Energy Efficient Plant Design Approaches Case Study of The Sample Building of The Energy Efficiency Training Facilities

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World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology

International Journal of Energy and Power Engineering

Vol:10, No:11, 2016

Energy Efficient Plant Design Approaches: Case

Study of the Sample Building of the Energy
Efficiency Training Facilities
Idil Kanter Otcu

The most important studies into the production of clean
Abstract—Nowadays, due to the growing problems of energy energy are those which focus on the development of new
supply and the drastic reduction of natural non-renewable resources, technologies (wind turbines, photovoltaic panels, etc.) in order
the development of new applications in the energy sector and steps to use renewable energy (sun, wind, etc.) resources. However,
towards greater efficiency in energy consumption are required. Since
buildings account for a large share of energy consumption, increasing
due to high installation costs, limited production capacities and
the structural density of buildings causes an increase in energy difficulty in the storage of the energy produced, production
consumption. This increase in energy consumption means that energy systems for these clean energy resources are not currently
efficiency approaches to building design and the integration of new commonly used. The problems encountered during the
Open Science Index, Energy and Power Engineering Vol:10, No:11, 2016

systems using emerging technologies become necessary in order to production of clean energy shows that considering the
curb this consumption. As new systems for productive usage of consumption of the energy is as important as its production
generated energy are developed, buildings that require less energy to
operate, with rational use of resources, need to be developed. One
solution for reducing the energy requirements of buildings is through Energy consumption increases with urbanization, settlement
landscape planning, design and application. Requirements such as and modernization of living conditions. Increases in energy
heating, cooling and lighting can be met with lower energy consumption raise the supply price of energy. This situation
consumption through planting design, which can help to achieve makes it essential to find solutions that will reduce the need for
more efficient and rational use of resources. Within this context, energy, and to design highly efficient appliances. Highly
rather than a planting design which considers only the ecological and
aesthetic features of plants, these considerations should also extend to
efficient designs are now the preference for almost all
spatial organization whereby the relationship between the site and equipment from household appliances to cars and are becoming
open spaces in the context of climatic elements and planting designs an integral part of our lives. Today, changes in living standards
are taken into account. In this way, the planting design can serve an as part of economic concerns and ecological awareness are also
additional purpose. In this study, a landscape design which takes into affecting the selection of houses. Housing projects which utilize
consideration location, local climate morphology and solar angle will sun and wind energy and take advantage of climatic conditions
be illustrated on a sample building project.
within the region have gained in prominence and value.
Keywords—Energy efficiency, landscape design, plant design, For greenhouse designs it is also important to plan vegetal
xeriscape landscape. arrangements so as to minimize energy consumption and enable
the remaining energy to be used efficiently [13]. The purpose of
I. INTRODUCTION this study is to create a proper vegetal design model for a
sample building project by considering the selection of plant
E NERGY is the most important input for economic and
social development, and hence it has been a critical factor
in both the developing and developed world since the Industrial
species, composition of the plants, ecological adaption,
isolation, the building-plant relationship, climatic components
Revolution. Due to the ever increasing demands for energy over and the basic properties that the buildings have. In the study,
the industrialization period, rapid consumption of those energy effective energy design strategies have been defined by
resources that have been the most economical and readily evaluating approaches from different professional disciplines
available has occurred, with the primary resources being non- within the same area. Within the scope of the study, some
renewable natural energy resources such as petrol, gas, and coal, examples of prior studies have been evaluated with regard to
etc. This heavy use of natural resources has led to ecological their application to efficient energy design strategies by
problems and changes which are now being felt on a global considering climatic conditions, seasonal changes, properties of
scale, meaning that the problem of energy supply and demand the field and its neighborhood, and position of the location.
can no longer be considered on a local scale [8]. These changes
have led international environmental organizations and local
authorities to begin jointly considering the production and The use of green buildings is increasing on a daily basis, and
consumption of energy not only from an economic perspective, it is important to note that their application should be considered
but also from an ecological one [1]. from a different perspective to that of traditional building
designs [12].
Idil Kanter Otcu is with the Department of Landscape Architecture,
In energy efficient building designs, the primary objective
Ankara University, Ankara, Turkey (e-mail: [email protected]). and aims should be to ascertain at the beginning of the project

