Carte Teste Biling Intensiv

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coordonatori: prof.

Laura Pop
prof. dr. Ciprian Cucuiat

Culegere de teste pentru admiterea în clasele a IX-a

cu profil bilingv şi intensiv

din anii 2004-2019

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Proba scrisă 9 Proba orală 89
TEST 1 - 2004 bilingv 11 Criterii de evaluare 91
TEST 2 - 2004 intensiv 13 Biletul nr. 1 93
TEST 3 - 2005 – bilingv 15 Biletul nr. 2 94
TEST 4 - 2005 intensiv 17 Biletul nr. 3 95
TEST 5 - 2006 bilingv 19 Biletul nr. 4 96
TEST 6 - 2007 bilingv 22 Biletul nr. 5 97
TEST 7 - 2008 bilingv 25 Biletul nr. 6 98
TEST 8 - 2009 bilingv 28 Biletul nr. 7 99
TEST 9 - 2009 intensiv 31 Biletul nr. 8 100
TEST 10 - 2010 bilingv 33 Biletul nr. 9 101
TEST 11 - 2011 bilingv 36 Biletul nr. 10 102
TEST 12 - 2011 intensiv 39 Biletul nr. 11 103
TEST 13 - 2012 bilingv 42 Biletul nr. 12 104
TEST 14 – 2012 intensiv 44 Biletul nr. 13 105
TEST 15 - 2013 bilingv 46 Biletul nr. 14 106
TEST 16 - 2013 intensiv 49 Biletul nr. 15 107
TEST 17 - 2014 bilingv 52 Biletul nr. 16 108
TEST 18 - 2014 intensiv 55 Biletul nr. 17 109
TEST 19 - 2015 bilingv 58 Biletul nr. 18 110
TEST 20 - 2015 intensiv 61 Biletul nr. 19 111
TEST 21 – 2016 bilingv 64 Biletul nr. 20 112
TEST 22 – 2016 intensiv 68 Soluțiile testelor 2004 - 2019 113
TEST 23 – 2017 bilingv 71
TEST 24 – 2017 intensiv 74
TEST 25 – 2018 bilingv 77
TEST 26 – 2018 intensiv 80
TEST 27 – 2019 bilingv 83
TEST 28 – 2019 intensiv 86
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Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard.

Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard.
Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard.
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It goes without saying that one of the greatest achievements that language teachers can
have is seeing their students passing their exams.


The idea of gathering a set of authentic past papers appeared as a necessity for the
teachers of English who prepare their 8th -grade students for an admission exam in a high school
or college. Every year, hundreds of 8th grade students sit for the language test in order to
enhance their chances to study in a bilingual or intensive programme class in one of the few
colleges in our county where English can be studied more thoroughly.

This resource is intended to enable both teachers and students with an extremely useful
tool: a valuable collection of papers from past billingual and intensive English entrance exams
over the past 15 years.
The book addresses both teachers and students at B1 level on the Council of Europe’s
Common European Framework scale. This collection consists of the official written tests with
keys, as well as an authentic set of tests for the oral exam.
This collection of past papers offers these students the means to test their knowledge of
the English language and it can prove to be a useful tool to measure their progress.


Over the past fifteen years, these tests were devised by various teams of language
teachers from the national colleges and several secondary schools in Baia Mare. They were
assigned to work in official committees of elaboration of tests. We would like to thank all the
teachers who contributed to this booklet and assure them they are highly appreciated by all
language teachers who prepare their students for the language test, as well as by the students

Best of luck!
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Proba scrisă

_______ 
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Test 1
Proba de verificare a cunoștințelor de limba engleză pentru admiterea în clasa cu profil
bilingv de predare – 2004

I. Read this text, and then use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a
word that fits the space in the same line. (10p)
Real Magic
One of the greatest performers I've ever seen was an Italian
(1) ______________ called Lorenzo the Great. In front of a huge audience (1) MAGIC
which included several (2) ___________: from the local press, he actually (2) JOURNAL
managed to (3) ____________that telepathy is possible. First, he gave me (3) PROOF
a book by a famous (4) ____________ and he asked me to look (4) WRITE
(5) ___________ at the cover. There was nothing (6) ____________ about (5) CARE
the book. Next, Lorenzo told me to (7) ________________ a word from any (6) SUSPECT
page and tell him the first letter. Then he sat down at a (7) CHOICE
(8) ________________, and typed the word I had been looking at in the (8) COMPUTE
book, I cannot think of a (9) _____________ explanation for his success (9) SCIENCE
and I'm a professional (10) ______________. (10) SCIENCE

II. Match a word from column A with a word from column B to make a compound
adjective. (5p)
A. B.
1. open 1. tempered
2. warm 2. hearted
3. hard 3. minded
4. bad 4. loving
5. fun 5. working

III. Read the following paragraph and fill in the blanks. The first letter of each missing
word has been given. (10p)
Most of us have a (1) h______________ that we do in our spare time. Some of us do things like surfing the
Net, or make things like model planes. Others play cards or board (2) g______________ like backgammon,
while others like to (3) c______________ things such as stamps and antiques. I (4) s______________ a lot of my
summer holidays snorkelling in the sea. My brother goes away almost every weekend either walking or
(5) c______________ in the mountains. His hobby is taking (6) p______________ of rare flowers. My aunt who
is eighty has a magnificent (7) c______________ of traditional music, and still goes to (8) d______________
classes. Meanwhile, her husband who is eighty-five really enjoys (9) r____________ the bicycle and is keen
on playing (10) c__________ because it involves thinking. So there is much more to life than watching TV!

VI. Rewrite the questions below in reported speech. (10p)

1. "Do you like swimming?"
She asked me ______________________________________
2. Who did you meet at Jim's party last week?
My friend asked me _________________________________________
3. "Can you drive?"
He asked me _______________________________________________
4. Where have you been all day long?
She asked me ________________________________________________
5. What do you usually do on Friday evenings?
P a g e | 12

They asked me ______________________________________________

6. Can you phone me this evening?
He asked me _________________________________________________
7. Did you see your teacher yesterday?
My friend asked me _________________________________________
8. Where will you go on holiday next year?
She asked me ________________________________________________
9. When will I know the results of the examination?
Maria asked the examiner ___________________________________
10. Are you enjoying your flight?
The stewardess asked me ___________________________________

V. Put each verb in brackets into a suitable tense. (20 p)

I was on time for my dentist appointment, but the dentist was still busy with another patient, so I
(1) _______________ (sit) in the waiting room and (2) _______________ (read) some of the old magazines lying
there. While I (3) _______________ (wonder) whether to leave and come back another day, I (4) _______________
(notice) a magazine article about teeth. It (5) _______________ (begin): 'How long is it since you last
(6) _______________ (go) to the dentist? (7) _______________ (you go) regularly every six months? Or
(8) _______________ (you put off) your visit for the last six years?' Next to the article was a cartoon of a man
in a dentist chair. The dentist (9) _______________ (say):' I'm afraid this (10) _______________ (hurt).' I
(11) _______________ (suddenly realise) that my tooth (12) _______________ (stop) aching. But just as I
(13) _______________ (open) the door to leave, the dentist's door (14) _______________ (open). ‘Next please,' he
(15) _______________ (call), as the previous patient (16) _______________ (push) past me. 'Actually I'm not here
to see you, I (17) _______________ (wait) for my friend,' I (18) _______________ (shout), leaving as rapidly as I
could. (19) _______________ (you ever do) this kind of thing? Surely I can't be the only person who
(20) _______________ (hate) the dentist!

VI. Read the text. Some lines are correct, but some have words that should not be there.
Tick each correct line. If a line has a word that should not be there, write the word in the
space. (15 p)
Dear Harry,
Do you remember me? ………….√…………
We have met last year when you were on holiday ……….have………
in Brighton. I'm sorry I haven't been written to you 1…………………….
since by then. I have been working abroad and 2…………………….
I have only just come back home to England. 3…………………….
Next week I am planning is to be in Bristol, and 4…………………….
I was thinking about that we could meet. 5…………………….
Do you remember Shirley, the girl we have met 6…………………….
in Brighton? We are getting married next month, 7…………………….
and we are want you to come to the wedding. 8…………………….
I have lost your phone number, but when 9…………………….
I have get to Bristol I'll try to contact you. 10…………………….
It will be great to see you again. Are you still 11…………………….
studying, or I have you found a job? 12…………………….
You won't recognize me when you'll see me! 13…………………….
I had my hair cut last week, and now I look at 14…………………….
completely different. Shirley doesn't like men 15…………………….
with long hair, you see!
Best wishes,
Chuck Norris.
13 | P a g e

Test 2
Proba de verificare a cunoștințelor de limba engleză pentru admiterea în clasa cu profil
intensiv la Colegiul Național „Gheorghe Șincai” Baia Mare – 2004

I. Rewrite the sentences by putting the verbs in the right tense: (20p)
1. Hello! I _______________ (TRY) to telephone you all week. Where you _______________ (BE)?
2. I don't think we _______________ (MEET) before.
Well, I _______________ (SEE) you once at a party, but we not _____________ (BE) introduced then.
3. When I last _______________ (SEE) him, he _______________ (LIVE) in London.
4. I already _______________ (FINISH) my work when my friend arrived.
5. When I _______________ (HEAR) from him again, I will let you know.
6. Water _______________ (FREEZE) at 100 degrees Centigrade.
7. I usually _______________ (WRITE) my letters on Sunday but I _______________ (WRITE) this
week's letters today.
8. When you last _______________ (HAVE) a holiday? I (NOT HAVE) one for three years.
9. When John _______________ (ENTER) the room, the thief already _______________ (LEAVE).
10. Please excuse my dirty clothes. I _______________ (CLEAN) the cellar.
11. Look at the clouds. It _______________ (RAIN) soon.
12. I _______________ (RING) you at 6 tomorrow.
I _______________ (WATCH) my favourite TV programme. Ring later.

II. Put the following sentences into the passive: (5p).

1. The police will surely ask you that question.
2. No one has climbed that mountain before.
3. They promised Mary a new doll for her birthday.
4. Fog held up trains.
5. What did they pay you for doing that job?

III. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense: (10p)
l. If people (be) tired, they generally (go) to bed.
2. The waiter (serve) you quicker, if you (speak) to him more politely.
3. If he (be) a gentleman, he (not say) things like that.
4. Unless you (hurry), you (be) late.
5. They (do) it better if they (know) how, but they didn't.

IV. Fill in the blanks with the correct preposition, where necessary: (10p)
1. I can't tell you __________ the moment but if you will wait I'll let you know __________ a few
2. He has been sick __________ the clay he arrived.
3. He was in hospital __________ January till June.
4. He was sitting __________ my two sisters when the bell rang,
5. They now live __________ the north of England, but hope to move __________ London soon.
6. They left __________ the station a few minutes ago.
7. Sorry! I'm very bad __________ doing such things. Could you help me __________ it?
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V. Put in the right/ suitable form of an auxiliary verb: (5p)

1. Unfortunately many elderly people __________ afford telephones.
2. I don't know if she agrees. She __________ want to.
3. Last ight Don suddenly became ill. We __________ call a doctor.
4. You __________ drive fast, there is a speed limit here.
5. When I was 5 I __________ play the violin quite well.
VI. Rewrite the following sentences, beginning with the word given. Use different
introductory verbs as far as possible.Make sure these verbs are in the past tense. (10p)
1." I will teach the same lesson tomorrow as I taught two days ago".
The teacher_____________________________________________________________________________________
2. "Don't be late next week, boys!"
The boss ___________________________________________________________________________________________
3. " Are you hungry, John?"
Mary _______________________________________________________________________________________________
4. " Why have you done this?"
Mother _____________________________________________________________________________________________
5. " We are very tired ".
They ________________________________________________________________________________________________
6. " What is going to happen to the school bus?"
Mrs. Davis _________________________________________________________________________________________
7. "Please try to understand our position”.
He __________________________________________________________________________________________________
8. " You must keep quiet and listen.”
Mother _____________________________________________________________________________________________
9. "Can you help me, please?"
IV1y friend _________________________________________________________________________________________
10. "Go out and close the door!"
The teacher_________________________________________________________________________________________
VII. Use the words in capitals at the end of each sentence to form a word that fits in the
space: (5p)
1.Shall I send you some _______________ about our courses? INFORM
2.He never believed he would know such_______________. HAPPY
3.If I _______________ all the irregular vers, I should do well in the test. MEMORY
4.Could you _______________ the front door and let me in, please? LOCK
5: Don't be so _______________ .The train will soon be here. PATIENT

VIII. Some of the following sentences have a mistake in them. Find them and correct them.
(5 p)
1. It says in the letter that all students has to register at nine o'clock.
2. You can to make your own decision.
3.A lot of people are frightening of going to the dentist.
4.That's the man who's brother helped me.
5.It's my first time in a plane. I've always flown before.
15 | P a g e

Test 3
Proba de verificare a cunoștințelor de limba engleză pentru admiterea în clasa cu profil
bilingv de predare – 2005
I. Choose the correct item: (10 x 2 = 20p)
1. He is a taxi driver, so he is accustomed to __________ in the busy town centre.
A. drive B. have driven C. be driven D. driving
2. He was offered the job because he was __________ candidate.
A. the best B. good C. better D. best
3. My doctor recommended me __________ a week off work to recover from my illness.
A. takes B. take C. to take D. took
4. He's __________ helpful policeman I've met.
A. least B. the least C. less D. little
5. The sooner she moves out, __________ it will be for all of us.
A. the better B. the best C. better D. good
6. He bought a(n) __________ cottage in the country.
A. stone, old, small B. old, small, stone C. small, olcl, stone D. stone, small, old
7. Please stop __________ and give me your test papers.
A. to writing B. to lieve written C. to write D. writing
8. She prefers buying clothes __________ ironing them.
A. to B. then C. tether D. from
9. I wouldn't advise __________ on the plane because you might feel sick.
A. to smoke B. to have smosod C. smoke D. smoking
10. He is __________ at Iootbaf than his brother.
A best B. the best C. good D. better

II. Underline the correct word or phrase in each sentence: (8 x 1 = 8p)

1. I think my school is just as good/ better than yours.
2. There are enough apples for each/ every one.
3. Sharon has been working very hard/ hardly.
4. Could you give me an/ some information, please?
5. This is the best/ better ice-cream in the world!
6. I've been working in this company for/ since three months.
7. There are no/ none eggs left in the fridge.
8. The news is/ are on in a few minutes.

III. Read the text below and fill in the missing words. Use only ONE word for each blank
space. (5x 2=10p)
One night, Rebecca couldn't sleep so she __________ (1) downstairs and into the garden. It was
very dark and the sky __________ (2) full of stars. Suddenly, Rebecca __________ (3) someone singing
a happy song. She didn't know __________ (4) it was and shouted, "Who's there?" A friendly silver
monster climbed down __________ (5) a tree! He said, "Hello, Rebecca, I'm Zack. Will you be my
P a g e | 16

IV. Read the text below and look carefully at each line. Some of the lines are correct, and
some have a word which shouldn't be there. If a line is correct, put a tick (√) by the number.
If a line has a word which should not be there, write the word in the space. There is an
example at the beginning (0). (10x1=10 p)
Three years after Thomas Jefferson has decided that 0. has
Washington should be only the capital of the United States of 1. ________
America in the 1790, the builcling of the great Capitol started. 2. ________
By the end of the century, the lawmakers find the most influential 3. ________
people had already began to move there. 4. ________
In 1814 the British people burned it the Capitol almost 5. ________
completely. This demoralized the Amerlcans so much that they 6. ________
were close to abandoning the whole experiment. Still, the Capitol 7. ________
was eventually rebuilt from 1817 to 1819. Two much more wings 8. ________
were added in 1857 and by constructing tile well known dome 9. ________
and the east face six years later, tile Capitol came to have the 10. ________
current icon which is twice as big as the initial building.

V. Fill in the correct word clorrived from the words in bold. (11 x 2 = 22p)
Detroit is renowned for the (1) ________ of cars. PRODUCT
If you make a good (2) ________ at the interview, you will get the job. IMPRESS
Teaching and medicine me more than (3) ________, they're professions. OCCUPY
My history teacher has a vast (4) ________ of past events. KNOW
You are never too old to go to college and gain some (5) ________. QUALIFY
My greatest (6) ________ was graduatin from university. ACHIEVE
Henry Ford was a very (7) ________ businessman. SUCCESS
In Britain, most students spend about thirteen years in (8) ________. EDUCATE
The weatherman said there is a strong (9) ________ of rain today. POSSIBLE
He was really (10) ________ at the casino; he lost all his money. LUCKY
Athens is (11) ________ for its ancient buildings. FAME
17 | P a g e

Test 4
Proba de verificare a cunoștințelor de limba engleză pentru admiterea în clasa cu profil
intensiv la Colegiul Național „Gheorghe Șincai” Baia Mare – 2005

I. Choose the correct item: (10 x 1p = 10p)

1. The doctor _____ his speech when a police officer came into the room.
A. was finished B. had been finishing C. had finished D. finished
2. It seems that it _____ to snow.
A. goes B. is going C. will go D. has gone
3. I _____ a decision when the time comes.
A. will make B. make C. have made D. am making
4. In the past people _____ read many books.
A. used B. used to C. use D. have used
5. The Romanian football team _____ sure they will win the championship.
A. is B. are C. will be D. was
6. Unless you _____ the dentist’s appointment, you won’t be able to go to the meeting.
A. cancel B. won’t cancel C. will cancel D. don’t
7. In the last eight months the president _____ to several influential German businessmen.
A. talked B. was talking C. has been talking D. has talked
8. On entering the classroom, the teacher asked who the pupil on duty _____.
A. was B. is C. were D. has been
9. While I _____ vegetables, my brother was grating the cheese.
A. chop B. am chopping C. chopped D. was chopping
10. The shop assistant told us that he _____ the product we needed.
A. doesn’t have B. don’t have C. hasn’t had D. didn’t have

II. Underline the correct word or phrase in each sentence: (8 x 1p = 8p)

1. Of course. We meet/ are meeting at 12 p.m. at your place.

2. She said she will/ would do her best to impress them.
3. If you paid/ will pay attention to it, you would understand it better.
4. While they were walking/ walked the dog, a storm started.
5. I was so tired because I had been studying/ was studying for a couple of hours.
6. Ann graduated/ has graduated from college five years ago.
7. We can’t come to a conclusion until they will announce/ announce the latest news.
8. I really wish you were/ are here now.
III. Read the text below and fill in the missing words. Use only ONE word for each blank
space. (5 x 2p = 10p)
Christmas is primarily a religious (0) holiday, the celebration of Christ’s birth. The practice
(1) __________ putting trees in the house, candles and many decorations indicate (2) __________ the
pagan origins are still alive and well. Today Christmas offers people (3) __________ opportunity
to give and receive presents, to help (4) ___________ who are (5) ___________ need.
P a g e | 18

IV. Read the text below and look carefully at each line. Some of the lines are correct, and
some have a word which shouldn’t be there. If the line is correct, put a tick (..) by the
number. If a line has a word which should not be there, write the word in the space. There
is an example at the beginning (0). (10 x 1p = 10p)
Gladiators were prisoners of by war, condemned criminals or 0. by
slaves who were bought by an owner of the gladiators, for the 1. ____________________
main purpose of participating in gladiator combats, a very 2. ____________________
much enjoyed by the mob in Roman times. There were also 3. ____________________
professional gladiators who volunteered to take part in the 4. ____________________
games, thus gaining in popularity. Condemned criminals 5. ____________________
who were committed capital crimes entered the arena without 6. ____________________
weapons. Those who didn’t commit a capital crime were 7. ____________________
trained in special schools, becoming specialists in for 8. ____________________
combat techniques. They were but also allowed to use 9. ____________________
weapons and they could to win their freedom if they were 10. ___________________
able to survive three to five years of fights. Even though
they had to fight only two or three times a year, very few of
them survived. All of them had to obey the orders of their
master and therefore were revered for their loyalty and

V. Read the text below and use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a
word that fits in the space. There is an example at the beginning (0). (11 x 2p = 22p)
It’s (0) impossible not to be astonished by India’s magic and (0) POSSIBLE
beauty. Nobody can understand it (1) _____________ because (1) COMPLETE
nowhere on Earth does (2) _____________ present itself in such an (2) HUMAN
amazing (3) __________ burst of cultures, religions, races and (3) CREATOR
tongues. Its most famous (4) ____________ wonder is Taj Mahal. (4) ARCHITECTURE
Also known as The Crown Palace, it is the most (5) _____________ (5) BEAUTY
and well preserved tomb in the world. For centuries the
monument has inspired poets, painters and (6) ___________ to try (6) MUSIC
to capture its elusive magic. Since the 17th century, (7) (7) TRAVEL
____________ have crossed continents to come and see this (8) MEMORY
ultimate (8) ____________ to love, the celebration of woman built
in marble. When the beautiful Arjumand Bano died in (9) (9) CHILD
____________, the royal court mourned for two years and her (10) PASSION
husband who was a (10) ____________ builder, decided to create (11) GLORY
something so (11) ____________ that the world would never
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Test 5
Proba de verificare a cunoștințelor de limba engleză pentru admiterea în clasa a IX-a cu
profil bilingv – 2006

I. Decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each space. (15 x 1p = 15p)

Last year we (1) _____ to have an expensive holiday, so we (2) _____ to visit some friends, Brian
and Ann, who (3) _____ to live by the sea. They (4) _____ to put us up for two weeks, and we always
(5) _____ seeing them, it (6) _____ to be a good idea. They asked us if we (7) _____ sleeping on the
sofa, and said that they would (8) _____ to make us comfortable. We (9) _____ to get there by bus,
and when we arrived we could (10) _____ Brian and Ann sitting in the garden. They (11) _____ to
be glad we had, but it was obvious that they hadn’t (12) _____ to see us. They said that we had
(13) _____ to tell them when we were arriving, and they (14) _____ asking us how long we were
going to stay. We (15) _____ feeling embarrassed, so the next day we went home.

1. A. continued B. couldn’t afford C. liked D. promised

2. A. fancied B. tried C. wished D. decided
3. A. meant B. kept C. hoped D. happened
4. A. offered B. admitted C. enjoyed D. intended
5. A. denied B. imagined C. enjoyed D. preferred
6. A. began B. seemed C. imagined D. expected
7. A. minded B. suggested C. wanted D. remembered
8. A. practise B. mean C. learn D. try
9. A. suggested B. tried C. managed D. started
10. A. watch B. see C. keep D. wait
11. A. intended B. pretended C. expected D. suggested
12. A. preferred B. forgotten C. promised D. expected
13. A. forgotten B. denied C. seemed D. chosen
14. A. loved B. wanted C. kept D. couldn’t stand
15. A. imagined B. minded C. couldn’t help D. seemed

II. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits the space
in the same line (10 x 1p = 10p)
Good TV interviewers need to be (1) ____________________ . They 1. INTELLIGENCE
need to have (2) ____________________ personalities but must also be 2. STRENGTH
good listeners and have a (3) ____________________ attitude towards 3. FRIEND
their guests. The best interviewers are (4) ____________________ but 4. SENSE
not shy – they should be able to ask (5) ____________________ 5. INTEREST
questions and bring out the personality of their guests. This
means they have to be (6) ____________________ about the persons 6. CURIOSITY
they are talking to and be (7) ____________________ in a variety of 7. INTEREST
subjects. The most (8) ____________________ chat-show hosts are 8. SUCCESS
tough without being (9) ____________________ . Finally, the 9. POLITE
interviewer should be (10) ____________________ in both appearance 10. ATTRACT
and personality.
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III. Underline the correct word or phrase in each sentence (10 x 1p = 10p)

1. We arrived at/ in France after a long delay.

2. I’ve been playing the piano since/ for five years.
3. This news is/ are not reliable.
4. There are no / none vegetables in the fridge.
5. The police is/ are trying to catch the criminal.
6. I think this car is as good/ better than yours.
7. That’s the man that his/ whose house was broken into last week.
8. I have asked them both and neither/ both of them knows the answer.
9. We had such / such an awful day that we wouldn’t do it again.
10. Have you met my small/ little sister?

IV. Read the text below and think of the word that best fits each space. Use only ONE word
in each space. There is an example at the beginning (0). (10 x 1p = 10p)

The Jungle
We (0) can all imagine an intrepid explorer, cutting his way (1) _____ a thick jungle. But
(2) _____ exactly is a jungle, and where are the great jungles of the world?
One definition (3) _____ jungle is “an area of thick tangled plant growth at ground level”.
But, as this could also refer (4) _____ your garden when you haven’t had time to cut the grass for
a week (5) _____ two, the term “jungle” (6) _____ generally reserved to describe dense rain forests
in tropical regions. However, some large forests in subtropical or even warm temperate regions
are sometimes described (7) _____ jungles. The major jungles (8) _____ found in Central and South
America, Africa and South East Asia.
(9) _____ are also jungles in North Australia, and even parts of the USA, (10) _____ as

V. Read the following text and choose from the sentences A-E the one that best fits each gap
1-5. (5 x 3p = 15p)

John Smith
John Smith, of course, was an Englishman. He was also a teacher of English and had spent
many years travelling the world teaching people how to speak his language.
However, like many English people, although he spoke perfect English, he didn’t speak any
other foreign languages. (1) _______________.
John, who was a very good teacher, often attended meetings on teaching foreign
languages. These meetings were usually set at nice hotels in interesting places. (2)
_______________. He enjoyed being in Paris and found the hotel staff very helpful. The only problem
was he couldn’t understand what they were saying, so he just smiled and said ‘Thank you’ in
English, of course.
One morning at breakfast, John was sitting opposite a colleague from the conference, a
charming French woman. Being French, she had excellent table manners; so, before she started
eating her croissants she looked at John Smith and said sweetly ‘Bon Appétit’ (3) _______________.
He had no idea what she meant. After a few seconds, he said with a big smile’ John Smith!’
John knew he had made a mistake but he wasn’t quite sure what. So, he asked his English
friends, who knew a bit more French, what this strange expression ‘Bon Appétit’ meant. They
explained that it simply meant ‘Enjoy your meal’ or ‘Have a nice meal’. The French always said
something like that before they started to eat because good food was very important in French
culture. (4) _______________.
21 | P a g e

What a fool he felt! If he had studied French harder at school, he would have understood
her. John was determined to show Madame Pompidou (that was her name) that he was not an
idiot. Next day at breakfast, he made sure he sat with her. He smiled and nodded at her and she
said something in French, which he did not quite catch. Then, the big moment arrived. Just
before he started eating, he smiled a big smile at Madame Pompidou and said in a strong English
accent ‘Bon Appétit!’ (5) _______________.

