2015 - Climate Control ME - Energy Modeling Need For A Revisit

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Energy Modeling Energy modelling of a building involves modelling of heat, air,

moisture, light, electrical energy and mechanical energy, to

come up with a prediction of energy use and building thermal
Only a few consultants in the GCC region, and even worldwide,
revisit buildings that they have modelled to compare the design
modelling results with the actual figures from measured data

/ Need for a Revisit

and environmental conditions that could guide the designer and energy bills. Recent studies conducted on schools in the
or operator into the most cost-effective and efficient path to UK have attempted to determine the extent of the difference
“greening” a building. Simulation of energy requires not only between predicted and actual energy use. An average energy
a description of a building’s geometry, construction materials, consumption of 2.4 times the design value was reported for
energy systems and equipment but also a characterisation new schools. The worst case studied was 10 times the design
of the building utilisation through occupancy, and equipment figure. This clearly indicates that there is a disconnect between
schedules. In addition, a specification of the building operation is how the building has been designed to be used and how it
necessary, commonly through a definition of setpoint schedules, is actually being used. Either that, or the problem lies in the
HVAC system availability and sequencing of multiple devices methodology and correctness of how the design energy value
of HVAC equipment like chillers staging and control loops. has been calculated.

Energy modelling has become an essential part of building Moving forward, some developers worldwide have started asking
standards and rating systems, thanks to advancement over for performance in use and energy use intensity (EUI) thresholds
the years, its widespread availability, significance and proven to be met by the designer/contractor. Ideally, designers and
benefits in lowering a building’s energy consumption. contractors could be held responsible for a wide discrepancy
between actual energy use index and the one predicted during
In today’s market, especially in the GCC region, energy modelling the design and construction stages. Such practices will raise
is mainly used for compliance with rating systems. Developers the level of professionalism in the energy modelling sector
and building owners do not require energy modelling as a and will help reduce the number of uninformed modellers, by
project design deliverable, unless required by a sought-after distinguishing them from the experienced and certified ones.
building rating or an urban authority. Therefore, in most cases,
once the approving or certifying authority accepts the modelling It is also, however, vital to note that differences between
results, the energy model perishes, with the owner satisfied predicted and actual energy usages are not always attributed
by the number of points achieved or the bare minimum that to poor modelling practices. A design that shows adequate
the project can get away with to receive the building permit. performance, when subjected to computer simulation at the

Manifesto 2020
In this context, a lot of energy modellers have surfaced in design stage, may depend on assumptions that are not reflected
the market to cope with the energy modelling demand from in the actual use of the building. This is why it is important to
LEED and Estidama. Most of those modellers have become revisit the building in the post-occupancy stage and update
familiar with the energy modelling rules that are set by ASHRAE the model to reflect real operational patterns. By doing so,
standard 90.1 Appendix G. Yet, only a few have mastered the designers can defend their positions by noting operational
sound theoretical background that is much needed to arrive at behaviours that are different from the agreed assumptions during
correct results. With the currently available software, it is easy the design stage, like occupancy hours, or pinpointing wrong
to create a model, run a simulation and get flashy results. But facility management operation of different energy consuming
are those results correct? Do they truly reflect the future or systems. This exercise would also help designers in adopting
current operation of the building? Such low quality, inherently more realistic assumptions for their ensuing projects.
incorrect and totally deceptive energy simulation results create
hurdles in the way of energy modelling, proving its worth In a nutshell, and for the construction market to realise and
and convincing developers of its tremendous benefits that reap the benefits of energy modelling, it will take knowledgeable
outweigh the relatively insignificant added design cost. This and experienced modellers to showcase those benefits on the
is also the very reason why organisations like ASHRAE have one hand, and well-versed developers and building owners, on
taken it upon themselves to produce standards and guides to the other, to insist on accurate and calibrated living models
Hassan Younes – 2015 energy modelling, and to list energy modelling certifications that would span the life of a building, and for those models
Climate Control - Middle East for professionals that provide assurances that the certified to be developed by certified professionals. Only then can
professional is well-versed in the skills required to build sound the sector evolve and prove its worth in the sustainability

“it is easy to create a model, run a simulation and get flashy

energy simulation models. revolution of cities.

In addition to containing and limiting the operational energy

results. But are those results correct?” consumptions, a well-developed, accurately built and fine-
tuned energy simulation model could be an essential and
major contributor to the calculation of a building’s lifecycle
Pointing out that energy modelling software simulation often Prediction is something humans have always craved. Reinventing cost – an aspect that is indispensable to assessing the
yields results that do not necessarily reflect future or current a city’s future into a sustainable one requires a data-driven success of a development. Not only that, but a living model
operation and use of a building, Hassan Younes makes a approach and a vision that is supported by accurate predictions. that evolves from design to construction, and construction to
cogent case for more accurate models that could not only The prime pillar of sustainable cities is low energy consumption operation, being fine-tuned throughout the way, would help

Start It Right
give a realistic picture but also contribute to the calculation and low environmental impact. And the main contributor to inform decisions of future retrofits, drive energy management,
of a building’s lifecycle cost and energy conservation. energy consumption and carbon emissions in a city is the and help in measurement and verification, and reduce the
built environment. No wonder then that building performance lifecycle cost of a building.
is an aspect that is most focused on when devising an urban
sustainability road map.

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