.)
Learner 1: My learning space is quite small and I need
a spacious space to answer my modules. They failed to attend online classes because they have
Learner 9: “Damo gid na encounter ko nga difficulties no money to buy loads and gadgets.
during pandemic kay ang amon balay wala gid sang
enough para sa akon pagtuon.” (There were many Sub-Theme 3: Difficult questions on the activities in
difficulties that I encountered because our home does the SLMs
not have enough space for me to study).
Learner 11: “Ang lamesa amo lang na ginagamit ko It was found out that during the interview with the
nga comfort zone kung magtuon ko.” (The table is the learners, they find it difficult to answer the modules
one I used as my comfort zone when I study). because there were questions that were difficult to
Theme 2: Poor Time management and lack of
According to Learner some of the questions are
parental/guardian support. difficult to understand and I cannot answer it directly.

Another problem mentioned by the learners during the Another Learner said: When I submitted my modules
modular distance learning was the time management some of them had no answers because the questions
and lack of parental/guardian support. These were were very difficult to understand.
really great factors in their study using MDL. The
following were the sub-themes: there 1. were a lot of Learner 8: “Kung gabasa ko question sa module I
responsibilities while studying 2. Financial problem 3. tend to become sleepy because it was difficult to
Difficult questions 4. Lack of knowledge of home understand.” (When I read the question in the module
learning facilitator or parents/guardians I felt sleepy because it is very difficult to understand.

Sub-theme 1: There were a lot of responsibilities This means that there were modules that have
given while studying. activities that were not appropriate to the capacity of

Jesusa Dela Paz

Psych Educ, 2023, 8(8): 926-934, Document ID: 2023PEMJ703, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7927162, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

the learners. In the study conducted by Esparar et al. Learners 6 & 9: “Kabudlay gid sa balay kay wala gid
(2021), the use of highfalutin words and complicated ko mga balasahon para kuhaan namon information
questions also add up to the dilemma of learners in kung gatuon ko.” ( It is very difficult in our home
answering the modules. when I study because there are no reading materials to
get information while I am studying).
Sub-Theme 4: Lack of knowledge of
parents/guardians as home learning facilitators. Sub-theme: 2-Poor internet connectivity

It was found out through the learners’ revelation that Since the schools opted for blended learning
the parents don’t have enough knowledge to assist sometimes the schools have to conduct an online class
them in their studies. on topics that need discussion. Much to the desire of
the learners to attend the online class there was poor
Learners 5, 10, and 11 revealed that “Kabudlay wala internet connectivity.
pamangkutan ah. Indi man kasabat akon mga parents
kay ka limited lang man sang ila knowledge.” (It’s Learner 5: “Kung kaisa ang internet amo gid ang
very difficult if you don’t have any person to ask with pinakadaku nga problema. Sa isa ka estudyante nga
regards to the lesson and besides my parents had only wala kwarta I struggled a lot kung diin ko makuha
limited knowledge). kwarta para ibakal load.” ( Sometimes the major
problem is the internet connectivity. As one of the
It was very hard for the learners if the lesson were students who had no money I struggled a lot where I
difficult to understand because of the absence of the can get the money to buy load.
teachers to facilitate learning. This showed that Learner 7: During online classes, one of the biggest
teachers have a great factor in the teaching and problems is poor signal and Modular Distance
learning process. The parents were not equipped with Learning is very hard for me. Sometimes I could not
the knowledge and skills to become home learning catch up on the lessons I missed.
Sub-Theme 3: Overloaded Remote Task
Theme 3: Challenges Met in the Modular Distance
Learning. Since the students purely remained in their houses
while studying their SLMs there were overloaded
This was revealed that the students encountered many remote tasks given to them that they can not focus on
challenges that came along the way while they had their studies. Multi-tasks were given to them which
their Modular Distance Learning. These include: Sub- sometimes they left their modules unattended.
theme 1 lack of learning resources. Sub-theme 2- Poor
internet connectivity, Sub-theme 3- Overloaded remote Learner 6: “I can’t focus on my study because of the
tasks Sub-Them 4. Mental health problems many responsibilities given to me both in church and
at home.”
Sub-Theme 1: Lack of Learning Resources Learner 8: “Sometimes I tend to quit because I can’t
cope with my studies because of so many household
Some of the learners revealed that in their home there chores that I could answer the activities in my
were no learning resources that will support their
Learner 11: “I can’t manage my time because there is
Learners 4 & 10: There’s no other person to ask if they a lot of homework and a lot of obligations at my
know the topic. “Sa isa ka estudyante nga pareho ko house.”
its very hard to understand the lesson kay wala ka gid
Sub-theme 4: Mental Health Problems.
pamangkutan.” ( As one of the students like me its
very hard to understand the because no one could be
Faced with the closure of classes young people have
ask about the lesson) “My parents don’t have enough been left vulnerable to social isolation and
knowledge sa certain nga topics and kag wala kami disconnectedness from social isolation which had fuel
sang mga learning resources nga makabulig sa amon feelings of anxiety and loneliness.
lesson”. (My parents don’t have enough knowledge in
a certain topic and we don’t have learning resources to Learner 8: “There are lots of difficulties and
help us in our lesson). challenges that I encountered having hard times in

