DEO TP Combine File (IT)
DEO TP Combine File (IT)
DEO TP Combine File (IT)
Post Box No. 3142, CTI Campus, Guindy, Chennai - 600 032
Sector : IT & ITES
Duration : 6 Months
Trade : Data Entry Operator - Trade Practical - NSQF level - 4
Rs. 315/-
The Government of India has set an ambitious target of imparting skills to 30 crores people, one out of
every four Indians, by 2020 to help them secure jobs as part of the National Skills Development Policy.
Industrial Training Institutes (ITIs) play a vital role in this process especially in terms of providing skilled
manpower. Keeping this in mind, and for providing the current industry relevant skill training to Trainees,
ITI syllabus has been recently updated with the help of Mentor Councils comprising various stakeholder’s
viz. Industries, Entrepreneurs, Academicians and representatives from ITIs.
The National Instructional Media Institute (NIMI), Chennai has now come up with instructional material
to suit the revised curriculum for Data Entry Operator - Trade Practical - NSQF Level - 4 in IT & ITES
Sector. The NSQF Level - 4 Trade Practical will help the trainees to get an international equivalency
standard where their skill proficiency and competency will be duly recognized across the globe and this
will also increase the scope of recognition of prior learning. NSQF Level - 4 trainees will also get the
opportunities to promote life long learning and skill development. I have no doubt that with NSQF Level
- 4 the trainers and trainees of ITIs, and all stakeholders will derive maximum benefits from these IMPs
and that NIMI’s effort will go a long way in improving the quality of Vocational training in the country.
The Executive Director & Staff of NIMI and members of Media Development Committee deserve
appreciation for their contribution in bringing out this publication.
Jai Hind
The National Instructional Media Institute (NIMI) was established in 1986 at Chennai by then Directorate
General of Employment and Training (D.G.E & T), Ministry of Labour and Employment, (now under
Directorate General of Training, Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship) Government of
India, with technical assistance from the Govt. of the Federal Republic of Germany. The prime objective
of this institute is to develop and provide instructional materials for various trades as per the prescribed
syllabi under the Craftsman and Apprenticeship Training Schemes.
The instructional materials are created keeping in mind, the main objective of Vocational Training under
NCVT/NAC in India, which is to help an individual to master skills to do a job. The instructional materials are
generated in the form of Instructional Media Packages (IMPs). An IMP consists of Theory book, Practical
book, Test and Assignment book, Instructor Guide, Audio Visual Aid (Wall charts and Transparencies)
and other support materials.
The trade practical book consists of series of exercises to be completed by the trainees in the workshop.
These exercises are designed to ensure that all the skills in the prescribed syllabus are covered. The trade
theory book provides related theoretical knowledge required to enable the trainee to do a job. The test
and assignments will enable the instructor to give assignments for the evaluation of the performance of a
trainee. The wall charts and transparencies are unique, as they not only help the instructor to effectively
present a topic but also help him to assess the trainee’s understanding. The instructor guide enables
the instructor to plan his schedule of instruction, plan the raw material requirements, day to day lessons
and demonstrations.
In order to perform the skills in a productive manner instructional videos are embedded in QR code of
the exercise in this instructional material so as to integrate the skill learning with the procedural practical
steps given in the exercise. The instructional videos will improve the quality of standard on practical
training and will motivate the trainees to focus and perform the skill seamlessly.
IMPs also deals with the complex skills required to be developed for effective team work. Necessary care
has also been taken to include important skill areas of allied trades as prescribed in the syllabus.
The availability of a complete Instructional Media Package in an institute helps both the trainer and
management to impart effective training.
The IMPs are the outcome of collective efforts of the staff members of NIMI and the members of the Media
Development Committees specially drawn from Public and Private sector industries, various training
institutes under the Directorate General of Training (DGT), Government and Private ITIs.
NIMI would like to take this opportunity to convey sincere thanks to the Directors of Employment & Training
of various State Governments, Training Departments of Industries both in the Public and Private sectors,
Officers of DGT and DGT field institutes, proof readers, individual media developers and coordinators,
but for whose active support NIMI would not have been able to bring out this materials.
National Instructional Media Institute (NIMI) sincerely acknowledges with thanks for the co-operation and
contribution extended by the following Media Developers and their sponsoring organisations to bring out this
Instructional Material (Trade Practical) for the trade of Data Entry Operator NSQF (LEVEL - 4) under IT &
ITES Sector for ITIs.
NIMI records its appreciation for the Data Entry, CAD, DTP operators for their excellent and devoted services
in the process of development of this Instructional Material.
NIMI also acknowledges with thanks the invaluable efforts rendered by all other NIMI staff who have contributed
towards the development of this Instructional Material.
NIMI is also grateful to everyone who has directly or indirectly helped in developing this Instructional Material.
This manual for trade practical is intended for use in the ITI workshop. It consists of a series of practical
exercises that are to be completed by the trainees during the year of course is the Data Entry Operator under
IT & ITES Sector. It is National Skills Qualifications Framework NSQF (Level- 4), supplemented and supported
by instructions/information to assist the trainees in performing the exercise. The exercises are designed to
ensure that all the skills prescribed in the syllabus are covered including the allied trades.The syllabus for the
Data Entry Operator Trade under IT & ITES Sector Trade Practical is divided into Ten Modules.The allocation
of time for the various modules is given below:
The syllabus and the content in the modules are interlinked. As the number of workstations available in the
electrical section is limited by the machinery and equipment, it is necessary to interpolate the exercises in the
modules to form a proper teaching and learning sequence. The sequence of instruction is given in the schedule
of instruction which is incorporated in the Instructor’s Guide. With 25 practical hours a week of 5 working days
100 hours of practical per month is available.
Contents of Trade Practical
The procedure for working through the 66 exercises for the year with the specific objectives as the learning
out comes at the end of each exercise is given is this book.
The skill objectives and tools/instruments, equipment/machines and materials required to perform the exercise
are given in the beginning of each exercise.Skill training in the shop floor is planned through a series of practical
exercises/experiments to support the related theory to make the trainees get hands on trainning in the Elec-
trician - power distribution trade along with the relevant cognitive skills appropriate for the level. A minimum
number of projects have been included to make the training more effective and develop attitude to work in a
team. Pictorial, schematic, wiring and circuit diagrams have been included in the exercises, wherever neces-
sary, to assist the trainees broaden their views. The symbols used in the diagrams comply with the Bureau of
Indian Standards (BIS) specifications.
Illustrations in this manual, help trainess visual perspective of the ideas and concepts.The procedures to be
followed for completing the exercises is also given. Different forms of intermediate test questions have been
included in the exercises, to enhance the trainee to trainee and trainee to instructor interactions.
Skill Information
Skill areas which are repetitive in nature are given as separate skill information sheets. Skills which are to be
developed in specific areas are included in the exercises itself. Some subexercises are developed to fulfill the
sequence of exercises in keeping with the syllabus.
This manual on trade practical forms part of the Written Instructional Material (WIM). Which includes manual
on trade theory and assignment/test.
1.1.01 Visit various sections of the institutes and locate the electrical connections
with computer setup 1 1
1.1.02 Identify safety symbols and hazard identification 2
1.1.03 Practice safe methods of fire fighting in case of electrical fire 4
1.1.04 Rescue a person and practice artificial respiration 10
Module 2 : Introduction to computer components
1.2.05 Identify computer peripherals and internal components 1 15
1.2.06 Identify and record the functionality of variours keys on the keyboard and
mouse 18
Module 3 : Windows Operating System
1.3.07 Practice on Windows interface and navigating windows 1 19
1.3.08 Manage files and folders including zipping and unzipping removable drivers 27
1.3.09 Customize the desktop settings and manage user accounts 32
1.3.10 System properties and control panel 39
1.3.11 Keyboard shortcuts and commands 44
1.3.12 Print and scan documents 46
Module 4 : Computer basics and Software Installation
1.4.13 Install windows operating system 1 49
1.4.14 Hard disk formatting and partitioning 56
1.4.15 Install system and application software 60
1.4.16 Configure bluetooth and Wi-Fi settings 69
1.4.17 Practice english language typing with specific typing lesson and software 78
Module 5 : Word Processing Software
1.5.18 Open MS Word and familiarise with basic word components 81
1.5.19A Format the document in MS word - 1 2&3 90
1.5.19B Format the document in MS word - 2 103
1.5.20A Insert and format the table 107
1.5.20B Insert and format the table and objects 116
1.5.21 Page layout setting and printing the document 130
1.5.22 Use templates, Auto correct tools and Macros 137
1.5.23 Mail merge using MS word 142
1.5.24 Word - Publishing options 151
1.5.25 Shortcut keys for open office and word processor 162
1.5.26 Typing practice using open source typing Tutor 167
Module 6 : Excel Application
1.6.27 MS Excel Screen components and Tools 4&5 170
1.6.28 Create Save and Formatting Excel Sheet 172
Exercise Title of the Exercise Learning Page. No.
No. Outcome
1.6.29 Absolute and Relative referencing linking sheets & conditional formatting 4&5 177
1.6.30 Practice Excel Functions in all major categories 180
1.6.31 Perform Sort, Filter and Validating data in MS Excel 190
1.6.32 Create and Format various Static and dynamic charts in Excel 194
1.6.33 Practice Importing and Exporting Excel data 201
1.6.34 Perform data analysis using Pivot Table and Macros 203
1.6.35 Page setup and printing in Excel Worksheet 213
1.6.36 Simple project work using in Excel 215
1.6.37 Practice english language typing with specific typing lesson and software 217
1.6.38 Practice typing in Hindi or any one regional language with specific typing
lesson and software 222
Module 7 : Image editing
1.7.39 Edit image using MS Paint 6&7 223
1.7.40 Editing images/ photos using picture manager application 227
1.7.41 Practice typing in Hindi or any one regional language with specific typing
lesson and software 231
Module 8 : Power point presentation
1.8.42 Open Power Point presentation and familiarise with basic application 8&9
components 232
1.8.43 Create Slide shows, Insert picture and theme 236
1.8.44 Add new slide, Format text, Link with word and excel documents 239
1.8..45 Practice animating slide transition and objects 249
1.8.46 Create slide shows by inserting audio & video and synchronise with
presentation 251
1.8.47 Modify slide page setup and print the slides 253
1.8.48 Practice typing in Hindi or any one regional language with specific typing
lesson and software 257
Module 9 : Networking and Internet Concepts
1.9.49 View network connections 10 & 11 258
1.9.50 Browse Internet for information 263
1.9.51 Create and use e-mail for communication with attachment, priority setting,
address book 268
1.9.52 Use online utilities in Internet 274
1.9.53 Video conferencing using software/apps 280
1.9.54 E Mail configuration through outlook 287
1.9.55 Browser utilities 289
1.9.56 Practice typing in Hindi or any one regional language with specific typing
lesson and software 292
Module 10 : Share and transfer data 12 & 13
1.10.57 Convert different files to other required formats viz word, pdf, jpg, etc 293
Exercise Title of the Exercise Learning Page. No.
No. Outcome
1.10.58 Secure different files with passwords 296
1.10.59 Setup, configure and Transfer/share data from mobile/mobile apps such
as WhatsApp to computer through cables/ wireless modes 300
1.10.60 Practice mirror casting of screens between different devices 304
1.10.61 Scan QR Codes for data transfer and storage 308
1.10.62 Transfer/ share data from computer to google drive/ cloud 309
1.10.63 Practice preparing of google sheets, google forms and sharing for data
processing 311
1.10.64 Setup and link computers for remote access using softwares like remote
desktop sharing/Team viewer software/any desk 317
1.10.65 Observe Video Demonstration of online/ internet banking transactions using
associated mobile apps 322
1.10.66 Practice typing in Hindi or any one regional language with specific typing
lesson and software 323
1 Identify different computer components, install and setup operating system and
related software in a computer following safety precautions. 1.1.01 - 1.4.17
2 Create, format and edit document using Word processing application software. 1.5.18 - 1.5.25
3 Carry out data entry (Typing) in English and Hindi/Regional language with a
reasonable speed and accuracy. 1.5.26
4 Create, format, edit and develop a workbook by using Excel 1.6.27 - 1.6.37
5 Carry out data entry (Typing) in English and Hindi/Regional language with a
reasonable speed and accuracy. 1.6.38
6 Edit images/photos by using Paint and Office Picture Manager Application
software. 1.7.39 - 1.7.40
7 Carry out data entry (Typing) in English and Hindi / regional language with a
reasonable speed and accuracy. 1.7.41
8 Create and customize slides for presentation by using Power Point 1.8.42 - 1.8.47
9 Carry out data entry (Typing) in English and Hindi / regional language with a
reasonable speed and accuracy. 1.8.48
10 Set up network connections and use computer network including Internet and
video conferencing. 1.9.49 - 1.9.55
11 Carry out data entry (Typing) in English and Hindi / regional language with a
reasonable speed and accuracy. 1.9.56
12 Share/Transfer data from/to computer through cables/ wireless modes using
different mobile apps/ remote access softwares. 1.10.57 - 1.10.65
13 Carry out data entry (Typing) in English and Hindi / regional language with a
reasonable speed and accuracy 1.10.66
Professional Identify different computer 1. Visit various sections of Safe working practices
Skill 116 Hrs; components, install and the institutes and locate the • Safety rules and safety signs.
Professional setup operating system electrical connections with • Types and working of fire
Knowledge 28 and related software in a computer system setup. extinguishers.
Hrs computer following safety (08 hrs) • Artificial respiration,
precautions. 2. Identifying safety symbols awareness on accidents.
and hazard identification. • Electrical safety &
(04 hrs) occupational hazards.
3. Practice safe methods of fire • Environmental hazards &
fighting in case of electrical e-waste management.
fire. (05 hrs) Introduction to Computer
4. Carry out artificial respiration. components
(06 hrs) • Introduction / Evolution of
5.Identify computer peripherals, computer system. Concepts
ports, connectors, cables of Hardware and Software.
and internal components • Function of motherboard
of a desktop computer and components Various Input/
laptop. (07 hrs) Output devices in use and
6. Identify and record the their features.(14 hrs)
functionality of various keys Introduction to Windows
on the keyboard and mouse. Operating System
(05 hrs) • Introduction to operating
7. Practice on Windows System
interface and navigating • Main features of Windows OS
windows. (04 hrs) • Concept of various keyboard
8. Practice on managing shortcut commands.
files and folders including • Introduction to Notepad, Word
zipping and unzipping using pad, Paint, images, calculator,
removable drives. (07 hrs) calendar.
9. Customize the desktop • Control panel setting; display
settings and manage user properties, audio-video
accounts. (08 hrs.) settings, printer / scanner
10. View system properties properties, user account
and control panel details. management, etc.
(06 hrs) • Introduction to various files
11 . Wo r k w i t h k e y b o a r d and their formats, viz., doc,
shortcut commands. (06 hrs) txt, xls, html, ppt, jpg, mpeg,
12. Print and scan document etc. (07 hrs)
using different commands. Computer basics and
(06 hrs) Software Installation
13. Install Windows operating • Introduction to the booting
system. (08 hrs) process.
14. Format hard disk and • Introduction to various types of
create partition. (06 hrs) memories and their features.
15 Install necessary application • Types of Application software
software for Windows and Antivirus.(05 hrs)
i.e. Office Package, PDF • Exposure to different types of
Reader, Media Player etc. Typing Software in English.
(05 hrs) (02 hrs)
16. Configure Bluetooth and
wi-fi settings. (05 hrs)
17. Practice English language
typing with specific typing
lesson and software. (20
Professional Create, format and edit 18. Open MS Word and Word Processing Software
Skill 87Hrs; Pro- document using Word familiarise with basic word • Introduction to the various
fessional Knowl- processing application components. (06 hrs) applications in MS office.(04
edge 21 Hrs software. 19. Edit document using basic hrs)
Carry out data entry formatting tools. (06 hrs) • Introduction to Word features,
(Typing) in English and 20. Practice Inserting and Office button, toolbars. .(07
Hindi/Regional language formatting tables and other hrs)
with a reasonable speed objects. (12 hrs) • Creating, saving and formatting
and accuracy. 21. Work with Page layout and printing documents using
settings and printing Word.(03 hrs)
documents. (10 hrs) • Working with objects, macro,
22. Use templates, autocorrect mail merge, templates and
tools, and record. (08 hrs) other tools in Word. (07 hrs)
23. Use Mail merge tool. Use
conditional Mail Merge,
External Data Source.
