MT Ipcrf-Development Plan For S.Y. 2022-2023

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Action Plan
Strengths Development Needs Timeline Resources Needed
Learning Objectives Intervention
A. Functional Competencies (RPMS-PPST Objectives from Part II of e-SAT)
1. Modeled effective 1. Developed and To incorporate To participate in seminars Year-round Use of ICT, Lesson
applications of content applied effective innovative teaching or webinars, use what YOU Exemplar/Plan
knowledge within and teaching strategies to strategies in have learned, and create highlighting
across curriculum promote critical and teaching the most activities and performance teaching strategies
teaching areas. (PPST creative thinking, as essential learning tasks involving used, Resource
1.1.3) well as other higher- competencies to collaboration, creativity, person
order thinking skills. develop critical, and problem-solving
(PPST 1.5.3) creative, and higher- techniques to help learners
order thinking skills build their higher-order,
among learners. critical, and creative
thinking abilities.
2. Exhibited effective 2. Worked with To develop a plan for To survey students using Year-round Assessment result,
and constructive colleagues to share addressing learners' an appropriate assessment Action Plan, Lesson
behavior management differentiated, gender, needs, tool, considering their Exemplar/Plan
skills by applying developmentally abilities, interests, gender, needs, skills, highlighting
positive and non- appropriate and experiences interests, and experiences. differentiated
violent discipline to opportunities to address through varied, The result will serve as the learning activities,
ensure learning learners’ differences in developmentally basis of an intervention
focused environments. gender, needs, appropriate learning program to create relevant
(PPST 2.6.3) strengths, interests and experiences. learning experiences for
experiences. the students to be included
(PPST 3.1.3) in the lesson plan or
3. Reviewed with 3. Performed various To actively engage in To take an active role in Year-round Use of ICT, Lecture
colleagues, teacher related works / various relevant webinars, LAC sessions, notes/handouts or
and learner feedback activities that tasks that support writing workshops, files, Resource
to plan, facilitate, and contribute to the the teaching-learning competitions, and person, Financial
enrich teaching teaching-learning process. seminars that are linked to
practice. (PPST 4.4.3) process. the subject being taught
and other works in the
To enroll in a master's or
doctoral program
to deepen career-oriented
knowledge and skills. 

B. Core Behavioral Competencies (from Part III of e-SAT)

1. Undertakes 2.Uses ingenious Using the available To be part of the schools' Year-round Learning
personal actions and methods to accomplish resources effectively Learning Continuity Plan Continuity Plan,
behaviors that are responsibilities. in teaching the by attending faculty Intervention
clear and purposive Demonstrates subject, such as meetings. Program, Modules
and considers personal resourcefulness and the Modules, Learning To be aware of the different and Learning
goals and values ability to succeed with Activity Sheets, guidelines and Packets/LAS/
congruent to that of minimal resources. Assessment Tools, memorandum for the Assessment Tools
the organization. and other Learning opening of the school year.
Packets will
resourcefulness and
the ability to succeed
with minimal
2. Maintains 2. Delivers error-free To be an effective To attend LAC sessions Year-round Minutes of the
professional image: outputs most of the and efficient teacher and faculty meetings Meeting, Guidelines
being trustworthy, time by conforming to in submitting error- regarding schoolwork and and Memos,
regularity of standard operating free school reports reports. Resource Person
attendance and procedures correctly and quality output in
punctuality, good and consistently. Able terms of usefulness,
grooming and to produce very acceptability, and
communication. satisfactory quality of completeness with
work in terms of no supervision
usefulness/acceptability required by
and completeness with conforming to
no supervision required. standard operating
procedures correctly
and consistently.




This shall be accomplished/updated during: i) Phase I: Performance Planning and Commitment, based on the results of e-SAT; ii) Phase II: Performance Monitoring and Coaching, based on the agreements on the Performance
Monitoring and Coaching Form and Mid-year Review Form; and iii) Phase IV: Performance Rewarding and Development Planning, based on the actual results of IPCRF.

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