International Scholarly and Scientific Research & Innovation 10(11) 2016 1403 ISNI:0000000091950263
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
International Journal of Energy and Power Engineering
Vol:10, No:11, 2016

what materials are to be used in the building, the energy should be put into practice today as the entire world faces an
resources and potentials related to the area, the regional climate energy supply crisis.
and microclimate, the solar access and insolation status of the
building location, as well as the available wind power. These
should be determined by means of analyses carried out in the
region [10]. The objective of such analyses is to determine an
appropriate design to achieve effective utilization of energy
resources and facilitate the minimization of energy
consumption. Energy efficient designs for the structure or its
vicinity can only be achieved through energy efficient design
strategies that have been produced subsequent to the analysis
and evaluation work carried out in the area.
Energy efficient design strategies should be applied on a Fig. 1 Building insolation status in summer and winter seasons with
building with an integrated perspective throughout the process energy efficiency plant design approach [14]
so that they can be efficient in the subject structure and that the
Vertical and roof gardens are another example of energy
desired outcome can be achieved. In this regard, the application
efficient plant designs for structures. Vertical garden (planting
of energy efficient plant designs to the vicinity of a structure
on the façade surface) and roof garden designs prevent the
originally designed with energy efficiency in mind facilitates a
transfer of solar energy from the structures façade or roof to the
more productive outcome compared to energy efficient plant
Open Science Index, Energy and Power Engineering Vol:10, No:11, 2016

inside of the building in the form of heat. Vertical garden

designs applied to a standard or traditional building structure
applications carried out in mild climates reduce cooling
expenses for the building by 43%, especially in the summer
Energy efficient plant designs in the vicinity of a structure are
months, thereby playing a significant role in minimizing energy
created with consideration given to the topographic and
consumption [11].
climatologic structure of and seasonal changes in the area of
application, with particular attention to the efficient utilization B. Energy Efficiency Plant Design with Wind Power
of solar and wind power [10]. In this study, plant design Energy efficient plant arrangements that support the
approaches that aim to achieve effective utilization of solar and productive use of energy and dominate a structure’s energy
wind power and minimize use of water are examined. consumption must be designed with consideration given to wind
A. Solar Power in Plant Design prevalence and strength in the application area. The purpose is
to minimize the effect of cold winter winds on the structure by
Insolation status of a structure can yield electrical power for
correctly positioning the plant materials, and to reduce the
indoor use by means of systems integrated into the structure.
energy consumption for indoor cooling in summer months by
However, methods for efficient utilization of solar power must
allowing in light summer breezes, as shown in Fig. 2 [9].
not be limited to these systems only. Plant designs that support
effective utilization of solar power can reduce the amount of
energy consumed inside the structure to provide thermal
comfort (heating and cooling) by approximately 25% [5]. It is
therefore important to carry out a rational design of the plant
material to be placed in the vicinity of a structure with
consideration given to the seasonal variables.
Plants arranged with a view to solar angle and insolation
status of the building during winter months reduce consumption
of energy for heating purposes [4]. In this regard, the most
important design approach to be applied in solar power efficient
plant designs is to place deciduous trees near the façade of the
building that has the most insolation, in order to provide the
building with more sunshine when required, as can be seen in
Fig. 1.
The amount of energy consumed for cooling indoors in the
summer months is more than is used for warming indoors in the
winter months [4]. It is possible to reduce indoor temperatures
by up to 11oC by means of shading the structure with trees
which have wide leaves, and with bushes, as shown in Fig. 1.
Such natural solutions, which have been developed in order to Fig. 2 The energy efficient plant design sample [9]
keep indoors cool during hot summer days instead of using
appliances such as air conditioners and fans that consume Vertical gardens (planting on façade surface) prevent direct
electrical energy, are an example of the design approaches that contact between cold winter winds and the façade surface. This