A. The woman smiled and replied in a perfect French accent ‘John Smith!’
B. Once he was at a conference in Paris.
C. In England, there were more important things in life, such as football.
D. John looked at her, puzzled.
E. At school, he had done a bit of French, but he had forgotten it all.
P a g e | 22

Test 6
Proba de verificare a cunoștințelor de limba engleză pentru admiterea în clasa a IX-a cu
profil bilingv – 2007

I. Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence. (5 x 2p = 10p)
1. The boy had an accident because he didn’t use his __________ sense.
A. A. ordinary B. B. usual C. C. common D. D. everyday
2. I __________ the man the money and left before I realized what I had done.
A. A. already gave B. B. was giving C. C. have already given D. D. had already given
3. The children are completely different in character, but they __________ very well.
A. A. get on B. B. settle up C. C. catch on D. D. carry on
4. Strangely __________, although she is a famous actress, people rarely recognize her in the
A. A. also B. B. but C. C. enough D. D. so
5. That child is extremely __________. He is always answering people back.
A. A. irresponsible B. B. immoral C. C. impolite D. D. irrational

II. For each of the numbered spaces in the following passage, supply an appropriate word.
Use only ONE word in each space. (15 x 1p = 15p)
I was reading a magazine in my dentist’s waiting-room (1) __________ other day when I
(2) __________ across an airline advertisement which immediately attracted my (3) __________.
It invited me to fly with them to the largest wild game country (4) __________ the world, to climb
the (5) __________ mountains (6) __________ their country, to lie on the (7) __________ magnificent
pearl-white beaches on the continent and to enjoy the (8) __________ and most exciting shark
fishing in the Pacific. The whole thing sounded (9) __________! I have never (10) __________
anywhere so fascinating and immediately wanted to know (11) __________. I was just reading the
prices when the person next (12) __________ leaned over and said, “Excuse me, but have you (13)
__________ been there?” “No,” I said, “but I’d love (14) __________.” “I wonder”, came the reply. “I
don’t want to (15) __________ you, but I used to live there, and there’s a lot that the
advertisements like that don’t tell you”.

III. Supply the plural of the nouns in brackets. (20 x 0.5p = 10p)
1. I met some interesting _______________ at the meeting last night. (MAN)
2. I need some _______________ to light the fire. (MATCH)
3. The baby got two new _______________. (TOOTH)
4. The farmer loaded his cart with _______________ of fresh vegetables to take to market. His
cart was pulled by two _______________. (BOX, OX)
5. Alex saw some _______________ running across the floor. (MOUSE)
6. The north side of the island has no _______________. There are only steep _______________. No
one can climb these steep walls of rock. (BEACH, CLIFF)
7. If a houseplant is given too much water, its lower _______________ turn yellow. (LEAF)
8. Before Marie signed the contract, she talked to two _______________. (ATTORNEY)
9. New scientific _______________ are made every day in _______________ throughout the world.
10. I caught several _______________ in a lake. (FISH)
11. On our trip in the mountainous countryside, we saw _______________, _______________,
23 | P a g e

_______________ and wild _______________. (WOLF, FOX, DEER, SHEEP)

12. When we spoke in the cave, we could hear _______________ of our voices. (ECHO)
13. The music building at the university has 27 _______________. Students need to sign up for
practice times. (PIANO)
14. Thunder and lightning are _______________ of nature. (PHENOMENON)

IV. Complete the gaps with a word derived from the one given in capitals. (5 x 2p = 10p)
1. This book is much _______________ than the last one he wrote. BAD
2. He knew he would never get the job: there were over 200 _______________. APPLY
3. She is so _______________ that she loses her temper at the slightest little thing. PATIENT
4. Thieves are _______________ people. HONEST
5. That girl plays the piano very _______________. GOOD

V. Read the text below and then answer the questions that follow. (5 x 1p = 5p)
Once a week my Aunt would announce, “I am going to have my bath today.”
Now most people find it fairly simple to have a bath. You probably remember how it goes. You
enter the bathroom, you put the plug in, turn on the hot water, get into the bath, wash, sing, get
out, dry yourself and exit. My Aunt’s approach was more epic, like one of those long Eisenstein
films where people seem to be climbing up the same flight of stairs forever.
My Aunt would first slowly collect her clean linen, so as to have it all ready for changing into
after Her Bath. This involved sorting out her linen, which took up most of the morning.
Sometimes she would find an old letter buried amongst her linen, become interested in the
memories it aroused and have to postpone The Bath until the next day. But if all went well, she
would have a bite of lunch and start Phase Two around two o’clock.
Phase Two was Washing out the Bath. She would wash the bath very thoroughly, rinse it with
running cold water, rewash it and then carefully feel the whole surface with her fingers. If there
was the slightest blemish, she would clean the whole bath out again. This took about an hour.
Then she would fill the bath.
By this time, she was feeling a bit hungry and exhausted. So she would put on her kettle for a
cup of tea. Several cups of tea and several cream crackers (her favourite food) later, she would
go back to the bathroom. And find the water stone cold.

1. According to the author, most people C. getting the bath water hot
A. read film magazines in the bath D. sorting out her linen
B. make bath time a special occasion 4. Why might the Aunt put off bathing until
C. sing when they are in the bath the next day?
D. have a bath once a week A. she might get fascinated by an old
2. The author’s Aunt letter
A. never got used to bathing regularly B. she might start ironing the linen
B. always treated bath time as an event C. she would sometimes get too tired
C. hated climbing the stairs to the D. she would sometimes have lunch
bathroom instead
D. would never take longer than 5. She would have tea and biscuits
anyone else in the bath A. before cleaning the bath
3. How did she use to spend most of the B. while she was rinsing out the bath
morning? C. after filling the bath
A. reading old letters D. if the water got cold
B. preparing lunch
P a g e | 24

VI. Put the verb in brackets into the correct tense. (10 x 1p = 10p)

Dear Ann,
I (1) _______________ (RECEIVE) your letter about two weeks ago and (2) _______________
(TRY) to find time to write you back ever since. I (3) _______________ (BE) very busy lately. In the
past two weeks, I (4) _______________ (HAVE) four tests, and I have another one next week. In
addition, a friend (5) _______________ (STAY) with me since last Thursday. She wanted to see the
city, so we (6) _______________ (SPEND) a lot of time visiting some of the interesting place here.
Yesterday we (7) _______________ (GO) to the park and (8) _______________ (WATCH) a balloon race.
Between showing her the city and studying for my exams, I (9) _______________ (HAVE, BARELY)
enough time to breathe.
How (10) _______________ (YOU, GET) along? Please write soon.
Yours, Janet
25 | P a g e

Test 7
Proba de verificare a cunoștințelor de limba engleză pentru admiterea în clasa a IX-a cu
profil bilingv – 2008

I. Read the text below and decide which answer A, B, C or D best fits each space. There is an
example at the beginning (0). (15 x 1p = 15p)

Quality Communication
The Internet nowadays is like a huge city full (0) of many different kinds of places and people.
As in a real city, there are certain places that are suitable for youngsters and others which need
to be avoided. The Internet neither belongs to (1) _____ is it controlled by any one person,
organization or government. It gives (2) _____ of us the opportunity to create materials for
others to see. On the other hand, as in ordinary life, there are those who might use it for illegal
(3) _____. The freedom of the Net (4) _____ exciting opportunities for youngsters and, (5) _____
being aware of the possible dangers and (6) _____ steps to avoid them, they can happily explore
that online world in safety.
Common sense will certainly help children to (7) _____ the Internet safely. It is preferable, (8)
_____ example, for parents to get to know (9) _____ their children are meeting online and make
(10) _____ they never give out personal information about themselves. Although it is an excellent
tool for learning, playing and communicating with others, youngsters should not be allowed to
become (11) _____ involved that they forget other activities (12) _____ to their development.
Obviously, surfing as a family activity is the best solution, so that any problems that are found
can be (13) _____ together.
Parents need to think about safety issues and agree on a (14) _____ of rules. Just as youngsters
are given instructions on road (15) _____, they also need to be instructed on how to travel safely
along that superhighway.
0. A. with B. of C. in D. from
1. A. or B. neither C. either D. nor
2. A. all B. every C. other D. lot
3. A. methods B. works C. purposes D. uses
4. A. proposes B. offers C. faces D. finds
5. A. with B. by C. for D. as
6. A. putting B. doing C. making D. taking
7. A. ride B. drive C. use D. lead
8. A. for B. in C. by D. from
9. A. which B. who C. whose D. whom
10. A. positive B. sure C. definite D. real
11. A. very B. so C. much D. such
12. A. important B. based C. required D. needed
13. A. discussed B. chatted C. talked D. spoken
14. A. group B. choice C. set D. collection
15. A. security B. knowledge C. safety D. care
II. Choose the right word(s) in each sentence. (6 x 1p = 6p)
1. The tourists will get informations/ some information about the trip in due time.
2. There was/were money all over the floor.
3. How many womans/ women are waiting for their turn at the hair stylist?
4. This book is the most interesting/ the more interesting I’ve ever read.
P a g e | 26

5. Nothing is worse/ worst than being stuck in a traffic jam.

6. The leafs/ leaves of this tree do not fall in autumn. It is evergreen.
III. Put the verbs in brackets into the suitable form. (10 x 1p = 10p)

Now listen. I (1) __________ (WANT) to talk to you about your attitude and behaviour. For the
last two months you (2) __________ (MISS) most of your classes and (3) __________ (NOT DO) any
homework. Furthermore, I (4) __________ (BECOME) increasingly annoyed with the way you
talk to your teachers. The other day, for example, you (5) __________ (TELL) Mr Roberts he
looked like a “hideous gorilla”, and while he (6) __________ (TRY) to talk to you, you just walked
away from him. He (7) __________ (BE) very upset since then. Tomorrow, I (8) __________
(WRITE) a report for your parents, and if you (9) __________ (NOT START) showing some signs
of improvement, your parents (10) __________ (SEND) the report by the school.

IV. Read the text below and use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form
a word that fits in the space. (10 x 1p = 10p)

Vegetarian Nutrition for Teenagers

Vegetarianism represents a positive (1) _______________ towards a cleaner 1. MOVE
and more compassionate world, reduction in global (2) _______________, 2. HUNGRY
and improved personal health. If we are concerned about all these, we
should think about meat production’s (3) _______________ impact on 3. NEGATE
(4) _______________ rain forests, soil stability, air and water quality, the 4. TROPIC
billions of animals killed for food each year.
The (5) _______________should be aware that vegetarians are generally at 5. POPULATE
lower risk for heart disease, high blood (6) _______________, some forms of 6. PRESS
cancer and (7) _______________. More and more teenagers are choosing not 7. OBESE
to eat meat or fish. They are very (8) _______________ about this new way of 8. ENTHUSIASM
living even if sometimes they face with pressures from their parents
who are concerned about their health. It’s no doubt that it’s healthier to
eat fruits, vegetables, plenty of (9) _______________ greens, whole grain 9. LEAF
(10) _______________, nuts, seeds and legumes than big quantities of meat. 10. PRODUCE

V. Five sentences are missing from the text. Choose from the sentences A-E one which fits
each gap 1-5. (5 x 3p = 15p)

Magic Circles
Crop circles are large circular patterns that have been turning up mysteriously in cornfields all
over southern England, and in other parts of the world, since the 1980s. Many people believe
they could not have been done by human beings – they say only visitors from outer space could
have created such circles. Pat Delgado is someone who investigates crop circles and writes
about them. He too, once believed that no human being could have created them. (1) [……]
However, Delgado became less enthusiastic about crop circles after he had talked to a
newspaper reporter called Graham Brough.
Brough put Delgado in touch with two artists who claimed that they made crop circles. David
Chorley and Douglas Bower told Delgado that for many years they had been going around
southern England creating new circles each year. Their work was copied by others. (2) [……]
So the artists had been deceiving fans of crop circles for a long time. Delgado, too, had been
taken in completely. “If everything you say is true, I’ll look like a fool”, he told them. “This might
mean the end of one of the most popular mysteries in the world”.
Flying saucers and extra-terrestrials, which had gone out of fashion for a time, were given new
27 | P a g e

life by the circles. (3) [……] Many people around the world became “experts” in explaining what
had caused the circles. (4) [……] His “discoveries” were published by the serious scientific
magazine Nature.
Chorley and Bower told Delgado that they had decided to take the first crop circle in 1978. “We
were sitting in the pub thinking of something we could do as a joke”, they said.
(5) [……] So they decided to flatten some corn to make it look as if a UFO had landed. At first,
nobody noticed their work, but then in 1981 one of their circles was spotted, and then the press
said it was made by extra-terrestrials. “We found it so funny”, says Chorley, “we had to stop the
car because Doug was laughing so much he couldn’t drive”.

A. They read newspaper reports of flying saucers and they had also heard about Australian
farmers creating crop circles with their tractors some years earlier.
B. Flying saucer fans believed the circles marked the place where UFOs had landed.
C. In his book, Circular Evidence, he suggested that visitors from outer space created the
D. Over the years, hundreds of circles appeared in Britain and other countries.
E. One Japanese scientist suggested that they were caused by a special kind of lightning.

VI. Complete the sentences for each situation, using the verbs given. (4 x 1p = 4p)

1. You are sitting in the classroom on a hot day. You are daydreaming about going to the
beach. You think: If today _______________ (BE) a holiday, I _______________ (GO) to the beach.
2. You are planning to go to the beach tomorrow with some friends. You are not sure about
the weather, because it sometimes rains at this time of the year. You arrange to meet
tomorrow afternoon and say: If it _______________ (RAIN), we _______________ (GO) to the
cinema instead.
P a g e | 28

Test 8
Proba de verificare a cunoștințelor de limba engleză pentru admiterea în clasa a IX-a cu
profil bilingv de predare – 2009

I. Read the following text. Five sentences have been removed from the text. Choose from
the sentences A-F the one which fits each gap (1-5).There is one extra sentence which you
do not need to use. (5p)

Coco Chanel
Born in 1883, (1) __________ changed the way women looked. She blended the features of male
and female clothes, (2) __________ .Even though some might consider her to be a feminist, she
constantly claimed to speak of femininity rather than of feminism. (3) __________ to be a part of
the liberation of women. (4) __________ but also appropriated sports clothes as part of the new
fashion, offering herself as an example. She herself dressed in mannish clothes. It was obvious
that her style was a result of necessity and defiance, as she couldn’t afford the expensive
clothes of the period. That was the reason for which she started creating her own outfits, using
ties, sports jackets and everyday male clothes, replacing the corset with casual elegance. (5)
__________ her style was simplicity.
A. Still, her clothes were meant
B. The main word to define
C. Coco Chanel is considered to be the woman who
D. She not only adapted the styles and items of clothing that were worn by men
E. Giving birth to a fashion that allowed the wearer to have a feeling of “hidden luxury”
rather than ostentation
F. She was considered to be both a feminist and a feminine.

II. Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only ONE word
in each space. There is an example at the beginning (0). (10p).

Coca Cola
Coca Cola is (0) the trademark which is recognized (1) __________ 94% of the world’s
population. It (2) __________ first introduced by the pharmacist John Styth Pemberton in
Atlanta, Georgia. According (3) __________ statistics, Coca Cola products are served more (4)
__________ 705 million times every day. It all started (5) __________ 1886 when Pemberton
prepared a caramel-coloured syrup with coca leaves and kola nut (6) __________ a basis. Then
he started carrying (7) __________ in a jug down the street and sold it (8) __________ five cents.
Afterwards he associated with a partner, combined the syrup with carbonated water. His
partner was the (9) __________ to name the new product “Coca Cola”. Nowadays over 7,000
Coca Cola products are consumed (10) __________ second. The countries to drink the greatest
amount of Coca Cola are Mexico and Iceland.
29 | P a g e

III Read the text below. Use the words given in capitals below the text to form a word
that fits in the space. The words are given in the order they should to be used. There is an
example at the beginning (0). (10p)
Nike, pronounced Ni-Key, was the Greek (0) winged (0) WING
(1) __________ of victory. When Greeks went to battle and (1) GOD
won, they used to say “It is nike”, meaning
honoured (2) __________ (2) CONQUER
Nike of the (3) __________ century is the footwear that (3) TWENTY
takes the greatest athletes of the world to higher levels
of (4) __________ . (4) ACHIEVE
It started as a small (5) __________ outfit, having its (5) DISTRIBUTE
”headquarter” in the trunk of Phil Knight’s car. It
looked like a timid (6) __________ for a company which was (6) BEGIN
to become one of the most (7) __________ both in footwear (7) FAME
and street wear. In 1988 Nike launched its most
(8) __________ advertisement, the “just do it” campaign. (8) SUCCESS
By (9) __________ people that they should “just do it”, they (9) TELL
actually trying to say “Buy our shoes and you will do it”.
This message definitely reached its target because Nike’s
(10) __________ highly increased as a consequence of this ad (10) SELL

IV. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence,
using the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the given
word: (10p)
1. "John, don't forget to pay the phone bill" I said. TO
I _______________________________________________________the phone bill.
2. I find it strange living on my own. NOT
I'm_______________________________________________________ on my own.
3. My brother is shorter than me. AS
I’ m ___________________________________________________my brother.
4. There were no passengers on the bus. ANY
There ________________________________________________________on the bus.
5. Our teacher says we must fill in the answer sheet with a pencil. TO
The answer sheet _______________________________________________with a pencil.
6. The last time I went to the cinema was in 1998. BEEN
I ____________________________________________________ to the cinema since 1998.
7. Could you tell me what you were doing? MIND
Would ________________________________________________ me what you were doing?
8. You're much too young to smoke! OLD
You _________________________________________________________ smoke!
9. I'll help you if you promise to lend me your bicycle. AS
I’ll help you ________________________________________you promise to lend.
10. It's not possible for me to send the card to him until you've signed it. HIM
I __________________________________________________card until you've signed it.
P a g e | 30

V. Read the following sentences. Choose the alternative which suits the meaning best.
1. Vince had no idea what great things were / are about to happen.
2. If I had wings I would fly / will fly among the stars.
3. Last year our house was seriously damaged / has been seriously damaged.
4. I really like this movie. So do I / have I.
5. I failed the exam. I should have learned / must have learned harder.
6. She is looking for / has been looking for her purse for half an hour.
7. It usually snows / is usually snowing in December.
8. She admitted she had never seen / never saw him before.
9. What were you doing / have you been doing when I called you?
10. The Earth is moving / moves round the Sun.
11. Her problem was that she hasn’t finished / hadn’t finished the project.
12. My neighbour takes / is taking his dog for a walk every morning.
13. The police is investigating / are investigating a horrifying murder.
14. If you will like / like him, you’ll share the room.
15. I don’t think it’s a good idea to have a party now. The baby is sleeping / sleeps.
VI. Read the text below and decide which answer A, B, C or D best fits each space. There is
an example at the beginning. (10p).

A Brief History of London

The Romans are (0) D to have found Londinium in 43 AD as a stores depot. It (1) _____
became secure in (2) _____ position as capital of Roman Britain by the end of the first (3) _____.
Still its real expansion (4) _____ in the eleventh century, becoming the seat of the (5) _____
known invader of Britain, William the Conqueror. He was (6) _____ the one to build the White
House, which is the centerpiece of (7) _____ Tower of London.
Many of the great architectural masterpieces built during that period (8) _____ destroyed
in the course of a few days in 1666 when the Great Fire of London wiped (9) _____ more than
thirteen thousand houses and almost ninety churches, continuing the series of destruction
begun a year before by the Great Plague.
That is the reason for (10) _____ most of the buildings today were built in the 18th century,
i.e. during the reign of Queen Victoria.
0. A. learned B. taught C. meant D. known
1. A. early B. taught C. meant D. soon
2. A. her B. his C. its D. it
3. A. century B. millennium C. year D. week
4. A. got going B. inaugurated C. set on D. began
5. A. best B. well C. bad D. good
6. A. even B. only C. too D. also
7. A. the B. a C. an D. --
8. A. are B. have been C. were D. was
9. A. in B. on C. up D. out
10. A. that B. which C. whose D. what
31 | P a g e

Test 9
Proba de verificare a cunoștințelor de limba engleză pentru admiterea în clasa a IX-a cu
profil intensiv la Colegiul Național „Gheorghe Șincai” Baia Mare – 2009

I. Read the text below and write one word that fits each space. (10 x 1p = 10p)

I am a secretary. I’ve been in the same office (1) _______________ two years, (2)
_______________ I left school and it’s not a bad job. I (3) _______________ the phone, I (4) _______________
the letters, I (5) _______________ the coffee. I understand the work and it isn’t very
(6) _______________.
My boss is (7) _______________, he is about 28 years old and very kind. He (8) _______________
a tie and a grey (9) _______________. When I forget things he simply (10) _______________ at me and
tells me to be more careful.

II. Write the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. (10 x 2p = 20p)

1. Look, a man _______________ (RUN) after the bus!

2. I _______________ (LEARN) for three hours and I am very tired now.
3. The movie we _______________ (SEE) last night was very good.
4. Marty _______________ (HAVE) a nervous breakdown last year.
5. Fish _______________ (SWIM).
6. I _______________ (LIVE) here for five years.
7. This time tomorrow Sally _______________ (PLAY) tennis with her classmates.
8. They _______________ (HAVE) a picnic when it started to rain.
9. I _______________ (CUT) my finger while I was preparing dinner.
10. When I arrived home, Mary _______________ (PLAY) the piano for two hours.

III. Each of the following sentences contains one error. Write the correct sentences on
your answer sheet. (5 x 1p = 5p)

1. He must to go home.
2. Where you went for your last holiday?
3. We have had this car since five years.
4. He has visited me two days ago.
5. There was only a few people at the meeting.

IV. Change the following sentences from Active Voice into Passive Voice. (5 x 1p = 5p)

1. A bus knocked the passer-by down.

2. Have you finished these exercises?
3. Mother has made some coffee.
4. You shouldn’t bother the teacher with so many questions.
5. They will cook the meal.
P a g e | 32

V. Choose the correct answer. (10 x 1p =10p)

1. I’d like a little/ a few milk with my coffee.

2. I never wear too much/ many gold rings.
3. He earns much/ many money as a singer.
4. There is much/ many sunshine in California.
5. Neither/ None of my parents have ever been abroad.
6. Most/ Most of the book was written in French.
7. Most/ Most of the magazines have photos.
8. All his family was/ were at home.
9. People enjoy/ enjoys travelling.
10. My knowledge of German is/ are poor.

VI. Read the text. Then use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word
that fits the space in the same line. (10 x 1p = 10p)

What I Would Like to Do

After we have finished our (1) ____________________ there are a number of 1. EDUCATE
things we could do. For some of the most interesting (2) _________________ 2. PROFESS
like medicine and (3) ____________________, you have to be very good at 3. ARCHITECT
maths and I was never a good (4) ____________________. Although my parents 4. MATHEMATICS
are doctors, I don’t seem to have a very (5) ____________________ mind. I’ve 5. SCIENCE
always wanted to be something like an (6) ____________________ because I 6. ARCHAEOLGY
like history and I like reading about great (7) __________________ figures like 7. HISTORY
Napoleon and Alexander. I like looking at (8) ____________________ and 8. PAINT
(9) ____________________ too. I think it’s fun exploring the past. So, if I pass my 9. SCULPT
university entrance (10) ____________________, that’s what I am going to do. 10. EXAMINE
33 | P a g e

Test 10
Proba de verificare a cunoștințelor de limba engleză pentru admiterea în clasa a IX-a cu
profil bilingv de predare – 2010

Read the text and the questions below. For each question, choose the correct answer
corresponding to letters A, B, C or D. (5 x 2p = 10p)
My name is James, I’m fourteen, and I moved to this town with my family three months
ago. My parents lived here when they were young, but my brother and I didn’t know anyone
here except a few aunts and uncles we’d met when we’d spent a couple of weeks with my
grandparents, during school holidays. When I started school, one of my cousins, Sophie, who
was in my class, was very friendly for the first week, and I was happy to have a friend in a
strange place. Then, for no reason, she stopped talking to me and I felt very hurt and lonely for
several weeks.
In the end, I made some more friends and once I got to know them, I’ve been fine. Now
Sophie is having a disco party for her birthday next week and she has invited me. I don’t want
to go. My brother says he heard someone say she only asked me because her parents said she
had to. But my mum and dad say it would be rude not to accept. Some of my new friends are
invited, too. How can I show Sophie that she can’t behave so badly towards me without causing
a family quarrel?
1. What is the writer trying to do in the text?
A. explain a problem
B. describe a family
C. offer advice
D. refuse the invitation
2. Who did James know in the town six months ago?
A. no one
B. a few relatives
C. only his grandparents
D. Sophie’s friends
3. At the beginning of the term, Sophie’s behaviour made the writer feel…
A. embarrassed.
B. unhappy.
C. grateful.
D. surprised.
4. James wants Sophie to realize…
A. that he still hasn’t forgiven her.
B. that his friends think she behaved rudely.
C. that his parents dislike her.
D. that she has fewer friends.
5. Which of these is an answer to the text?
A. Ask your friends to come with you and we can all have a good time together.
B. Why not go to the party and ask Sophie why she stopped being friendly? At least everyone
will know what’s happening.
C. Please phone my parents and explain the situation to them, so that they’ll worrying.
D. What about cooking a meal with Sophie and inviting all your relatives? That will be a good
way to stop the quarrelling.
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II. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the
space in the same line. There is an example at the beginning. (0) (10 x 1p = 10p)

In the USA, people have a (0) fascination for everything connected 0. FASCINATE
with the ‘wild west’ of the cowboy era. This has led to (1) 1. VARY
_______________ activities which are of interest to (2) _______________ 2. TOUR
who are travelling around the western states. There are (3) 3. EXHIBIT
_______________ of wild west painting, concerts of cowboy music and, 4. EXCITE
most (4) _______________ of all, live rodeo shows to watch. Rodeos,
where cowboys take part in horse-riding (5) _______________ for big 5. COMPLETE
money prizes, are (6) _______________ popular. There are 739 each 6. EXTREME
year, held in giant (7) _______________ arenas as well as open-air show 7. DOOR
grounds across the west. Most of the riders are professional (8) 8. PERFORM
_______________, but most of the events were (9) 9. ORIGIN
_______________ based on the cowboys’ everyday working tasks. 10. CRUEL
Despite some concerns over possible (10) _______________ to horses,
most people are thrilled by the display of skill and daring to be seen
at a rodeo.

