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The Design Patterns for Distributed Systems

Handbook – Key Concepts Every Developer
Should Know

Tamerlan Gudabayev

When I first started my career as a backend engineer, I

always worked with monolithic systems.

The work was good but I always had this thought in the back of my mind:

"Man, I want to work on big systems such as ones for Google, Netflix,

I was 19 and a junior developer, so cut me some slack here.

I didn't even know the term distributed systems until one of my colleagues
started talking about it.

Then I researched it – I researched a lot. It seemed very complicated, and I

felt very stupid.

But I was excited.

I studied this concept of distributed systems for a while, but didn't fully
understand it until I saw it all in action a few years later.

Now that I have some experience, I would like to share with you what I
know about distributed systems.  

Prerequisite Knowledge
The topics I'll be discussing here may be a bit advanced for beginner
programmers. To help you be prepared, here's what I assume you know:

Mid Level Programming (any language will work)

Basic Computer Networking (TCP/IP, network protocols, and so on)

Basic Data Structures and Algorithms (Big O notation, search, sort,

and so on)

Databases (Relational, NoSQL, and so on)

If that sounds like a lot, don't feel discouraged.

Here are some resources that can help you brush up on some of these more
specific topics:

1. Learn how computer networks work in this free course

2. Learn about data structures and algorithms in this free course

3. Learn about relational databases here, and about NoSQL databases


Here's What We'll Cover:

1. What are Distributed Systems?

2. Common Challenges in Distributed Systems

3. Command and Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) Pattern

4. Two-Phase Commit (2PC) Pattern

5. Saga Pattern

6. Replicated Load-Balanced Services (RLBS) Pattern

7. Sharded Services Pattern

8. Sidecar Pattern

9. Write-Ahead Log Technique

10. Split-Brain Pattern

11. Hinted Handoff Pattern

12. Read Repair Pattern

13. Service Registry Pattern

14. Circuit Breaker Pattern

15. Leader Election Pattern

16. Bulk Head Pattern

17. Retry Pattern

18. Scatter Gather Pattern

19. Bloom Filters Data Structure

What are Distributed Systems?

Netflix Architecture. Source

When I started my career, I worked as a front-end developer for an agency.

We used to get requests from clients and then we'd just build their site.

Back then I didn't fully understand the architecture and infrastructure

behind the stuff I was building.

Thinking back about it now, it wasn't complicated at all.

We had one backend service written in PHP and Yii2 (PHP Framework) and
a frontend written in JavaScript and React.

All of this was deployed to one server hosted in (Kazakhstan Hosting
Provider) and exposed to the internet using NGINX as a web server.

This architecture works for most projects. But once your application
becomes more complex and popular, the cracks begin to show.

You get problems such as:

Complexity – Codebase is too large and too complex for one person
to mentally handle. It's also hard to create new features and
maintain old ones.

Performance Issues – The popularity of your app caused it to have a

lot of network traffic and it has proven to be too much for your single
server. Because of that, the application has started to face
performance issues.

Inflexibility – Having a single codebase means that you are stuck

with the technology stack that you began with. If you want to change
it, then you will either have to rewrite the whole thing in another
language or break up the app.

Fragile System –  Code being highly coupled together means that if

any of the functionality breaks then the whole application will break.
This leads to more downtime which will lose the business more

There are many ways to optimize a monolithic application, and it can go very
far. Many big tech companies such as Netflix, Google, and Facebook (Meta)
started off as monolithic applications because they're easier to launch.  

But they all began facing problems with monoliths at scale and had to find a
way to fix it.

What did they do? They restructured their architectures. So instead of

having a single super service that contained all the features of their
business, they now had multiple independent services that talk to each

This is the basis of distributed systems.

Some people mistake distributed systems for microservices. And it's true –
microservices are a distributed system. But distributed systems do not
always follow the microservice architecture.

So with that in mind, let's come up with a proper definition for distributed

A distributed system is a computing environment in which various

components are spread across multiple computers (or other
computing devices) on a network.

Common Challenges in Distributed

Distributed systems are by far much more complex than monolithic ones.

That's why before migrating or starting a new project, you should ask the

Do I really need it?

If you decide that you do need a distributed system, then there are some
common challenges you will face:

Heterogeneity – Distributed systems allow us to use a wide range

of different technologies. The problem lies in how we keep
consistent communication between all the different services. Thus it
is important to have common standards agreed upon and adopted to
streamline the process.

Scalability – Scaling is no easy task. There are many factors to keep

in mind such as size, geography, and administration. There are many
edge cases, each with their own pros and cons.

Openness – Distributed systems are considered open if they can be

extended and redeveloped.

Transparency – Transparency refers to the distributed system's

ability to conceal its complexity and give off the appearance of a
single system.

Concurrency – Distributed systems allow multiple services to use

shared resources. Problems may arise when multiple services
attempt to access the same resources at the same time. We use
concurrency control to ensure that the system remains in a stable

Security – Security is comprised of three key components:

availability, integrity, and confidentiality.

Failure Handling – There are many reasons for errors in a

distributed system (for example, software, network, hardware, and
so on...). The most important thing is how we handle those errors in a
graceful way so that the system can self-heal.

Yea, designing robust and scalable distributed systems is not easy.

But you are not alone. Other smart people have faced similar problems and
offer common solutions which are called design patterns.

Let's cover the most popular ones.

PS. We won't only cover patterns, but anything that helps in distributed systems.
This may include data structures, algorithms, common scenarios, etc...

Command and Query Responsibility

Segregation (CQRS) Pattern


Imagine that you have an application with millions of users. You have
multiple services that handle the backend, but as a single database.

The problem arises when you do reads and writes on this same database.
Writes are a lot more expensive to compute than reads, and the system
starts to suffer.

This is what the CQRS pattern solves.

It states that writes (commands) and reads (queries) should be separated.

By separating writes and reads, we can allow developers to optimize each
task separately.

For example, you might choose a high-performance database for write

operations and a cache or search engine for read operations.

Code Simplification – Reduces system complexity by separating
writes and reads.

Resource Optimizations – Optimizes resource usage by having a

separate database for writes and reads.

Scalability – Improves scalability for reads as you can simply add

more database replicas.

Reduce Number of Errors – By limiting the entities that can modify

shared data, we can reduce the chances of unexpected modifications
of data.

Code Complexity – Adds code complexity by requiring developers
to manage reads and writes separately.

Increased Development Time – This can increase development

time and cost (in the beginning only).

