Sample Beauty Pageant Questions and Answers

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`Beauty Pageant Questions and Answers

(For Reference Only)

Preliminary (questions before the QnA proper, normally asked by the host. This is to lighten up
the tension and to ease the candidates nervousness)


Honestly, I am feeling nervous right now but elated at the same time that I have come
this far in this pageant. Mere standing in front of you (talk to the host) and to all of you here
(look to the audience) is already an achievement I am most proud of.


Thank you, much appreciated ___ (name of the host). Nonetheless, all of us here are
lovely and stunning that whoever grabs the crown is a well-deserve win.


Yes I am.

Q and A Proper

Beauty queens have a lot more to do, than just look beautiful. A beauty pageant
isn't about walking the ramp in the skimpiest of clothes, and sporting.
Beauty queens have a lot more to do, than just look beautiful. A beauty pageant
isn't about walking the ramp in the skimpiest of clothes, and sporting a million-dollar
smile. It's about cracking the tough round of questions and answers with conviction. The
cutthroat competition in the woman's world is all about balancing beauty with brains. It
can be an extremely nerve-wracking experience if you are not quite prepared for a
competition this tough.
A beauty queen is less of a drama queen and more of Ms. Congeniality, when it
comes to public speaking. Here are a few beauty pageant interview questions and
expected answers, so that you can prepare yourself well before the D-day.
The jury intends to see your individual perspective on the issues addressed in
questions at beauty pageants. The answers are means of gauging the strength of your
character and personality. These pageant questions and answers are your first chance
towards making an impression on the public at large. They build confidence in you, and
push you to bring out the best in you. Answering the questions with honesty and
keeping your goals in mind will show them a confident side of you. Good luck beauty

1)**In what ways do beauty contests help the women?**

Or they might still ask it this way:

**What is the relevance of a beauty pageant in a society?**

Which ever one, I have stated clearly how to tackle such question.
**Beauty contests** give women of different cultures and ethnicities all over the
world the opportunity to showcase not just their beauty, personality and potentials but
also their intelligence in a local, national and international setting. They serve as training
grounds for women to gain courage and introduce their different advocacies, especially
those who plan to take on key roles in our society, by engaging in social issues and
problems. It’s also a platform which helps them learn effectively express themselves,
educate/influence people and become the voices of hope. You can also answer it this
*A **beauty pageant** is a celebration of beauty. It is an act and a venue to
acknowledge and give honor to the beauty God have given us. It is also an effective
means to campaign for social awareness of different social issues and problems that
need our attention since the answers the candidates give serve as piece of good advice
to the concerned public.

2)**Why did you join this pageant?**

**I joined this pageant to have a sense of achievement and fulfilment. Likewise,
the excitement I may experience and memories I make here are beyond measure in
worth for widening my social horizon and understanding of people.

***My primary reason for joining this pageant is to develop and boost my
selfesteem. Likewise, it is a great privilege and honor to become one of the candidates
for (Name of pageant) since the organization will be helping the charities and assisting
us in promoting them through the organization’s various programs and activities.

3)**How do you see yourself fifteen years from now?**

Well this question has to do with the choice you make for yourself, can’t predict
one for you but be sure to give a brief reply.

4)**Who is the most influential person in your life?**

Just before you start mentioning your family member, be sure you have an
alternative answer in case they decide to add a clause to it.
The most influential person in my life is my mom. My mother is exactly who I
want to be like in the future: kind, compassionate and a true epitome of a God-fearing
woman. She is an inspiration and a blessing for me and for others who have come in
contact with her.

5)**Who is that one influential person you want to meet and what do you want to
learn from him/her?**

Have always dreamt of becoming a super star and a screen diva so meeting
Genevieve Nnaji will be a dream come true for me.
Her personality and the way she Interpret her script is one thing i would love to learn
from her.
I would like to meet the pope. Since he has profound wisdom, I would like to
know what his opinion or belief is on what matters most in life. Being a Man of God, I
would also like to ask for his prayers for our place, the people of (mention the name of
the pageant), and the less fortunate who may have Litle hope of survival .

6)Lets assume you won 1mllion Jackpot, what would you do with it?
If I win millions of dollar in a lottery, I would use it as capital to start a small
business. What is good about starting a micro enterprise is that it is not a one-time deal.
If in case it turns out to be a good business and expansion is necessary, I would easily
be able to do so and help more people by employing them.

