The Influence of Economic Growth, Education and Inflation On The Unemployment Rate Makassar City
The Influence of Economic Growth, Education and Inflation On The Unemployment Rate Makassar City
The Influence of Economic Growth, Education and Inflation On The Unemployment Rate Makassar City
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Abstract:- Economic growth has a negative and Unemployment is a complex problem because it
insignificant effect on unemployment. From the affects other factors, as well as being influenced by other
results of multiple regression analysis where the factors. The problem of unemployment has always been a
regression coefficient is -0.213, it means that if topic of discussion in every region. High unemployment will
cause economic and social problems. Economic problems
there is an increase in economic growth of 1%, it
arising from high unemployment rates affect economic
will reduce the percentage of unemployed by 0.213 development and influence the measurement of economic
in Makassar City. Education (average length of success. In addition, unemployment is also a social problem
schooling) has a positive and insignificant effect on because it has an impact on workers who are unemployed
unemployment, meaning that the education because they have less income, the poverty rate increases,
variable does not have a large influence because the crime and socio- political problems also increase.
profitability value (0.153) is greater than the
significant level of 0.05. Inflation has a positive and This is because every year the population in Indonesia,
especially the city of Makassar, continues to increase which
insignificant effect on unemployment. Based on the
causes the workforce to also increase, but this is not
results of the t-test, inflation does not have a large matched by the availability of jobs. So, this is one of the
(not significant) effect on unemployment because reasons why the unemployment rate in Makassar has
the probability value (0.836) is greater than the fluctuated. In addition to the lack of availability of jobs, the
significant level of 0.05. competencies possessed by the workforce are not in
accordance with the labor market, skills or skills also affect
Keywords:- Economic Growth, Education, Inflation ; unemployment, and there is termination of employment
Unemployment Rate Makassar City. (PHK). Particularly in the last two years, currently many
companies have terminated their employment (PHK) due to
I. INTRODUCTION the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic outbreak which has
In the midst of the Covid-19 outbreak, or often called caused the company to experience large losses, so they have
the corona virus, is an infectious disease that has entered terminated employment (PHK) to minimize the loss.
Indonesia since March 2, 2020. This corona virus can be Various government efforts to overcome the
said to be a very dangerous virus because apart from unemployment problem that occurs, namely creating a Pre-
attacking humans, it also attacks the Indonesian economy, Employment Card Program. The pre-employment card
which has slumped. The Covid-19 outbreak, which spreads program is a business and job compensation development
so quickly through droplets from the nose or mouth of program for job applicants, workers exposed to termination
people who are exposed to the corona virus to other people, of employment and competency development for micro and
so that those who are exposed to these droplets will also be small businesses. Recipients of the pre-employment card
exposed to Covid-19. So, the government adopted a Stay at will benefit both in terms of knowledge and financially, they
Home policy, company employees were laid off, people are given incentives worth IDR 600,000 for 4 months, after
were prohibited from traveling if it was not too important, in completing the training they choose. Then, the government
order to reduce the spread of Covid because it not only had also provided assistance to small communities affected by
an impact on the economic sector, but also had an impact on Covid-19 in the form of direct cash assistance (BLT)
the tourism and trade sectors. The more people who are distributed by the Minister of Social Affairs. With this
exposed to the corona virus, it is possible that the program, the government hopes that the community can take
unemployment rate in Indonesia will increase, especially in advantage of this opportunity well and help develop the
the city of Makassar, South Sulawesi. competencies they have, so that they can create a small
business with use the incentives or assistance provided and
can help their economy, especially during this pandemic.
Based on the graph above, it can be seen that there are also not good for the economy, because it will cause
fluctuations in the unemployment rate in Makassar City. In deflation.
2016 the unemployment rate experienced a significant
increase, where in 2015 the unemployment rate decreased by Unemployment occurs due to an imbalance between
12.02percent to 4.8 percent. the demand for labor and the supply of labor, causing a high
unemployment rate. This imbalance can be a supply that is
Education is expected to be able to produce quality greater than the demand for labor (there is an excss supply
and competent resources to get jobs in accordance with the of labor) and greater demand than supply of labor (excess
education that has been taken. Education contributes directly demand for labor). According to Lewis, the excessive supply
to national income growth by increasing skills and labor of labor does not cause problems for economic
productivity. Education is a vessel that functions to prepare development. On the contrary, to accumulate income seen
one of the inputs into the production process, namely labor from how many excess workers.
and will produce good output in order to work productively
because of its quality. Increasing the quality of workers Based on the researchers' initial observations regarding
reflected in educational attainment or average schooling the problem of unemployment that occurs in the regions,
(RLS), will have a positive impact on labor productivity. especially in Makassar City, it can be caused by several
Likewise efforts to improve skills and workforce training factors including Economic Growth, Education, and
also have an impact on increasing productivity. Inflation. This is considering that many residents in
Makassar City choose not to continue their education or in
A good level of education will also have a positive other words prefer to look for work rather than finish school.
effect on the unemployment rate. In line with what Jhon The large number of people who choose not to complete
Dewey said in Sutarman Tajo (2011) means that education their schooling makes the number of the workforce also
is a process in which basic training, both intellectually and bigger.
emotionally. And so is the opinion of G. Terry Page, J.B
Thomas and A.R Marshal (2010) who define education as a II. METHODS
process ofdeveloping skills and human behavior as a whole.
