7° Quiz 2 Form A

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Departamento de Inglés

Docente: Claudia Astudillo Bórquez

[email protected]
7° básico
Name:_________________________________________________________ Class: 7°______
Date: ___/____/2023 Total Score: _____/44
Mark: _______
Objective: to apply present form of the verb to be in affirmative, negative and interrogative form and usage of short


1.Choose the correct form of the verb to be. (Elige la forma correcta del verbo to be) (1 pt each / 9 total)

1. My cat ________ black and white. 2. He _______ inside the house. 3.Mum and dad ______ away.
a) am
b) is a) am a) am
c) are b) is b) is
c) are c) are
4. Grandma ______ here. 5. The tree ______ green and tall. 6. The sun ______ yellow.
a) am a) am a) am
b) is b) is b) is
c) are c) are c) are
7. ______ the ocean blue? 8. Mike and I ________ in the park 9. Rome ______ the capital city of
playing. Italy.
a) am a) am a) am
b) is b) is b) is
c) are c) are c) are

2.Rewrite the sentences in negative form. (Reescribe las oraciones en la forma negativa)1 pt each / 7 total
1. I am from Germany.
2. Peter is a clever boy.
Departamento de Inglés
Docente: Claudia Astudillo Bórquez
[email protected]
7° básico
3.Mr. Black is very funny.
4.This ball is heavy.
5. My brother and I are good football players.
6. Mary is at the supermarket.
7. He is a good student.

3. Complete the questions with AM-IS-ARE and answer the questions. (Completa las preguntas con AM-IS-ARE y
responde las preguntas) 2 pts each / 10 total

a. __________ Robert a Good doctor? Yes, ___________________.

b. __________ uncle Pete old? No, ___________________.

c. __________ Tim and Robert from Russia? No, ___________________.

d. __________ you good at English? Yes, ___________________.

e. __________ the cat grey and white? Yes, ___________________.

4. Read the text and complete with the correct form of the verb to be. (Lee el texto y complete con la forma correcta
del verbo to be) 1 pt each / 18 total

They _____1 Michael and Joseph. They _____2 twin brothers. They _____3 16 years old. They
_____ 4 both short and slim. They _____ 5 in the same class. They _____ 6 always together.
They _____7 from London. Their favorite football team _____8 Liverpool and their favorite
singer _____9 Madonna. Michael's hair _____ 10 blonde and wavy but Joseph's hair is dark and
straight. Michael _____11 good at Mathematics and Joseph _____12 good at Physics. They
_____ 13 both interested in seeing new places and camping. Their house _____ 14 in the
country. It _____15 a small cottage. Their father _____ 16 a bus driver and their mother _____ 17
a shop assistant. They _____ 18 very happy together.

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