Jesusa Dela Paz

Psych Educ, 2023, 8(8): 926-934, Document ID: 2023PEMJ703, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7927162, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

socializing, mental issues such as anxiety attacks Learner 4: “Every time there’s a module, I make a
caused by frustration and overthinking.” time management to balance my time.”
Learner 10: “Sang pandemic wala face to face I Learner 2: “I answered my module at a given time In
experienced breakdown, anxiety, sleepless nights.” spite there are many household chores.”
Learner 11: “Its hard during pandemic and I always
experienced tiring days.” Sub-theme 4: The importance of teachers in
teaching difficult subjects.
Theme 4: Realization to One self.
There is no person who could replace a teacher in the
Modular Distance Learning is very hard for the delivery of learning. Teacher presence in the
students because there is no teacher to facilitate the classroom is very essential.
teaching learning process. The learners face many Learner 5: Some of the learners are difficult to
problems along the way but they can’t afford understand there is no teacher that can explain.
schooling since the DepEd had decided to still
continue the conduct of classes using different
modalities the parents and learners had chosen. The Discussion
learners had a lot of realization in line with their
experiences. The following sub-themes were: (1) The The Modular Distance Learning Delivery had been a
importance of face to face (2) The parents support on
difficult journey for learners during the pandemic.
their education (3) Time management (4) The
First: Uncomfortable Learning Space The participants
importance of teachers in teaching difficult subjects.
encountered uncomfortable learning spaces at home.
A lot of distractions outside and inside the learning
Sub-theme 1: The importance of face to face
environment that they cannot focus on their study. The
learners tend to divert to social media because they got
There was no mode of teaching that can replace the
bored while studying. They have a small learning
face to face class may it be online, modular, or blended
space in their house and this contributes to the
learning. The student can access more information
hardships they had encountered. This will lead the
and get richer understanding through a teacher.
teachers in finding ways to make their classroom a
Learner 4 : “Its not easy to be a student during a
conducive place for studying. Second: Poor Time
distance learning or during the pandemic and I’m
management and lack of parental/guardian support.
happy to hear the face to face is back.” This indicates that time management and the support
Learner 6: “I can’t focus with my studies in face to of parents are very important in the study of learners.
face classes that I can really focus and catch up in my Based on the narratives of the learners there were a lot
study.” This simply means that the learner finds of responsibilities given to them while they were
difficulty in modular learning. studying. Another was a financial problem when they
get and returned their modules. They were late in the
Sub-Theme 2: The parents support them in submission of their performance tasks and activities
modular learning. because transportation was very expensive during the
pandemic. There were difficult questions in the
Parents' support was really important in educating the modules that they found hard in answering. It means
children. Children can do well in school and have that some of the questions were not at the
better social and emotional development. comprehension level of the learners. Home learning
facilitators played important role in modular distance
Learner 2: “With regards to study habits and parental learning. However, they lack knowledge of the
support everything is okay.” Parental support is very different lessons, and they were not trained in this kind
important with regard to study habits. of task. Thus, they find it difficult to assist the
Learner 11: “With regards to my study family support learners. Educational background of the parents.
they are for me cheering me up.” Another problem was the lack of resources in their
study place. Learning resources played an important
Sub-Theme 3: Time management. part in modular learning because reading materials can
assist learners when they encounter difficult lessons.
Managing time effectively enables students to become Third students encountered many challenges that
more confident, efficient, and effective in handling came along the way while they had their Modular
different subjects as well as taking tests. Distance Learning. These include a lack of learning

Jesusa Dela Paz

Psych Educ, 2023, 8(8): 926-934, Document ID: 2023PEMJ703, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7927162, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

resources, poor internet connectivity, overloaded Facilitators in the New Normal.'_Narra
remote tasks, and mental health problems. Despite
these challenges, the learners did not stop their studies. earning?_sg%5B0%5D=oL0xNyVPpzG1QB1udNwVvepwr1gRdbJ
They tried to adjust so that they can continue their fR13_Ve1uLx-yDiqUroYLUbXAz8g0X6HIvlsB-
studies. Lastly, self-realization the learners had a lot ZDOL_naw006EAb51n9f6JuPa9djGEHg1y6cuL8.7d6XpGluVGceb
of realization in line with their experiences. These
were the importance of face-to-face, the parent's WAo2uHiQQ
support of their education, time management, and the
importance of teachers in teaching difficult subjects. Khan, F. N. et al. (2019). Relationship between Students’ Home
Environment and Their Academic Achievement at Secondary
These realization had help the learners self- motivated School Level.
to continue education through modular distance
learning. Republic Act 10173-Data Privacy Act of

References Republic Act 10533 : The Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013
Tate, J. et al. (2014). Understanding Modular Learning: Developing
a Strategic Plan to Embrace Change.
Anzado, G. (2021) Modular Distance Learning in the New Normal
Education Amidst COVID 19. UK Statistics Authority (2022). Ethical considerations associated
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Castroverde & Alcala (2021). Modular distance learning modality:
Challenges of teachers in teaching amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Affiliations and Corresponding Informations
Corresponding: Jesusa Dela Paz
Email: [email protected]
Creswell, J.W. (2014) Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, Phone:
and Mixed Methods Approaches. New York, NY: SAGE
Publications, Inc.
Jesusa Dela Paz:
Dargo, J. & Dimas, M. (2021). Distance Learning: Its Effect in Department of Education – Philippines
theAcademic Performance of Learners in the New Normal
ance_Learning_Its_Effect_in_the_Academic_Performance_of_Lear Mary Joan Dayon:
ners_in_the_New_Normal Department of Education - Philippines

DepEd Order No. 12 s. 2020. Adoption of the Basic Education

Junry Esparar:
Learning Continuity Plan for School Year 2020-2021 in Light of the
Department of Education
COVID-19 Public Health Emergency.

DepEd Order No. 32 s. 2020 Guidelines on the Services of Learning Faustino Padilla:
Support Aides to Reinforce the Basic Education Learning Continuity Department of Education - Philippines
Plan in Time of COVID-19 Pandemic

Esparar, J. et al., (2022). Parents’ Narratives as Home Learning Milagros Aurea Sabidalas:
Kabankalan Catholic College - Philippines

Jesusa Dela Paz


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