Additional Infrastructure – This may require additional

infrastructure to support separate read and write models.

Increased Latency – It can cause increased latency when sending

high-throughput queries.

Use Cases
CQRS is best used when an application's writes and reads have different
performance requirements. But it is not always the best approach, and
developers should carefully consider the pros and cons before adopting the

Here are some use cases that utilize the CQRS pattern:

E-Commerce –  Separate read models for product catalogs and

recommendations, while the write side handles order processing
and inventory management.

Banks – Optimize read models for balance inquiries and reporting,

while the write side handles transactions and calculations.

Healthcare –  CQRS can be used to optimize the reads for patient

searches, medical record retrieval, and generating reports, while
the write side manages data updates, scheduling, and treatment

Social Media –By applying CQRS, the read models can efficiently
handle feed generation, personalized content recommendations,
and user profile queries, while the write side handles content
creation, updates, and engagement tracking.

Two-Phase Commit (2PC) Pattern


2PC solves the problem of data consistency. When you have multiple
services talking to a relational database, it's hard to keep the data
consistent as one service can create a transaction while the other aborts it.

2PC is a protocol that ensures that all services commit or abort a

transaction before it is completed.

It works in two phases. The first phase is the Prepare phase in which the
transaction coordinator tells the service to prepare the data. Then comes
the Commit phase, which signals the service to send the prepared data, and
the transaction gets committed.

2PC systems make sure that all services are locked by default. This means
that they can't just write to the database.

While locked, the services complete the Prepare stage to get their data
ready. Then the transaction coordinator checks each service one-by-one to
see if they have any prepared data.

If they do, then the service gets unlocked and the data gets committed. If
not, then the transaction coordinator moves on to another service.

2PC ensures that only one service can operate at a time, which makes the
process more resistant and consistent than CQRS.

Data Consistency – Ensures data consistency in a distributed
transaction environment.

Fault Tolerance – Provides a mechanism to handle transaction

failures and rollbacks.

Blocking – The protocol can introduce delays or blocking in the
system, as it may have to wait for unresponsive participants or
resolve network issues before proceeding with the transaction.

Single point of failure – Reliance on a single coordinator introduces

a potential point of failure. If the coordinator fails, the protocol may
be disrupted, leading to transaction failures or delays.

Performance overhead – The additional communication rounds and

coordination steps in the protocol introduce overhead, which can
impact the overall performance, especially in scenarios with many
participants or high network latency.

Lack of scalability – As the number of participants increases, the

coordination and communication overhead also increase, potentially
limiting the scalability of the protocol.

Blocking during recovery – The protocol may introduce blocking

during recovery until the failed participant is back online, impacting
system availability and responsiveness.

Use Cases
2PC is best used for systems that deal with important transaction
operations that must be accurate.

Here are some use cases where the 2PC pattern would be beneficial:

Distributed Databases – Coordinating transaction commits or

aborts across multiple databases in a distributed database system.

Financial Systems – Ensuring atomic and consistent transaction

processing across banks, payment gateways, and financial

E-commerce Platforms – Coordinating services like inventory

management, payment processing, and order fulfillment for reliable
and consistent transaction processing.

Reservation Systems – Coordinating distributed resources and

participants in reservation processes for consistency and atomicity.

Distributed File Systems – Coordinating file operations across

multiple nodes or servers in distributed file systems to maintain

Saga Pattern
So let's imagine that you have an e-commerce app that has three services,
each with its own database.

You have an API for your merchants which is called /products to which you
can add a product with all its information.

Whenever you create a product, you also have to create its price and meta-
data. All three are managed in different services with different databases.

So, you implement the simple approach of:

Create product -> create price -> create meta-data

But what if you created a product but failed to create a price? How can one
service know that there was a failed transaction of another service?

The saga pattern solves this problem.

There are two ways to implement sagas: orchestration and choreography.



The first method is called Orchestration.

You have a central service that calls all the different services in the right

The central service makes sure that if there is a failure, it will know how to
compensate for that by reverting transactions or logging the errors.

Suitable for complex transactions that involve multiple services or
new services added over time.

Suitable when there is control over every participant in the process

and control over the flow of activities.

Doesn't introduce cyclical dependencies, because the orchestrator

unilaterally depends on the saga participants.

Services don't need to know about commands for other services.

There is a clear separation of concerns which reduces complexity.

Additional design complexity requires you to implement a
coordination logic.

If the orchestrator fails then the whole system fails.

When to Use Orchestration?

You should consider using this pattern:

If you need a centralized service that coordinates of the workflow.

If you want a clear and centralized view of the workflow which

makes it easier to understand and manage the overall system

If you have complex and dynamic workflows that require a high

degree of coordination and centralized control.



On the other hand, the Choreography method doesn't use a central service.
Instead, all communication between servers happens by events.

Services will react to events and will know what to do in case of success or

So for our example above, when the user creates a product it will:

1. Create an event called product-created-successfully

2. Then the price service will react to the event by creating a price for
the product and it will then create another event called price-

3. The same logic applies to the meta-data service.

Suitable for simple workflows that don't require complex
coordination logic.

Simple to implement because it doesn't require additional service

implementation and maintenance.

There is no single point of failure as responsibilities are distributed

between the services.  

Difficult to debug because it's difficult to track which saga services
listen to which commands.

There's a risk of cyclic dependency between Saga services because

they have to consume each other's commands.

Integration testing is difficult because all services must be running

to simulate a transaction.

When to Use Choreography:

You should consider using this pattern if:

The application needs to maintain data consistency across multiple

microservices without tight coupling.

There are long-lived transactions and you don’t want other

microservices to be blocked if one microservice runs for a long time.

You need to be able to roll back if an operation fails in the sequence.

Replicated Load-Balanced Services

(RLBS) Pattern


This is essentially a load balancer – I don't know why they made it sound so

A load balancer is software or hardware that distributes network traffic

equally between a set of resources.

But that's not always the case – it can also route different routes to
different services.

So for example:

/frontend goes to the front-end service.

/api goes to the backend service.

Performance – Load balancing distributes the workload evenly
across multiple resources, preventing any single resource from
becoming overloaded. This leads to improved response times,
reduced latency, and better overall performance for users or clients
accessing the system.

Scalability – Load balancing allows you to scale horizontally,

meaning that instead of getting more powerful servers, you can get
more servers.

