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Table 4.

4 Respondents view regards of organizational culture in lemikura sub city woreda nine

No Questions Stat. Response rate

1 2 3 4 5 Total M SD
1 The Freq 25 30 15 25 20 115 2.89 1.43
organization % 21.74 26.08 13.04 21.74 17.39 100
expected to
inform the
policy and
laws to
that it follows
2 Highly Freq 23 40 14 20 18 115 2.82 1.34
Integration is % 20 37.78 12.17 17.39 15.65 100
3 Teamwork is Freq 20 40 10 25 20 115 2.89 1.40
also expected % 17.39 34.78 8.70 21.74 17.39 100

to be high
employees ,
4 Accountabilit Freq 33 36 15 20 11 115 2.79 1.36
y and % 28.70 31.30 13.04 17.39 9.57 100

is very high
5 Recognition Freq 25 45 16 15 14 115 2.54 1.30
and % 21.74 39.13 13.91 13.04 12.17 100
appreciation is
6 effective Freq 27 48 20 12 8 115 2.36 1.15
communicatio % 23.48 41.74 17.39 10.43 6.97 100

ns is expected
among them
in the
at all
7 All of the Freq 24 39 21 18 13 115 2.62 1.23
organization % 20.87 33.91 18.26 15.65 11.30 100

beliefs, values
and attitudes
are practiced
in each
Overall/Grand mean Freq 25 40 16 19 15 115 2.70 1.32
% 21.74 34.78 13.91 16.52 13.04 100
Source: questionnaires, 2023

Based on the above analysis, 21.74% of the respondents were strongly disagreed about the
thought that the organization has expected to inform the policy and laws to employees that it
followed, 26.08% of the respondents were disagree, 13.04% were medium, 21.74% and 17.39%
of them were agreed and strongly agreed respectively. The mean values were 2.89 with the
standard deviation of 1.43.
Regarding to second question, 20% and 37.78% of the respondents were strongly disagreed and
disagreed respectively about the Integration that expected between employees and managements,
12.17% of them were not clear about, 17.39% and 15.65% of them were agreed and strongly
agreed with the mean values of 2.82 and standard deviation of 1.34.

The third question tried to answer the strong team work expectation between employees and
managements. From this question point of view,17.39% of the respondents were strongly
disagreed, 34.78% of them were disagreed, 8.7% were not understand, 21.74% of the
respondents were agreed, and the rest 17.39% were strongly agreed. The mean value of this was
2.89 and 1.40 of standard deviation.

From the fourth question, we can understand that 28.70% of the respondents were strongly
disagreed about the accountability and transparency of each individuals in the organization,
31.30% were disagreed, 13.04% were not clear, 17.39% were agreed and the rest 9.57% were
strongly agreed. This shows that 60% of the respondents were believed that accountability and
transparency were very low in the organization concerned bodies, while 27% of the respondents
believed that there is some degree of accountability and transparency in the organization. The
mean value was 2.79 and standard deviation of 1.36.

In the fifth question, around 61% of the respondents were responded that the level of
Recognition and appreciation were very low, while 13.91% were silent, and the rest 25% of them
said that there were recognition and appreciation with the mean value of 2.54 and standard
deviation of 1.30.

Question six tried to understand about the level of communication whether each staff members
were communicated one another effectively or not. Regarding to the communication, 65% of the
respondents were disagreed, 17.39% were not clear, and 17% were agreed. This means that most
of the respondents believed that there is no effective up down and down up communication in the
organization. The mean value was 2.36 and standard deviation of 1.15.

In this table, the last question raised about the values, attitudes and the whole organizational
beliefs that each of the organization members practiced. Based on this, around 54% of the
respondents were disagreed, 18% were silent, and 27% of them were agreed. This mean that
most of the respondents (54%) were said that values. Attitudes and beliefs of the organization is
not practiced well in each individual.

In general, 56.52% of the respondents were believed that the organizational culture in lemikura
sub city woreda nine is very low, 29.56% were agreed that the organizational culture was as
good with the grand mean of 2.7 and grand standard deviation of 1.32.

Table: 4.4 Respondents point of view about the leadership behavior in the organization.

No Questions Stat. Response rate

1 2 3 4 5 Total M SD
1 Leader help Freq 21 39 15 20 20 115 2.82 1.39
employees to % 18.60 31.30 13.04 17.39 17.39
align their
direction to
strategic plans
2 Leaders are Freq 25 49 10 17 14 115 2.53 1.31
expected to be % 21.74 42.60 8.70 14.78 12.17 100
model the
3 Leaders Freq 21 28 25 26 15 115 2.88 1.31
expected to % 18.26 24.34 21.74 22.60 13.04 100
inspire a
shared vision
4 Leaders are Freq 23 39 15 23 15 115 2.72 1.34
expected to % 20 33.91 13.04 20 13.04 100

challenge the
process, and
enable others
to act
5 Leaders solve Freq 21 34 18 27 15 115 2.83 1.33
problem % 10.43 17.39 19.13 40 13.04 100

and help
6 Leaders are Freq 29 38 26 13 9 115 2.43 1.21
expected to % 25.21 33.04 22.60 11.30 7.82 100

support others
with their
7 Leaders seek Freq 18 28 18 29 22 115 3.07 1.38
different % 15.65 24.34 15.65 25.21 19.13 100

and operate
with strong
8 Leaders Freq 26 47 15 12 15 115 2.50 1.30
expected % 22.60 40.86 13.04 10.43 13.04 100

solve problem
openly with
Overall/Grand mean Freq 23 38 18 21 15 115 2.72 1.32
% 20 33.04 15.65 18.26 13.04 100
Source: survey, 2023.
From this study one on the main cancers were know leaders behavior or characteristics in the

