Volume - I of II
Post Box No. 3142, CTI Campus, Guindy, Chennai - 600 032
Sector : Office Administration and Facility Management
Duration : 1 Year
Trade : Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - Volume - I of II Trade
Practical - NSQF (Level - 4)
Rs. 265/-
The Government of India has set an ambitious target of imparting skills to 30 crore people, one out of every
four Indians, by 2020 to help them secure jobs as part of the National Skills Development Policy. Industrial
Training Institutes (ITIs) play a vital role in this process especially in terms of providing skilled manpower.
Keeping this in mind, and for providing the current industry relevant skill training to Trainees, ITI syllabus
has been recently updated with the help of Mentor Councils comprising various stakeholders, viz., Industries,
Entrepreneurs, Academicians and representatives from ITIs.
The National Instructional Media Institute (NIMI), Chennai, has now come up with instructional material to
suit the revised curriculum for Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English), Volume - I of II Trade
Practical NSQF (Level - 4) in Office Administration and Facility Management Sector under yearly
Pattern. The NSQF Level - 4 Trade Practical will help the trainees to get an international equivalency
standard where their skill, proficiency and competency will be duly recognized across the globe and this
will also increase the scope of recognition of prior learning. NSQF Level - 4 trainees will also get the
opportunities to promote life-long learning and skill development. I have no doubt that with NSQF Level - 4
the trainers and trainees of ITIs, and all stakeholders will derive maximum benefits from these Instructional
Media Packages (IMPs) and that NIMI's efforts will go a long way in improving the quality of Vocational
training in the country.
The Executive Director & Staff of NIMI and members of Media Development Committee deserve appreciation
for their contribution in bringing out this publication.
Jai Hind
Director General
Directorate General of Training
Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship,
Government of India.
The National Instructional Media Institute (NIMI) was established in 1986 at Chennai by the then Directorate
General of Employment and Training (D.G.E & T), Ministry of Labour and Employment, (now under Directorate
General of Training, Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship) Government of India, with technical
assistance from the Govt. of the Federal Republic of Germany. The prime objective of this institute is to
develop and provide instructional materials for various trades as per the prescribed syllabi (NSQF Level 4)
under the Craftsmen and Apprenticeship Training Schemes.
The instructional materials are created keeping in mind, the main objective of Vocational Training under
NCVT/NAC in India, which is to help an individual to master skills to do a job. The instructional materials are
generated in the form of Instructional Media Packages (IMPs). An IMP consists of Theory book, Practical
book, Test and Assignment book, Instructor Guide, Audio Visual Aid (Wall charts and Transparencies) and
other support materials.
The trade practical book consists of a series of exercises to be completed by the trainees in the workshop.
These exercises are designed to ensure that all the skills in the prescribed syllabus are covered. The trade
theory book provides related theoretical knowledge required to enable the trainee to do a job. The test and
assignments will enable the instructor to give assignments for the evaluation of the performance of a trainee.
The wall charts and transparencies are unique, as they not only help the instructor to effectively present a
topic but also help him to assess the trainee's understanding. The instructor guide enables the instructor to
plan his schedule of instruction, plan the raw material requirements, day to day lessons and demonstrations.
IMPs also deal with the complex skills required to be developed for effective team work. Necessary care
has also been taken to include important skill areas of allied trades as prescribed in the syllabus.
The availability of a complete Instructional Media Package in an institute helps both the trainer and
management to impart effective training.
The IMPs are the outcome of collective efforts of the staff members of NIMI and the members of the Media
Development Committees specially drawn from Public and Private sector industries, various training institutes
under the Directorate General of Training (DGT), Government and Private ITIs.
NIMI would like to take this opportunity to convey sincere thanks to the Directors of Employment & Training
of various State Governments, Training Departments of Industries both in the Public and Private sectors,
Officers of DGT and DGT field institutes, proof readers, individual media developers and coordinators, but for
whose active support NIMI would not have been able to bring out this material.
Chennai - 600 032 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR
National Instructional Media Institute (NIMI) sincerely acknowledges with thanks the co-operation and contribution
extended by the following Media Developers and their sponsoring organisations to bring out this Instructional
Material (Trade Practical) for the trade of Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) Volume - I of II under
Office Administration and Facility Management sector.
NIMI records its appreciation for the Data Entry, CAD, DTP operators for their excellent and devoted services in
the process of development of this Instructional Material.
NIMI also acknowledges with thanks the invaluable efforts rendered by all other NIMI staff who have contributed
towards the development of this Instructional Material.
NIMI is also grateful to everyone who has directly or indirectly helped in developing this Instructional Material.
The trade practical manual is intended to be used in classroom / computer lab. It consists of a series of practical
exercises to be completed by the trainees during the Volume - I of II of Stenographer Secretarial Assistant
(English) trade supplemented and supported by instructions/informations to assist in performing the exercises.
These exercises are designed to ensure that all the skills in compliance with NSQF LEVEL - 4 syllabus are
The manual is divided into Five modules. The distribution of time for the practical in the five modules are given
The skill training in the computer lab is planned through a series of practical exercises centred around some
practical project. However, there are a few instances where the individual exercise does not form a part of
While developing the practical manual a sincere effort was made to prepare each exercise which will be easy
to understand and can be carried out even by a below average trainee. However, the development team accepts
that there is scope for further improvement. NIMI looks forward to the suggestions from the experienced training
faculty for improving the manual.
The manual of trade theory consists of theoretical information for the Volume - I of II of the Stenographer
Secretarial Assistant (English) Trade. The contents are sequenced according to the practical exercise
contained in the NSQF LEVEL - 4 syllabus on Trade practical. Attempt has been made to relate the theoretical
aspects with the skill covered in each exercise to the extent possible. This co-relation is maintained to help
the trainees to develop the perceptional capabilities for performing the skills.
The Trade Theory has to be taught and learnt along with the corresponding exercise contained in the manual
on trade practical. The instructions about the corresponding practical exercise are given in every sheet of this
It will be preferable to teach/learn the trade theory connected to each exercise atleast one class before
performing the related skills on the shop floor. The trade theory is to be treated as an integrated part of each
The material is not for the purpose of self-learning and should be considered as supplementary to class room
1.1.01 Awareness of the computer hardware and its peripherals in the lab to 1
accustom the trainees for use of computer
1.1.05 Practice long and short vowels, dot and dash vowels, preceding, 14
following and intervening vowels - Dictation of the same
1.1.14 & 1.1.15 Practice of downward H, Tick H, Dot H, and upward SH and
taking down dictation 73
1.2.19 Practice of change of voice (active to passive and passive to active) 104
1.2.20 Practice of small circle for S & Z and use them with other stroke 107
consonants and apply it to the new sentences
1.2.21 Computer speed typing with minimum errors by following typing rules 112
1.2.22 Use of large circle - SW,SES/SEZ), small loop( ST/SD) and large loop 6-9 116
(STR) and taking down dictation
1.2.24 & 1.2.25 Calculate typing speed and use punctuation marks 130
1.2.26 & 1.2.27 Practice of initial hooks L & R - Apply L & R hooks to strokes 132
Exercise No. Title of the Exercise Learning Page
Outcome No.
1.2.32 Typing passages from books, magazines, journals and newspapers with 9
speed and accuracy 149
1.3.34 Employ final hooks F/V, N and Shun to different words 157
1.3.36 & 1.3.37 Demonstrate halving principle in words and sentences 170
1.3.39 & 1.3.40 Demonstrate - Doubling principles, doubling of other consonants and 183
develop speed
1.4.42 & 1.4.43 Practice of prefix and their representative strokes and apply on sentences 195
1.4.44 & 1.4.55 Practice of suffixes and their representative strokes and develop the word 200
1.4.46 Monetary units and round figures and use them in sentences 12 - 15 206
1.4.47 & 1.4.48 Contractions- formation and uses - essential vowels in note taking - 211
1.4.49 Practise advanced phrases & intersections and take down dictation of 216
simple letters in shorthand and transcribe on computer
1.5.50 Take down dictation and transcribe the same for speed typing 16 230
on computer
1 Acquire knowledge about the computer hardware & Stenography 1.1.01 & 1.1.02
2 Identify the various consonants, vowels and their application 1.1.03 & 1.1.04
4 Recognize various types of computer keys & prepare complete 1.1.06, 1.1.08,
sentence with use of logograms, contractions, tick 'The' 1.1.09, 1.1.10,
& punctuation 1.1.12
7 Identify small circle for S & Z, Large circle for SW, Loop for ST/SD,
large loop for STR 1.2.20 - 1.2.22
8 Recognize the direction of SHR, SHL and alternative forms 1.2.23 - 1.2.29
15 Form words with advance phrases, intersections and write 1.4.47 - 1.4.49
simple letter
Volume I of II – (6 Months)
Duration Reference Learning Professional Skills Professional Knowledge
Outcome (Trade Practical) (Trade Theory)
With Indicative Hours
Professional Recognize the various types 8 Keys Identification and Windows Operating System:
Skill 30 Hrs; of computer keys & Prepare practice of the same.(6hrs) • Introduction,
a complete sentence with use 9 Point out : (10 hrs) • Log on accounts &
of logograms Passwords,
Knowledge a Logograms,
grammalogues, contractions,
06 Hrs b Grammalogues • Windows Menu,
tick ‘The’& punctuation.
c Contractions, • Minimizing,
Prepare Window operating • Windows resizing & Moving,
system on computer. d Use of:
• Closing Windows,
I Tick ‘The’
• Tool Bar,
II Punctuation marks
• Task Bar
III Dictation Practice
• Menu bar
e Dipthong
• Start Button,
f Triphones
• Shutting down Windows.
10 Spelling practice using • Desktop,
English Dictionary (02 hrs)
• Windows Explorer,
11 Create a log-in account and
• Control Buttons,
customise windows.(06 hrs)
• Open, Cut, Copy & Paste
12 Practice of typing in etc.
computer using tool-bars
d Computer Keyboard
and menu bars/ tools in
Functions and its operations:
ribbons.(06 hrs)
• Alphabetic keys
• Numeric keys
• Special keys
• Function keys (F1 to F12)
Professional Identify the strokes R &H, 13 Practice of Alternative signs Alternative forms of R &H Strokes,
Skill 60 Hrs; Abbreviated W of R &H.(06 hrs) b Thick Downward R & H.
Professional 14 Dictation Practice (06 hrs) c Alternative forms & their uses:
Knowledge 15 Practice (10 hrs) • Abbreviated W,
12 Hrs i Downward H, • Diphone
ii Tick H d Computer keyboard operations:
iii Dot H • Sitting posture,
iv Upward SH • Sight & Touch Methods,
v Dictation Practice • Practicing Home Row, Upper
16 Practice of Phraseography Row& Bottom Row Keys
and dictation (10hrs) • Shift Key Operation and
17 Computer: Number Row.
a Explain the sitting • Alternative form of Aspirate H,
posture on computer Tick & Dot H,
b Demonstrate Finger • Downward H Stroke & Upward
positioning on the H Stroke.
keyboard. (14hrs) e Phraseography- Formation of
18 Computer Typing: Simple Phrases.
a Practice on Computer f Computer:
b Creation of MS- Word • MS- Word
files on Computer with • Creation of File
the use of various options
• Use of its various option
of MS- Word. (10hrs)
g Grammar-Voice
19 Practice voice change (04
hrs) • Active and passive voice
Duration Reference Learning
Reference Learning Professional Skills
Professional Skills Professional Knowledge
Professional Knowledge
No. Outcome
Outcome (Trade Practical)
(Trade Practical) (Trade Theory)
(Trade Theory)
With Indicative
With Indicative Hours
Professional Identify small circle for S & Z, 20 Practice of Small Circle for The Circle:
Skill 60 Hrs; Large circle for SW/large loop S & Z. • Small circle for S & Z,
& small loop/ understand MS- • Circle and the strokes,
21 Use of circle S & Z with
Professional Word by using all tools.
other stroke Consonants • Circle S with H stroke,
and apply it to the new • Stroke L and circle S.
12 Hrs
sentences. (18 hrs) b Computer Speed Typing:
22 Computer Speed Typing: • Speed Calculation,
Computer typing practice • Signs & Symbols,
with the minimum errors by • Roman Numbers,
following the typing rules.
• Capitalizations of Letters,
(12 hrs)
• Display, Counting Errors
• Calculating speed and errors,
• Evaluation & Marking Scheme
c Punctuation- full stop, comma,
semi colon, inverted commas,
Professional Recognize the direction of SHR, 27 Practice of Initial small a Initial small hooks (Double
Skill 30 Hrs; SHL and alternative hooks for R & L.(06 hrs) Consonants):
forms. • R & L Hooks,
28 Apply the above on
different types of • SHR & SHL hooked strokes,
sentences (11hrs) • Vowels and double
06 Hrs
Duration Reference Learning
Reference Learning Professional Skills
Professional Skills Professional Knowledge
Professional Knowledge
No. Outcome
Outcome (Trade Practical)
(Trade Practical) (Trade Theory)
(Trade Theory)
With Indicative
With Indicative Hours
Duration Reference Learning Professional Skills Professional Knowledge
Outcome (Trade Practical) (Trade Theory)
With Indicative Hours
Professional Recognize different types of 34 Construct : a Final Hooks:
Skill 30 Hrs; hook. a Final hook N and F/V • N & F/V small hooks,
and apply it on various
Professional types of sentences • Hooks and Vowels,
Knowledge (09hrs) • Circles and Loops with finally
06 Hrs
b Shun Hook and joining hooked strokes.
with other Strokes and b Large Final:
apply it on the different
types of sentences. • (Shun Hook) Use of Shun after
(09hrs) Circle,
Duration Reference Learning
Reference Learning Professional Skills
Professional Skills Professional Knowledge
Professional Knowledge
No. Outcome
Outcome (Trade Practical)
(Trade Practical) (Trade Theory)
(Trade Theory)
With Indicative
With Indicative Hours
Professional Identify the monetary units & 46 Explain the figures: Figures-
Skill 30 Hrs; use it.
a Monetary Units & Round • Monetary Units & Round
Figures and use it on Figures
sentences. (06 hrs)
Knowledge b Contractions-
06 Hrs b Contractions- formation
• Formation and uses,
and uses, Essential
Vowels and dictation • Essential Vowels.
(06 hrs)
47 Develop the sentences to
follow above rules writing in
shorthand & apply on
Computer for Speed Typing.
Professional Translate all types of 49 Prepare of Note Taking 1 Translation & Note Taking
Skill 60 Hrs; sentences. Techniques & translate it. Techniques
(30 hrs)
50 Translate matter typed on
Computer for Speed Typing.
12 Hrs
(30 hrs)
Office Administration and Facility Management Exercise 1.1.01
Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - Fundamentals of Shorthand
and Windows operating system
TASK 1: View and identify the input and output devices of the computer
1 Identify the various devices of the computer by referring 2 Label the identified devices with numbers.
(Fig 1 & 2).
Fig 1
Input Devices: Touch Screen, Camera, Scanner, Output Devices: Speaker, Monitor, Headphone, Plotter,
Microphone, Mouse, Keyboard, Webcam, Track ball, Joy Projector, Printer
Fig 2
Write the name of the devices in Table 1
1 1 ………………………………………………………………………………………
2 15 ………………………………………………………………………………………
3 10 ………………………………………………………………………………………
4 12 ………………………………………………………………………………………
5 15 ………………………………………………………………………………………
6 7 ………………………………………………………………………………………
7 4 ………………………………………………………………………………………
8 2 ………………………………………………………………………………………
9 6 ………………………………………………………………………………………
10 8 ………………………………………………………………………………………
11 14 ………………………………………………………………………………………
12 5 ………………………………………………………………………………………
13 11 ………………………………………………………………………………………
14 3 ………………………………………………………………………………………
15 9 ………………………………………………………………………………………
TASK 2: Disconnect the devices from the computer and reconnect them to the computer
Fig 8
Check the parallel cables weather male and NETWORK CABLE WITH PORT
female pins and screw it while connecting
7 Connect theCPU and monitor power cableto the wall
4 Connect the printer power cable to the wall socket and socket as shown in Fig 7&10.
interface(data) cable to the CPU as shown in
Fig 6. Fig 9
Fig 6
Fig 7
Fig 11
3 Check and record the following status in the given
2 Switch ON the power button in the Monitor as shown Table - 2 (with tick mark) while booting the computer.
in Fig 12.
4 Get it checked with the instructor.
7 Printer
1 Save all of the data in the application. 3 Click start button and click shutdown button as shown
2 Close all the software's and applications. in Fig 13.
Fig 13
TASK 1 : Practice of the Consonants according to their pairs and dictation thereof
Divisions Character Name Letter As sounded in
Explodents pee P post rope
en N net seen
(To be written by the student. The arrow shows the direction in which the stroke is to be written. The curves m, n and ng
and the straight strokes k and g are written on the line)
Ch,J (chay)
K,G (gay)
th (ith), TH (thee)
S,Z (Zee)
SH (ish), ZH (zhee)
NG (ing)
R (ar)
R (ray)
W (way)
Y yay)
H (hay-up)
H (HE-down)
b Horizontal Strokes
Thee s
d Upward strokes
Downward Strokes
TASK 7: Write strokes for consonants dictated randomly and read back
TASK 1: Copy the outlines in the three lines below and practise 20 times each in your notebook
1 Join Strokes without lifting the pencil and write them in their directions.
TASK 2: Copy the joined strokes about ten times in each of the lines below. Then practise these in one full
page of your shorthand notebook, clearly showing thin and thick strokes.
OA & FM : Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - NSQF (Level-4) - Exercise: 1.1.03 & 04 11
A Now write Exercise 5 given in the practice book and copy one full page.
B Take dictation or copy Exercise from the Text Book and find out errors and correct them. Rewrite the corrected
outlines 20 times each.
TASK 3: Test your knowledge and skill by writing this Test exercise
c. .......................fch.............................fl...........................vjk...........................vr......................fwd
12 OA & FM : Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - NSQF (Level-4) - Exercise: 1.1.03 & 04
b Check your outlines from the Key below and mark the wrong outlines. Write them correctly and practise the corrected
outlines about 20 times each.
Errors Corrected (E.C.)
C Take dictation or Copy Exercises from your Text Book. Check errors and rectify them. Copy corrected outlines 20
times, each. If the percentage of errors exceed 5%, practise strokes in Exercises once again for 5 times.
OA & FM : Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - NSQF (Level-4) - Exercise: 1.1.03 & 04 13
Office Administration and Facility Management Exercise 1.1.05
Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - Fundamentals of Shorthand
and Windows operating system
Practice long and short vowels, dot and dash vowels, preceding, following
and intervening vowels - Dictation of the same
Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• pronounce the consonants while practising
• write strokes for consonants and signs for vowels as per their light / heavy sounds
• write the outlines above / on / through the line as per vowel sound
• thicken the stroke for a heavy consonant sound.
Copy the outlines in the three lines below and practise 20 times each in your notebook.
TASK 1: Vowel sounds and position of strokes
e Vowel Positions
b Light dot Following vowels:
f Preceding vowels
c Heavy dash
g Position writing
First place - above the line
Second place - on the line
Third place - Through the line
TASK 2: Copy the outlines in the lines below and practise 20 times each in your notebook
Copy the outlines in each of the following 5 lines before practising the outlines for one full page in your shorthand note
book. Light strokes should be distinguished from dark strokes. Position of strokes should be in accordance with
placement of vowels.
A Copy outlines of exercises in the book. Take care to distinguish between light and dark strokes, and write them in
their positions according to vowel signs.
TASK 5: Now test your knowledge and skill by writing outlines in the blank space:
Check your outlines with the Key, mark errors and rectify them by repeated practice.
B Try to read the shorthand script as much as possible to grasp the script immediately. If not able to read, then only
refer to the key of the exercises concerned.
C Practise the exercises given in the Text book at the end of the chapter. Proceed to next if the accuracy is about 95%.
TASK 2: Write shorthand outlines for the following words with proper positioning and placing of vowels where
Key to TASK 2
1 Take the money and pay the bill to the miller. 4 Tom and Mary may marry. If so, they may all be at the
2 They may appeal to Ramana to take a share of the
game, and lead to victory. 5 Many take food on the leafy bank at the bottom of the
lovely village.
3 Happy village folk showed Joe Mary the route she took
to reach shed at the edge of the lake. 6 The lady may catch us on the way and so all may
reach the dock early enough to look at the big ship
Key to TASK 3
To the Instructor: Dictate words randomly from the above tasks and check with the key given. Check with position
writing and vowel placement
• Escape Key: The Escape (Esc) key allows you to Ctrl + C or Ctrl + Insert
stop a function or action.................
Both Ctrl + C and Ctrl + Insert copy the highlighted text
• Function keys......... or selected item.
Undo any change. For example, if you cut out some text, Pressing Ctrl + Backspace will delete a full word at a
this shortcut will undo it. This can also be pressed multiple time instead of only a single character.
times to undo multiple changes. Pressing Ctrl + Y would
Hold down the Ctrl key while pressing the left or right
redo the undo.
arrow to move the cursor one word at a time instead of
Alt + Tab or Ctrl + Tab one character at a time. If you wanted to highlight one
word at a time you can hold down Ctrl + Shift and then
This allows you to quickly switch between open programs
press the left or right arrow key to move one word at a
moving forward.
time in that direction while highlighting each word.
Tip: Press Ctrl + Tab to switch between tabs in a program
Ctrl + Home or Ctrl + End
such as your internet browser.
Ctrl + Home will move the cursor to the beginning of the
Tip: If you also add in the Shift key to Alt + Tab or Ctrl +
document and Ctrl + End will move the cursor to the end
Tab will move backwards. For example, if you are pressing
of a document.
Alt + Tab and pass the program you want to switch to,
press Alt + Shift + Tap to move backwards to that program. Page up, Space bar, and Page down
Tip: Windows Vista and 7 users can also press the Press either the page up or page down key to move
Windows Key + Tab to switch through open programs that page one page at a time in that direction. When
in a full screenshot of the Window. browsing the internet pressing the space bar also moves
the page down one page at a time.
Ctrl + Back space and Ctrl + Left or Right arrow.
1 Select the text or object to be copied. 3 Choose destination (cursor point) to paste the copied
2 Hold control key and press character key ' C' (item
copied). (Fig 1) 4 Hold control key and press character key 'V'.
Copy function (Ctrl+C) (Fig 1) 5 Item copied as shown in (Fig 2).
Paste function (Ctrl+V) (Fig 2)
Fig 1
Fig 2
TASK 6: Practice the following shortcut keys and find the results
1 Ctrl + S to save a document you have entered so far 6 Ctrl + Home key - the cursor moves to the beginning
in the file already opened. of the document.
2 Ctrl + V - to paste a document already copied (Ctrl+C). 7 Ctrl + end - the cursor moves to the end of the
3 Ctrl + Tab - switch between open programs.
8 Page Up - moves one page up at a time.
4 Ctrl + Backspace - Delete full word instead of single
character in the left of your document. 9 Page down - moves one page down at a time.
5 Ctrl + left or right arrow key - move one word at a
time in that director instead of one character on either
1 Push the computer's power button. Then if the monitor is not turned on, press its
power button to turn it on and wait till the
windows7 user account appears as in (Fig 1).
Fig 1
2 Click a user name if necessary. 3 Type the password using uppercase and lowercase let-
ters as necessary, as shown in (Fig 2).
If there is only one user then there is no need
4 Click the “Go” button.
to choose a user account, go to Step 3.
Fig 2
Fig 3
3 Type "The 2013 tour will visit:", press [Enter], type "Aus-
tralia", press [Enter], type "Micronesia",press [Enter],
type "New Zealand", press [Enter], then type "Your
name"; as shown in (Fig 6).
4 Click the WordPad button on the upper-left side of the
window below the title bar, then click Save on the
WordPad menu
Fig 6
Fig 7
1 Click the WordPad button , then click Open 3 Click Meeting in the File list, then click Open
2 Scroll down in the Navigation pane and select the drive
The document you created earlier opens.
The contents of Hard disc drive appear in the
4 Click to the right of the "d" in New Zealand, press
File list as shown in (Fig 8).