High availability – As said above, load balancing allows us to

vertically scale which means we have multiple servers. If one server
fails then the load balancer will detect that and traffic can be
redirected to other working servers.

Better resource utilization – Load balancing helps to optimize

resource utilization by distributing traffic evenly across multiple
servers or resources. This ensures that each server or resource is
used efficiently, helping to reduce costs and maximize performance.

Complexity – Implementing and configuring load balancing can be
complicated especially for large scale systems.

Single Point of Failure – While load balancers enhance system

availability, they can also become a single point of failure. If the load
balancer itself fails, it can cause a disruption in service for all
resources behind it.

Increased Overhead –Load balancers computations are not free, if

they are not controlled then they can become a bottleneck to the
entire system.

Session Handling Challenges – Load balancing stateful applications

is a bit tricky as you need to maintain sessions. It requires additional
mechanisms such as sticky sessions or session synchronization,
which adds complexity.

When to use load balancing

A load balancer is mainly used when:

You have a high traffic website and you want to spread the load so
that your servers don't fry.

You have users from all over the world and want to serve them data
from their closest location. You could have a server in Asia and
another in Europe. The load balancer would then route all users
from Asia to the Asian server and European users to the Europe

You have a service orientated architecture with API's corresponding

to different services. Load balancing can be used as a simple API

I've written a bunch of articles on load balancing, so feel free to check them

How to set up NGINX load balancing: a step-by-step guide

Load balancing in Kubernetes: a step-by-step guide

Load balancing 101: How it works and why it matters for your

Sharded Services Pattern


In the previous section, we talked about replicated services. Any request

can be processed by any of the services. This is because they are replicas of
one another.

This is good for stateless services. But what if you have a stateful service?
Then a sharded approach would be more appropriate.

Sharded service only accepts certain kinds of requests.

For example, you may have one shard service accept all caching requests
while another shard service accepts high-priority requests.

But, how do we implement this?

Well, if we are strictly talking about application services then you could go
with the service oriented architecture approach. You could have multiple
services developed and deployed independently.  

Then you could use a load balancer to route requests by URL path to the
appropriate service.

PS. Sharding is not only used for application services but can be used for
databases, caches, CDNs, etc...

Scalability – Sharding allows you to distribute load across multiple
nodes or servers, thus enabling horizontal scaling. As your workload
increases, you can just add more shards.

Performance – A single node doesn't have to handle all requests

especially if it is computationally heavy. Each node can take in a
subset of requests, improving the systems performance.

Cost-effectiveness – Sharding can be a cost-effective solution for

scaling your system. Instead of investing in a single, high-capacity
server, you can use commodity hardware and distribute the
workload across multiple, less expensive servers.

Fault isolation – Sharding provides a level of fault isolation. If one

shard or node fails, the remaining shards can continue serving

Complexity –  Sharding is not easy to implement. It requires careful
planning and design to handle data distribution, consistency, and
query coordination.

Operational overhead –  Managing a sharded system involves

additional operational tasks such as monitoring, maintenance, and
backup, which can require more resources and expertise.

Use Cases
The Sharded Services Pattern is typically used in the following scenarios:

Performance Requirements – If your system is dealing with large

data volumes or high read/write workloads that a single server
cannot handle, sharding can distribute the workload across multiple
shards. This enables parallel processing and improving overall

Scalability requirements –  When you anticipate the need for

horizontal scalability in the future, sharding can be implemented
from the beginning to provide the flexibility to add more shards and
scale the system as the workload grows.

Cost considerations –  If vertical scaling (upgrading to more

powerful hardware) becomes cost-prohibitive, sharding offers a
cost-effective alternative by distributing the workload across
multiple, less expensive servers or nodes.

Geographical distribution –  Sharding can be beneficial when you

need to distribute data across different geographical locations or
data centers, allowing for improved performance and reduced
latency for users in different regions.

But keep in mind that there must be careful considerations when sharding
your services as it is very complex and expensive to implement and revert.

Sidecar Pattern


In a service-oriented architecture, you might have a lot of common

functionalities – things such as error handling, logging, monitoring, and

In the past, there were two ways to solve this problem:

Implement common functionalities within the service

The problem with this approach is that the utilities are tightly linked and run
within the same process by making efficient use of the shared resources.
This makes the components interdependent.

If one functionality fails then this can lead to another functionality failing or
the whole service failing.

Implement common functionalities in a separate

This may seem a good approach because the utilities can be implemented in
any language and it does not share resources with other services.

The downsides are that it adds latency to the application when we deploy
two services on different containers, and it adds complexity in terms of
hosting, deployment, and management.

How can we do it better?

One method is using the side-car pattern. It states that a container should
only address a single concern and do it well.

So to do that, we have a single node (virtual or physical machine) with two


The first is the application container which contains the business logic. The
second container, usually called the sidecar, is used to extend/enhance the
functionality of the application container.

Now you might ask, "But, how is this useful?"

You should keep in mind that the sidecar service runs in the same node as
the application container. So they share the same resources (like
filesystem, memory, network, and so on...)

An example
Let's say you have a legacy application that generates logs and saves them
in a volume (persisted data) and you want to extract them into an external
platform such as ELK.

One way to do this is just extending the main application. But that's difficult
due to the messy code.

So you decide to go with the sidecar method and develop a utility service

Captures the logs from the volume.

Transfers the logs into Elastic.

The architecture of the node would look something like this:


Hooray, you haven't changed any code in the application and you extended
its functionality by plugging in a sidecar.

Heck, you can even plug this log aggregator sidecar into other applications.  

Modularity – Sidecar allows you to develop and maintain utility
functions independently.

Scalability – If there is too much load on the sidecar, you can easily
horizontally scale it by adding more containers.

Isolation – The sidecar is isolated from the main application,

providing an additional layer of security.

Complexity –  It requires extra management of multiple containers
and their dependencies.

Resource overhead – Because we have an extra container, this can

increase the overall resource usage of the application.

Coordination – The sidecar must be coordinated in a way that it

works correctly with the main application which increases

Debugging – Debugging is more difficult with the sidecar pattern, as

it requires tracing the interactions between the main application
and the sidecar.

Use Cases
The sidecar pattern is useful when you want to add additional functionality
to the application without touching the core business logic code.

By deploying the sidecar, the core logic can remain lightweight and focus on
its primary task while the sidecar can handle additional functionality.

If need be, you can reuse the sidecar for other applications too.