III. Complete the text below using a suitable form of the verbs in brackets. (10 x 2p =

Mara Campos has become a rising star in the Progressive Party. She (1) _______________
(BEGIN) her political career while she (2) _______________ (STUDY) at Woodsville University.
When she first (3) _______________ (stand) as a candidate for Woodsville, she (4)
_______________ (NOT/ WIN) many votes – Woodsville is a traditional town, and no woman (5)
_______________ (EVER/ BE) a candidate there before. “They (6) _______________ (ELECT) the same
man, year after year“, she told me, ”and they just (7) _______________ (LAUGH) at me when I (8)
_______________ (GET UP) to speak”. But she was the winning candidate in the next election, and
since then she (9) _______________ (SHOW) herself to be a hard-hitting speaker who (10)
_______________ (NEVER/ BE) afraid to say what she thinks.

IV. Read the text below and look carefully at each line. Some of the lines are correct, and
some have a word which should not be there. If a line is correct, put a tick by the number.
If the line has a word which should not be there, write the word in the space. (10 x 1p =

An Unusual Home
1. Why would a basketball player to have an exact copy of a _________________
2. pirate ship in his backyard? The basketball player is L.A. _________________
3. Laker’s star, Kobe Bryant , who he has created an adventure _________________
4. Wonderland in his California home. There are many of tropical _________________
5. gardens around the house, waterfalls and the pirate ship is in _________________
6. one of these. The ship it not only fits in with the garden, _________________
7. but also gives to the home a fun-park theme. _________________
8. The house is over 16.000 square feet in size, with a huge _________________
9. guest house next to a theatre and a billiards room. These _________________
10. give Kobe’s house an elegant look. _________________
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V. Choose the correct answer A, B or C. (10 x 1p = 10p)

1. You _______________ finish that work today, you can do it tomorrow.

A. can’t B. may C. needn’t
2. Easter is _______________ May this year.
A. in B. on C. at
3. If you finish early, I _______________ you to the theatre.
A. take B. will take C. would take
4. I have two brothers. They are _______________ tall.
A. all B. neither C. both
5. Would you mind _______________ the cat out?
A. letting B. to let C. let
6. If you had looked carefully, you _______________ the banana skin.
A. would see B. saw C. would have seen
7. I can’t see my bicycle _______________.
A. nowhere B. anywhere C. somewhere
8. He comes from Egypt, _______________?
A. does he B. isn’t he C. doesn’t he
9. I _______________ buy a new coat if I had enough money.
A. would B. am C. will
10. You’ve read the newspaper, _______________?
A. didn’t you B. haven’t you C. isn’t it
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Test 11
Proba de verificare a cunoștințelor de limba engleză pentru admiterea în clasa a IX-a cu
profil bilingv de predare – 2011

I. Read the following text attentively and then decide whether the following statements are
TRUE (T) or FALSE (F). (10 x1 =10p)
A friend of mine once told me of his first efforts to speak Japanese. He was working in an
American company in Tokyo where all communication in the workplace was conducted in
English, so he had no pressing need to learn the language. His wife, however, was taking
Japanese lessons and passed on to him what she had learnt. The first time he aired his Japanese
in public, his efforts were met with politeness but nevertheless got the impression he was doing
something wrong. Quite some time went by before one of his Japanese colleagues plucked up
the courage to tell him he spoke Japanese ‘like a woman’ and explained that often different
vocabulary is used for the same objects depending on whether a man or a woman is speaking.
Japanese is not the only language which makes such distinctions, and, although the vocabulary
doesn’t change, research shows that gender can affect speech patterns in English, too.
1. The story is about a Frenchman. _______
2. She was working in an American company in Japan. _______
3. Speaking Japanese at work wasn’t compulsory. _______
4. He, very rarely, spoke Japanese in public. _______
5. His Japanese colleagues were very polite and didn’t want to offend him. _______
6. Whenever he spoke Japanese, he felt quite comfortable. _______
7. Speaking ‘like a woman’ in Japanese means differences in vocabulary. _______
8. ‘Gender’ refers to people of different ages. _______
9. Gender affects speech patterns in different languages. _______
10. In English, gender influences both the speech pattern and the vocabulary. _______

II. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits the space
in the same line. (10 x 1 =10p)
1. It’s ______________________________________! I’ve won the BELIEVE
2. I can tell from your __________________that you are not EXPRESS
3. Would you like to ________________________________in a big LIFE
4. There’s a lot of ___________________ about that on the INFORM
5. How long is the _______________________ from Paris to FLY
6. Which ________________________ should we go in – left or DIRECT
7. Be ____________________________ !Those boxes are full of CARE
8. My best friend has got a PERSON
9. You need a lot of _________________ to write a good short IMAGINE
10. Animals in zoos don’t live in their_____________ NATURE
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III. Decide which answer (A, B, C or D) fits in the space in the same line. (15 x 1p = 15p)
Hedgehogs Threaten Wildlife
There are so many threats to the wildlife on our planet nowadays 0. C we are rarely
surprised when we are 1 __________ about another one. 2__________, some people might find it
difficult to 3__________ that small creatures 4__________ hedgehogs would be the cause, rather than
the victims, of one of these threats. One resident of an island which 5__________ off the west coast
of Scotland 6__________ how this extraordinary situation has come about. It appears that
hedgehogs are not native to the islands. They were introduced by a gardener who thought they
7__________ be an effective way of controlling the slug population. There are now so 8__________
hedgehogs on the island that they are putting many rare birds at 9__________ because they eat
birds' eggs. The hedgehogs, it seems, are 10__________ - so what are the local people going to do
11 __________ it? One group of conservationists tried to transport hedgehogs to the mainland.
The plan might have 12__________ if residents on the mainland hadn't pointed out that the
hedgehogs would 13__________ just as much of a threat on the mainland as on the island. But,
unless action is 14__________ soon, the continuing increase in the hedgehog population will
15__________ in the disappearance of certain rare species of birds.
0 A which B how C. that D where
1. A mentioned B explained C told D said
2. A Even B Although C Yet D However
3. A believe B convince C suppose D consider
4. A so B such C like D as
5. A extends B lies C covers D stretches
6. A described B commented C talked D meant
7. A should B can C ought D would
8. A largely B much C many D far
9. A danger B risk C trouble D difficulties
10. A anywhere B everywhere C anything D nothing
11. A with B about C to D for
12. A beaten B won C caught D succeeded
13. A change B become C return D move
14. A made B done C taken D held
15. A result B lead C cause D turn

IV. Choose the correct form. (10 x1p=10p)

1. You may come if you like, but you __________.
A) don't have C) don't need
B) needn't D) mustn't
2. If I __________ so tired, I would have helped you.
A) wouldn't C) wouldn't have been
B) wasn't D) hadn't been
3. Each of their sons has __________.
A) a room of his own C) a room of their own
B) an own room D) own rooms
4. Don’t touch anything until the police __________.
A) will arrive C) shall arrive
B) arrive D) arrives
5. Would you mind if I joined you? __________
A) No, I don't. C) No, not at all.
B) Yes, why not. D) Yes, please do.
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6. Sorry to bother you. __________

A) So am I. C) Yes, of course.
B) No, you can't. D) That’s all right.
7. The clock has just __________ eleven.
A) hit C) struck
B) beaten D) knocked
8. The fish you’re eating __________ only six hours ago.
A) was caught C) had been caught
B) has been caught D) is been caught
9. Give me the dictionary for a moment, __________?
A) will you C) did you
B) can't you D) don't you
10. The bomb might explode __________ moment.
A) every C) each
B) all D) any
V. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one, using the word
given. Don’t change the word given. Use between two and five words, including the word given. (5
x 1p = 5p)
1. Honestly, I don't mind where we go for our summer holidays. MATTER
Honestly, _____________________________ me where we go for our summer holidays.
2. Could you speak English when you were younger? ABLE
When you were younger, _______________________________ speak English?
3. Three hundred students entered the swimming competition last year. PART
Three hundred students ____________________________ the swimming competition last year.
4. Could I borrow some change for the telephone? LEND
Could ___________________________________________ some change for the telephone?
5. I was really bored by the film last night. FOUND
I _______________________________________ last night.
VI. Write what the people said using Reported Speech. (5 x1 p = 5 p )
1. Grandma: Put your hat on, Ben!
Grandma told Ben ______________________________________________
2. Ben: What time is it?
Ben asked ____________________________________________________
3. Mother to father: Have you bought a newspaper today?
Mum asked father ______________________________________________
4. Grandpa: Don’t stay in the sun too long!
Grandpa told Liza ______________________________________________
5. Liza: I’ll put some suntan lotion on!
Liza told grandpa _______________________________________________
VII. Put the verb in brackets in the correct form. (5 x1 p = 5 p )
1. When we arrived home, Ian (SIT) _________________________ outside the door.
2. Can you help me? I (NOT, UNDERSTAND) _________________________ Spanish.
3. At the beginning of the film I (REALIZE) _________________________ I’d seen it before.
4. I’m sorry, I can’t talk long. I (STUDY) _________________________ for an examination.
5. “What (YOU, DO) _________________________ when you saw the snake?” “I ran.”
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Test 12
Proba de verificare a cunoștințelor de limba engleză pentru admiterea în clasa a IX-a cu
profil intensiv de predare – 2011

I. Complete the sentences in each passage by choosing an appropriate tense-form from

the given variants. (1px12=12p.)
The world (1) ______ warmer and warmer nowadays. Why (2) ______? One answer is that it could
simply be part of a natural process. After all, there (3) ______ ice ages and long periods of warmth
in the past and now we (4) ______ another warming trend. This kind of answer (5) ______ more
supporters a few years ago. What scientists now (6) ______ is that human activity is the cause.
For more than two hundred years, humans (7) ______ the atmosphere, mainly as a result of
industrial pollution. We (8) ______ an atmosphere around the earth that like a giant glass
container, (9) ______ heat from the sun through and then (10) ______ it in. (11) ______ temperature
and sea levels ______ after all? The general answer (12) ______ unfortunately yes.

1) A got В is getting С is being got D has got

2) A this happens В this has happened С is this happening D this is
3) A were В were being С are D have been
4) A are experiencing В had experienced С experience D are being
5) A has had В had had С was having D had
6) A are believing В believe С have been believing D are believed
7) A are changed В are changing С have been changing D change
8) A were creating В create С have created D are created
9) A lets В had let С was let D is let
10) A is holding В is held С holds D is being held
11) A Will ... be rising В Are ... risen С Are ... being risen D Will ... rise
12) A is В has been С had been D is being

II. Choose the correct combination of prepositions / adverbs to complete the following
sentences. (1px10=10p)
1. We tried to warn him ______ the icy road but he wouldn't listen ______ us.
a) about, to b) for, to c) of, -
2. They are ______ a difficult situation now, but I do hope they'll find a solution ______ their
a) at, with b) in, about c) in, to
3. Her lack ______ confidence was the reason ______ her not getting the job.
a) in, for b) of, to c) of, for
4. We need someone to look ______ the children while we are ______ work.
a) at, at b) on, at c) after, at
5. We were dissatisfied ______ the hotel service, so we complained ______ the manager.
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a) by, for b) at, to c) with, to

6. We searched ______ vain______ the missing money.
a) in, for b) for, about c) by, for
7. She doesn't believe ______ love ______ first sight.
a) at, in b) in, at c) with, at
8. I don't know ______ certain but I think she's gone ______ holiday.
a) in, for b) for, on c) on, off
9. He hopes ______ a rise ______ salary next year.
a) of, in b) for, for c) for, in
10. Take no notice ______ Alice. She's always showing ______
a) for, up b) of, off c) at, down

III. One of the underlined fragments in the sentences below is incorrect. Spot the error and
correct it. (2px5=10p)
1. I think you should stop (1) to work (2) and leave at 5o'clock as (3) everyone else (4).
2. There (1) was a long drought (2) in the South America (3) in the summer (4) of 1993.
3. With recent advances (1) in technology, we are now able (2) to do (3) powerful computers
as small as (4) a cigarette packet.
4. I've been thinking (1) about the proposal, and I've decided (2) I will like (3) to join you after
all (4).
5. When the satellite is launched (1) next week, scientists will be able to (2) investigate the
rings around Saturn in more detail (3) then ever before (4).

IV. Fill in the gaps with a suitable pronoun from the suggested choice.(2px4=8p)
I am writing to you from our Antarctic cruise. The last (1) _____ days have been very exciting
we’ve seen (2) _____ of seals and different sea birds. This has been a great holiday for (3) _____
and we've got (4) _____ three days on the cruise.

1) A a few В few С some D any

2) A neither В both С a little D a lot
3) A myself В mine С me D oneself
4) A other В others С another D the other

V. Think of one word which can be used to complete the sentences below (1px10=10p)
I want to tell you (1) __________ I spent the Christmas holidays because I had such great time. My
parents took me (2) __________ a skiing holiday to Austria. We stayed in Annbrock, (3) __________
is a lovely little town surrounded by snow-covered mountains. I spent every morning skiing
before going (4) __________ to the hotel in the evenings to relax. I was even allowed to (5)
__________ to the hotel disco a (6) __________ of times. My parents wanted me to have private
lessons with a qualified ski instructor, but I did really (7) __________ on my own. By the end of the
week, I was skiing (8) __________ a professional. It was definitely the best holiday I've (9) __________
had. If we go again this Easter, you should come with us. I'm sure we'll (10) __________ a great
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VI. Read the following texts. Some phrases or sentences have been removed from them.
Choose the best phrase or sentence to fill each of the gaps. Each correct phrase or sentence
may only be used once. Some of the suggested answers do not fit at all. (2px5=10p)

The universal symbol of Internet era communications, the @ sign used in e-mail addresses (1)
_____, is actually a 500-year-old invention of Italian merchants, a Rome academic has revealed.
Giorgio Stabile, a science professor at La Sapienza University, claims (2) _____ of the symbol's
use, as an indication of a measure of weight or volume. He says the sign represents an amphora,
a measure of capacity based on the terracotta jars used (3) _____ in the ancient Mediterranean
The professor unearthed the ancient symbol in the course of research for a visual history of the
20th century, (4) _____. The first known instance of its use, he says, occurred in a letter written
by a Florentine merchant on May 4,1536. He says the sign made its way along trade routes to
northern Europe, where it came (5) _____, its contemporary accountancy meaning.

A. to describe the now omnipresent squiggle

B. to represent “at the price of”
C. to transport grain and liquid
D. to save space and work
E. to be published by the Treccani Encyclopedia
F. to learn how popular it has become
G. to have stumbled on the earliest known example
H. to signify the word 'at'
P a g e | 42

Test 13
Proba de verificare a cunoștințelor de limba engleză pentru admiterea în clasa a IX-a cu
profil bilingv de predare – 2012

I. Read the following text and choose the best answer A, B or C. (5 x 2p = 10p)
The New Voice of Soul Music
When Macy Grey was at school, the other children made fun of her strange voice. “Every time I
opened my mouth, the kids laughed at me”, she says.
Things have changed for the 30-year old American who today has sold millions of
records around the world. I asked Macy how this change happened. “I wrote some song lyrics
for friends of mine who were musicians. One day, when they wanted to record a song, the singer
didn’t arrive. I sang for them and weeks later I was asked to sing for a jazz band.” Macy couldn’t
believe that people liked her voice but then Atlantic Records invited her to join them. She was
24. In 2005 she was asked to record an album. “I still wasn’t sure that I was doing the right
thing, but I thought I’d try music just one more time.” Her first album sold three million copies.
She also won an award for Best Female Singer. Macy has become the new voice of soul music
but she plans to stop singing after she has made her fourth album. “Nothing lasts forever,” she
says. “I want to stop when I’m on top, and write books all day.”
1. Macy started singing when she was at school.
A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesn’t say
2. Atlantic Records asked Mary to sing for them in 2005.
A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesn’t say
3. Macy wasn’t certain she wanted to record an album.
A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesn’t say
4. Macy prefers soul to jazz music.
A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesn’t say
5. Mary never wants to stop singing.
A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesn’t say

II. Write the letter of the correct answer which completes each sentence. (15 x 1p = 15p)
1. Frank’s __________ astronaut. There are six of them on this mission.
A. - B. a C. an D. the
2. “It’s cold outside. You need your jacket.”
“OK. I’ll put __________.”
A. it on B. it over C. on it D. over it
3. They ___________ when the fire alarm rang.
A. cook B. cooked C. was cooking D. were cooking
4. Could you talk __________? I’m trying to work.
A. more quietly B. quieter than C. more quiet D. quiet
5. We didn’t eat here last week, __________ we?
A. didn’t B. haven’t C. do D. did
6. The report __________ soon.
A. published B. is published C. will be published D. will publish
7. I asked him __________ but he went away.
A. not to go B. to not go C. not going D. he doesn’t go
8. He __________ for the Olympics since 2002.
A. practised B. practices C. has been D. was practising
9. Children under five years old __________ swim without an adult.
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A. don’t have to B. must not C. have to D. are supposed to

10. Since I __________ university, I haven’t had much spare time.
A. started B. was starting C. have started D. start
11. Would you mind __________ me tomorrow?
A. call B. calling C. to call D. if you call
12. She is the woman __________ sister babysits for us.
A. who B. which C. that’s D. whose
13. Coffee is __________ in Columbia.
A. grow B. grew C. been growing D. grown
14. What a beautiful bracelet! Is it made of __________ gold?
A. the B. some C. - D. a
15. If you __________ a headache, you should take an aspirin.
A. ‘ll have got B. had got C. have got D. are having

III. Complete each sentence with a word formed from the word in capitals. (10 x 1p = 10p)
1. Jane has already _______________ to her parents about her plans. SPEAK
2. Scientists tell us that tea is _______________ than coffee. HEALTH
3. She is a very _______________ person and likes to help people. FRIEND
4. Whitney was an extraordinary artist with an _______________ voice. STAND
5. Thank you! You are so _______________. HELP
6. This poem is _______________ written.
7. We would like to _______________ this problem before noon. CLEAR
8. Do you know the _______________ of this mountain? HIGH
9. We all admire this athlete’s _______________ and ambition. STRONG
10. What time is your _______________ to London? FLY

IV. Match the part of sentences in column A to their pairs in column B to make correct
sentences. (10 x 1p =10p)
1. She’ll phone her mother a. taking up martial arts to defend yourself.
2. Henry is being b. they will fail their exams.
3. If they earned more money c. if Tom doesn’t come to my graduation party.
4. I’ll be really upset d. out more about haunted English castles.
5. Let’s listen e. like he needs a holiday.
6. After that incident you should think about f. they could afford a bigger house.
7. Phil looks g. very annoying at the moment!
8. I would like to find h. as soon as she gets the results of her exams.
9. Mary and Liz stopped i. to what the students have to say about the project.
10. Unless they study so much j. talking to each other about their fight.

V. Make the right choice. (10 x 1,5p = 15p)

1. She walked/ was walking down the street when it started to rain.
2. I haven’t been/ didn’t go to school since yesterday.
3. I usually wake up at seven, but today I wake/ am waking up at 10 because it’s Sunday.
4. What time have you finished/ did you finish your homework?
5. I am living/ have been living in this city for two years.
6. Now the wind blows/ is blowing very hard.
7. I talked/ was talking while she was listening to me.
8. Her mother isn’t at home because she didn’t finish/ hasn’t finished work yet.
9. During the last school holidays, she worked/ has worked in her father’s shop.
10. Jane got/ has got home from school at 4.30.
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Test 14
Proba de verificare a cunoștințelor de limba engleză pentru admiterea în clasa a IX-a cu
profil intensiv de predare la Colegiul Național „Gheorghe Șincai” Baia Mare – 2012

I. Read the text and match headings a-f to paragraphs 1-5. There is one extra heading
which you do not need to use. (5 x 2p =10p)
a. Silenced preferred
b. A divided country
c. Living together
d. A challenge of home
e. Room for all the family
f. A welcome for all
The North and the South
1. Life in the north and south of England can be very different, not least because of the people
who live there. Whether as a result of climatic, historical, geographical or economic reasons, or
simply by chance, people from the north and people from the south can be quite different from
each other and this can be interesting for visitors to this country.
2. The northerners have a reputation for being friendly, open and direct. They will not hesitate
to start a conversation with a stranger and it is said that their doors are always open. A
northerner will tell you exactly what he thinks, whether good or bad. However, in some areas,
the dialect or strength of accent sometimes makes understanding difficult for people new to the
3. On the other hand, southerners are known to be more private people. They like their own
space and are much more reserved in general. It is true that you can travel on a crowded train
in the south of England and not speak to one person for the whole journey. One theory is that
the people from the south are quite shy. Another is that they are simply colder than their
neighbours further north.
4. Today, many people from the south are moving to the north to benefit from lower house
prices and a lower cost of living in general. It is also possible to find unspoilt areas to live in, in
the beautiful moors and villages of the north, far from the overpopulated south. For the
northerners, the move south to find work in this area of greater opportunity is more difficult,
but this is happening more and more often these days.
5. An unwelcome result of this moving population is that extended families can be separated.
More positively, however, southern and northern people are living side by side and perhaps the
great historical divide will become less obvious as the years pass.

II. Underline the correct modal verb in each sentence. (10 x 1p = 10p)
1. You shouldn’t/ don’t have to eat so much cake. It isn’t good for you.
2. We could/ had to go to the bank yesterday. We need a loan!
3. They can/ should see Central Park from their hotel window.
4. You mustn’t/ can’t write in that library book.
5. I couldn’t/ didn’t need to phone Carol. I found the information on the Internet.
6. Steve should/ could go to the doctor. His back problem might be serious.
7. I need to/ must use the computer this evening. Is that OK?
8. I couldn’t/ didn’t need to run very fast when I was a child because I had weak ankles.
9. Jake’s only two – please help him. He can’t/ may not do it on his own.
10. Silvia was such a clever baby. She could/ had to speak when she was one!
45 | P a g e

III. Fill the gaps with the correct past form of the verbs in brackets. (20 x 1p =20p)

1. I (MEET) _______________ my fiancé while I (LIVE) _______________ in Italy last year.

2. Dawn (NOT SPEAK) _______________ to her new boss before. She (BE) ______________ very nervous.
3. I (WAIT) _______________ to see the doctor, when Mark and Julie (COME) _______________ in.
4. Ken (HAVE) _______________ an interview at ten o’clock this morning, and this afternoon they
(OFFER) _______________ him the job.
5. What (YOU, DO) _______________ at the office so late last night? I (SEE) _______________ your car in
the car park.
6. I (NOT WANT) _______________ to disturb my grandmother because she (SLEEP) _______________.
7. The waiter (TAKE) ____________ my plate but unfortunately I (NOT FINISH) ____________ my steak.
8. The last time Jane (SEE) _______________ Ray, he (WORK) _______________ for a car company.
9. Carrie (SEE) _______________ the film before but she (GO) _______________ with Phil to see it again
last weekend.
10. Peter (DRIVE) _______________ to the airport, when he (HEAR) _______________ a strange noise at
the back of the car.

IV. Choose the best option A, B, C or D to complete the sentences. (10 x 1p =10p)
1. Kerry made a big _______________ when she gave up her job to travel round the world with James.
A. humiliation B. sacrifice
2. _______________ parents often make their children do things they don’t really want to do.
A. Pushy B. Talented
3. My sister has been a(n) _______________ actress for years but she wouldn’t like to do it as a job.
A. amateur B. professional
4. He’s a(n) _______________ success now. His music is bought all over the world.
A. top-ranked B. international
5. Tom is a _______________ child but he doesn’t want to be famous.
A. pushy B. talented
6. The new soccer star doesn’t like being followed by journalists. He likes his _______________.
A. privacy B. sacrifice
7. I know Helen will get to the top. She is _______________ and really wants to succeed.
A. professional B. ambitious
8. _______________ tennis players in the USA earn a lot of money but they have to work hard.
A. International B. Professional
9. A well-known opera actress suffered public ____________ when she forgot her lines on live TV.
A. humiliation B. defeat
10. My nephew is a(n) _______________ swimmer, and will probably win the national competition.
A. international B. top-ranked

V. Complete the sentences with these adjectives. (10 x 1p =10p)

1. I’m afraid I can’t __________ where I put your book.
2. For many children __________ at school is difficult as they are always thinking of something else.
3. Why is there water all over the floor? I’d like a(n) __________, please.
4. Could you tell me the __________ of this word, please? I’ve forgotten my dictionary.
5. Terry had to have an operation on his __________, but he’s fine now.
6. There’s an interesting TV programme tonight about the __________, especially sight and hearing.
7. __________ is important for artists. They need to look carefully at people and places to get ideas.
8. I’ve made up my __________ - I will go to the party!
9. My grandpa has an excellent __________. He often tells us stories about when he was a young
child and that’s 80 years ago!
10. Please __________ me to go to the bank later. I mustn’t forget.
P a g e | 46

Test 15
Proba de verificare a cunoștințelor de limba engleză pentru admiterea în clasa a IX-a cu
profil bilingv de predare – 2013

I. Read the following article and choose a heading from the list below for each paragraph.
The first one has been done as an example (0). There is one extra heading, which you do
not need to use. (5 x 2p = 10p)

A. A very powerful mechanism

B. Two ways of remembering
C. Why we forget our earliest memories
D. Short term and long term memory
E. Healthy body, healthy mind
F. An old approach but a good one
G. Are you forgetful?
How to Boost your Memory
(0)…G… Perhaps you do badly in exams because you can’t recall facts and figures or words and
structures in a foreign language. Are you always losing things or forgetting the books you need
for school that day? Or do you forget what Mum wanted you to get at the corner shop? Relax!
Help is close at hand. There’s a tremendous range of methods to boost your memory.
(1) _______ Your memory is like a brilliant, but unreliable computer storing a vast amount of
information. In fact, the memory’s capacity is theoretically unlimited. The brain can record
more than 86 billion bits of information every day and our memories can probably hold 100
trillion bits in a lifetime.
(2) _______ Nevertheless only about 20 per cent of our daily experience is registered, and of that
only a tiny proportion is loaded into long term memory. Most of the images and ideas that pass
through our minds during a day are held for only 25 to 30 seconds. This is just long enough for
us to be able to keep the words of a sentence in our head as we read it so we understand its
(3) _______ We also remember different things in two different ways: declarative and non-
declarative. Declarative memory deals with concrete things, specific events and facts such as
what we have been doing and our recall of things that have happened. Non-declarative memory
includes knowledge of general things, how to ride a bicycle, how to behave and so on. Someone
with amnesia will almost always remember how to ride a bike, but may well forget her own
name. One sad victim of this type of amnesia announces every ten minutes that he has ‘just
woken up’. Every time his wife walks into the room he throws his arms around her as if he has
not seen her for years, even though she has only been gone for a few minutes. Yet this man,
formerly a highly-talented musician, is still able to play the piano and conduct a choir through
a long and complicated concert piece.
(4 ) _______ Normal, healthy people can improve their memories very easily. First of all, learn to
relax if you're trying to memorise something. You may miss important items if your mind is on
something else or if you weren't paying attention because of anxiety — you retain information
best when you are alert and concentrating. If you're having trouble concentrating, increase the
flow of oxygenated blood to the brain. Despite its small size the brain uses 20 per cent of the
body’s oxygen requirement. So try to combine study with exercise, particularly the kind of
exercise that gets you breathing faster. Keep your mind fit as well as your body by doing mental
workouts. Crosswords, Scrabble and quizzes all help to keep the mind in shape.
(5) _______ You can also train your memory in certain ways. The ancient Greeks invented
memory systems called mnemonics, and they still work today. Most systems involve associating
47 | P a g e

the things you want to remember with something you already have safely stored in your head,
and the most effective systems make use of visual imagery, smell, touch and sound. If you want
to remember someone’s name, try to find something distinctive about their hair, nose or eyes
to associate with the name, e.g. Jane's wearing jewellery, Tim’s tall or Bill’s got a beard. If you
want to remember numbers try to make associations between numbers in sequence - think of
people's age, special dates, whether they're odd or even.