[Enter], then type "NIMI closed the meeting" as shown
in (Fig 9).
Fig 9
Fig 10
1 Click Hard disc drive. 4 Click Documents in the Navigation Pane, under
2 Click the Meeting document to select it
5 Click the Organize button on the toolbar, then click
3 Click the Organize button on the toolbar , then click
Paste as shown in (Fig.15) (or) press Ctrl + V
Cut as shown in (Fig 14) (or) press Ctrl + X
The Meeting.rtf document appears in your
Fig 14 Documents library
Fig 15
Fig 17
The deleted file was moved to Recycle Bin. 6 Click the "Meeting Notes" file to select it, then click
the "Restore this item" button on the Recycle Bin
4 Click the Minimize button on the window's title bar and toolbar
examine the Recycle Bin icon
The file returns to its original location and no
The Recycle Bin contains deleted folders and longer appears in the Recycle Bin window
7 Click the Documents library in the Navigation pane
5 Double-click the Recycle Bin icon on the desktop
The Documents library window contains the
The Recycle Bin window opens and displays restored file.
any previously deleted folders and files,
including theMeeting Notes.rtf file as shown in
(Fig 19)
Fig 19
1 Click the "Start button" ,Point to "All Programs", Click 2 Move the pointer over Paint and click once
the "Accessories" folder
The Paint program window opens on the
screen, as shown in (Fig 21).
Fig 21
The Print dialog box opens, as shown in The drawing prints on the printer. Now close
(Fig 23). This dialog box lets as choose a printer, the program without saving the drawing.
specify which part of the document or drawing
to print, and choose how many copies to print. 11 Click the Paint menu button just below the title bar,
then click Exit, then click Don't Save as shown in
10 Click “Print”. (Fig 24).
Fig 24
1 Click Start button ' Control Panel ' Date and Time as 2 Click the Date and Time tab, and then click ‘Change’
shown in Fig 1. date and time as shown in Fig 2.
3 Click ‘OK’.
4 Click Change time zone, to change the time zone,
5 Click your current time zone in the drop-down list, in
the Time Zone Settings dialog box, and then click
6 Click OK.
Fig 2
1 Click Control panel Personalization The following dialog box appears as shown in
Fig 3.
Fig 3
Fig 4
1 Click a theme as shown in (Fig 6). The pictures, color, To change Windows appearance style
and sounds on the computer will change automatically.
3 Click Control panel Personalisation Window
To change colors on the computer manually color'Advanced appearance settings
If you don't want to use the colors associated The following dialog box appears as shown in
with your current theme, you can change (Fig 7).
colors on your computer manually.
4 Select any window component in the Item list box
2 Click Control panel Personalization Window (Desktop shown in (Fig 7)) and select the desired color
color. Click the color and then click Save changes. from the color1 list box
Fig 7
1 Click Control panel Programs and Features. 2 Select a unwanted program, and then click Uninstall.
Fig 9
3 Click OK.
To change how the mouse pointer looks
1 Click Control panel Mouse.
The screen appears as shown in Fig 10
2 Click the Pointers tab.
A screen appears as shown in Fig 11
Do one of the following:
• To give all of the pointers a new look, click the Scheme
drop-down list, and then click a new mouse pointer To make the pointer work more accurately
scheme. when you're moving the mouse slowly, under
• To change an individual pointer, under Customize, click Motion, select the Enhance pointer precision
the pointer to change in the list, click Browse, click check box.
the pointer to use, and then click Open.
42 OA & FM : Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - NSQF (Level-4) - Exercise: 1.1.07
To speed up the process of selecting a choice Fig 13
when a dialog box appears, under Snap To,
select the Automatically move pointer to the
default button in a dialog box check box.
To make the pointer easier to find when you
move it, under Visibility, select the Display
pointer trails check box, and then move the
slider toward Short or Long to decrease or
increase the length of the pointer trail.
To ensure that the pointer doesn't block your
view of the text you're typing, under Visibility,
select the Hide pointer while typing check box.
To find a misplaced pointer by pressing the Ctrl
key, under Visibility, select the Show location
of pointer when I press the Ctrl key check box.
3 Click OK.
To change how the mouse wheel works
1 Click Control panel Mouse.
To scroll an entire screen of text for each notch
The screen appears as shown in (Fig 10). of the mouse wheel, under Vertical Scrolling,
select One screen at a time.
2 Click the Wheel tab
If your mouse has a wheel that supports
A screen appears as shown in (Fig 13) and horizontal scrolling, under Horizontal Scrolling,
then do one of the following in the Tilt the wheel to scroll the following
To set the number of lines the screen will scroll number of characters at a time box, enter the
for each notch of mouse wheel movement, number of characters you want to scroll
under Vertical Scrolling, select The following horizontally when you tilt the wheel to the left
number of lines at a time, and then enter the or right.
number of lines to scroll in the box.
3 Click OK.
The keys on the keyboard can be divided into several groups based on function
• Typing (alphanumeric) keys. These keys include the same letter, number, punctuation, and symbol keys found on a
traditional typewriter.
• Control keys.
• Function keys.
• Navigation keys.
• Numeric keypad.
The following illustration shows how these keys are arranged on a typical keyboard.
TASK 1: Identify and write the key letters in the blank key board provided
Fig 1
TASK 2: Learn shortcut key functions and practice
Windows PC keyboards have a Windows key that looks like a four-pane, wavy window.
Menu PC keyboards also have a Menu key that looks like a cursor pointing to a menu.
Fn Function key.
Alt Alternate key (PC only; Mac users have an Option key).
~ Tilde.
` Acute, back quote, grave, grave accent, left quote, open quote, or a push.
¢ Cent sign.
¥ Chinese/Japanese Yuan.
§ Micro or section.
% Percent.
° Degree.
^ Caret or circumflex.
_ Underscore.
+ Plus.
= Equal.
[ Open bracket.
] Closed bracket.
: Colon.
; Semicolon.
, Comma.
? Question mark.
1 Start the line with 5 degree indent (use Tab key) This is a simple paragraph that is meant to be nice and
easy to type which is why there will be mommas no periods
2 Type second line- there will be - in capital letters( using
or any capital letters so I guess this means that it cannot
caps lock)
really be considered a paragraph but just a series of run
3 Change small " i" to capital "I" wherever it stands on sentences this should help you get faster at typing as
alone(use Delete + Shift key) I am trying not to use too many difficult words in it.
4 Use end key by placing the cursor in between any line Although I think that I might start making it hard by including
some more difficult letters I'm typing pretty quickly so forgive
5 Use back space key to delete a character or space in
me for any mistakes I think that I will not just tell you a
the left of the cursor
story about the time I went to the zoo and found a monkey
6 Bring the second paragraph in to one paragraph by and a fox playing.
using Delete key
7 Type all characters/symbols shown in the table above
on your monitor.
TASK 1: Copy the outlines in each of the following 5 lines before practising the outlines for one full page in
your shorthand notebook.
Check the sign, placement and direction of logograms, and correct errors.
TASK 2: Copy the grammalogues in the following 4 lines and then practise them. Remember that these are
not vocalised.
Always write logograms, grammalogues and contractions in their fixed places as their signs may represent
other words in other places.
He can go
Rama came
Aid Ed to do it
TASK 6: Read the sentences and write in shorthand. Practise the shorthand sentences, five times each
b They appeal to Ramana to take a share of the game and lead to victory.
c Happy village folk showed Joe Mary the route to reach the shed at the edge of the lake.
e Many take food on the leafy bank at the bottom of the lovely village.
f The lady may catch us on the way and so we shall reach the dock early enough to look at the big ship.
TASK 7: Test your knowledge and skill by taking down dictation of the Exercise in your Shorthand notebook.
b The long rope was bought and put in the shop today.
d The team came to see the match today at the Delhi Gate.
f The bank should pay to the firm, the difference of monthly pay.
i The monkey who came to the shop, took away the big rod.
TASK 8: Check your outlines with the key, mark all the errors, and rectify them by practising correct outlines
for about 20 times, in your shorthand Notebook.
E.C. ..............................................................................................................................................................
TASK 9: Copy the outlines in the lines below and practise 20 times each in your notebook
TASK 10: Copy the outlines in the lines below and practise each one of them in your note book
a I had given the diary to the head of the shop, who denied it.
c I know the boy wrote an essay on Cow and got the cash award.
h She liked the large idol with a mirror at the shop, but she had no money.
j The cash which I have put in the bag should be given to the head of the UCO Bank.
A Mark the errors, write the correct outlines and practise tham in your Shorthand Notebook.
E.C. ..............................................................................................................................................................
TASK 1: Find out the correct spelling for the following words referring to a dictionary. Write 20 times each.
Read out the words while writing
TASK 2: Using a dictionary, find out the words with wrong spelling. Practice the misspelling words 20 times
TASK 3: Take down spelling dicatation of the following words. Find out the correct spelling for the misspelled
words fromthe dictionary and practise 20 times each. Focus on the pronunciaton of the words as you
write them
TASK 4: Memorise the spelling of the given words by writing them several times till you are familiar with the
adolescent circumference colleague
advantageous anonymous scenery
consequently sincerely predecessor
coincidence bereavement decisive
awesome appearance persuade
scarcely genius ingenuous
1 Click on the Start button. This is the small round button 2 Click on the Control Panel menu option.
( ) in the lower left corner of your screen that 3 When the control panel opens you will see a screen
as in (Fig 1).
has a Windows flag on it.
Fig 1
4 Click on the Add or remove user accounts control panel 5 You will now be in the Manage Accounts control panel
option as shown by the arrow in figure 1. as shown as in (Fig 2).
Fig 2
5 Select create a new account. 8 Enter user name and password as prompted.
6 New window appears as in (Fig 3). 9 New Account is created.
7 Click create new Account.
Fig 3
Fig 6
TASK 5: Similar options are available for the following items. Trainees may
TASK 2: Reproduce the given passage as one paragraph in two line spacing in Justify settings (Home menu
- justify)
I thankful to you, Sir, for giving me a chance to speak in this debate. I am glad today the Prime Minister opened his
speech with a reference to our relations with Pakistan.
I would like to draw the attention of the House to what has been happening in the border area. I cannot attach much
importance nor do I the last 11 years, we had
a number of such meetings and conferences. What the Prime Minister has read out today from the (100) letters of the
Prime Minister of Pakistan and his subsequent statements will clearly prove that the Pakistan Prime Minister is hardly
serious about the meeting and he does not know his own mind.
But the fact remains that the position in the borders of Tripura and Assam and also in some areas of West Bengal
adjoining the Pakistan border should receive the attention of this House and Government.
TASK 3: Type the passage in two column format (Page layout menu - Columns)
Sir, this is indeed a historic day, especially for the Sikh community and I think maybe for this House were probably, for
the first time, we will all be standing on the same side of the fence. Well I have always fought battles for our rights, I am
very happy to see that after many years and after a long and hard battle, today, for the first time, a bill has been
introduced which concerns the Sikh community. It has been a long-standing grievance of the Sikhs that were during the
British period the Sikhs were given a (100) separate identity and recognised as a separate religion, but in 1951 when the
new Constitution was adopted, our identity was totally abolished and we were put as a part of the Hindu Dharma.
TASK 4: Type the passage using Dropped cap (Insert menu - Drop cap tool)
This Memorandum of Information is being make by Sahara India Real Estate Corporation Limited which is an unlisted
Company and neither its equity shares nor any of the bonds debentures are listed or proposed to be listed. This issue is
purely on the private placement basis and the company does not intend to get these Optionally Fully Convertible Debentures
listed on any of the Stock Exchanges in India or abroad. This Memorandum for Private Placement is neither a Prospectus
nor a Statement in Lieu op Prospectus.
TASK 5: Type the passage and apply the following using appropriate tools (Page layout menu- Page back-
ground group)
Mr. Chairman, Sir, the people of Orissa, West Bengal, Bihar and in some parts of your State we badly affected/ by the
devastation caused by the heavy rainfall. Due to damaged reads, the total transport system has been thrown out/ of gear.
At that point of time it was very difficult to carry the relief materials to the affected people/ in different part of the country.
Some unscrupulous businessmen took advantage of this situation and indulged in black-marketing and hoarding as a
result of which the prices of the essential commodities got hiked.
TASK 1: Copy the following in the lines below and practise the outlines in your notebook
TASK 2: Copy the following outlines with downward ‘H’ in the following lines. Rewrite the outlines in the
topmost line of your note book and practise them for the rest of the page.
b Hawkins
c Lahore
b usual/usually
A Write and read the exercises of the chapter and check the errors.
d All of them can go to see the match today, but they should come back also in time.
e I will go to the lake for a bath and I think they may follow me.
g Amir should have read the theory book in the academic year .
h The colour of the cooler was red for which I wish to thank them.
Check for errors, write the correct outlines from the key and practise them in your Shorthand Notebook.
E.C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Key to TASK 5
TASK 6: Read the following shorthand script, write in English and verify them with the key and practice them:
Key to TASK 6:
2 They say the cargo may be ready to ship tomorrow for Adelide.
3 The bill may be unpaid and the fellow may be rude to Tom Johney.
4 If they take narrow path, they may readily get to shop in the village.
5 The lady may catch up to us on the way, and so all may reach the shop at the park.
TASK 1: Copy the outlines in the three lines below and practise them in your notebook
c whimsical
e would
A Read and copy exercises in the book and check for errors
b If you ask them to renew the deal, they will have to go to a valuer.
c The cube which was put in your tea cup by the bearer was pure.
f The annual youth rally which was held here was a failure.
g If you can insure my life, I will give you a cheque right now.
i It was unusual for them to see the casualty in the youth rally.
j They will verify your name if they require you for the new job.
d Mark errors with the help of the key and practise the correct outlines 20 times.
TASK 1: Copy the outlines in the three lines below and practise 20 times each in your notebook
TASK 2: Copy the outlines in the three lines below and practise 20 times each in your notebook
74 OA & FM : Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - NSQF (Level-4) - Exercise: 1.1.14 & 15
Read and write exercises in the book and verify with the key.
TASK 3: Test your knowledge and skill by writing the following Exercise. Mark the errors with the help of the
key and practise correct outlines 20 times each
a Harish was ahead of all, being head of the youth welfare team.
b Asha and Sheela were going to the hill top to see the Mall Road.
d Shahi and Rahim were held up on the way delaying the match.
e Joshi may dash but he should get the knowhow to do the work.
f Any language can become easy if you have a liking for it.
g He got your photo enlarged today, but you will get it only by tomorrow.
h It was foolish for you to buy the car when the value was so high.
i If you work for the welfare of the poor, you will feel happy, healthy and enjoy life.
j I will ask him to hire a car for you to go to the film show at the new hall.
OA & FM : Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - NSQF (Level-4) - Exercise: 1.1.14 & 15 75
(E.C.) ................................................................................................................................................................
A Dot ‘H’ is used medially only as in the following words. Write them in the 3 lines below before practising the outlines
in your notebook.
B Dot ‘H’ is not used medially as in the following: Practise the following words 20 times each:
The downward form is used when it is standing alone or when it is immediately followed by 'k' or 'g'; thus
76 OA & FM : Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - NSQF (Level-4) - Exercise: 1.1.14 & 15
TASK 4: Decipher the following outlines and write correct words/phrases, verify them with the ‘key’ and
practise them, at least three lines each.
Key to TASK 4
TASK 5: Write outlines for the following words, verify them with the ‘key’, and practise them at least three
lines each.
Key to TASK 5
OA & FM : Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - NSQF (Level-4) - Exercise: 1.1.14 & 15 77
TASK 6a & 6b: Transcribe and write the following scripts into longhand, verify with key and practise the scripts, as many
times, as you can.
Key to TASK 6a
a M/s. Ramesh Brothers, Chennai. Dear-Sirs: In reply to-yours of today we have no apprehension of being unable to-
satisfy Mr. Kumar in-the vehicle he desires. We have a similar one on-the stocks now for Mr. Harish, whom he
knows, and we hope to-have them both ready by-the 18th of-April, as promised. Have you seen Mr.Hariprasad, the
whole-sale grocer, on-the business of-the heavy tray. We shall be happy to-hear. Yours faithfully, Happy Cabs.
Key to TASK 6b
b Dear Sir: We-are-in pressing necessity of the supplies against our cheque from you for nearly three months. In-your
price-list for-these supplies, your promised delivery would-be effective within one month of receipt of-the cheque and-
it was on the same basis we mailed-the cheque to-you. As you already know this-city does the business for-which-
we deal for only six months a year and-the season is closing in a few weeks from now. Hence we impress upon you
our hurry to get-the supplies. It is nearly three months since we mailed-the cheque to-you and you are to take action
to - effect-the delivery. We-must ask- you to do-so at-once and to effect the delivery within the next seven days. This
delay may force us to thoroughly think before the next purchases from-you. We-shall-be happy to-have your assurance
of this by telephone as-soon-as you receive this message. Yours faithfully, Manager.
78 OA & FM : Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - NSQF (Level-4) - Exercise: 1.1.14 & 15
TASK 7: Write the following passages in shorthand in your shorthand notebook, verify them with ‘key’ and practise the
scripts, as many times, as you can.
a M/s. Hawkins & Sons. Dear-Sirs: Referring to-your favour of-March 4th, to ship-the hogs hair by-the steamship
“Harbour Master” sailing on the 9th of this month. We-shall-be happy to ship-the stuff sooner if-possible. But we hear
it will be hopeless to-try to hurry the business more-than we-have-done. We have had some trouble in obtaining four
bales, as sellers here are maintaining high prices through the security of the supply. We-are-pleased to-hear you-are
likely to dispose of the bales at enhanced prices, and to effect a ready sale. We-shall-be happy to hear from-you on
M/s. Bharat Gupta and Raghu Sons affair. Yours-truly, Raju & Sons.
b It-gives-me immense pleasure to preside-over-the centenary celebrations of the State Police Force. The century is a
long-time in-the life of any Force or organization in the globe. During-this period, the officers and men manning this
huge force have gone through painful experiences and they-are able to face-the highly emotional social challenges
and severe economic revolutions successfully. During this long period, the society by-and-large has passed through
revolutionary changes and the people who-have-been put in suppression for various reasons began to discover their
rights and-this agitation of suppressed and oppressed classes have led to creation of law and other regulations of
matching with other sections of-the society. It is here in-this situation, the Police had shown a unique measure of
sacrifice and service to the society.
OA & FM : Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - NSQF (Level-4) - Exercise: 1.1.14 & 15 79
Office Administration and Facility Management Exercise 1.1.16
Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - Fundamentals of Shorthand
and Windows operating system
I am when they
they were if he
Key to TASK 3
a I have, I had, I am, I may, I will, I were, I know, I do, I was, I see.
b I shall, I shall be, I shall have, I may be, I will be, I will have, I had the , I was the.
c I hope, I thank you, I think, I can, I can be, I can have, I can do.
d You are, you can, you may be, you can be, you can have, you will be, you were, will you
e You should be, you should have, with you, with them, with which, with each, with it.
f How can you, how can they, how will you, how are you, how are they, how much, how long.
g So much, too much, he should be, he will be, he may be, he can be, he was, he had.
h We may have, if he were, he would be, he should have, she should have, she may be, she will be
Vowel Signs can be put to strokes to write words according to the received (Indian) pronunciation, not
necessarily Oxford pronunciation, if there is no confusion in understanding them. If an outline has
been written at a wrong place, it can be represented correctly by placing a vowel sign.
(E.C.) .............................................................................................................................................................
TASK 4: Take dictation and transcribe. Verify with key. Practice more if the errors exceeded more than 5%
Now test your knowledge and skill by writing dictation at 40.w.p.m. Transcribe and verify with the key. Practise more if the
errors exceed 5 %.
a Although I may be here, I may be too busy to welcome you at the gate.
b She will have no worry if all of you are here, well in time.
c They were together when I saw them in the book fair on Monday, the 30th March 1996.
d We will go to them and work for them whenever they ask us, to do so.
e what should be the ideal name of the book which was given to you for review by me?
f We will have to check it thoroughly to say it to be wrong or right.
g What was the outcome of the indoor game which you saw today?
h He would be too happy to get the job and work with you if you pay him a fair daily wage.
i I hope the game will be held on the due date for which I assure you.
j I will pay the money to you right now if you assure me to book a Maruti car.
Key to TASK 4
Write in Shorthand (40 w.p.m.) Mark errors with the help of key and practise all the corrected outlines 20 times each.
If you wish to give a party tomorrow, I assure / you my full help. We will go together and do // the job. We will get the milk
in the dairy /// and the required food items in the shop. I am (1) asking my colleague Anil or Ahluwalia to come to your
/ home. I will give you the idea how to prepare for // the party. I hope you will hear and follow my /// idea fully. All the
revenue which I have got for (2) the party wil be given to you well in time / tomorrow. We all will work together heartily
and enjoy it // happily. I hope it will be a kitty party given /// by us at your home and will be welcomed by all.
Key to TASK 5
Practice sitting posture as shown in (Fig 1) under the • If this is not possible for your desk, consider moving
supervision of the Instructor. your chair back, or reclining slightly.
Adjust the monitor height and tilt if possible: Ideally, your • If you can, position the top of the monitor approximately
monitor will sit at eye height, though this may need not be 2 to 3 inches above your seated eye level.
possible for your computer, you may need to tilt up or
down the monitor to prevent your neck and eyes from • If you wear bifocals, lower the monitor to a comfortable
straining. reading level.
Fig 1
Finger positioning on the keyboard
Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• learn and perform touch keyboarding accurately
• how to type without looking at the keyboard
• operate numerical keypad with one hand.
TASK 1: Practice Home row by positioning fingers correctly (till you famaliarise.)
TASK 2: Type the words (Home row) correctly using correct fingers without looking at the keyboard
Letters Q, W, E, R, and T keys for the left hand and P,O,I,U, and Y keys for the right hand. (left index finger will touch R
and T while right index finger will touch U and Y)
qwert poiuy qwert poiuy qwert poiuy qwert poiuy
qwert poiuy qwert poiuy qwert poiuy qwert poiuy
TASK 5: Practice home row and upper row by using index finger
TASK 6: Practice the following words using upper and home rows.
TASK 7: Practice Bottom row by using correct fingering till you familiarize
The letters Z, X, C, V, and B keys for the left hand and full stop, coma, M, N and B for the right hand. (left index finger
will touch C & V while right index finger will touch N & B)
TASK 8: Practice the words covering home, upper and bottom rows.
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba
click it.
2 Choose MS OFFICE, select Microsoft.
3 Word 2010 as in (Fig 1).
A new Document appears on the screen as in (Fig 2).
Fig 2
TASK 2: Enter text using keyboard
1 Type the following passage in the opened new main characters. Their mother died when they were young.
document. Their father places an ad for a wife in a newspaper. A lady
named Sarah answers the ad and comes to live with the
For starting line of the paragraph “Press Tab” family.
on the keyboard for indentation.
“Sarah is nice but she is from Maine and misses the sea.
“Sarah, Plain and Tall is a book by Patricia McLachlan. It The family finds things to remind her of her home. A hay
won the Newbery medal in 1986. This book is about a mound is like the sand dunes. The plains stretch out like
family that lives in the Midwest. Caleb and Anna are the the sea. They swim in the cow pond”.
Fig 3
Fig 5
Fig 6
1 Open file Word ex1 from the computer literacy folder in 2 Select the entire document by pressing Ctrl+A.
Fig 2
4 Select the entire document and apply 1.5 for The aligned texts appear as in Fig 4. Note that
a green squiggly line appears. Word
line spacing option indicatesGreen for flagged grammatical errors,
such a subject/verb agreement. Red for flagged
5 Click justify button to justify it from paragraph spelling errors (or words that MS Word doesn't
know).Blue for flagged contextual errors. A
group as shown in (Fig 3).
word spelled correctly but used out of context.
Example: I "no" you "no" what that means.
Fig 3
Fig 4
1 Click Review tab and choose to check the 3 Click change (Fig 7)
spelling and grammar of the typed text. (Fig.5) Fig 7
Fig 5
1 Select the second paragraph as shown in the Fig 9. 2 Click Cut form the clipboard group in Home tab as
shown in (Fig 10)
Fig 9
Fig 10
Fig 12
Fig 14
1 Type the text as shown in the (Fig 1). 4 Click the “Change Case” button as shown in (Fig 1).
2 Select the text to assign a new case as shown in (Fig1) 5 Click “Toggle case” to change the text.
3 Click the Home tab. The text gets converted to the selected case
as on (Fig 1).
