IoT-Edge Computing For Efficient and Effective Information Process On Industrial Automation
IoT-Edge Computing For Efficient and Effective Information Process On Industrial Automation
IoT-Edge Computing For Efficient and Effective Information Process On Industrial Automation
Industrial Automation
2023 International Conference on Networking and Communications (ICNWC) | 979-8-3503-3600-9/23/$31.00 ©2023 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/ICNWC57852.2023.10127492
M. Rudra Kumar1, B. Rupa Devi2, K. Rangaswamy3, M. Sangeetha4 and Korupalli V Rajesh Kumar5
Abstract— The Internet of Things (IoT) has transformed the key benefits of IoT in industrial automation include improved
way industrial systems operate by allowing physical devices, efficiency, increased safety, and cost savings [1].
machines, and systems to be connected and monitored over a One of the critical components of IoT in industrial au-
network. The Internet of Things has facilitated the development
of smart factories and industrial automation systems, in which tomation is Edge and Fog computing, which involves the
data from various sources is collected and analyzed in real-time processing of data at the edge of a network, rather than in a
to make informed decisions. IoT-enabled industrial automation centralized cloud. Edge and Fog computing reduce latency
systems can perform a variety of tasks, including predictive and increase reliability, as decisions can be made quickly
maintenance, process control, and energy management, among and locally, without the need for data to be transmitted
others. The main advantages of IoT in industrial automation
are increased efficiency, increased safety, and cost savings. The over long distances [2]. Another important aspect of IoT
generation of massive amounts of data from numerous sources in industrial automation is the use of sensors and other
or sensors is common in the IIoT world, but there are numerous connected devices to gather data. IoT sensors can be used
challenges. The goal of this study is to demonstrate how the to monitor various parameters such as temperature, pressure,
Internet of Things and AI enable Industrial Automation to vibration, and humidity, among others. This data can then be
develop in response to real-world issues.
analyzed and used to optimize industrial processes, improve
quality control, and reduce downtime.
I. INTRODUCTION IoT in industrial automation has the potential to revolu-
Industrial automation with Edge and Fog computing lever- tionize the way factories and other industrial systems operate,
ages the Internet of Things (IoT) to provide real-time data by providing a way to connect and monitor physical devices,
processing and decision-making. In this approach, Edge and machines, and systems over a network. IoT has enabled the
Fog devices are used to collect and process data from IoT development of smart factories and industrial automation
sensors and devices at the edge of a network, rather than in systems, providing benefits such as improved efficiency,
a centralized cloud. This reduces latency and increases relia- increased safety, and cost savings. With the continued growth
bility, as decisions can be made quickly and locally, without of IoT technology and the development of new applications
the need for data to be transmitted over long distances. and solutions, the possibilities for industrial automation are
Fog computing refers to the use of intermediate computing virtually limitless [3].
nodes in a network, between IoT devices and the cloud, to The combination of the Internet of Things (IoT), Edge
process and analyze data. Edge computing, on the other hand, computing, and Fog computing offer several advantages in
involves processing data directly on the IoT devices them- industrial automation, including:
selves, allowing for real-time decision-making and control. 1) Reduced Latency: By processing data locally at the
Together, Edge and Fog computing enable industrial automa- Edge or Fog nodes, the latency associated with trans-
tion systems to perform tasks such as predictive maintenance, mitting data over long distances to a central cloud is
real-time process control, and energy management, among reduced. This allows for real-time decision-making and
others. These systems also offer benefits such as improved control, improving efficiency and reducing downtime
efficiency, cost savings, and increased safety by allowing [3].
for real-time monitoring and control of industrial processes. 2) Increased Reliability: Edge and Fog computing reduce
Industrial automation systems that use IoT technology can the dependence on a centralized cloud, which can be
perform a variety of tasks such as predictive maintenance, a single point of failure. By processing data locally,
process control, and energy management, among others. The Edge and Fog computing increase reliability, ensuring
that critical processes continue even if the cloud is
1Professor, Department of Computer Science Engineering, GPCET,
Kurnool, A.P, India. 3) Improved Efficiency: By processing data locally, Edge
2Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science Engineering,
and Fog computing can reduce the amount of data
Annamacharya Institute of Technology and Sciences, Tirupati, A.P, India. transmitted to the cloud, improving overall efficiency
3Associate Professor, Department of CSE (DS), Rajeev Gandhi Memorial
college of Engineering and Technology, Nandyal, A.P India. and reducing bandwidth requirements.
4Associate Professor, Department of CSE, Fatima Michael College of
4) Better Security: Edge and Fog computing reduce the
engineering and technology, Madurai, TN, India amount of data transmitted to the cloud, reducing the
5 Assistant Professor, AI Research Centre, School of Business, Woxsen
University, Telangana, India. risk of data breaches and improving security. Edge and
If necessary, contact Korupalli V Rajesh Kumarat Fog nodes can also be secured with local firewalls,
[email protected] for the appropriate copyright notice.
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• Supply Chain Management: Edge and Fog computing
can be used to track products and components in real-
time, providing visibility into the entire supply chain.
• Safety and Security: Edge and Fog computing can be
used to monitor and control various safety and security
systems in industrial processes, reducing the risk of
accidents and improving overall safety.
By bringing data processing and storage closer to the
source of the data, Edge and Fog computing can pro-
vide significant benefits, improving efficiency, reducing
costs, and increasing safety in industrial processes.
IoT (Internet of Things), Edge Computing, and Fog Com-
puting are all related to the collection and processing of data
in various industries. Here the discussion is all about the Fig. 2. Seafood Processing Industry - States
manufacturing sector and how IoT, Edge, and Fog computing
technologies are helping industrial transformation.