Practice Letters, Label &
Envelop printing using Mail
Merge. (12 hrs)
24. Use Table of Context,
Indexing, Hyperlink,
Bookmark, Comment,
equation, symbols, citation,
cross-reference, footnote,
translate, synonyms,
thesaurus, spell check &
grammar, compare etc. (10
25. Practice of using shortcut
keys & using macro for
creating shortcut. (08 hrs)
26. Practice English language
typingwith specific typing
lesson and software. (15
Professional Skill Create, format, edit and 27. Open MS Excel and Excel Application
116Hrs; Profes- develop a workbook by familiarise with basic • Introduction to Excel features
sional Knowledge using Excel. application components. and Data Types.(04 hrs)
28Hrs Carry out data entry (06 hrs) • Cell referencing and linking
(Typing) in English and 28. Practice creating, saving Sheets. .(04 hrs)
Hindi/Regional language and formatting excel sheets. • Introduction to various
with a reasonable speed (08 hrs) functions in all categories of
and accuracy. 29. Use absolute and relative Excel. .(06 hrs)
referencing, linking sheets, • Concepts of sorting, filtering
conditional formatting etc. and validating data. .(06 hrs)
(10 hrs) • Analyzing data using charts,
30. Practice Excel functions data tables, pivot tables, goal
of all major categories i.e. seek and scenarios.(04 hrs)
Financial, Logical, Text, • Concept of field, records,
date & time, Lookup, Math, tables.(02 hrs)
Statistical etc. (12 hrs) • Exposure to different types
31. Use various data types in of Typing Software in Hindi/
Excel, sorting, filtering and Regional Language. (02 hrs)
validating data. (12 hrs)
32. Create and format various
static and dynamic charts.
(10 hrs)
33. Practice Importing
&exporting excel data. (05
34. Perform data analysis
using “what if” tools, Pivot
Table. Record and execute
a macro. (08 hrs)
35. Modify Excel page setup
and printing. (05 hrs)
36. Execute simple projects
using Excel & Word. (20 hrs)
37. Practice English language
typing with specific typing
lesson and software. (15
38. Practice typing in Hindi
or any one regional
languagewith specific typing
lesson and software. (05
Professional Skill Edit images/photos 39. Practice editing of images Image editing
29Hrs; Profes- by using Paint and in windows Paint using • Introduction to the properties
sional Knowl- Office Picture Manager different tools and available and editing of images. (03
edge 07 Hrs Application software. options. (14 hrs) hrs)
Carry out data entry 40. Editing images/photos • Introduction to different
(Typing) in English and using Picture Manager formats of images and their
Hindi / regional language Application. (10 hrs) uses.(04 hrs)
with a reasonable speed 41. Practice typing in Hindi
and accuracy. or any one regional
languagewith specific typing
lesson and software. (5 hrs)
Professional Skill Create and customize 42. Open power point Power Point Presentation
29Hrs; Profes- slides for presentation by presentation and familiarise • Introduction to Power Point
sional Knowl- using Power Point. with basic application and its advantages.(01 hrs)
edge 07 Hrs Carry out entry (Typing) in components. (02 hrs) • Creating Slide Shows with
English and Hindi / regional 43. Create Slide shows, Insert different features.(02 hrs)
language with a reasonable picture and theme. (04 hrs) • Types of ppt templates for
speed and accuracy. 44. Add new slide, format text, different applications.(02 hrs)
link with word and excel • Good presentation technique
documents. (04 hrs) (02 hrs)
45. Practice animating slide
transitions and objects.
46. Create slide shows by
inserting audio & video
and synchronise with
presentation. (05 hrs)
47. Modify slide page setup
and print the slides. (05 hrs)
Professional Skill Set up network connections 49. View Network connections. Networking Concepts
116 Hrs; Profes- and use computer network (10 hrs) • Introduction to Computer
sional Knowl- including Internet and video 50. Browse the Internet for Networks, Necessity and
edge 28 Hrs conferencing. information (use at least 3 Advantages.
Carry out entry (Typing) in popular browsers). (10 hrs) • Client Server and peer to Peer
English and Hindi / regional 51. Create and use e-mail networking concepts.
language with a reasonable for communication with • Concept of Proxy Server and
speed and accuracy. attachment, priority setting, proxy firewall server.
address book. (12 hrs) • Introduction to LAN, WAN and
52. Use online dictionary, MAN.
translation software, storage • Introduction to IP address and
space, share files with e-mail its relevance to PC/ Network.
links, download manager, (18 hrs)
download & upload YouTube Internet Concepts
files, google map & earth • Introduction to www, Concept
etc. Update windows& other of Internet, Web Browsers,
softwares. (22 hrs) internet servers and search
53. Set up video conferencing engines.
using software/apps like • Concepts of Domain
ZOOM, skype, google etc., naming Systems and E mail
explore and practice different communication. (10 hrs)
features. (16 hrs). • Concept of data transfer
54. E Mail configuration techniques through cable/
through Outlook.(06hrs) wireless modes.(03 hrs)
55. Browser setting for
Bookmark, cookies,
favourites and pop ups,
default website, trusted
site, restricted site, content,
history and advanced setup.
(20 hrs)
56. Practice typing in Hindi or
any one regional language
with specific typing lesson
and software. (20 hrs)
Professional Skill Share/Transfer data from/ 57. Convert different files to • Introduction to various mobile
87 Hrs; Profes- to computer through other required formats viz. apps and their functions. (03
sional Knowl- cables/ wireless modes word, pdf, jpg, etc. (06 hrs) hrs)
edge 21 Hrs using different mobile 58. Secure different files with • Different remote access
apps/ remote access passwords. (07 hrs) softwares and their uses.
softwares. • Carry out entry 59. Setup, configure and (03 hrs)
(Typing) in English and Transfer/share data from • Overview of QR Codes for
Hindi / regional language mobile/mobile apps such data transfer, storage and its
with a reasonable speed as WhatsApp to computer applicability. (03 hrs)
and accuracy. through cables/ wireless • Features, uses and
modes. (12 hrs) advantages of google drive/
60. Practice mirror casting of cloud, google sheets, google
screens between different forms etc. (03 hrs)
devices. (06 hrs) • Method of Remote access of
61. Scan QR Codes for data computers using Team viewer
transfer and storage. (06 hrs) software. (03 hrs)
62. Transfer/ share data from • Introduction to secured online
computer to google drive/ banking mechanisms, various
cloud. (07 hrs) modes of payments, cash
63. Practice preparing of transactions and associated
google sheets, google mobile apps. (03 hrs)
forms and sharing for data
processing. (14 hrs)
64. Setup and link computers
for remote access using
softwares like remote
d e s k t o p s h a r i n g / Te a m
viewer software/any desk.
(10 hrs)
65. Observe Video
Demonstration of online/
internet banking transactions
using associated mobile
apps. (04 hrs)
66. Practice typing in Hindi
or any one regional
languagewith specific typing
lesson and software. (15 hrs)
IT & ITES Exercise 1.1.01
DEO - Safety Working Practices
Visit various sections of the institutes and locate the electrical connections
with computer setup
Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• visit the various sections in your ITI
• record the telephone numbers of the ITI office, hospitals, police station and fire station
• identify the locations that have electrical installations for computer set up.
TASK 1: Visit various sections of the ITI
IT & ITES Exercise 1.1.02
DEO - Safety Working Practices
• Basic safety signs chart - 1 No. • Occupational hazards chart - 1 No.
• Road safety signs and traffic
signal chart - 1 No.
TASK 1: Identify safety symbols and interpret what they mean with the help of their colour and shape
Table 1
S.No. Safety signs Name of the sign and category Place of use
S.No. Safety signs Name of the sign and category Place of use
• Fire extinguishers- CO2 - 1 No. • Ladder - 1 No.
• Electrical safety chart (or) display - 1 No. • Safety belt - 1 No.
• Gloves - 1 No. • Fire extinguishers-CO2 - 1 No.
• Rubber mat - 1 No. • Scissors 100mm - 1 No.
• Wooden stool - 1 No. • Cell phone - 1 No.
TASK 1: General procedure to be adopted during electrical fire
1 Raise an alarm. Follow the methods given below to As a leader of the group
raise an alarm signals when the fire breakes out.
6 If you are giving instructions:
– Raise your voice and shout Fire! Fire! to draw
– locate and use CO2 fire extinguisher
– seek for sufficient assistance and inform the fire
– run towards fire alarm/bell to activate
– switch off the mains (if possible)
– locate locally available suitable means to put out
2 when you hear the alarm signal: the fire
– stop working – judge the magnitude of the fire, Ensure
that emergency exit paths are clear with no
– turn off all machinery and power
obstructions and then attempt to evacuate the
– switch off fans/air circulators/exhaust fans. (it’s place. (Remove explosive materials, substances
good to switch off the sub-main) that would easily catch fire.
3 If you are not involved in the fire fighting: – Put off the fire with assistance by identifying
people with assigned responsibility for each
– leave the place using the emergency exit.
– evacuate the premises
5 Report the measures taken to put out the fire, to the
– assemble at a safe place along with others authorities concerned.
– check, if anyone has called the fire services Detailed reports on the fire accidents,
– close the doors and windows, but do not lock or even if they are small accidents, shall
bolt help in identification of the causes of the
fire. The identified causes shall help in
As a member of the fire-fighting team taking preventive measures to avoid similar
4 If you are involved in fire fighting: occurences in the future
TASK 2: Rescue the electic shock victim
1 Proceed with treatment as early as possible without 7 Send someone to call the doctor, in case of electric
panic or becoming emotional. burns.
2 Switch off the power or remove the plug or wrench If the victim has electrical burns due to shock,
the cable free. it may be very painful and is dangerous. If
a large area of the body is burnt do not give
3 Move the victim from contact with the live conductor
treatment. Give first-aid as given in step 8
by using dry non-conducting materials like wooden
bars. (Fig 1 & 2) 8 Cover the burnt area with pure running water.
9 Clean the burnt area using a clean cloth/cotton.
10 Send someone to call the doctor immediately.
In case of severe bleeding
11 Lay the patient flat.
12 Raise the injured part above the body level. (If
13 Apply pressure on the wound ,as long as necessary,
to stop the bleeding. (Fig 4)
5 Analyze to identify the type of fire. Class ‘B’: Oil-based fire (grease, gasoline,oil) and
liquefiable solids (Fig 3)
Class ‘A’: Wood, paper, cloth, solid material (Fig 2)
TASK 2: Identify the road safety signs and traffic signal signs from the given chart
Table 2
Figure Number Label Kind of road sign Name of the signal Meaning of the sign
1 a
2 b
3 c
4 d
5 e
6 f
7 g
8 h
Table 3
Sl.No. Source or potential harm Type of occupational hazard
1 Noise
2 Explosive
3 Virus
4 Sickness
5 Smoking
6 Non-control device
7 No earthing
8 Poor housekeeping
• Control panel arrangement - 1 No. • Wooden stick - 1 No.
• Motor - 1 No. • 2 persons for demonstration purpose - 1 No.
• Rubber mat - 1 No.
TASK 1: Rescue a person (mock victim) from live supply (simulated)
TASK 3: Revive breathing in the victim by Holger Nielson’s arm-Lift back pressure method
1 Lay the victim flat on his back and place a cloth roll 3 Grasp the victim’s jaw as shown in Fig 11, and raise
under his shoulders to ensure that his head is thrown it upwards until the lower teeth are higher than the
well back. (Fig 9) upper teeth you may also place your fingers on both
sides of the jaw near the victim’s ear lobes and pull
2 Tilt the victim’s head back so that the chin points
upward. Maintain this jaw position throughout the
straight upwards. (Fig 10)
duration to revive respiration to prevent the tongue
from blocking the air passage.
Other steps
1 Send for a doctor immediately.
6 Repeat step 5, fifteen times at the rate of at least 2 Keep the victim warm with a blanket around him or
one time per second. wrapped up with hot water bottles or warm bricks.
Stimulate blood circulation towards the heart by
7 Check the cardiac pulse (Fig 18). stroking the insides of the arms and legs.
TASK 1: To identify various input/output devices connected to the computer
Table 1
SI. No. Name of the I/P and O/P devices
TASK 2: Identify different controls, ports and connectors on the system unit cabinet and motherboard
1 The instructor will demonstrate the uses of the fol- Fig 4
lowing indicators ,switches controls in Fig 2 and
ports external to the processor found on the system
unit shown in and the trainees will make a record of
it in Table 2 and Table 3. (Figs 3 & 4)
Fig 2
Fig 3
Table 3
SI. No. Name of the Parts on the CPU
Front Panel & mother board
Table 2
SI. No. Name of the Parts on the CPU
Rear Panel
Fig 5
Fig 6
Table 3
SI. No. Name the external parts of the
laptop 9
1 10
2 11
3 12
4 13
5 14
6 15
7 16
Table 4
SI. No. Name the parts of laptop
Identify and record the functionality of variours keys on the keyboard and
Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• state the name of keys, buttons and its function of a computer keyboard and mouse.
• PC with Windows OS - 1 No.
TASK 1: List out the functions of the various keygroups in a keyboard (Fig 1)
1 Write down the functions of the keygroups given in Fig 1
Table 1
Table 1
S. No Key group Keys Function
1 Function keys
2 Typewriter keys
3 Navigation keys
4 Numeric Keypad
TASK 3: List out the functions of the computer mouse Buttons (Fig 3)
Table 3
Fig 3
S. No. Button Function
1 Left
2 Right
3 Scroll
4 Palm rest
IT & ITES Exercise 1.3.07
DEO - Windows Operating System
• PC with Windows OS - 1 No.
TASK 1: Move windows through mouse and keyboard (Fig 1a, 1b, 1c, 1d)
Move windows through mouse Move the pointer using key board Keys
1 Drag the window by its title bar to the new position. Keyboard Key Action performed
2 Press Window key + Left Arrow or Window key + 7 Up and to the left
Right Arrow to cycle the active window through the
8 Up
left, right, and center of each screen.
9 Up and to the right
Move and control windows through keyboard
4 Left
1 Open Settings.
6 Right
2 Click on Ease of Access.
1 Down and to the left
3 Click on Mouse.
2 Down
4 Turn on the Control your mouse with a keypad toggle
switch. 3 Down and to the right
5 (Optional) Check the Hold Ctrl key + to speed up and Perform clicks using Mouse Keys
the Shift key to slow down option.
Left click Activate the left mouse button by
6 Use the sliders to adjust the pointer speed and poin pressing the forward slash key
ter acceleration (Fig 1a). (/) then press 5 to perform the click
After completing these steps, user can use the numeric Right click Activate the right mouse button by
keypad on the keyboard to move the mouse around the pressing the minus sign key (-) then
screen. press 5 to perform the click
Now ‘Mouse Keys’ are enabled, so user can use the Double click Activate the left mouse button by
numeric keypad to move the pointer around the screen. pressing the forward slash key (/)
To speed up how quickly the mouse pointer moves, hold and then press the plus sign key (+)
down the ‘Ctrl’ key. To slow the pointer down, hold down to perform the double click
the ‘Shift’ key. (Fig 1b).
Drag and drop items using Mouse Keys
Drag an item Press zero (0)
Drop an item Point to the location you would
like to drop the item and press
the decimal point key (.)
Fig 1a
Fig 1b, 1c
Fig 1d
Minimize the opened window i Right-click or press and hold the Shift key, right
click on a window’s title bar to open the menu on
There are different ways to minimize an open window.
a window’s title bar
1 Minimize from Title bar using mouse
ii After releasing the Shift key click or tap on the
a Click or tap Minimize button on the top-right Minimize option (Fig 3).
corner of the window’s title bar to minimize the
2 Minimize from taskbar using mouse
window (Fig 2).
a Click/tap on the application icon on the taskbar to
b By right clicking,
minimize, when it is opened.
Fig 3
Fig 8 Fig 9
Fig 11
Fig 12
Fig 20
• PC with Windows OS - 1 No.
TASK 1: Create a new folder
There are different ways to create a new folder- Create New Folder from File Explorer Ribbon
Create New Folder using Keyboard Shortcut 1 Open File Explorer (Windows key + E).
1 Navigate to where you want to create a new folder 2 Click/tap on Home tab.
on your Desktop or in File Explorer (Windows key +
3 Navigate to where you want to create a new folder
2 Press the Ctrl + Shift + N keys.
4 Perform the action you want to do below:
Create New Folder from Context Menu
a Click/tap on the New folder button in the “New”
1 Navigate to where you want to create a new folder section of the ribbon (Fig 2).
on your Desktop or in File Explorer (Windows keys +
E). Fig 2
b Click/tap on the drop down arrow on New Item
button in the “New” section of the ribbon, and
click/tap on Folder (Fig 3).
TASK 2: Create a new file
Shift + Delete Permanently delete b Click/tap on the arrow under the Delete button
in the ribbon, and click/tap on Recycle or Delete
4 If you chose to permanently delete, then either click/ permanently in the drop menu (See Fig 7).
tap on Yes or press Enter to confirm (see Fig 6).