Now that we know when to use this pattern, let's look at some use cases
where it is beneficial:

Logging and Monitoring – The sidecar container collects logs and

metrics from the main container, providing centralized storage and
real-time monitoring for improved observability.

Caching – The sidecar container caches frequently accessed data or

responses, enhancing performance by reducing the need for
repeated requests to external services.

Service Discovery and Load Balancing – The sidecar container

registers the main container with a service discovery system,
enabling load balancing and fault tolerance across multiple instances
of the main container.

Security and Authentication – The sidecar container handles

authentication tasks, offloading responsibilities like OAuth, JWT
verification, or certificate management from the main container.

Data Transformation and Integration – The sidecar container

performs data transformation and integration tasks, facilitating
seamless communication and synchronization between the main
container and external systems.

Proxy and Gateway –  The sidecar container acts as a proxy or

gateway, providing functionalities like rate limiting, SSL termination,
or protocol translation for enhanced communication capabilities.

Performance Optimization – The sidecar container handles CPU-

intensive tasks or background processes, optimizing resource usage
and improving the main container's performance.

Write-Ahead Log Technique

Imagine this: you are working on a service that is connected to a database
with sensitive user information.

One day, the server crashes. Your database crashes. All the data is gone,
apart from the backups.

You sync the database with the backup, but the backup is not up to date. It's
1 day old. You sit and cry in the corner.

Well thankfully, that will most likely never happen.

Because most databases have something called a write-ahead log (WAL).

What is a write-ahead log?

A write-ahead log is a popular technique used to preserve:

Atomicity – Every transaction is treated as a single unit. Either the

entire transaction is executed, or none of it is executed. This ensures
that the data does not get corrupted or lost.

Durability –  Ensures that the data will not be lost, even in an event
of a system failure.

But how does it work?

A WAL stores every change you made onto a file on a hard disk.

So for example, let's say you created your own in-memory database called
KVStore. In case of system failure, you want:

Data to not be lost.

Data to be recovered onto memory.

So you decide to implement a write-ahead log.

Every time you do any transaction (SET or REMOVE), the command will be
logged into a file on the hard disk. This allows us to recover the data in case
of system failure. The memory will be flushed, but the log is still stored in
the hard drive.

The overall architecture would look something like this:


It's not all sunshine and rainbows

As useful as it is, WAL is not easy to implement. There are many nuances,
but the most common ones are:

If you use standard file-handling libraries in most programming languages,
you would most likely "flush" the file onto the hard disk.

Flushing every log will give you a strong guarantee of durability. But this
severely limits performance and can quickly become a bottleneck.

You might ask, "why don't we delay flushing or do it asynchronously?"

Well, this might improve performance but at the risk of losing entries from
the log if the server crashes before entries are flushed.

The best practice here is to implement techniques like Batching, to limit the
impact of the flush operation.

Data Corruption
The other consideration is that we have to make sure that corrupted log
files are detected.

To handle this, save log files via CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check) records,
which validates the files when read.

Single Log files can be difficult to manage and can consume all the available

To handle this issue, use techniques like:

Segmented Log – Split the single log into multiple segments.

Low-Water Mark – This technique tells us which portion of the logs

can be safely discarded.

These two techniques are used together as they both complement each

Duplicate Entries
WALs are append-only, meaning that you can only add data. Because of this
behavior, we might have duplicate entries. So when the log is applied, it
needs to make sure that the duplicates are ignored.

One way to solve this is to use a hashmap, where updates to the same key
are idempotent. If not, then there needs to be a mechanism to mark each
transaction with a unique identifier and detect duplicates.

Use Cases
Overall WALs are mostly used in databases but can be beneficial in other

Write-ahead logs (WALs) are widely used in various systems and databases.
Here are some common use cases for write-ahead logs:

File Systems – File systems can employ write-ahead logging to

maintain data consistency. By logging changes before applying them
to the file system, WALs allow for crash recovery and help prevent
data corruption in case of system failures.

Message Queues and Event Sourcing – Write-ahead logs are often

used in message queues and event sourcing architectures. The logs
serve as a reliable and ordered record of events, allowing for
reliable message delivery, event replay, and system state

Distributed Systems – Distributed systems that need to maintain

consistency across multiple nodes can benefit from write-ahead
logs. By coordinating log replication and replay, WALs help
synchronize data updates and ensure consistency in distributed

Split-Brain Pattern


That's definitely an interesting name, isn't it? It might make you think of the
two halves of the brain.

Well, it is actually somewhat similar.

A split brain in distributed systems happens when nodes in a distributed

system become disconnected from each other but still continue to operate.

Split brain? Nodes working independently when they should work

together? Sound similar? I hope so.

Anyways, the biggest problem with this is that it causes:

Data Inconsistency

Competing for resources

This will usually shut the cluster off while developers try to fix things. This
causes downtime which makes the business lose money.

What's the fix?

One fix is using a generational number. Every time a leader is elected, the
generation number gets incremented.

For example, if the old leader had a generational number of one, then the
second leader will have a generational number of two.

The generation number is included in every request, and now clients can
just trust the leader with the highest number.

But keep in mind that the generational number must be persisted on disk.

One way to do that is using a Write Ahead Log. See, things are connected to
each other.

This solution is categorized as a leader election but there are others:

Quorum-based Consensus – Use algorithms like Raft or Paxos to

ensure that only a majority of nodes can make decisions, preventing
conflicting decisions in a split brain scenario.

Network Partition Detection – Use monitoring techniques or

distributed failure detectors to identify network partitions and take
appropriate actions.

Automatic Reconciliation – Implement mechanisms to

automatically resolve conflicts and ensure data consistency once a
split brain is resolved, such as merging conflicting changes or using
timestamps or vector clocks.

Application-level Solutions – Design the application to tolerate

split brain scenarios by employing eventual consistency models,
conflict-free data structures, or CRDTs.

Manual Intervention –In some cases, manual intervention may be

required to resolve split brain scenarios, involving human decision-
making or administrative actions to determine the correct system
state and perform data reconciliation.

Data Consistency – Implementing a fix ensures that shared data
remains consistent across the distributed system.

System Stability – Resolving split brain scenarios promotes system

stability by avoiding conflicting operations and maintaining coherent

Increased Complexity – Fixing split brain scenarios adds complexity
to the system due to the intricate logic and mechanisms required.

Performance Overhead – Split brain resolution mechanisms may

impact system performance and latency due to additional processing
and communication requirements.