Food Processing Industry: The IoT can monitor food safety 5) Packaging: Finished products are packaged to protect
by collecting and analyzing data from numerous production them from contamination and damage during storage
stages in the food processing industry. Edge computing and transport.
reduces latency and improves food processing decision- 6) Quality control: Finished products are inspected to
making by processing data closer to the source. To promote ensure they meet food safety and quality standards,
scalability and flexibility, fog computing distributes com- including testing for harmful bacteria and other con-
puting resources over multiple network nodes. In the food taminants.
processing business, fog computing can process sensor data 7) Distribution: Finished products are shipped to retail
and optimize operations [1]. stores, restaurants, and other customers.
8) Storage: Finished products may be stored in freezers,
A. Use Case: Sea Food Processing Industry - Conventional refrigerators, or other facilities until they are sold or
Processing Steps used.
India’s seafood business was worth $7 billion, with most Overall, the seafood processing industry is a complex
exports going to the US, Europe, and Japan. Shrimp, cut- and highly regulated industry that involves multiple steps
tlefish, squid, and fish are India’s main seafood exports. to ensure the safety and quality of the seafood products that
Millions of people, especially in coastal areas, work in the are produced.
industry, which boosts the economy. Raw fish is processed
into safe, edible items in the seafood processing sector. [8]. B. IoT, Edge, and Fog Computing Deployment at Seafood
The steps involved in seafood processing can vary depending Processing Industry
on the type of seafood being produced, but generally include
the following: Here, the main focus is on the Processing section. How
Seafood Processing - Conventional Model seafood is processed, and how the technology-driven ap-
Figure 2, shows the seafood import to export conditions proaches are helping to overcome the problem are explained
and steps, in this Processing - takes much time based on the in a detailed manner.
requirement and quantity of the seafood. The entire process is Processing — such as washing, chilling, skinning, gilling
explained with simplified abbreviations to understand much and gutting, filleting, shucking, boiling, smoking, salting,
clearer. drying, preserving, or canning — is performed on the product
1) Harvesting or sourcing raw materials: Seafood such (this step varies depending on which seafood species is
as fish, shellfish, and crustaceans are obtained from processed and if it is to be sold fresh or frozen). Storing.
fisheries, aquaculture farms, or other sources. In the Manual Processing center, a lot of manpower will
2) Sorting and grading: Raw seafood is sorted and graded be working to do the mentioned processes, shown in Figure
by species, size, and quality. 3.
3) Cleaning and filleting: Raw seafood is cleaned to Whereas Automated Seafood Processing Industries require
remove dirt, debris, and other impurities. Fish may also large machinery units to process the food, as shown in Figure
be filleted to remove bones and skin. 4.
4) Processing: Raw seafood is transformed into finished In this regard, our problem statement pointed out to
seafood products through a variety of processes, such bring innovation and integration into the Seafood Processing
as cooking, smoking, canning, freezing, and drying. Industry.
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frequently. This approach is predicated on the examination
of sensory quality criteria mostly pertaining to the skin, eyes,
gills, and abdomen of raw seafood. This method, which
was designed for each species of seafood, evaluates factors
that undergo considerable change over the shelf life of the
seafood, and it is widely used to determine the quality
of seafood, even though it requires the support of other
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IoT devices by reducing latency, increasing processing The responses from Biosensors are threshold values
speed, and reducing the amount of data that needs to based on the seafood quality. Biosensors are able to detect
be transmitted over the network. They can also improve volatile organic compounds, also known as VOCs, which are
security by keeping sensitive data closer to the source given off by seafood and are correlated with the freshness
and reducing the attack surface [9]. and quality of the seafood. The output of a biosensor that was
The Proposed model is shown in Figure 5. In the figure, used to test the smell quality of seafood would typically be a
B1, B2,.. indicated Biosensors, and C1, C2 indicates, cc signal indicating the presence or absence of specific volatile
cameras for computer vision applications. organic compounds (VOCs) that are indicative of freshness
or deterioration in the product. This signal may be presented
in the form of a digital readout, or it used to control other
devices or systems, such as alarms or refrigeration systems,
in order to assist in the preservation of the quality of seafood.
This data transmits to the IoT device and cloud for storage.
Figure 7 shows the biosensors’ responses on 20/01/2023
seafood processing states - 1 indicates quality was good, 0
indicates when the quality of the food is bad. Here, a group of
8 biosensors’ responses will be considered as 1 or 0. Edge
and Fog computing techniques were used to minimize the
data, and improve the effectiveness [8], [10].
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sify the seafood into different categories using Convo- V. CONCLUSIONS
lution Neural Networks (CNN) model, shown in figure Transforming industrial systems with cutting-edge tech-
9. nology can result in innovation and streamlined operational
• Defect detection: In parallel, the pre-processed images changes in industrial automation. As part of the research,
are analyzed for defects such as bruises, deformities, or IoT Edge and Fog computing techniques, as well as Deep
parasites. Image processing techniques are used to high- Learning models, were used to bring innovation to the
light the defect regions and machine learning algorithms Seafood Processing Industry. The significance of the research
can be trained to identify these defects. is demonstrated by the findings. High-speed processing of
• Post-processing: The results of the classification and sensor data via IoT-connected edge and fog computing aids
defect detection can be combined and visualized to in better scenario processing. Industrial automation was
provide a comprehensive view of the seafood’s quality. aided by computer vision and deep learning-based object
Any false positives or negatives can be corrected using classification and segmentation.
post-processing techniques like threshold adjustment or
clustering. REFERENCES
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