II. Choose the correct option. (5x1p = 5 p)

1. I haven’t seen them since/for ages.
2. As soon as I see/will see him I will tell him the truth.
3. I think I’m doing the right thing, am I not/aren’t I?
4. Those who have finished their paper may/must leave the room if they go quietly.
5. If I am /were you, I wouldn’t go there.

III. Complete the book extract. Use the word at the end of some of the lines to form a word
that fits in the gap in the same line. (10 x 1p = 10p)
I have a natural (1) _______________ to find bad news. If it’s out there, I 1. ABLE
want to know about it. The people who work for me realise this and
keep me informed. A lot goes wrong in any (2) _______________, even a 2. ORGANISE
good one. A product fails. You’re (3) _______________ by a customer 3. SURPRISE
who suddenly switches to another company. A (4) _______________ 4. COMPETE
brings out a product that appeals to a broad new market. Maybe a
product is going to be late, or it’s not going to do what you expect it 5. ABLE
to do, or you’ve been (5) _______________ to hire enough of the right
kinds of people to carry out your plans. An (6) _______________ 6. EFFECT
manager wants to hear about what’s going wrong before he or she
hears about what’s going right. You can’t react appropriately to 7. DISAPPOINT
(7) _______________ news if it doesn’t reach you soon enough. You 8. SOLVE
concentrate on bad news in order to get started on the
(8) _______________ quickly. As soon as you’re aware of a problem, 9. ACT
everybody in your company must go into (9) _______________. 10. IMPORTANCE
An (10) _______________ measure of a company’s digital nervous
system is how quickly people in the company find out about bad
news and respond to it. Digital technology speeds business response
time in any emergency.

IV. Put the verbs into the correct tense and form. (10 x 1p = 10p)
1. ____________________ a good time last weekend? (you/have)
2. I ____________________ that film three times but I’d like to see it again. (see)
3. She ____________________ to Mary when I saw her in town. (talk)
4. Where ____________________ for your holidays next year? (you/go)
5. Be careful with that glass. If you drop it, it ____________________ (break)
6. I usually ____________________ with Joanna on Saturday nights, but she’s away this weekend.
(go out)
7. Kevin ____________________ anything since he got up this morning. (not/eat)
8. ‘Where’s Annie?’ ‘She ____________________ the shopping at the moment.’ (do)
9. It was a beautiful morning. The sun _____________ and the birds ________________. (shine), (sing)
10. If you ____________________ harder, you’ll fail the exam. (not/study)
P a g e | 48

V. Decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits the space. (10 x 1p = 10p)
Making Recycling Easier
More and more of the products we buy have got recycled material in them. Things like newspapers and
magazines, glass bottles and jars, food and drink cans and even some clothing may have been (1) _____
using recycled materials. (2) _____ time we buy one of these products, we help to support the recycling
industry. The aim is that the product is used (3) _____, recycled and then used again.
One of the (4) _____ in which we can help the recycling process is by saving our own waste. Over the next
(5) _____ of weeks we’ll begin a weekly collection of recyclable waste from your home. All you have to
(6) _____ is put your recyclable waste in the box we’ve given you and put the box out (7) _____ to your
dustbin. The collection is weekly, (8) _____ remember to look at the sticker on the box that (9) _____ you
which day we will collect it. Your dustbin will (10) ______ be collected weekly.
1. A put B got C made D taken
2. A Many B Most C Every D All
3. A once B ever C only D yet
4. A methods B ways C things D means
5. A two B couple C pair D twin
6. A do B want C have D go
7. A beside B along C by D next
8. A because B so C unless D although
9. A speaks B says C asks D tells
10. A together B still C just D nearly

VI. Write the letter of the correct answer which completes each sentence. (15 x 1p = 15p)
1. Of the two neighbours of mine, one is very kind and _____.
A. the others aren’t B. another is not C. the other is not D. other is not
2. I remember that when he was young he _____ play tennis very well.
A. could B. can C. must D. shall
3. When _____ school?
A. did he finish B. he finished C. he did finish D. did he finished
4. George does not know where _____ his pen when he finished his homework.
A. did he put B. he did put C. he put D. to have put
5. Show me the girl _____ mother is a teacher.
A. who’s B. whose C. who D. of which
6. I _____ to bed now. Good night!
A. go B. goes C. are going D. am going
7. They didn’t know at that time that she _____ music so much.
A. has loved B. loves C. is loving D. was loving
8. The teacher explained to us _____ to do those exercises.
A. what B. which C. where D. how
9. Your car is faster than _____.
A. my B. me C. my’ s D. mine
10. Your composition is much more interesting _____ your sister’s.
A. then B. as C. than D. so
11. I am absolutely sure that _____ saw the accident.
A. anyone B. none C. any D. someone
12. My son _____ from school in 1994.
A. has graduated B. graduated C. graduate D. can graduate
13. Lack of money is _____ real headache for many people.
A. one B. a C. an D. any
14. My favourite football team _____ the cup.
A. is just winning B. just wins C. has just won D. just has won
15. When mother opened the door, the baby _____.
A. slept B. was sleeping C. has slept D. has been sleeping
49 | P a g e

Test 16
Proba de verificare a cunoștințelor de limba engleză pentru admiterea în clasa a IX-a cu
profil intensiv de predare la Colegiul Național „Gheorghe Șincai” Baia Mare – 2013

I. For questions 1 to 15, read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits
each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0). (15 x 1p= 15p)

Dear Tina,

I (0) have never written to a magazine before, but after reading your article about the
dating website, I’ve just got to (1) _____ you know how I feel. (2) _____, I’m a
quiet easy-going girl, but now I’m angry, and I (3) _____ you why... is an online club (4) _____ only accepts beautiful people. To join you
have to (5) _____ in a picture and profile of (6) _____ you’re like. Then, members of the opposite
sex study your profile, send in rude messages and then vote (7) _____ you’re attractive enough
to become one of them. According to your article, more than 35,000 people (8) _____ to join the
club since January, but only one (9) _____ twenty has been successful! A cruel, arrogant system
makes good people feel frustrated, lonely and insecure.
I was absolutely amazed you decided to print an article about this club in (10) _____
positive way. I’ve always admired the (11) _____ advice you give adolescent girls. But your article
on sends out the opposite message: that appearance is more important
than personality.
Personally, I (12) _____ stand people who look (13) _____ on others just because of their
appearance, so (14) _____ time you write an article about such an unpleasant thing as this online
club, please try to describe it (15) _____.

Jodie Luton

0. A. had B. have C. will D. am

1. A. leave B. allow C. let D. left
2. A. Usually B. Usual C. As usual D. Unusual
3. A. tell B. will tell C. say D. will say
4. A. which B. what C. who D. whom
5. A. send B. bring C. donate D. give
6. A. where B. who C. what D. how
7. A. why B. for C. how D. whether
8. A. try B. tried C. have tried D. will try
9. A. in B. from C. of D. by
10. A. so B. such C. such a D. this
11. A. sensitive B. sensible C. sensing D. senseless
12. A. mustn’t B. can’t C. needn’t D. don’t
13. A. away B. off C. out D. down
14. A. before B. following C. next D. last
15. A. accurate B. inaccurate C. accuracy D. more accurately
P a g e | 50

II. For questions 1 to 15, read the text below and think of the word that best fits each gap.
Use only ONE word in each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0). (10x 1p = 10p)

Afraid of New Experiences?

A few years (0) ago, I was working in Singapore. During my first week there, while I was
travelling on the underground, I saw a strange sign (1) _____ ‘NO DURIANS’ with a picture of a
crossed out fruit. I wondered (2) _____ they were forbidden. It wasn’t until later that I found out
that they smell really, really bad, but they’re very tasty and healthy. For (3) _____ reason, many
people in Southeast Asia eat them. I was very curious and decided to try for (4) ______.
As I was walking through a market place, a very strong smell (5) _____ me. It smelt like someone
had left some onions and other vegetables to rot. However, I realized that I was standing next
to a stall selling durians. ‘I’d like to try a piece of durian’, I told the merchant and he said with a
smile, ‘At your (6) _____ risk!’ He then took a durian from a box, cut it in half (7) _____ a knife and
then cut a piece of the fruit.
When he handed it to me, I started having second thoughts. ‘What does it taste like?’ I wondered.
As I was raising the fruit to my lips, I suddenly (8) _____ sick and a bit dizzy, but I began to eat.
The durian was thick and creamy like butter and had a fresh and sweet taste. As (9) _____ as I
finished eating the piece, the merchant offered me some more. I actually finished the entire
fruit. The man looked at me (10) _____ a response. ’Yummy! That was tasty!’ I said so the
merchant put three in a bag for me to take home. Unfortunately, I had to walk all the way,
because I wasn’t allowed on the underground.

III. For questions 1-10, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each
line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. There is an example at the
beginning (0). (10 x 1p = 10p)
Modern science has proved that the (0) fundamental traits of every 0. FUNDAMENT
(1)___________________ are stamped in the shape of his body, head, face 1. INDIVIDUALIZE
and hands - an X-ray by which you can read the (2)_________________ of 2. CHARACTER
any person on sight. The most (3) _________________ thing in the world 3. ESSENCE
to any individual is to understand (4) _______________. The next is to 4. HIM
understand the other fellow. For life is (5)_____________ a problem of 5. LARGE
running your own car as it was built to be run, plus getting along with
the other (6)____________ on the highway. This co-operation is vital to 6. DRIVE
(7) _______________ and success. We come in contact with (8) ____________ 7. HAPPY
people in all the activities of our (9) _________ and what we get out of 8. DIFFER
life depends, to an astounding degree, on our (10)_______________ with 9. LIVE
them. 10. RELATE

IV. Choose the correct option from the capitalized words/phrases. (10 x 0,5p = 5p)
1. The plane TOOK/WENT off at 6.00 am and landed at 7.15 am.
2. I wanted to buy her a nice graduation present but I couldn’t find
3. Unfortunately, I saw NO/ANY pelicans in the delta. I didn’t see even one.
4. Because he let his friend OFF/DOWN, nobody respected him anymore.
5. Carnations don’t grow here. Neither ARE/DO roses.
6. They USE/USED to play football when they were young, but now they don’t do it anymore.
7. The earth will die soon IF/UNLESS people limit pollution.
8. Hurry up! We haven’t got MUCH/MORE time!
9. Anyone WHICH/WHO goes to Rome never forgets it.
10. James was accused WITH/OF trespassing.
51 | P a g e

V. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using
the word given. Do not change the word given and use between two and five words
including the word given. There is an example given (0). (10 x 2p = 20p)

(0). We found a hotel in no time at all. LONG

It didn't take us long to find a hotel.

1. I felt strange because I didn’t know anybody at the party. KNEW

I felt strange because _____________________ at the party.
2. Their garden is beautiful in summer. A
They have _______________________ in summer!
3. I don’t live here so I can’t give you any directions. COULD
If I ______________________ give you some directions.
4. Sarah went to the stylist and her hair was cut pretty short. HAD
Sarah went to the stylist and ________________________ pretty short.
5. Mr Morgan taught me all the History I know. TAUGHT
All the history I ____________________ Mr Morgan.
6. I last spoke to my aunt two weeks ago. WAS
The last time I _____________________ two weeks ago.
7. Students are not allowed to enter this room. PROHIBITED
Entering ____________________________ to students.
8. Winning that prize has made him very conceited. HEAD
Winning that prize____________________________.
9. We’re moving next week but we’ll stay in contact with you. TOUCH
We’re moving next week but____________________________.
10. Luckily all this happened a long time ago. PLACE
Luckily all this ________________________ ago.
P a g e | 52

Test 17
Proba de verificare a cunoștințelor de limba engleză pentru admiterea în clasa a IX-a cu
profil bilingv de predare – 2014

I. Read the following text and choose the correct answer (A, B or C). (5 x 1p = 5p)
Giza is the home of the Pyramids. Tourists come from all over the world to visit these
amazing structures. However, there is great concern about the future of these ancient
monuments. Archaeologist Zahi Hawass is very worried. According to him, a terrible thing is
happening in Giza. Near the pyramids there are camels and horses everywhere. Merchants
compete to sell souvenirs to tourists. He believes that under these conditions it’s difficult for
visitors to feel how magical the Pyramids really are. He intends to protect the Pyramids from
the physical damage caused by tourism.
Giza is the only one of the Seven wonders of the Ancient World that still exists – the Great
Pyramid. However, it’s also home to more than four million people. This is another threat to the
site of the Pyramids because more and more houses are being built around it. Government
officials can’t do anything about the existing housing, but they’re hoping something else will
stop the city getting closer. The construction of a wall around the site has begun to protect the
Sphinx and the Pyramids. It was designed to control the number of people entering the site and
to keep the area more peaceful. It will also keep out souvenir sellers and animals. As Hawass
says, this is a very wise development that will safeguard the Pyramids for future generations. If
the important task of building the wall is not completed soon, the magic of the Pyramids may
be gone in a hundred years.
1. Giza is a famous site visited for …
A. its merchants.
B. the camels and horses.
C. the Sphinx and the Pyramids.
2. The Pyramids are in danger because of…
A. the weather.
B. the archaeologists.
C. tourism.
3. The Government officials …
A. are helping the people build more houses.
B. are surrounding the monuments with a wall.
C. control the tourists who are not peaceful.
4. Zahi Hawass is worried about…
A. the future of the Pyramids.
B. the quality of the souvenirs.
C. the safety of the camels.
5. The wall around the site…
A. is going to help the sellers and animals.
B. is one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.
C. is designed to prevent the destruction of the monuments.

II. Choose the correct prepositions. (10 x 1p = 10p)

I’ve always been interested (1) in/on everything to do with technology. I’m quite good
(2) at /for Maths and Science but I’m also very keen (3) at/on electronic music. I’d like to study
music and electronics when I finish school and then make records. My parents are a bit worried
53 | P a g e

(4) for/about this idea because they say it’s not very practical. I don’t think they’re aware (5)
for/of all the fantastic computer music that’s coming out now and how popular it is. Some
people don’t like it, of course, because they say that music shouldn’t be produced by machines.
Personally, I don’t think there’s anything wrong (6) with/at computers producing music. I
suppose many of us are afraid (7) about/of machines. It’s a bit similar (8) to/at the reactions
a lot of people have to robots. I think we’re often nervous (9) about/for machines that imitate
things humans can do and that’s why we have such strong reactions (10) to/at them.

III. Use the words in capitals to form a word that fits in the context. (10 x 1p = 10p)
All students throughout the world sit for (1) ………… (EXAMINE) at some point in their lives.
If students are (2)…………… (SUCCESS), they get a formal (3)…………………(QUALIFY) that
enables them to get a job or continue with further (4) ……………(EDUCATE). Most formal testing
involves a (5)…………… (MIX) of techniques, but the most common form requires students to
show that they have a detailed (6)…………………….. (KNOW) of the subject area. If students do
not pass, that’s not considered failure, they simply need more time to study. Some of them are
simply (7) ………………(LUCK). The (8)…………………….. (MAJOR) who pass, do so because they
have made a good (9)………………(IMPRESS) on the examiner and have also succeeded in
showing their (10)……………………(INTELLIGENT).

IV. Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first, using no more than
three words, including the word given. There is an example at the beginning.(5 x 1p = 5p)

e.g. I prefer swimming to cycling. MORE

I like swimming more than cycling.
1. Why doesn’t she apply for a new job? I
If I were her, ______________________ for a new job.
2. The last time I had a business meeting with him was in February. HAD
I ______________________ a business meeting with him since February.
3. I have never met such a clever man as the chef. MAN
The chef is the _______________________________ I have ever met.
4. “Did you buy Italian food?”, Jim asked Carol. IF
Jim asked Carol _________________________________ bought Italian food.
5. There aren’t many tourists in this area. TOURISTS
There are ____________________________________ in this area.

V. Write the correct form of the verbs in brackets. (10 x 1p = 10p)

1. We won the match because we ___ (practise) hard the week before.
2. You look worried. ___________ (you, think) about what happened last night?
3. When you rang, I __________ (do) my geography homework.
4. Igor ______ (not play) cricket for long, but he’s already quite good at it.
5. I _________ (live) in Germany for five years now. I _____ (move) here in 2009.
6. If we _______ (go) to Greece next summer, we will visit the islands.
7. The school I go to __________ (build) in 1973.
8. I would buy that car if you __________ (lend) me some money.
9. My dad ___________ (always, forget) my mom’s birthday! It really annoys her.
P a g e | 54

VI. Read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap. There is
an example at the beginning (0). (10 x 1p = 10p)
Michelle Whiteman has (0)….D…. her life to protecting the orang-utan. For ten months
of the year she works in the jungles of Borneo, watching and studying the great apes in their
natural (1) _____ The rest of the time she spends in the UK raising (2) _____ of the need for help.
Like many of the animals in the islands of Indonesia, the orang-utan is in (3) _____ danger. The
destruction of the jungles is so severe that (4) _____to some experts, the species may be extinct
within ten years. In addition to the destruction of their jungle homes, the animals are also at (5)
_____ due to hunting and the capture of wild animals for the pet trade. Furthermore, their
population does not increase rapidly: a female orang-utan has a (6) _____ baby only once every
eight years . Orang-utans are solitary animals which (7) _____ almost all of their time in the trees,
(8) ______ for food or sleeping . They can weigh up to 77 kilos, which means they are also the
largest tree-living animals in the world. Michelle learnt about orang-utans while studying
zoology at Bristol University. “ When I read about the terrible situation in Indonesia, I could
(9) _____ believe it. There is a great (10) _____ of new animal species there that could become
extinct before we have had a chance to discover them!
0. A chosen B selected C decided D dedicated
1. A places B locations C habitats D sites
2. A knowledge B appreciation C awareness D realization
3. A great B terrific C thrilling D tragic
4. A relating B furthermore C further D according
5. A risk B trouble C hazard D threat
6. A lonely B one C single D unique
7. A take B spend C pass D wait
8. A finding B locating C seeking D searching
9. A hardly B almost C just D absolutely
10. A amount B group C number D lot

VII. For questions 1-10, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap.
Use only ONE word in each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0). (10 x 1p = 10p)
I think (0) it is wrong for wild animals (1) _________ be kept in cages for people’s
entertainment. And let’s face (2) ___________, that’s all zoos are – entertainment. People go on
about the so-called ‘educational value’ of zoos, but you learn more (3) ___________ animals from
wildlife documentaries (4) ___________ TV than you do from looking (5) ___________ them in the
artificial environment of a cage. And I’ve never really understood the idea that (6) ___________
people learn something from visiting a zoo, it somehow benefits the species (7) ___________
animals they’ve seen there. How does that work? Of all the people who’ve ever seen a tiger in a
zoo, how many have (8) ___________ inspired to spend any time or money trying to help save wild
tigers from extinction? Virtually none, I imagine. And as for the argument that breeding
endangered species in zoos ensures they won’t become extinct, wouldn’t it (9) ___________ better
to protect those animals by preserving their natural habitats, (10) ___________ example by doing
something about deforestation?
55 | P a g e

Test 18
Proba de verificare a cunoștințelor de limba engleză pentru admiterea în clasa a IX-a cu
profil intensiv de predare la Colegiul Național „Gheorghe Șincai” Baia Mare – 2014

I. Read the text below and, for questions 1 – 8, choose the correct answer which you think
fits best according to the text. Write T for TRUE or F for FALSE in CAPITAL LETTERS. (8 x 1p
= 8p)
Do you use any of the social networking websites that are so popular these days, the places
where you can connect up with friends and relatives and meet people who share the same
interests as you? If you're younger you may use MySpace, young adults are more likely to be
found on Facebook and busy professionals may prefer something like LinkedIn. But at least two
of these sites have one thing in common: apart from being social spaces where you can meet
and chat to people, share photos and other things, they've all added new verbs and nouns to the
language in the past couple of years. Let's take a look at some examples. You can Facebook your
holiday photos (upload them to your Facebook page), Facebook someone to see who they are
(look him up in Facebook), Facebook someone about a party (contact someone through their
Facebook page) and ask permission to facebook someone (add them as a Facebook friend).
As you can see, 'facebook' is a pretty versatile word, and you could say the same about
'Myspace', which you will find being used in much the same way all over the Net. LinkedIn
(being a more adult, professional community) has not been used in the same way. While you're
'facebooking' or 'myspacing' you may also find yourself 'commenting' (writing a comment on
someone's Facebook or MySpace page), as in this example: 'I commented Mary that she should
come to the pub on Saturday and she commented me that she couldn't because she was going
away for the weekend'.

1. People who use Myspace are generally not as old as people who use Facebook.
2. LinkedIn is for people with good jobs.
3. Sites like these have given new words such as adverbs and adjectives to the language.
4. Myspace has proven to be a less versatile word than Facebook.
5. All three of the sites mentioned have provided some new words.
6. In this Internet context, 'to comment' means to leave a message for someone on their
7. You can use Facebook for different purposes.
8. The word 'Facebook' has various uses.

II. Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each space. (12 x 1p = 12p)

The Mystery of the Vanishing Bees

Most people are probably aware that honey, the 0__C__sweetener that man has been using for
thousands of years, is 1_____ by bees; but perhaps fewer of us realise just how important these
2_____ creatures are to farmers. Bees pollinate fruit and vegetable crops; it has been said that every
third mouthful we eat depends 3_____ a bee having pollinated one or more of the ingredients, but
now farmers in the United States are 4_____ a major problem. American bees are dying- and nobody
knows why.
P a g e | 56

Making sure crops are 5_____ pollinated has become big 6_____ in the United States. Beekeepers load
their hives onto huge lorries and transport them 7_____ the country to pollinate the farmers’ crops.
When the bees finish their work in one state and return to their hives, they are taken on to another
state. The problem became apparent when the bees 8_____ to return to their hives, with some
beekeepers losing more than 70 per cent of their insects. It soon became clear that the bees were
flying off and dying in huge 9_____. Now the race is on to find the cause and, hopefully, the solution.
10_____, some beekeepers are importing bees from other countries in the hope that they will be
11_____ to whatever it is that is killing their American cousins. Only time will 12_____.

0. A. normal B. pure C. natural D. physical

1. A. manufactured B. created C. generated D. produced
2. A. tiny B. miniature C. minute D. short
3. A. from B. to C. on D. about
4. A. facing B. finding C. solving D. meeting
5. A. fairly B. properly C. precisely D. distinctly
6. A. business B. industry C. work D. production
7. A. through B. along C. over D. around
8. A. stopped B. missed C. ignored D. failed
9. A. quantities B. levels C. numbers D. amounts
10. A. Apart from this B. From then on C. In the meantime D. Nevertheless
11. A. opposed B. resistant C. defensive D. hostile
12. A. say B. tell C. prove D. show

III. For questions 1-10, read the text below and think of the word that best fits each gap.
Use only ONE word in each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0). (10 x 1p = 10p)

In the USA, many people have started joining fan communities called fandoms. These
groups (1) _____ enthusiastic fans know everything (2) _____ their favourite book, film or
character. There’s a fandom for just about everything, from science fiction (3) _____ pop stars to
video games.
The science fiction fandom includes a famous group of fans called Trekkies, (4) _____ are
fans of the popular television series Star Trek, and they love meeting once (5) _____ year at Star
Trek conventions dressed up (6) _____ their favourite Star Trek characters!
Another example of a fandom is the Tolkien fandom. (7) _____ people are fans of the
writer J.J.R. Tolkien. In (8) _____ books, The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings trilogy, the elves
speak ‘Elvish’, a language Tolkien invented. Can you imagine (9) _____some fans can do? They
have learnt to have simple conversations with (10) _____ other in Elvish!

IV. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence,
using the word given. Do not change the word given and use between two and five words
including the word given. There is an example at the beginning. (10 x 1p = 10p)

It hasn’t taken Sam long to learn Spanish. PICKED

Sam __________has picked up_________________ Spanish very quickly.

1. I want to go to university this year. INTERESTED

I ______________________________ to university this year.
2. "Please don't be late for the interview," she told me. ASKED
She ________________________________________ late for the interview.
3. Did you enjoy the party? GOOD
Did you ___________________________________ the party?
57 | P a g e

4. John sits in front of the television for too many hours a day. SITTING
Every day, John spends ________________________________ in front of the television.
5. I can’t move until I’ve sold my house. UNABLE
Until I’ve sold my house ________________________________________________ move.
6. I’m hungry enough to eat two lunches. SO
I’m ________________________________________________ two lunches.
7. I had never met Mary’s husband before. FIRST
It ______________________________________ I had ever met Mary’s husband.
8. The service was so good we had to leave a tip. SUCH
It ____________________________________________ we had to leave a tip.
9. My advice to you is to talk to your parents. WOULD
If _____________________________________________ talk to my parents.
10. The Queen is opening the new school tomorrow afternoon. OPENED
The new school _________________________________ Queen tomorrow afternoon.

V. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense. (10 x 1p = 10p)

Today Dr. Pale Macduff of California is a happy man. He 1 __________________ (just/win) a

50.000 $ reward for his man-powered plane. With a team of scientists and craftsmen he
2__________________ (work) for months on his special plane. It 3__________________ (have) wings, but
there 4__________________ (be) no motor of any kind. All its power 5__________________ (come) from
one man. The pilot 6__________________ (pedal) the plane like a bicycle. Last week the
plane7__________________ (make) its first flight. It 8__________________ (fly) up into the sky and
9__________________ (stay) up for a whole hour. The 50, 000$ prize 10__________________ (come)
from the British businessman, Henry Kramer.