Higher Resource Utilization – Addressing split brain scenarios may

require allocating more resources, potentially increasing costs.

Increased Failure Surface – Introducing split brain resolution

mechanisms may inadvertently introduce new failure modes or

Configuration and Tuning Complexity – Implementing a fix

requires careful configuration and ongoing maintenance to ensure
optimal behavior in different scenarios.

Hinted Handoff Pattern


The Hinted Handoff technique makes sure that you have:

Fault Tolerance – The ability of the system to continue working

even if one or more components fail.

Availability of Data –  Ability to access and modify the data at any

given time.

What problem does it solve?

Imagine you have a bank service that communicates with a node that has
three replicas. None of the nodes are leaders, so the architecture is

You send a request to update the customer's balance to $100. You send this
to all the replicas.

The request is successful for the first two replicas but the last one is down.
After a few seconds, the replica that was down got back up again but it has
the old data.

How do we fix this issue?

The hinted handoff technique says that when a node for a particular data
goes offline, then the other nodes of the system will temporarily store
updates or modifications intended for the unavailable node.

Hence the name "hints".

So when the unavailable node comes back alive, it can retrieve the hints and
apply them.

So the process goes like this:

1. Detection – When a node fails, other nodes detect this failure and
mark that node as unavailable.

2. Hint Generation – When a node receives a request to send to the

unavailable node, it will store it locally, usually to a file on the disk.  

3. Hint Delivery – When the available node goes back online, it sends a
message to the other nodes requesting any hints that were made
while it was offline. The other nodes send the hints and the node
applies them.  

By using this technique we ensure our data is consistent and available even
when nodes fail or become temporarily unavailable.

Improved data availability – Hinted handoff ensures data remains
accessible during temporary node failures by transferring
responsibilities to other nodes.

Data consistency – Hinted handoff helps maintain data consistency

by synchronizing the failed node with others when it recovers.

Reduced latency – Hinted handoff minimizes the impact of node

failures on system performance, routing requests to alternative
nodes and reducing latency.

Scalability – Hinted handoff enables dynamic redistribution of data

responsibilities, allowing the system to handle increased workloads
and node changes.

Increased complexity – Implementing hinted handoff adds
complexity to the system, making development, debugging, and
maintenance more challenging.

Storage overhead – Hinted handoff requires storing additional

metadata, incurring storage overhead to track handoff status.

Potential data staleness – After a failure, recovered nodes may

have temporarily stale data until synchronization occurs, leading to
potential inconsistencies.

Increased network traffic – Hinted handoff involves transferring

data responsibilities, resulting in increased network traffic and
potential impact on network performance.

Use Cases
Hinted handoff is typically implemented in distributed database systems or
distributed storage systems where data availability and consistency are

Here are some scenarios where implementing hinted handoff is beneficial:

Cloud storage systems – Hinted handoff enables seamless

redirection of client requests to available nodes in cloud storage
systems when a node becomes temporarily unavailable.

Messaging systems – Hinted handoff allows distributed messaging

systems to route messages to other active brokers when a broker
node fails, ensuring message delivery and system operability.

Distributed file systems – Hinted handoff in distributed file

systems allows the temporary transfer of data responsibilities to
other nodes when a data node fails, ensuring data availability and
uninterrupted read/write operations.

Content delivery networks (CDNs) – Hinted handoff in CDNs

facilitates the redirection of content delivery requests to other
servers in the network when a server becomes temporarily
unavailable, ensuring continuous content delivery to users.

Read Repair Pattern


In a distributed system, you can have data partitioned into multiple nodes.

This introduces a new challenge where we have to keep the data consistent
in all nodes.

For example, if you update data on node A, the changes might not be
immediately propagated to other nodes due to all sorts of reasons.

So we use the "read repair" pattern

When a client reads a piece of data from a node, that node will check if the
data is the latest. If not, then it receives the latest data from another node.

Once it receives the latest data, it will update the node with the old data
with the new data. Hence the "repair".

But this is done on the application side

Doing things on the application side is pretty flexible as you can have your
own custom logic per service but it increases complexity and development

Thankfully, there are three other methods of implementing read repair:

Write-Based Read Repair – Proactively update multiple replicas or

nodes with the latest data during write operations.

Background Repair – Schedule periodic background repair

processes to scan and repair inconsistencies in the database.

Database-Specific Read Repair – Leverage built-in read repair

mechanisms or conflict resolution features provided by the

Data Consistency – Read repair maintains data consistency by
automatically detecting and correcting inconsistencies between
replicas or nodes.

Improved User Experience – Read repair provides reliable and

accurate data, enhancing the user experience by reducing conflicting
or outdated information.

Fault Tolerance – Read repair increases system resilience by

addressing data inconsistencies and reducing the risk of cascading

Performance Optimization – Read repair improves performance by

minimizing the need for separate repair processes and distributing
the repair workload.

Simplified Development – Read repair automates consistency

checks, simplifying application development.

Increased Complexity – Implementing read repair adds complexity
to system design, development, and maintenance efforts.

Performance Overhead – Read repair may introduce additional

latency and computational overhead, impacting overall system

Risk of Amplifying Failures – Incorrect implementation of read

repair can propagate inconsistencies or amplify failures.

Scalability Challenges – Coordinating repairs in large-scale

systems can be challenging, impacting performance and scalability.

Compatibility and Portability – Read repair mechanisms may be

specific to certain databases or technologies, limiting compatibility
and portability.

Use Cases
Read repair can be beneficial in various scenarios where maintaining data
consistency across replicas or nodes is crucial.

Here are some situations where you should consider using read repair:

Distributed Database Systems – Use read repair in distributed

database systems where data is replicated across multiple nodes or
replicas to ensure data consistency.

High Data Consistency Requirements – Implement read repair

when your application requires a high level of data consistency, such
as in financial systems, collaborative editing platforms, or real-time

Read-Heavy Workloads – Consider read repair for read-heavy

workloads to detect and reconcile inconsistencies during read
operations, improving performance by reducing the need for
separate repair processes.

Systems with Network Delays or Failures – Use read repair in

environments with network delays or occasional node failures to
automatically detect and correct data inconsistencies caused by
these issues.

Service Registry Pattern

When you are working with a distributed system, you will have services
that have instances that can scale up or down.  

One service can have ten instances at one time and two at another time.

The IP addresses of these instances get created dynamically. Problems

arise here.

Imagine that you have a client and it wants to talk to a service. How will it
know the IP address of the service if IP addresses are dynamically created?