Fig 1
1 Create a new file in word. 3 Click insert tab and choose 6 rows and 4 columns
2 Type Heading as "TIME TABLE". from Table and click it as shown on (Fig 2).
Fig 2
Table 1
Fig 3
When you type beyond the width of a column, the height 1 Click the last cell of the last row (in this case, the 22nd
of the corresponding row automatically increases to fit the row),
2 Press the TAB key.
Adding Rows to a Table
Table after adding a row
If you want to add another girl who wants to join the tour,
you need to add a row at the end of the table, and then
enter the details.
To add rows at the end of a table
A new row is added to the table 3
The details for the new student can now be entered inthe the boys section and enter the heading BOYS. Similarly,
new row. In the same way, you can add more rows to the you can insert a row befor the girls section and enter the
table and enter the details for other students who may join heading GIRLS.
the tour, if any.
To enter the values in a table
Inserting rows and columns
1 Click the first cell of the first row
After entering all the details for the student list, you find
that there is no heading separating the boys from the girls. 2 Type the heading, S. No.
To differentiate between records, simply insert a row before Adding test in a table
The table after entering the first student's details. To insert a row
10 Enter the details for the remaining nine boys similarly. 1 Click any cell in the row above which you want to insert
a new row (in this example, the second row)
11 Enter the details for the girls as you have for the boys.
2 On the Table menu, point to insert, and then click rows
A new row is inserted above the first boys row.
Table 5
Table 6
4 Click a cell in the first girl's row. A new row is inserted above the first girl's row.
5 On the Table manu, point to insert and then click rows 6 Move the insertion point to the second cell of the in-
above. serted row and type GIRLS. Make it bold.
Table 7
1 Click the Print Layout button (or the Web Layout button) 3 Drag the row edge down to lengthen the row height.
from View tab
A dotted line marks the proposed bottom of
2 Keep the mouse pointer over the bottom of the row
the row as shown in Table 8.
Table 8
4 Release the mouse button, when the row height The Row width is changed as shown in the
adjusted. Table 9 Similarly increase the row height of
Thursday and Friday rows and get it checked
with the instructor.
Table 9
1 Keep the mouse pointer over the right side of the 2 Drag the column edge right to widen or left to narrow
column to change. the column width.
Table 10
Table 11
Fig 5
1 Click on the empty row above Tuesday to delete. 4 Click Delete Rows as shown in Fig 6.
2 Click the Layout tab.
The row is deleted as shown in Fig 7.
3 Click Delete.
5 Get it checked with the instructor
100 OA & FM : Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - NSQF (Level-4) - Exercise: 1.2.18
Fig 6
Fig 7
1 Choose and click "Table Contemporary" from the built 3 Apply 3.0 as line spacing as on (Fig 9) and save it.
in of table style in design ribbon as on (Fig 8).
4 Save it and check with the instructor.
2 Select the whole table by placing the cursor on the
starting edge of the table (Fig 8).
OA & FM : Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - NSQF (Level-4) - Exercise: 1.2.18 101
Fig 8
Fig 9
102 OA & FM : Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - NSQF (Level-4) - Exercise: 1.2.18
6 Click 1 in the list as shown in the (Fig 11). Fig 12
Fig 11
7 Click the Home tab, then click the Bullets list in the
Paragraph group as shown in (Fig 12) and select a
desired bullet style.
8 Get it checked with the instructor.
OA & FM : Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - NSQF (Level-4) - Exercise: 1.2.18 103
Office Administration and Facility Management Exercise 1.2.19
Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - Formation of words, Phrases
and Practice of MS Word
TASK 1: Change the following sentences (Simple Present/ Simple Past / Simple Future Tense) into Passive
Voice: (Use: is/are/am)
1 He writes a letter 7 She helped me
2 He does not write a letter 8 They sold books
3 She helps me 9 He will write a letter
4 They sell books 10 He will not write a letter
5 He wrote a letter 11 She will help me
6 He did not write a letter 12 They will sell books
TASK 2: Change the following sentences ( Present Continuous Tense / Past Continuous Tense) into Passive
Voice: (Use: is being/ am being,/are being/was being/were being)
TASK 3: Change the following sentences ( Present Perfect Tense / Past Perfect Tense/Future Perfect Tense)
into Passive Voice: (Use: has been/have been/had been/will have been)
7 He had bought a beautiful gift for me 9 I have kept a bowl of water
8 She had decorated wall 10 They had threatened the little boy
TASK 4: Change the following sentences ( Present and Future Modals: may/ might/can/must/should/ought)
into Passive Voice: (Use auxiliary verb 'be')
TASK 5: Change the following sentences ( Past Modals: should have/may have/must have/might have/ought
to have) into Passive Voice: (Use auxiliary verb 'been')
1 I should have passed the examination 4 He might have clinched the game
2 They may have reached the destination by now 5 You ought to have told him in advance
3 We must have performed the pooja
1 They are going to watch a movie tonight 6 The two Prime Ministers are signing the treaty
2 I will clean the house every Sunday 7 The Director will give you instructions
3 A beautiful dog roams our street 8 The salt water damaged the metal beams
4 The gardener cleaned this stretch of garden 9 The science class viewed the comet
5 The teacher always answers the students' questions 10 I have given her the cake
1 The book is being read by Ramasamy 6 The mother-tongue would be taught to him by her
2 The door had been knocked at by someone 7 The fish is eaten by the cat
3 A stone was being thrown by the kid 8 A book has been offered to Rangan by her
4 A scooter has been bought by him 9 A letter was written to him by her
5 The jackpot will be won by me
Key to TASK 1
OA & FM : Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - NSQF (Level-4) - Exercise: 1.2.19 105
7 I was helped by her Key to TASK 5
8 Books were sold by them
1 The examination should have been passed by me
9 A letter will be written by him
2 The destination may have been reached by them by
10 A letter will not be written by him now
11 I will be helped by her 3 The pooja must have been performed by us
12 Books will be sold by them 4 The game might have been clinched by him
5 He ought to have been told by you in advance
Key to TASK 2
Key to TASK 6
1 A song is being sung by her
2 Apple is being eaten by them 1 A movie is going to be watched by them tonight
3 I am being disturbed by you 2 The house will be cleaned by me every Sunday
4 A saree was being washed by her 3 Our street is being roamed by a beautiful dog
5 Songs were being sung by boys 4 This stretch of garden was cleaned by the gardener
6 A stone is being thrown by Ramu at the dog 5 The students' questions are always answered by the
7 The question of the student is being answered by the
teacher 6 The treaty is being signed by the two Prime Ministers
8 The floor was being swept by her 7 Instructions will be given by the Director
9 The newspaper is being read by me 8 The metal beams were damaged by the salt water
10 Cricket was being played by them 9 The comet was viewed by the science class
10 The cake has been given by me to her
Key to TASK 3
Key to TASK 7
1 The work has been completed by him
2 The examination has been written by the boys 1 She was not harmed by me
3 A lecture on 'Discipline' has been given by her 2 This moment will be cherished by me
4 The competition had been won by them 3 A cake was made by mother yesterday
5 Mumbai will have been reached by them 4 The girl was teased by the boy
6 Instructions have been given to him by the teacher 5 Did their duty was done by them?
7 A beautiful gift had been bought by him for me 6 The deer is being chased by the tiger
8 Wall had been decorated by her 7 A story has been written by her
9 A bowl of water has been kept by me 8 His lessons have been learnt by him
10 The little boy had been threatened by them 9 Has the report been finished (by you)?
10 The thief has been caught by the police
Key to TASK 4
Key to TASK 8
1 A cycle can be ridden by me
2 This plan must have been understood by her 1 Ramasamy is reading the book
3 The snake might be killed by her 2 Someone had knocked at the door
4 This clock should be bought by me 3 The kid was throwing a stone
5 The poor people ought to be helped by you 4 He has bought a scooter
6 This match can be won by India 5 I will win the jackpot
7 The beach may be cleaned by them then 6 She would teach the mother-tongue to him
8 My old car may be sold by me 7 The cat eats the fish
9 The movie may be watched by us 8 She has offered a book to Rangan
10 The fish might be eaten by the cat 9 She wrote a letter to him
106 OA & FM : Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - NSQF (Level-4) - Exercise: 1.2.19
Office Administration and Facility Management Exercise 1.2.20
Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - Formation of words, Phrases
and Practice of MS Word
Practice of small circle for S & Z and use them with other stroke consonants
and apply it to the new sentences
Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• write circle S anti-clockwise (left) and clock-wise(right) motions
• write circle S with left motion to straight strokes
• employ circle S outside angles
• employ circle S inside curves
• use circle S with strokes H and L.
TASK 1: Copy the outlines in the three lines below and practise 20 times each in your notebook
b Sahu
TASK 2: Copy the outlines in the three lines below and practise 20 times each in your notebook. Note the use
of stroke ‘S’ in certain words
d counsel
108 OA & FM : Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - NSQF (Level-4) - Exercise: 1.2.20
TASK 3: Practise 10 times the short forms (grammalogues) given below:
A Read, copy (or take down dictation) and transcribe the exercises of text book. Verify with the key and note down
errors committed. Practise correct outlines in your note nook.
OA & FM : Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - NSQF (Level-4) - Exercise: 1.2.20 109
TASK 4: Test your knowledge and skill by taking down dictation of the following sentences.
b Here is some space in this room also, if you require, for your officer.
c I wish to see her family on this Sunday with my son, to know her choice.
e This is the right time and the season to sow the oil-seeds.
h Carry these books to the lorry and load these bundles hurriedly.
Key to TASK 4
110 OA & FM : Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - NSQF (Level-4) - Exercise: 1.2.20
Write in Shorthand (40 w.p.m.) Check and mark errors with the help of key and rectify them by repeated practice
I alongwith Sushma will come to your house tomorrow. Be / ready to go with us to do the work. If // you refuse to do the
work, you may be the /// loser. Several times I ask Sahni to do his work (1) but he is always selfish. You shoul be
zealous to / do anything if you wish to become popular and happy // in life. Those who are lazy can do nothing.
Selfishness /// has a fall. We have to teach a lesson to (2) those who refuse to do a job because of the laziness. / No-
body should kill time in gossips, but // should try to make hay with the sun rise. /// All of us should do our TASKs
sincerely and assiduously.(3)
OA & FM : Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - NSQF (Level-4) - Exercise: 1.2.20 111
Office Administration and Facility Management Exercise 1.2.21
Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - Formation of words, Phrases
and Practice of MS Word
Type the following passages repeatedly, to enhance typing speed with proper spacing, punctuation marks and full stops.
Exercise 1
TASK 1: Type the following passages Ten times
From the time of our BIRTH till our DEAH KNELL is tolled, we must learn. If you WILL NOT LEARN, you CANNOT
KNOW. If a teacher WILL NOT train, he CANNOT teach. When we will not let other People SCHOOL US we need
SCHOOL ourselves. If we cannot Learn to be cogs in a wheel we had better be QUICK and be a WHEEL WITH COGS.
But life is ALL SCHOOL, and most of the FORMS ARE HARD; but this is as it should be. WE MUST LIVE AND LEARN.
Exercise 2
TASK 2: Type each paragraph FIVE times
"India is my country, all INDIANS are my BROTHERS and SISTERS. I love my country and I am proud of its rich and
varied heritage. I shall always strive to be worthy of it.
I shall give my PARENTS, TEACHERS, and ALL ELDERS respect and treat everyone with courtesy. To my Country
and My People, I pledge my devotion. In their well-being and prosperity alone lies my happiness".
Exercise 3
Our nation has some symbols. We love and honour these symbols. The Asoka Pillar is one of these national symbols.
It is our National Emblem. It is the symbol of our Government. It is a symbol of peace and love for everyone. Asoka, who
was a great king of our land, wanted everyone to love others. He did not want any one to fight. We follow him.
Our National Flag has the Asoka Chakra on it. This wheel is the symbol of DHARMA. If we always do the right things,
we follow DHARMA. The twenty-four spokes in the wheel show the difference between our people. A small circle connects
these spokes. It shows that we are one. The wheel also shows that we are going forward.
Our flag is a tri-colour. Saffron is the symbol of sacrifice and a strong mind. White is the symbol of purity, love and
peace. Green is the symbol of plenty and joy. We hoist and salute our flag. We are ready to make sacrifices for our
country. We want peace and progress. We want to be pure.
Our National Anthem is a song of the great poet, Tagore. It was his prayer song. He sings about the people, mountains,
river sand seas of India. He says that God is the master of all these and everyone and everything in India praise him. We
sing this song in chorus and respect.
All of us salute our National Flag and sing our National Anthem. This shows that we are one nation. We also promise
to love and respect our country, our parents, elders, teachers and all others in India.
Exercise 4
The Select Committee has done a very good job, studied the matter thoroughly and improved the Bill so that it has
become more presentable.
The Picture that has now emerged is clearer than it was at an earlier stage. However, I would like to offer my
comments on three or four clauses. Clause 2 is very important. I would refer to two items under, that Clause. In Caluse2
(a), an inclusive definition of the word 'divided' has been given. This is a definite improvement. Therefore, the matter would
be dealt with in a more judicious and better way than hitherto.
However, this subject is such a difficult one that it is not so easy to make any definition a perfect one. From this angle,
there is a lacuna even in this definition which is no doubt a very good improvement upon the earlier definition. In sub-
Clause (e) of this Clause, any payment of any sum by way of advance/ or loan to a shareholder or any payment on behalf
of, or for the individual benefit of any such holder is deemed to be included in the word divided. The language of this sub-
Clause not very apply.
Exercise 5
1 A Football Match
A few days ago I went to see an interesting football match played between the D.A.V. Higher Secondary School,
Karnal and the Govt. Higher Secondary School, Shahabad on the grounds of the S.D. Higher Secondary School, Karnal.
A large crowd of students and men from the town were present to cheer up the players. The match began at 4.30 p.m.
About five minutes before the fixed time, the referee called upon the captains of the two teams to toss for sides. The
D.A.V.'s won the toss. Soon after, the referee blew the whistle and the players took their positions. At another loud
whistle, the center forward of the local school picked the ball and the play began. From the very start, the Govt. School
team took the offensive. Twice they tried hard to make the ball pass through the goal post, but the goalkeeper of the
opposing team warded it off each time. However, he could not resist the attack for long and the Govt. School center
forward shot the ball through the goal by chance. They were loudly cheered by the spectators. Soon after the half time,
the game was resumed. The D.A.V.'s got many chances but failed to score a goal. When only five minutes were left they
made their great dash. In spite of strong opposition, their Forwards carried the ball with full force and a goal was scored.
There was a hail of shouts and the students of D.A.V. flung their caps high up in the air. The match ended in a draw.
Scolding is something common in student life. Being a naughty boy, I am always scolded by my parents. But one day
I was severely scolded by my English teacher. She infect teaches well. But that day, I could not resist the temptation that
an adventure of Nancy Drew offered. While she was teaching, I was completely engrossed in reading that book. Nancy
Drew was caught in the trap laid by some smugglers and it was then when I felt a light tap on my bent head. The teacher
had caught me red handed. She scolded me then and there and insulted me in front of the whole class. I was embarrassed.
My cheeks burned being guilty conscious. When the class was over, I went to the teacher to apologize. When she saw
that I had realized my mistake, she cooled down and then told me in a very kind manner how disheartening it was when
she found any student not paying attention. I was genuinely sorry and promised to myself never to commit such a
mistake again.
Days are not of equal value in one's life. Some bring happiness while others bring sadness. Sadness and happiness
both are equally important to man's life, since they are the two sides of a coin. As we cannot forget the happiest day, we
are unable to forget the saddest day of our life too. The saddest day of my life was the Diwali Day. Diwali is considered
OA & FM : Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - NSQF (Level-4) - Exercise: 1.2.21 113
to be a happy festival and till last Diwali, it was my favourite festival. On last Diwali, my sister, my brother and I were busy
lighting the fireworks. I was holding a 'fuljhari' in my hand and unfortunately my younger brother, who was standing just
beside me, had a cracker in his hand. This cracker caught fire and a very loud explosion was heard which shook my
sister and me. After that, we all could think of nothing else than blood stained cotton, bandage, dettol etc. My cousin took
my brother to the doctor where he got 14 stitches in his forefinger and thumb. But at home, everybody kept cursing and
blaming me for the mishap. That night, I could not sleep and I cried a lot. For next few days, I bore the burden of this
blame for being responsible for this unfortunate incident. I felt deeply guilty conscious which I was able to overcome after
a long time.
Studying is the main source of knowledge. Books are indeed never failing friends of man. For a mature mind, reading
is the greatest source of pleasure and solace to distressed minds. The study of good books ennobles us and broadens
our outlook. Therefore, the habit of reading should be cultivated. A student should never confine himself to his schoolbooks
only. He should not miss the pleasure locked in the classics, poetry, drama, history, philosophy etc. We can derive
benefit from other's experiences with the help of books. The various sufferings, endurance and joy described in books
enable us to have a closer look at human life. They also inspire us to face the hardships of life courageously. Nowadays
there are innumerable books and time is scarce. So we should read only the best and the greatest among them. With the
help of books we shall be able to make our thinking mature and our life more meaningful and worthwhile.
5 A Visit to an Exhibition
Recently, an exhibition 'Building A New India' was held in the capital. It was organized by the Ministry of Information
and Broadcasting, Government of India. The exhibition was set up in the Triveni Kala Sangam. The chief exhibits were
photographs, novels, some sculptures by Indian modern artists presenting Indian cultural inheritance. First of all, I visited
the general section of the exhibition where different charts and photographs depicting India's development in various fields
were set. Most impressive photographs among these were those showing India's nuclear development. The second
section dealt with India's magnificent historical background. I was fascinated by the pictures of Mohanjodaro excavation.
Then I saw the most beautiful and colourful section of the exhibition i.e. the cultural section. It consisted of paintings,
sculptures, photographs etc. The Rajasthani and Gujarati paintings were very colourful and attractive. This exhibition,
inaugurated by the Prime Minister, lasted for a week. It proved to be of great educational value. It brushed up my
knowledge about India as my motherland. It enhanced my respect for my great country, India. I would very much
appreciate if the Indian government organized some more such exhibitions.
6 My Favourite Teacher
A teacher is called builder of the nation. The profession of teaching needs men and women with qualities of head and
heart. There are many teachers in our school and a large number of teachers among them are highly qualified. I have
great respect for all of them. Yet I have a special liking for Miss Y. Miss Y is a woman of great principles. She is jewel
among all the teachers. Almost all the students respect her. She teaches us English. She is quite at home in this
subject. She takes keen interest in teaching students. Simple living and high thinking is her motto. She is a woman of
sweet temper and is always ready to help in difficulties. She treats us like her own brothers and sisters. She is an ideal
teacher. It is these qualities of head and heart that have endeared Miss Y to the students and teachers alike. She is an
ideal teacher in real sense of the word. She is the real model to emulate. May she live as long as there is sweet fragrance
in the flowers?
7 Traveling in a D. T. C. Bus
Delhi is a crowded city. There are very few rich people who travel by their own vehicles. The majority of the people
cannot afford to hire a taxi or a three-wheeler. They have to depend on D.T.C. buses, which are the cheapest mode of
conveyance. D.T.C. buses are like blood capillaries of our body spreading all over in Delhi. One day I had to go to railway
station to receive my uncle. I had to reach there by 9.30 a.m. knowing the irregularity of D.T.C. bus service; I left my home
114 OA & FM : Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - NSQF (Level-4) - Exercise: 1.2.21
at 7.30 a.m. and reached the bus stop. There was a long queue. Everybody was waiting for the bus but the buses were
passing one after another without stopping. I kept waiting for about an hour. I was feeling very restless and I was afraid
that I might not be able to reach the station in time. It was 8.45. Luckily a bus stopped just in front of me. It was
overcrowded but somehow I managed to get into the bus. Some passengers were hanging on the footboard, so there was
no question of getting a seat. It was very uncomfortable. We were feeling suffocated. All of a sudden, an old man declared
that his pocket had been picked. He accused the man standing beside him. The young man took a knife out of his pocket
and waved it in the air. No body dared to catch him. I thanked God when the bus stopped at the railway station. I reached
there just in time.
The proverb has deep meaning, which is always useful for a successful life. It conveys the idea that we should always
think and then act accordingly. Impulsive actions may lead us to embarrassing and odd situations. As we should always
think before we speak, in the same way we should think before we act. Life is full of various factors, the factors which can
fascinate us for the moment but may lead us to failure or the factors which can repel immediately but may be the
stepping stones to success. For example, going to a movie or playing video games may seem an attractive thing for the
time being but can, in the course of time not only disturb one's studies but also injure our eyes. Therefore, we should
always restrain our intuitive and impulsive desires and then act according to what our mind says is right. Even the great
men like Gandhi. Nehru, John Kennedy have been prey to their passions and emotions due to which the nations suffered.
We should learn from their lives and should always act thoughtfully.
9 Rising Prices
There are many intelligent people in the economic field who would tell us that rising of prices is a phenomenon, which
is characteristic of a developing economy. But inflation can be beneficial only if production and national income of the
country also increase. But in our country, national income and production do not increase in proportion to the rise in price
due to various diverse factors. Since independence, India faced such problems that in spite of major steps taken to
improve the economy, our economy has not come up to our expectations. India was attacked by Pakistan and then
China in the earlier years of her freedom. It took years to recover from the heavy losses of the war. Then large-scale
industries, like Iron and Steel showed losses in earlier stages. This also caused hike in price. Nowadays the main reason
behind this unbalanced gallop in price is black money. Government is trying hard to control prices by coming down
heavily on corrupt officers. It's taking proper steps to control prices which are causing economic hardships in a commoner's
life. But all these measures will take time to show results. At present the rising of prices is a painful reality which cannot
be avoided in our day to day life.
Simple living said the Prophet Mohammed "sets my heart on higher thoughts." There is a need to follow simplicity in
our life. In today's world of increasing pomp and show, when everybody is joining the rat race of displaying his wealth, we
should prefer to live simply, without any artificiality. Mahatma Gandhi's life shows us that simplicity in life always encourages
maturity of mind. Instead of wasting wealth in various socio-religious ceremonies, we should be decent and undemonstrative.
People who are really good need not show that they are good. In the same manner, the sophistication of our life style
needs no raw display of wealth, it would rather appear in our character or in the manner we carry ourselves. People, who
work hard and are the best servants of humanity, live in a quiet frugal manner. We should consider it a sin to waste money
when we are aware of the fact that millions of our compatriots are living below the poverty line. Nowadays, in increasing
consumerist culture, where everything is on sale, we should adhere to the simple way of life if we want to preserve human
attributes in us.
OA & FM : Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - NSQF (Level-4) - Exercise: 1.2.21 115
Office Administration and Facility Management Exercise 1.2.22
Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - Formation of words, Phrases
and Practice of MS Word
Use of large circle - SW,SES/SEZ), small loop( ST/SD) and large loop (STR)
and taking down dictation
Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• employ large circle initially to represent SW
• employ large circle medially and finally to represent SS/SZ
• employ small loop to represent ST/SD
• employ small loop to represent STR
• take dictation and transcibe words based on the above rules.
TASK 1: Copy the outlines in the three lines below and practise 20 times each in your notebook
TASK 2: Practise the following grammalogues and Phrases 15 times each in Shorthand Notebook
OA & FM : Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - NSQF (Level-4) - Exercise: 1.2.22 117
A Practise reading, copying, taking down dictation and transcribing of exercises from the text book.
first influence influenced next most language thing young your lord we
TASK 3: Test your knowledge and skill by writing dictation of following exercises dictated at the rate of 40
w.p.m. verify with the key and note down errors. Practise the correct outlines.
a She should know what is the sense in saying all these things now.
b Whenever she comes here, she misses you because of your absence.
c Allow me to emphasize this subject, which you were discussing?
d My name is Swamy and his namne is Ashok.
e Audio cassettes are necessary for you if you wish to take this subject seriously.
f It is an ideal source of news for all the offices as well as officers.
g You can avail of your casual leave if necessary, as it will lapse in this week.
h Are you having a feeling of shame on your failure in this subject?
i As we know she fell ill, due to excessive exercises.
j Different types of video games are held in these shops, now-a-days.