Fig 7
Fig 11
• PC with Windows OS - 1 No.
TASK 1: Identify the desktop with MS Windows and using the start button
To start using MS Windows turn on your computer with
Fig 2
updated system. After turning on the PC a first screen
will appear as like Fig 1.
Personalizing your desktop
1 Right-click anywhere on the desktop. A dialogue box
will appear (Fig 2).
2 Select Personalize from the drop-down menu. The
Personalization settings will appear.(Fig 3)
Click the buttons in the interactive below to
learn more about using the Personalization
Fig 1
Fig 3
To change the font size: If we have difficulty seeing 3 Once we have made selection, the changes will take
the text on the computer, we can increase the font size. effect. (Fig 5)
Increasing the font size will also increase the size of
icons and other items on desktop. Fig 5
1 Open the Settings app, then select System. (Fig 4)
Fig 4
Fig 6
A taskbar is an element of a graphical user interface way to have a quick access to applications you use
which has various purposes. It typically shows which frequently. “Pinned” applications will stay in the Taskbar
programs are currently running. The icons in the middle until you “unpin” them (Fig 7).
of the Taskbar are “pinned” applications, which is a
Fig 7
Pin an Application to the Taskbar (Fig 8) 3 Select “More” option at the top of the menu.
1 Search for the application you want to pin in the Start 4 Select the “Pin to taskbar” option.
2 Right-click on the application or press and hold on
any application tile (ex: Store) on the Start screen.
Fig 8
We can “Unpin an Application” from the
1 While on your taskbar, right click or press and hold Taskbar. To “unpin” it, just right-click the
on an app (ex: Command Prompt) icon on the task- icon in the Taskbar and select “Unpin from
bar to open it’s jump list. taskbar” (See Fig 10). We can “pin” it back
2 If the opened app is currently not pinned to your again any time you want as shown in Fig 9.
taskbar, then you can click/tap on Pin this program
to taskbar to add it. (as shown in Fig 9) Fig 10
Fig 9
Fig 12
Fig 13
Fig 15
Fig 19
Fig 22
• PC with Windows OS - 1 No.
TASK 1: Open Control panel in MS Windows
The Control Panel is a component of Microsoft Windows adding or removing hardware and software, controlling
that provides the ability to view and change system user accounts, changing accessibility options, and
settings. It consists of a set of applets that include accessing networking settings (Fig 1).
Fig 1
Fig 2 2 Type the word control. Cortana lists best matches
above as per typing. In this list, select Control Panel.
Method 3: From the Run box (Fig 4)
Fig 4
Fig 5
The Control Panel itself is really just a collection of For example, control timedate.cpl works in some
shortcuts to individual components called Control Panel versions of Windows to open the Date and Time settings.
applets. Therefore, to use Control Panel really means
1 Open Control panel.
to use an individual applet to change some part of how
Windows works. 2 Go to Control Panel. Select Clock, Language, and
Fig 6
Fig 7 Fig 8
7 To change language, select Region from the Control 10 Type the name of the language you need the system
panel (Fig 9). to work/change. (Fig 11)
8 Click on Language preferences. 11 Click Install.
9 Click on + Add a Language(Fig 10)
Fig 10 Fig 11
• PC with Windows OS - 1 No.
The instructor may disable the mouse and provide simple tasks such as open, close, files, folders may
using keyboard shortcuts.
TASK 1: Read and Observe the following Windows Shortcut Keys in the table
Windows Logo+= Open Magnifier and zoom in
Windows Logo+- Zoom out (if already zoomed in using Magnifier)
Windows Logo+, Temporarily display the desktop
Windows Logo+Enter Open Narrator
Windows Logo+Left Snap the current app to the left side of the screen
Windows Logo+Right Snap the current app to the right side of the screen
Windows Logo+Up Restore a minimized app; maximize a restored app
Windows Logo+Down Restore a maximized app; minimize a restored app
Windows Logo+PgUp Move the current app to the left monitor
Windows Logo+PgDn Move the current app to the right monitor
Windows Logo+PrtSc Capture the current screen and save it to the Pictures folder
Windows Logo+Ctrl+D Create a virtual desktop
Windows Logo+Ctrl+Right Switch to the next virtual desktop
Windows Logo+Ctrl+Left Switch to the previous virtual desktop
Windows Logo+Ctrl+F4 Close the current virtual desktop
Windows Logo+Tab Open Task View, which displays thumbnails for each running app as
well as the available virtual desktops
TASK 2: Practice all the shortcut keys of windows 10 and write the description in below the table
S.No Shortcut Key Description
• PC with Windows OS - 1 No.
TASK 1: Install or add a local scanner
Plug the USB cable from your scanner into an available • If you have a new wireless scanner that hasn’t been
USB port on your device, and turn the scanner on. It can added to your home network, read the instructions
also be done manually as given below. that came with the scanner and check the scanner
manufacturer’s website to learn more and to get up-
1 Select Start > Settings > Devices > Printers &
to-date software for your scanner.
scanners or click the option Open the Printers &
scanners settings in control panel. • If your scanner is included in a multifunction or
All-In-One printer, you may only see the name of
2 Select Add a printer or scanner. Find nearby
your printer. To see your scanner, under Printers
scanners, then choose the one to use and select
& scanners, select your installed printer, select
Add device.
Manage, and then choose your scanner.
Note: If your scanner is included in a
• You might need administrator permission to install
multifunction or All-In-One printer, the printer
some scanners.
name will only be available. To view the
scanner, under Printers & scanners, select Verify your scanner is installed.
the installed printer, select Manage, and then
Scan a picture or document with Windows Scan app.
choose the scanner.
1 Turn on the scanner.
Install or add a network, wireless, or Bluetooth
scanner 2 In the search box on the taskbar, type Windows
Scan, and then select Scan from the results (Fig 1).
If the scanner is turned on and connected to the
network, Windows will find it automatically. Available Fig 1
scanners can include all scanners on a network, such
as Bluetooth and wireless scanners or scanners that are
plugged into another device and shared on the network.
The following steps will help to do it manually.
1 Select Start > Settings > Devices > Printers &
scanners or click the button Open the Printers &
scanners settings
2 Select Add a printer or scanner. Find nearby
scanners, then choose the one to use and select
Add device.
If your scanner isn’t in the list, select The printer that I
want isn’t listed, and then follow the instructions to add
it manually.
• Place the item you want to scan face down on
• If you use wireless access points, extenders or the scanner’s flatbed and close the cover or
multiple wireless routers with separate SSIDs, you’ll Place the item you want to scan in the scanner’s
need to ensure that you’re connected to the same document feeder.
network as the scanner for your PC to find and install
3 On the Scan page, select the following (Fig 2 to Fig
Fig 5
5) :
Fig 2
Fig 6
Fig 4
Fig 7
2 To print only certain pages, print some of the 2 Click File > Print.
document’s properties, or print tracked changes 3 Under Settings, select Print Markup.
and comments, click the arrow under Settings, next
to Print All Pages (the default), to see all of your 4 Click Print.
options. (Fig 10) Your document will print with comments.
3 To print only certain pages, do one of the following:
• To print the page shown in preview, select Print
Current Page.
• PC with Windows 10 OS - 1 No.
• Boot media kit of different operating
system - 1 No.
TASK 1: Install MS Windows 7 Operating System
1 Insert boot media kit (CD or DVD) into DVD drive. 2 Press del, F2, F12, F10 after restarting the computer.
If the installation does not run automatically, it is
3 Select the boot device to install. Then press Enter
necessary to restart computer.
(as shown in Fig 1).
Fig 1
4 Wait for few seconds until windows will complete to 5 Select and choose language, time and currency
load files (as in Fig 2). format, keyboard method. Then click on Next to
Fig 2 move next step (as shown in Fig 3).
6 Click on Install Now option (Fig 4).
7 Tick for agree license (End User License Agreement).
Then click on Next to proceed (see Fig 5).
8 Choose the type of installation like Upgrade or
Custom option. Always recommended to choose
Custom option (Fig 6).
9 Click on Drive options (advanced) as shown in Fig 7.
Fig 3 Fig 7
Fig 4
10 Click on New to create partition of hard disc with
proper size. After completing click Apply, then ok
(Fig 8). Finally press Next button to proceed.
Fig 8
Fig 5
11 This step takes most time but should not take longer
than 20 minutes (Fig 9).
Fig 9
Fig 6
Fig 11
Fig 15
Fig 12
Fig 16
Fig 17
Fig 28
Fig 25
Fig 29
Fig 26
Fig 30
Fig 31
Fig 38
9 Now choose privacy setting and then click Accept
(Fig 42). Then, windows take time to setup settings,
at his time don’t turn off computer.
Fig 42
• PC with Windows OS - 1 No.
• MS-windows Software - 1 No.
TASK 1: Format HD Drive in Windows with Disk Management
Disk Management in Windows is a built-in tool which 2 Click start menu and type cmd to open command
enables to format, create, delete, extend, shrink line and then input compmgmt.msc and then click
partition without rebooting system. If you want to use Enter (or)
this tool to format Windows hard drive, you should open
3 Press “Windows + R” to open the command line
DiskManagement by one of the following ways at first.
and then enter “diskmgmt.msc” to launch Disk
Note: The instructions given below are to Management
help to partition and format a hard drive. This
4 After open Disk Management, right click the Windows
process is data destrucive and cannot be
10 hard drive partition you need to format (partition
D) and then choose Format.
5 In the pop-up window, and set file system and cluster
1 Click start menu and then type Disk Management to
size and then click OK.
search (or)
Fig 2
Fig 3
To create multiple partitions, select or type a
specific number of megabytes (MB) for the first
partition and continu to the next step. Once
done with this process, the remaining space
will display as unallocated space for the next
partition. For example, on a 2TB drive, set the
volume size to 1000000 (1TB) and continue
to the next step, when done, begin the new
simple volume process again and select the
remaining capacity, the unallocated space,
for another 1 TB partition. (Fig 5)
Fig 5
Fig 4
AOMEI Partition Assistant Standard is a free software which is designed for partition management. It
can help to format hard drive in Windows even format partition larger than 32GB from NTFS to FAT32.
Before format, user can use free backup software - AOMEI Backupper Standard to backup data.
In order to make sure OS works properly, AOMEI Partition Assistant will not allow you to format system
partition and boot partition. However, if need to format system partition or boot partition, user need to
create a bootable media with AOMEI Partition Assistant first, after that, user can format these partitions
by entering Bootable Media. In this situation, user should reset the boot order of the computer from the
original location to the bootable media created. To do this, sometimes, need to change the BIOS (Basic
Input/Output System) settings of your PC.
Fig 10
Fig 11
• PC with Windows OS - 1 No.
• MS-windows software - 1 No.
TASK 1: Installing Ms-Office
Fig 2
Hardware and Software Requirements
Microsoft Office is available in both 32 and 64
-bit versions and will install on the following
minimum hardware requirements.
• 500 MHz or faster processor
• 256 MB or more RAM memory
• 3 GB or larger available hard disk space
• 1024 x 578 display resolution
• Windows XP SP3 32-bit, Windows Vista
SP1 32/64-bit, Windows Server 2003
R2 32/64-bit with MSXML 6.0, Windows
Server 2008 32/64-bit or later, Windows 7
32/64-bit, Windows 8 32/64-bit, Windows
Terminal Server and Windows on Windows
applications are supported as well.
When inserting the CD a prompt should show Fig 3
windows explorer
1 Confirm whether PC meets the Office system
2 Check to see if your PC is preloaded with Office
3 Click Run SETUP.EXE as shown in Fig 1.
4 Read the Microsoft Software License terms, place
a check mark in the box to indicate that agree with
them and press the Continue button as shown in
Fig 3.
5 Enter the 25 character product key on the MSU CD
case and then click Continue as shown in Fig 2.
6 Press the Install Now button to begin the installation
as shown in Fig 4.
Fig 1
Fig 5
1 Download the demo version of nero and save it to a 5 Now you will select type of installation you want to
location you can access easily later. perform. If you want to use nero ONLY to burn CD’s,
click on “custom”. (Fig 4)
2 Start the installation by double clicking set up. (Fig 1)
Fig 4
Fig 1
Fig 7
1 Double click on the VLC media player exe file 5 Click the Next Button On the License Agreement
window as on Fig 10.
2 Click Run button in the window
6 Select components of Media player and click Next
3 Select the language and click ok button as shown in
Button as shown in Fig 11.
Fig 8.
7 Click Install Button as on Fig 12.
4 Click Next Button as shown in Fig 9.
Fig 9
Fig 12
Fig 10
Fig 13
Fig 14
1 Click “Google Chrome” icon in windows task Bar . 2 Type the text “download avira antivirus for windows
10” in text box and click “Search” Button as shown in
Fig 23.
Fig 23
Fig 32
Fig 29
Fig 34
The “preparing installation” process begins
as on Fig 31.
After complete the “preparing installation”
process the “ Choose Installation Type”
window will appear
11 Select the “Express (Recommended)” setup type
option and select the license agreement and privacy
policy option in the bottom of the window as shown
in Fig 32.
12 Click “Next” button
• A working PC - 1 No.
• MS-windows software - 1 No.
TASK 1: Connecting Bluetooth devices to Windows 10Hardware and Software Requirements
Connecting Bluetooth devices to Windows 10 4 Make sure the Bluetooth switch is in the On position.
(You’ll know it is working because you’ll notice the
1 For your computer to see the Bluetooth peripheral,
message reads “Your PC is searching for and can be
you need to turn it on and set it into pairing mode. It
discovered by Bluetooth devices.”)
typically involves pressing and holding the Bluetooth
button until you see a flashing light that indicates the 5 Select the device you want to connect and click Pair.
pairing is ready. Once you click Pair, you’re all done. Windows 10 will
take care of the rest. You’ll notice the “Connected”
2 Then using the Windows key + I keyboard shortcut,
label under the device name. (Fig 1)
open the Settings app.
3 Navigate to Devices and go to Bluetooth.
Fig 1
Alternatively, if you’re simply trying to connect a Quick troubleshooting tips
Bluetooth audio or wireless display, you can simply do
If you don’t see the Bluetooth section on Devices,
the following:
chances are that there are issues with Bluetooth
1 In the notification area in the Taskbar, click to open driver. Make sure to right-click the Start button, and go
the Action Center button (or use the Windows key + to Device Manager to verify the driver is present and
A keyboard shortcut). installed correctly. If everything looks alright, but you
don’t see the option, you may want to download and
2 From the Quick actions area, click the Connect
reinstall the latest Bluetooth driver from your computer’s
manufacturer support website. (Fig 3)
3 Then all the enabled devices will appear in the
If the problem is with the speakers, headphones, mouse,
list, select click on the device, and it should pair
or keyboard, make sure to turn the peripheral off, wait a
automatically. (Fig 2)
few seconds, and turn it back on to try again.
Fig 2
Removing a Bluetooth peripheral from Windows 10
Disconnecting a wireless peripheral is as easy as
connecting. Just follow the steps below:
1 Use the Windows + I keyboard shortcut to open the
Settings app.
2 Navigate through Devices and go to Bluetooth.
3 Click on the peripheral you want to disconnect,
and click the Remove button and then click Yes to
confirm. (Fig 4)
Fig 12
Fig 10
Fig 22
Practice english language typing with specific typing lesson and software
Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• practice on the english typing lesson -1.
• A working PC with MS
Office - 1 No./batch.
Fingering chart
TASK 1: Type the following and practice as per the instruction of the teacher
Type the following and practice as per the instruction of the teacher:
asdfgf ;lkjhj asdfgf ;lkjhj asdfgf ;lkjhj asdfgf ;lkjhj asdfgf ;lkjhj asdfgf ;lkjhj asdfgf ;lkjhj asdfgf ;lkjhj
asdfgf ;lkjhj asdfgf ;lkjhj asdfgf ;lkjhj asdfgf ;lkjhj asdfgf ;lkjhj asdfgf ;lkjhj asdfgf ;lkjhj asdfgf ;lkjhj
asdfgf ;lkjhj asdfgf ;lkjhj asdfgf ;lkjhj asdfgf ;lkjhj
ask fad alsas shad lads flags flask
jag fag fall hash glad galls salad
jak had gaff dash gall flash slash
sad lad adds lash hall lakhs dhalls
dad asks alas dall fall glass shall
Fig 1
Fig 2
TASK 3: Type the following and practice as per the instruction of the teacher
Fig 3
gftfrf hjyjuj gftfrf hjyjuj gftfrf hjyjuj gftfrf hjyjuj gftfrf hjyjuj gftfrf hjyjuj
gftfrf hjyjuj gftfrf hjyjuj gftfrf hjyjuj gftfrf hjyjuj gftfrf hjyjuj gftfrf hjyjuj
gftfrf hjyjuj gftfrf hjyjuj gftfrf hjyjuj gftfrf hjyjuj
Type the following words each 5 lines
lawyers desired prepare feathery repeated etiquette yesterday desire
waggish typist kettle further quoted ledger outdoor pleased
theatre tortuous gallery opposed outflow priority freehold thorough
• A working PC with MS Office - 1 No./batch.
