1.workbook On Units and Measurement

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Basic Science - Physics Workbook of Unit & Measurements


Rajarshi Shahu College of Engineering

IIND Shift Polytechnic, Tathawade

Name of Student Roll No.:-

Workbook No.1
Unit 1 : Units and Measurement
CO1 : Estimation of error in the measurement of physical quantities.
Q.1)Fill the blank of the following questions.
1) The reference standard used for the measurement of a physical quantity
is called the……………………….
2) The physical quantities ……………………………on any other physical
quantities for their measurements are known as fundamental quantities.
3) Physical quantities other than fundamental quantities which depend on
one or more fundamental quantities for their measurements are called
4) A set of ……………………. and ……………………is called a system of units.
5) The difference between …………………………….. and ……………………….
is known as error in measurement.
6) For …………… error, measurement is …………………….accurate.
7) These errors are occurs due to use of faulty instruments is called as
8) These errors are occurs due to ...................................................in the measuring
instruments; is called as systematic error.
9) These errors are occurs due to………………………………… is called random
10) All the non-zero digits(1 to 9)are always ……………………………..

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Basic Science - Physics Workbook of Unit & Measurements

Q.2)Match the pair of the following questions.

1) Fundamental quantity SI units

1) Length kilogram
2) Time Candela
3) Mass meter
4) Current second
5) Luminous intensity Ampere

2) Short cut Name Full form Name

1) CGS Foot-Pound-second
2) MKS centimeter-gram-second
3) FPS meter-kilogram-second

3) Numbers Significant Figure

1)0.0007 04
2)2.64 X 1024 02
3)0.2370 05
4)0.00006032 01
5)6.0321 03

Q.3)Multiplies choice question of the following questions.

1) The CGS unit of force is ………….
a) Dyne b) newton c) ampere d) poise
2) Which of the following is not a fundamental unit?
a) Meter b) kilogram

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Basic Science - Physics Workbook of Unit & Measurements

c) Second d) newton
3) Which of the following is a derived unit?
a) meter b)kilogram c) second d)joule
4) The dimensions of work is……….
a)[L2M1T2] b) [L2M-1T2] c) [L2M1T-2] d)[L-2M1T-2]
5) The SI unit and dimensions of density………..
a)kg/m3[L3M1T0] b)m3/kg[L-3M3T0]
c)kg/m3[L-3M1T0] d)kg/m3[L3M-1T0]
6) A figure which is of some significance but it does not necessarily denote a certainly is
a)significant figure b)basic figure
c)numbering figure d)decimal figure

Q.4)Question for two marks.

1) Define the Unit and state requirements of good unit.

2) Define Fundamental quantity. Write the examples of fundamental units.

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Basic Science - Physics Workbook of Unit & Measurements

3) Define derived quantity. Write the examples of derived units.

4)Define System of units. Write the types of System of Units.

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Basic Science - Physics Workbook of Unit & Measurements

5)State the number of significant figures in the following:

a)0.06m2 b)2.15 X 1024kg c)0.1370gm/cm3

d)5.325 J e)6.039 N/m2 f)0.0005030m2

Q.5)Question for four marks.

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Basic Science - Physics Workbook of Unit & Measurements

1)Classify following quantitates two fundamental and derived quantities and write their SI

Momentum, meter, angular velocity, force, time, amount of substance, solid angle, power,
acceleration, mass, length.

2)Define error, state basic types of error and explain each in brief.

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Basic Science - Physics Workbook of Unit & Measurements

3)Define the terms.

a) Dimensions b)Absolute error

c)Dimensional formula d)Relative error

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Basic Science - Physics Workbook of Unit & Measurements

4)Define Significant figure state the rules with examples to find no of signification figures in a

5)Write the dimensional formula of the following physical quantites.

Pressure, Momentum, velocity, force, power, acceleration, kinetic energy, Volume, Work.

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Basic Science - Physics Workbook of Unit & Measurements

6)A Students measures the diameter of a bob three times using veriner caliper.The
measurements are 5.32 cm, 5.36 cm. 5.31cm.Calculate absolute error and % error.

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