VI. For questions 1-10, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each
line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. (10 x 1p = 10p)

1. We need to find a ________________ to the problem as soon as 1. SOLVE

2. Don't be afraid of the dog. He's absolutely ________________. 2. HARM
3. Patricia's very ________________. She writes short stories, paints 3. CREATE
and makes mosaics.
4. The film was so ________________. You knew exactly how it was 4. PREDICT
going to end.
5. In the UK it is ________________ to sell cigarettes to children 5. LEGAL
under 16.
6. It's ________________ arguing with them. They are not going to 6. POINT
change their mind.
7. Thank you so much for the flowers. It's very ________________ 7. THOUGHT
of you.
8. Don't forget to ________________ the modem when you have 8. CONNECT
finished using it.
9. You can ________________ your tea with honey instead of sugar. 9. SWEET
10. Sarah speaks perfect French as she spent much of her 10. CHILD
________________ in Canada.
P a g e | 58

Test 19
Proba de verificare a cunoștințelor de limba engleză pentru admiterea în clasa a IX-a cu
profil bilingv de predare – 2015

I. Read the following text and for the five questions below, choose the best answer. (5 x 1p
= 5p)
The Toy Museum
This museum is in the centre of the town, a few metres from the cathedral, and near the
market. It contains dolls, dolls' houses, books, games and pastimes, mechanical and
constructional toys. In this collection there are toys made by all sorts of toy manufacturers from
the most important to the smallest, including the most ordinary toys and the most precious.
There are also records of children's pastimes over the last hundred and fifty years. Most major
manufacturing countries of Europe had toy industries in the last century; French and German
factories produced millions of toys each year. Many collectors of toys think that the second half
of the nineteenth century was the best period for toy production and the museum has many
examples of toys from this period which are still in perfect condition. There is now a growing
interest in the toys of the 1920s and 1930s and as a result of this the museum has begun to
build up a collection from these years. Visitors to the museum will find that someone is always
available to answer questions - we hope you will visit us. Hours of opening 10.00-17.30 every
day (except December 25 and 26).
1. This writing is from ...
A. an advertisement.
B. a school history book.
C. a storybook.
2. What is the writer trying to do?
A. To give advice.
B. To give opinions.
C. To give information.
3. The museum has so many toys from the late 19th century because ...
A. it is located in the middle of town.
B. many consider this period the best for manufactured toys.
C. visitors are interested in toys from that time.
4. What period of toy manufacturing is receiving increased attention?
A. Every day except in December.
B. The 1920s and 1930s.
C. The 20th century.
5. Which of the following advertisements would you find outside the Toy Museum?
A. Toys of Ancient Civilizations
B. BEFORE TV! - a special exhibition of indoor games from 1890 to 1940
C. How Children Dressed 1600 - 1900 "Clothes for all Ages"

II. Use the words in capitals to form a word that fits. (10x1p = 10p)
None of us finds essay writing easy. When you can’t see the person you are talking to,
(1) _______________ (COMMUNICATE) is much more difficult. You have to be (2) _______________
(CARE) to communicate your message clearly, but how do you do that? The first thing you must
think about is who you’re writing to. Then you can make a (3) _______________ (DECIDE) about
how formal it should be. A letter to a friend is more like (4) _______________ (SPEAK) English, so
59 | P a g e

your (5) _______________ (PERSON) should be apparent while writing, while a letter to a hotel
manager is formal. You also need to think about what kind of thing you’re writing. The language
in a story, for example, should be (6) _______________ (EXPRESS), but the language in a
report or an article should be much more (7) _______________ (INFORM). When
you’re writing a formal essay giving your opinion, make sure the (8) _______________
(INTRODUCE) gives a general idea of the subject. Later, in the (9) _______________ (CONCLUDE)
you should summarise your opinion. Each time you write, you have to make a (10)
_______________ (CHOOSE) about what you’re going to do. If you do that right, then there’s nothing
to stop you becoming a good writer!

III. Read the text below and decide which word A, B, C, or D best fits each space. Write the
letter in the space provided within the text. There is an example at the beginning (0). (10 x
1p = 10p)

The Popularity of Social Networks

Every morning Sarah turns (0) on her computer. First, she checks her email. Then, she
visits a social networking website to (1)____ out what her friends are doing. On this website, she
reads news from her friends. For example, she may look at comments her friends made about
movies, music, books, and other friends. On her profile page, Sarah writes a short (2) ____ about
what she is doing. Like many young people, Sarah enjoys meeting and communicating with
others on social networks. These websites let people see what their friends are doing and
Sarah is (3) ____ of an important trend in communication. Social networking sites (4) ____
more and more popular every day, and they are popular all (5) ____ the world. In Japan, the top
site is Moo. In Europe, it is Bebo. The (6) ____ popular site in Latin America is Orkul. In the United
States the top site is Facebook. In fact, Facebook is one of the most popular social networking
sites in the world. A Harvard University student started Facebook in 2004, and it spread more
than 400 million users in just a few years.
Why is the social networking trend spreading (7) ____ rapidly? One reason why these
websites are popular is because people are social. We like to communicate (8) ____ other people.
We (9) ____ friends with people in school, at work, and online. Most people like to stay closely
connected to their friends and family. We use cell phones, email, instant messaging, and
websites to learn what our friends are doing. (10)____ Internet is a good way to socialize and
communicate, and social networking sites allow people to do this in many ways.
0. B A. out B. on C. into D. down
1. A. watch B. hear C. see D. find
2. A. message B. letter C. novel D. essay
3. A. role B. side C. part D. key
4. A. will become B. became C. becoming D. become
5. A. across B. through C. into D. around
6. A. more B. most C. less D. fewer
7. A. too B. such C. so D. enough
8. A. with B. without C. within D. for
9. A. make B. discover C. connect D. come
10. A. This B. The C. - D. An

IV. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence,
using the word given. Do not change the word given and use between two and five words
including the word given. (5 x 1p = 5p)
1. He was too tired to work any more. THAT
P a g e | 60

He was _____________________________________________ he couldn't work any more.

2. I've never been to this shop before. TIME
This is __________________________________________________________ I've been to this shop.
3. The doctor will only see you if you have an appointment. NOT
The doctor ___________________________________________________ you have an appointment.
4. The bus station is near the new shopping centre. FROM
The bus station is ______________________________________________ the new shopping centre.
5. We could not take our instruments on the plane. ALLOWED
We were _________________________________________________ take our instruments on the plane.
V. Fill in the blanks with ONE suitable word. (10 x 1p = 10p)
The earliest soap in history was probably produced around five thousand years ago in
Ancient Babylon. Archaeologists (1) _______________ found ancient tablets with writing on them
(2) _______________ seem to describe a formula for making soap. (3) _______________ the Romans
probably knew how to manufacture soap as well, (4) _______________ is believed that they only
used it (5) _______________ washing fabrics and actually cleaned their bodies in a totally different
(6) _______________. An ancient Egyptian papyrus from around 1550 B.C. also refers to soap
The first soaps that we would recognise today were produced by Muslim chemists in the
mediaeval Islamic world around 1000 A.D. (7) _______________ soaps were not only made from
similar materials, (8) _______________ also included colouring and perfume in some cases. But it
was not (9) _______________ the nineteenth century that large-scale soap production began
making a product that was cheap (10) _______________ for everybody to afford it.

VI. Write the correct form of the verbs in brackets. (10 x 1p = 10p)
1. Cassie ___________ outside the bookshop when the ambulance came for the old man.
2. Selena asked me if you ___________ the film before. (see)
3. ___________ the piano for two hours every day? (play/ you)
4. I think people ___________ a cure for cancer in the next twenty years. (find)
5. Daniel ___________ as an IT programmer since he left university. (work)
6. You ___________ on the phone since you got home. (talk)
7. They ___________ later today, won’t they? (return)
8. If I ___________ a job so badly, I would apply for this trainer position immediately! (need)
9. Why ___________ the soup? Do you think it needs more salt or pepper? (taste)
10. Fresh fruits and vegetables ___________ in dry dark places. (usually keep)

VII. Read the following sentences and choose the correct words. (10 x 1p = 10p)
1. You can really save/make time if you take the bus. The tram is so slow!
2. The detective uncovered the secret by itself/himself.
3. Make sure you keep/lose in touch by sending postcards and emails while you’re travelling.
4. My friend works as the/a scientist.
5. A good way to smash/break the ice is to tell a joke.
6. Michael loves reading mysteries. This book must be his/him.
7. Try to use/save your strength. You’ve got a long day ahead of you tomorrow.
8. Marie is my best friend. She always gives me very good advices/advice.
9. I didn’t want to get/make trouble for Phil, but I had to tell the teacher he was cheating.
10. You aren’t use/used to studying in a library.
61 | P a g e

Test 20
Proba de verificare a cunoștințelor de limba engleză pentru admiterea în clasa a IX-a cu
profil intensiv de predare la Colegiul Național „Gheorghe Șincai” Baia Mare – 2015

I. Read the text below and mark the sentences below: True (T), False (F) or Doesn’t Say
(DS) – (5 x 1p = 5p)
I remember going to the British Museum one day to read up on the treatment for some
slight disease. I got down the book and read all I had come to read. Then without realizing what
I was doing I turned the leaves and began to study diseases generally. I forget which was the
first disease I read about but before I looked through the list of the symptoms I felt that I had it.
I kept on reading, feeling rather nervous, and realized that I was suffering from every disease
imaginable. To say that I was worried and upset and that I felt miserable would be to say
nothing. I nearly fainted. In fact I felt more dead than alive. I tried to examine myself. I felt my
pulse. I discovered that I had no pulse. I tried to feel my heart. I could not feel my heart. It had
stopped beating.
It became clear to me that I would never recover and would never get rid of the thousand
diseases I had. I gave up all hope. Medicine could not help me. I had walked into the reading
room a happy healthy man, I walked out an invalid. Though I doubted if anyone would be able
to cure me of my diseases, I went to consult with my physician. I always turn to him for advice
and help. He is a nice fellow and an old friend of mine. He had been treating me for many years.
I never make an appointment with him, he’s always ready to see me. He never remains
indifferent to what I say and always does his best to encourage me when I start complaining
about my diseases.
“Well, what’s the matter with you? Got any complaints?” he asked. I did not pretend to
be calm. My whole life depended on what he would say.
1. The author was very seriously ill ____
2. The author felt very miserable after reading the book_____
3. The author thought he would never recover______
4. The author made an appointment with the doctor_____
5. The author pretended to be relaxed_____

II. Put each verb in brackets into an appropriate tense and voice. (10 x 1p = 10p)
1. I don’t suppose you __________________________________________________ (GET) any news about Jane.
2. The sport she ______________________________________________ (STILL/ BE) so fond of is badminton.
3. They always travel abroad when they ____________________________ (HAVE) some time off work.
4. She hurt her knee while she ______________________________________ (TRY) to fix the garden fence.
5. Where ___________________________________________________ (HE/USUALLY/ SPEND) his weekends?
6. I __________________________________________________________ (TELL) you the story of my life one day.
7. When you __________________________________ (SEE) him again you will notice how different he is.
8. I _______________________________ (NOT/MANAGE) to finish my work when my mother got home.
9. She ______________________________________ (GARDEN) for two hours, that’s why she is so relaxed.
10. They ____________________________________________ (ARRIVE) before I got the chance to call them.
P a g e | 62

III. Decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits in the corresponding space (15 x 1p = 15p)
Medieval Cathedrals in Europe
(0) Throughout Europe, we can still see (1) _____ beautiful medieval cathedrals towering
above the rooftops of all but the tallest modern office blocks. (2) _____ “prayers in stone” have
survived (3) _____ centuries and can (4) _____ astonish us with their size and grandeur.
Today, we admire (5) _____ beauty, and marvel at the skills of the masons and carpenters
(6) _____ built them. We study them (7) _____ what they have to (8) _____ us about the past, and
worry (9) _____ how to preserve them from decay and pollution. And we respect them as holy
places, (10) _____ people offer prayers and praises to God.
The period between 550 and 1450 was the great age of cathedral building in Europe. Of
course, building (11) ______ not stop at the end of the medieval period: magnificent new
cathedrals are still (12) _____ constructed today. Now, as then, cathedrals display (13) _____
might and majesty of the Church; like them, (14) _____ power and glory seemed certain (15)
_____ forever.
A. though B. thought C. through D. throughout
A. much B. many C. a lot D. lots
A. These B. This C. That D. Their
A. since B. for C. about D. by
A. never B. rarely C. still D. since
A. them B. the C. their D. there
A. what B. which C. who D. whom
A. about B. at C. for D. on
A. tell B. say C. inform D. announce
A. of B. for C. with D. about
A. when B. where C. which D. who
A. have B. has C. had D. did
A. been B. being C. be D. have
A. the B. a C. an D. also
A. her B. its C. his D. them
A. endure B. to endure C. enduring D. of enduring

IV. Complete the sentences below with the correct word derived from the word in capitals
at the end of each line. (10 x 1p = 10p)
1. Some bands are _____________ for looks rather than talent. FAME
2. Amy Johnson’s aircraft fell into the sea in 1942 in ____________ circumstances. MYSTERY
3. I asked the ____________________ whether they had a good map. TRAVEL
4. We planned to reach our _____________________ before sunset. DESTINY
5. Be ________________ how you use that tricky word in sentences. CARE
6. The tigress showed obvious ___________________ towards her pups. DEVOTE
7. I would have expected more __________________ from a 40-year-old scientist. MATURE
8. We often forget the _______________ of those who made it possible for us to fly. ACHIEVE
9. Large cruise ships are quite ____________________. LUXURY
10. Green car __________ are making more money today than 10 years ago. ANUFACTURE
63 | P a g e

V. For questions from 1 to 15, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each
gap. Use only ONE word in each gap. (15 x 1p = 15p)
Who Really Discovered America?
First of (0) all, what do we mean by America? There’s North America and South America
and together they are called the Americas. Technically, the Native Americans were the first (1)
______________ to discover America when they travelled across from the Asian continent about
12,000 years ago. But (2) __________________ was the first European to discover the Americas?
The most common answer is Christopher Columbus. In 1492 he (3) _________________ sail
from Spain and two months later he reached one of the islands we know now (4) _______________
the Bahamas. He called it San Salvador. However, Columbus thought he was (5)
____________________ an island off the coast of India. He found some natives who were already living
(6) __________________ and wrongly called them ‘Indians’.
The Americas got (7) _______________ name from another explorer, Amerigo Vespucci.
Vespucci travelled (8) ________________ the Americas seven years after Columbus, and people
believe he (9) __________________ the first to set foot (10) _________________ the new
mainland. However, it was during (11) __________________ first voyage that he explored the
northern coast of South America right up to the Amazon. More importantly, Vespucci realized
South America was not merely an extension of Asia, (12) ________________ a whole new
Mystery solved? Not quite. Five hundred (13) ________________ earlier, in about 1000 AD, a
Viking explorer, Leif Ericson, (14) ___________________ an interesting discovery. He was exploring
the coast of Greenland when he sailed further west and landed in Newfoundland, which is in
However, he (15) ________________ not explore the continent further.

VI. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence,
using the word given. Do not change the word given and use between two and five words
including the word given. (5 x 1p = 5p)
1. When did you start to play chess online? HAVE
How long ___________________________________________________________________ chess online?
2. It won’t help if she talks to somebody about her tragedy. POINT
There ___________________________________________________ to somebody about her tragedy.

3. The uniform is obligatory for pupils in primary school. WEAR

Pupils ____________________________________________________________________ a uniform.

4. I rang because I was worried about you. RUNG

I would not ____________________________________________ not been worried about you.
5. My mother doesn’t let me stay out after 10 pm. AM
I _____________________________________________________________________ out after 10 pm.
P a g e | 64

Test 21
Proba de verificare a cunoștințelor de limba engleză pentru admiterea în clasa a IX-a cu
profil bilingv de predare – 2016

I. Read the article about schoolchildren and compulsory overtime. Five sentences have
been removed from the article. Choose from the sentences from A-F the one which each
gap. There is one extra sentence that you do not need to use. (5 x 1p = 5p)

Schoolchildren and Compulsory Overtime

After a day’s work most adults have the evening free, and after a week’s work the weekend is
their own. Many children and young people, including all grammar school pupils, have regular,
compulsory evening and weekend work.
After their first term in secondary school, when it is a new status symbol, most children dislike
homework very much, (1) __________ before going to bed at 9.30.
Homework leaves no time for the development of individual and eccentric interests, even
interests as important and simple as reading, as cherished as music. (2) __________.
Some girls carry an unsuspected burden of home duties. As for country children their lives,
homework permitting, can be rich in ways a teacher who has never lived in the country cannot
A friend in Devon, now middle-aged, told me: (3) “__________ Living in the country with a
garden, pets, I had plenty to occupy my spare time and regarded homework as an unfair and
unjust imposition that ate away my few precious hours of freedom.”
Every teacher knows that some of the best homeworkers are rather dull fellows whose
personalities are not really quite as one would wish them to be. But how much homework is
done with the TV set on, on the bus, at break, hastily, simply to avoid punishment?
(4)__________Because adults say so, some children accept that homework ought to be done.
Why does homework survive? Anxiety helps to keep it going. Parents and teachers want
success in examinations and believe that regular overtime will help. (5) __________ My reply
would be, if that is so, cut down the syllabus: take six O levels instead of eight, nine or ten.
A. It is said that the syllabus could not be completed without it.
B. Surely the teacher does not want to talk all the time?
C. What are the educational implications of that?
D. Let adults imagine having to write, say, three rather long and complicated letters every
evening of the week.
E. As a boy, I was prepared to work hard during school hours, but regarded homework in a
very different light.
F. It leaves no time for doing anything else.

II. Fill in with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. (10 x 1p = 10p)
In the distance was one of the wooden ships that her sisters (1) __________ (DESCRIBE)
some time before. The little mermaid (2) __________ (SWIM) up to it and saw a handsome young
man (3) __________ (LAUGH) with his friends on the deck. Then the sky grew dark and a
great storm blew up. The ship (4) __________ (BATTER) by the waves and (5) __________ (DRIVE)
upon rocks near the shore. The young man (6) __________ (THROW) into the water and the little
mermaid knew that he would drown if she (7) __________ (NOT HELP) him. Cradling him in her
arms, she brought him safely to shore, leaving him on a sandy beach. The little mermaid waited
not far from shore (8) __________ (SEE) what (9) __________ (HAPPEN). Soon some girls came
along the beach and found the young man. "It (10) __________ (BE) the Prince!" they cried.
65 | P a g e

III. Choose the correct item A, B, C or D. (10 x 1p = 10p)

1. He was offered the job because he was _____ candidate.
A) the best B) good C) better D) the goodest
2. Please stop _____ and give me your test papers.
A) to write B) write C) writing D) to have
3. He bought a(n) _____ cottage in the country.
A) stone old small B) old small stone C) small old stone D) stone small
4. Next week I'm going _____ a school trip.
A) to B) on C) in D) at
5. I prefer traveling _____ bus.
A) by B) on C) with D) in
6. Do they sell _____ clothes here?
A) childrens B) childrens' s C) children's D) childrens’
7. He worked in a factory last year, _____ ?
A) isn't it? B) doesn't it C) isn't he D) didn’t he
8. Lynn doesn't like meat and Ann doesn't _____
A) either B) neither C) too D) also
9. Even if I _____ all night, I still wouldn't be properly prepared for tomorrow.
A) would study B) will study C) study D) studied
10. She wouldn't forgive him _____ all his apologies.
A) even if B) even C) despite D) although

IV. For questions 1-10 read the text and think of one word which best fits each space. Use
only ONE word for each space. There is an example at the beginning (0). (1O x 1p = 1Op)

Masters of Camouflage
There are so many plants and animals to explore under the sea and none of them are
boring. Life ___on___ (0) the sand and in the waves has forced species to evolve in beautiful
and bizarre ways to ensure their survival. Their natural history and alien shapes are never
dull and sometimes even astonishing. Perhaps the most fascinating are the __________ (1) that
have mastered underwater camouflage. These animals are masters!
Leafy Sea Dragon
The leafy sea dragon__________ (2) found in the warm coastal waters __________ (3)
Australia. It is a relative to __________ (4) more commonly known sea horse, but it is definitely
the flashier cousin. The leafy sea dragon __________ (5) evolved to look so much like seaweed
that__________ (6) are at times impossible to spot when in their favorite hangout, kelp. They
don't just look__________ (7) a part of the vegetation; they act like it as well. Leafy sea dragons
mimic leafy weeds by drifting with ocean currents. While floating along, the sea dragons spend
their energy snacking on sea lice__________ (8) tiny crustaceans. Just like sea horses, male sea
dragons bear young. They are excellent fathers, carrying eggs protectively underneath their
tails __________ (9) four to six weeks.
The cuttlefish, is not a fish at all, but a cephalopod and a relative of octopuses and squid.
The cuttlefish __________ (10) change its shape and alter its skin color so that it remains hidden
from danger by impersonating its surroundings. These three amazing creatures are just some
of the surprising animals that dwell in the sea.
P a g e | 66

V. For questions 1 - 5, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning
to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use
between two and five words, including the word given. (5 x 1p = 5p)

1. Have you ever been to a baseball game? Frank asked. SEEN

Frank asked ______________________________________ a baseball game.
2. I am going to Pilates classes starting next week. UP
I've decided ________________________________ starting next week.
3. I eat less junk food than I used to. AS
I don't eat __________________________________________ I used to.
4. I don't think anyone failed the test. DID
No one ____________________________________________they?
5. I am still reading The Hunger Games, part 3. FINISHED
I _________________________________________ The Hunger Games, part 3.

VI. Use the words in capitals to form a word that fits in each space. (10 x 1p = 1Op)

All students throughout the world sit for (1) ____________________ (EXAMINE) at
some point in their lives. If students are (2) ____________________ (SUCCESS), they get a formal
(3) ____________________ (QUALIFY) that enables them to get a job or continue with further (4)
____________________ (EDUCATE). Most formal testing involves a (5) ____________________ (MIX) of
techniques, but the most common form requires students to show that they have a detailed
(6) ____________________ (KNOW) of the subject area. If students do not pass, that's not
considered failure, they simply need more time to study. Some of them are simply (7)
____________________ (LUCK). The (8) ____________________ (MAJOR) who pass, do so because they
have made a good (9) ____________________ (IMPRESS) on the examiner and have also succeeded
in showing their (10) ____________________ (INTELLIGENT).

VII. Decide which answer (A, B, C or D) fits best for each space. There is an example at the
beginning (0).(15 x 1p =15p)

Hedgehogs Threaten Wildlife

There are so many threats to the wildlife on our planet nowadays (O) …C... we
are rarely surprised when we are (1) _____ about another one. (2) _____, some people might find
it difficult to (3) _____ that small creatures (4) _____ hedgehogs would be the cause, rather than
the victims, of one of these threats. One resident of an island which (5) _____ off the west coast
of Scotland (6) _____ how this extraordinary situation has come about. It appears that
hedgehogs are not native to the islands. They were introduced by a gardener who thought
they (7) _____ be an effective way of controlling the slug population. There are now so (8)
_____ hedgehogs on the island that they are putting many rare birds at (9) _____ because they
eat birds' eggs. The hedgehogs, it seems, are (10) _____ - so what are the local people going to
do (11) _____ it? One group of conservationists tried to transport hedgehogs to the mainland.
The plan might have (12) _____ if residents on the mainland hadn't pointed out that the
hedgehogs would (13) _____ just as much of a threat on the mainland as on the island. But,
unless action is (14) _____ soon, the continuing increase in the hedgehog population will (15)
_____ in the disappearance of certain rare species of birds.

0 A which B how C. that D where

1. A mentioned B explained C told D said
2. A Even B Although C Yet D However
67 | P a g e

3. A believe B convince C suppose D consider

4. A so B such C like D as
5. A extends B lies C covers D stretches
6. A described B commented C talked D meant
7. A should B can C ought D would
8. A largely B much C many D far
9. A danger B risk C trouble D difficulties
10. A anywhere B everywhere C anything D nothing
11. A with B about C to D for
12. A beaten B won C caught D succeeded
13. A change B become C return D move
14. A made B done C taken D held
15. A result B lead C cause D turn
P a g e | 68

Test 22
Proba de verificare a cunoștințelor de limba engleză pentru admiterea în clasa a IX-a cu
profil intensiv de predare la Colegiul Național „Gheorghe Șincai” Baia Mare – 2016

I. Read the following text attentively and then decide whether the following
statements are TRUE (T) or FALSE (F) (10 x1p=10p)
A friend of mine once told me of his first efforts to speak Japanese. He was working in an
American company in Tokyo where all communication in the workplace was conducted in
English, so he had no pressing need to learn the language. His wife, however, was taking
Japanese lessons and passed on to him what she had learnt. The first time he aired his Japanese
in public, his efforts were met with politeness but nevertheless got the impression he was
doing something wrong. Quite some time went by before one of his Japanese colleagues
plucked up the courage to tell him he spoke Japanese ‘like a woman’ and explained that often
different vocabulary is used for the same objects depending on whether a man or a woman is
speaking. Japanese is not the only language which makes such distinctions, and, although the
vocabulary doesn’t change, research shows that gender can affect speech patterns in English,

1. The story is about a Frenchman. _______

2. She was working in an American company in Japan. _______
3. Speaking Japanese at work wasn’t compulsory. _______
4. He, very rarely, spoke Japanese in public. _______
5. His Japanese colleagues were very polite and didn’t want to offend him. _______
6. Whenever he spoke Japanese, he felt quite comfortable. _______
7. Speaking ‘like a woman’ in Japanese means differences in vocabulary. _______
8. ‘Gender’ refers to people of different ages. _______
9. Gender affects speech patterns in different languages. _______
10. In English, gender influences both the speech pattern and the vocabulary. _______

II. Choose the correct option from the CAPITALIZED words/ phrases by circling the
the correct ones. (15 x 1p = 15p)
1. The plane TOOK/ WENT off at 6.00 am and landed at 7.15 am.
2. I wanted to buy her a nice graduation present but I couldn’t find ANYTHING/
SOMETHING interesting.
3. Unfortunately, I saw NO/ ANY pelicans in the Delta, not even one.
4. Because he let his friend OFF/ DOWN, nobody respected him anymore.
5. Carnations don’t grow here. Neither ARE/ DO roses.
6. They USE/ USED to play football here when they were young, but now they don’t do it
7. The earth will die soon IF/ UNLESS people limit pollution.
8. Hurry up! We haven’t got MUCH/ MORE time!
9. Anyone WHICH/ WHO goes to Rome never forgets it.
10. James was accused WITH/ OF trespassing.
11. It wasn’t very dark because THERE/ THEY were many stars in the sky.
12. I think she isn’t very good at dancing, IS/ DOES she?
13. I wrote the report ON/ BY myself, but my boss thought I was helped.
14. He can’t speak German at all, so he TOOK/ GAVE some lessons.
15. There is NO/ LITTLE chocolate left. The kids must have eaten some of it.
69 | P a g e

III. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits the
space in the same line. (10 x 1p=10p)

Holidays are meant to be a time of (1) ____________________ 1. RELAX

and fun but (2) ___________________, this isn’t always the case. There 2. FORTUNE
are some (3) ______________________ problems such as delayed 3. PREDICT
flights and the usual (4) _______________ of waiting at airports. 4. FRUSTRATE
However, the (5) _______________ of spending two or three 5. ANTICIPATE
(6) _______________ weeks in the sun on an (7) _______________ 7. SPOIL
island is enough to make most people think the delays are worth it.
It’s best to make a (8) _______________ at a hotel so that you can leave 8. RESERVE
home (9) _______________ knowing that at least your 9. CONFIDENCE
(10) _______________ is secure. Finally, it’s best to travel with a friend 10. ACCOMMODATE
to avoid loneliness.