TASK 1: Open MS Word and create a new document
1 Click the ‘start’ button 4 A popup menu will appear on the screen .
2 Place the cursor on ‘Programs’ 5 Select Microsoft Office word as shown in Fig 1.
3 Click ‘on’ the ‘Microsoft office’. A blank document appears on the screen as
shown in Fig 2.
Fig 1
Fig 2
5 Right-click anywhere in the main menu as in Fig 3. 6 Select Minimize the Ribbon in the menu as in Fig 4.
Fig 4
Fig 3
Fig 5
Fig 12
1 Click the Microsoft Office Button or
save button
Fig 16
Fig 18
Fig 20
Fig 22
2 Click
Fig 23
3 window appears as shown in Fig 23.
4 Choose zoom to 200% as in Fig 23.
5 Press ‘OK’.
Zooms the document to 200% of the normal
size as shown in Fig 24.
Save a file Tip To save the copy in a different folder, click a different
drive in the Save in list or a different folder in the folder
By default, the Microsoft Office programs save a file in
list. To save the copy in a new folder, click Create New
a default working folder. If you want, you can specify a
different location.
1 Click the Microsoft Office Button , and
then click Save. Or press CTRL+S.
Top of Page
2 If you are saving the file for the first time, you are
asked to give it a name. Save a file to another format (Save As command)
Note: To save to a CD, or another location, 1 Click the Microsoft Office Button, and then click
Save As. Or press ALT, F, A.
click the Microsoft Office Button ,
2 In the File name box, enter a new name for the file.
select Save As, and then Other Formats. From
the Folders list, select a location or the media 3 In the Save as type list, click the file format that you
on which you want to save. want to save the file in. For example, click Rich Text
Format (.rtf), Web Page (.htm or .html), or Comma
Delimited (.csv).
Top of Page 4 Click Save.
Save a copy of a file (Save As command) Save AutoRecover information automatically
You can also use the Save As command to rename a 1 Click the Microsoft Office Button, and then click
file or change the location of where you save the file. Word Options.
1 Click the Microsoft Office Button, and then click 2 Click Save.
Save As. Or press ALT, F, A. 3 Select the Save AutoRecover information every
2 In the File name box, enter a new name for the file. check box.
3 Click Save. 4 In the minutes box, type or select a number to
determine how often you want to save files.
• A working PC with MS Office - 1 No./batch.
TASK 1: Format the text (Font or Character)
1 Create a new file and type the following text. layas separate it from Russia. The tropical monsoon
climate of India, which ensures a fair supply of mois-
India physical features
ture and forms the basis of farming in India, is also a
Geographical Set Up: India takes its standard time result of its location in the southern part of Asia. Since
from the meridian of 82 30 E, which is 5 ½ hours ahead the opening of Suez Canal (1867) India’s distance from
of Greenwich Mean time (0 longitude).Pakistan time is Europe has been reduced by 7,000km. It thus bridges
5 hours ahead of GMT and Bangladesh time is 6 hours the space between the highly industrialized nation of
ahead of GMT. the west and the semi-arid, and south-western Asia and
the most fertile and populated regions in the south-east
Significance of Location: Barring the plateau of Bal-
and far-east countries.
uchistan (which form part of Pakistan), the two great
ranges of Sulaiman and Kirthar cut it off from the west. 2 Press Ctrl+S to save the file as “India.docx”
Along the north, the great mountain wall formed by the
3 Select the text India physical features using Format
Hindukush, Karakoram and the Himalayas, which is dif-
Tool Bar as shown in Fig 1.
ficult to cross, cuts it off from the rest of the continent.
Similarly, the southward of-shoots of the Eastern Hima-
Fig 1
4 Click the ‘Home’ menu as in Fig 2
Fig 4
5 Click on the Font list as in Fig 2
6 Choose the font as Verdana as in Fig 2
Fig 2
Fig 5
Fig 3
Fig 6
Fig 14
Fig 16
Fig 12
Fig 18
Fig 22
Horizontal alignment determines the appearance and 1 Select the text to justify.
orientation of the edges of the paragraph: left-aligned
2 On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click
text, right-aligned text, centered text, or justified text,
Justify .
which is aligned evenly along the left and right margins.
Indent paragraphs
Align the text left or right
Indentation determines the distance of the paragraph
1 Select the text to align.
from either the left or the right margin. Within the
2 On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click margins, you can increase or decrease the indentation
Align Left or Align Right . of a paragraph or group of paragraphs
Center the text
1 Select the text to center.
2 On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click
Center .
Justify the text
You can justify the text, which might make the last line of
text in a paragraph considerably shorter than the other
If you don’t see the horizontal ruler that runs along the
top of the document, click the View Ruler button at the
top of the vertical scroll bar.
Use precise measurements to set a hanging indent
For more precision in setting a hanging indent, you can
Increase or decrease the left indent of an entire select options on the Indents and Spacing tab.
paragraph 1 On the Page Layout tab, click the Paragraph Dialog
1 Select the paragraph to change. Box Launcher, and then click the Indents and
Spacing tab. (Fig 24)
2 On the Page Layout tab, in the Paragraph group,
Fig 24
click the arrows next to Indent Left to increase or
decrease the left indentation of the paragraph.
Increase or decrease the right indent of an entire
1 Select the paragraph to change.
2 On the Page Layout tab, in the Paragraph group, 2 In the Special list under Indentation, click Hanging,
click the arrows next to Indent Right to increase or and then in the By box, set the amount of space that
decrease the right indentation of the paragraph. you want for the hanging indent.
Set an indent by using the TAB key Create a negative indent
1 Click the Microsoft Office Button , and then 1 Select the text or paragraph to extend into the left
click Word Options. margin.
2 Click Proofing. 2 On the Page Layout tab, in the Paragraph group,
click the down arrow in the Indent Left box.
3 Under AutoCorrection settings, click AutoCorrect
Options, and then click the AutoFormat As You Continue to click the down arrow until the selected text
Type tab. is positioned where you want it in the left margin.
4 Select the Set left- and first-indent with tabs and Change the line spacing, before and after spacing
backspaces check box. in a portion of the document
5 To indent the first line of a paragraph, click in front of 1 Select the paragraphs.
the line. Note: If you decide you want to change line
To indent an entire paragraph, click in front of any line spacing for the entire document, and not
but the first line. just specific paragraphs, press Ctrl+A. That
combination of keys selects all text in your
6 Press the TAB key. document.
Note: To remove the indent, press 2 Choose Home>Line and Paragraph Spacing.
BACKSPACE before you move the insertion (Fig 25)
point. You can also click Undo on the Quick
Access Toolbar.
Set tabs in the Tabs dialog box 2 Tab stop position box, enter the position
(measurement) on the ruler to set the tab stop.
The Tabs dialog box, get more precise tab positions and
(Fig 28)
also can insert a specific character (leader) before the
tab. Fig 28
5 Click Set>OK.
Clear tabs in the Tabs dialog box
You can clear all tab stops you set, or just clear one
or more.
1 Click Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click the
• To clear all tab stops, click Clear All>OK. (Fig 30)
Paragraph dialog box launcher, and then click Tabs.
Add tab stops
2 Choose one of the following:
A quick way to set tab stops in your document is to click
• To clear a single tab stop, in the Tab stop position
the ruler where you want the tabs to appear. (Fig 31)
list, choose a tab stop position, click Clear, and
then click OK. (Fig 30)
Fig 31
Fig 32
Fig 37
Fig 38
Press the TAB key, your text will line up with the tabs
you’ve set.
Note: To adjust the position of a tab, drag it
right or left along the ruler.
Add a hanging indent
With a hanging indent, the second and all the following 2 Click the lower edge of the ruler where you want to
lines of a paragraph are indented more than the first. set the tab.
(Fig 34)
3 On the Format menu, select Tabs to open a window
Fig 34 with tab options.
4 Select the tab. (Fig 39)
Fig 39
Fig 40
Fig 42
Fig 43
Fig 45
• A working PC with MS Office - 1 No./batch.
TASK 1: Create and modify an existing style
Fig 1
7 Click “Modify” option. A new window opens as shown 10 In Fig 4, the tabs, paragraph, languaages, numbering,
in Fig 3. bullets, short cut keys etc., can be pre-setted.
8 In this modify window, create your style including 11 Finally click to have a new style.
body text, font, size allignment, spacing etc., (Fig 3).
12 In future, you can also modify the style as per your
9 Click on the “Format” button at the left bottom corner requirement.
in Fig 3 as shown in Fig 4.
Fig 5
Fig 7
• A working PC with window, OS and
MS Office - 1 No./batch.
TASK 1: Insert table in different methods
Fig 3
Method 3
1 Click Insert tab > Table > Draw Table. The cursor will
Method 2 show in the screen like pencil view
1 Click Insert tab > Table > Insert Table 2 Drag to draw the cursor left to right side of the page
for example rectangle shape
2 See the fig-2 and type the value to Number Columns
6 and Number of Rows 6 in the Insert Table dialog 3 Draw vertical lines for creating columns and
box. (Fig 2) horizontal lines for rows.
Type the text into the table 3 Type the text in column 1.
1 Insert the Table, Number Columns in 6 and Number 4 To move from one column to another press “TAB” or
Rows in 6 use cursor. (Fig 4)
2 Place the curser in the top left side corner of the
Fig 4
Fig 8
Fig 13
Fig 11
Fig 14
Fig 12
Fig 16
1 Select the cells that you want to merge by clicking 2 Select the text in a column of “Name of the Trainees”
the left edge of a cell and then dragging across the list.
other cells that you want.
Fig 18
Fig 20 Fig 22
Fig 30
• A working PC with window, OS and
MS Office - 1 No./batch.
TASK 1: Insert file, clipart, picture and use picture in different options
Insert a file
A clipart dialog box appears as in Fig 3
1 Open a new document.
2 Choose insert tab, in the text group. Click the arrow Fig 3
next to object and then click Text from tab.
3 The insert File display box will appear on the screen.
4 Choose and select the file from the specific location.
5 Click OK button, the entire file inserted in to a new
document. (Fig 1)
Fig 1
Fig 2
3 Select the clipart that need to be inserted into the 4 Choose Picture Tools -> Corrections option (Fig 8)
document which makes the clipart to be on the
document. (Fig 5) Fig 8
Fig 5
Fig 7
Adjust picture color options and contrast as
to avalable options and apply
6 Select Artistic Effects option and make the image in
a different style as in Fig 10.
7 Save the file for reference. (Fig 11)
Apply a picture into the document as in Fig 12
1 Insert a picture into the document as in Fig 12.
2 Choose metal frame option to get an outside frame
as in Fig 13.
Fig 11
5 Apply a 3D effect using Picturer Effects -> Picture
Effect 9 as in Fig 15.
Fig 15
Fig 12
4 View the output as in Fig 14. Try with different effect and border styles.
Fig 30
Fig 31
1 Place your cursor in the file at the spot where you 3 See the symbol you want listed on that gallery, just
want to insert the symbol. click it to insert. Otherwise, click More Symbols to
open the Symbol dialog box. (Fig 35)
2 On the Insert tab, click Symbol. (Fig 34)
4 Scroll up or down to find the symbol you want to
Fig 36
4 Double-click the character that you want to insert. ALT+CTRL+C inserts the Copyright symbol (©), for
Tip: Many of the special characters have
shortcut keys associated with them. If you 5 Click Close when you’re finished inserting special
want to insert that special character again in characters.
the future, just press the shortcut key.
Fig 37
Headers and footers are areas in the top, bottom, and Fig 39
side margins of each page in a document. (Fig 38)
Fig 38
3 Create a header or footer, or make changes to the 6 Under Header & Footer Tools, on the Design tab, in
existing header or footer, on the first page. the Header & Footer group, click Header or Footer.
Use no header or footer on the first page 7 In the gallery of headers or footers, click a
designlabeled (Even Page), such as Austere (Even
1 On the first page of the document, double click the Page).
header or footer area.
2 Under Header & Footer Tools, on the Design tab,
in the Options group, select the Different First Page • If necessary, you can format text in the header or
check box. footer by selecting the text and using the formatting
options on the Office Fluent Mini toolbar.
Note: If the Different First Page check box is
already checked, do not clear it. Go on to the • If you want to switch to a different predefined header
next step. or footer, repeat these steps, and choose a different
header or footer from the gallery.
3 In the First Page Header or First Page Footer area,
delete the contents of the header or footer. Create odd and even headers or footers in a
document that already has headers or footers
Make the header or footer different for odd and even
pages 1 Double-click in the header or footer area.
For example, you can use the title of the document on 2 Under Header & Footer Tools, on the Design tab, in
odd-numbered pages, and the chapter title on even- the Options group, select the Different Odd & Even
numbered pages. Or, for a booklet, you can place page Pages check box.
numbers on odd-numbered pages to be on the right The existing header or footer is now configured for
side of the page and page numbers on even-numbered odd-numbered pages only.
Fig 42
1 Click Drafts on the status bar. 4 On the Page Layout tab, in the Page Setup group,
click Breaks, and then under Section Breaks, click
2 On the Home tab, in the Find group, click Go To.
Next Page.
3 Click Section.
5 Repeat steps 3 and 4 for every section break that
4 Click Next to find section breaks in the document. you want in the document.
5 Draft view makes it easy to see the section breaks in Use a document’s section breaks to vary the header
the document. or footer
Add section breaks to a document If your document is already divided into sections, you
can use the section breaks to configure headers and
If your document is not divided into sections, you can
insert section breaks where you want the header or
footer to vary. 1 Starting at the beginning of the document, click in the
first section for which you want to vary the header or
1 Starting at the beginning of the document, place the
cursor at the beginning of the page where you want
to start varying the header or footer. 2 On the Insert tab, in the Header & Footer group, click
Header or Footer. (Fig 43)
2 On the Page Layout tab, in the Page Setup group,
click Breaks, and then under Section Breaks, click Fig 43
Next Page.
3 Place the cursor at the beginning of the next page
where you want to vary the header or footer, such as
the first page of a new chapter.
Use the same header or footer across section For more information about inserting page numbers,
boundaries see Insert page numbers.
In a document where the header or footer varies by Add a page number to an existing header or footer
section, you can make the header or footer the same 1 Double-click the header or footer area.
across section boundaries.
2 Position the cursor where you want to insert the
1 Double-click the header or footer that you want to page number.
preserve across section boundaries.
2 On the Headers & Footers tab, in the Navigation
• You may need to press the TAB key, adjust paragraph
alignment, or make other changes to the header or
group, click Next Section.
footer content to position the cursor where you want
3 Click Link to Previous. • Many header and footer designs are laid out in a
4 Office Word will ask if you want to delete the header table, and pressing TAB moves the cursor without
and footer and connect to the header and footer in inserting a tab stop. To insert a tab stop within a
the previous section. Click Yes. table cell, press CTRL+TAB. To determine whether
the header or footer that you are working with is laid
Change the contents of a header or footer out in a table, look for the Table Tools contextual tab
1 On the Insert tab, in the Header & Footer group, click at the top of the Ribbon while the cursor is in the
Header or Footer. (Fig 44) header or footer.
1 On the Insert tab, in the Header & Footer group, click Security: Because field codes can be visible
Page Number. (Fig 46) to anyone reading your document, be sure
that the information you place in field codes
Fig 46
is not information that you want kept private.
Insert the document title, author’s name, or other
document property
1 Place the cursor where you want to insert the
document property in the header or footer.
2 Click Top of Page, Bottom of Page, or Page Margins, 2 Under Header & Footer Tools, on the Design tab, in
depending on where you want page numbers to the Insert group, click Quick Parts.
appear in your document.
3 Point to Document Property, and then click the
3 Choose a page number design from the gallery of document property that you want.
Insert the current date
4 Do one of the following:
1 Place the cursor where you want to insert the date in
• To insert header or footer content before the page the header or footer.
number, press the HOME key, enter the content,
2 Under Header & Footer Tools, on the Design tab, in
and then press TAB to position the content.
the Insert group, click Date & Time.
• To insert header or footer content after the page
3 In the Available formats list, click the format in which
number, press the END key, press TAB, and then
you want the date (and time, if you want) to appear.
enter the content.
Remove the header or footer
• If you choose a design from the Page Margins
designs, click in the header or footer, and add the 1 Click anywhere in the document.
content that you want.
