1006 R19 Comp CSC405 QP

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University of Mumbai

Examination June 2021

Examinations Commencing from 1st June 2021
Program: Computer Engineering
Curriculum Scheme: Rev2019
Examination: SE Semester IV
Course Code: CSC405 and Course Name: Microprocessor

Time: 2 hour Max. Marks: 80


Choose the correct option for following questions. All the Questions are
Q1. compulsory and carry equal marks

1. In protected mode of 80386, the VM flag is set by using

Option A: IRET instruction or task switch operation

Option B: IRET instruction

Option C: Task switch operation

Option D: NOP

2. The instructions that are used for reading an input port and writing an output port
respectively are
Option A: MOV, XCHG
Option B: MOV, IN
Option C: IN, MOV
Option D: IN, OUT

3. While CPU is executing a program, an interrupt exists then it

Option A: follows the next instruction in the program
Option B: jumps to instruction in other registers
Option C: breaks the normal sequence of execution of instructions
Option D: stops executing the program

4. 8086 can access up to ____ memory.

Option A: 512KB

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Option B: 1MB
Option C: 2MB
Option D: 256KB

5. Because of Pentium’s superscalar architecture, the number of instructions that are

executed per clock cycle is
Option A: 1
Option B: 2
Option C: 3
Option D: 4

6. The paging unit is enabled only in

Option A: virtual mode
Option B: addressing mode
Option C: protected mode
Option D: Real Mode

7. In 8257 register format, the selected channel is disabled after the terminal count
condition is reached when
Option A: Auto load is set
Option B: Auto load is reset
Option C: TC STOP bit is reset
Option D: TC STOP bit is set

8. All the functions of the ports of 8255 are achieved by programming the bits of an
internal register called
Option A: data bus control
Option B: read logic control
Option C: control word register
Option D: Status Register

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9. When non-specific EOI command is issued to 8259A it will automatically
Option A: set the ISR
Option B: reset the ISR
Option C: set the INTR
Option D: reset the INTR

10. For a single task in protected mode, the 80386 can address the virtual memory of
Option A: 32 GB
Option B: 64 MB
Option C: 32 TB
Option D: 64 TB

11. The recurrence of the numerical values or constants in a program code is reduced
Option A: EQU
Option B: ASSUME
Option C: LOCAL
Option D: LABEL

12. The hyperthreading technology automatically involves the

Option A: decrease of die area

Option B: increase of die area

Option C: decrease of die area to half

Option D: increase of die area to half

13. The 80386 enables itself to organize the available physical memory into pages, which
is known as

Option A: segmentation

Option B: Paging

Option C: memory division

Option D: Virtual memory

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14. The number of debug registers that are available in 80386, for hardware debugging
and control is

Option A: 2
Option B: 4
Option C: 8
Option D: 16

15. The instruction, JMP 5000H:2000H;

is an example of

Option A: intrasegment direct mode

Option B: intrasegment indirect mode

Option C: intersegment direct mode

Option D: intersegment indirect mode

16. The salient feature of Pentium is

Option A: superscalar architecture

Option B: superpipelined architecture

Option C: superscalar and superpipelined architecture

Option D: multiple instruction issue

17. The speed of integer arithmetic of Pentium is increased to a large extent by

Option A: on-chip floating point unit

Option B: superscalar architecture

Option C: 4-stage pipelines

Option D: instruction cache

18. For 8086 microprocessor, the stack segment may have a memory block of a
maximum of

Option A: 32K bytes

Option B: 64K bytes

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Option C: 16K bytes

Option D: 128K bytes

19. Which of the following is not a module of Pentium 4 architecture?

Option A: front end module

Option B: execution module

Option C: control module

Option D: Memory subsystem module

20. The type of the interrupt may be passed to the interrupt structure of CPU from

Option A: interrupt service routine

Option B: Stack

Option C: interrupt controller

Option D: Segments

Q2 Solve any Four out of Six 5 marks each

Explain different types of Interrupts? Explain Interrupt Vector table for

Draw and explain the internal block diagram of 8257? How DMA
operations are performed?
Explain what is Branch Prediction Logic in Pentium? Explain working of
Branch Prediction with suitable diagram?
D Compare the 8086, 80386, Pentium Processor.
E Draw and explain the internal architecture of 80386 microprocessor?
F Explain the operating modes of 80386?

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Q3. Solve any Two Questions out of Three 10 marks each

Explain the internal architecture of 8086 microprocessor? Differentiate the

functioning of Minimum mode and Maximum mode?
Write an assembly language program to find the largest number from an
unordered array of 8-bit numbers?
Interface 32K word of memory to 8086 microprocessor system. Available
C memory chips are 16K*8 RAM. Use suitable decoder for generating chip

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