IV. Read the text below and then decide which word A, B, C, or D best fits each space.
(15 x 1p = 15p)
Police Seek Robbery Link
A woman aged 68 suffered broken ribs in an attack by an armed robber in her penthouse in
Kensington, London, police said yesterday. Police are (1) __________ at other robberies to see if they are
linked after Rachael Avitan was (2) __________ at her home in Oxford Square. Mrs Avitan, the wife of a
millionaire ship-owner, was (3) __________ to open a safe before she was locked in the bathroom with
the 24-year-old maid.
The robber escaped with jewellery, (4) __________ coins and cash. Police said the objects and
money (5) __________ in the raid were worth about 30 000 pounds. They ruled out the (6) __________ that
the raid was done by a gang which (7) __________ its victims from Who’s Who (a reference guide
containing information (8) __________ important people), though Scotland Yard said it was possible a
(9) __________ of robbers were targeting wealthy families living in Kensington, Belgravia and Chelsea. A
(10) __________ for Scotland Yard said there may have been only one man behind the latest (11) __________
but it is not clear if it was one of a (12) __________. Mrs Avitan has been allowed to leave hospital but is
still having treatment for her (13) __________. She said the robber broke in through the back door as her
maid was letting herself out to go home. The man (14) __________ the maid and pulled her back into the
house. He told Mrs Avitan she wouldn’t get hurt if she (15) __________ over her valuables. “It was terribly
scary”, said Mrs Avitan.
1. A. searching B. examining C. looking D. inquiring
2. A. kidnapped B. stolen C. attacked D. mugged
3. A. forced B. pushed C. attacked D. threatened
4. A. worthy B. costly C. expensive D. valuable
5. A. escaping B. robbed C. missing D. taken
6. A. belief B. chance C. possibility D. probability
7. A. picks B. spots C. discovers D. checks
8. A. for B. about C. around D. upon
9. A. pack B. party C. pair D. team
10. A. spokesperson B. speaker C. commentator D. presenter
11. A. event B. attack C. fact D. robber
12. A. collection B. team C. serial D. series
13. A. pain B. aches C. wound D. injuries
14. A. took B. grabbed C. hugged D. squeezed
15. A. gave B. handed C. took D. got
P a g e | 70

V. Put each verb in brackets into an appropriate tense and voice (active or passive).
(10 x 1p = 10p):

1. Michael and Jennifer ____________________ (GET) married 6 weeks ago.

2. Where __________________________ (WORK, YOUR NEIGHBOUR)?
3. Last week I ________________ (TELL) him that he was hired and could begin working here
4. This is by far the funniest movie I ______________________ (SEE, EVER).
5. Jason _____________ (LEAVE, ALWAYS) his desk full of bits of paper and leftover food!
It’s awful!
6. Yesterday’s test paper _________________________________ (BE, NOT) as easy as it seemed.
7. I thought I _______________ (SEND) you all the details before the meeting we had last
8. This time next week we _________________________ (TAKE) our exams!
9. An official statement from the City Hall _____________________ (ISSUE) tomorrow
10. This isn’t the first time the company ___________ (BE) responsible for an ecological
71 | P a g e

Test 23
Proba de verificare a cunoștințelor de limba engleză pentru admiterea în clasa a IX-a cu
profil bilingv de predare – 2017

I. Read the text below and choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D. (5 x 2p = 10p)
Sports Journalist
A few years ago, my newspaper sent me to China to report on the world student games in Beijing.
Everywhere I went I was questioned by journalism students: how much money did I earn? How
many countries had I visited? Had I met David Beckham? In China sports reporting is seen as a
dream job and Chinese students are fascinated by foreign sports reporters.
Several years later I visited China again to write about a major motor race in Shanghai. At the track,
I saw one of those former students, Jie Xeng. He was working for one of China’s largest news
agencies so I asked him about his life as a sports writer.
“Sometimes it is wonderful”, he replied, “but there is a lot of travel, a lot of stress and sometimes
sports people are not very helpful.”
Jie had discovered one of the hard truths about life as a sports writer. You might think all you need
are writing skills and a knowledge of sport. These are certainly essential, but you need to be
prepared for any number of problems.
On that visit to Shanghai for example, the journey from my hotel to the race-track took at least three
hours, through heavy traffic. For four days, I followed racing drivers and organisers around but they
were too busy to give me more than a one-word answer. Then I would write my report and send it
to London. When I finally got back to my hotel at night, everything, including the restaurant, was
Being a sports writer may appear to be a fantastic job but there are as many situations as there are
magic moments!
1. What is the writer’s main purpose in the article?
A. to inform readers about visiting China.
B. to encourage young people to travel.
C. to give a realistic description of his work.
D. to warn students about newspaper careers.
2. Why did the writer travel to China the first time?
A. He was sent there by his employers.
B. He hoped to interview some fabulous sportsmen.
C. He was invited to give a lecture about journalism.
D. He was going to take part in an athletics competition.
3. When he met the writer the second time, Jie Xeng…
A. was working for a motor racing organisation.
B. no longer wanted to be a journalist.
C. didn’t recognise the writer at first.
D. had completed his university studies.
4. What does the writer say about the Shanghai motor race?
A. The race track was easy to get to.
B. There was a good hotel nearby.
C. No-one had time to talk to him.
D. He had problems contacting London.
5. What might the writer say to his friends?
A. ‘There aren’t many people who get paid for doing their hobby. Aren’t you jealous? ’
B. ‘Sports people are always keen to give interviews, which makes my job even more enjoyable’.
C. ‘I don’t know why you complain about travelling to work every day. It’s easy compared to the
places I visit’.
D. ‘Poor Jie Xeng. He used to be so anxious to be a journalist and now all he wants is to give it up’.
P a g e | 72

II. Decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits in the corresponding space. (10 x 1p =

How to have perfect posture

Next time you (1) _____ a look in the mirror, try standing sideways on. Do you see a long
elegant back or are your shoulders as rounded as the hump of a (2) _____? Bad posture normally
starts in our teenage years when we walk around with our mates trying to look cool. But (3)
_____ up those who used to sit in front of a computer where it’s all too easy to neglect something
as essential as good posture. As we grow older these poor (4) _____ are exacerbated, but by
taking (5) _____ immediately we can not only look and feel better, but protect our body for the
Make sure you sleep on a firm mattress at night. Avoid lying flat on your back; instead
try sleeping in a curled position on your side. The current revival in platform shoes doesn’t help
and (6) _____ shoes with heels more than (7)_____ centimetres high is just asking for trouble.
Don’t load everything into a bag that you wear on one shoulder or you’ll end up lopsided. (8)
_______ the weight evenly by wearing a rucksack or even a bag around your waist. When you get
home from a day’s studying or work it’s all too (9) _______ to fall on the sofa in front of the telly.
Sitting in this way (10) _____ feel comfortable but it prevents you from breathing
properly. Try to sit upright with the stomach pulled firmly in.

1. A. get B. take C. want D. bring

2. A. goat B. sheep C. camel D. mule
3. A. head B. feet C. eyes D. hands
4. A. customs B. habits C. rituals D. practices
5. A. course B. something C. moves D. action
6. A. carrying B. running C. worrying D. wearing
7. A. various B. several C. considerable D. numerous
8. A. Scatter B. Circulate C. Disseminate D. Distribute
9. A. enticing B. attractive C. irresistible D. tempting
10. A. may B. could C. will D. should

III. Write ONE word that fits best into each space. (10 x 1p = 10p)

Mongkut did not become King of Thailand (1) _______________ he was 46 years old. Before
that he (2) _______________ spent 25 years as a Buddhist monk, and this experience was
a very important influence when he later became king. (3) _______________ Thailand, most men
spend some time during (4) _______________ lives in the monkhood. Usually they go to live for a
(5) _______________ months in a monastery with other monks. There they live very simply, and
study the Buddhist religion.
In the Buddhist monkhood, men come (6) _______________ all levels of Thai society, rich
and poor, farmers and merchants, and they all live together as equals. So when the young Prince
Mongkut joined a monastery, he (7) _______________ not called "Prince", but simply became known
(8) _______________ Mongkut the Beggar". It is a rule that all monks (9) _______________ leave the
monastery every day to walk in the streets and to beg for food from the people, so in (10)
_______________ way Mongkut came to meet and know ordinary people.
73 | P a g e

IV. Use the words in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space
provided. There is an example (0) at the beginning. (10 x 1p = 10p)

Couch Potato Kids

In 2009, the U.S. Surgeon General stated that the number of (0) overweight (0) WEIGHT
American children had increased by an (1) _______________ 50 percent in just one (1) ALARM
generation. Children spend an (2) _______________ amount of time in front of the (2) INCREASE
television eating their (3) _______________ snacks. They keep themselves busy (3) FAVOUR
during (4) _______________ breaks by playing computer games. They need (5) (4) COMMERCE
_______________ to get up off the sofa and do some exercise. Parents should do (5) ENCOURAGE
different (6) _______________ with their children and show them that exercise can (6) ACTIVE
be (7) _______________ . They should set goals for their children, such as cycling a (7) ENJOY
certain (8) _______________ in a set time, and make small changes to their (9) (8) DISTANT
_______________ routine, such as walking instead of taking the car or bus. They (9) DAY
should also try to set a good example; they can’t expect their kids to change
their (10) _______________ if they won’t make changes themselves. (10) BEHAVE
V. Complete the news report. Put each verb in brackets into the correct tense. (10 x 1p =0p)

The actress Vanessa Kemp (1) _______________ (disappear). Yesterday she (2) _______________ (fail) to arrive
at the Prince Charles Theatre in London’s West End for her leading role in the comedy ‘Don’t look now!’
Ms Kemp, who (3) _______________ (live) in Hampstead, (4) _______________ (leave) home at four o’clock
yesterday afternoon for the theatre, a journey she (5) _______________ (make) several times the week
before. Two people who (6) _______________ (walk) past her home at the time saw her leave. But no one
(7) _______________ (see) her since then. By half past seven she still (8) _______________ (not / arrive) at the
theatre. An hour later the manager had to break the news to the audience, who (9) _______________ (wait)
patiently for the play to start. Since yesterday, the staff and friends (10) _______________ (try) to contact
Ms Kemp but they have had no success so far.

VI. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence,
using the word given. Do not change the word given. Use between two and five words. (10
x 1p = 10p)

1. The course wasn't as easy as I'd expected. MORE

The course __________________________________________________________________ I'd expected.
2. We haven't arranged a date for the wedding yet. BEEN
A date for the wedding ________________________________________________________________ yet.
3. 'How do you feel about this girl?' ASKED
His mother ____________________________________________________________________ about that girl.
4. I think it would be a good idea to speak to the manager first. WERE
If ___________________________________________________________________________ speak to the manager first.
5. I last saw Peter over two years ago. FOR
I ________________________________________________________________________ more than two years.
6. Mrs Smith isn’t happy, even though she has such a lot of money. DESPITE
Mrs Smith isn’t happy, __________________________________________________________ much money.
7. I’ve never seen such a pretty girl. EVER
She’s the_____________________________________________________________________ seen.
8. Jasmine enjoyed the exercise bike more than the jogging machine. MORE
Jasmine found the exercise bike ___________________________________________ the jogging machine.
9. Jack stopped playing Jungle Party because he found it so childish. SUCH
Jungle Party was _________________________________________________ Jack stopped playing it.
10. It was impossible for them to find a place to park. NOT
They __________________________________________________ a place to park.
P a g e | 74

Test 24
Proba de verificare a cunoștințelor de limba engleză pentru admiterea în clasa a IX-a cu
profil intensiv de predare la Colegiul Național „Gheorghe Șincai” Baia Mare – 2017

I. Read the text below and choose the correct answer A, B or C. (5 x 2p = 10p)

Photo Printing Firm Pays out Compensation

Charlotte King made a once-in-a-lifetime visit to China last October and took lots of
photographs of places, buildings and people she admired. At her return, she decided to send
away her films for printing one at a time. To her mind, in this way she would more easily be
able to match her photographs to the diary she had kept while she was visiting this part of Asia.
It seemed that this was a great idea, because the first film she sent to the company for printing
was lost.
Miss King was very upset that she would never see her precious pictures of Shanghai and
Souzhou. She then decided to ask for compensation. The company offered her a free roll of film,
but Miss King refused to accept this offer and wrote back to say that their offer wasn't enough.
They then offered her £20 but she refused this too and asked for £75, which she thought, was
quite fair. When the firm refused to pay she said she would go to court. Before the matter went
to court, however, the firm decided to pay Miss King £75. This shows what can be done if you
make the effort to complain to a firm or manufacturer and insist on getting fair treatment.

1. What is the writer trying to do?

(A) To complain about photographic printing.
(B) To give advice on how to print photos.
(C) To inform us about legal problems.

2. This text is taken from ...

(A) a novel.
(B) a letter.
(C) a newspaper.

3. Before her visit, Charlotte had ...

(A) been to China once before.
(B) never been to China before.
(C) already been to China several times.

4. It was a good thing that Miss King sent her films away one at a time because ...
(A) not all the films were lost.
(B) she was offered a free roll of film as bonus.
(C) she managed to complete her diary.

5. When Miss King said she would go to court, the company ...
(A) offered her £20.
(B) doubled their offer.
(C) decided to pay £75.
75 | P a g e

II. Decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits in the corresponding space. (10 x 1p = 10p)

According to (0) C professors, mature students are ideal students because they are hard-
working and become actively (1) _____ in all aspects of the learning process. The majority of
mature students have a poor educational background but they (2) _____ to do exceptionally well
at tertiary level. (3) _____ many of them have a mortgage, a job and children to (4) _____, they are
always present at seminars and lectures and always hand (5) _____ essays on time. They like
studying and writing essays and they enjoy the class discussions that take place. Consequently,
they (6) _____ excellent results. In fact, as they have experienced many of life’s pleasures, they
are content with their lives and this has a positive (7) _____ on their attitude, making them (8)
_____ to learn.
On the other hand, despite their enthusiasm and commitment, mature students (9) _____ from
anxiety. The fact that they have made many sacrifices to get into university puts extra pressure
on them to succeed. Nevertheless, completing a degree gives mature students a sense of
achievement, boosts their confidence and (10) _____ their job prospects.

0. A. much B. more C. most D. little

1. A. included B. related C. involved D. combined
2. A. able B. succeed C. manage D. capable
3. A. Although B. Despite C. However D. In spite of
4. A. grow B. develop C. rise D. raise
5. A. in B. over C. out D. up
6. A. fulfil B. achieve C. reach D. earn
7. A. effect B. affect C. conclusion D. consequence
8. A. eager B. anxious C. interesting D. impatient
9. A. tolerate B. resist C. suffer D. complain
10. A. creates B. improves C. progresses D. advances

III. Choose the correct option from the CAPITALIZED words/ phrases by circling the correct
ones. (10 x 1p = 10p)
1. The little child was up on the ladder and couldn’t GET DOWN/ GET OFF.
2. You should think carefully before RESPONDING/ ANSWERING to a business letter.
3. I nearly chocked MYSELF/ - on that fish bone!
4. Maths teachers in our college make us WORK/ WORKING very hard.
5. The class RAISED/ ROSE when the principal came into the classroom.
6. I can’t do it. Why don’t you HAVE/ MAKE a try?
7. I wonder if you could MAKE/ DO me a favour.
8. They are BUILDING/ CONSTRUCTING an open-air theatre in my town.
9. PRIVATE/ PARTICULAR lessons are very expensive.
10. Alexander Fleming DISCOVERED/ INVENTED penicillin.

IV. Use the words in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space
provided. (10 x 1p = 10p)

1. In Romania, _______________ is compulsory between the ages of 6 and 16.

2. When we grow up we realise how precious our ____________________ was. CHILD
3. A lot of schools offer after-school ___________________ such as tutoring or trips. ACTIVE
4. The most ____________________ book I've ever read is entitled Atomised. INTEREST
5. The ____________________ of the printing press has radically changed our world. INVENT
P a g e | 76

6. Amy Johnson’s aircraft fell into the sea in 1942 in ____________ circumstances.
7. This information is _______________________; don’t share it with anyone. CONFIDENT
8. Even though I was not ____________________ with the area, I could find my way. FAMILY
9. Parrots are able to _________________ certain human sounds. PRODUCE
10. She didn’t want cereals for breakfast; she wanted something ________________. DIFFER

V. Fill in the blanks with the correct tenses of the verbs in brackets. (10 x 1p = 10p)
1. I don’t suppose you _____________________________________ (GET) any news about our friend
2. The sport she ________________________________________ (STILL/ BE) so fond of is badminton.
3. They always travel abroad when they ____________________________ (HAVE) some time off
4. She hurt her knee while she ___________________________________ (TRY) to fix the garden fence.
5. Where _______________________________________________ (HE/USUALLY/ SPEND) his
6. I _________________________________________ (TELL) you the story of my life one day.
7. When you ____________________________________ (SEE) him again you will notice how different
he is.
8. I _________________________________________ (DO) my chores by the time my mother got home.
9. She ___________________________________ (GARDEN) for two hours, that’s why she is so
10. They ___________________________________ (ARRIVE) before I got the chance to call them.

VI. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence,
using the word given. Do not change the word given. Use between two and five words. (5 x
2p = 10p)

1. I have never seen such a beautiful sunset.

This _________________________________________________ beautiful sunset I have ever seen.
2. My parents couldn't buy a house because they didn't have enough money. IF
My parents could have bought a house __________________________________________ enough
3. I am sure she is lying to you.
She ________________________________________________________________ to you.
4. The rainy weather caused the accident.
The accident _______________________________________________ the rainy weather.
5. "Whose car is this?" she asked.
"__________________________________________________________ to?" she asked.
77 | P a g e

Test 25
Proba de verificare a cunoștințelor de limba engleză pentru admiterea în clasa a IX-a cu
profil bilingv de predare – 2018

I. Read the following text and mark the sentences below True (T) or False (F). (10 x 1p =

Teen Cruises
It is often hard to find family holidays that everyone will enjoy. Cruises can be fun but may offer
activities either for small children or adults, but not much for teenagers. Fifteen-year-old Josh
Sandford’s parents had already been on several cruises together, before they finally decided
last year to take Josh and his 13-year-old sister Rowena along too, on a trip called the Rega.
‘Before we left, I’d spent ages looking at the brochure, and all the activities on offer, so I was
really looking forward to it.’ Says Josh. ‘When we got on, I could see they had loads going on that
teenagers could join in with, so we couldn’t really say the brochure was wrong. But we just
found it a bit dull- things like old movies we’d seen before. I wish there had been somewhere
for people my age to just hang out together. My parents really enjoyed it, but they were
disappointed that we didn’t’.

Josh’s parents had almost decided they’d never take their family on a cruise again when they
heard about some new cruises that were especially for families with teenagers, as a result of
requests by parents. So earlier this year the Sandford family set off again, this time on a ship
called Flora – and found it was all quite different. ‘We did some tours organized by the Flora
when the ship stopped in different ports,’ says Josh. ’We went off and explored some old ruins,
which mum and dad loved. I was worried it’d be boring, but I have to admit the ruins were
actually quite cool. We hadn’t done things like that together before. The biggest difference was
the range of activities on board, though, like a great gym and two pools. There was a fantastic
rock-climbing wall, too, although lots of teenagers on board didn’t seem to want to try it. Maybe
they were too scared, as it was really high. But my sister immediately managed to get all the
way up it, so I just had to do the same.’

Rowena, Josh’s 13-year-old sister, also enjoyed the trip. ‘My parents had asked Josh to take care
of me on the days we were at sea, but I met up with other girls, and we went shopping and
visited all the cafes with our mums. The staff really worked hard to find us things to do – but
we were just doing what we wanted instead of having stuff provided.’ Josh and Rowena’s family
had such a good time on their last cruise that they’re thinking of going again – in fact, they’re
already saving up for it!

1. Having a cruise last year was a new experience for all members of the Sandford family.
2. Some ships started to provide more teenage-friendly cruises after parents’ complaints.
3. Josh was beaten on the rock-climbing wall by his sister Rowena.
4. Rowena preferred to be with friends rather than taking part in organized activities.
5. Josh’s parents considered giving up cruise holidays after their trip on the Rega.
P a g e | 78

II. Write ONE word that fits best into each space. (10 x 1p = 10p)

In the Wrong Place, at the Wrong Time

Michael (1) _______________ an ordinary man and nothing unbelievable has ever happened
to him. But one day, (2) _______________ he was reading his newspaper, he saw a job advertisement
that (3) _______________ interesting. He already had a job, but just (4) _______________ of
curiosity, Michael called and arranged an interview. To his surprise, the taxi left him outside an
enormous building he (5) _______________ never seen before. An elegant woman took his
coat and then vanished. He was waiting for the interviewer, (6) _______________ a man walked in
with a gun and told everyone present to give him (7) _______________ money. Poor Michael was in
the wrong place at the wrong time. However, by pure coincidence, Michael was able to
recognise the man. It was Steve Sanders, from school. He wasn’t a criminal but was very
frustrated because after he had lost his job, he was left homeless. As (8) _______________
as he realised who Michael was, he started crying and apologised to everyone (9)
_______________ the incident. As far as the gun is concerned, it (10) _______________ out to be plastic.

III. Decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits in the corresponding space. (10 x 1p =

Last week Unity International School (1) _____ their tenth anniversary. They held an open
day for visitors to see their unique school. When I arrived, I immediately (2) _____ how confident
the students were. What was different from other schools, however, was how they talked to (3)
_____ other. I heard students (4) _____ in English, French, Spanish and German. They were
completely at (5) _____ with these languages and changed from one to (6) _____ without thinking.
This is because languages are not what they study, but how they study. They study history in
Spanish, maths in German and (7) _____ on. Anna, a 14-year-old student, (8) _____ me, ‘I came
here two years ago. Before that I had never learnt any foreign languages. Now I am (9) _____ in
four languages. I feel very lucky’. Go and see (10) _____ yourself. This is an amazing and special
school. I wish them every success for another ten years and more!

1 A welcomed B remembered C celebrated D performed

2 A meant B reminded C watch D noticed
3 A every B each C one D all
4 A saying B speaking C pronouncing D translating
5 A ease B comfortable C confident D happy
6 A all B one C other D another
7 A more B further C later D so
8 A talked B told C said D spoke
9 A fluid B fluidly C fluent D fluently
10 A by B for C with D at

IV. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence,
using the word given. Do not change the word given. Use between two and five words. (5 x
2p = 10p)

1. Jackie started studying Chinese almost a year ago. STUDYING

Jackie has ______________________________________________________ a year.
2. Mary doesn’t have enough money to buy the house. TOO
The house ________________________________________________________ to buy.
3. I could never have solved that problem without his help. HE
79 | P a g e

I could never have solved that problem _____________________________________________ me.

4. They paid a professional to paint their house last summer. HAD
They ________________________________________________________ last summer.
5. ” Let’s go to the cinema tonight!” said Jean. SUGGESTED
Jean _____________________________________________________ to the cinema.

V. Use the words in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space
provided. (10 x 1p = 10p)

Film festivals are events staged by private organisations, local

governments, arts (1) ____________________ or film societies. Such 1. ASSOCIATE
occasions are an excellent opportunity for (2) ____________________ 2. KNOW
filmmakers to present their movies to a real live audience and to have 3. PROFESSION
them reviewed by (3) ____________________ critics. Some festivals
welcome a wide range of films, but other festivals are more restrictive
and specialised. They may accept only comedies, or only films made 4. DIRECT
by female (4) ____________________. Most festivals accept
submissions from any filmmaker, regardless of his or her past 5. GENERAL
Each festival has its own set of rules. (5) ____________________ , film 6. REJECT
makers are given a deadline by which they have to submit their films. 7. NOTE
Submitting a film to the wrong festival is likely to end in (6) 8. TYPICAL
____________________. However, if a movie is accepted, the organisers (7) 9. CREATE
____________________ the filmmakers. Film festivals are (8) 10. IMPRESS
____________________ divided into categories like drama, documentary or
animation. Films are judged for their production value, (9)
____________________ and overall (10) ____________________.