2 On the Insert tab, in the Header & Footer group, click
Notes Header or Footer. (Fig 47)
• You may need to press TAB, adjust paragraph
alignment, or make other changes to the header or Fig 47
footer content to position the cursor where you want
• Many header and footer designs are laid out in a
table, and pressing TAB moves the cursor without
inserting a tab stop. To insert a tab stop within a 3 Click Remove Header or Remove Footer.
table cell, press CTRL+TAB. To determine whether
The headers or footers are removed from the entire
the header or footer that you are working with is laid
out in a table, look for the Table Tools contextual tab
at the top of the Ribbon while the cursor is in the Important: If you created different first-page
header or footer. or odd-and-even headers or footers, or if
there are sections that aren’t linked, be sure
• Many header and footer designs contain content
to remove the headers or footers from each
controls for storing content, such as the document
different page or section.
title and the date. When you click to edit the header
or footer, the cursor might automatically select the
content control. To move the cursor away from the
content control (so that you can insert the page
number in the header or footer without deleting
the content of the content control), press the LEFT
IT & ITES : DEO (NSQF Level - 4) - Exercise 1.5.20B 127
TASK 4: Insert WordArt style and shape
Fig 52
Fig 53
• A working PC with window, OS and
MS Office - 1 No./batch.
TASK 1: Setting up a page in the document
1 Select the content that you want on a landscape
Note : You can add many embellishments to page.
your booklet’s appearance. For example, to
add borders to every page, on the Layout tab 2 Go to Layout, and open the Page Setup dialog box.
of the Page Setup window, click Borders. 3 Select Landscape, and in the Apply to box, choose
Selected text (Fig 6)
5 Click OK. If your document already has content, the
text is formatted automatically, but you might need to Fig 6
adjust objects like images and tables manually.
Note : An easy way to make sure that a table
doesn’t flow over the margins is to right-click
the handle on the top-left corner of the table,
and select AutoFit>AutoFit to Contents.
Change page orientation to landscape or portrait
1 To change the orientation of the whole document,
select Layout>Orientation.
2 Choose Portrait or Landscape. (Fig 4)
Fig 4
Fig 7
Fig 10
2 Click the margin type that you want. For the most
common margin width, click Normal.
When you click the margin type that you want, your
entire document automatically changes to the mar-
gin type that you have selected. 2 Click Mirrored.
3 You can also specify your own margin settings. Click 3 To change the margin widths, click Margins, click
Margins, click Custom Margins, and then in the Top, Custom Margins, and then, in the Inside and Outside
Bottom, Left, and Right boxes, enter new values for boxes, enter the widths that you want.
the margins. Set gutter margins for bound documents
Notes A gutter margin setting adds extra space to the side
• To change the default margins, click Margins after margin or top margin of a document that you plan
you select a new margin, and then click Custom Mar- to bind. A gutter margin helps ensure that text isn’t
gins. In the Page Setup dialog box, click the Default obscured by the binding.
button, and then click Yes. The new default settings 1 On the Page Layout tab, in the Page Setup group,
are saved in the template on which the document is click Margins (Fig 11)
based. Each new document based on that template
automatically uses the new margin settings. 2 Click Custom Margins.
3 In the Multiple pages list, click Normal.
Fig 12
Fig 13
Fig 15
Fig 21
Fig 22
Fig 24
• A working PC with windows, OS and
MS Office - 1 No./batch.
TASK 1: Open a template
Open a new document and start typing 1 Click the File tab.
1 In Microsoft Office Word 2010, 2013 or 2016, click 2 Click Save As.
File, and then click New. In Microsoft Office Word
3 In the Save As dialog box, click Templates.
2007, click the Microsoft Office Button, and then
click New. 4 In the Save as type list, select Word Template.
2 Double-click Blank document. 5 Type a name for the template in the File name box,
and then click Save.
Start a document from a template
Delete a document
To use a template as a starting point, do one of the
following: 1 Click the File tab.
1 In Microsoft Office Word 2010, 2013 or 2016, click 2 Click Open.
File, and then click New. In Microsoft Office Word
3 Locate the file that you want to delete.
2007, click the Microsoft Office Button, and then
click New. 4 Right-click the file, and then click Delete on the
shortcut menu.
2 Under Templates, do one of the following:
Create a template
• If you are using Microsoft Office Word 2007,
click Installed Templates to select a template that If you frequently create a certain type of document, such
is available on your computer. If you are using as a monthly report, a sales forecast, or a presentation
Microsoft Office Word 2010, look in Available with a company logo, save it as a template so you can
Templates use that as your starting point instead of recreating
the file from scratch each time you need it. Start with
• In Microsoft Office Word 2007, click one of the
a document that you already created, a document you
links under Microsoft Office Online. In Microsoft
downloaded, or a new template you customized.
Office Word 2010, click Templates.
In Microsoft Office Word 2013 and 2016, all Save a template
available installed templates are shown when 1 To save a file as a template, click File>Save As.
you click File, and then click New and additional
templates can be discovered by using the Search 2 Double-click Computer or, in Office 2016 programs,
for online templates search box. double-click This PC. (Fig 1)
2 Double-click the template that you want. 3 Type a name for your template in the File name box.
Save and reuse templates 4 For a basic template, click the template item in the
Save as type list. In Word for example, click Word
I f you make changes to a template that you download, Template. (Fig 2)
you can save it on your computer and use it again.
It’s easy to find all your customized templates by If your document contains macros, click Word Macro-
clicking My templates in the New Document dialog Enabled Template.
box. To save a template in the My templates folder,
do the following:
Fig 1 Office automatically goes to the Custom Office
Templates folder.
5 Click Save.
Note : To change where your application
automatically saves your templates, click
File>Options>Save and type the folder and
path you want to use in the Default personal
templates location box. Any new templates
you save will be stored in that folder, and
when you click File>New>Personal, you’ll see
the templates in that folder.
Edit your template
To update your template, open the file, make the
changes you want, and then save the template.
1 Click File>Open.
2 Double-click Computer or This PC.
Fig 2
3 Browse to the Custom Office Templates folder that’s
under My Documents.
4 Click your template, and click Open.
5 Make the changes you want, then save and close
the template.
Fig 9
6 Choose a button image, type the name you want, 8 To stop recording, click View>Macros>Stop
and click OK twice. (Fig 10) Recording. (Fig 12)
7 Now it’s time to record the steps. Click the commands 9 The button for your macro appears on the Quick
or press the keys for each step in the task. Word Access Toolbar. (Fig 13)
records your clicks and keystrokes.
10 To run the macro, click the button. The recorded text
Note: Use the keyboard to select text while will appear on as shown in the following fig 14.
you’re recording your macro. Macros don’t
record selections made with a mouse. (Fig 11)
Fig 13
Fig 14
Fig 11
• A working PC with windows, OS and
MS Office - 1 No./batch.
TASK 1: Create formal letter
Fig 3
Fig 7
Fig 8
Fig 9
Fig 11
Step 3: Link your mailing list to your main document 2 Do one of the following:
1 On the Mailings tab, in the Start Mail Merge group, • If you don’t have a mailing list, choose Type a
choose Select Recipients, and then choose an New List and create one.
option. (Fig 14)
Fig 14
• If your mailing list is in an Excel spreadsheet, an
Access database, or another type of data file,
choose Use an Existing List. Then browse to your
list and choose Open. (Fig 15)
• If you’re using your Outlook contacts, choose
Choose from Outlook Contacts. (Figs 16 to 18)
3 Choose File>Save as.
4 In the File name box, type a file name, and then
choose Save
Fig 15
Fig 17
Edit recipient list In the Mail Merge Recipients dialog box, select the
check box next to the name of each person who you
If you’re creating and printing letters for everyone on
want to receive your email message. (Fig 20)
your list, go to “Step 4: Add personalized content to your
letter.” If you want to send letters to people who live, In the Mail Merge Recipients dialog box, there are
for example, within 20 miles of an event you’re hosting, options to refine the recipient list. The two most
then use a filter like a ZIP Code or a postal code to frequently used options are to sort and to filter the list
narrow the list. to make it easier to find names and addresses. (Fig 20)
Choose Edit Recipient List (Fig 19) Step 4: Add personalized content to your letter
Fig 22
Fig 24
Note : Merge Fields also can be opened from • If the field names shown match column headings
the Insert Address Block dialog box you you used for records in your mailing list data
used to add an address block to the main source, do nothing.
document. or
1 In the Match Fields dialog box, verify that the record • If (not matched) appears in a field name that you
fields that appear in the list match the names of expected to match a column heading in your data
column headings for records in your mailing list data source, choose the drop-down arrow, and then
source. (Fig 25) choose the field name in your mailing list data
Fig 25 source. Repeat as necessary.
2 Choose OK.
Format mail merge fields
To change the font, size, or spacing of the merged
content, select the merge field name and make the
changes you want.
1 On the Mailings tab, in the Preview Results group,
choose Preview Results to switch from the merged
results back to the mail merge fields in your letter.
(Fig 26)
2 Choose the merge field name. (Fig 27)
3 On the Home tab, choose the font and the font size
you want to use. (Fig 28)
Fig 30
Fig 28
• A working PC with windows, OS and
MS Office - 1 No./batch.
TASK 1: Create a table of content
1 Create text file with more number of heading file and Fig 2
make Styles in each headings and paragraph
2 Put your cursor in page number 1 for add the table of
3 Go to Reference > Table of Contents > Custom
Table of contents. The Table of Contents dialog box
will appear on the screen Fig 1.
Fig 1
Fig 3
7 The Table of Contents dialog box’s Print preview and Fig 4
Web preview options TOC level will be changed as
shown in Fig 4.
8 Click OK Button. The Contents will appear as shown
in Fig 5.
Fig 5
1 After you have created a table of contents in Change the level of an entry (Fig 7)
Word, you can customize the way it appears. For Fig 7
example, you can change the layout, change the text
formatting, select how many heading levels to show,
and choose whether to show dotted lines between
the entries and the page numbers.
Format the text (Fig 6)
Fig 6
Fig 10
To change how the text in your table of contents looks, 5 Repeat steps 3 and 4 for all the levels that you want
change the style for each level in the table of contents. to display in your table of contents.
1 On the References tab of the Ribbon click Table of Word will remember these customizations each time
Contents>Custom Table of Contents. you update the table of contents in this document.
2 In the Table of Contents dialog box, click Modify. If Change the level of an entry
the Modify button is grayed out, change Formats to To change the level of an entry in your table of contents,
From template. (Fig 13) just change the heading level of that text in the body of
Fig 13
your document.
1 Click the heading that you want to change.
2 On the Home tab, in the Styles group, click the
heading level you want. (Fig 15)
Fig 15
3 In the Styles list, click the level that you want to Edit the field code information (to change the
change and then click Modify. (Fig 14) number of levels)
Fig 14 Word inserts fields automatically when you use
particular commands. For example, when you Add page
numbers, Word inserts the Page field. When you Create
a table of contents, Word inserts the TOC field.
You can edit the field code information to quickly change
the number of levels shown in your TOC.
1 Click in your table of contents, and then press
Alt+F9. The field code information appears between
curly brackets and looks like this: (Fig 17)
Fig 17
An index lists the terms and topics that are discussed • You can add a second-level in the Subentry box.
in a document, along with the pages that they appear If you need a third level, follow the subentry text
on. To create an index, you mark the index entries by with a colon.
providing the name of the main entry and the cross-
• To create a cross-reference to another entry, click
reference in your document, and then you build the
Cross-reference under Options, and then type
index. (Fig 18)
the text for the other entry in the box.
Fig 18
• To format the page numbers that will appear
in the index, select the Bold check box or Italic
check box below Page number format.
4 Click Mark to mark the index entry. To mark this text
everywhere it shows up in the document, click Mark
5 To mark additional index entries, select the text, click
in the Mark Index Entry dialog box, and then repeat
steps 3 and 4
Mark the entries
Create the index
These steps show you how to mark words or phrases
for your index, but you can also Mark index entries for After you mark the entries, you’re ready to insert the
text that spans a range of pages. index into your document.
1 Select the text you’d like to use as an index entry, or 1 Click where you want to add the index.
just click where you want to insert the entry.
2 On the References tab, in the Index group, click
2 On the References tab, in the Index group, click. Insert Index. (Fig 21)
Mark Entry. (Fig 19) Fig 21
Fig 19
Fig 23
Link to a bookmark
You can also add hyperlinks that will take you to a
bookmarked location in the same document.
1 Select the text or object you want to use as a
2 Right-click and then click Hyperlink.
3 Under Link to, click Place in This Document.
4 In the list, select the heading or bookmark that you
want to link to.
Note: To customize the Screen Tip that 3 Choose and click the equation which type you want
appears when you rest the pointer over the to insert it. Now the Inserted equation will appear as
hyperlink, click ScreenTip, and then type the shown in fig 33.
text that you want. 4 After you insert the equation the Equation Tools
5 Click OK. Design tab opens with symbols and structures that
can be added to your equation
158 IT & ITES : DEO (NSQF Level - 4) - Exercise 1.5.24
2 Select the text
Fig 33
3 Choose Insert and click Equation button
4 Select Professional Button in the Tool group under
the Equation Tools. Fig 35
5 The Equation will appear in professionally as shown
in the following fig 36.
Fig 36
Fig 37
Fig 35
3 In the Reference type box, click the drop-down list 4 In the Insert reference to box, click the information
to pick what you want to link to. The list of what’s you want inserted in the document. Choices depend
available depends on the type of item (heading, on what you chose in step 3. (Fig 39)
page number, etc.) you’re linking to. (Fig 38)
Fig 39
5 In the For which box, click the specific item you want
1 Click where you want to reference to the footnote or
to refer to, such as “Insert the cross-reference.”
6 To allow users to jump to the referenced item, select
2 On the References tab, select Insert Footnote or
the Insert as hyperlink check box. (Fig 40)
Insert Endnote. (Fig 42)
Fig 40 Fig 42
Fig 45
Word displays the translate panel with languages 7 For other options get cleared with instructor.
options, which allows to get translated word in the
selected language if available or send to Microsoft
translator option online and get back proper
Practice of using shortcut keys & using macro for creating shortcut
Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• practice the shortcut keys in word document.
• A working PC with windows, OS and
MS Office - 1 No./batch.
Find, replace, and browse through text
CTRL+F Open the Navigation task pane (to search document).
ALT+CTRL+Y Repeat find (after closing Find and Replace window).
CTRL+H Replace text, specific formatting, and special items.
CTRL+G Go to a page, bookmark, footnote, table, comment, graphic,
or other location.
ALT+CTRL+Z Switch between the last four places that you have edited.
ALT+CTRL+HOME Open a list of browse options. Press the arrow keys to select
an option, and then press ENTER to browse through a
document by using the selected option.
CTRL+PAGE UP Move to the previous browse object (set in browse options).
CTRL+PAGE DOWN Move to the next browse object (set in browse options).
Switch to another view
ALT+CTRL+P Switch to Print Layout view.
ALT+CTRL+O Switch to Outline view.
ALT+CTRL+N Switch to Draft view.
Outline view
ALT+SHFT+LEFT ARROW Promote a paragraph.
ALT+SHFT+RIGHT ARROW Demote a paragraph.
CTRL+SHFT+N Demote to body text.
ALT+SHFT+UP ARROW Move selected paragraphs up.
ALT+SHFT+DOWN ARROW Move selected paragraphs down.
ALT+SHFT+PLUS SIGN Expand text under a heading.
ALT+SHFT+MINUS SIGN Collapse text under a heading.
ALT+SHFT+A Expand or collapse all text or headings.
ALT+SHFT+L Show the first line of body text or all body text.
ALT+SHFT+1 Show all headings with the Heading 1 style.
ALT+SHFT+n Show all headings up to Heading n.
CTRL+TAB Insert a tab character.
Print and preview documents
CTRL+P Print a document.
ALT+CTRL+I Switch to print preview.
Arrow keys Move around the preview page when zoomed in.
PAGE UP or PAGE DOWN Move by one preview page when zoomed out.
CTRL+HOME Move to the first preview page when zoomed out.
CTRL+END Move to the last preview page when zoomed out
Review documents
ALT+CTRL+M Insert a comment.
CTRL+SHFT+E Turn change tracking on or off.
ALT+SHFT+C Close the Reviewing Pane if it is open.
Fig 1
• A working PC with windows, OS and
MS Office - 1 No./batch.