Key to TASK 3
118 OA & FM : Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - NSQF (Level-4) - Exercise: 1.2.22
Errors committed:
Excess of anything or any exercise can exhaust anybody. So / we can do only such exercises which are necessary to
// keep ourselves healthy and moving. Swimming is such an exercise /// but swinging and slowly swaying can cause
much pain to (1) the muscles, though slowly, we can get used to many / types of exercises. If we do these exercises,
we can // resist and cure many types of diseases and can keep /// ourselves happy and healthy. But it is necessary to
know (2) the genesis and analysis of these exercises. Those who keep themselves healthy always feel and look happier.
We have to // realise the logic of these theories in the age of /// science and follow these to keep off diseases in life (3)
Key to TASK 4
Errors committed
TASK 5: Copy the outlines in the three lines below and practise 20 times each in your notebook
OA & FM : Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - NSQF (Level-4) - Exercise: 1.2.22 119
120 OA & FM : Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - NSQF (Level-4) - Exercise: 1.2.22
A Read and write dictation exercises of the chapter thoroughly until mastered. Mark errors and rectify them.
TASK 7: Test your knowledge, skill and practical application of rules by writing dictation of the following
exercises. Verify with the key and note down errors. Correct them and practise.
a You will have to make a poster on this subject for our State.
g Rita as well as Gita refused to welcome the guests and missed the feast
j This was the biggest Sea Beach Hotel, in which you stayed.
OA & FM : Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - NSQF (Level-4) - Exercise: 1.2.22 121
Key to TASK 7
TASK 8: Write in Shorthand at 40 w.p.m. Verify with the key for errors and practise
The store of the largest tourist hotel was dusty, but / the food was much tasty. We were influenced to visit // this hotel
by the posters fixed at the guest house /// in which we stayed. We took steam bath at the (1) lowest cost. Most of the
rooms had elastic doors and / laced windows with dusters for dusting the rooms. The first // and foremost TASK was the
fastest service at lowest cost /// with a vast capacity of visitors. For the first time (2) when we noticed the absence of the
youngsters and the / dusting staff, we realised the reality of the excuses. They // showed us the roster of room staff
honestly, which nobody/// refused to testify and justify. No customer was refused the (3) hotel service. Most of the staff
was on refused leave. / The youngest boy was doing his best to welcome and // dispose of the daily customers by giving
them coffee and /// toasts. The next day the hotel room staff was dismissed.
122 OA & FM : Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - NSQF (Level-4) - Exercise: 1.2.22
Key to TASK 8
OA & FM : Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - NSQF (Level-4) - Exercise: 1.2.22 123
Office Administration and Facility Management Exercise 1.2.23
Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - Formation of words, Phrases
and Practice of MS Word
1 Rt. Click on Desk top. 2 Drop down menu appears as in (Fig 1).
Fig 1
TASK 2: Create a file in your folder and give file name as Exercise-1
1 Click open the folder (double click or Rt. Click). 3 Folder open with a message "This folder is empty".
2 Folder appears as in (Fig 3). 4 Rt. Click anywhere in the white area.
Fig 3 Fig 4
Fig 5
TASK 3: Type the passage in word file and save it in your folder
1 Click open Folder already created in your name. The people of Orissa, West Bengal, and Bihar and in some
parts of your State we badly affected/ by the devastation
2 Open word file "Exercise 1". caused by the heavy rainfall. Due to damaged reads,
3 Type the following passage and save. the total transport system has been thrown out/ of gear.
At that point of time it was very difficult to carry the relief
4 Change type face and font size. materials to the affected people/ in different part of the
5 Highlight the second line by using "Text highlight colour" country. Some unscrupulous businessmen took advantage
tab in the Home menu. of this situation and indulged in black-marketing/ and
hoarding as a result of which the prices of the essential
6 Change Font colour as Red in the last line of this commodities got hiked. Not only that, it is a matter of
passage by using Font colour tab In the Home menu. regret that at that point of time only the prices o diesel
7 Change the whole passage in double line spacing using were hiked which added to/ further increase of prices of
"line spacing" tab in the Home menu. the essential commodities. The people were suffering and
they were also subjected to irreparable loss/ and injury.
8 Make it bold letter "Mr. Chairman," by using appropri-
The entire telecommunication and power system had totally
ate tab.
collapsed during the time of this severe disaster. Paddy/
seedlings and seedlings of other crops were damaged and
destroyed. Cattles, like bullocks, cows and buffaloes for
lack of Cattles it has become very difficult on the part of
the cultivators to start their cultivation.
TASK 4: Copy and paste the same passage to a new page in your file
1 Open file "Exercise 1" from your folder. 2 Select the passage already typed by click and drag or
use shortcut key Ctrl + A.
OA & FM : Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - NSQF (Level-4) - Exercise: 1.2.23 125
3 Select copy option from Home menu as in (Fig 7).
Fig 8
Fig 7
Fig 9 Fig 11
Fig 10
126 OA & FM : Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - NSQF (Level-4) - Exercise: 1.2.23
TASK 6: Insert Picture, Clip Art, Shapes, Chart etc. in the document
1 Click insert menu from the menu bar. 3 Drop down window appears as in (Fig 12).
2 Click on picture tab.
Fig 12
Fig 15
Fig 14
OA & FM : Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - NSQF (Level-4) - Exercise: 1.2.23 127
4 Select the shape to be inserted. Fig 16
5 The shape of the cursor will become like a cross.
6. Place the cursor where you want to add the shape.
Insert Chart
1 Select a chart from the drop down window of insert
2 Click ok.
3 Chart will be placed as in (Fig 16).
Fig 18
128 OA & FM : Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - NSQF (Level-4) - Exercise: 1.2.23
TASK 8: Apply Borders in your document
6 Borders.
OA & FM : Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - NSQF (Level-4) - Exercise: 1.2.23 129
Office Administration and Facility Management Exercise 1.2.24 & 1.2.25
Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - Formation of words, Phrases
and Practice of MS Word
TASK 1: Type the following passage and calculate the Gross speed applying the Formula given
TASK 2: Type the following passage and calculate the Net Word per minute
TASK 3 : Type the following passage and find the accuracy
Sir, we have been listening to the honourable Members now/ the loan of Rs. 5 or Rs. 10 becomes Rs. 100 in two
who spoke so many hours together on the Finance Bill. or three years with compound interest thereon. In/ this
Many/ of them including you, the Chairman, have been way lands have been squeezed by the Sahukars and multi-
stressing about the land ceiling. We have seen that Assam landlords. If you go to the field you will find (200)
has made/ land ceiling three times. But if you go to the
Accuracy Formula:
field, you will find not a single landless people is/ restored
or provided with land and if you go State by State say, for Accuracy is a percentage ratio of Gross and Net Word
example, Madhya Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh is/ a State Speed:
having 23 percent tribals. If you see the history, almost
Accuracy = (Net WPM / Gross WPM ) * 100 =
the entire lands belonged to the tribal (100) people and
those tribals were pushed up on the hills and those who Example Net word 37
are in the plains now are deprived/ of their own lands. If Gross word 40
you ask them whose lands is this, they will say that the
land belongs to/ them and how it has been taken over by Calculation - 37/40 * 100 = 92.5 %
the Sahukars and landlords. They will give the history that
TASK 4: Type the following passage and mark the error committed Penalty for each error is 2 words (2x5) 10
This Memorandum of Information is being make by Sahara required to make their own independent evaluation and
India Real Estate Corporation Limited which is an unlisted judgment before making the investment. The contents of
Company and neither its equity shares nor any of the bonds this Memorandum for Private Placement are intended to
debentures are listed or proposed to be listed. This issue be used by the investors to whom it is addressed and
is purely on the private placement basis and the company distributed. This Memorandum for Private Placement is
does not intend to get these Optionally Fully Convertible not intended for distribution and is for the consideration of
Debentures listed on any of the Stock Exchanges in India the person to whom it is addressed.(200 words)
or abroad. This Memorandum for Private Placement is
Calculate: Find the net speed
neither a Prospectus nor a Statement in Lieu op
Prospectus. It does not constitute an offer for an invitation Gross speed GS = GL/5T (WPM)
to subscribe to OFCD's issued by India Real Estate
GS = Gross speed GL = Gross letter T = Time
Corporation Limited. The Memorandum for Private
Placement is intended to form the basis of evaluation for Net speed - GL-PE/5T
the investors to whom it is addressed and who are willing
PE = Penalty for error (10 x errors) 5 = (5 strokes = 1
and eligible to subscribe to these OFCD's. Investors are
Exercise 1 Exercise 2
Type each of the following sentences TEN times:- Type the following Ten times:-
The French Revolution was in 1789. From the time of our BIRTH till our DEAH KNELL is tolled,
we must.
The partition of India affected more than 50% of our people.
I gave him a cheque for Rs. 100.50 P.
If a teacher.
Rice was sold @ Rs. 125/- per bag.
WILL NOT train, he CANNOT teach. When we will not let
Every Indian said, "Partition is bad". other.
Messrs. Raman & Co., Ltd., were great toy - makers. People SCHOOL US we need SCHOOL ourselves. If we
Lakshmi got ¾ and Krishna ¼ of their shares.
Learn to be cogs in a wheel we had better be QUICK and
The cost of a good clock is $ 2.
be a WHEEL.
Rajan and Kumaran sailed on 2nd February 1960 for
WITH COGS. But life is ALL SCHOOL, and most of the
Have you seen my brother-in-law Srinivasa
HARD; but this is as it should be. WE MUST LIVE AND
Received 5 sets of Typist's Table (2' - 6") & Chair (1' - 6") LEARN.
Leave 2 spaces after (.) (?)
OA & FM : Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - NSQF (Level-4) - Exercise: 1.2.24 & 25 131
Office Administration and Facility Management Exercise 1.2.26 & 1.2.27
Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - Formation of words, Phrases
and Practice of MS Word
TASK 1: Copy the outlines in the three lines below and practise 20 times each in your notebook
4 brighter
TASK 3: Practise the given words, grammalogues and contractions 15 times each, as under
OA & FM : Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - NSQF (Level-4) - Exercise: 1.2.26 & 27 133
A Practise 25 times each of the words, sentences & phrases from the text book.
B Write & read exercises of the chapter dictated at 40 w.p.m.
TASK 4: Test your knowledge, skill & speed by writing the Exercise dictated to you, Compare your outlines
with the key & practise
c All the essential items should be brought today itself and delivered.
e The number of Members in this Assembly is larger because of the bigger size of the State.
f Equality in society and security of life should be the motto of a Socialist Government.
g Can you tell me something of the robbery wich took place today?
h The first thing which influenced me was the post of the Professor which I got at a younger age.
i Tell all the official members to place the facts and figures by tommorrow positively.
134 OA & FM : Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - NSQF (Level-4) - Exercise: 1.2.26 & 27
Key to TASK 4
Mark errors and rectify them by repeated practice of outlines/spellings, etc., in your Notebook.
OA & FM : Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - NSQF (Level-4) - Exercise: 1.2.26 & 27 135
Office Administration and Facility Management Exercise 1.2.28
Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - Formation of words, Phrases
and Practice of MS Word
Exercise 1
1 She should know what is the sense in saying all these things now.
2 Because of your absence, she misses you each time she come here.
3 Allow me to emphasis this subject which you are discussing.
4 My name is Swami and his name is Ashok.
5 You need four days if you wish to read this subject thoroughly.
6 Rise in allowances is big news for all the offices as well as officers.
7 Failures lead to success and so feel no shame on your failure in the subject.
8 As we know, she fell ill due to excessive toil in the sun.
9 It is scarcely necessary to emphasis what they themselves know already.
10 It is necessary to sweep the hall as well as the rooms.
Exercise 2
1 The hotel in which you stayed is the biggest sea beach hotel
2 The Railway Minister himself has advised the first-aid to be given
3 The first cost of new styles may be heavy
4 We are having the best, the cheapest and latest style for our customers
5 Rita and Gita refused to see the guests and missed the feast
6 The young barrister's language influenced both judge and jury
7 The largest idol of Lord Ganesha is in Maharashtra State
8 My eldest son is working but the youngest is still studying
9 He is a master of law and logic, to say the least
10 On the basis of the test, the post was refused to me
Exercise 3
1 Most of us go to temples and give offerings to the lord when we are in trouble.
2 Look for the books in the rack on the first floor.
3 The number of Members in this Assembly segment is larger because of its bigger size.
4 A socialist society aims at fairness and security of its citizens.
5 My hon'ble lawyer is doing his job admirably.
6 There may be a huge increase in the number of membersin our club this year.
7 I am asking for favour of the hon'ble member on this subject.
8 All the hon'ble members should place the facts and figures by tomorrow positively.
9 The first thing which influenced me was the post of professor which I got at a young age.
10 We have to live with problems right through our lives.
Exercise 4
1 Is it proper to play in the dark ion this park, when the weather is cool?
2 The Prime Minister was received with love by everybody throughout his journey.
3 Mr. Shukla's elevation to the high office surprised many people
4 We have to face every challenge in our lives bravely and courageously.
5 To bring the cricket bats you can either go by your bicycle or hire a car.
6 This refresher course is for junior officers. This course is unnecessary for senior officers.
7 I totally disagree with you on the valuation of this property.
8 It is a pleasure to be in this seminar and to deliver a lecture on moral values.
9 Five minutes in a bus may offer us many lessons if we care to take them.
10 You will see in people humour and gloom, pluck and nervous fear.
Exercise 5
Do you know the song "Inchworm" that Danny Kaye made famous in 1952? It's in the film called "Hans Christian
Andersen." Most people remember it for one reason: the chorus. Here's how it goes: "2 and 2 are 4; 4 and 4 are 8; 8 and
8 are 16; 16 and 16 are 32." That film came out a very long time ago, so maybe only 1/3 of people today know the song.
When I asked my friends, 0 people had heard of the film, but 7 of them could sing the song quite well.
Just 5 more lessons and you'll have mastered the exact sequence of finger movements to correctly type all 60 standard
letters, numbers, and symbols on a standard QWERTY keyboard. You're on your way to becoming a true typing whiz
Exercise 6
TASK 3: Type the passage several times
"Hello!" said Jaqueline. "What's the plan for this weekend? I heard that the zoo is offering a two-for-one discount on
tickets; it's just $4.99 for two adults, or $7.50 for a family of four. We can purchase tickets by e-mailing [email protected]
or we can buy them at the door."SMS from Veronica: ETA ~ 3:06PM
[(12x - 5y) * (3x / 8)] + (4^2) = ? That's a complicated equation!
Amazon is now #1 in book sales, and retailers like Barnes & Noble have had to switch to online sales to keep up. If over
70% of book sales these days are for e-books, what will happen to the print publishing industry? Go to
and join the conversation. Book_Lover_1959 says, "I think people will always want to read printed books, but that might
be an `old-fashioned' attitude."
The phrases "four is less than six" and "ten is greater than three" can written with symbols and numbers only, like this:
4 < 6 and 10 > 3
Unless you're a graphic designer, mathematician, or computer programmer, it's not very likely that you'll every need to
type the bar (the | symbol) or the backward slash (the \ symbol), and you'll probably only use the curly brackets { and }
for emoticons. But learn them anyway!
OA & FM : Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - NSQF (Level-4) - Exercise: 1.2.28 137
Office Administration and Facility Management Exercise 1.2.29
Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - Formation of words, Phrases
and Practice of MS Word
TASK 1: Read, write and practice different meaning of the same strokes
TASK 2: Transcribe the following. Check with the key. Make corrections and practise
TASK 3: Replace the outlines (not vocalised) in the sentences below with suitable words
Key to TASK 2
a The farmer is the backbone of our state
b Please take my counsel to succeed in life
c The sun is stationary but the earth keeps moving
d Can you quote from Shakespeare?
e We have to make use of favourable times
f Normal life came to a stop owing to heavy downpour
g Crowds hailed the cricket team on their arrival from Sri Lanka
h The ceiling of this room is too high
i Ravana has to put up with a minor surgery
j The success in the test has raised his morale
Key to TASK 3
a defy b lightning c fair d dissent e decent
e mail g caste h suite i heal j piece
OA & FM : Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - NSQF (Level-4) - Exercise: 1.2.29 139
Office Administration and Facility Management Exercise 1.2.30
Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - Formation of words, Phrases
and Practice of MS Word
TASK 2: Practise use of S with hooks initially, medially and finally; practise grammalogues and contractions
as under
OA & FM : Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - NSQF (Level-4) - Exercise: 1.2.30 141
TASK 3: Write outlines for the following words, verify them with the 'key', and practice them at least three
lines each.
TASK 4: Read the following outlines and write correct words/phrases, verify them with the 'key' and practice
them, at least three lines each
Key to TASK 3
142 OA & FM : Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - NSQF (Level-4) - Exercise: 1.2.30
Key to TASK 4
Test your knowledge, skill, speed and accuracy by taking dictation of the following exercise at 60 w.p.m.
Verify with the key for errors. Practise corrected outlines.
a Is it improper to play in dark in this park, when the weather is cool?
b The Prime Minister was welcomed by everybody throughout his journey.
c Mr Shukla’s reward for bravery surprised very many people, in our office.
d I am sure Mr Prem will give a surprise on his arrival from Burma.
e It is my pleasure to welcome you in this seminar on moral values.
f Mr Mitra is my neighbour residing near Neeraj Hotel at Bareilly.
g I totally disagree with you on the valuation of this property.
h Either go on a bicycle or by car to bring the crockery just now.
i Sir, I believe this refresher course was arranged for junior officers.
j We will face every challenge in our lives bravely and courageously.
Key to TASK 5
OA & FM : Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - NSQF (Level-4) - Exercise: 1.2.30 143
Office Administration and Facility Management Exercise 1.2.31
Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - Formation of words, Phrases
and Practice of MS Word
TASK 1: Read and write the given outlines in the following 3 lines before practising them for one full page in
your shorthand note book
d impartiality
Practise the following outlines 20 times each using compound consonants LR and RR
a dweller snarer
b Sharer
c explorer chancellor .
OA & FM : Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - NSQF (Level-4) - Exercise: 1.2.31 145
TASK 3: Practise the following outlines 20 times each wherein LR and RR are not used
b ambassador
a embarrass imperative
imperatively scamper
TASK 5: Practise the following outlines wherein compound consonant MP/MB is not used
TASK 6: Write outlines for the following words, verify them with the key and practise them at least three lines
Decipher the following outlines and write correct words/phrases, verify them with the 'key' and practice them, at least
three lines each.
146 OA & FM : Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - NSQF (Level-4) - Exercise: 1.2.31
Key to TASK 6
Key to TASK 7
TASK 8: Test your knowledge, skill & speed by writing the Exercise dictated to you. Compare your outlines
with the key and practise
a I believe there was no improvement in the quality of work during his tenure.
c However, on your request, Mr Gwynn will proceed to Gwalior to get the steel quota
d I assure you to get replies to all your questions and settle the minor differences.
OA & FM : Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - NSQF (Level-4) - Exercise: 1.2.31 147
e Dr Bist is the first-ever Doctor of Philosophy in Stenography.
h Priti and Nirmala were quarrelling for workers’ rights almost every day.
i They quarrelled with the driver to check the air-pressure of the wheels of their car at the petrol pump.
Key to TASK 8
TASK 9: Practice grammalogues in your note book
148 OA & FM : Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - NSQF (Level-4) - Exercise: 1.2.31
Office Administration and Facility Management Exercise 1.2.32
Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - Formation of words, Phrases
and Practice of MS Word
TASK : Type the following passages in double line spacing with a margin of 10°
1 A Football Match being guilty conscious. When the class was over, I went
A few days ago I went to see an interesting football to the teacher to apologize. When she saw that I had
match played between the D.A.V. Higher Secondary realized my mistake, she cooled down and then told me
School, Karnal and the Govt. Higher Secondary School, in a very kind manner how disheartening it was when she
Shahabad on the grounds of the S.D. Higher Secondary found any student not paying attention. I was genuinely
School, Karnal. A large crowd of students and men from sorry and promised to myself never to commit such a
the town were present to cheer up the players. The match mistake again.
began at 4.30 p.m. About five minutes before the fixed
time, the referee called upon the captains of the two teams 3 The Saddest Day of My Life
to toss for sides. The D.A.V.'s won the toss. Soon after, Days are not of equal value in one's life. Some bring
the referee blew the whistle and the players took their happiness while others bring sadness. Sadness and
positions. At another loud whistle, the center forward of happiness both are equally important to man's life, since
the local school picked the ball and the play began. From they are the two sides of a coin. As we cannot forget the
the very start, the Govt. School team took the offensive. happiest day, we are unable to forget the saddest day of our
Twice they tried hard to make the ball pass through the life too. The saddest day of my life was the Diwali Day.
goal post, but the goalkeeper of the opposing team warded Diwali is considered to be a happy festival and till last Diwali,
it off each time. However, he could not resist the attack for it was my favourite festival. On last Diwali, my sister, my
long and the Govt. School center forward shot the ball brother and I were busy lighting the fireworks. I was holding
through the goal by chance. They were loudly cheered by a 'fuljhari' in my hand and unfortunately my younger brother,
the spectators. Soon after the half time, the game was who was standing just beside me, had a cracker in his hand.
resumed. The D.A.V.'s got many chances but failed to This cracker caught fire and a very loud explosion was heard
score a goal. When only five minutes were left they made which shook my sister and me. After that, we all could think
their great dash. In spite of strong opposition, their Forwards of nothing else than blood stained cotton, bandage, dettol
carried the ball with full force and a goal was scored. There etc. My cousin took my brother to the doctor where he got
was a hail of shouts and the students of D.A.V. flung their 14 stitches in his forefinger and thumb. But at home,
caps high up in the air. The match ended in a draw. everybody kept cursing and blaming me for the mishap.
That night, I could not sleep and I cried a lot. For next few
2 When My Teacher Scolded Me days, I bore the burden of this blame for being responsible
Scolding is something common in student life. Being for this unfortunate incident. I felt deeply guilty conscious
a naughty boy, I am always scolded by my parents. But which I was able to overcome after a long time.
one day I was severely scolded by my English teacher.
She infect teaches well. But that day, I could not resist 4 The Habit of Reading
the temptation that an adventure of Nancy Drew offered. Studying is the main source of knowledge. Books are
While she was teaching, I was completely engrossed in indeed never failing friends of man. For a mature mind,
reading that book. Nancy Drew was caught in the trap laid reading is the greatest source of pleasure and solace to
by some smugglers and it was then when I felt a light tap distressed minds. The study of good books ennobles us
on my bent head. The teacher had caught me red handed. and broadens our outlook. Therefore, the habit of reading
She scolded me then and there and insulted me in front of should be cultivated. A student should never confine himself
the whole class. I was embarrassed. My cheeks burned to his schoolbooks only. He should not miss the pleasure
locked in the classics, poetry, drama, history, philosophy 7 Traveling in a D. T. C. Bus
etc. We can derive benefit from other's experiences with
Delhi is a crowded city. There are very few rich people
the help of books. The various sufferings, endurance and
who travel by their own vehicles. The majority of the people
joy described in books enable us to have a closer look at
cannot afford to hire a taxi or a three-wheeler. They have
human life. They also inspire us to face the hardships of
to depend on D.T.C. buses, which are the cheapest mode
life courageously. Nowadays there are innumerable books
of conveyance. D.T.C. buses are like blood capillaries of
and time is scarce. So we should read only the best and
our body spreading all over in Delhi. One day I had to go to
the greatest among them. With the help of books we shall
railway station to receive my uncle. I had to reach there
be able to make our thinking mature and our life more
by 9.30 a.m. knowing the irregularity of D.T.C. bus service;
meaningful and worthwhile.
I left my home at 7.30 a.m. and reached the bus stop.