7)**If you had to live your life all over again, what part of your life would you
None! I would not change a single scene in my life. I am me because of what I
have been through. Changing any part of my life automatically changes what defines
me as a person, and I do not want that to happen.

8)**If you were given the chance to live again, what would it be?**
If I were given the chance to live again, I would still be me. I know that there is a
work in this world that I alone could do. There is a space in this world that I alone could
fill. There is a sound that I alone could make. There are people who would miss me if I
am not around. That is why if given the chance to live again, I would still be me.

9)**If you were given the chance to change something from the past, what would
it be?**
If I were given the chance to change something from the past, I would change the
time when the Chibok girls were kidnapped and molested by the Boko Haram armies. I
think everybody knows what had happened there and no one would ever dare go back
to that nightmare except to change the past for the better.
You can still put it this way
I would not change anything from the past. The society we live in and the person
we are today are products of our past. The past is something to be cherished whether
its sad memory or happy. It is full of lessons and insights that we use today to see what
lies ahead. It is a part of history that must be respected and treated as a clue to success
and progress.
If it's an international pageant then you can go for this answer. If I were given the
chance to change an episode in the past, I would not permit for World War I and II to
happen. I think that nobody deserves to undergo the nightmare of those fateful years,

no one deserved to die and no children of the past deserved to be subjected to so much
sadness and horror.

10) If God should grant you one wish, what would it be?**
*Make sure you put up a smiling face*.
If God will grant me a wish, I would ask that no one in this world should ever go
hungry because of financial deprivation and social depression. It is an awful fact to
accept that while the world is busy keeping up with luxury and innovation, there are still
thousands of faceless beggars out on the cold streets begging for aims.

**Below are alternative answers, you can pick any of them**

I would wish for the universal brotherhood and sisterhood of all of humanity. To
eradicate the barriers of culture and language, to become one solid country of the world,
to share one universal truth, and become united children of One God.

*I wish that contentment would become an innate part of humanity so that hatred
and greed will totally be over for us to have a peaceful world.

*I would like to wish for the betterment of all humanity so we all live in peace and
harmony . Even with all the conflicts that the human race is experiencing, if we have
complete understanding of each other’s feelings and needs, I am sure that we’ll be able
to attain a peaceful and abundant life.

*If God would grant me one wish, I would gladly volunteer to be His instrument to
bring change in this world. Every day we see nothing but evil, suffering, grief and
sadness. This is not what the Lord wants. Thus, I would wish for myself to become His
tool – a catalyst of change in order to help people change, and I believe that with His
will and guidance, change can be within our grasp. Thank you.

11)**What edge do you have over other contestants?**

I have very supportive parents who have always been there all the way as not all
girls who join pageants are actually supported by their parents. Aside from that, I have
prepared very well for this contest and I am ready and equipped with all that it takes to
be (Name of pageant).

12) **What can be your greatest contribution to the community?**

The greatest contribution I can give the community is to join clean and green
projects, charity missions, livelihood seminars and I believe pageants like this which
have it's focus on the development of one’s personality, confidence, self-esteem and
other skills can help me achieve that.

13)**What will be your contribution to mitigate global warming?**

I think I should be more than willing to join any green revolution or green
movement seminars in educating the public on caring for and saving the environment. I
would use social networking sites like Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube for fast
dissemination of information to the public, and become a role model for the clean and
green movement.

14)**How would you describe your own personality?**

I am an optimistic person. I look at things in a positive way, thinking that the glass
is half-full rather than half-empty. God has taught us how to trust in Him and so I have.
That is exactly the best and what I like most about myself.

**Below are alternative answers**

****What I like most about myself is that I am lighthearted and simple. I can stay
and look charming and sweet even in unpleasant situations. I am also a simple person
with simple and clear ambitions like finishing my studies, having a good family in the
future, and contributing even a little in our society.
****I am contended with what God has given unto me. I do not regret being
softhearted but rather,i like it the most. Though some may abuse it, I am always glad to
have extended my hand to help others.

15) What is your philosophy or value that you hold dearest in life?
My philosophy in life is to stay morally upright despite the prevalence of immoral
acts in our society; to respect and gain respect; to become a friend to everyone and be
able to help other people. With that, I would be presentable in the eyes of my friends,
my family and especially to God.