TASK 1: Practice of typing of the english alphabet
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz., ,.zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfdcba
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz., ,.zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfdcba
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz., ,.zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfdcba
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz., ,.zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfdcba
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz., ,.zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfdcba
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz., ,.zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfdcba
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz., ,.zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfdcba
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz., ,.zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfdcba
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz., ,.zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfdcba
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz., ,.Zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfdcba
TASK 4: Practice of typing of the english alphabet
Learning numerical: type the following numbers as per the instruction of your teacher:
123454 098767 123454 098767 123454 098767
1 Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs. 13 The son got ¾ and the daughter Dikshaya ¼ of their
2 A quick brown fox slowly jumped over the lapdogs.
14 The French Revolution war was in the year 1709
3 Five prizes were quickly distributed by the judged
examiners. 15 Received 5 sets of Typist’s Tables (2’-5”) & chairs
(18” 6”)
4 Handy Jack’s quixotic laziness may grow to be far
expensive. 16 Now the cost of gold is very high. (Onegram =
5 Gay men with extra pluck and zeal would often have
quiet job. 17 Every Indian should say “No Partition”.
6 Black market fugitive should be quickly expelled with 18 Leave 2 spaces after (.) and (?)
19 Punctuation should be marked carefully.
7 May we have Jack squires fix the big lamps for Andy
20 Character builds a good family.
21 Service to the Community is humanity.
8 Have you seen my brother-in-Law Jayavendan?
22 Anandan got cent percent result in his subject.
9 The partition of India affected more than 506 of our
people. 23 We must be proud of our Nation.
10 Balaji worked with Zealand vigour. 24 Untouch ability is as in. Un touch ability is a crime
and also in human.
11 Joel & Subashini took their child on 2nd January
2005 for Kuwait. 25 Time and tide wait for none. So, make use of the
time. All the best.
12 Messer Parthiban & Co., Ltd were great toymakers.
• A working PC with windows, OS and MS Office - 1 No./batch.
TASK 1: Opening new microsoft office excel workbook in windows operating system
1 Press windows Key in Keyboard 3 Click Blank work book. The new Microsoft office
excel workbook will appear on screen. (Fig 1)
2 Choose Micsrosoft office and click Microsoft office
Fig 1
TASK 2: Observe the Excel workbook Tabs, Ribbons and its components
1 Open the New Excel workbook (Fig 2) 2 Observe and write name of the Tabs and Ribbon
groups of the corresponding Tab in the below table.
Fig 2
IT & ITES Exercise 1.6.28
DEO - Excel Application
• A working PC with windows, OS and
MS Office - 1 No./batch.
TASK 1: Create MS-Excel Worksheet
1 Invoke Excel application package by following Microsoft Excel splash screen appears for a
sequence moment and a blank Excel Worksheet appears
Click start button -> All Programs -> Microsoft Excel as shown in Fig 1
Fig 1
TASK 2: Enter data into the cell
1 Click at C1 cell and type the name of a stationery
The existing cell address will be displayed
shoppe and press “Enter” key.
in Name box and content will be displayed
in formula bar/ reference area and in the cell.
If the typed text is more than that can be
accommodated in the cell it gets displayed
over the next cell as shown in Fig 2.
Fig 2
2 Click the Center alignment button from Alignment 4 Enter the following data in the cells as given below
group as shown in Fig 3.
Click on cell A4. Type “Sl.No.” and press “Right
Fig 3
Arrow” key.
Type “Item” and press “Right Arrow” key.
Type “Rate” and press “Right Arrow” key.
Type “ Quantity” and press “Right Arrow” key.
Type “Amount” and press “Enter” key.
Up /Down arrow keys can be used to move
to cells in vertical directions and Left/Right
arrow keys can be used to move to cells in
3 Click the Bold and Underline button from horizontal directions
Font group as shown in Fig 4. Entering Data using Fill
Fig 6 7
1 Click on the cell A4 and move the Mouse pointer 3 Click on the cell A5 and move the Mouse pointer
towards to E4 without releasing the mouse button to towards to A12 without releasing the mouse button
select the cells to select the cells
2 Click on the Border button from Font group 4 Click on the Border button from Font group and
choose Outside Border.
A Context menu appears as shown in Fig 7.
5 Repeat the steps 3 and 4 by selecting the cells B5 to
Choose All Border from this menu.
B12, C5 to C12, D5 to D12, E5 to E12.
Fig 9
• A working PC with windows, OS and MS Office - 1 No./batch.
TASK 1: Open a excel and apply b/w cells relative reference
Fig 3
TASK 2: OPen a excel file and apply b/w cells absolute reference
Unlike relative references, absolute references do not Fig 6
change when copied or filled.
Note: An absolute reference can be used to
keep a row and/or column constant.
An absolute reference is designated in a formula by the
addition of a dollar sign ($) before the column and row. If
it precedes the column or row (but not both), it’s known
as a mixed reference. (Fig 4)
Fig 4
Entre the 7.5% sales tax rate in cell E1 (Fig 5). Cal-
culate the sales tax for all items in column D. Use the
absolute cell reference $E$1 in the formula (Fig 5) 4 Double-click the filled cells to check their formulas
for accuracy. The absolute reference should be the
As each formula is using the same tax rate, the refer- same for each cell, while the other references are
ence need to remain constant when the formula is cop- relative to the cell’s row. (Fig 7)
ied and filled to other cells in column D.
Fig 7
1 Select the cell D3 and entre the formula
=(B3*C3)*$E$1 (Fig 5).
Fig 5
2 Click, hold, and drag the fill handle over the cells to
3 The formula will be copied to the selected cells
with an absolute reference, and the values will be
calculated in each cell. (Fig 6)
1 Create a marks sheet as shown below. (Refer 4 Place the mouse on Highlight Cell Rules. A drop
table 1) (Fig 8) down menu for rules appears.
2 Select cells in the rangeC3 : G12 for marks of all 5 Click on “Less Than” rule and then “Less Than “.
students in all subjects.
A Less Than window appears.
3 In the Home ribbon “Conditional Formatting”. (Fig 9)
6 In the “Format cells that are less than” text box type
40. (Refer Fig 10)
Fig 9
Fig 10
7 In the adjacent text box indicated as “with” use the 10 All the cells containing values less than 40 appear
drop down menu and select “Custom format”. with the formatting set in step 8.
8 The “Format cells” window appears. Select the Font 11 Change the values in the marks sheet randomly to
style as bold and the text color as red. (Fig 11) values above and below 40 and test the results.
9 Click OK.
Fig 11
• A working PC with windows, OS and MS Office - 1 No./batch.
TASK 1: Work with Mathematical Functions and Statistical functions
Note: visit our page about the COUNTIF
1 To count the number of cells that contain numbers, function for many more examples.
use the COUNT function. (Fig 1)
Fig 1 3 To count cells based on multiple criteria (for example,
green and greater than 9), use the following
COUNTIFS function. (Fig 3)
Fig 3
2 To count cells based on one criteria (for example,
greaterthan 9), use the following COUNTIF function.
(Fig 2) 4 To sum a range of cells, use the SUM function.
(Fig 4)
Fig 2
Fig 4
General note: in a similar way, you can use
5 To sum cells based on one criteria (for example, the AVERAGEIF and AVERAGEIFS function
greater than 9), use the following SUMIF function to average cells based on one or multiple
(two arguments). criteria.
To sum cells based on one criteria (for Statistical functions
example, green), use the following SUMIF
function (three arguments, last argument is
the range to sum). (Fig 6) 6 To calculate the average of a range of cells, use the
AVERAGE function. (Fig 8)
Fig 5
Fig 8
Fig 6
7 To average cells based on one criteria, use the
AVERAGEIF function. For example, to calculate the
average of Nos. greater than 9 (Fig 9)
Fig 9
To sum cells based on multiple criteria (for
example, circle and red), use the following
SUMIFS function (first argument is the range
to sum). (Fig 7)
Fig 7
Note: <> means not equal to.
8 To find the median (or middle number), use the
MEDIAN function. (Fig 10)
9 To find the most frequently occurring number, use
the MODE function. (Fig 11)
Standard Deviation
10 To calculate the standard deviation, use the STDE V
function. (Fig 12)
Fig 14
Fig 11
Fig 15
Fig 12
Fig 16
11 To find the minimum value, use the MIN function.
(Fig 13)
12 To find the maximum value, use the MAX function.
(Fig 14)
13 To find the third largest number, use the following
LARGE function.(Fig 15)
14 To find the second smallest number, use the following
SMALL function. (Fig 16)
Fig 18
Fig 22
Note: use the MONTH and DAY function to get
the month and day of a date.
Date Function
3 Add a number of days to a date, use the following
simple formula. (Fig 19)
Fig 19
Time Function
7 Add a number of hours, minutes and/or seconds,
use the TIME function. (Fig 23)
Note: Excel adds 2 hours, 10 + 1 = 11 minutes
and 70 - 60 = 10 seconds.
Fig 25
Fig 31
6 If you deposit $1,000.00 for a period of 5 years at the
rate of interest 10%, then the future value that will be
received at the end of 5th year. (Fig 30)
4 Extract a substring, starting in the middle of a string,
Note: to insert a space, use “ “
use the MID function. (Fig 35)
2 Extract the leftmost characters from a string, use the
LEFT function. (Fig 33)
Fig 33
10 Get the last name, use the following formula.
Note: space included!
(Fig 40)
Fig 40
6 Find the position of a substring in a string, use the
FIND function. (Fig 37)
Fig 37
Fig 38
Fig 43
Fig 51
Fig 55
Fig 56
Fig 58
• A working PC with windows, OS and MS Office - 1 No./batch.
TASK 1: Sort the data in a Table
1 Open a new file and enter the data’s in the subsequent
cells as shown in Fig 1.
Fig 1
4 Select tto
o sort the
Fig 3
data in ascending
di g order.
5 Select to sort the
data in descending order.
6 Select
Fig 4
11 Click on
17 Click on
18 Repeat the step 11.
19 Select “Trade” field.
8 Select “Quali” field
20 Select “A to Z”.
9 Click on the drop down arrow near the
21 Repeat the step 11.
A drop down list will appear with all the field
22 Select “Quali” field.
name in the table as shown in Fig 6.
23 Select “Z to A”.
Fig 6
24 Repeat the step 11.
25 Select “DOR” field.
26 Select “Oldest to Newest”.
27 Click button.
Fig 7
A Context menu will appear as shown below 5 Deselect some trade name by clicking on the check
in Fig 8. box near it as shown in Fig 11.
Fig 9
Fig 10
• A working PC with windows, OS and MS Office - 1 No./batch.
TASK 1: Create a chart using given data
1 Open a new file and enter the data’s in the subsequent 3 Select the cell D14 and type the formula given below
cells as shown in Fig 1. to calculate discount for the condition and press
“Enter key”.
2 Save it with file name “Sales Report”.
Fig 1
=IF(C14<3000, “Nil”, IF(C14<=5000, C14*10/100,IF A ‘+’ sign will appear at the right bottom corner of the
(C14<=10000,C14*20/100, IF(C14<=35000,C14*25 cell
6 Press the left button and drag till D18.
4 Select the cell D14.
The formula in D14 will be copied to D15, D16, D17
5 Move the mouse pointer to the right bottom corner of & D18.
the cell
7 Select the cell E14 and type the formula given below The contents in C14 to C18 is added and the result
to calculate “Payable Amount” as Amount - Discount will be displayed in C19.
and press “Enter key”.
11 Copy the formula in C19 to D19 and E19.
12 Select the cell C9
8 Repeat the steps 5 to 6.
13 Type “=C19”
9 Select Cells C14 to C18
14 Select the cell C10
10 Click from Editing group in Home Tab as shown
15 Type “=D19”
in Fig 2.
The contents in C19 is also displayed in C9 and the
Fig 2 content in D19 is also displayed in C10.
1 Select the cells B13 to E18. A Context menu will appear as shown below in Fig 4.
2 Click on the tab. 4 Select any one of the above chart type.
3 Click on the drop down arrow below the column The chart will be inserted into the Excel worksheet
as shown in Fig 5.
button from Charts group as shown in Fig 3.
Fig 3
Fig 6
Fig 7
5 Type the heading as “SALES REPORT”.
6 Select from group.
Fig 8
Fig 9
Fig 13
Fig 14
• A working PC with windows, OS and MS Office - 1 No./batch.
TASK 1: Import data into excel from Access database
1 Click “DATA” Tab 3 Select the already saved MS-Access Data base file
and click Open.
2 Click From Access Icon in Get External DATA The Import Data dialog Box will display on the
screen (Fig 3).
Ribbon Group as shown in Fig 1
4 Select the Table option
Fig 1
5 Select the cell where you want to import the Access
database as shown in Fig 3.
6 Click OK button.
The output window will display as on Fig 4.
Fig 3
Fig 4
• A working PC with windows, OS and MS Office - 1 No./batch.
TASK 1: Practice on pivot table
1 Open a new file and enter the data in the subsequent 2 Click somewhere inside the table to make the active
cells as shown in Fig 1. cell inside the table.
Fig 1
3 Select tab. “Create Pivot Table” dialog box will appear as
4 Click button from group shown in Fig 3.
Fig 3
7 Drag the “Name” field and drop it under Here Excel uses “Count” function to find the
values pane and the screen changes its appearance number of persons under each qualification
as shown in Fig 6. and “Sum” function to add the age of persons
under each qualification.
8 Drag the “Trade” field and put it outside of the pane.
11 Double click on the word “Sum of Age”.
9 Drag the “Quali” field and drop it under
A “Value Field Setting” dialog box will appear
pane. as shown in Fig 8.
10 Drag the “Name” field & “Age” field and drop it under
values pane.
The appearance of the screen will be as
shown in Fig 7.
Fig 6
12 Select Min option and press . 16 Click the mouse right button.
Now it will display the Minimum age comes Mini Toolbar buttons will appear on the screen
under each qualification as shown in Fig 9. as shown in Fig 11.
13 Double click on the word “Min of Age”. 17 Select “Decrease Decimal” to show fewer decimal
14 Select Average option and press
Fig 10
1 Repeat the Steps 6 and 7 from Task I. 3 Select to arrange the name reversely.
2 Click on the Drop down arrow near the
You can change the order manually also by
dragging the names here and there
A context menu will appear as shown in
Fig 12. 4 Deselect some trade name by clicking on the check
box near it as shown in Fig 13.
Fig 12
Fig 13
Fig 15
6 Select tab.
7 Click on Font group and from
Alignment group.
8 Click on Font face and change it as “STENCIL”.
9 Click on Font Size and change it as “14”.
10 Click on Fill Color and select “Light Green”.
11 Click on Font Color and select “Purple”
12 Select from Code tab.
Now the Macro for the above task is recorded.
13 Click on any cell and type “SAMPLE”
14 Press Ctrl+f.
Now the word will be displayed as
If the above formatting is required for
any cell, it can be available by just pressing Ctrl+f.
• A working PC with windows, OS and MS Office - 1 No./batch.
TASK 1: Preparing an existing table to printing setup
1 Open the existing excel file as on Fig 1. 3 Set the “Print Area” option in “Page Layout” Tab as
shown in Fig 3.
Fig 1
Fig 3
TASK 2: Working with print options and print the given Excel sheet
1 After set the page layouts Click File menu and click Fig 6
Print option as on Fig 5
Fig 5
• A working PC with windows, OS and MS Office - 1 No./batch.
TASK 1: Prepare an employee due and drawn statement from December-2011 to February -2014
1 Perform following criteria 5 DA rate is increased every 6 months
2 Give 3% increment in july month every year 6 If change December -2011 basic pay total difference
amount should be calculated automatically.
3 Use Roundup function for increment calculation and
rounded to nearest to 10 7 After finishing the exercise check with the instructor.
4 HRA is 30% on basic pay
Practice english language typing with specific typing lesson and software
Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• practice english language typing with specific lesson.
• A working PC with windows, OS and MS Office - 1 No./batch.