The answer is a service registry.

What the heck is that?

A service registry is usually a separate service that runs that keeps
information about available instances and their locations.

But how does the service registry know all this information?

When we create an instance of any of our services, we register ourselves to

the service registry with our name, IP address, and port number.

The service registry then stores this information in its data store.

When a client needs to connect to a service, it queries the service registry

to obtain the necessary information for connecting to the service.

Now that we know what a service registry is, let's talk about the patterns of
service discovery.  

Client Side Discovery


The first and easiest way is for the client to call the service registry and get
information about all the available instances of a service.

This approach works well when you want to:

Have something simple and straightforward.

Have the client-side make the decisions about which instances to


But the significant drawback here is that it couples the client with the
service registry.

So you must implement client-side discovery logic for every programming

language and framework that your service uses.  

Server Side Discovery


On the other hand, the server-side discovery forces the client to make the
request via a load balancer.

If you don't know what a load balancer is, feel free to check out my other
comprehensive article on it.

The load balancer will call the service registry and routes the request to the
specific instance.

Server-side discovery has the following benefits:

Abstracting the details of the service registry to the load balancer

means that the client can simply make a request to the load balancer.

It's built-in in most popular providers such as AWS ELB (Elastic Load

The only downside is that you have another component (service registry) in
your infrastructure that you have to maintain.    

Circuit Breaker Pattern


Let's say you have three services, A, B, and C. They all call each other
sequentially – A calls B, which calls C.

All goes well as long as the services work. But what if one of the services is
down Then the other services would fail. If service C is down, then B and A
would be down, too.

How do we fix this?

We use the circuit breaker pattern which acts as a middleware between
two services.

It monitors the state of the second service and, in case of failure or

unresponsiveness, stops the requests to the service and returns a fallback
response or error message to the component.

The middleware has three states:

Closed – The service can communicate with the second service


Open – When the middleware detects a certain number of

consecutive failures then it transitions to the open state, and all
requests to the service are immediately blocked.

Half Open – After a certain period of time, the middleware

transitions to a half-open state which allows a limited number of
requests to be sent to the second service. If successful, then the
middleware transitions to a closed state otherwise it will transition
to an open state.

Overall, the circuit breaker pattern increases resilience by providing a

fallback mechanism and reducing the load on a failed service.

It also provides insight into the status of a service which helps us identify
failures more quickly.

Fault tolerance – Circuit breakers enhance system stability by
protecting against cascading failures and reducing the impact of
unavailable or error-prone dependencies.

Fail-fast mechanism – Circuit breakers quickly detect failures,

allowing for faster recovery and reducing latency by avoiding
waiting for failed requests to complete.

Graceful degradation – Circuit breakers enable the system to

gracefully degrade functionality by providing alternative responses
or fallback mechanisms during failures.

Load distribution – Circuit breakers can balance the load across

available resources during high traffic or when a service is
experiencing issues.

Increased complexity – Implementing a circuit breaker adds
complexity to the system, impacting development, testing, and
maintenance efforts.

Overhead and latency – Circuit breakers introduce processing

overhead and latency as requests are intercepted and evaluated
against circuit states.

False positives – Circuit breakers can mistakenly block requests

even when the dependency is available, leading to false positives
and impacting system availability and performance.

Dependency on monitoring – Circuit breakers rely on accurate

monitoring and health checks, and if these are unreliable, the
effectiveness of the circuit breaker may be compromised.

Limited control over remote services – Circuit breakers provide

protection but lack direct control over underlying services, requiring
external intervention for resolving certain issues.

Use Cases
The circuit breaker pattern is beneficial in specific scenarios where a
system relies on remote services or external dependencies.

Here are some situations where it is recommended to use the circuit

breaker pattern:

Distributed systems – When building distributed systems that

communicate with multiple services or external APIs, the circuit
breaker pattern helps improve fault tolerance and resilience by
mitigating the impact of failures in those dependencies.

Unreliable or intermittent services – If you are integrating with

services or dependencies that are known to be unreliable or have
intermittent availability, implementing a circuit breaker can protect
your system from prolonged delays or failures caused by those

Microservices architecture – In a microservices architecture,

where individual services have their own dependencies,
implementing circuit breakers can prevent cascading failures across
services and enable graceful degradation of functionality during

High-traffic scenarios – In situations where the system experiences

high traffic or load, circuit breakers can help distribute the load
efficiently by redirecting requests to alternative services or
providing fallback responses, thereby maintaining system stability
and performance.

Resilient and responsive systems – The circuit breaker pattern is

useful when you want to build systems that are resilient and
responsive to failures. It allows the system to quickly detect and
recover from issues, reducing the impact on users and ensuring a
smoother user experience.

Leader Election Pattern


The leader election pattern is a pattern that gives a single thing (process,
node, thread, object) superpowers in a distributed system.

This pattern is used to ensure that a group of nodes can coordinate

effectively and efficiently.

So when you have three or five nodes performing similar tasks such as data
processing or maintaining a shared resource, you don't want them to
conflict with one another (that is, contesting for resources or interfering
with each other's work).

Elect one leader that coordinates everything

The leader will be responsible for critical decisions or distributing
workloads among the other processes.

Any node can be a leader, so we should be careful when we elect them. We

don't want two leaders at the same time.

So we must have a good system for selecting a leader. It must be robust,

which means it has to cope with network outages or node failures.

How to select a leader

One algorithm named Bully assigns every node with a unique identifier. The
node with the highest identifier initially is considered the leader.

If a low-ranked node detects that the leader has failed, it sends a signal to all
the other high-ranked nodes to take over. If none of them respond then the
node will make itself the leader.

Another popular algorithm is called the Ring algorithm. Each node is

arranged in a logical ring. The node with the highest identifier is initialized
as a ring.

If a lower-ranked node detects that the ring has failed, then it will request
all the other nodes to update their leader to the next highest node.

Both of the above algorithms assume that every node can be uniquely

Coordination –  Leader election allows for better organization and
coordination in distributed systems by establishing a centralized
point of control.

Task Assignment –  The leader can efficiently allocate and distribute

tasks among nodes, optimizing resource utilization and workload

Fault Tolerance –  Leader election ensures system resilience by

promptly electing a new leader if the current one fails, minimizing

Consistency and Order – The leader maintains consistent

operations and enforces the proper order of tasks in distributed
systems, ensuring coherence.