Based on this question number one tried to study whether Leaders help employees to align their
collective direction to execute organizational strategic plans or not yet. Among the respondents,
18.60% were strongly disagreed, 31.30% were disagreed, 13.04% were not clear, 17.39% were
agreed and only 17.39% were strongly agreed. These mean that most of the respondents (50%)
were said leaders were not help employees to execute the organization strategic plan with the
mean of 2.82 and standard deviation of 1.39.

Regarding to the second question, 21.74% were strongly disagree about leaders were model the
way, 42.60% were disagree, 14.78% and 12.17% were agreed and strongly disagreed, while
8.7% were silent. This means that 64% of the respondents were said that leaders were not model
the way and only 27% were agreed that leaders were models on the way. The mean was 2.53 and
standard deviation of 1.31.

Regarding to the third question, 42.6% were disagreed about leaders expected to inspire a shared
vision, 35.64% were agreed, while 21.74% were not understand. This means that most of the
respondents were believed that leaders were not inspiring organizational shared vision with the
mean value of 2.88 and standard deviation of 1.31.

From the fourth question we can understand that, 53.91% of the respondents were disagreed
about the idea of Leaders were expected to challenge the process, and enable others to act,
33.04% were agreed, while 13.04% were silent. This shows that most of the respondent
responded about leaders were not challenge the process and not enable others to act with the
mean value of 2.72 and standard deviation of 1.34.

Question five tried to analysis the ability of Leaders to solve problem effectively and help
employees. In this regard, 27.8% were disagreed, 19.19% were neutral, 53% were agreed that
leaders were tried to solve problems and help employees as much as they can. The mean of these
were 2.83 and standard deviation of 1.33.

Based on question six, 58.25% of the respondents were disagreed about leaders’ support others
with their positive attitude, 19% were agreed, and the rest were not clear. This means that most
of the respondents said that leaders were not support others and do not have positive attitude.
The mean value was 2.43 and standard deviation of 1.21.

Question seven tried to analysis weather Leaders seek different perspective and operate with
strong result orientation or not yet. Based on this point of view, around 40% of the respondents
were disagreed, 16% were silent while the rest 44% were agreed. This means that most
respondents said that leaders were seeking different perspective and operate with strong result
orientation. The mean values of these were 3.07, which were moderate values about the idea with
the standard deviation of 1.38.

At the end we can understand that 53.04% of the respondents were not agreed about the
leadership behavior or characteristics in the organization, 15.65% were have no awareness and
only 31% of them agreed with the grand mean of 2.72 and grand standard deviation of1.32.

Table 4.4 Respondents pint of view about the dialogue practice in the organization

No Questions Stat. Response rate

1 2 3 4 5 Total M SD
1 Idea and Freq 29 44 8 20 14 115 2.53 1.36
thought are % 25.22 38.26 6.70 17.39 12.17 100
expected to be
transferred or
between one
another in the
2 Both Freq 28 43 13 20 11 115 2.50 1.29
employees and % 24.34 37.39 11.30 17.39 9.56 100
are expected to
take dialogue
with in a paper
note about
3 Dialogue Freq 30 43 15 15 12 115 2.44 1.23
practice is % 26.08 37.39 13.04 13.04 10.43 100
experienced in
so that no
waste of time
and money
4 Dialogue is Freq 26 43 14 18 14 115 2.57 1.32
highly % 22.60 37.39 12.17 15.65 12.17 100
exercised in
and brought
employees and
Overall/Grand mean Freq 28 41 14 18 14 115 2.51 1.30
% 24.34 35.65 12.17 15.65 12.17 100
Source: questionnaires, 2023

From this table first question we understand that the idea and thoughts are expected to be
transferred or shared between one another in the organization. According to this analysis,
25.22% of the respondents were strongly disagreed, 38.26% were disagreed, 6.7% were not
clear, 17.39% were agreed and the rest 12.17% of them were strongly agreed. This means that
most of the respondents (63.46%) said that thoughts or ideas transferred or shared between one
another in the organization is very low. The mean value was 2.53 with standard deviation of

Second question raised about both employees and managements take dialogue with in a paper
note about organizational success. In this point of view, around 61.4% of the respondents were
disagreed, 27% were agreed, while 12% of them were not known. This study shows that most
respondents agreed by employees and managements did not take dialogue in any aspects. The
mean values of these were 2.50 with standard deviation of 1.29.