5 A Visit to an Exhibition There was a long queue. Everybody was waiting for the
bus but the buses were passing one after another without
Recently, an exhibition 'Building A New India' was held
stopping. I kept waiting for about an hour. I was feeling
in the capital. It was organized by the Ministry of Information
very restless and I was afraid that I might not be able to
and Broadcasting, Government of India. The exhibition was
reach the station in time. It was 8.45. Luckily a bus stopped
set up in the Triveni Kala Sangam. The chief exhibits were
just in front of me. It was overcrowded but somehow I
photographs, novels, some sculptures by Indian modern
managed to get into the bus. Some passengers were
artists presenting Indian cultural inheritance. First of all, I
hanging on the footboard, so there was no question of
visited the general section of the exhibition where different
getting a seat. It was very uncomfortable. We were feeling
charts and photographs depicting India's development in
suffocated. All of a sudden, an old man declared that his
various fields were set. Most impressive photographs
pocket had been picked. He accused the man standing
among these were those showing India's nuclear
beside him. The young man took a knife out of his pocket
development. The second section dealt with India's
and waved it in the air. No body dared to catch him. I
magnificent historical background. I was fascinated by the
thanked God when the bus stopped at the railway station.
pictures of Mohanjodaro excavation. Then I saw the most
I reached there just in time.
beautiful and colourful section of the exhibition i.e. the
cultural section. It consisted of paintings, sculptures,
8 Look Before You Leap
photographs etc. The Rajasthani and Gujarati paintings
were very colourful and attractive. This exhibition, The proverb has deep meaning, which is always useful
inaugurated by the Prime Minister, lasted for a week. It for a successful life. It conveys the idea that we should
proved to be of great educational value. It brushed up my always think and then act accordingly. Impulsive actions
knowledge about India as my motherland. It enhanced my may lead us to embarrassing and odd situations. As we
respect for my great country, India. I would very much should always think before we speak, in the same way we
appreciate if the Indian government organized some more should think before we act. Life is full of various factors,
such exhibitions. the factors which can fascinate us for the moment but
may lead us to failure or the factors which can repel
6 My Favourite Teacher immediately but may be the stepping stones to success.
For example, going to a movie or playing video games
A teacher is called builder of the nation. The profession
may seem an attractive thing for the time being but can, in
of teaching needs men and women with qualities of head
the course of time not only disturb one's studies but also
and heart. There are many teachers in our school and a
injure our eyes. Therefore, we should always restrain our
large number of teachers among them are highly qualified.
intuitive and impulsive desires and then act according to
I have great respect for all of them. Yet I have a special
what our mind says is right. Even the great men like Gandhi.
liking for Miss Y. Miss Y is a woman of great principles.
Nehru, John Kennedy have been prey to their passions
She is jewel among all the teachers. Almost all the students
and emotions due to which the nations suffered. We should
respect her. She teaches us English. She is quite at home
learn from their lives and should always act thoughtfully.
in this subject. She takes keen interest in teaching
students. Simple living and high thinking is her motto.
9 Rising Prices
She is a woman of sweet temper and is always ready to
help in difficulties. She treats us like her own brothers and Rising prices are many intelligent people in the
sisters. She is an ideal teacher. It is these qualities of economic field who would tell us that rising of prices is a
head and heart that have endeared Miss Y to the students phenomenon, which is characteristic of a developing
and teachers alike. She is an ideal teacher in real sense economy. But inflation can be beneficial only if production
of the word. She is the real model to emulate. May she and national income of the country also increase. But in
live as long as there is sweet fragrance in the flowers? our country, national income and production do not increase
150 OA & FM : Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - NSQF (Level-4) - Exercise: 1.2.32
in proportion to the rise in price due to various diverse tilting towards the Soviet Union and Pakistan was deemed
factors. Since independence, India faced such problems to be a Bulwark against soviet communist expansionism.
that in spite of major steps taken to improve the economy,
The soviet Union has however, collapsed and the Soviet
our economy has not come up to our expectations. India
communists threat no longer exists. What then is the
was attacked by Pakistan and then China in the earlier
rationale for parity between India and Pakistan? True,
years of her freedom. It took years to recover from the
Pakistan is reasonably large country with a Muslim
heavy losses of the war. Then large-scale industries, like
population of around 120 million, a well trained standing
Iron and Steel showed losses in earlier stages. This also
army, and a degree of clout among the Islamic nations' To
caused hike in price. Nowadays the main reason behind
that extent, Pakistan can be dubbed a nation that is
this unbalanced gallop in price is black money. Government
important in America's geopolitical matrix.
is trying hard to control prices by coming down heavily on
corrupt officers. It's taking proper steps to control prices Why is it then that whenever any senior American official
which are causing economic hardships in a commoner's visits India, he feels the need to balance it with a visit of
life. But all these measures will take time to show results. equal duration to Pakistan? Whey is it that whenever the
At present the rising of prices is a painful reality which United States thinks of interacting with India in anty context,
cannot be avoided in our day to day life. it always seems to look over its shoulder to make sure
that Pakistan does not misunderstand?
10 'Simple Living, High Thinking'
12 The Plantations Labour Bill
Simple living said the Prophet Mohammed "sets my
heart on higher thoughts." There is a need to follow Mr.Vice-Chairman, Sir,
simplicity in our life. In today's world of increasing pomp The Plantations Labour Bill, 2003, was introduced in
and show, when everybody is joining the rat race of the Rajya Sabha on/the 6th March, 2003/. Then, it was
displaying his wealth, we should prefer to live simply, referred to a Joint Committee of both the House and this
without any artificiality. Mahatma Gandhi's life shows us Joint Committee submitted its report in 2005. Now, we
that simplicity in life always encourages maturity of mind. are discussing this Bill today after six years of the
Instead of wasting wealth in various socio-religious submission of the report by the Joint Committee. Hence,
ceremonies, we should be decent and undemonstrative. the Bill would not be able to deal with the present-day
People who are really good need not show that they are expectations of the workers of the plantations. The original
good. In the same manner, the sophistication of our life Act in regard to the (100) plantation labour, namely, the
style needs no raw display of wealth, it would rather appear Act of 2001 itself provided various welfare measures for
in our character or in the manner we carry ourselves. the plantation labour. But unfortunately the planters NON-
People, who work hard and are the best servants of CHALANTLY violated all these provisions for welfare
humanity, live in a quiet frugal manner. We should consider measures.
it a sin to waste money when we are aware of the fact that
millions of our compatriots are living below the poverty The main question, therefore, is the question of
line. Nowadays, in increasing consumerist culture, where implementation of the provisions of the Act. Mere
everything is on sale, we should adhere to the simple way amendments will not improve the position. There is no
of life if we want to preserve human attributes in us. provision in the/present Bill also as to how these measures
these provisions, can be implemented and what the
11 The World today Government is thinking in terms of implementing these
provisions. In most cases, even the Government officials
The world today, whether it likes it or not, is in the era
who are deputed for the purpose of inspecting (200) the
of the lone super power of pox Americana of sorts when all
gardens; they themselves side with the planters. If
other countries are equal and only the united states is
Government officers themselves side with the planters,
more equal than the others. America insists that the cold
where is the remedy? Hence, we should DEVISE ways
war is over. But the habits of decades are hard to erase,
and means and adopt measures so that the provisions
and in its dealings with other countries, the united states
which are made in the Act and the Bill, the present Bill,
more often than not continues to apply a mind set in which
are implemented properly.
cold war syndromes manifest themselves.
Sir, the provisions in the present Bill fall for short of the
The united states keeps maintaining for instance that
expectations of the working population in the plantations.
it wishes to be even handed between India and Pakistan.
In the present Bill, it has been suggested the ACREAGE/
Such a stance was easy to understand, and could even
of the plantations in regard to which this Act, will be applied
have been consider logical, when India was perceived as
will be reduced to 5 HECTARES.
OA & FM : Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - NSQF (Level-4) - Exercise: 1.2.32 151
13 The Amendment Bill of Acrormycin in Irwin Hospital was ot of the required
standard and that nothing could be done because the/ law
Madam, in respect of this Bill, along with the
stood in the way. This brings to my mind the most important
amendments which have been brought from the side of
function that the Ministry should pay heed/ to, that is, the
the Government/ after discussion yesterday, broadly we
legislative aspect concerning medicines and food
welcome the Bill itself. But this should have been
adulteration. We are aware that the Prevention of Food
discussed amongst the Chief Ministers of the/ various
Adulteration/ Act as passed in 1954 has failed to deliver
States. They are the implementing agency. It is being
the good, primarily because its functioning has been put
done very expeditiously but much discussion is needed
into wrong (200) hands. The Minister told Rajya Sabha
in/ this Bill. Every citizen including a woman is having the
yesterday that no action could be taken against the
right to live with the dignity and honour which is guaranteed
suppliers or manufacturers of these/ medicines or those
in Article 21 of the Constitution. Sexual harassment like
who used it in Irwin Hospital simply because the Delhi
even eve-teasing of woman amounts to violation of rights
Administration did not have the requisite powers. Except
(100) guaranteed under Articles 14 and 15 of the
in Maharashtra where the implementation of the Prevention
Constitution of India. For meaningful right within the ambit
of Food Adulteration Act is in the hand of the State/
of Article 21 of the Constitution, every woman is entitled to
Government, in all other State it has been handed over to
enjoy economic, social, cultural, and political rights without
the local bodies- municipal bodies, etc. The
discrimination. The primary concern both at international
implementation has/ been given to Sanitary a part-time
and at/ the national level is about devastating increase in
rape cases and cases relating to crime against woman.
India is no/ exception to that. Sexual violence is not only
15 Taxation Bill
an unlawful invasion of the right of privacy and sanctity of
the (200) woman but a serious blow to the honour. It I have said, I have not denied it. But it is not a taxation
leaves a traumatic and humiliating impression for her measure in the ordinary sense of the term. If we had not
conscience, offending he self-esteem and dignity. Rape done it, we could not have taken it up. If we had waited for
is not only a crime against the woman, it is a crime against bringing in a measure in the House, at that time what
the entire society itself. It leaves a scar on the most were we to do for the interim period? Could we have allowed
cherished possession of woman, that is, her dignity, honour, it to be passed on to the consumers for two months and
reputation and not/ the least her chastity. It destroys entire then levy it again? It would have been real taxation in the
psychology of a woman and pushes her into deep middle of the year. But that is not so in this particular
emotional crisis. It is a crime against basic human rights (100) case. More so because as I have said earlier in my
and also violates the victim's cherished rights. In that speech this ad hoc reduction. The condition/ of the
context, today is very (300) important day because this agreement is that if, after examination by the, Cost
Bill has come. Accountants, it is found that what we have taken is not
justified by costs, we will have to give them a rebate. If we
14 Ministry of Health and Family Planning find at the end that their costs are still less, we will be
entitled to a greater reduction, it would not have caused
Sir, I rise to support the Demands of the Ministry of
any harm but if we had to return anything then it would
Health and Family Planning. The overall Impression one
have been very difficult to return it, if it had (200) been
gathers /by reading this Report is that is the 54 pages
passed on the consumers because in that case we would
devoted to the Department of Health, a sketchy picture
have to give a rebate. The rebate would have/ been given
has/ been presented of multifarious activities carried on
by getting something more from future consumers and
by the Ministry of Health. To my mind, chronic shortage
the present consumers would have got all the advantages
haunts every/ hospital in every district and every State of
and I do not think that it would have been a fair proposition.
the Union. There is shortage of doctors, shortage of
medicines, shortage of/ hospitals, primary health centres, It is, therefore, that after a great deal/ of deliberation
dispensaries etc. What is worse is that- these things, we decided to go this. The question was asked as to why
especially medicines, are not available in a (100) pure we took so much time from/ the 20th of May to 30th of
form. Yesterday, in reply to a question in Rajya Sabha, June to promulgate that Ordinance. That shows that we
the Minister of State for Health conceded that the/ supply did not do lightly.
152 OA & FM : Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - NSQF (Level-4) - Exercise: 1.2.32
Office Administration and Facility Management Exercise 1.2.33
Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - Formation of words, Phrases
and Practice of MS Word
TASK 1: Develop your own sentences by using short forms of verbs and negatives used in spoken English
am/are I'm/you're/we're/they're______________________________________________________________
Is He's/She's/It's____________________________________________________________________
have I've/you've/we've/they've_____________________________________________________________
has he's/she's/it's_____________________________________________________________________
had he'd/she'd/it'd/I'd/you'd/we'd/they'd____________________________________________________
will he'll/she'll/it'll/I'll/you'll/they'll_________________________________________________________
would he'd/she'd/it'd'/I'd/you'd/we'd/they'd____________________________________________________
Is not=isn't ________________________________________________________________________________
do not=don't ________________________________________________________________________________
does not=doesn't ________________________________________________________________________________
should not=shouldn't_______________________________________________________________________________
TASK 2: Instead of asking a visitor bluntly 1)Who are you? 2) What do you want? 3) Why did you come? use
polite forms
TASK 3: Greet your friends or those close to you as in the sentences 1) "Hello, good mornig, Ravi"2) "Hello,
How're you getting on?" 3) "Hi, How're you doing?"
TASK 4: Use the following expressions for congratulating and appreciating a person
1 Congratulations!
2 That's marvellous!
5 That's splendid!
7 That's great!
154 OA & FM : Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - NSQF (Level-4) - Exercise: 1.2.33
TASK 5: Create a conversation with fellow students to indicate your likes and dislikes using the following
TASK 7: Imagine you want to help someone. How will you express? How will the responses (positive &
negative be expressed?). Create a conversation taking a cue from the following sentences
Hello, May I help you? Shall I carry your bag for you?
Would you like me to call the doctor? What shall I buy for you?
TASK 9: In your conversation, use the following language expressions to make 'suggestions'
TASK 10: Practise using the following expressions in your telephonic conversations
Hello, can I speak to... Yes, hold on, please. I'm sorry he's out at the moment
Can I take a message? No, I'll call again Ask him to call back at 4 p.m.
What's your number please? Take it down. It's 2342829
OA & FM : Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - NSQF (Level-4) - Exercise: 1.2.33 155
TASK 11: Practise using the following to make 'suggestions'
TASK 12: Practise expressions for 'apologising' and the responses to 'apology'
TASK 13: Ask for permission with 'Can', 'May', and Could' (for staying in a hostel, for borrowing a cycle and for
using a computer)
TASK 15: Ask for information using the words Could, Can and how?
3 How much you paid for the new painting you brought yesterday?
TASK 16: Express your gratitude by saying 'thanks' and the possible responses thereto using the expressions
Thanks /Thank you / Thank you very much / Thanks a lot / That's really very kind of you
I'm very grateful / It's very kind of you
Not at all. Enjoy yourself. / You're most welcome /It's a pleasure / My pleasure
156 OA & FM : Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - NSQF (Level-4) - Exercise: 1.2.33
Office Administration and Facility Management Exercise 1.3.34
Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - Speed Developing Exercises
& English Language Skills
TASK 1: Copy the outlines in the three lines below and practise 20 times each in your notebook
b drain
TASK 2: Copy the outlines in the three lines below and practise 20 times each in your notebook
158 OA & FM : Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - NSQF (Level-4) - Exercise: 1.3.34
TASK 5: Write outlines for the following words, verify them with the KEY' and practice them at least three lines
OA & FM : Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - NSQF (Level-4) - Exercise: 1.3.34 159
Key to TASK 5
TASK 6: Read the following outlines and write correct words/phrases, verify them with the 'key' and practise
them, at least three lines each
Key to TASK 6: Verify your deciphered words with this 'key', correct and practice them, at least three lines
TASK 7: Test your knowledge, skill and speed by writing the following dictated to you. Verify with the key and
note down the errors. Correct the errors and practise
a There has been a significant decrease in the food supply in northern and southern zones last year.
b Our opinion seems to be much expensive, advantageous and logical than yours.
c It is very difficult for me to work in the Minister’s Office and dance to his tune.
d The northern region of India receives heavy rainfall during the monsoon season.
160 OA & FM : Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - NSQF (Level-4) - Exercise: 1.3.34
f I thank you very much for your quick response on this vital question of human behaviour.
g The team had the bitter experience of defeat in the Semi-final of Asia Cup Cricket Match.
h Generally, I run for ten minutes, but today I ran for five minutes.
i It is advantageous to drink lemon, fresh juice or butter milk during summer season.
j Fence your house with wire to keep away stray dogs and calves.
Key to TASK 7
(E.C.) ........................................................................................................................................
TASK 1: Copy the outlines in the three lines below and practise 20 times each in your notebook
OA & FM : Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - NSQF (Level-4) - Exercise: 1.3.34 161
162 OA & FM : Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - NSQF (Level-4) - Exercise: 1.3.34
OA & FM : Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - NSQF (Level-4) - Exercise: 1.3.34 163
TASK 4: Write outlines for the following words, verify them with the KEY'and practise them at least five lines
TASK 5: Read the following outlines and write correct words/phrases, verify them with the 'key' and practise
them, at least five lines each.
Key to TASK 4
Key to TASK 5
164 OA & FM : Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - NSQF (Level-4) - Exercise: 1.3.34
TASK 6: Test your knowledge, skill and speed by taking down dictation of the following. Verify with the key for
error. Practise correct outlines
Key to TASK 6
(E.C.) ...................................................................................................................................
OA & FM : Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - NSQF (Level-4) - Exercise: 1.3.34 165
TASK 7: Write in Shorthand at 40 w.p.m. and again at 60 w.p.m. Check your transcript by comparing it with
the key given below
Our Priests or Rishis have given useful lectures on human life. They believed in peace / harmony and purity of life. A large
section of people are their followers even today. // The significance of their blessings lie in following them generously.
Not only Indians, but people /// from different nations are now becoming aware of the importance of Indian civilization. The
vision (1) of our leaders can be realised truly only if we live affectionately. One of the / main reasons for the decline in
humanity or human behaviour is of man becoming more // and more selfish. Man wishes to earn more and more to store
for himself having /// no sympathy or affection for the other people. The true ideal of humanity can flourish (2) only in a
peaceful atmosphere. Crime, terrorism, aggression or annexation of other natoins only spoil/ peace and human relations.
it is time when every human being on this earth realises // the truth of these sayings and follow these ideals for mitigation
of human sufferings. Our /// leaders followed the path of truth and non-violence and gave the ideal of secularism. (3)
Key to TASK 7
TASK 8: Take down dictation and transcribe. Check with the key and correct mistakes by repeated practice
1 Dear Mr. Jaganath, We-have-been having much difficulty with your balance generally , and-we expected you to-call
and-inform us-the signifinance of were of-the opinion that your balances for January to March should The trouble with-
you is, you have-been out for too much-pleasure on behalf; hence, the remarkable difference. During-this next year we
more regular. We-have-seen what you-can-do, and-more is expected from Yours truly.
166 OA & FM : Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - NSQF (Level-4) - Exercise: 1.3.34
2 Dear-Sir: Referring to-your favour of the nineth, we imagine your customer must mean tough steel-box like one we
sold you in June last. We gave you notice then it was-the last of-the make we should supply, as-the cost of-producing
it was such as to-make-it positively hopeless for us to-derive any profit from the sales. It very attractive design, of
tough make, and thoroughly fireproof; but we to obtain a fair price for-it, and-we-were-pleased to-sell-you-the last one.
We plenty of others in stock, of-fine design and-finish, and-we-trust your customer may choose one-of-these from-
the-enclosed list. The line from you is enough to secure the dispatch of the tough steel-box, or of any of-the things
Key to TASK 8
OA & FM : Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - NSQF (Level-4) - Exercise: 1.3.34 167
Office Administration and Facility Management Exercise 1.3.35
Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - Speed Developing Exercises
& English Language Skills
Sir, my friends have talked about Master Plan and Delhi's Plan is only a pattern of growth. Therefore, there is nothing
Master Plan has been objected to. We can have wrong/ with the Master Plan as such. Master Plan should
differences/ on the details of the Master Plan but one thing be there not only for Delhi but as I said for/ everywhere. I
I must say and I repeat that if Delhi has/ been saved today might say that we have decided to reappraise the Delhi
it is because of the Master Plan, it is because the land Master Plan keeping in view the changed circumstances/
uses have been determined./ it is because we had decided the experience so far gained and the need to envisage a
that the town would expand in a certain way that we did broad pattern of development upto the year 2,000.
not find a/ factory coming up next to Parliament House. In Moreover/ the future of Delhi's development is to be
the Master Plan we did not find, for instance, somebody conceived in the overall context of National Capital Region
putting up (100) a mandir near the India Gate. The Master 200 words.
TASK 2: Type the passage and find the errors admissible (15% of total words)
While preparing the Master Plan, we will also taken into been set in motion to give a second look, but this can be
account the date that/ has become available as a result of done only if we are in a (400) position to assure that the
the recent census; the population projection, the density unauthorized constructions do not continue as they
pattern, the zonal regulation etc. / will be subjected to continue now. That is why I propose to/ bring forward
fresh look with a view to evolving the most suitable and before this Parliament in.(Total words 205)
equitable pattern of development consistent/ with our clear
Answer the following questions
that reappraisal does not mean large/ scale amendment
of the Master Plan which has been prepared after careful 1 How many strokes constitute the above passage?
analysis of the relevant factors, nor does (300) involve …………………………........................................... .
regularization will mean that the Plan will be made more
comprehensive, more scientific/ and more compatible with 2 What is the percentage of Penalty for errors
our economic and social aspirations in keeping with the admissible?
changing perspective. ………………........................................................ .
So far as unauthorized colonies/ are concerned, I might
3 What is the error admissible in words for the above
say, in this context, that a very big number of these
colonies have been- regularized. Regarding/ those
unauthorized colonies which have not yet been regularized ……………........................................................... .
but which are still to be looked into, a machinery has/
TASK 3: Type the following passage and calculate net speed
Sir, Rs. 1.26 lakhs crores. And only 54 lakh crores have gone
to 80 percent of our people- only 17/ percent of our national
This year our Independence Day on the 15th August
income has gone to 60 percent but 83 percent to highest
assumes a new significance not only because it is the
echelon of 40 percent of our people. Sir, these are not
silver jubilee year of our independence but also has a new
my figures. This is a figure calculated from the data given
meaning of independence has been created by the
by last four Plan documents. This figure is borne in recent
emergence of Bangladesh. I want to report that the
statistics that has been brought forth by Mr. Minhas, a
emergence of Bangladesh created a new situation and a
Member of the Planning Commission and also the National
new future for the whole of the Indian sub-continent and
Council of Applied Economics.(300)
for the resurrection of our lost soul. Our Government has
been preparing some programmers for the observance of Formula for calculation of Net Speed
the silver jubilee of our independence. I want to remind Net speed = GW (Gross words) - PE = w.p.m. (words per
you that during the last 25 years, our people might have minute)/T (Time)
enjoyed political freedom but it is a fact that economic
Example: If GW is 300; EC = 15; the Net speed calculation
freedom of the common masses of our people is still far
will be
from being achieved; it is far beyond reach. It may sound
as hyperbolic political propaganda if I say that during the Net speed = GW(300) - PE (2x5) = 300-0 = 30 wpm -
last 25 years the rich communities have become poorer. Time 10 min.
This is not my observation this had been borne out by
( PE - 15 words admissible for GW of 300)
facts and I shall give you those facts now. The total
national income of our country from 1960 to 1969 was Rs. Instructor may assign similar tasks to the
1.6 lakhs of crores. Again these twenty percent at the top trainees.
who constitute the rich community, their share has been
OA & FM : Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - NSQF (Level-4) - Exercise: 1.3.35 169
Office Administration and Facility Management Exercise 1.3.36 & 1.3.37
Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - Speed Developing Exercises
& English Language Skills
TASK 1: Copy the outlines in the three lines below and practise 20 times each in your notebook
TASK 2: Write outlines for the following words, verify them with the KEY' and practice them at least five lines
Key to TASK 2: Verify the outlines written by you with this 'key', and practise them at least five lines each
OA & FM : Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - NSQF (Level-4) - Exercise: 1.3.36 & 37 171
TASK 3: Decipher the following outlines and write correct words/phrases, verify them with the 'key' and
practice them, at least five lines each
Key to TASK 3: Decipher the following outlines and write correct words/phrases, verify them with the 'key' and
practise them five times each
172 OA & FM : Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - NSQF (Level-4) - Exercise: 1.3.36 & 37
Halving of other compound consonants and applying it on computer
Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• halve & thicken M, N, L and R (down) for ‘D’
• halve hooked MP/MB & NG for T/D.