Overhead and Complexity – Leader election introduces additional
complexity and communication overhead, increasing network traffic
and computational requirements.

Single Point of Failure – Dependency on a single leader can lead to

system disruptions if the leader fails or becomes unavailable.

Election Algorithms – Implementing and selecting appropriate

leader election algorithms can be challenging due to varying trade-
offs in performance, fault tolerance, and scalability.

Sensitivity to Network Conditions – Leader election algorithms

can be sensitive to network conditions, potentially impacting
accuracy and efficiency in cases of latency, packet loss, or network

Use Cases
Distributed Computing –  In distributed computing systems, leader
election is crucial for coordinating and synchronizing the activities of
multiple nodes. It enables the selection of a leader responsible for
distributing tasks, maintaining consistency, and ensuring efficient
resource utilization.

Consensus Algorithms – Leader election is a fundamental

component of consensus algorithms such as Paxos and Raft. These
algorithms rely on electing a leader to achieve agreement among
distributed nodes on the state or order of operations.

High Availability Systems – Leader election is employed in systems

that require high availability and fault tolerance. By quickly electing
a new leader when the current one fails, these systems can ensure
uninterrupted operations and mitigate the impact of failures.

Load Balancing – In load balancing scenarios, leader election can be

used to select a leader node responsible for distributing incoming
requests among multiple server nodes. This helps in optimizing
resource utilization and evenly distributing the workload.

Master-Slave Database Replication – In database replication

setups, leader election is used to determine the master node
responsible for accepting write operations. The elected master
coordinates data synchronization with slave nodes, ensuring
consistency across the replica set.

Distributed File Systems – Leader election is often employed in

distributed file systems, such as Apache Hadoop's HDFS. It helps in
maintaining metadata consistency and enables efficient file access
and storage management across a cluster of nodes.

Bulk Head Pattern


Things fail for all sorts of reasons in a distributed system. This is why we
need to make sure our systems are resilient in case of failures.

One way to improve that is to use the bulkhead pattern.

So let's say we have two services, A and B.

Some requests of A depend on B. But the issue is that service B is pretty

slow which makes A slow and blocks its threads. This makes all requests to
A slow, even the ones which don't depend on B.

The bulkhead pattern solves that by allocating a specific amount of threads

for requests to B. This prevents A from consuming all threads due to B.

Fault isolation – The bulkhead pattern contains failures within
individual services, minimizing their impact on the overall system.

Scalability – Services can be independently scaled, allowing

allocation of resources where needed without affecting the entire

Performance optimization – Specific services can receive

performance optimizations independently, ensuring efficient

Development agility – Code modularity and separation of concerns

facilitate parallel development efforts.

1. Complexity – Implementing the bulkhead pattern adds architectural
complexity to the system.

2. Increased resource usage –  Duplication of resources across

components may increase resource consumption.

3. Integration challenges –  Coordinating and integrating the services

can be challenging and introduce potential points of failure.

Use Cases
Here are some common scenarios where the bulkhead pattern is beneficial:

Microservices architecture –  The bulkhead pattern is used to

isolate individual microservices, ensuring fault tolerance and
scalability in a distributed system.

Resource-intensive applications – By partitioning the system into

components, the bulkhead pattern optimizes resource allocation,
enabling efficient processing of resource-intensive tasks without
impacting other components.

Concurrent processing –  The bulkhead pattern helps handle

concurrent processing by assigning dedicated resources to each
processing unit, preventing failures from affecting other units.

High-traffic or high-demand systems –  In systems experiencing

high traffic or demand, the bulkhead pattern distributes the load
across components, preventing bottlenecks and enabling scalable
handling of increased traffic.

Modular and extensible systems –  The bulkhead pattern facilitates

modular development and maintenance, allowing independent
updates and deployment of specific components in a system.

Retry Pattern


The retry pattern is used to handle temporary failures.

Requests fail for all sorts of reasons, from faulty connections to site
reloading after a deployment.  

So let's say we have a client and a service. The client sends a request to the
service and receives a response code 500 back.

There are multiple ways to handle this according to the retry pattern.

If the problem is rare, then retry immediately.

If the problem is more common, then retry after some amount of

delay (for example 50ms, 100ms, etc)

If the issue is not temporary (invalid credentials, and so on) then

cancel the request.

But sometimes, the client thinks that the request has

Sometimes the operation was a success but the request failed to return
something. This happens when requests are not stateless, meaning that
they change the state of the system somehow (like CRUD operations on a

So what we do is we send a duplicate request which can cause problems in

the system.

For that, we need some sort of tracking system. We can use the circuit
breaker pattern to limit the impact of repeatedly retrying a
failed/recovering service.

Resilience and Reliability – By automatically retrying failed
requests, you increase the chance of the system recovering from
failure (resilience) and increase a chance of a successful requests

Error handling – Retrying an operation transparently hides the

error from the end user, making the system appear more robust.

Simplified Implementation – The retry pattern is simple to

implement. Instead of having custom error handling logic for all your
requests, you can wrap them all with a retry pattern class .

Performance optimization – In some cases, temporary errors may

be resolved quickly, and the subsequent retries can succeed without
significant delays. This can help optimize performance by avoiding
unnecessary failures and reducing the impact on the end user.

Increased latency – When retries are attempted, there is an
inherent delay introduced in the system. If the retries are frequent
or the operations take a long time to complete, the overall latency of
the system may increase.

Risk of infinite loops – Without proper safeguards, retries can

potentially lead to infinite loops if the underlying error condition

Increased network and resource usage – Retrying failed

operations can lead to additional network traffic and resource

Potential for cascading failures – If the underlying cause of the

failure is not resolved, retrying the operation may result in
cascading failures throughout the system.

Difficulty in handling idempotent operations – Retrying stateful

requests can lead to unintended consequences if the request is
performed multiple times.

Use Cases
The applicability of the retry pattern depends on the specific requirements
and characteristics of the system being developed.

The pattern is most useful for handling temporary errors. But, you must
also keep in mind for scenarios involving long delays, stateful requests, or
cases where manual intervention is required.

Now, let's look at some use cases where retrying requests help:

Network communication – When working with third party services

or APIs over a network, all sorts of errors can occur.

Database operations – Databases also face the same issues due to

temporary unavailability, timeouts, or deadlock situations.

File or resource access – When accessing files, external resources,

or dependencies, failures due to locks, permissions, or temporary
unavailability can occur.