Based on the third question we tried to analysis weather Dialogue practice is experienced in the
organization and no waste of time and money or not. Regarding to this study, 63.4% were
disagreed, 23.4% were agreed and only 13.2% were unjustified. These shows most of the
respondent were disagreed mean that dialogue is not experienced in the organization, so still there
is waste of time and money. The mean value was 2.44, which is under moderate and standard
deviation of 1.23.

The last question tried to understand that how much the dialogue experienced in the organization
and it brought the smooth relationships between employees and managements. Based on the
analysis, 60% of the respondents were disagreed, 27.8% were agreed and the rest 12.2% were
neutral. This shows that most of the respondent responded that dialogues were not experienced in
the organization, and the relationship between employees and managements were very low. The
mean values of these were 2.57 which were under moderate and standard deviation of 1.32.

To generalize, the Respondents pint of view regarding the dialogue practice in the organization,
60% of the respondents disagreed 28% were agreed and 12% were medium with the grand mean
value of 2.51, which is under moderate with grand standard deviation of 1.30.
Table 4.4 Respondents level of respond about the organizational environmental situations.

No Questions Stat. Response rate

1 2 3 4 5 Total M SD
1 environment Freq 15 22 11 36 31 115 3.40 1.44
provides % 13.04 19.13 9.57 31.30 26.96 100
resources that
needs in order
to create
goods and
2 It is expected Freq 21 22 16 35 21 115 3.11 1.40
that high % 18.26 19.13 13.91 30.43 18.26 100
are existing
regarding to
around the
3 It is expected Freq 23 28 13 30 21 115 2.98 1.43
that few
threats are
% 20 24.35 11.30 26.08 18.26 100
around the
4 Pollution and Freq 12 19 17 37 30 115 3.46 1.32
over % 10.43 16.52 14.78 32.17 26.08 100

population are
5 Political, Freq 29 43 18 15 10 115 2.42 1.22
economic, and % 25.22 37.39 15.65 13.04 8.70 100

conditions are
not affect the
6 The freq 24 39 18 19 15 115 2.67 1.50
organization % 20.87 33.91 15.65 16.52 13.04 100
expected to
highly need
7 Natural Freq 12 20 15 36 32 115 3.48 1.34
demography % 10.43 17.39 13.04 31.30 27.82 100

is suitable for
Overall/Grand mean Freq 22 28 16 28 21 115 3.07 1.38
% 19.38 24.34 13.91 24.59 18.26 100
Source: survey 2023

From the first question we can understand that 32.17% were disagreed about the environment
provides resources that an organization needs in order to create goods and services, 58.26% were
agreed, and 9.57 were silent. This study shows that most of the respondents were believed that
the environments were provided resources for the need of organizations to create goods and
services. The mean values of these were 3.40, which is moderate with the standard deviation of

Regarding to the second question 37.39% of the respondents were disagreed about the response
of high opportunities were existing regarding to resources around the organization, 48.69% were
agreed, while 13.91% were neutral. This means that many of the respondents were responded
that high opportunities were existing regarding to resources around the organization. The mean
values were 3.11 with the standard deviation of 1.40.

Based on the third question, 44.35% were disagreed about threats that were existed around the
organization, 44.34% were agreed and the rest 11.31% were medium. The mean value of this
was 2.98 with a standard deviation of 1.48.

In the fourth question we understood that 26.95% of the respondents were disagreed about the
concept of Pollution and over population are highly expected around the organization, 14.78%
were neutral and the rest 58.15% of the respondents were agreed. These show that there were
high pollution and over population around the organization. The mean value of this was 3.46,
which was moderate with standard deviation of 1.32.

Fifth question tried to analysis weather the Political, economic, and socio-cultural conditions
around were not affecting the organization. Based on this study, 62.61% of the respondent were
disagreed, 15.65% were silent and only 21.74% were agreed. This study shows that Political,
economic, and socio-cultural conditions around the organization were highly affect the
organization route tasks. The mean value of this study was 2.42, which was under moderate with
standard deviation of 1.22.

According to question number six, 54.88% of the respondents were disagreed about the concepts
of the organization expected to highly need technological advancement, 29.56% were agreed and
16.52% were not justified. This shows that most of the respondents ware responded that the
organization was not need a high technological advancement. The mean of this was 2.67, which
is under moderate with standard deviation of 1.5.

Question seven raised about the Natural demography suitability for the organization, based on
this analysis, 27.82% of the respondents were disagreed, 13.04% were neutral, and 59.12% of the
respondents were agreed. This study shows that, the natural demography suitability was highly
convenient and comfort to the organization. The mean values of these were 3.48, which were
moderate with the standard deviation of 1.34.

In general, based on Respondents point of view about the organizational environmental

situations, 43.72% of the respondents were responded that the organizational environmental
situations were not suitable, 42.85% were said that the environmental situations were suitable,
while 13.91% were not clear. The grand mean of this organization environmental situations were
3.07, which was a moderate level with grand standard deviation of 1.38.

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