TASK 1: Copy the outlines in the three lines below and practise 20 times each in your notebook. While doing
so, bear in mind the following rules
a Halve & thicken m, n, l, r (down) for d and hooked strokes mp/mb and ng for t or d
b Join strokes of unequal length only when there is difference in thickness or when there is angle between strokes. If
not, halving is not done. Full strokes are written.
c Do not halve a stroke when a vowel follows T or D.
a need
OA & FM : Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - NSQF (Level-4) - Exercise: 1.3.36 & 37 173
Copy the outlines in the three lines below and practise 20 times each in your notebook
174 OA & FM : Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - NSQF (Level-4) - Exercise: 1.3.36 & 37
TASK 2: Practice grammalogues in your note book till you are familiar
school schooled
TASK 3 (a): Take down dictation and transcribe. Check with the key and correct mistakes by repeated practice
Dear Mr. Johnson, We-regret to-learn from-your correspondence of you have formed-the opinion that our request for a
financial statement is a reflection on-your credit standing. We hasten to assure-you that-you-are laboring under a
misapprehension, and are glad to-have this opportunity of giving an explanation. At-the beginning of-each-year it-is our
custom to-bring our credit files up to date, and a form exactly similar to-that sent to-you was dispatched to all customers.
It-is purely an issue of form, and-with-the exception of has raised any objection. We ourselves have received requests
and we been happy to furnish-the required information on-the basis of mutual co-operation.
OA & FM : Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - NSQF (Level-4) - Exercise: 1.3.36 & 37 175
TASK 3(b)
Messrs. Stamford and Martin. Dear-Sirs, We-are greatly obliged by of-the 10th instant, and, as requested, we-
enclose a copy of-our illustrated catalogue of-our patent watches in plated metal cases. We-cannot-say how deeply we
regret that our traveler has-not-yet called-upon you, and-that-you have-been put to trouble of-writing us. We-have-told-him
to-call-upon you without fail on your town towards-the end of-October. He could easily have shown you samples of the
goods named in-the enclosed list, and you could-have judged better the value of them, had he called last month, as we
ordered him. We-shall-be-pleased to you an assortment of any of-the watches included in-the-list, and we can assure
you that-they-are absolutely guaranteed goods. Yours faithfully, Godgree Maddox & Sons
176 OA & FM : Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - NSQF (Level-4) - Exercise: 1.3.36 & 37
TASK 5: Type the following words on computer
Exercise 1
Pat, pit, tight, plate create ,white, packed, halt, lot .weight, aged, died,glowed, Vowed, grade, grades, credit, debit,
applied, honoured, greet, greed, coated, Tend/tent, meant/mend, bought, body, god, got, blood, blot, rent, rifts, hunts,
print, Pound, friends, inclined, doubled, lent, lands, afraid, residents, Awakened, secret, Sacred, regret, regard, hotel,
mental, motto, labeled, disappoints, Extent, fortunate, Accident, correspondence,, result, About, happened , between,
Exercise 2
Prevents, quit, could, accord, according, cared, guard, great, Called, equaled, cold, gold, That, without, wished,
Cannot, gentleman, gentlemen, particular, opportunity, Child, Build/building, told, tried, trade/toward, towards, Hand,
Optical, vertical, lightly lately, witness, Military, artificial, tint, bid, foot, fat, accurate, Unfortunate, occurred, rafts, ancient,
acquainted, doubt, debt, metal, model, heat, Maintained, settled, demand, October, admit, accounts, street, exactly,
Made, aimed, timed, ailed, sword, hoard, paled, marred, hampered, impugned, lingered, Thousand, signed, heard,
board, mad, need, end, old, aired, bold, ward, drift, conquered, , Fault, dwelt, skilled, support.
Exercise 3
Sold, styled, belonged, twilight, coloured, preferred
Afford, named, cooked, fact, looked, attitude, credited
Aptness, hesitatingly, coated, graded, you may not
I will not, we would be, this word, at all times, able to make
Claimed, seemed, annoyed, pilot, answered, select, worried
Dictated, doubted, edited, likened sunlight, borrowed, collide.
TASK 6: Type the passages as many times based on halving principle (bold letter words are to be written
together in shorthand)
1 It-is-now more-than three-months since your old bills works out to Rs.2 lakhs due payment. In-the-mean-time,
we-have written to-you twice for cheque in settlement but inspite-of-this we-have-heard nothing from you. Because
of-present circumstances, when all of us are faced with difficulties and sometimes with we-have-tried to assist you
by allowing-you-the benefit of extra time. As, however, you have neglected to inform us your intentions in respect-
of these bills we insist upon your taking some definite action in-this issue. We-have place-the account in other
hands, but unless this debt is discharged within ten days, or at any rate a sizeable proportion of it, we-shall-be
forced to do so.
During-the past few days, your requirements for extra goods have handled promptly irrespective of-your overdue
account, but no additional requirements will-be fulfilled until a more satisfactory state-of-affairs exists. The essence
of successful business is friendly co-operation between-the relevant parties, and your failure in-this-respect is
Yours faithfully,
OA & FM : Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - NSQF (Level-4) - Exercise: 1.3.36 & 37 177
2 It-was pretty late in-the autumn of-the-year, when-the declining sun, struggling through-the mist which had
obscured it all day, looked brightly down upon a little Wiltshire village, within an easy journey of-the fair old town of
Salisbury. Like a sudden flash of-memory or spirit kindling up-the mind of an old man it shed a glory upon-the
scene in-which wet grass sparkled in-the-light; the scanty patches of verdure in-the hedges where a few green
leaves yet stood bravely, withstanding to-the-last the tyranny of-cold and early frosts took heart and brightened up;
the stream, which had-been dull and sullen all day long, broke out into a cheerful smile; the birds began to chirp on-
the bare boughs, as though hopeful creatures half believed-that cold had gone by, and spring h The vane upon-the
tall spire of-the old church sparkled from its lofty station in sympathy with-the general gladness; and from-the ivy-
shaded windows such gleams of-light shone back upon-the sky that it-seemed as-if-the quiet buildings were
storehouse of-many summers, and all-their ruddiness and warmth were stored within.
Even those tokens of-the season which emphatically whispered o approach of chill graced the landscape, and-for-
the moment, tinged its brighter facets with no oppressive air of sadness.
Yours truly,
3 Dear Mr. Johnson, We-regret to-learn from-your correspondence of you have formed-the opinion that our request
for a financial statement is a reflection on-your credit standing. We hasten to assure-you that-you-are laboring
under a misapprehension, and are glad to-have this opportunity of giving an explanation. At-the beginning of-each-
year it-is our custom to-bring our credit files up to date, and a form exactly similar to-that sent to-you was
dispatched to all customers. It-is purely an issue of form, and-with-the exception of has raised any objection. We
ourselves have received requests and we been happy to furnish-the required information on-the basis of mutual co-
We-can assure-you that-we look upon you as a valued customer. Such an assurance is, in fact, unnecessary as
you-will-find that during our business relationship you have-been allowed more or less unlimited credit while all
requirements have-been carefully and promptly dealt-with. If, on reflection, you still consider that our request for
a financial statement from unreasonable one, we-shall respect your point of-view. It-will make no difference in our-
business relations, and-we-shall keep on to fulfill your requirements with same careful attention as in-the past.
Yours very-truly,
4 Messrs. Stamford and Martin. Dear-Sirs, We-are greatly obliged by of-the 10th instant, and, as requested, we-
enclose a copy of-our illustrated catalogue of-our patent watches in plated metal cases. We-cannot-say how
deeply we regret that our traveler has-not-yet called-upon you, and-that-you have-been put to trouble of-writing
us. We-have-told-him to-call-upon you without fail on your town towards-the end of-October. He could easily
have shown you samples of the goods named in-the enclosed list, and you could-have judged better the value of
them, had he called last month, as we ordered him. We-shall-be-pleased to you an assortment of any of-the
watches included in-the-list, and that-they-are absolutely guaranteed goods.
Yours faithfully,
178 OA & FM : Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - NSQF (Level-4) - Exercise: 1.3.36 & 37
Office Administration and Facility Management Exercise 1.3.38
Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - Speed Developing Exercises
& English Language Skills
A Practise reading phrases from exercises. Take dictation at 80 w.p.m. from the book and check errors.
TASK 2: Test your knowledge, skill and practical application of rules by writing the following Exercise. Verify
with the key and note down errors. Practise the correct outlines
Key to TASK 2
180 OA & FM : Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - NSQF (Level-4) - Exercise: 1.3.38
Action has been taken to hold a debate in our school premises tomorrow. Initially, I / thought of taking part in it, but now,
I have dropped the idea. I was // no doubt considered a bright student of my school but now-a-days my health /// does
nto permit me to participate actively in the various activities. This is largely due (1) to my own fault. Taking too much of
fast food or stale food has caused / great harm to me. Quite often, I am down with stomach pain, fever, cough and // cold.
Now, my doctor has advised me that great care has to be taken during. /// the summer season otherwise I might have to
undergo a minor throat operation. The secret (2) of good health is to eat fresh food, green leafy vegetables and drink
plenty of / liquid during the summer season. It would be ideal to take butter-milk with salt // instead of sugar along with
food. Do not move out without taking enough of liquids /// to prevent sunstroke. The large number of cases reported in
hospitals are of food poisoning. (3) (180 words)
Key to TASK 3
OA & FM : Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - NSQF (Level-4) - Exercise: 1.3.38 181
Words that share the same spelling and the same pronunciation but have different meanings. Ex: bear = animal,
bear = tolerate
Words that have different spelling and different meaning but the same pronunciation. Ex: farmer = peasant; former
= previous
TASK 4: Fill in the blanks with the correct word given in brackets
TASK 5: Choose one word from the left column which matches with the outline in the right column
182 OA & FM : Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - NSQF (Level-4) - Exercise: 1.3.38
Office Administration and Facility Management Exercise 1.3.39 & 1.3.40
Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - Speed Developing Exercises
& English Language Skills
TASK 1: Copy the outlines in the three lines below and practise 20 times each in your notebook
TASK 2: Write outlines for the following words, verify them with the ‘key’ and practise them at least 15 times
TASK 3: Decipher the following outlines and write correct words/phrases, verify them with the ‘key’ and
practise them, at least three lines each
Key to TASK 2
184 OA & FM : Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - NSQF (Level-4) - Exercise: 1.3.39 & 40
Key to TASK 3
Verify your deciphered words with this ‘key’, correct and them, at least three lines each.
Transcribe the following verify with ‘key’, correct it and practise the script, as many times, as you can.
Key to TASK 4
Dear Sirs, We regret to-have to challenge-the accuracy of Mr. Reddy’s statement in regard to-the furniture forwarded to-
him on the 28th ultimo. Our Mr.Murthy saw personally to-the finishing of-this lot of-goods, and-his recollection is perfectly
clear that-the shade of-the polish was exactly as ordered, neither lighter nor darker. We-have cultivated this department
of-our business so carefully as almost to preclude likelihood of-such a blunder as-is alleged. You know that-we-have every
shade of varnish and polish ready for mixing, so-that there-is absolutely no inducement for us to change a shade
deliberately. We-are sorry that Mr. Reddy should-be so-much perturbed about this-matter; but-we-feel sure that if-he-will
refer to-his directions to-us he-will-find that-the fault is-not ours. We-can, of-course, repolish-the furniture if desired; but
we should-have to charge for the trouble and expense. Yours-truly.
Every revolution whether it is cultural, political or industrial is brought about by the masses. /Therefore, there is no doubt
that a man of character is behind every revolution. The //character is built by correct education because it makes him
a fit citizen with a /// sound character and culture. The ancient Indian education system was designed to develop the
OA & FM : Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - NSQF (Level-4) - Exercise: 1.3.39 & 40 185
character (1) of human beings. However, the modern education system introduced in India by the British East/India
company was designed to produce the most obedient servants known as secretarial culture for // doing stereotype
routine work. If students are made to learn or cram English without understanding /// its meaning, they cannot become
good secretaries or Stenographers. They can neither rise themselves, nor (2) render any useful service to the writers or
dictators or their masters in their entire/work. Today the art of flattery has become the main quality of a stenographer
rather than his ability, sincerity and virtues. A man can flatter his boss even when he /// is annoyed. However, a wise
man can judge the characteristics and nature of a flatterer. (3) (180 words)
Key to Task 5
TASK 6 (a): Take dictation and transcribe the following script into longhand on computer, verify with 'key',
correct it and practice the script, as many times, as you can
Dear-Sirs, We-are-unable-to accept all-the amendments made by you in your draft deed, which we-have accordingly
revised and return for-your further approval. The proviso restricting our client's personal burden under-the restrictive
clauses and restraining also-the personal burden of any-future owner to-the period during which the property remains
actually vested in-him is only reasonable. We have inserted a few words in-the proviso in order to-make-the limitation to-
take effect only in the event of an assurance being executed with similar clauses on-the part of- the person in-whom-
the assurance vests the property. We hardly think this necessary seeing that our draft as originally framed made it clear
that-the clauses were intended to run with-the land. We trust, however, that-you-will now be-able-to waive your objection
to-the limitation and to accept-the draft in-its present form. As-soon-as your approval is intimated, we-shall make an
appointment to call on you to see the documents. Yours-truly,
186 OA & FM : Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - NSQF (Level-4) - Exercise: 1.3.39 & 40
Key to TASK 6 (a)
TASK 6(b):
We-do-not-know when-the first man appeared in Norway, but it possibly in-the-last summer. Historical writers point-
out that-the climate was very different in-those-days. Some-times, for many hundreds of-years, it than it-is-now; at other
times, it-was very-much colder. As-the weather grew colder, these early men had to find some shelter from-the cold, icy
blasts, and so we that-they retreated underground into caves and holes. For a longhave-been without fire, but at-last a
man discovered that, by striking one flint against another, he could obtain a spark which-would kindle dry leaves into a
fire. This wonderful discovery marks a very-important step on-the road to civilization.
These men would, without doubt, have many adventures, as they prone to encounter all kinds of wild animals in-the
wilderness around them. It essential, therefore, that-they should-be good fighters and hunters. Their weapons were
naturally rather primitive. Through-the hard work of-the excavator many of these weapons have-been discovered. All of-
them are made of flint or bone, for early man was quite unacquainted with-the use of metals. This-is another example of
necessity being-the mother of invention.
OA & FM : Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - NSQF (Level-4) - Exercise: 1.3.39 & 40 187
TASK 7: Copy the grammalogues and phrases in the lines below and practice each one o f them in your note
Fighter, finder, voter, metre/meter, enter, another, lighter, moulder, father, mother, Timber, motor, nature, central, future,
tractor, tender, sector, tamper, bumper, Umber, chamber, cumber, surrender, hamper, slumber, sinker, anchor/anger,
hung, Alter, leather, signature, pictures, render, ponder, filter, folder, latter, hinders, gender, Wonder, tutor, neither,
winter, bidder, wondered, louder, slander, founder, elector, Malingered, holders
Builder, temper, inventor, spider, flattery, importer, secondary, pondered, angry, Tenders, matter, enterprising, conquer,
auditor, neuter, centralization, entered, property, chaired, cheered, sent, third, short, spirit, yard, word, rather/writer,
wonderful/wonderfully, therefore, school, schooled, I know there is, take their way has to be there, upon their, I can be
there, in their.
TASK 9: Type the passages as many times based on the Doubling Principles( bold letter words are to be
written together in Shorthand)
1 M/s. Border & Slumber: Dear-Sirs, With-reference to-your instant regarding Messrs. Anderson and Chambers,
we-are happy to report most favourably of-our friends. The firm is a thoroughly well They-are inventors of-the
well-known automatic knitter which bears their name, and in-which they-had a big business as exporters. They-
are also patentees of equipment for letter-press printers and type moulders. Mr. Anderson is a share holder in a
builders and decorators supply stores, in Chennai. Mr. Chambers is a part proprietor of-the immense wharf on-the
river-side here. The signature of either of them is good enough for far more-than you name. We-have seldom
encountered any type of problem with-these people
Yours faithfully,
188 OA & FM : Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - NSQF (Level-4) - Exercise: 1.3.39 & 40
2 We-do-not-know when-the first man appeared in Norway, but it possibly -the-last summer. Historical writers
point-out that-the climate was very different in-those-days. Some-times, for many hundreds of-years, it than it-
is-now; at other times, it-was very-much colder. As-the weather grew colder, these early men had to find some
shelter from-the cold, icy blasts, and so we that-they retreated underground into caves and holes. For a long
have-been without fire, but at-last a man discovered that, by striking one flint against another, he could obtain a
spark which-would kindle dry leaves into a fire. This wonderful discovery marks a very-important step on-the road
to civilization. These men would, without doubt, have many adventures, as they prone to encounter all kinds of wild
animals in-the wilderness around them. It essential, therefore, that-they should-be good fighters and hunters.
Their weapons were naturally rather primitive. Through-the hard work of-the excavator many of these weapons
have-been discovered. All of-them are made of flint or bone, for early man was quite unacquainted with-the use of
metals. This-is another example of necessity being-the mother of invention.
3 Dear Sirs,
We regret to-have to challenge-the accuracy of Mr. Reddy’s statement in regard to-the furniture forwarded to-him
on the 28th ultimo. Our Mr. Murthy saw personally to-the finishing of-this lot of-goods, and-his recollection is
perfectly clear that-the shade of-the polish was exactly as ordered, neither lighter nor darker. We-have cultivated
this department of-our business so carefully as almost to preclude likelihood of-such a blunder as-is alleged. You
know that shade of varnish and polish ready for mixing, so-that there-is absolutely no inducement for us to change
a shade deliberately. We-are sorry that Mr. Reddy should-be so-much perturbed about this-matter; but-we-feel
sure that if to-his directions to-us he-will-find that-the fault is-not ours. We-can, of polish-the furniture if desired;
but we should-have to charge for the trouble and expense
4 Dear-Sirs, We-are-unable-to accept all-the amendments made by draft deed, which we-have accordingly revised
and return for-your further approval. The proviso restricts our client’s personal burden under-the restrictive restraining
also-the personal burden of any-future owner to-the period during which the property remains actually vested in-
him is only reasonable. We few words in the proviso in order to-make-the limitation to-take effect only in event of
an assurance being executed with similar clauses on-the part of in-whom-the assurance vests the property. We
hardly think this necessary seeing that our draft as originally framed made it clear that-the clauses were intended
to run with-the land. We trust, however, that-you-will now be-able-to waive your objection to-the limitation and to
accept-the draft in-its present form. As-soon-as your approval is intimated, we-shall make an appointment to on
you to see the documents.
OA & FM : Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - NSQF (Level-4) - Exercise: 1.3.39 & 40 189
Office Administration and Facility Management Exercise 1.3.41
Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - Speed Developing Exercises
& English Language Skills
1 Study of ancient societies 11 A nursery where children are cared for while their parents
are at work
a History b Archaelogy
a Home b Creche
c Anthropology d Etymology
c School d Fleche
2 That which cannot be read
12 A person employed to drive a private or hired car
a Eligible b Illegible
a Transporter b Courier
c Corrigible d Incorrigible
c Chauffeur d Owner
3 The Government wing responsible for making rules
13 A book that contains information on various subjects
a Judiciary b Legislature
a Dictionary b Novel
c Executive d Court
c Thesaurus d Encyclopaedia
4 A Government by the Nobles
14 A place where dead bodies are kept for identification
a Democracy b Bureaucracy
a Hospital b Morgue
c Aristocracy d Autocracy
c Dispensary d Clinic
5 Person who speaks many languages
15 A person who does not eat meat
a Multilingual b Linguist
A Herbivore b Vegetarian
c Bilingual d Grammar
c Non-vegetarian d Carnivore
6 A person who sacrifices his life for a cause
16 The act of intentionally killing oneself
a Soldier b Revolutionary
a Homicide b Genocide
c Martyr d Patriot
c Regicide d Suicide
7 A geometrical figure with eight sides
17 A person who travels on foot
a Parallelogram b Pentagon
a Traveller b Pilgrim
c Hexagon d Octagon
c Pedestrian d Jogger
8 An instrument to measure temperature
18 A home for children without parents
a Thermometer b Barometer
a Homage b Orphanage
c Manometer d Microscope
c Residence d Nursery
9 Something easily broken
19 An event causing sudden damage or suffering
a Futile b Fertile
a Anastrophe b Apostrophe
c Fragile d Docile
c Catastrophe d Autistrophe
10 Fear of confined places
20 A place where one lives permanently
a Claustrophobia b Packophobia
a Homicide b Domicile
c Altophobia d Aerophobia
c Reconcile d Docile
21 A speech delivered without any previous preparation 24 Something that can be carried easily
a Dialogue b Extemporaneous a Relatable b Cartable
c Elocution d Dialect c Potable d Portable
23 One who does not take any alcoholic drink 26 Study of evolution of mankind
a Vegetarian b Forestaller a Topology b Chronology
c Teetotaller d Saint c Anthropology d Analogy
10 Conferred as an honour
12 A group of worshippers
OA & FM : Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - NSQF (Level-4) - Exercise: 1.3.41 191
23 A large bedroom for a number of people in a school or institution
1 A Government tax on goods made within a country is 14 Things of same nature are referred to as _______.
called _______ duty. (excise/customs) (heterogeneous/homogeneous)
2 A person who keeps himself to himself is known as 15 To increase the intensity of a disease is to _______.
______. (extrovert/introvert) (aggravate/deteriorate)
3 _______ refers to plants and vegetation in a particular 16 The court has _______ (acquitted/exonerated) him from
area. (fauna/flora) all charges.
4 _______ is the word we use to change a law in order 17 To _______ (discard/eradicate) malaria from our country
to improve it. (amend/emend) is not very easy.
5 A man whose wife has died is a _______. (widow/ 18 Tumour which is dangerous or may cause death is
widower) called _______ (malignant/benign) tumour.
6 ___________ means "to rise in value". (depreciate/ 19 _______ (Euphoria/Dysphoria) prevails in the party after
appreciate) the landslide victory in the elections.
7 He is my _______. He is equal to me in rank. (peer/ 20 Birds _______ (immigrate/migrate) during winter to
subordinate) far-off places.
8 _______ is allowance paid to wife or husband on legal 21 Glass is _______ (sturdy/fragile). It should be handled
separation. (Palimony/Alimony) with care.
9 _______________ is a person who hates mankind. 22 P.V. Narasimha Rao knows several languages. He is
(Philanthropist/Misanthropist/Misogynist) a _______.(philologist/linguist)
10 ___________ is a person who is present everywhere. 23 _______ (Amnesia/Euthanasia) gives painless death
(Omnipotent/Omnipresent/Omniscient) for those suffering from incurable diseases.
11 ____________ is the period between childhood and 24 _______ (Catalogue/Agenda) should be prepared well
adulthood. (Juvenile/Adolescence) in advance of a meeting.
12 _______ means loss of sleep. (Asphyxia/Analgesia/ 25 Owls are _______ (nocturnal/diurnal) in habit.
26 As they could not get justice, the frustrated people
13 A long narrative poem is called _______. (epic/elegy/ resorted to _______.(terrorism/vandalism)
192 OA & FM : Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - NSQF (Level-4) - Exercise: 1.3.41
TASK 4: Match the following groups of words in column 'A' with the word in column 'B'
A. B. C. D.
a Dormitary Corraborater Abbattoir Acedamic
b Collition Anachranistic anarchy Divorced
c Octagenarian Etiquete Curater Collegue
d Idiology Hypocrite Fascimile Matrimany
e Consartium Itinarary Concert Adolescance
f Bibliogrophy Synonim Auditer Partial
OA & FM : Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - NSQF (Level-4) - Exercise: 1.3.41 193
Key to TASK 1
1 b 6 c 11 b 16 d 21 d 26 c
2 b 7 d 12 c 17 c 22 b
3 b 8 a 13 d 18 b 23 c
4 c 9 c 14 b 19 c 24 d
5 a 10 a 15 b 20 b 25 b
Key to TASK 2
Key to TASK 3
Key to TASK 5
A. B. C. D.
a Dormitory Corroborater Abattoir Academic
b Colition Anachronistic Anarchy Divorced
c Octogenarian Etiquette Curator Collegue
d Ideology Hypocrite Facsimile Matrimony
e Consortium Itinerary Concert Adolescence
f Bibliography Synonym Auditor Partial
194 OA & FM : Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - NSQF (Level-4) - Exercise: 1.3.41
Office Administration and Facility Management Exercise 1.4.42 & 1.4.43
Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - Speed Enchancing
TASK 1: Write outlines for the following words, verify them with the ‘key’ and practise them at least 20 times
Key to TASK 1
TASK 2: Decipher the following outlines verify them with the ‘key’ and practise them, at least 20 times each.
