Artikel Pembuluh Darah Dan Tekanan Darah
Artikel Pembuluh Darah Dan Tekanan Darah
Artikel Pembuluh Darah Dan Tekanan Darah
Shoffurijal Agyanur1
Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Malang
E-mail: [email protected]
Abstract: Blood vessels and blood pressure has an important role towards the
integrity and body functions especially in motions. However, if there is
interference in the growth and development of blood vessels, then the diseases
will occur. These diseases are hypertension, anemia and hypotension. Hence, the
growth and development of blood vessels and blood pressure should be in the
normal state. This research was employing descriptive qualitative design which
resulted written or oral words and written references. The findings of this research
showed that the growth and development of blood vessels and blood pressure
were managed by endothelial cells and nervous system. In order to keep the
growth and development process, doing an exercise was required. Exercise could
induce the blood vessel fibers and sympathetic nerves improvement. Further, the
signal due to muscle activity (adenosine and NO) inhibited most of
vasoconstriction in the muscle during exercise with prejunctional and
postjunctional mechanism. Exercise could stimulate adrenal medulla which was
aimed to increase plasma level of adrenaline and noradrenaline hormone. This
case caused concentration improvement on the adrenaline hormone that induced
local vasodilation by activating β2ardenoceptor. Additionally, this paper also
would present several researches dealing with the effect of isomeric exercise
towards blood vessels, the difference between trained and untrained people on
sub-maximal exercise towards blood vessels, and the effect of high-intensity
exercise towards blood vessels and blood pressure.