16)**If you will be winning the crown tonight, what will be the very first thing you
will do?**
If I will be crowned tonight as (Title of pageant), the very first thing that I will do is
to thank God. Nothing could be more important than offering my achievements and
thanking God who is the real source of all things beautiful.

Additional Q & A

1. If women were to rule the world by 2050, how different would the world be?
Women have always been the leader in various aspects of life. Be it at home or in
the conventional man's world, a woman has always performed tasks and taken up
challenges equal to her counterparts. By 2050, as the world would acknowledge it, there
will be peace and sensitivity, as women are a personification of love and compassion.

2. Which quality of women gives them an edge over men?

The quality to create and nurture the creation with tolerance, love, and patience
gives women an edge over men.

3. Question by the jury: What is the essence of being a woman?

Winning answer by Sushmita Sen, Miss Universe 1994: "Just being a woman is
God's gift. The origin of a child is a mother, a woman. She shows a man what sharing,
caring, and loving is all about. That is the essence of a woman."

4. How would you change the world if you were to play God for a day?
Actions speak louder than words. I would act to uplift thoughts and sentiments of
mankind, and the change will follow automatically.

5. Do you think that the youth of today faces more pressure of performance
thanthe previous generation?
Yes. Definitely the youth today faces much more pressure than the previous
generation. They have to adapt to several circumstances at once. This kind of pressure
has made the world much more dynamic and fast-paced.

6. Which role of a man compliments a woman better - father, son, or a

As William Shakespeare once said, "the world's a stage and we are all actors
playing our roles." Thus, a man in his every role is fulfilling his duties in life. He becomes
a father, son, or a partner only with check out this site a woman, who makes him
complete, and he, in return, makes her complete.

7. Do you prefer a love marriage or an arranged marriage?

I strongly believe in the institution of marriage. Marriages are made on
Earth andnot in heaven. So, whether love or arranged, a marriage is an equation
solved by measuring compatibility for life.

8. Tell me something about yourself.

I am an embodiment of a new meaning of life. My purpose here, is to find
the truecalling of life and fulfill it. This platform is one of my steps towards
reaching my goal for this destiny, which I will decide.

9. Do you consider yourself to be a giver or taker? Why?

By the virtue of being a woman, I consider myself to be a giver as well as taker.
As a woman, I am bestowed with the power to create a part of nature by taking a part of
it. This is the beauty of femininity.

10. What would you say is the biggest problem facing our educational
systemtoday? Why?
The biggest problem faced by our educational system is that it believes it's a
system. A system is a set arrangement of things. However, education means to impart
knowledge by giving and taking in order to empower the uneducated. This has been
forgotten in the process of being a system, which needs to be re-evaluated and learned
once again.

11. Tell me about a recent goal you accomplished.

As I stand here in front of you, while the whole wide world is watching over me, I
am proud to say that this is my recently achieved goal, with many more in store.

12. What is your definition of success?

My definition of success see for yourself is when my conscience agrees with the
time, effort, money, and emotions spent on achieving the goal till the end of it and
allows to me sleep peacefully at night.

13. What do you expect to gain by participating in pageants? Why?

By being a part of these beauty pageants, I expect to gain an opportunity to
discover my strengths and perfect them, realize my weaknesses and transform them
into strengths, and take home the crown tonight.

14. Why should we select you as our titleholder?

You should select me to be the titleholder because, I promise to fulfill my
responsibility to perfection. While doing so, I will strive to be a mirror to all the aspirants
and those around me.

15. Question by the jury: Why should you win the Miss World Title?
Winning answer by Yu Wenxia, Miss World 2012: "When I was young I felt very
lucky because so many people helped me, and I hope in the future I can help more
children to feel lucky."

16. How important is it to look your good at all times?

It is very important for me to be well turned out at all times. I sincerely believe
that beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. And I am the beholder of my beauty in my
eyes. So, if I am not turned out well on the outside, no one will make an effort to see
what lies within me.

17. What is the importance of beauty pageants in today's world?


Beauty pageants have given women a platform to acknowledge their beauty,

knowledge, and skills in front of the world. It is an opportunity to seek the better in you.
Beauty contests have also given nations to pride themselves with a new accolade.

18. If God granted you one wish, what would you wish for?
If God granted me one wish, I would wish for the ability to be happy. I would wish
for the strength to find my happiness in every situation that I may have to face in my life.

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