Key to TASK 2
196 OA & FM : Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - NSQF (Level-4) - Exercise: 1.4.42 & 43
TASK 4: Read the following shorthand passages and transcribe it on computer, verify them with 'key' and
practice as many times
Key to TASK 4
Dear Sir, I-have-carefully-considered-the proposal you made at the recent-conference in Delhi, and while I gratefully
recognize your considerate and even magnanimous tone at-the interview, I have concluded not to entertain-the idea
further. There-are what I consider inherent defects in-the-proposed enterprise which forbid my name being on-the list of
shareholders in the company. I-fear it-will-not-be-the instrument of-profit which you anticipate. I-am-conscious of all
your-kindness towards me in connection with-the scheme you have introduced. I-desire to-express my gratitude for the
hospitable respect you gave me. I-can but repeat my appreciation of the great self-control you exhibited inspite-of-the
interruptions to which you exposed in-the-course of-your speech at-the conference. Yours faithfully,
OA & FM : Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - NSQF (Level-4) - Exercise: 1.4.42 & 43 197
TASK 5: Write the following passages in shorthand in your shorthand notebook, verify them with 'key' and
practise the scripts, as many times
A man or a woman is-the happier for having some definite hobby to-which he or she-can turn in periods of leisure. It-is
really immaterial what that hobby may be, and it need-not-necessarily brings pecuniary benefit. The point of real importance
is-that it-should furnish agreeable relaxation from one's daily work and-the worry that so frequently goes with it. The man
with a hobby is almost invariably less given to worrying than the man without one. What an amazing variety of hobbies
there Some-people collect various articles, such as coins, medallions, mi stamps from all-parts-of-the-world, theatre
programmes, antique jewellery, miscellaneous curios, and so on, while others employ their spare time in hobbies of a
more practical or creative nature, say woodwork, drawing, gardening, sewing and all forms of fancy needlework. If-those
who-are in-the habit of worrying over troubles, real or imaginary, would but take-up some form of hobby they-would had a
steady influence upon them, and-it-is-possible that in many cases they-would -find that-it had a steady influence upon
them, and-it-is-possible that in many cases they-would realize of-course suggested that all-our leisure should be devoted
to following a hobby.
Key to TASK 5
TASK 6: Type the following words with proper spacing and punctuation marks
198 OA & FM : Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - NSQF (Level-4) - Exercise: 1.4.42 & 43
TASK 7: Type the passage with proper space and punctuation marks
a Sirs, We thank you for your communication dated 15th July 2018. You have given instruction regarding the conductors
for your comapny. We are pleased to inform you that your letter has removed the misunderstanding that we had held
earlier on. Your recommendations shall surely be considered. We have no doubt that you will find our latest inscription
to your entire satification. May we suggest for your considerstion that it would be instructive and useful to have a
translation? Hope you will not consider us selfish if we display a photograph of the function along woth our name as
contractors for the work. This will give the public attending the cermony an opportunity to appreciate our work which
will, in turn, boost our spirits.
b Those engaged in trade should be conversant with the innumerable terms associated with trade. These terms are
used in practically every transaction. One would be considered incompetent if he did not understand them. A man of
reasonable self-reliance and self-control will be able to master these significant terms easily. An enterprising man
need not entertain a moment’s doubt as to his ability to learn these terms. A lot of preparation needs to go into the
transmission of goods. Documents have to be prepared to ensure the transfer of the goods without unnecessary as a
common matter of daily routine. One would feel incomfortable if he were ignorant of these little but essential things.
d Letter from Messrs. Ganesh Leasing Company Limited, Madurai, Ramdas Transport Company, Kakinada. Dear Sirs,
We-are-in receipt of-your-letter dated the 5th instant requesting us to provide-you financial assistance under-the Hire
Purchase Scheme for purchasing two lorries. We-enclose a booklet containing-the terms and-conditions together
application form. On receipt of-the application duly filled in, we-shall do what we in-the-matter. In-this-connection, we-
have to remind you that in regard to made by us for-the purchase of five buses for-your transport, installments for last-
two-months are still due from-you. We hope-you-will send your remittance without any further delay. We-shall advise
you to-be prompt in-the payment of monthly installments before-the due date as per-the Hire Purchase Agree interest
of good business relationship.
Yours faithfully,
OA & FM : Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - NSQF (Level-4) - Exercise: 1.4.42 & 43 199
Office Administration and Facility Management Exercise 1.4.44 & 1.4.45
Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - Speed Enchancing
Practice of suffixes and their representative strokes and develop the word
Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• write and read various suffixes (word ending)
• write suffixes in speed dictation
• take down dictation rapidly by employing suffixes.
TASK 1: Write outlines for the following words, verify them with the ‘key’, and practise them at least three lines
Key to TASK 1
TASK 2: Decipher the following outlines and write correct words/phrases, verify them with the ‘key’ and
practise them, at least three lines each
Key to TASK 2
TASK 3: Practice logograms joined or disjoined used as suffixes in your note book 20 times each
OA & FM : Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - NSQF (Level-4) - Exercise: 1.4.44 & 45 201
TASK 4: Practice employment of suffixes
TASK 5: Write strokes for the compound words in your note book and practice
202 OA & FM : Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - NSQF (Level-4) - Exercise: 1.4.44 & 45
Write the following passages in shorthand in your shorthand notebook, verify them with ‘key’ and practise the scripts, as
many times as you can.
a Messrs. Kannan & Company, Cochin. Dear Sirs, Having heard that-you-are looking for an enterprising agent for your
tracing papers and other goods, I-beg to offer-you my services. I have some exceedingly strong-connections in-the-
printing and engineering businesses in-this locality, being well-known to majority of-the best firms, and-I-think-that
through my acquaintanceship I could readily introduce your specialities into-the firms to call upon. I-am regarded as
a man of considerable originality into the firms to-call-upon. I-am regarded as a man of considereable orignality in-my
ability, helpfulness, and-the standing I-have in-the district. Ofcourse, I should-be willing to-give-you a fidelity guarantee
of any amount (at-your expense), and-I-shall-be-glad to enter into an experimental arrangement with-you, if-you prefer
it. I-may add that I-have-been instrumental in introducing many novelties into this neighbourhood, and-I confidently
assert that I should-be just as successful with your-goods. I-shall-be happy to discuss terms with you. Awaiting your-
kind reply; I-am, Yours faithfully,
b Ladies-and-Gentlemen, I consider it a great honour to preside-over-the Silver Jubilee Celebrations of-the Industrial
Development Bank. I-have-been observing with great-working of-your Bank for a number-of-years. You have-been
helping the industrial units in a number-of ways. It-is a good thing for-such institutions to-help-the people in all possible
ways. In-my view, the Banks and-the other financial institutions like yours which-provide assistance to-the commercial
firms should-demand them to pass on-the benefits which they get from-you to-the public at large. As a matter of fact,
it-is-only with a view to help-the people, particularly those-who-are below-the poverty line, that-such institutions provide
credit and other facilities to-them. So, it-is their duty to help-the people.
OA & FM : Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - NSQF (Level-4) - Exercise: 1.4.44 & 45 203
The business institutions should realise that-the-loans given by financial institutions and Banks were from-the
resources of-the nation. Therefore, they should go by-the national standards in-the conduct of-their business activities.
I hold-the view that if-there-is one institution which-has contributed to industrial growth in-the-country in a large way,
it-is-only your instgituion. I-can say this without fear of contradiction.
In-this-connection, I-take-the-liberty of congratulating you on-the various steps you have-taken to help-the sick units.
Today we see a number-of industries becoming sick due to various reasons and many of-them have-been taken care
of by-you. The small industries should-consider you as their friend. With-these-words, I-wish-you more years of useful
service in-the-cause of industrial development in-this State.
204 OA & FM : Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - NSQF (Level-4) - Exercise: 1.4.44 & 45
Transcribe and write the following script into longhand, verify with ‘key’, correct it and practise the script, as many times,
as you can.
Key to TASK 4
Dear-Sir, We-thank-you for-your-letter of-the 7th April, and we regret that, through some misunderstanding in-our postal
department, our letter of-the 9th February was sent by ordinary post and-not by airmail as was desired. Steps have-been
taken to ensure that no-such misunderstanding will occur in-the future.
We-note your acceptance of-our offer to publish-the work on commission subject to agreement between us as to-the copies
to-be printed in-the first edition, the production costs, and the price at which-the book is to-be published.
We-shall-be prepared to-give-you an estimate of production costs based on editions of 300, 400 and 500 copies
respectively, but naturally we-cannot do this until we-are-in receipt ofmanuscript.
We-note-that-you have instructed your agent in Mumbai to forward-the manuscript to us, and-we await its receipt with
interest. Perhaps you-will-be-good-enough to-give us-the name and address of-your agent so-that-we-may get in-touch
with-him in order to obviate further delay in-dealing-with-the-matter. For-instance, your previous instruction to-him to-send
us-the manuscript appears to have-been overlooked. Please accept our assurance that-the terms which-may ultimately
be arranged between us will-be confidential in-accordance with your desire. Yours faithfully,
OA & FM : Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - NSQF (Level-4) - Exercise: 1.4.44 & 45 205
Office Administration and Facility Management Exercise 1.4.46
Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - Speed Enchancing
1 700
2 700
3 Thousand/thousandth
4 5,000 5
5 £ 2,000 2
6 300,000
7 Million
8 8 4,000,000
9 200,000,000
10 10 Billion
11 11 Two billions
12 12 Dollar
14 14 Rupees ...........
15 15 Lakh-s
20 20 Crore-s
TASK 2: Write shorthand outlines and compare with key. Repeat till you familiarize
Key to TASK 2
TASK 3: Read shorthand outline and transcribe on computer. Compare with key and find out mistakes.
Repeat till you famaliarise
OA & FM : Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - NSQF (Level-4) - Exercise: 1.4.46 207
Key to TASK 3
On last Friday, I laid on-the-Table of-the-House, the Economic Survey 2010-11, which gives a detailed analysis of-the
economic situation of-the country over-the past 12 months. The Gross-Domestic product of India is estimated to-have
grown at 8.6 per cent in 2010-11 in real terms. In 2010-11 agriculture is estimated to-have-grown at 5.4 per cent, industry
at 8.1 per cent and services at 9.6 per cent. All-three-sectors are contributing to-the consolidation of-growth. Our
principal concern this year has-been-the continued high food prices. Inflation surfaced in two distinct episodes. Despite
improvement in the availability of-most food items, consumers were denied the benefit of seasonal fall in prices normally
seen in winter months. The developments on India's external-sector in-the current-year have-been encouraging. Even
as-the recovery in developed countries is gradually taking root, our trade performance has improved. Exports have
grown at 29.4 per cent to reach $184.6 billion dollar, while imports at $273.6 billion dollar have recorded a growth of 17.6
per cent during April-January 2010-11, over-the corresponding period last-year.
TASK 4: Take down dictation and transcribe it on computer. Compare with key and correct mistakes if any.
Repeat it till you familiarize
The introduction of-the Direct Taxes Code and-the proposed Goods and Services Tax will mark a watershed. These
reforms will result in moderation of rates, simplification of-laws and-better compliance. Among the the other steps that
are being taken for-the introduction of GST is establishment of a strong IT infrastructure. The Government's programme
to broad base the ownership of Central Public-Sector Undertakings has received an overwhelming response. The six
public issues in financial year have attracted around 50 lakh retail investors. As a target of Rs.40,000 crore, the
Government will raise about Rs 22,144 crores from disinvestment in 2010-11. A higher-than anticipated realisation in
tax revenues has led us to-reschedule some of-the divestment issues planned for-the-current-year. I-intend to-maintain-
the momentum on disinvestment in 2011-12 by raising Rs 40,000 crore. Let-me reiterate here that-the Government is
committed to-retain at-least 51 per cent ownership and management control of-the CPSUs, as stated earlier in my
Budget speech for 2009-10.
Key to TASK 4
208 OA & FM : Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - NSQF (Level-4) - Exercise: 1.4.46
Write the following passages in shorthand in your shorthand notebook, verify them with ‘key’ and practise the scripts,
Very - much more interest may be derived from - the study of figures, such as - the Board of Trade Returns, than at
first sight appears likely. It does not require a very great effort of imagination to suppose that behind these figures there
- may-be stories of self- denial. suffering and misery. undreamt of by-the thoughtless reader. Lord Russell of Killowen
produced in 1898 facts and figures to prove that in seven years £ 28,000,000 had been lost in company liquidation, and
that of this amount £ 20,000,000 had been lost by share holders and over £ 7,000,000 by creditors. Is it unreasonable
to suppose that- these great -losses were- the immediate cause of much suffering and hardship that - the outside world
never heard of? Or, take- the statement that in 1894 the capital invested in limited companies in this country alone
amounted to more than £1,000,000,000, being £315,000,000 more than was invested in- the companies of France and
Germany combined. Is -it not likely that a large part of- this enormous sum represented the fruit of care, industry, and
perseverance on- the part of- many men-and-women whose names were unknown to -the world around them? And
herein lies the secret of England’s superior wealth, whereof-these figures offer such convincing proof? Herein, surely, is
food for profitable reflection, and hereon might be based many interesting discourses wherewith thoughtful men would -
be both edified and instructed, or again who can fail to be both interested and amused at- the statement of the Registrar
of Limited Companies, that, in 1891, a company was registered with a nominal capital of £10,000 divided into 9,600,000
shares of 1/4d each, and that - the total subscribed capital was 1 3/4 d? The Act of 1862 requires that at least seven
shares shall be subscribed, and is - it not interesting to see how scrupulously the strict letter of the law was complied
with? Further, cheques and bills of exchange amounting to not less than £ 20,000,000 and often exceeding £ 40,000,000
pass through the London Banker’s Clearing House every day. What labour of brain and muscle is represented by these
figures. To what distant parts of the earth will the fruits of that labour be forwarded! This is an enormous sum. What an
amount of good might be done therewith, whereat thousands would rejoice , and whereof the world might feel proud!
OA & FM : Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - NSQF (Level-4) - Exercise: 1.4.46 209
Key to TASK 5
210 OA & FM : Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - NSQF (Level-4) - Exercise: 1.4.46
Office Administration and Facility Management Exercise 1.4.47 & 1.4.48
Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - Speed Enchancing
a advertise j electric
b character k familiar
c commercial l appointment
d certify m abandon
e subscribe n danger
f substantial o entertainment
g discharge p monstrous
h enthusiasm q administrator
i establish r universal
Key to TASK 1
TASK 2: Write the following words in shorthand, insert vowels (essential vowels) where necessary (with key)
a anomaly i amusing
b humanly j adopt
c innovation k auditor
d accept l obsolete
e opposite m effect
f emotion n latitude
g invasion o enemy
h exaltation p name
Key to TASK 2
TASK 3: Decipher the following outlines and write correct words/phrases, verify them with the 'key' and
practise them, at least five lines each
212 OA & FM : Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - NSQF (Level-4) - Exercise: 1.4.47 & 48
Key to TASK 3
TASK 4: Write shorthand outlines/phrases for the following words. Check them with the key. Correct the
outlines written wrongly
1 .……….pumped………promptitude………prompter……….assumptive………….consumption………….extinct
Key to TASK 4
Tempt, postponement, trumpeter, adjunct, blanket, , honest, tasteful, institute, consumption, important, your last letter,
drastic, distinction
exemption, resumption, extinction, sanction, adjustment,, sanctuary, postmaster, optimist, stamped, distinct, wasteful,
mostly, textbook, listless , Prompt, banked, exemption, trumpet, extinction, , mistake, there must be, plastic, elastic
Jumped, assumption, temptation, function, anxiety Anguish, pessimistic, substitute, testimony, postage stamp,
Trustworthy, dishonest, contempt, punctual, postscript.
Approximate, absolute, auditor, accept, across, affect, altitude, opposite, far, latitude, Amazing, innovation, commissionaire,
humanly, humanely, invasion, layman, amusing, sulphite, lost, Sun, snow, chilly, manual, manly, anomaly, animal,
name, enemy
OA & FM : Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - NSQF (Level-4) - Exercise: 1.4.47 & 48 213
TASK 6: Read the shorthand outline and transcribe it on computer. Compare with key and find mistakes
committed. Repeat the exercise
Key to TASK 6
A brief observation or inspection is sufficient to show anyone, irrespective of-his professional standing, that productive
and non productive wages I respectively require special treatment from-the efficient bookkeeper. Only an inefficient
accountant, deficient in-the organization of financial affairs, and imperfect or defective in-his knowledge of commercial-
matters, could make-the mistake of-supposing that it would be sufficient in every-circumstance to-regard both-classes
of expense as of the same description. No controversial discussion can-be held on the point which-is beyond controversy.
TASK 7: Take dictation and Verify your deciphered passage with 'key', correct and practice the same, as many
times as you can
Preservation of accounts may unconstitutional, from-the point-of-view of anyone who-has organized or knows how to
organize a set of accounts, whether relating to passenger traffic or any other business. Such generalization would denote
inefficiency in-the book-keeper, and would-be prejudicial to-the interests of his firm. It-would-be destructive of accuracy,
and-it-might result in substantial loss and-the consequent indignation of-the management or executive, who would natu-
rally be indignant at a deficiency in-their profits brought about by-the insufficient knowledge of anyone under their jurisdic-
tion or subjection. Imagine their large prospective dividend reduced to an insignificant or unsubstantial amount, and you-
will understand signification of-such a mistake as I-have mentioned. I-fear they cross-examine-the inefficient book-keeper
on-his inefficiency, and when they had cross-examined him sufficiently, the result of-the cross examination would prob-
ably be that-the executive would exercise their prerogative, and without prejudice to-his personal-character, would dis-
214 OA & FM : Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - NSQF (Level-4) - Exercise: 1.4.47 & 48
Key to TASK 7
A The local candidates of Tamil Nadu are in for disappointment as a large number of candidates from northern states
have been appointed for the position of Passenger Superintendent. They are likely to give expression to their grievance
in the form of a demonstration. They are up in arms against the monstrous methods of the administration denying the
locals their rights. There is a great danger if it provokes a dangerous outburst replacing the present contentment.
With great respect to the leaders, we question their objective in interfering with the administration. The introduction of
a policy of obstruction or destruction will only result in all-round discontentment.
B Dear Sir, Thank you for your prompt response to my letter of the 5th instant. I am also grateful to you for your prompt
despatch of the syllabus for the Civil Engineering course at your reputed Institution. I am anxious that my younger
sister should join on the resumption of the classes. But for her sudden illness she could have attended classes last
session itself. It is indeed a misfortune that she lost one session owing to her illness which caused us considerable
anxiety. Thankfully she regained her health in time and is anxious to join the course. I shall call upon Professor
Ramudu to enquire about the textbooks to be purchased. I convey my sincere thanks to you, Sir, for the invitation to
the opening ceremony. I shall certainly make myself available for the function. I may even bring a friend if I am allowed
to. If not, perhaps you will kindly send a message to that effect. Yours truly,
C The race is to the sure and not to the strong. Remember the fable of the feeble tortoise that outstripped the hare. Set
apart for study a small portion of each day. Have patience; "Rome was not built in a day." High hills grow less as we
ascend them. That which is lightly got is little valued. If you would get gold, you must dig deeply. It is not got on the
surface. So if you want to attain a high rate, you must practise the rules again and again till you master them, till you
feel fully confident to apply them on all occasions. You should have that 'never say die spirit'. That will carry you
through to success. Patience and perseverance will pay you rich dividends. Again, you have to work smart and not
hard. Let your strokes be neat and light. Avoid large and heavy letters that will waste your time.
OA & FM : Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - NSQF (Level-4) - Exercise: 1.4.47 & 48 215
Office Administration and Facility Management Exercise 1.4.49
Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - Speed Enchancing
TASK 1: Practice advanced phrases regularly in your note book till you famaliarise
Exercise 1
Write the correct outline (contractions/grammalogues) for the following words and
compare them from the above list
OA & FM : Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - NSQF (Level-4) - Exercise: 1.4.49 217
Exercise 2
Irremovable-ly…… Parliamentary
218 OA & FM : Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - NSQF (Level-4) - Exercise: 1.4.49
TASK 3: Read and practice the following advanced phrases/contractions and write the outlines in exercise 3
OA & FM : Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - NSQF (Level-4) - Exercise: 1.4.49 219
Exercise 3
Is-as……. Out-of……..
220 OA & FM : Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - NSQF (Level-4) - Exercise: 1.4.49
TASK 4: Read and practice intersections in your note book and use it for taking dictation
Apart from agriculture, we should be unable to produce sufficient to sustain the simplest life, and we should perish. By
means of exchange and the co-operation it brings about, we are enabled to produce enough to satisfy a very complex life.
We go to the market with our goods, perishable or imperishable. Our goods may not be embodied in commodities that
can be weighed or measured, they may be and usually are merely proffered services for the permanent or temporary
accommodation of others - or whether we have visible and tangible commodities - pairs of boots, or pounds of bacon, or
attractive ties, or succulent fruits - makes no difference. It is our supply, and this is the course to pursue if we would be
a seller of what we have. In our minds we attach a minimum price to it, what the auctioneer calls a reserve price. Unless
we get that price we shall withdraw from the market, and no briber can bribe us to sell at a figure below that price.
OA & FM : Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - NSQF (Level-4) - Exercise: 1.4.49 221
Key to TASK 5
Key to TASK 6
Truly "A fool and his money are easily parted". We should-not attach too much importance to a scheme because it is
introduced with a flourish of fair words, nor should we touch any speculative affair without first subjecting it to an accurate
examination. If we only examine the annual returns of failures and analyse their causes, we should find that many are
attributable to an utter absence of judgment in the conduct of business and an over confidence in the nicety of others.
222 OA & FM : Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - NSQF (Level-4) - Exercise: 1.4.49
Key to TASK 7
We have been endowed with mental faculties far and away above those with which the lower animals are endued in order
that we may protect ourselves from our enemies, and may add to our happiness. It is fact, however, that such is the effect
of persuasion upon some persons of weak will that they become as mere wax in the hands of those who would lure them
to ruin. With such people it seems only necessary for a fluent rogue to advance an alluring prospect of an affluent position
at little cost, and they fall at once without a defence into the trap set for them. Is not this the secret of almost every
successful fraud we have heard or read of in any nation ?
TASK 1: Take down dictation of the following types of letters and transcribe it on computer in the proper form
Exercise 1
Personal letter
Letter dated 19.4.2018 from M. Ravi, 11 IV Cross Street, Shenoy Nagar, Chennai-600 030 to Rajesh Dear Rajesh, I
could not believe my ears when your teacher called me yesterday and told me that you had been caught cheating on your
Board Examination. She also told me that you would be barred from taking the examinations if you repeat the offence.
The news was so distressing that I could not sleep properly last night.
My dear, Rajesh, It is a pity that you have resorted to such dishonest practices to secure good marks. How could you
forget that success attained through unfair means is not success at all? By cheating on a test you could perhaps pass
but it does not give you any knowledge. This lack of knowledge will ultimately lead to inferiority complex. Remember that
in the long run, only honesty and hard-work will pay.
Cheating on a test is a heinous act. You must take a vow that you will not indulge in it again.
Yours friendly,
OA & FM : Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - NSQF (Level-4) - Exercise: 1.4.49 223
Personal letter
Address ...................,
Date ....................