TASK 1: Type the following in double line spacing with a margin of ten degree
Indian National Flag the Indian flag has a width:height aspect ratio of
3:2. All three horizontal bands of the flag (saffron,
The National Flag of India is a horizontal
white and green) are equally sized. The Ashoka
rectangular tricolour of saffron, white and India
Chakra has twenty-four evenly-spaced spokes.
green; with the Ashoka Chakra, a 24-spoke
wheel, in navy blue at its centre. It was adopted Symbolism
in its present form during a meeting of the
Gandhi first proposed a flag to the Indian National
Constituent Assembly held on 22 July 1947, and
Congress in 1921. The flag was designed by
it became the official flag of India on 15 August
Pingali Venkayya. In the centre was a traditional
1947. In India, the term “tricolour” almost always
spinning wheel, symbolising Gandhi’s goal of
refers to the Indian national flag. The flag is based
making Indians self-reliant by fabricating their
on the Swaraj flag, a flag of the Indian National
own clothing. The three bands refers to courage
Congress designed by Pingali Venkayya.
and sacrifice, peace and truth, and faith and
By law, the flag is to be made of khadi, a special chivalry respectively.
type of hand-spun cloth made popular by
The wheel denotes motion. The wheel represents
Mahatma Gandhi. The manufacturing process
move and go forward (dynamism of a peaceful
and specifications for the flag are laid out by
the Bureau of Indian Standards. The right
to manufacture the flag is held by the Khadi Education and training in cosmetology takes you
Development and Village Industries Commission, straight to the world of glamour and excitement
who allocates it to regional groups. As of 2009, and allows you to explore the opportunity to
the Karnataka Khadi Gramodyoga Samyukta work with hair, skin or nails depending upon your
Sangha has been the sole manufacturer of the choice. The different combinations of chemicals
flag. allow to create the right type of product for
possibilities in the field
Usage of the flag is governed by the Flag Code
of India and other laws relating to the national
emblems. According to the Flag code of India,
TASK 2: Typing practice
Type the following in double line spacing with Volunteering your services to community
a margin of ten degrees theatres, fashion shows etc., will not
only provide experience but also help
Education and training in cosmetology
in establishing contact with people who
takes you straight to the world of glamour
may be important to your career. Star
and excitement and allows you to explore
Campbell place a master of make-up
the opportunity to work with hair, skin or
artistry, says that achieving delicate
nails. Depending upon your choice. The
effects takes yeast of concrete training.
different combinations of chemicals allow
The ,ore time you invest in preparing for
to create the right type of product for
this career the longer your career will
product for hair skin or mails. Thought the
be and the more you will get out of it. It
possibilities in the field of cosmetology
allows you to be independent mobile and
are endless, you do require education or
employable. You can begin by developing
training in this field to be able to find the
a portfolio that can be presented to a
right path for yourself. The aim of a make-
potential client. The portfolio can include
up artistes to brining out beauty without
before and after photograph so make-
making it look like a disguise. Make-up
over you have performed, along with
artists apply cosmetics to enhance a
any awards or certificates you may have
client’s appearance as also create any
image a particular job calls for. The
artist should be inclined artistically like The job of skin care specialist
blending, shad9ing or creating. (Aesthetician) here is to offer treatments
to perfect the look and health of the skin.
A make-up artist can establish himself in
The aesthetician can work in a salon,
a salon with a private clientele, become
teach, travel giving demonstrations
make-up director for a prestigious
or become a consultant to a cosmetic
department store represent a line of
company. The training for this job should
cosmetics, work in Television and
be in beauty salon which specializes in
movie production, find a position with
emphasizes on facial treatments. These
a fashion magazine or work behind the
training courses are best use of them.
scenes in theatre production. Operating
The specialist must read as much as
as an independent free lancer allows
possible about skin care so that there is
you to create your own schedule or find
a touch of authority in what he says.
employment with one company. The
make-up artists should concentrate on
chemistry and anatomy if they want to
make it to the top. Theatre experience,
especially a study of stage lighting can
be really helpful. Six months to one
year work experience in a good salon is
important after training.
Type the following in double line spacing with It was used for the production of legal
a margin of ten degrees documents. Pliny the Elder, gave an
account of the manufacture of paper
The invention of paper is closely-linked
from papyrus. The fibrous layers within
with the history of human civilization.
the stem of the plant were removed
Although the modern printing industry is
and a number of these longitudinal
generally considered to have bon out of
strips were placed side by side and then
the invention of movable types of Johan
crossed at right angles with another
Gutenberg in 1455, the Chinese had
set of strips. The two layers formed a
been printing on paper many hundreds
sheet, which was then dampened and
of years earlier. Paper was first produced
pressed. Upon drying the glue-like sap
in China in about 105 AD when papyrus
of the plant acted as an adhesive and
and parchment were being used in
cemented the layers together. The sheet
Mediterranean countries. Tortoise shell,
was finally hammered and dried in the
bone metals, stones bamboo slips,
sun. a number of these sheets were then
wooden tables and silk were used as
joined together with paste to form a roll,
writing materials in China before the
with usually not more than 20 sheets to a
invention of paper. It took centuries to
roll. As time passed, other fibrous plants
perfect the technology of producing
started replacing papyrus.
vegetable fibre paper, initially, the raw
materials used was hemp, rope ends, By the turn of 3rd Century A.D papyrus
rags and work out fishing nets ect, the had already begun to be replaced by
oldest sample of paper from Wester less expensive velum of parchment
Han Dynasty was discovered in 1957 in in Europe. Parchment is said to have
Shaanxi province of China. been invited in the 2nd Century. B.C.,
The name apparently derived from the
The ancient Egyptians used papyrus as
ancient Greek city of Pergamum. It is the
writing materials, which is derived from
processed skin of certain animals mainly
the plant Cypenus papyrus. The papyrus
was long cultivated in the Nile delta region
in Egypt and was collected for its stalk or
stem, whose central pith was cut into thin
strips, pressed together and dried to form
a smooth thin writing surface. Papyrus is
a grass like aquatic plant that has woody,
blunt triangular stems and grows up to
4.6cm high in quietly flowing water. The
triangular stem can grow to a width of
6cm. The Egyptians used the stem of
the pyrus plant to make sails, cloth, mat,
cords and above all paper. It was adopted
by the Greeks and was used extensively
in the Roman Empire.
Practice typing in Hindi or any one regional language with specific typing
lesson and software
Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• practice Hindi language or any regional language typing with specific lesson.
• A working PC with windows, OS and MS Office - 1 No./batch.
TASK 1: Type the exercises (letters/ words) given by the instructor
Note: The instructors may train the trainees to Note: The accuracy is more important than
do the Hindi/ regional language for fingering speed in the beginner level.
practice as per fingering chart.
IT & ITES Exercise 1.7.39
DEO - Image editing
• A working PC with windows, OS and MS Office - 1 No./batch.
TASK 1: Open image file in MS Paint
Fig 2
Fig 3
Fig 4
Fig 6
Fig 9
Fig 11
• A working PC with windows, OS and MS Office - 1 No./batch.
TASK 1: Open Picture Manager from the Start menu
1 From the Start menu, select All Programs. 4 Click Microsoft Office Picture Manager.
2 Click to open the Microsoft Office folder. Note: Picture Manager is not included with
Office 2013 and later versions, but you can
3 Click to open the Microsoft Office Tools folder.
install it as a standalone app.
4 On the right side of the window, type the new width 7 In the “Save As” window, type a new name for new
for the image in the width box. While entering the image. Click on “Save” button to save the new image
new width, the height will be calculated proportionally
(Fig 4).
Fig 3 Fig 5
1 Make sure you DO NOT erase the period
Fig 4
and the last 3 characters of the original file
name, as indicated in the Fig 6
2 While Quitting or Exiting the Picture
Manager program, it may ask to save
changes you made to your original image.
Click on “NO” so that the original image is
not changed.
Fig 6
TASK 3: Adjust brightness and contrast, colour and crop the image
1 Open the image in the “Microsoft Office Picture 5 Select the Crop option. You will notice the crop is
Manager” previewed on the image; you can click and drag the
crop area to reposition it. Grab the little black crop
2 Click on Edit Pictures in the Task Pane on the right to
marks in the corners or on the edges to scale the
reveal a menu with all the editing options (Fig 7).
image (Fig 10). Click OK to cut the photo to the crop.
3 Select the Brightness and Contrast menu entry. The
6 Select Red eye removal from the Edit Pictures menu
Task pane will display a range of control sliders; you
can use these to adjust any exposure issues (too Click the mouse cursor several times over all the red
bright, too dark etc) (Fig 8). eye areas you want to remove, then click OK.
4 Select the Colour option from the Edit Pictures menu.
Use the sliders to adjust the Hue and Saturation
(Fig 9).
Practice typing in Hindi or any regional language with specific typing lesson
and software
Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• practice Hindi/ regional language with speific lesson by instructor.
• A working PC with windows, OS and MS Office - 1 No./batch.
TASK 1: Practice the given exercises of words and sentences of Hindi/ regional language as given by the
IT & ITES Exercise 1.8.42
DEO - Power point presentation
• A working PC with windows, OS and MS Office - 1 No./batch.
TASK 1: Open a Power Point and create a new presentation
Fig 2
2 Click Open option which displays, existing 7 The presentation is saved (Fig 7).
presentation (Fig 4)
Close the current presentation
3 Choose any one presentation.
1 Choose “File” menu
4 Click “Open” button to open the presentation.
2 Click “Close” option
Save a current Presentation
3 The current presentation is saved.
1 Choose “File” menu
Insert a New Slide
2 Click “Save” option (Fig 5)
1 Choose “Insert” Menu
3 Displayed Save as window
2 Click “New Slide” (Short cut key : Ctrl + M) (Fig 8)
4 Type the name of the presentation (Fig 6)
Fig 5 Fig 6
• A working PC with windows, OS and MS Office - 1 No./batch.
TASK 1: Insert a picture or images from the clipart gallery
1 Click in the slide where to insert a clip art file. 4 The search results loaded in the task pane.
2 On the Insert tab, in the Images group, click Online 5 Locate the clip art to be inserted in the slide and
Pictures (Fig 1). (In PowerPoint 2007/2010, this double-click on it or click the item and select Insert
option is called Clip Art.) (Fig 3).
Fig 1 Fig 3
TASK 2: Change the current theme
1 On the Design tab, in the Themes group, click the
More button (illustrated below) to open the entire Note: To apply a newly-created theme or an
gallery of themes. (Fig 4) existing theme that you previously modified
and saved, under Custom, click the theme
2 To apply a built-in theme, under Office or Built-In, that you want.
click the theme that you want.
To apply a custom theme or a themed
document stored in a different location, click
Browse for Themes, and then locate and
select the theme you want.
Fig 4
Fig 5
1 In the slide thumbnail pane on the left, select a slide. 3 Point the mouse at the theme you want to apply.
(Fig 7) Right-click it, and then select Apply to All Slides or
Selected Slides. (Fig 9)
2 On the Design tab, in the Themes group, click the
More button to open the entire gallery of themes.
(Fig 8)
Fig 9
Fig 10
Fig 11
Add new slide, Format text, Link with word and excel documents
Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• add a new slide and format layout
• format text and paragraph
• insert a word art for effect
• link with external documents (word/ excel).
• A working PC with windows, OS and MS Office - 1 No./batch.
TASK 1: Add a new slide and format layout
7 On the Slide Master tab, to change the layout do one Fig 4
or more of the following: (Figs 3 & 4)
Fig 3
Fig 7
Fig 8
Fig 11
Fig 13
Fig 15
Fig 17
Change shape
3 Click the More drop-down arrow in the Shape Styles To Change Shape Fill
group to display more style options. (Fig 17) 1 Select the text box. The Format tab appears.
2 Click the Format tab. (Fig 18)
Fig 20
Fig 21
Embed information from one file in a different file 3 Locate and click the file that you want to embed.
If you want the two files to remain connected but you do If you embed an Excel sheet, it must be the
not want the main file to update when the other file is first sheet in the workbook.
changed, you can embed the information. For example,
4 Click Insert, and then click OK. (Fig 25)
suppose that you want to embed the latest sales
returns in your monthly status report. The status report If you can’t see the information in the embedded file,
is a PowerPoint presentation, and the sales returns drag a sizing handle until you see the file contents.
are on an Excel sheet. By embedding the sheet in a (Fig 26)
presentation, the two files remain connected.
1 Click where you want to embed the file.
2 On the “Insert” menu, click “Object”, and then click
“From” file. (Fig 24)
Fig 24
Fig 26
• A working PC with windows, OS and MS Office - 1 No./batch.
TASK 1: Set a simple animation to text
The animation effect can be set to start while clicking • To start the animation when you click the slide,
the mouse, or in coordination with other animation select On Click.
effects on the slide.
• To start the animation at the same time as the
1 On the slide, click the text or object that contains previous effect in the list (where one click ex-
the animation effect that needed to be set the start ecutes multiple animation effects), select With
timing for. Previous.
2 On the Animations tab, click the Start down arrow, • To start the animation effect immediately after
and pick one (Fig 3) the previous effect in the list finishes, select After
Fig 3
Set the speed
To run the animation effect at a faster or slower pace,
change the Duration timming.
1 On the slide, click the text or object that contains the
animation effect that need to be setted for the speed.
2 On the Animations tab, in the Duration box, enter the
number of seconds for which the effect to run. (Fig 4)
2 Click the Timing tab, and do one or both of the
Fig 4
• To play an animation effect more than once,
select an option in the Repeat list.
• To automatically return an animation effect to
its original state and location on the slide after it
plays, check the Rewind when done playing box.
(Fig 7)
Repeat or rewind
Normally, when an animated object has run its course,
it stays at its endpoint and appears in its final form. You
can set an animation effect (or sequence of effects) to
return to its original state, or repeat.
1 On the Animations tab, click the Show Additional
Effect Options launcher . (Fig 6)
Fig 6
Create slide shows by inserting audio & video and synchronise with
Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• insert external video/ audio into presentations.
• A working PC with windows, OS and MS Office - 1 No./batch.
TASK 1: Insert Audio/Video into presentations
3 In the Insert Video box, click the file that you want to
link to, click the down arrow next to the Insert button
there are two options in this. 1. Insert, 2. Link to File
(Fig 2).
To find out where a linked video is stored:
• Insert: inserts an embedded video (the
If there’s already a video on a slide and to
default behavior). Inserting an embedded
know where it’s stored, go to File > Info.
video is convenient, but it increases the
Under Optimize Media Compatibility, there
size of your presentation.
will be information about all media files in
• Link to file: links to a video file stored the presentation—whether they are linked or
on your computer. A linked video keeps embedded in the file. If there are any linked
the presentation file smaller, but links videos, PowerPoint gives the View Links
can break. It is recommended to store hyperlink. Click it to open a dialog box that
presentations and linked videos in the shows the storage location of any linked files.
same folder.
6 The video will be inserted in the slide as shown in
4 Choose the option required. Fig 3 (Fig 4 for Audio)
5 Select the video to be inserted and click “Insert”
Fig 3 7 To make the video start automatically as soon as it
appears onscreen, or make it play when it is clicked,
select the video frame.
8 On the ribbon, on the Video Tools Playback tab,
open the Start list and choose the option (Fig 5)
Fig 5
Fig 4
• A working PC with windows, OS and MS Office - 1 No./batch.
TASK 1: Change the slide size
1 On the Design tab, in the Customize group at the far 3 In the Slides sized for list, click the size you want
right end, click Slide Size.(Fig 1) to use, or use the Width and Height boxes to select
custom sizes. (Fig 3)
2 Click Custom Slide Size. (Fig 2)
Fig 1
Fig 2 Fig 3
4 Click OK.
Note: Unlike Word document pages, Power-
5 PowerPoint now asks you to choose between
Point slides don’t have margins that you can
maximizing the size of your content on the new
adjust to change the slide layout. Your slide
layout (to do this, click Maximize) or scaling it down
stretches from edge to edge. When you print
so that all of the content fits into the new layout (to
the slides, printer limitations can result in a
do this, click Ensure Fit).
white edge around the slides. However, you
Note: If you choose to maximize, some can change the margins inside Text Boxes
content might fall outside the print margins. and Shapes.
(Fig 4)
Fig 4
4 Click OK.
5 PowerPoint now asks you to choose between maxi-
mizing the size of your content on the new layout (to
do this, click Maximize) or scaling it down so that all
of the content fits into the new layout (to do this, click
Ensure Fit). (Fig 7)
Note: If you choose to maximize, some
content might fall outside the slide.
3 Change the orientation for the slides to Portrait or
Landscape. (Fig 6)
Note: You can also change the orientation of
your notes, handouts, and outline.
Fig 8
2 Select Print.
3 Select Full Page Slides, and then choose Full Page Fig 10
Slides from the Print Layout list. (Fig 9)
4 Set the other printing options you want, and click
Print slides with speaker notes
1 Select File. (Fig 10)
2 Select Print.
3 Select Full Page Slides, and then choose Notes
Pages from the Print Layout list. (Fig 11)
Fig 13
Fig 12
Fig 14
Practice typing in Hindi or any one regional language with specific typing
lesson and software
Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• practice typing in Hindi or any one regional language with specific typing lesson and software.
• A working PC with windows, OS and MS Office - 1 No./batch.
TASK 1: Type the exercises (Sentences/ numbers) given by the instructor
IT & ITES Exercise 1.9.49
DEO - Networking and Internet Concepts
• A working PC with internet connection - 1 No./batch.
TASK 1: View and change the IP address of your computer
Note to the instructor: Network icon should Note : A menu gets displayed on the screen.
be placed on the desktop
4 Choose “Local area connection” and right click it
1 Select the network icon and right click it.
Note: A “Local area connection properties”
Note: A menu displayed on the screen as on window appears on the screen as shown in
Fig 1. Fig 3.
