Impact Attenuator Calculations

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Impact attenuator Calculations

According to the availability of the resources drop test was chosen to test the required energy absorbed.

Since according to the rules of SUPRA SAE INDIA.

The team must submit test data to show that their Impact

Attenuator, when mounted on the front of a vehicle with a

total mass of 300 kg and run into a solid, non-yielding

impact barrier with a velocity of impact of 7.0

m/s (23.0 ft/sec), would give an average deceleration of

the vehicle not to exceed 20 g, with a peak deceleration

less than or equal to 40 g.

The kinetic energy for which the impact attenuator is

designed is given by:

K.E. = (1/2)*m*v2

K.E = (1/2)*300*72

K.E = 7,350 J

To simulate the given scenario, a drop weigh test was

conducted. The mass (m) was dropped on the impact

attenuator, which was kept on the ground from a known

height (h). The velocity (v) of the mass (m) dropped from

a height (h) can be given by the relation:

v = (2*g*h)

Where, g (acceleration due to gravity) =9.8 m/s2; and for

velocity of 7 m/s, the required height is 2.497 m.

So, the

velocity, for a drop height of 2.49m can be approximated as:

v = 6.98 m/s [By Conservation of Energy]

Thus, the specifications of the drop weight test would be:

Height (h) = 2.49 m, Mass (m) = 300 kg, Velocity of impact

(v) = 6.98 m/s & Energy (E) = 7350J.

Drop test would be done with the availability of a high speed camera to measure the time taken to
reduce the velocity of the weight from 9.9 m/s to 0.

For the first step of deformation:

Velocity of impact (u) = 9.9m/s

Deformation = s (known)

Time period of deformation = t (known)

Deceleration during the step = a (unknown)

Final velocity (at the end of the step) = v (unknown)

According to motion Equations:

s = u*t + (1/2)*a*t2

Thus, a would be calculated.

v = u + a*t

Thus, v would also be calculated.

For the deformation of second step, the final velocity of

first step becomes the initial velocity of the second step

with rest of the procedure remaining same. The amount of

deformation would be noted from the scale and the time would be noted

from the video. So, the deceleration and final velocity of

the second step would calculated using the equations of


Thus, the final velocity of second step becomes the initial

velocity of third step and so on. The whole deformation is

analyzed by dividing it into a number of small steps. The

maximum value of deceleration amongst all the steps

would give the peak deceleration.

The average deceleration would be calculated by considering the

initial condition, just before the impact, and the final

condition, just when the deformation is complete.

The initial velocity (u) = 9.9m/s

Total deformation = s (known)

Time period of deformation = t (known)

Let the average deceleration = a (unknown)

From the equations of motion:

s = u*t + (1/2)*a*t2

Thus average value of deceleration would be calculated.

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