.............., Salutation
Subscription ...................,
Exercise 2
Business letter
To Shoba Manufacturing Company, 18, Motilal Street, New Delhi-110001 phone 26272539
- from Mr. Johnson, Manager, Robert & Company, 64, Ring Road, Chennai-600 021
Dear Sir,
I was so glad to hear from you after a long time. Of course, we can provide you with replacement part of your spray
painter.//The warranty of your spray painter was in effect until February 20. For parts ordered upto that time, the only
charge would have been for shipping. The current cost of the replacement item is Rs.2,000- including shipping and you
will have the replacement within 48 hours. // Call me at 8877654 to authorise shipment and the part will be on its way to
you immediately. If I can be of any further assistance, please call me. The current catalogue is enclosed for your use.Yours
faithfully, Johnson, Manager.
224 OA & FM : Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - NSQF (Level-4) - Exercise: 1.4.49
Business letter
.........................................................Name of firm/co.
Date ..................
.............., Salutation
................ Designation
Exercise 3
Professional letter
Letter dated 13th May 2018 from K. Joseph, B.E., Engineer, Telephone No.2335287, 19 New Street, Mylapore,
Hyderabad 500 034 to Shri Arjun, 20, 50 Feet Road, Giri Nagar, Hyderabad-500 043 - Sir,
Reference Your letter dated 8th May 2018 - Thank you for your letter cited above wherein you have stated that the
estimate submitted for construction of the rooms on the first floor of your bungalow is very high.
In this connection, I wish to state that of late, the prices of raw materials have become very expensive, especially the
price of good quality cement has gone up by Rs.50/- per bag. Steel has become even costlier. The cost of labour has
also increased considerably.
However, I wish to reduce the amount quoted by Rs.25,000/- keeping in view our long standing relationship.
Hope you will appreciate my kind gesture and write a line in reply.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully
OA & FM : Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - NSQF (Level-4) - Exercise: 1.4.49 225
Professional letter
........................, (Salutation)
Ref: ..................................................................
Yours faithfully,
Exercise 4
Official letter
Official Letter (from one Govt. Department to another)
LetterRc.No.5642/K3/2019, dated the 15th March 2018 from Shri S. Ramalingam, M.A., Director of Public Instructions,
Education Department, Chennai 600 006 to the Under Secretary to Government, Education Department, Fort St. George,
Chennai 600 009 - Sir, Subject - Colleges -Opening of a new college for Women Reference Government Memorandum
No.4554/E4/2019, dated the 20th February 2018
With reference to the Government Memorandum cited, I have to submit that there is a compelling need for opening a
new college for women in Madurai. As there are as many as 30 higher secondary schools exclusively for women in
Madurai alone it becomes all the more necessary to start at least one college in Madurai. May I add that a large number
of girls are studying in Boys' Higher Secondary Schools also
The financial implications in respect of the staff will be submitted to Government within a few days.
Yours faithfully,
226 OA & FM : Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - NSQF (Level-4) - Exercise: 1.4.49
Official letter
Sub: ....................................................
Ref: .....................................................
.........................................................content of the letter.........................................................
Yours faithfully,
Exercise 4
D.O. letter
D.O. Letter No.Q-150142/2009, dated 23rd 2014 from M. Venkiah Naidu, Minister of Urban Development, Housing &
Urban Poverty Alleviation and Parliamentary Affairs, India Shjri Arvind Kejriwal, Leader of Aam Aadmi Party, A-119,
Kaushambi, Ghaziabad-201 010
Namasthe, You are aware that the Honourable Prime Minister in his speech on the occasion of 68th Independence
Day emphasised the need for cleanliness in the country. He requested the citizens to pay tribute to the Father of the
Nation Mahatma Gandhi by taking pledge to make India clean before 2nd October 2019 through people's participation.
In this regard, Government of India is launching a massive public awareness campaign on cleanliness with Swachh
Bharat Abhiyan on 2nd October 2014.
I appeal to you to actively contribute in this Clean India Drive and ensure people's participation in full. I also request
you to ensure that public properties are not defaced by writing on the walls or putting posters. Looking forward to your
active participation and valuable suggestions in making our own country clean by 2nd October 2019.
With regards,
Yours sincerely
OA & FM : Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - NSQF (Level-4) - Exercise: 1.4.49 227
D.O. letter
...........................(Name of Govt.)
...............................(Name of Department)
.................... (Name in caps) Address .....................,
............................. (Designation) .....................,
Yours sincerely,
Exercise 6
Application of a job
Letter dated 21st June 2018 from Shoba, 13, Raman Street, Royapuram, Mumbai-400 001 to the Manager, M/s
Kumaran Stores, Manufacturers of Garments, 31, Guindy, Chennai-600 032. Please accept my application for a retail
sales person position in your company. I believe you will find me to be an enthusiastic person who understands the
importance of providing good customer service.
228 OA & FM : Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - NSQF (Level-4) - Exercise: 1.4.49
I recently had the opportunity to talk over the phone to customers of a placement company and to provide them with
information in a friendly and professional manner. I knew it was important to be cheerful and project a positive image of the
company. As a retail salesperson, I would work hard to serve the needs of your customers and make them feel comfortable
in the store.
Working in a restaurant also helped me understand the importance of being a team player. In a busy environment, we
had to work together to figure out which tasks we had to do first and listen carefully to the manager's instructions. I have
been complimented on being a respectful and reliable co-worker who works well in a team.
I would welcome the chance to discuss how my experience fits with the needs of your esteemed company.
Thank you for your time and consideration and I look forward to hearing from you.
Application of a job
Sub: ....................................................................
Ref: .....................................................................
Signature of applicant
OA & FM : Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - NSQF (Level-4) - Exercise: 1.4.49 229
Office Administration and Facility Management Exercise 1.5.50
Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - Note Taking and
Transcription Techniques
Take down dictation and transcribe the same for speed typing on computer
Objectives: At the end of this exercise you shall be able to
• take down dictation skillfully on different matters
• transcribe the notes speedily
• rectify mistakes committed (spelling, strokes & punctuation)
• rewrite dictation and read back
• enhance your typing speed.
TASK 1: Take down dictation and transcribe it on computer. Verify with key and note down new words
Dictation 1
Madam, I thank you for giving me this opportunity to draw the attention of the House to a matter of/ grave concern.
Newspapers have reported that there was a rocket attack on the Central Reserve Police Force in Punjab. It // is a sad
thing that we have come to terms with violence.
I would like the Government to examine what /// was the cause for this? What is a rocket attack on the Central Reserve
Police Force? We must take cognizance (1) of this. This means that there is an upgradation in the kind of weapon
system the terrorists have available to / them today. What was the Government doing regarding this and the implication
it has towards Parliament, the people of this // country and particularly the people of the State.
We have repeatedly known that there are weapon systems flowing into the /// State and the Government did not do
anything about it. Pictures have been published in newspapers with terrorists having in (2) their hands weapons like AK-
47 machine-guns. Government did not do anything about it. The Home Minister / did not make a statement on the floor
of the House or give an answer or explanation as to how // these are made available to the terrorists. We have got pictures
published regarding this issue. No cognizance has been taken /// of that. Here the police have been attacked by a
weapon system beyond their reach or comprehension. This is not (3) fair. It is not just that Members of Parliament sit
here and pass bills. This has a direct bearing on / the security force, people who are on the spot and who have to come
to terms with them and face // them. How are our security forces equipped? Are we equipping our security forces with
similar weapon systems? Are they having /// that range and reach with their weapons? No. The terrorists have it, so
these things give rise to other questions (4) like the following.
Where are thes arms coming from? Has the Government an answer for this? Are they making an / effort to learn about
it? Will they be able to answer this House about it?
Secondly, what action is the // Government taking to stop the inflow of these weapons? Do they have any system by
which they are going to /// buy them?
What is disturbing is that this House had to empower the Government with Article 249.
OA & FM : Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - NSQF (Level-4) - Exercise: 1.5.50 231
Dictation 2
Madam Deputy Chairman, at the outset, I would like to thank our Finance Minister, Shri Tiwari for submitting a Budget
/ which is more “rural oriented”, more “growth oriented” and more “people oriented” than the Budget submitted by our
Prime Minister //last year. These concessions, measures and programmes do not amount to say that the Ministry of
Finance have been abreast /// with the situation and aware of the needs of the nation. As rightly commented by one
economist, Mr. Tiwari’s maiden (1) Budget is a good exercise in public relations but not so good in public finance.
The Budget document has been/ prepared in such a way as to appear that it contains more concessions than tax
burdens. Not because the Minister // had dropped the proposal of imposing taxes due to drought but because he had
Unfortunately /// for the last few years to mobilise the resources, the Minister of finance is following this unhealthy
practice. Owing to (2) this pre-Budget exercise the income to Government has been underestimated. I am not against
the mobilisation of revenues / to the Government which is quite essential to implement our plan targets successfully and
to introduce new programmes for the // welfare of the country. The methods adopted by the Government are quite
unwarranted and irking.
It shows that it has /// no confidence in the Parliament . Contrary to our expectations, our Finance Minister has
submitted an astronomically deficit Budget. As far (3) as the States are concerned, they have no right to print currency
notes. A State which submits a deficit Budget / ultimately is compelled to overcome the deficit by right means. But in the
case of the Centre since it has // a right to print the notes the deficit Budget only fuels the fire of inflation and hike in
prices. Unmindful /// of price increase and inflation every year the Centre follows the practice of submitting deficit
Budget. The deficit was Rs 6,000 crores in (4) the year 1995-96, Rs 8,000 crores in 1996-97, / Rs 8,000 crores in 1997-
98. How are we to overcome this difficulty?
Madam, we speak // much about financial discipline.We ask the State Governments to follow the discipline in financial
matters. But as far /// as the Central Government is concerned, it does not follow any principle in the discipline of financial
232 OA & FM : Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - NSQF (Level-4) - Exercise: 1.5.50
OA & FM : Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - NSQF (Level-4) - Exercise: 1.5.50 233
Dictation 3
The purpose of intervention, Mr.Vice-Chairman, is to point out that this year we are celebrating and we have/celebrated 50
years of attainment of freedom. This is the most valuable achievement which must be cherished and strengthened, but
// along with this political freedom we have attained in a larger manner economic freedom for all sections of our people,
/// particularly for poorer sections of our people. We have attained this and this is unique in the whole world, unique (1)
for developing countries. The progress that we have made there has been the parliamentrary form of democracy, assuring
to every / individual the fundamental right, assuring to every individual the fundamental right to send a representative to
this august House, the // right to debate and the right to dissent. And this is unique in the history of the developing
countries, unique /// in the history of the world as a whole.
I would like to give the House some of the economic (2) indicators which will show the progress that we have made in the
economic field over the last few decades. The / per capita net national product has increased./ That is, the net national
product has increased by more than four times // during this period and this has been done by this Government under
the Congress policies and with a particularly democratic /// process throughout, ours being one of the most vibrant
parliamentary democracies in the world. Under the leadership of our leaders, who (3) incidentally were their leaders,
also at some point or the other, I am happy to say this because most of / the members of the opposition have been
members of the Indian National Congress at some point or the other.
The // index of industrial production has risen. This has been tremendous progress on the industrial front that we have
made in /// just 50 years .The index of agricultural production with which many Members of the Opposition and some of
the Members of the (4) ruling party are concerned and rightly so, has increased too. There has been a lot of criticism
here that we / are wasting money in revenue expenditure that we are not forming a capital, we are not able to build up /
/ assets. Gross domestic capital formation as percentage of Gross Domestic Product has increased from 10 in 1950 to
/// 23 till date. This shows that there is a constant progress in our industrial sector and our agricultural sector.
234 OA & FM : Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - NSQF (Level-4) - Exercise: 1.5.50
OA & FM : Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - NSQF (Level-4) - Exercise: 1.5.50 235
Dictation 4
As far as General Insurance is concerned, I would like to mention here that it does not exactly relate to / the rural
insurance. But I must mention here because just yesterday I reviewed this programme of Adults for the cases // of
motor vehicle accidents, I know how much hardship sometimes people feel who are victims of these motor vehicle
accidents /// have to undergo in order to get some compensation. Now GIC has decided and has already held some (1)
Adalats where there is interface and victims are paid immediately and this has created tremendous benefit and we want
to / extend this.
Just to give what we have done in this regard between January and August more than 4,000 // complaints of motor
vehicle accident cases have been settled by Lok Adalats. From August to December we had kept the /// target of 6000
cases but we have actually settled 16000 cases and thereby paid more than Rs.50 (2) crores by way of disbursement.
But it all depends on the parties to agree to the compensation. If they do/ not agree, they can always go to the court but
there is no fixed scale of compensation. It depends on // the nature of accident and circumstances of the case. But going
through the rural thrust of general insurance, a group /// insurance scheme for landless agricultural labour all over the
country has been created. The entire premium will be borne by (3) the Government of India and if any landless
agricultural labourer dies in the course of his work his family straightway / will get Rs 3, 000 without payment of any
I must, however, say that we have several other schemes// for general insurance like cattle, insurance. hut insurance, a
new scheme that we have introduced and if the hut of // a landless labourer gets burnt, by accident, immediately he will
get some compensation. If his cattle die, he will get compensation. (4) Now I must admit and there I seek the co-
operation of all the Hon’ble Members that in respect of many/ of these schemes, there is no awareness as far as
potential beneficiaries or target groups are concerned. Now a landless // agricultural labourer, in a village does not know
that schemes exist, if he dies, though /// he is entitled to compensation, more often than not, the members of his family
236 OA & FM : Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - NSQF (Level-4) - Exercise: 1.5.50
OA & FM : Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - NSQF (Level-4) - Exercise: 1.5.50 237
Dictation 5
I would like to conclude on this note that we have made substantial progress of which all of us must / be proud. The
Governemnt should be proud and the people of this country should be proud of it. The Opposition //also should have
deserved a measure of credit because many of their suggestions are taken by us and we will /// continue to do that. Now,
we must keep on implementing this and on this implementation, your involvement is necessary. But (1) what is more
important is that in the heat of political argument, we should not create a climate of despondency / which is entirely
unjustified. We should not reduce the faith of our people in themselves because these are their achievements // and if we
face these challenges with confidence, our people will definitely overcome the great challenges ahead and we shall ///
I am surprised that he should put this type of a question . Let me say this that whatever debt (2) servicing we are
honouring is not out of borrowing and it is not 50 percent. It is roughly 20 /per cent of our own money that we earn out
of exports, invisibles, tourism and so on and so forth// and this money also if we have borrowed, we have borrowed from
the IMF in the earlier period/// up to 1984.
Mr. Verma said that we are borrowing money from abroad and paying it. This is (3) not correct. It is our own money and
it has been put to good use. About internal borrowing also, there / is no such question. What are we doing is to create
assets. We have to modernise our industry. We have // to improve the lot of our people. And we are doing these. We are
borrowing very cautiously and for productive/// purpose. There is no reason why he should have such a thinking.
You know that you have a revenue deficit (4) which is larger than the total deficit. By definition this means that you are
going to resort to deficit financing / or borrowing in order to finance your consumption expenditure and not for productive
purposes.This is my definition. How do // you convert it.
This is a Government document. I will read out this so that he may not have further /// misgivings about this. This
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Dictation 6
I am very happy that the Hon’ble Minster has announced various incentives to the farmers. I talked to some of / them. But
it seems some confusion is being created sometimes and I give you the example of Tamil Nadu. Our // Hon’ble Member
and Congress President of Tamil Nadu. Our // Hon’ble Member and Congress President of Tamil Nadu had gone to
Tamil Nadu and he accused Mr. Singh of working /// inside the Government as an agent of the capitalist and imperialist
forces and exploiting the situation. And he further said (1) that the last two Budgets, presented by our Prime Minister
and the Finance Minister have sought to correct the distortions / and deviations. What I am trying to say is that
somebody else presenting the Budget, it is the Congress Budget. // What I would say is that there is a certain direction,
whether it is presented by Mr. Singh or by /// somebody else. The essential thing is that it should be beneficial to the
I am happy the Hon’ble Minister (2) has introduced various new schemes and he has tried to do his best in the present
circumstances. I congratulate him. / I think in his Budget speech, for one and a half hours he was stating about the
various incentives and // one hour he devoted to incentives to farmers, to small-scale industry, etc. So, if I have to refer to
/// all that, it will take a long time for me to repeat. I am happy that under the present circumstances, he (3) had done so
Finally, I would say that whatever kind of subsidy you give to the/farmer you, have to ensure remunerative prices to him.
Unless you give proper price, whatever you do to help him, // will not be of much use. I am sure the agriculture prices and
costs commissions will arrive at the proper /// price which should be given to the farmer, and unless a fair price is given
to the farmer the lot of (4) the farmers cannot be improved. They have to spend more or inputs, they have to purches also.
Therefore, it is essential that the they get a fair price for their produce.
I have one more request to make. It has been said that the export duty on coffee is going to /// cripple the coffee
industry in the South. I hope the Honourable Minister will exempt the industry in respect of export duty.
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Dictation 7
The overall indications of economic performance have been better than in any previous year of severe drought. This is
because /of the plans and programmes of the Government under the leadership of Shri Rajiv Gandhi, our party President
and the // Prime Minister. Hon’ble Finance Minister this time has viewed the grievances of all sectors at all levels and
tried to redress// it up to maximum possible levels against all odds of the resources mobilisation and non-plan expendi-
ture besides efforts of (1) the opposition parties for destabilisation of our Government.
I am happy for conceding to our request of extending transport subsidy/ to all hill areas for LPG cylinders by the Hon’ble
Finance Minister But I would request that this // subsidy be made applicable for industrial production also.
I appreciate the abolition of taxes on properties and surcharge on (2) wealth tax to mobilise the resources. This policy is
a clear indication of a welfare state, which shall raise the / standard of living of the people.
Regarding tax policies I would like to mention for implementation duties leviable and surcharge // as Central excise and
customs duty on goods used by 100 per cent export oriented units. The goods of Indian /// origin used by these 100
percent export oriented units may be exempted from surcharges, etc. However, surcharge of 5 (3) per cent on foreign
goods used by export oriented units may be levied but full time reimbursement surcharge on auxiliary duty may be
exempted so that foreign capital in Indian industry is progressive to have healthy // competition.
Now, I would draw the attention of the Hon’ble Finance Minister to the problem faced by every Indian family /// because
of social customs, i.e., presentation of gold jewellery, at marriage ceremony. I would request the Finance Minister (4) to
allow relaxation of baggage rules incorporating the free clearance of gold jewellery brought by the / incoming Indian
passengers only. To earn revenue Government can impose a very nominal customs duty in foreign exchange on gold /
/ and the Indian passenger and labourers coming from abroad to fulfil their social customs with the facilities provided by
the Government.
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Dictation 8
Mr. Vice-Chairman, Sir, First of all, I would like to say that this budget has been well received by / our people and
therefore it was interpreted by some people, including the Opposition, as a pre-poll Budget. That means // the Budget
wants to attract the people. They have also said that this is a populist Budget . Formerly they used /// to term a / Budget
as anti-people, but now it has been termed as populist. I do not know the (1) meaning that they give to that term, but
certainly it has tried to appeal to the people. The term pro-farmer / is used because agriculture requires emphasis and
Just now the previous speaker // made an attack that although the concession given to the farmers have to be noted , yet
bigger concessions have gone /// to industrialists. Anyway, if you want to remain ignorant about the actual position, you
can make such criticism, but Tiwariji(2) was very careful when he was announcing certain concessions, he said that
these are meant against smuggling. Because our polyester / textiles are taxed at 42 to 72 per cent of its cost price,
therefore smuggling the excise duty should be reduced. Is it helping the monopoly, or is /// it helping the national
industry? Workers are starving because they are unemployed in the textile industry. Immediately afterwards Tiwariji
saw (3) to it, Textile Ministry saw to it, the concerned people getting concession were called to Delhi and asked to
reduce / the price of the textiles to the extent the concessions were given. Immediately the newspapers had to advertise
that the / entire concessions were being passed on to the intermediate producers. The filament yarn or the intermediate
raw material which comes /// to the textile mill was taxed at Rs.84 per kilogram of yarn. Now the NTC gets (4) filament
yarn by paying only Rs 10 per kilogram. It is a big help to the NTC. Now / if you do not want to look at this reality but
condemn the Government, if you do not want to look at this reality but condemn the Government, it shows you have the
old// approach. We think that all criticism should be considered properly; /// even if it comes from the opposition, it is
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Dictation 9
The Honorable Minister of Banking has said that the Opposition is creating an atmosphere of despondency and it is
creating / a misapprehension. Is this misapprehension? I do not like to enter into further arguments with him. But I warn
the // Government that it should think about the situation. There are many comments on the debt trap I have mentioned.
I /// do not like to read out these comments in order to save my time. In this connection, the question of (1) devaluation
comes in and it is a very serious danger to our country's economic self-reliance and economic sovereignty. I / do not have
the time to explain. If there is a devaluation, then we will earn less while we export // more in volume and when we import
we shall spend more. That is another angle, another factor, of the debt /// trap. As for the unofficial devalued position of
our rupee in terms of the SDR, the Indian rupee (2) has got devalued as much as 40 per cent during the last 15 years.
Therefore, I have referred to the debt / trap. This is what is happening. The day before yesterday the Honourable Finance
Minister asked Professor Lakshman what our // suggestion was regarding a ceiling not only on deficit but also on
external debt. I say, yes, there is a /// ceiling. In so far as external borrowing is concerned, there must be a safe limit and
this safe limit should (3) not exceed 20 per cent of the export earnings in a year. And this was said by our Hon'ble
Finance / Minister of this very Government. Who what person was, I need not take his name. Everybody knows, he was
recognized // as the No.2 of Prime Minister's cabinet. He prescribed in this House and in the other House that our /// safe
limit on external borrowing should not exceed 20 per cent of the annual export earning. This, I think, was (4) said when
the country was debating the IMF loan. And he said that we were certainly prudent, we / are within the safe limit of that.
Now according to my calculation - I may be mistaken; I wish I were // mistaken - that limit has reached about 27 percent.
Therefore, we have crossed the danger mark. We have crossed /// the red line. Therefore Government should exercise
great restraint on this. I have seen how the World Bank assistance is misused. (5/400 words)
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Dictation 10
Some of our friends on the other side always complain that adequate resources are not being extended to the States /
and Union Territories. In this connection I would like to mention that as per the revised estimate for the current // year, net
resources transferred to States and Union / Territories stand at Rs.24000 crore. But as regards the /// Budget estimate
for the next year Rs 26000 crores are proposed to be transferred to States and Union (1) Territories. That means, an
increase of 5 per cent over the revised estimate and 13 per cent over the Budget / estimate for the current year.
Sir, as regards the percentage of increase over the revised estimate for the current year, // in defence, the increase is
8 per cent, in major subsidies the increase is going to be 19 per cent,/// in social service including education and health,
etc., it is proposed to be 9 per cent.
Now, I would like (2) to draw the attention of the House to the fact that when you compare the implementatin of the
annual progress / under the Sixth Plan and annual progress under the Seventh Plan, you will find a large difference. In the
first // year of the Sixth Plan the progress was 13 per cent whereas in the first year of the Seventh Plan /// it was 20 per
cent. Similarly in the seond year it was 15 per cent and 20 per cent , in (3) the third year it was 16 per cent and 22 per
cent and in the fourth year, that is / the next year, whereas in the Sixth Plan the progress was 20 percent. We will be
achieving a progress // of 22 per cent in the Seventh Plan. It means, in the final year only 14 per cent of /// the Plan work
will have to be done. It means in the Seventh Plan period, we have better implementation and (4) better achievements.
As regards Central Plan outlays by Ministries and Departments I find that in Agriculture as regards Budget Estimates /
and Revised Estimates for the current year there is an upward variation of 7 percent. In Agriculture, Research and //
Education, there is no variation. In Rural Development it is 5 per cent, but in Health, Education, Civil Aviation, Informa-
tion /// and Broadcasting and Surface Transport there is a shortfall. The total expenditure of the Government is up to
11 per cent.
248 OA & FM : Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) - NSQF (Level-4) - Exercise: 1.5.50
To the Instructor: a) Similar dictation exercises @ 60 wpm from Newspaper and Magazines may be
given to the trainees.
b) The dictation passages may also be used for typing practice.
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