5 Choose “Internet protocol version4 (TCP/IPv4)”
6 Click “Properties”
Note: Internet protocol version 4 (TCP/IPv4)
windows appears on the screen as shown on
Fig 3.
7 View and note down the IP address and subnet
mask and fill the following given table.
IP Address
Subnet mask
Fig 2
Fig 15
Fig 316
Fig 20
Note: Using cross cable you can connect only 2 Follow the steps 1 to step 5 of task 1.
two computers in a peer to peer network. To 3 Select “Properties”.
Connect more than two computers in a peer
to peer network you need a Hub/Switch as 4 Input as the IP address for the first computer
shown in Fig 9. and as the IP address for second computer.
Type as the “Subnet mask” for both
computers and click ok.
Fig 9
Note: No need to type anything on the
“Gateway” and “DNS besters” because the
two computers are directly connected.
• A working PC with internet
connection - 1 No./batch.
TASK 1: Browse a website through Web browser
Fig 1
Fig 2
Fig 3
Fig 7
Fig 8
Fig 9
Create and use e-mail for communication with attachment, priority setting,
address book
Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• create an e-mail account
• create an export and import contacts
• compose and send e-mail with attach documents
• check the mails and sign out account.
• A working PC with internet connection - 1 No./batch.
TASK 1: Create an Email Account
1 Choose “ internet explorer” and Click to open it.
Note to the instructor: Make the trainees to
2 Click “Gmail” on the “Google” home page.
create accounts as DEOTRG as the primary
name and secondary in increasing order of Note: An Account creation screen appears on
number series, in Gmail. the screen Fig 1.
Example: DEOTRG2, DEOTRG3 etc. 3 Click “CREATE AN ACCOUNT “
1 Create DEOTRG2 in yahoo mail Note: the following display appears on the
simultaneously at the end of Task 1 screen as on Fig 1.
2 Add contact in “DEOTRG2” of yahoo
Fig 1
Note: An account creation screen appears on Fig 3
the screen as shown in Fig 2.
4 Type “DEOTRG” in First Name box, “1” in Last
Name box
5 Choose your username as “DEOTRG1”
6 Password as “DEOTRG@98745” and retype the
same in “confirm your password”.
Note: While typing the password the password
box has to denote strong as on Fig 2.
Fig 2
Fig 4
Fig 810
Fig 11
Fig 9
Fig 10
Fig 12 Fig 11
Fig 13
Fig 16
Fig 14
Fig 15
Fig 15
Fig 18
• A working PC with internet connection - 1 No./batch.
TASK 1: Online dictionary
1 Open browser
Fig 2
2 Enter “online dictionary” or
in the address tab. (Fig 1)
Fig 1
Fig 3
TASK 2: Online translate
1 Open browser “Google Chrome”
Fig 5
2 Type “” in the address tab
(Fig 4)
Fig 4
Fig 10
1 Open the browser 4 Click on My Drive to view the files and folders in your
account (Fig 8)
2 Log in using your Google account.
5 Click on the file you need to share.
Note: In case you don’t have a Google
account, create a new account to continue 6 Click the SHARE button on the right hand side of the
file (Fig 11).
3 Click on the Google Apps icon and select Drive
(Fig 7).
Fig 11
Fig 13
1 Open browser 3 Enter the place in Search Google Maps (Fig 16)
2 Enter address (Fig 15) 4 Click Directions and type the name of starting point
(Fig 17).
Fig 15
5 Note the time taken by taking different routes and
modes of transportation.
6 Close the Browser.
Fig 16
Fig 17
Fig 18
Fig 20
3 Enter the destination name to find on earth in the
search tab (Fig 19)
4 Analyse the area in 2D and 3Dwith zoom in and
zoom out .Note down the details about the place
(Fig 20)
5 Close the Browser.
Note: Google earth works best in Google
chrome and Firefox browsers
1 Click start button or press short cut key window + x. 4 Click “check for updates”. Now the window
automatically change the available updates in your
2 Choose settings.
PC. After checking the update, it is automatically
3 Click Update and Security window update window install and finish the update.
will appear on the screen.
• A working PC with internet connection - 1 No./batch.
TASK 1: How to Get Started with Zoom
Fig 1
Fig 2
Fig 3 Step 5: Now it is ready to start a meeting or schedule
Note: Download the desktop app/Zoom client from
the Zoom website for easy access.
2 For Mobile
Step 1: Download the Zoom IOS or Android app
from the App Store/Play Store.
Step 2: Sign up or sign in to Zoom by following the
on-screen instructions that are similar to the desktop
Fig 4
Fig 5 Fig 6
Fig 8
B Adding Participants
Step 1: Start a new meeting on the Zoom desktop
Fig 9
Step 2: In the new meeting screen, click on the
“Invite” button in the toolbar at the bottom (Fig 13).
Step 3: Here, Zoom will give you the options to either
“Copy URL” or “Copy Invitation”. You can send these
to participants via text, email or instant messaging
(Fig 14).
Step 4: You can also directly email the meeting
details through your preferred email client via the
Zoom app itself.
Fig 12
You can schedule a meeting by setting: Step 2: Enter meeting details in the Schedule
Meeting pop-up window that appears (Fig 17).
• Its date and time
Set its date and time, privacy and access settings.
• Meeting ID
Select the preferred calendar (between iCal, Google
• Whether it requires a password to join or not Calendar or others) to schedule the event in the
• And more!
Step 3: Once you’ve adjusted preferences, click
A For Desktop
on the “Schedule” button at the bottom right of the
Step 1: To schedule a meeting, head to the Zoom screen (Fig 17).
app and click on the blue “Schedule” button (looks
like a calendar icon) (Fig 16). Fig 17
Fig 16
Fig 20
• A working PC with internet connection - 1 No./batch.
TASK 1: To add an email account to Outlook on Windows
• Server — This is your DreamHost mail server 10 Enter the password and click ‘Connect’. (Fig 6)
name. The example above uses imap.dreamhost.
Fig 6
com for the incoming server. If you’d prefer a
POP connection, you would use pop.dreamhost.
com instead. The outgoing server is always smtp.
Note: Make sure you only enter your
DreamHost mail servername. Do not use
a subdomain such as
You may get an insecure warning if you
use the wrong mail hostname.
• Port — If you chose IMAP, the secure port is 993.
For outgoing ports, use 465 or 587. 11 A confirmation message will pop up, if it was
Port 465 with SSL is recommended, however successfully set up. (Fig 7)
some email clients are unable to use this port. Fig 7
If you are unable to use port 465, the next best option
is port 587 using STARTTLS.
• Encryption — SSL/TLS.
• Require logon using Secure Password
Authentication — Check this box.
9 Click the ‘Next’ button. (Fig 5)
Fig 5
Browser utilities
Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• browser history view and clear
• bookmark a web page for future view.
• A working PC with internet connection - 1 No./batch.
TASK 1: Browser history view and clear
Fig 1 Fig 2
1 Open the Browser 4 Enter the Name and Folder details and click Done.
2 Enter the address of any web page, e.g.: www.skill- 5 To see other bookmarks, click on the Customise and control icon on the top right hand of the screen.
(Figs 4&5)
3 Click on the Bookmark this pageicon on the top right
hand of the screen (Fig 3)
Fig 3 Fig 5
Fig 4
Practice typing in Hindi or any one regional language with specific typing
lesson and software
Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• practice typing in Hindi or any one regional language with specific typing lesson and software.
• A working PC with windows, OS and
MS Office - 1 No./batch.
TASK 1: Type the exercises (Sentences/ Paragraph) given by the instructor
IT & ITES Exercise 1.10.57
DEO - Share and transfer data
Convert different files to other required formats viz word, pdf, jpg, etc
Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• convert pdf to various formats using Adobe Acrobat
• convert files various formats using MS Office Word, Excel, Power point etc
• convert the given file in to various file formats (online).
• A working PC with internet connection - 1 No./batch.
TASK 1: Convert pdf to various formats using Adobe Acrobat
Fig 1
Fig 3
TASK 2: Convert files various formats using MS Office Word, Excel, Power point etc.
1 Open the word file to be converted in Microsoft Word 2 Click the File Menu and select “Export” Option
(Fig 4)
Fig 4
• A working PC with internet connection - 1 No./batch.
TASK 1: Protect the given file using password (Adobe, Word, Excel) etc
1 Open the PDF in Acrobat DC, and do one of the 4 Click Apply. Acrobat displays a confirmation
following: message that the file was successfully protected
using password.
• Choose File > Protect Using Password.
Protecting MS office Documents
• Choose Tools > Protect > Protect Using
Password. 1 Open Word,, Click the “File” menu and Click “Info”
option (Fig 2)
2 If you receive a prompt, click Yes to change the
security. 2 Click the Protect Document option (Fig 2).
3 Choose Editing, and then type and retype your Fig 2
password. Your password must be at least six
characters long. The password strength is displayed
next to your password to indicate whether the chosen
password is weak, medium, or strong. (Fig 1)
Fig 1
Fig 3 Fig 6
Fig 7
Fig 4
Fig 5
Note 3 : If you forget a password, you cannot - Commenting, Filling In Form Fields, And Signing
recover it from the PDF. Consider keeping a Existing Signature Fields
backup copy of the PDF that isn’t password- - Any Except Extracting Pages
7 Choose any of the following options:
1 Open the PDF in Acrobat DC, and do one of the
following: - Enable Copying Of Text, Images, And Other
• Choose Tools > Protect > More Options > Encrypt
with Password. - Enable Text Access For Screen Reader Devices
For The Visually Impaired
• Choose File > Protect Using Password, and then
choose Advanced Password Protection from 8 Select an Acrobat version from the Compatibility
More Options. menu. Choose a version equal to or lower than the
recipients’ version of Acrobat or Reader. The Com-
2 If you receive a prompt, click Yes to change the patibility option you choose determines the type of
security. encryption used. It is important to choose a version
3 Select Restrict Editing And Printing Of The compatible with the recipient’s version of Acrobat or
Document. Reader. For example, Acrobat 7 cannot open a PDF
encrypted for Acrobat X and later. (Fig 9)
All Adobe products enforce the restrictions set by
the permissions password. However, if third-party Fig 9
products do not support these settings, document
recipients are able to bypass some or all of the
restrictions you set.
4 Type the password in the corresponding field. Your
password must be at least six characters long.
For each keystroke, the password strength meter
evaluates your password and indicates the password
strength. (Fig 8)
Fig 8
• A working PC with internet • Mobile - 1 No.
connection - 1 No./batch.
TASK 1: Transfer/share data from mobile to computer through whatsapp (Wireless transfer)
Fig 3
Fig 4 Fig 6
Fig 5
Fig 9
Fig 11
• A working PC with internet connection - 1 No./batch.
TASK 1: Mirror casting of screens between laptop/pc to TV without HDMI cable
Fig 3
Fig 4
8 On the device you’re projecting from, go to the projecting from a PC, you can also select Windows
screen mirroring settings (sometimes called cast key + K and select the PC you’d like to connect to.
settings), and select your PC to connect to it. If you’re
Fig 6
Fig 9
Fig 11
• A working PC with internet • Mobile - 1 No.
connection - 1 No./batch.
4 Click the “QR app” for file transfer in the menu. A QR
Note to Instructor: The instructor may install a code should be generated and displayed on your
genuine QR code generator for windows and computer screen.
android phone from trusted sites like Google
play store or Microsoft store 5 Open the qrSend app on your Android device.
1 Download any Genuine qrSend app from trusted 6 Tap the “Upload” / “Send” button located in the
website and install it on your Android device. screen.
2 Download the Genuine qrSend app from trusted 7 Scan the QR code shown in computer by using your
website and install it on your PC Android device’s camera.
3 Explore your pc. Right-click on the file to be sent 8 Now, the file transfer will begin automatically.
to your Android device. An option to send the file
through qrSend app will be listed in the menu.
IT & ITES Exercise 1.10.62
DEO - Share and transfer data
• A working PC with internet • Mobile - 1 No.
connection - 1 No./batch.
TASK 1: Transfer/share data from computer to Google drive manually
3 Click the “New” Option (Fig 2) and choose any of the 4 Now select the folder or file which need to be
mentioned options (Fig 3). transferred from computer to Google Drive and click
Fig 2
“Open” button in the open window (Fig 4)
Fig 4
Note: Fig 6
1 In case of batch transferring, you cannnot
transfer more than one files during the
migration process. This will make the
process time consuming
2 Threre is no filter option like date and size
filter in this method
3 There is a chance of alteration of data
integrity and foldr hierarchy
Method 2
Transfer/share data from computer to Google drive with
the official app
Note: Google Drive provides an official
desktop application for PC-Google Backup
and Sync, which can directly back up data
from local disk to Google Drive.
Download and install Google Backup and Sync on PC,
after launching the program, log in to your account
according to the instructions (Fig 5).
Fig 5
Fig 7
Fig 8
Practice preparing of google sheets, google forms and sharing for data
Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• create a spreadsheet and fill it with data
• create, edit and share google forms.
• A working PC with internet • Mobile - 1 No.
connection - 1 No./batch.
TASK 1: Create a spreadsheet and fill it with data
Fig 3
Fig 4 Adding Data to Your Spreadsheet
1 Start entering data into a cells or copy paste the
data in the spread sheet (Fig 6)
a Copy and paste an HTML table from a
b Import an existing spreadsheet in csv, xls,
xlsx and other formats. To import a file
from outside of your Google Drive, go to
the FILE > IMPORT > UPLOAD menu.
c Copy any value in a cell across a range of
cells via a click and drag
Note : Make sure you only click once on a cell
before pasting data, so Google Sheets will
turn it into a list with each item in its own cell.
4 A new spread sheet is created (or a pre-populated If you double-click on a cell, Google Sheets
template if you choose one of those) (Fig 5) will paste all the data into one cell which is
likely not what you want.
Fig 5
2 Format Data for Easy Viewing
The basic formatting options in Google Sheets is
shown in Fig 7. Move the cursor over an icon to see
its description and shortcut key (Fig 8).
Freeze” the first row
There are two ways to freeze rows:
1 Click VIEW > FREEZE > 1 ROW in the navigation
bar to lock the first row in place
2 Hover the dark grey bar in the top left of the
spreadsheet (until it becomes a hand) and drag
between rows 1 and 2 (Fig 9).
3 Add, Average, and Filter Data with Formulas
Fig 6
Fig 8
Fig 9
Fig 10
Fig 12
Fig 14
Note: Google Sheets has an “Offline Mode” that will automatically sync your changes to the document
when you reconnect to the internet. 2 A new Google form will get opened (Fig 17)
This is useful for any situation where you’d 3 Add Title, Questions and Options (Fig 18)
need to treat Google Sheets like a desktop 4 To add another question click the “+” button on the
application right side (Fig 18)
Google forms is a way to collect and organize 5 After adding serious of questions, Click the “SEND”
information option at the right hand top corner (Fig 18)
1 Type or select it from Google 6 The “Send” will get opened. Add the e-mail ids to
dashboard (Fig 15 & Fig 16) which the form need to be send (Fig 19).
Fig 16
Fig 18
Fig 22
Setup and link computers for remote access using softwares like remote
desktop sharing/Team viewer software/any desk
Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• setup and link computers for remote access using ‘Anydesk” software
• setup and link computers for remote access using “Teamviewer”.
• A working PC with internet connection - 1 No./batch.
TASK 1: Setup and link computers for remote access using ‘Anydesk” software
1 Download and install any desk in any two computers 5 Entre the remote address of computer 2 in the
<Remote Address Bar> (Fig 1) or click invite button
2 Click the “AnyDesk” icon in computer 1
to type the address of the remote computer (Fig 2).
3 You will get a 9 digit address for your network pc (The address of remote computer 2 will be sent over
(Fig 1) mail/message/WhatsApp/chat etc.)
4 AnyDesk window will get opened and the list of
computers in network will be displayed in the home
page (Fig 1)
Fig 1
Fig 4
Fig 2
Fig 5
6 Grant the “Profile” and Access limits to the computer
2 by setting “Profile” and “More” dropdown menus as
shown in Fig 3 and Fig 4.
Fig 3
Fig 6
TASK 2: Setup and link computers for remote access using “Teamviewer”
Fig 11
Fig 12
Fig 13
• A working PC with internet
connection - 1 No./batch.
Note: The Instructor may arrange for the video
demonstration of online/internet banking
transactions available in the youtube.
IT & ITES Exercise 1.10.66
DEO - Share and transfer data
Practice typing in Hindi or any one regional language with specific typing
lesson and software
Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• practice typing in Hindi or any one regional language with specific typing lesson and software.
• A working PC with windows, OS and
MS Office - 1 No./batch.
TASK 1: Type the exercises (Paragraph) given by the instructor with a given time-