VI. Put each verb in brackets into the correct tense. (10 x 1p = 10p)

Tom likes going to evening classes and, no matter how tired he is, he never skips them. At the
moment, he (1) _____________ (LEARN) how to repair cars. Sometimes the teacher, Mr Jones, (2)
______________ (LET) the students work on his car, but last night something (3) ______________
(HAPPEN) which made him change his mind. Mr Jones (4) _______________ (TEACH) for 15 years
and he (5) _______________ (ALWAYS/TRUST) his students to do things correctly, but last night,
while Tom (6) __________________ (WORK) on Mr Jones’ car, somebody (7) ____________ (CALL) Mr
Jones to the phone. He (8) ________________ (ONLY/BE) away for a few minutes
when he heard shouting from the workshop. He ran back and saw that his car (9) ________________
(BURN)! Tom (10) _________________ (DROP) a lighted match into the engine and set it on fire.
P a g e | 80

Test 26
Proba de verificare a cunoștințelor de limba engleză pentru admiterea în clasa a IX-a cu
profil intensiv de predare la Colegiul Național „Gheorghe Șincai” Baia Mare – 2018

I. Read the following text and mark the following sentences True (T), False (F) or Doesn’t
Say (DS). (5 x 2p = 10p)

Britain for All Seasons

The real Britain is a land of unspoilt beauty, where the mood and rhythm of the countryside
changes from one region to another, and from season to season.
Summer is the season of long, long days, when a variety of pastimes and pursuits can be
enjoyed. The beach is a favourite place to relax. The warm summer months are an ideal time to
enjoy the delights of eating outside, a stroll of peaceful rural surroundings or a leisurely round
of golf. Make the most of the fresh air by cycling along country lanes. There are so many
attractions to choose from in the summer months – from pageants and traditions to a host of
arts festivals.
In autumn, the British landscape assumes a breath-taking beauty. As the days become cooler
you may prefer to make the most of the varied entertainment provided by Britain’s towns and
cities. Enjoy a visit to the cinema, theatre or perhaps a classical concert. In rural communities,
autumn is the time to gather the crops. Take a peek inside some of Britain’s churches and
cathedrals, which will be decorated with flowers and fruit for the harvest festival.
Winter heralds the season of Christmas festivities. Towns and cities countrywide are brightly
decorated for the occasion. Shopping is always a delight at this time of the year, when the shops
are full of fascinating Christmas goods and window displays of large department stores will
delight all ages. After Christmas there comes the season of annual sales when both travel and
shopping bargains are to be found. Britain has a vast array of museums and galleries
countrywide, and winter is an excellent time to see them when the flock of summer visitors has
Springtime sees the countryside bloom and radiate with life. Daffodils, bluebells and primroses
can be seen on hillsides and in the fields everywhere. The brightest warmer days see the return
of many birds who migrated during the winter and the woodlands and meadows come alive
with their songs. It is one of the loveliest times of the year to visit Britain and appreciate the
outstanding countryside.

1. Summer is a very enjoyable time in Britain_____

2. British rural entertainment in autumn means going to church every day_____
3. Christmas shopping is a great delight_____
4. Thousands of people visit the British Museum in winter_____
5. Spring is the best time to appreciate the outstanding British cities_____

II. For questions 1-10, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each
line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. (10 x 1p = 10p)

Modern science has proved that the fundamental traits of every

(1) ___________________ are stamped in the shape of his body, head, 1. INDIVIDUALIZE
face and hands - an X-ray by which you can read the
(2) _________________ of any person on sight. The most 2. CHARACTER
(3) _________________ thing in the world to any individual is to 3. ESSENCE
understand (4) __________. The next is to understand the other 4. HIM
81 | P a g e

fellow. For life is (5)_____________ a problem of running your own car 5. LARGE
as it was built to be run, plus getting along with the other
(6)____________ on the highway. This co-operation is vital to
(7) _______________ and success. We come in contact with 6. DRIVE
(8) ______________people in all the activities of our (9) _________ and
what we get out of life depends, to an astounding degree, on our 8. DIFFER
(10) _______________ with them. 9. LIVE
III. For questions 1-10, read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits
each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0). (10 x 1p = 10p)

When Lucy _A___ (0) that she was going to move abroad because she was bored _____ (1) her
life, we weren’t surprised. After all, she had been talking about moving to a warmer country for
ages, one which would _____ (2) sun, sea and opportunities for outdoor activities. A country like
Spain or Portugal would _____ (3) her just fine.
We took her even more seriously when she called off an interview for a job she was sure of
getting. Of course, her parents were annoyed with her decision, but I had to admit that I
sympathized with her. I had done something _____ (4) when I was her age, so I supported her all
the way. I even helped her decide on a suitable destination. It was near an ancient site which,
given Lucy’s academic background in archaeology, was _____ (5) for her. I _____ (6) her that in
the beginning she would feel _____ (7) an _____ (8), but people from small towns are friendly and
she wouldn’t feel lonely for too long. The time came for Lucy to depart. She wasn’t sad, _____ (9)
her parents who were crying and couldn’t bear to see their daughter leaving. Seeing her parents
cry made me feel responsible for what had happened. In the end, I _____ (10) for having
encouraged Lucy to leave. To tell the truth, however, I’m glad to have influenced her decision
to move abroad.

0. A. announced B. told C. agreed D. claimed

1. A. with B. for C. about D. at
2. A. supply B. offer C. reveal D. cater
3. A. fit B. suit C. combine D. match
4. A. similar B. common C. same D. likely
5. A. ideal B. special C. particular D. fine
6. A. insisted B. explained C. said D. warned
7. A. as B. alike C. like D. unlike
8. A. outdoor B. outsider C. outcome D. outfit
9. A. not alike B. unlikely C. not as D. unlike
10. A. admit B. denies C. apologised D. accused

IV. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence,
using the word given. Do not change the word given and use between two and five words,
including the word given. There is an example at the beginning. (5 x 2p = 10p)

They published this book in England. CAME

This book __________ came from __________ England.

1. I’m sure she is not at home. CAN’T

She ______________________________________ home.
2. My cup of tea is too hot to drink right now. ENOUGH
P a g e | 82

My cup of tea ______________________________________ drink right now.

3. I don’t think I have enough money to buy this lovely dress. AFFORD
I don’t think I ______________________________________ this lovely dress.
4. Giles is slower at mental arithmetic than Joe. NOT
Giles is ______________________________________ Joe at mental arithmetic.
5. The police investigated the crime last year. BY
The crime ______________________________________ the police last year.

V. Read the text below and write the word which best fits each space. (10 x 1p = 10p)

My First Real Book

The first real book that I __________ (1) was a children’s edition of Robinson Crusoe. All I __________
(2) remember about it now is the cover, __________ (3) was light blue. I don’t know __________ (4)
much of the story is familiar from that reading, because almost __________ (5) child has heard of
Robinson Crusoe. __________ (6) got shipwrecked on a desert island and lived there __________ (7)
nearly 30 years. I suspect however that not very __________ (8) people have read the original
book, published __________ (9) 1719 and one of the earliest novels in English. Those who have,
must surely have been surprised to __________ (10) out that Robinson Crusoe does not have much
in common with the hero of the children’s story.

VI. Write the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. (10 x 1p = 10p)

1. I sometimes ____________________ (go) to school by bus.

2. Don’t disturb them. They ____________________ (study).
3. I ____________________ (leave) for school 20 minutes ago.
4. ____________________ all birds ____________________ (fly)?
5. When I came home John ____________________ (try) to repair the TV set for half an hour.
6. Pay me a visit when you ____________________ (be) free.
7. I cut my finger while I ____________________ (prepare) dinner.
8. I ____________________ (meet) him twice this week.
9. This time tomorrow our team ____________________ (play) football in the schoolyard.
10. Last year a tornado ____________________ (hit) the western part of America.
83 | P a g e

Test 27
Proba de verificare a cunoștințelor de limba engleză pentru admiterea în clasa a IX-a cu
profil bilingv de predare – 2019

I. Read the following text and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) is the correct one (5 x 1p =
International Climate Champions
The International Climate Champions (ICC) project began in 2007. It gives young people of
school age a chance to speak publicly on climate change and to encourage action to reduce its
effects. Each country involved selects three teenagers to be Climate Champions, who take part
in local and international activities.
Climate Champion Irene Sanna lives on the Italian Island of Sardinia. Irene is interested in solar
energy, and also believes that Sardinia should use the waves around its coast to produce
electricity. That would reduce the need to import oil and gas for lighting, heating and cooking.
'Energy conservation is our future. We must make plans to save our coast, which still has no
pollution. We must protect the animals, birds and fish in danger from global warming. And we
must recycle.'
Chinese student Ding Yinghan is the Beijing Climate Champion. Ding feels it is unfair to say that
just one country - his own (China) - is causing climate change. He says the air pollution that
leads to global warming comes from many parts of the world, including poorer countries that
are now growing more quickly. He believes the only way to prevent the situation getting even
worse is for rich and poor countries to work together.
Sophia Angelis, a junior student in Lake Arrowhead, California, is a US Champion. She's against
young people's general lack of interest in politics and feels they need to discuss the problems
that really matter to their generation. She has written about the need for action on world
poverty and her articles have been published in her local newspaper. Sophia strongly believes
that climate change is an important issue for her generation. For her, changes in the way
teenagers behave are an important way of influencing choices that are made by parents.

1. What is the writer's main purpose in this text?

A to give details about how to become a Climate Champion
B to explain why the Earth's climate is changing so quickly
C to say what some people are doing about climate change
D to tell readers what they can do to prevent climate change.

2. What does Irene say about the sea?

A The water near the island is now dirty. C There is oil and gas under the water.
B Many types of fish have disappeared. D It can provide power for the island.

3. What does Ding believe about climate change?

A It is certain to get much worse. C It is wrong to blame China for it.
B Air pollution does not cause it. D It is caused only by rich countries.

4. Sophia thinks that young people should

A publish their newspapers. C follow the example of their parents.
B change older people's habits. D avoid talking about politics.

5. What does the word 'issue' in the last paragraph mean?

A supply C problem
B distribute D withdraw
P a g e | 84

II. For questions 1-10, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each
line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. (10 x 1p = 10p)

1. His decision created much ___________________ among employees. CONFUSE

2. I like wearing _______________________clothes. FASHION
3. Riding a motorbike on a mountain road can be ______________. DANGER
4. The _______________ between us is that I am taller and speak louder. DIFFER
5. The best thing you can teach your children is ________________. INDEPENDENT
6. I really enjoy doing __________________ experiments. SCIENCE
7. Her __________________ increased after she had won the trophy. POPULAR
8. Peter didn’t get the job __________________. He lied at the interview and said he has the right
qualifications. HONEST
9. It is __________________ to drive a car without a licence. LEGAL
10. In ____________, I would say we must increase our profit this term. CONCLUDE

III. For questions 1-15, read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits
each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0). (15 x 1p = 15p)

Most of us take cheese for (0) B . When we go to the supermarket or hypermarket, we expect
to see a (1) _____ of different types of cheese to choose from. But have you ever wondered how
these differences (2) _____ about? Cheese has been produced and eaten for many thousands of
years. No one knows for sure how we (3) _____ how to make cheese, but some animals, like
lambs, produce cheese naturally in their stomachs. It’s possible that our (4) _____ found this
cheese-like (5) _____ in the stomach of a dead lamb or calf and liked the taste. Certainly, cheese
is very practical. Milk (6) _____ very quickly, but turning it into a (7) _____ means that it can be
kept for much longer. Cheese is also healthy, being full of protein, calcium and (8) _____ acids.
Cheese can be made from the milk of animals such as goats, sheep, cows, and (9) _____ horses
and reindeer. By (10) _____ the most popular cheese in the world is Cheddar, an English cheese
made from cow’s milk. The amount of water and fat used in the production of cheese (11) _____
whether it is hard or soft. The flavour of cheese (12) _____ on the kind of bacteria used in the
ripening process. All cheese had bacteria in it, but this is not (13) _____ to humans. The holes in
Swiss cheese are made by bacteria that (14) _____ a certain gas. Roquefort and other blue kinds
of cheese are blue because they have a mould in them. Once (15) _____, this is quite safe to eat.

0. A. given B. granted C. read D. said

1. A. sort B. range C. variation D. distribution
2. A. take B. are C. go D. came
3. A. discovered B. invented C. worked D. succeeded
4. A. elders B. descendants C. ancestors D. peers
5. A. sort B. material C. substance D. type
6. A. goes off B. takes out C. takes in D. ends up
7. A. figure B. form C. shape D. solid
8. A. famous B. noteworthy C. essential D. significant
9. A. still B. even C. yet D. too
10. A. far B. long C. high D. deep
11. A. determines B. means C. decides D. says
12. A. derives B. results C. relies D. depends
13. A. bad B. harmful C. destructive D. unhelpful
14. A. set in B. make up C. give off D. hand out
15. A. again B. more C. over D. up
85 | P a g e

IV. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence,
using the word given. Do not change the word given and use between two and five words,
including the word given. There is an example at the beginning. (5 x 2p = 10p)

They published this book in England. CAME

This book ________came from__________ England.
1. My mother doesn’t let me stay out after 10 pm. AM
I ________________________________________________ to stay out after 10 pm.
2. When did you start to play chess online? HAVE
How long _______________________________________________________chess online?
3. I am too young to vote in this election. ENOUGH
I am not_______________________________________________in this election.
4. You behaved badly and I think you should say sorry. APOLOGISE
I think you should_____________________________________________ badly.
5. Adrian fell asleep during the film because he was very tired. SO
Adrian________________________________________________he fell asleep during the film.

V. Read the text below and for each space, numbered 1-10, write the word that best fits
each space. There is an example at the beginning. (10 x 1p = 10p)

When exam day comes give yourself plenty of time (0) to do everything: have breakfast but
don't drink (1) ____________ much; go to the toilet; arrive on time, but not too early or you will
find yourself getting more and more nervous while waiting to start. Try not to talk (2)
____________the exam before you go in.
In the exam, it is important that you calm yourself down by breathing deeply and thinking
positively. Read (3) ____________ exam questions carefully and underline all of the key instruction
words (4) ____________ indicate how the questions should (5) ____________ answered. If
possible, start with the ones (6) ____________ can do easily to give you confidence. Remember
what you've learnt from practising questions previously and plan your use of time. Don't panic
(7) ____________ everyone around you seems to start writing furiously immediately and don't be
tempted to follow their example.
Finally, after the exam, don't join in a discussion about (8) ____________ everyone else did and use
your energy and self-confidence for the next exam. Above (9) ____________, remember that exams
are not designed to show your mistakes, (10) ____________ to find out what you know, what you
understand and what you can do.

VI. Write the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. (10 x 1p = 10p)
1. What time ____________________ (YOU/ GO) to sleep last night?
2. Unfortunately, I ____________________ (FORGET) the name of the place.
3. What ____________________ (YOU/ DO) for a living?
4. If he ____________________ (NOT/ MOVE) to Canada, he wouldn’t have met her.
5. She ____________________ (RIDE) her motorbike when she saw the accident on the highway.
6. Come at 11 am. I ____________________ (WAIT) for you.
7. We ____________________ (STUDY) verb tenses for a semester now and we haven’t finished
8. She ____________________ (WRITE) a detective story now, although she usually writes
9. We returned to the ship as the sun ____________________ (SET).
10. We all ____________________ (EXPECT) to be treated with respect in this institution.
P a g e | 86

Test 28
Proba de verificare a cunoștințelor de limba engleză pentru admiterea în clasa a IX-a cu
profil intensiv de predare la Colegiul Național „Gheorghe Șincai” Baia Mare – 2019

I. Read the text and mark the sentences below: True (T) or False (F). (10 x 1p = 10p)
My Submarine Trip
Have you ever been in a submarine? I got the chance to go in one some time ago- and it was the
coolest thing ever! It was while I was on holiday with my family on the coast of America. Dad discovered
that submarine rides were available and offered to take me – and of course, I jumped at the chance!
A small boat would come along regularly to collect passengers from the beach and take them to
a submarine waiting further out in the harbour. On the day we went, our ride was scheduled for 11.30,
but everyone had to be at the beach half an hour earlier, so that there was plenty of time to check in and
board. Soon the boat left the beach and we set off towards the submarine.
When we arrived I was the first one to board the submarine. Space inside was tight, and I felt a
bit closed in, and even a little seasick, but then I discovered there were big windows, so I was fine. Then
the door closed, and we sank down under the waves. Some scuba divers came down with the submarine
and fed the fish right outside the windows. The fish would be too frightened to approach if the divers
didn’t attract them with food! So we got to see lots of unusual creatures, including sea turtles. There was
even a shark that came right up to the submarine. The announcer said it was one of the smaller, harmless
species around there , but it looked pretty huge and scary to me.
As we went a bit deeper, we passed an old plane lying on the bottom of the sea. It was a bit
disappointing as there wasn’t much left of it after some storms off the coast. There were old ships too,
though, and they were a real highlight of the tour.
One thing I didn’t expect was that as we went deeper, colours really changed because of the way
the water changes the sunlight at that depth. Everything looked either green or blue, so those were the
colours in my photos, but it didn’t matter. I knew I could just change the colours on my computer once I
got home again. Going in a submarine was one of the best things I have ever done. If we go to the coast
again for our next holiday, I will definitely look for another submarine trip!
1. Jon and his family chose to go to America so that they could have a submarine trip.
2. The submarine came and picked up passengers from the beach.
3. Passengers had to allow enough time to check in before their submarine trip.
4. Jon felt confident about being inside the submarine when he first climbed on board.
5. Some scuba divers in the water frightened sea creatures away from the submarine.
6. The shark that approached the submarine was less dangerous than it looked.
7. The weather conditions in the area had damaged and old plane that was under water.
8. At a greater depth, the range of colours Jon could see from the window became limited.
9. Jon was disappointed with the photos he took from the submarine.
10. Jon intends to repeat his experience if possible during his next holiday.

II. Choose the best option (10 x 1p = 10p)

1. You don’t have to/ mustn’t book a room in the hotel; you can stay in our spare room.
2. I need a computer research/ program to help me translate from Greek into English.
3. I don’t think people will ever discover/ invent a time machine.
4. Do you know any restaurants which/ where they serve tasty vegetarian food?
5. The advice given in this magazine was/ were really useful.
6. As children grow up / on, they need more independence and self-confidence.
7. A new school is been/ is being built in our neighbourhood.
8. My new job starts in/ on the first day of September.
9. Yesterday we have/ had fun at the picnic despite the bad weather.
10. I’m going to become/ get rid of these old clothes.
87 | P a g e

III. Decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits in the corresponding space (15 x 1p = 15p)

A Horrifying School Day

(0) On the morning of 15th October, 2007, nine children (1) _____ playing at their local nursery
school when, suddenly tornado sirens started going off. Jane Brown, (2) _____ was the head
teacher of the school, was working in her office at the (3) ______. She didn’t panic (4) _____
tornado warnings were common at that time of year. Then, the lights (5) _____ out and the wind
broke her office window.
(6) _____ Jane was running to the children’s classroom, (7) _____ of broken window and glass
were falling (8) _____ around her. A witness, Alex Ross, saw the tornado (9) _____ the nursery
school; the roof flew off and only the walls (10) _____ standing. Finally the tornado (11) _____ on
and, afterwards, there was a terrifying silence. Alex ran into the school to help. Jane and the
(12) _____ teachers were helping the children get out the building. (13) _____, two children were
trapped under parts of the roof. Alex pulled them out and carried them outside. Later, Alex said,
“I (14) _____ believe it, the tornado totally destroyed the nursery school, but, miraculously, no
one was seriously (15) _____.”
0. A. On B. In C. At D. For
1. A. were B. was C. is D. are
2. A. how B. who C. what D. which
3. A. moment B. break C. time D. times
4. A. as B. so C. such D. so as
5. A. go B. went C. gone D. had gone
6. A. During B. Before C. After D. While
7. A. slices B. loaves C. pieces D. packs
8. A. all B. down C. off D. out
9. A. kick B. hit C. stoke D. beat
10. A. reminded B. remained C. rested D. remembered
11. A. went B. passed C. rushed D. moved
12. A. another B. an other C. other D. others
13. A. However B. Moreover C. Despite D. Although
14. A. can B. can’t C. may D. must
15. A. damaged B. attacked C. affected D. injured

IV. Complete the sentences with the correct word derived from the word in capitals at the
end of each line. (10 x 1p = 10p)
1. Do you play football ____________________ or not quite? REGULAR
2. For further __________________ please phone the following number. INFORM
3. She likes to be surrounded by her ______________________. ADMIRE
4. Some bands are ________________ for looks rather than talent. FAME
5. The __________________ decided to postpone the takeover. MANAGE
6. Be __________________ how you use that tricky word in sentences. CARE
7. I’m very _____________ with this laptop. It is incredibly slow. SATISFY
8. The most useful quality one may possess is that of _______________. CURIOUS
9. The ________________ of people would fight for a just cause. MAJOR
10. In Romania, ____________ is compulsory between the ages of 6 and 16. EDUCATE
P a g e | 88

V. For questions 1 - 10, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap.
Use only ONE word in each gap. (10 x 1p =10p)

Hi, I (1) _____ worked in the field of counselling and coaching for some time now, and I
(2) _____ always amazed at the God given ability we humans have to improve our lives for the
(3) _____. There has been great philosophical debate (4) _____ the centuries, as to 'why we are
here', and 'what life (5) _____ about'. In simple terms, people of all walks of life have
fundamentally come (6) _____ the same conclusion. That is, we are here to make (7) _____ we can
of life, to lead meaningful relationships, to reproduce, and master areas (8) _____ our own
choice. Happiness is (9) _____ achievement we can come to know and love, through improving
our thoughts and beliefs (10) _____ the world and each other.

VI. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence,
using the word given. Do not change the word given and use between two and five words
including the word given. (5 x 1p = 5p)

1. Amy’s parents did not allow her to stay out late at night. LET
Amy’s parents ___________________________________________________________ out late at night.
2. As I had my camera with me, I was able to take lots of photos. NOT
If I had not had my camera with me, I _________________________________ to take lots of
3. Farmers in the US grow a large proportion of the world’s wheat. IS
A large proportion of the world’s wheat ___________________________________ farmers in the
4. When Carl was young, he went to a holiday camp every summer. USED
When Carl was young, he ___________________________________ a holiday camp every summer.
5. Could you close the window, please? MIND
Would ________________________________________________ the window, please?
89 | P a g e

Proba orală

P a g e | 90
91 | P a g e


I. Vocabular si elemente de construcţie a comunicării:

10 p – elevul foloseste bine un număr mare de unităţi lexicale/gramaticale, care îi permit să-si
exprime bine ideile; face puţine greseli;
8 p – elevul foloseste un număr suficient de mare de unităţi lexicale/structuri gramaticale, se
exprimă clar, fără a-si căuta cuvintele; greselile făcute nu împiedică comunicarea;
6 p – elevul are cunostinţe lexicale/gramaticale satisfăcătoare, exprimă idei cu o oarecare
ezitare/greseli, dar realizează comunicarea;
4 p – elevul foloseste puţine structuri lexicale/gramaticale, face multe greseli, comunicarea este
2 p – elevul are un bagaj lexical/gramatical insuficient, face foarte multe greseli, nu poate realiza

II. Înţelegerea contextului si fluenţa exprimării:

10 p – elevul se exprimă fluent si spontan; răspunsul dovedeste înţelegerea în detaliu a temei;

8 p – elevul se exprimă fluent, cu pauze aproape insesizabile pentru a-si căuta
structuralexicală/gramaticală potrivită; răspunsul dovedeste o bună înţelegere a temei;
6 p – elevul se exprimă inteligibil, cu mici pauze pentru a-si căuta structura
lexicală/gramaticalăpotrivită; răspunsul dovedeste o înţelegere globală satisfăcătoare a temei;
4 p – elevul foloseste enunţuri incomplete, cu pauze lungi si dese ezitări; răspunsul dovedeste
o defectuoasă înţelegere a temei;
2 p – elevul nu poate produce decât enunţuri scurte, fără legătură cu contextul, cu pauze mari
între ele; răspunsul dovedeste că nu a înţeles tema.

III. Pronunţia si intonaţia:

10 p – elevul are o pronunţie apropiată de pronunţia standard;

8 p – elevul are o pronunţie bună, cu puţine abateri de la normă;
6 p – elevul are o pronunţie acceptabilă, care permite realizarea comunicării cu usurinţă;
4 p – elevul are o pronunţie defectuoasă, care împiedică comunicarea;
2 p - pronunţia elevului nu permite comunicarea.
P a g e | 92
93 | P a g e



Biletul nr. 1

Read the text below and answer the questions that follow:

Britain is a beautiful and highly populated country, consisting of three, formerly

separated countries: England, Scotland and Wales. Since Scotland and England joined in an Act
of Union in 1707 (Wales had been incorporated in 1535), the island has been officially known
as Great Britain. The whole country is named the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern
Wales, which is on the S.W. Coast, is the smallest of Britain's three countries. Its rocky
land, steep mountains and lonely places account for the independent, indomitable character of
the Welsh who for centuries fought against all invaders, furiously struggling to preserve their
Celtic culture from their influence.
Scotland is the land of cloudy mountains, wild moorlands, narrow valleys and plains
famous lochs and small islands off the coast. One third of its people live in or near its capital,
Edinburgh, and its great industrial centre, Glasgow. In the Highlands one may walk or even
drive for hours without seeing a living soul.
The core of Britain is England. Out of 56 million of the whole population, 46 live here.
There is the capital, great London, where the essence of all England, of all Britain is
England and the English are so dominant in their island that they become equal with
Britain and British. When travelling to Britain, one says: “I am going to England”; historians
write the “History of England” and William Shakespeare, referring to this island wrote “this
precious stone set in the silver sea...this England”.

1. What are the three countries Britain consists of?

2. Which is the smallest of Britain's three countries?
3. What is the capital of Scotland?
4. Why is England the core of Britain?
P a g e | 94



Biletul nr. 2

Read the text below and answer the questions that follow:

The Wars of the Roses ended with the Battle of Bosworth (1485) where, right in the field,
Henry Tudor was proclaimed King of England. Thought the reign of the Tudors was in fact the
beginning of an absolute monarchy in England, at the same time it helped to do away with feudal
fighting once and for all.
After that long period which set half of the English barons and earls against the other
half, the first of the Tudor family, Henry VII united the nation and gave it peace, wealth and
trade during his twenty-five year reign.
Towards the reign of his son Henry VIII, one of England's strongest kings, trading
companies sprang up and ships were built to cross the ocean. It is known that after the
discovery of America the honour of having of having the best fleet belonged to Spain and that
the two countries were rivals and bound to fight one day. English national power was
dramatically demonstrated in 1588 when the Spanish “Invincible Armada” was defeated during
the reign of Elisabeth I.
Elisabeth, who was the daughter of Henry VIII and Ann Boleyn, began her reign at the
age of twenty-five, succeeding her half-sister Mary Tudor, known in history as Bloody Mary
because of her persecutions against the Protestants. Elisabeth reigned for forty-five years
during which, with shrewdness and diplomacy, she endeared herself to the English people. All
the progressive elements now gathered around the queen. Even Parliament helped to establish
an absolute monarchy in order to concentrate all forces in defence of the country's economic
interests against Spain.