Human Capital theory according to Frank and Bemanke The type of data used in this study is time series data,
(2007) states that to influence human productivity requires a namely education data for 2011-2020, economic growth
combination of education, experience, training, skills, habits, data for 2011-2020, inflation data for 2011-2020. This
health and energy. research includes quantitative research using an economic
Inflation is a condition that occurs due to an imbalance
between the demand for goods and the availability of these Source of data used in this research is secondary data.
goods, meaning that the demand for goods is higher than the Secondary data is data that is not obtained indirectly, but
availability of these goods (Soesastro, 2005). Inflation through related agencies such as the Central Statistics
occurs when prices increase continuously and influence one Agency (BPS), and other sources.
another. High inflation provides benefits for people who Research variables are the characteristics of an object
have bank debt, on the other hand high inflation makes being studied or anything that determines the results of the
people less willing to save. And inflation that is too low is research. According to Karlinger (1978) variable as any
A. Multiple Linear Regression Analysis Interpretation of the coefficients of the multiple linear
Multiple linear regression analysis aims to determine the regression equation, namely:
effect of the independent variables (economic growth, The Constant value is 652,984 which means that if the
education, and inflation) on the dependent variable other independent variables are zero, then the
(unemployment rate) in the city of Makassar. Based on the unemployment variable increases by 652,984%.
analytical method used and explained in the previous The coefficient value of the X1 variable (Economic
chapter, the following equation is obtained: Growth) is -0.213% which is negative, meaning that
every 1% increase in economic growth will reduce
Y= 652.984 -0.213 + 0.472 + 0.111 + e unemployment in Makassar City by -0.213%. The
relationship between economic growth and
unemployment is negative (-), where a decrease or
This research is in line with previous research Effect of Inflation on Unemployment. Inflation has a
conducted by Syamsu Nujum, Zainuddin Rahman, & Ratu positive and insignificant effect on unemployment. Based
Purnama (2020) that the level of education has an effect and on the results of the t-test, inflation does not have a large
is not significant on the unemployment rate. However, this (not significant) effect on unemployment because the
research is not in line with the research conducted by probability value (0.836) is greater than the significant
Imarotus Suaidah and Hendry Cahyono that the level of level of 0.05. It can be seen that inflation increases, then
education has a significant effect on the unemployment rate. unemployment also increases. This research is in line
The results of this study are also not in line with the theory with previous research conducted by Rika Amelia (2017)
of human capital. The longer a person takes education, the and Farid Alghofari (2010) that inflation has no
skills and knowledge they have also increase and they have significant effect on unemployment. However, this
a great chance to get a good job and a big salary. research is not in line with what was done by Muhammad
Ashar (2020) that inflation has a significant effect on
The theory of human capital explains that education unemployment. The results of this study are not in line
has a positive effect on economic growth. That is, when with the Philips Curve theory that inflation has a negative
education increases, economic growth increases. If growth relationship to unemployment. A.W Philips describes the
increases, the unemployment rate will automaticallydecrease fact that inflation is a reflection of total aggregate
because economic growth has a negative effect on the level demand. If aggregate demand increases, the price of a
of education. So it can be said that education has a negative product also increases. With high prices, the desire for
effect on unemployment. production also increases, thereby reducing the
unemployment rate. However, this research is not in line
Based on the theory of human capital which states that with what was conducted by Muhammad Ashar (2020)
people who have higher education, as measured by length of that inflation has a significant effect on unemployment.
schooling, will have job opportunities and good salaries
compared to those with lower levels of education. However, Inflation is a general increase in prices for goods,
what is happening now is that many people who have a services and factors of production. Inflation is a reflection of
higher level of education do not have jobs, compared to aggregate demand. In accordance with the demand theory
those who do lower education. This happens because people that if demand increases, the price also increases. If there is
who have low education have more experience and choose an increase in the prices of a commodity, both goods and
to become farmers, laborers, company employees. services, it will take a lot of manpower to fulfill the demand,
Meanwhile, those with higher education have minimal so that the demand for goods and services by consumers
experience because they are more concerned with mastering can be overcome and likewise the unemployment rate will
theory. As well as the lack of desire to work that is not in also decrease. The results of this study indicate that if
accordance with his passion. Based on the results of the inflation in the city of Makassar increases, the
regression analysis, it shows that education (average length unemployment rate will also increase. So that it is necessary
of schooling) has a positive effect on unemployment, to control inflation, to overcome inflation requires
meaning that if education increases, unemployment also cooperation between the government, the business world
increases. output in the business cycle. O'kun's law also and the general public because the factors that cause
stores the relationship between output and labor markets inflation are from the demand, supply and expectation sides.
which describes the combination of short movements of real Inflation control is also carried out by setting maximum
GDP and changes in the unemployment rate. However, this prices, stabilizing people's incomes, and increasing
research is not in line with research conducted by Rika production output.
Amelia (2017) that economic growth has a negative and