Queue processing –  Systems that rely on message queues or event-

driven architectures may encounter temporary issues like queue
congestion, message delivery failures, or service availability

Distributed transactions –  In distributed systems, performing

coordinated transactions across multiple services or components
can face challenges like network partitions or temporary service

Data synchronization –  When synchronizing data between

different systems or databases, temporary errors can disrupt the
synchronization process.

Scatter Gather Pattern


Let's say we have a process-heavy task like video compression.

We get a video and have to compress it into 5 different resolutions such as

240p, 360p, 480, 720p, and 1080p.

We have a single image compression service that takes in the video and
processes each resolution sequentially. The problem here is that it's very

The scatter-gather pattern advises us to run multiple of these processes

simultaneously and gather all the results in one place.

So for our video process examples, this is how it will look:

1. Scatter – We will divide the task into multiple nodes, so one node
will take care of compressing the video into 240p, another to 360p,
and so on.

2. Process – Each node will compress its video individually and


3. Gather – Once all the nodes have finished compressing the videos,
the videos will be stored on some server and we collect the links for
all the different versions.

Instead of waiting for each of our videos to be compressed sequentially,

now we can parallelize this whole process and increase performance

Parallel Processing – The scatter-gather pattern improves
performance by enables parallel processing of subtasks. Tasks can
execute concurrently across multiple nodes or processors.

Scalability – The scatter gather pattern allows us to scale

horizontally, the higher our workload, the more nodes we provision.

Fault Tolerance – This pattern enhances fault tolerance by

redistributing failed subtasks to other available nodes, ensuring the
overall task can still be completed successfully.

Resource Utilization –  The scatter-gather pattern optimizes

resource utilization by efficiently leveraging available
computational resources across multiple nodes or processors.

Communication Overhead – This pattern involves communication
between nodes which introduce potential latency and network
congestion that may impact overall performance, especially with
large data volumes.

Load Balancing – Balancing the workload evenly across nodes can

be challenging, leading to potential inefficiencies and performance
bottlenecks if some nodes are idle while others are overloaded.

Complexity – This pattern is not easy to implement and adds an

aditional layer of complexity to the system. It requires careful
planning and synchronization mechanisms to coordinate subtasks.

Data Dependency – Handling dependencies among subtasks,

where the output of one subtask is needed as input for another, can
be more complex in the scatter-gather pattern compared to other

Use Cases
The scatter-gather pattern is useful in distributed systems and parallel
computing scenarios where you can divide tasks into smaller subtasks that
can be performed concurrently across multiple nodes and processors.

Here are some use cases where the scatter-gather pattern can be used:

Web Crawling – You can use the scatter gather pattern to fetch and
crawl multiple web pages concurrently.

Data Analytics – Apply scatter-gather to divide large datasets into

chunks for parallel processing in data analysis tasks, combining
individual results for final insights.

Image/Video Processing – Utilize scatter-gather for distributed

image/video processing, such as encoding frames in parallel and
gathering results for the final output.

Distributed Search – Implement scatter-gather in distributed

search systems to distribute search queries across nodes, gather
and rank results for final search output.

Machine Learning –  Apply scatter-gather in distributed machine

learning for parallel model training on scattered data and combining
models for final trained model.

MapReduce – Incorporate scatter-gather in the MapReduce model

for big data processing, scattering input, parallel processing of
intermediate results, and gathering for final output.

Bloom Filters (Data Structure)


Bloom filters is a data structure that is designed to tell you efficiently both
in memory and speed whether an item is in a set.

But the cost of this efficiency is that it is probabilistic. It can tell you that an
item is either:

Definitely not in a set.  

Might be in a set.

Space Efficiency – Bloom filters usually require a smaller amount of
memory to store the same number of elements compared to hash
tables or other similar data structures.

Fast Lookups – Checking whether an element is in a Bloom filter has

a constant-time complexity regardless of the size of the filter or the
number of elements it contains.

No False Negatives – Bloom filters provide a definitive "no" answer

if an element is not in the filter. There are no false negatives,
meaning if the filter claims an element is not present, it is
guaranteed to be absent.

Parallelizable – Bloom filters can be easily parallelized, allowing for

efficient implementation on multi-core systems or distributed

False Positives – Due to their probabilistic nature, there is a small
probability that the filter will incorrectly claim an element is present
when it is not. The probability of false positives increases as the
filter becomes more crowded or the number of elements increases.

Limited Operations – Bloom filters only support insertion and

membership tests. They do not allow deletion of elements or
provide a mechanism to retrieve the original elements stored in the
filter. Once an element is inserted, it cannot be removed

Fixed Size – The size of the bloom filter must be determined

beforehand and cannot dynamically resize. If these parameters are
not estimated accurately, the filter may become ineffective or waste

Unordered Data – Bloom filters do not maintain the order or

provide any information about the stored elements. They are not
suitable for scenarios that require ordering or retrieval of elements
based on certain criteria.

Use Cases
Bloom filters are most useful in situations where approximate membership
tests with a low false positive rate are acceptable and where memory
efficiency is a priority.

Here are some scenarios where Bloom filters are particularly beneficial:

Caching Systems – Bloom filters can be used to quickly check if an

item is likely to be present in the cache or not. By checking the
bloom filter, the system can avoid the costly operation of fetching
the item from the cache or underlying storage if it is not likely to be
there, thereby improving overall performance.

Content Delivery Systems – CDNs use bloom filters to handle

cache invalidation. Instead of checking each edge server, we use a
bloom filter to identify whether the edge server potentially has a
specific resource.

Anti-Spam Systems – Anti-spam systems check emails against

common spam databases. Instead of checking against the databases
which is expensive, we use bloom filters which are much more

Distributed Data Processing – In a distributed data processing

framework such as Hadoop or Spark. We use bloom filters to
optimize join operations by pre-filtering data and removing
unnecessary shuffles.

You don't need to be an expert in all of these things – I'm not. And even if you
don't ever directly use or work with some of these concepts, they are still
good to know.

Try to implement them in simple projects. It's a good idea to keep the
projects simple enough so you won't get sidetracked.

Below, I share with you my favorite resources that I used to learn about
distributed systems.

Thank you for reading.

Recommended Resources

Designing Data Intensive Applications

System Design Interview Prep

System Design Prime

Distributed Systems: Principles and Paradigms

Tamerlan Gudabayev
Hi, my name is Tamerlan and I'm a software engineer trying to make other software engineers more productive. If your interested, feel free to check
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