1. When did the Battle of Bosworth take place?

2. Who was the first of the Tudor family and how many years did his reign last?
3. Who were Elisabeth's parents?
4. Who was Bloody Mary and why was she called like that?
95 | P a g e



Biletul nr. 3

Read the text below and answer the questions that follow:

Lear was a king of ancient Britain. He had three daughters: Goneril, Regan and Cordelia.
Goneril and Regan were married to British Dukes and fair Cordelia was yet unmarried.
Lear was now 80 years of age and decided to divide his kingdom among his three
daughters according to the affection they would declare to the king publicly. Goneril declared
that she loved her father more than any words could tell, more than her eyesight, freedom,
health, beauty, and honour, and all the riches in the world. Regan made in her turn the same
speech, adding that she knew no other joy in life greater than that of loving her father.
But Cordelia, disgusted with the flattery of her sisters, whom she knew false, said that
she loved her father according to her duty. She still added that if she was to marry she would
give half her love to her husband.
The king flew into a rage and declared that he disowned her as a daughter and did not
want to see Cordelia any more. He also said that he would live in turn with her sisters, one
month with Goneril, the next with Regan.

1. Where did king Lear reign?

2. What did he decide to do when he felt the burden of the crown too heavy for his
3. What did his daughters, Goneril, Regan and Cordelia declare?
4. What did the king declare?
P a g e | 96



Biletul nr. 4

Read the text below and answer the questions that follow:

The highest point of land in the world, Mount Everest (Chomolungma, as the native
people call it), 8845 metres high, is situated in Asia, in the Himalaya Mountains, on the border
of China and Nepal.
An Englishman, Sir George Everest, completed a survey of the Himalayas in 1841 and
because he was the first to fix the position and altitude of this high mountain, Mt Everest gave
his name to it. Since then many climbers have been ambitious enough to conquer Everest and
many of them lost their lives.
In May, 1953, two members of a British Everest expedition succeeded in reaching the
top. They were Edmund Hillary, a mountain climber from New Zeeland, and Tenzing Norkay, a
Sherpa from Nepal.
Besides ice and snow, one of the greatest difficulties on Everest is the effect on the
human body and mind of making any kind of effort at such immense heights. The amount of
oxygen in the air is only one third of the amount at sea level.
The members of the expedition took with them supplies of oxygen which indeed helped
them to reach the top. Another serious difficulty is the climate. There are only very short
periods each year when climbing is possible, as the three weeks before mid-June, the best for
making the attempt.
The members of an Everest expedition must acclimatize themselves and get used to the
thin air of the heights and at the same time test and get used to the oxygen apparatus.

1. Where is Mount Everest situated and how did it get its name?
2. What difficulties and dangers would climbers of Mt. Everest have to face?
3. Who were the two members of the British expedition who succeeded in
reaching the top in May 1953?
4. How did the members of the British expedition plan their climb?
97 | P a g e



Biletul nr. 5

Read the text below and answer the questions that follow:

On the coast of Cuba lived an old fisherman named Santiago. He was thin. His skin was
very brown, and his hands were marked by the thick ropes which he handled in catching the
fish and sailing his boat. But all these marks were old, every part of him seemed old except his
eyes. These were cheerful and the same colour as the sea.
For eighty-four days the old man did not catch any fish. People said that he was unlucky.
But the old man still loved the sea. He was still strong and a goof fisherman. On the eighty-fifth
day the old man sailed farther out to sea than any of the others boats. He sailed to where the
water was very deep. Then he felt his fishing – line being dragged gently by a big fish which was
swimming very deep in the water.
The fish was so powerful that it dragged to the boat after it. It took the small boat far out
to sea. The old man could no longer see the land.
'Fish,' he said softly, aloud, ' I'll stay with you until I am dead.'
But the fish was strong and brave. It dragged the boat on and on.
When the fish rose at last to the top of the water, the old man saw that it was two feet
longer than his boat. The old man had seen many great fish, but this one was the greatest fish
he had ever seen. It was also the most beautiful.

1. Who was Santiago and where did he live?

2. What did Santiago do after a long period of unlucky fishing?
3. Where did Santiago sail to?
4. What did the old man see when the fish rose at last to the top of the water?
P a g e | 98



Biletul nr. 6

Read the text below and answer the questions that follow:

One of the regular passengers on a bus route in the city of Plymouth in the south-west of
England is a bit unusual – he’s a black and white cat called Casper. Casper has made a habit of
getting on the number 3 bus outside the house of his owner, Susan Finden, in the district of St
Budeaux, making the five-mile trip to the city centre, and then coming straight back on the same
bus. Casper waits at the bus stop, gets on the bus when it arrives, then jumps onto an empty
seat and watches the world go by. Mrs Finden didn’t understand why Casper kept disappearing
for just over an hour almost every day until one of the bus drivers told her what was happening.

At first she was worried what would happen if one of the drivers let Casper out at the wrong
stop, perhaps a long way from home, but most of the drivers are used to having him on the bus
and know where they should let him out. And if the driver doesn’t know where Casper lives,
there’s always a passenger who does. It also seems Casper knows which the right stop is,
although he isn’t able to ring the bell when the bus approaches it.

Mrs Finden thinks the reason for Casper’s unusual habit is because he enjoys being near lots of
people and also because he ‘loves big vehicles like lorries and buses’. She got Casper from a
home for abandoned cats in 2002 and thinks maybe he used to live somewhere with lots of
traffic, which is why he isn’t scared of loud motor vehicles now.

The other passengers all get on well with Casper and don’t seem to be jealous of the fact that,
unlike them, he doesn’t have to pay a fare. A woman who works for the bus company, Karen
Baxter, jokes that the reason Casper doesn’t pay is that he is about twelve years old, which is
about sixty-five in human years, and therefore if he were a human he would be able to get a
senior citizens’ bus pass for free travel.

1. Where does Casper live and what does he do every day?

2. What does Casper love?
3. Where did Mrs Finden get Casper?
4. What do the other passengers on the bus feel about Casper?
99 | P a g e



Biletul nr. 7

Read the text below and answer the questions that follow:

Chocolate is a very special kind of food. Although certainly not a vital part of the human diet, it
is loved for its delicious sweet taste and the way it melts in the mouth, and would be missed by
many millions of people if it suddenly ceased to exist. Indeed, the global population of
‘chocoholics’ (people who find chocolate very difficult to resist) is very large. The most
chocoholic countries in the world are in Europe; Switzerland and Austria top the list with an
annual average consumption of around ten kilograms of chocolate per person, closely followed
by Britain and Ireland.

Many people believe that eating chocolate has a mood-enhancing effect. There is disagreement,
however, about whether this is due to the ingredients of chocolate or the significance attached
to eating it. Some scientists have suggested that chocolate releases chemicals in the brain that
create feelings of happiness, while others believe the happy feelings might only occur because
people see eating chocolate as a way of being nice to themselves.

The vital ingredient in chocolate is the seeds of the cacao tree, which only grows in tropical
countries. Cacao was first cultivated at least 2,500 years ago by the Maya and Aztec civilisations
of Central America, which used the seeds to make a chocolate-flavoured drink. In the early
sixteenth century, Spanish explorers who arrived in Central America recorded that the Aztec
emperor, Montezuma, was particularly fond of this chocolate drink, although it was not mixed
with sugar and therefore had a bitter rather than a sweet taste.

The Spanish took cacao seeds back to Europe, where the chocolate drink quickly became
popular with very rich people, the only ones able to afford it. It wasn’t until the nineteenth
century that chocolate began to appear in the solid form that is so familiar today. The world’s
biggest producers of cacao today are the Ivory Coast and Ghana, both in western Africa.

1. Why is chocolate so much loved?

2. Which are the two European countries where people eat most chocolate?
3. What is the scientists’ opinion about chocolate?
4. Who cultivated cacao first? Who are the biggest producers of cacao today?
P a g e | 100



Biletul nr. 8

Read the text below and answer the questions that follow:

Even if they don’t own a dog, most people can understand why this animal is known as ‘man’s
best friend’. Dogs can do useful work for humans (guard dogs and guide dogs are just two
examples), and it is difficult to think of any other animal that can show a person such loyalty
and affection. In the words of the nineteenth-century American writer Josh Billings, ‘A dog is
the only thing on earth that loves you more than you love yourself’.
The close relationship between humans and dogs began many thousands of years ago, probably
when wolves, the wild ancestors of today’s domestic dogs, started entering human settlements
in search of food. Nowadays, tens of millions of people around the world have pet dogs. In
Britain, for example, the human population of around 60 million has 7.5 million dogs, which is
slightly more than the total number of cats.
There are dozens of breeds of dog, of different colours and sizes, as well as a huge number of
mongrels that are a mixture of different breeds. In both Britain and the United States the most
popular breed is the Labrador, which has a very friendly, playful nature and usually gets on very
well with children.

Most dogs live for between twelve and fourteen years, though some breeds can reach the age
of eighteen. Dogs need regular exercise, and as they are naturally social animals they also need
company – if left alone for a long time they seem to feel lonely in the same way that humans do.

1. How can dogs be useful to humans?

2. How many people around the world have pet dogs nowadays?
3. How did the relationship between humans and dogs become close?
4. Which is the most popular breed in the UK and the USA?
101 | P a g e



Biletul nr. 9

Read the text below and answer the questions that follow:

On 18th April 1955 Albert Einstein, possibly the most famous scientist of all time, died in New
Jersey in the USA, aged 76. It is said that Einstein’s interest in science began at the age of five
when he was given a compass as a present, and at school it was clear that his ability in
mathematics was extraordinary. The biggest of Einstein’s many scientific achievements was
probably his General Theory of Relativity, published in 1916. His ideas on space, time and
matter were completely new, and helped develop a lot of the technology that forms part of our
modern world, such as atomic energy and – unfortunately – nuclear weapons.
Einstein worked on his scientific theories in Germany, where he was born, and in Switzerland
before moving to the USA in 1933. Although he was a pacifist, in 1939 he told President
Roosevelt of the USA that the country needed to make an atomic bomb before Nazi Germany –
which of course it did. Later in his life, when talking about the power of modern weapons, he
said: “I don’t know with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be
fought with sticks and stones.”
He was also famous for being quite eccentric. For example, he hated wearing socks, enjoyed
talking to his cat, and found it difficult to remember people’s birthdays. Also, although he spoke
English very well, he said he was never able to write in the language because the spelling of
English words was too difficult.
After he died, scientists decided to study Einstein’s brain. Perhaps unsurprisingly, they found
that the part that was responsible for mathematical thought was 15% bigger than average.

1. What was Einstein best at when in school?

2. What is considered to be the biggest scientist’s achievement?
3. What did Einstein tell President Roosevelt in 1939?
4. Why was Einstein considered eccentric?
P a g e | 102



Biletul nr. 10

Read the text below and answer the questions that follow:

On 25th March this year, film director James Cameron, maker of films such as Titanic and Avatar,
visited a place no human being had been to in more than fifty years. In fact, he became only the
third person ever to go there; the other two had made the journey together in a submarine
called the Trieste in 1960.
The place he went to is the Mariana Trench: the deepest place in any of the world’s oceans. It is
almost 11,000 metres below the surface of the western Pacific Ocean, close to the Mariana

Cameron made the journey in a one-man submarine made of thick steel, the Deepsea Challenger.
It took him two and a half hours to reach the ocean floor. Most of the journey was through
blackness, as sunlight only travels about 1,000 metres down through the world’s oceans, but
the submarine had very strong lights so that Cameron could film the ocean floor and any
animals he saw. He plans to make a documentary about his journey.

From the surface of the ocean the distance down to the Mariana Trench is greater than the
distance up to the top of the world’s highest mountain, Mount Everest (8,848 metres). The
wreck of the Titanic, which Cameron has also visited in a submarine, is 3,800 metres under the
Atlantic Ocean (so far down that it was only discovered in 1985, seventy-three years after the
ship sank), but that distance is small in comparison with the depth of the Mariana Trench.

1. What is James Cameron’s job? What is the Deepsea Challenger?

2. Where is the Mariana Trench?
3. How many people had been to the Mariana Trench before James Cameron?
4. What happened to the Titanic in 1912?
103 | P a g e



Biletul nr. 11

Read the text below and answer the questions that follow:

David and Victoria Beckham were very happy when their new daughter was born but,
according to a group of campaigners, the birth of their fourth child makes the couple bad role
models and environmentally irresponsible. The world’s population is nearly seven billion, and
some people want the UK to have a public debate about how many children people have.
The Green Party MP, Caroline Lucas, is asking for an end to the “absurd taboo” in discussing
family size in the UK. Lucas said: “We need to have a far greater public debate about
population, whether it focuses on improving family planning or reducing global inequality.
The fact that we do not discuss this issue means most people do not think about the growth of
the global population in recent years. In 1930, the world’s population was around two billion.
Today it is around seven billion, and by 2050 it is expected to rise to nine billion.”
Lucas says that it is interesting that public figures, environmental groups and NGOs in
general have avoided discussing population and now it is become a taboo issue. It is very
difficult to discuss this subject because of the terrible results of China’s one-child policy and
of other attempts at birth control. But, she argues, if an issue is a taboo subject that no one
talks about, then there’s very little chance of finding solutions.

1. What does a group of campaigners believe about the couple’s fourth child being born?
2. Why is there a need for a public debate regarding the number of children a family should
3. Why has the issue of family size become a taboo?
4. What is Caroline Lucas’s opinion about the possibility of finding solutions to this
P a g e | 104



Biletul nr. 13

Read the text below and answer the questions that follow:

Many people are saying that Pluto is no longer a planet. Are they right? Is Pluto no longer
a planet? There is debate in the scientific world about this issue. National Geographic News says
that, according to the International Astronomical Union, a full-fledged planet is an object that
orbits the sun and is large enough to have become round due to the force of its own gravity.
Because Pluto does not meet these standards, the IAU classifies Pluto as a dwarf planet. Not
everyone agrees that this is a good way to decide, though.
Andy Cheng, a planetary scientist at Johns Hopkins University, says that the new rules
aren't clear enough and asks the question "How round is round? ...I'll still continue to maintain
that Pluto is a planet," he said.
Owen Gingerich is an astronomer and historian at Harvard University in Cambridge,
Massachusetts, and head of the IAU committee proposing the definition. He favoured a special
distinction for Pluto. Gingerich supported a proposal to call the big eight planets classical
planets — as opposed to just plain "planets" — and Pluto and the others dwarf planets, so there
would be two classes of planets. He believes that reclassifying Pluto as a dwarf planet is not
"sensitive to the historical and cultural role that Pluto has played." The argument continues. In
the meantime, however, many people are correct — new textbooks will list Pluto as being a
dwarf planet. What do you think it is?

1. Who says that Pluto is no longer a planet?

2. What can be defined as a planet?
3. Why is Pluto classified as a “dwarf planet”?
4. What proposal does Owen Gingerisc favour?
105 | P a g e



Biletul nr. 14

Read the text below and answer the questions that follow:

An old soul is the last thing you would expect to find inside Justin Bieber. But all it takes
is one listen to the 15 year-old soul-singing phenomenon to realize that he is light years ahead
of his manufactured pop peers. After posting dozens of homemade videos on YouTube in 2007,
where the multi-talented Bieber put his impeccable spin on songs from artists like Usher, Ne-
Yo and Stevie Wonder, Justin racked up over 10,000,000 views purely from word of mouth. “I
started singing about three years ago,” says the Canadian native who grew up an only child in
Stratford, Ontario. “I entered a local singing competition called Stratford Idol. The other people
in the competition had been taking singing lessons and had vocal coaches. I wasn’t taking it too
seriously at the time, I would just sing around the house. I was only 12 and I got second place.”
In an effort to share his victory with his loved ones, Justin began posting his performance
footage online. “I put my singing videos from the competition on YouTube so that my friends
and family could watch them,” he says. “But it turned out that other people liked them and they
started subscribing to them. That’s how my manager found me. He saw me on YouTube and
contacted my family and now I’m signed!” Seven months after Justin started posting his videos
online, former So So Def marketing executive Scooter Braun flew the then 13-year old singer to
Atlanta, GA to meet with his elite colleagues. As if Justin’s natural singing talent wasn’t enough
to impress Scooter’s inner circle, Braun knew Bieber was also a self-taught musician who plays
the drums, guitar, piano and trumpet. “Right when we flew into Atlanta, Scooter drove us to the
studio and Usher was there in the parking lot,” remembers Bieber. “That was my first time ever
being out of Canada so I went up to him and was like, ‘Hey Usher, I love your songs, do you want
me to sing you one?’ He was like, ‘No little buddy, just come inside, it’s cold out.”

1. Where does Justin Bieber come from?

2. How did his career and fame start?
3. How did YouTube contribute to Bieber’s success?
4. Does Bieber have any formal musical training?
P a g e | 106



Biletul nr. 15

Read the text below and answer the questions that follow:

To Sherlock Holmes she is always THE woman. I have seldom heard him mention her
under any other name. In his eyes, she eclipses and predominates the whole of her gender. It
was not that he felt any emotion akin to love for Irene Adler. All emotions and that one
particularly, were repulsive to his cold, precise but admirably balanced mind. He was, I take it,
the most perfect reasoning and observing machine that the world has seen, but as a lover he
would have placed himself in a false position. He only spoke of the softer passions, with sarcasm
and disdain.
They were admirable things for the observer - excellent for drawing the veil from
men's motives and actions. But for the trained reasoner to admit such intrusions into his own
delicate and finely adjusted temperament was to introduce a distracting factor which might
throw a doubt upon all his mental results. Dust in a sensitive instrument, or a crack in one of
his own high-power lenses, would not be more disturbing than a strong emotion in a nature
such as his. And yet there was but one woman to him, and that woman was the late Irene Adler,
of dubious and questionable memory.

1. What is Sherlock Holmes best known for?

2. Did he believe in love?
3. What was his opinion about “the softer passions”?
4. Who is Irene Adler?
107 | P a g e



Biletul nr. 16

Read the text below and answer the questions that follow:

Mr Hungerton, her father, really was the most tactless person upon earth, - a fluffy,
feathery, untidy cockatoo of a man, perfectly good-natured, but absolutely centred upon his
own silly self. If anything could have driven me from Gladys, it would have been the thought of
such a father-in-law. I am convinced that he really believed in his heart that I came round to
the Chestnuts three days a week for the pleasure of his company, and very especially to hear
his views upon bimetallism, a subject upon which he was by way of being an authority.
For an hour or more that evening I listened to his monotonous chirrup about bad
money driving out good, the token value of silver, the depreciation of the rupee, and the true
standards of exchange.
"Suppose," he cried with feeble violence, "that all the debts in the world were called
up simultaneously, and immediate payment insisted upon, - what under our present conditions
would happen then?"
I gave the self-evident answer that I should be a ruined man, upon which he jumped
from his chair, reproved me for my habitual levity, which made it impossible for him to discuss
any reasonable subject in my presence, and bounced off out of the room to dress for a Masonic

1. What kind of person was Mr Hungerton?

2. Why did the narrator visit Mr Hungerton?
3. What did Mr Hungerton think was the reason for the narrator’s visit thrice a week?
4. Why do you think the narrator was talking to Mr Hungerton?
P a g e | 108



Biletul nr. 16

Read the text below and answer the questions that follow:

Hollywood is America's unofficial homeless capital and between 4,000 and 10,000
homeless teenagers sleep on Hollywood Boulevard every night, that's about one tenth of Los
Angeles' homeless population.
Why are they on the streets? Over half of the people aged under 25 and living on the
streets leave their family homes because of abuse. They might feel frightened, or even think
they are responsible for it. Many teenagers don't know where to look for help, and the only way
out of the situation may seem to be to run away from it.
A dream come true? For many teenagers Hollywood seems like an escape from their
difficult home life. They arrive with the dream that they will become movie stars and lead the
glamorous lifestyle that they see in the movies. However, the reality is that thieves steal their
money in the first week, and many soon become involved in buying and selling drugs in order
to survive. Some teenagers become gang members and either end up in prison, or dead because
gang culture is very violent in America. So the dream that teenagers arrive with and the reality
they find are very different.
Who is responsible? Movies create the image of Hollywood which we all have. Are they
responsible for what happens to homeless teenagers on Hollywood Boulevard? Some
campaigners for the homeless believe that they are and have organised protests at Hollywood
studios. London's Big Issue magazine recently asked Steven Spielberg's office, Warner, and
Colombia Studios to comment on the problem of homeless teenagers in Hollywood, but none of
them believed that they were responsible. Every day the studios continue to make movies and
teenagers keep coming to Hollywood full of hope and dreams.

1. Why do teenagers sleep on the streets of Hollywood?

2. Why do teenagers go to Hollywood?
3. What kinds of activities do teenagers get involved into in order to make some money?
4. What is the reaction of big film studios regarding the situation of homeless teenagers?
109 | P a g e



Biletul nr. 17

Read the text below and answer the questions that follow:

Scientists have a new explanation for the behaviour of teenagers: their brains are too
Teenagers have big brains. Scientists used to believe that our brains were fully
developed by early childhood. New research shows that the brain grows very quickly between
the ages of 10 and 12, when it is at its biggest. During the teenage years your brain shrinks bit
by bit until it is the size of an average adult's.
Explaining teenage behaviour. The frontal and parietal lobes are the last to finish
developing. The frontal and parietal lobes manage judgement, reasoning, planning for the
future and visual/spatial ability. This may explain why teenagers are sometimes more
impulsive, emotional and clumsy than adults. It's not your fault, your brain's too big!
Building a better brain. The teenage years are an important time in your brain's
development and you can build a better brain. The activities of the teenager influence which
cells disappear and which cells remain as they get older. Dr Giedd, a psychiatrist, says, "If you're
lying on the sofa or playing video games your brain gets programmed for that." His advice: Test
your brain. "If you exercise a muscle, you make it stronger. The brain works like that. Try a
foreign language, music, games - anything that makes the brain work hard." How you're using
your brain now, influences the kind of brain you have when you're an adult.

1. What do scientists say about the brains of teenagers?

2. How does a teenager’s brain affect her/ his behaviour
3. What kind of activities are useful for developing one’s brain?
4. What kind of activities are harmful for developing one’s brain?
P a g e | 110



Biletul nr. 18

Read the text below and answer the questions that follow:

Being a teenager has always been difficult. Emotions and moods change rapidly. Many
teenagers feel confused and afraid when the safety of childhood is left behind. These days,
experts say that things are even harder. Peter Wilson, the Director of Young Minds, says, "We
live in particularly difficult times for a growing youngster. There are huge cultural pressures
and a lot of broken homes. Kids may have difficult relationships with parents, or in other cases,
have no one to support them."
Everyone feels unhappy, lonely or misunderstood from time to time. But a small number
of teenagers become depressed for weeks or months without change, and they begin to find
that they can't continue with their normal lives. Many teenagers don't want to ask, or don't
know how to ask for help. Perhaps they don't even realize they are depressed. It is usually other
people - friends, parents and teachers, who identify the symptoms of depression and offer help.
If you are worried about a friend, listen to their problems and try to be sympathetic, and
be patient. Most importantly, try and help them find help. If you're feeling blue yourself, don't
panic – you need to try and understand your emotions. You are not the first person to feel like
this. Try writing things down in a diary or talking to a friend. Writing a poem or song, drawing
a picture or listening to music will help you express and understand your emotions. But most
importantly of all, do something you enjoy, whether it's watching TV, playing sport or just going
for a walk.

1. Why is it difficult to be a teenager according to the text?

2. Is it normal to have negative feelings sometimes? What kind of feelings?
3. When does having negative feelings become a problem?
4. What would be some solutions to depression according to the text?
111 | P a g e



Biletul nr. 19

Read the text below and answer the questions that follow:

There are drought zones across much of England and Wales, but Scotland has just had
its wettest May ever. The warmest British spring in 100 years followed one of the coldest UK
winters in 300 years. June in London has been colder than March. February was warm on
Mount Snowdon, the highest mountain in Wales, but in June it snowed there. Government
scientists say the recent weather in Britain is “remarkable”, “unprecedented” and “shocking”,
but this is nothing compared to the weather in other countries recently.
In 2010, more than two million square kilometres of Eastern Europe and Russia
experienced extreme heat. An extra 50,000 people died when temperatures stayed more than
6˚C above normal for many weeks, crops were destroyed and hundreds of giant wildfires
started. The price of wheat and other foods increased, as two thirds of the continent had its
hottest summer in around 500 years.
In China, a very rare drought in southern and central regions has dried up hundreds of
reservoirs, rivers and watercourses. The government responded by trying to ‘make rain’. It
fired thousand ds of rockets to provide the clouds with chemicals. It may have worked: a
record 30 centimetres of rain fell in some places in 24 hours, floods and mudslides killed 94
people, and tens of thousands of people lost their homes.
Droughts and heat waves, deeper snowfalls, more widespread flooding, heavier rains, and
temperature extremes are now the “new normal”. Analysis of natural disasters in 140
countries shows that climate is becoming more extreme.
“I think that ‘global weirding’ is the best way to describe what we’re seeing” says climate
scientist Katharine Hayhoe of Texas Tech University.

1. Why is the recent weather in Britain “shocking”?

2. What are some consequences of recent weather conditions in Europe?
3. Is it possible to influence weather, according to the text?
4. How does scientist Katharine Hayhoe of Texas Tech University define current climatic
changes and why?
P a g e | 112



Biletul nr. 20

Read the text below and answer the questions that follow:

If we only bought things we needed, there would be enough for everybody. What do we
need? What you need depends on how old you are and your way of life. If we don’t need to buy
so much, we don’t need to work so much. We can take part-time jobs or reduce our working
day from 8 hours to 6 hours. Some people are leaving very well paid jobs to live a healthier life
in the countryside or a more exciting life abroad. This is called ‘downshifting’. Parents can spend
more time with their children and the unemployed are given more opportunities to work.
When you buy something, are you aware of the producer? If a friend made it, you
probably like it more and you will want to keep it for a long time. If it was made by somebody
who enjoyed making it, the quality and the design are probably better. Or does it look like it
might have been assembled in a large factory? There are children in Asia who make Santa Claus
dolls for European children to play with. The children who make the toys don’t celebrate
Christmas because they are not Christian; they think of the dolls as work. Would it be better if
the children in Europe made their own Christmas dolls?
Next time you go shopping, think about what you really need to buy. Don’t deprive
yourself of things you like, but decide what you should buy before you go out, so that you won’t
be influenced by advertisements or promotions. If it is more expensive to buy goods which don’t
have much packaging and things which are more durable, buy less. If you can choose to work
less, decide which things you would like to make, do or grow yourself. Even though you have
less money, your life will become richer!

1. Are our needs similar or different? In what way(s)?

2. What is “downshifting”?
3. What does the writer of the article advise you to buy?
4. What is the opinion of the author regarding packaging?

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