International Scholarly and Scientific Research & Innovation 10(11) 2016 1404 ISNI:0000000091950263
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
International Journal of Energy and Power Engineering
Vol:10, No:11, 2016

helps keep indoors warmer while consuming less energy to do III. RESEARCH METHOD
so. In this regard, vertical gardens are not only a feature for In light of the examined energy efficient design strategies
aesthetics but also a system with functional characteristics. discussed above, samples of applicable designs will now be
C. Efficient Use of Water in Plant Design demonstrated. A case study will be presented for the area at and
Another issue as critical as energy supply nowadays, is the around the Sample Building of the Energy Efficiency Training
rapidly diminishing amount of utility water available, which Facilities owned by the General Directorate of Renewable
Energy. This Directorate is affiliated with the Ministry of
causes an increase in the amount of energy consumed for
supplying water. Accordingly, it is important to identify and use Energy and Natural Resources of the Republic of Turkey, and is
plant types that naturally consume less water (Xeriscape plant located on Eskişehir Road in Ankara. Accordingly, the review
types) within the landscape design. of domestic and international studies made on the efficient use
of energy and determination of required approaches constitutes
the first phase of this study. The method used for this study is to
apply the approaches that were identified above to the sample
building and be assessed based on the visual data, examinations,
individual discussions and sampling arising from an ecological


Open Science Index, Energy and Power Engineering Vol:10, No:11, 2016

The Sample Building of the Energy Efficiency Training

Facilities, which has been selected as the model building in this
study, was built in 2006 with the purpose of developing public
Fig. 3 Xeriscape landscape execution sample (Longmort-Colorado) awareness, providing training and setting examples for energy
[16] efficient design approaches. These approaches would use
systems and application techniques that make use of the energy
Another area of study regarding minimizing water resources in the vicinity of the structure, allow it to produce its
consumption is rainwater harvesting systems, as shown in Fig. own energy and minimize consumption of energy inside, as
4. It is possible for rain water storage systems to be set up in shown in Fig. 5 [6].
gardens, especially in regions of substantial rainfall, in order to
collect the rainwater falling on roofs and façade surfaces for
reuse in garden watering.

Fig. 5 Location display of Energy Efficiency Training Facility

Sample Building (Ankara-Turkey) [18]

The two-story building with a total area of 275 m2

Fig. 4 Rainwater Harvesting System [17] incorporates state-of-the-art heat insulation techniques, solar
energy systems, geothermal energy systems (ground-originated
In this respect, recycling of rainwater reduces the need for heat pumps), fiber-optic lighting systems, daylight control
fresh water and minimizes the amount of energy consumed in systems and composite walls for heating/cooling, etc. [2]. This
the process of obtaining fresh water. From this perspective, example of a green building is composed of many designs put
rainwater harvesting systems, which are developed on a together into a model building which can be studied and which
domestic basis, can be considered as one of the economic can provide results on what can be achieved in energy efficient
improvement strategies, although they can appear to be an plant design work.
individual and small-scale undertaking. The northern, southern, eastern and western façades of the
building are open by location. A coating system has been
applied on the northern, eastern and western façades for heat
insulation purposes. The surface of the southern façade is

International Scholarly and Scientific Research & Innovation 10(11) 2016 1405 ISNI:0000000091950263
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
International Journal of Energy and Power Engineering
Vol:10, No:11, 2016

covered with a glass-case constructed from low radiation coated

heat control glass (). About one meter inside this glass-case is
the trombe wall. The trombe wall facilitates the trapping of solar
heat through the glass-case and transferring the trapped heat to a
system in the wall.
Thus, the system makes it possible to warm up the building
better with a lot less energy consumed in the winter months.
The façades of the sample building are shown in Figs. 6 and

Fig. 7 (b) The appearance of the western façade of the sample


The research carried out has revealed that the plant material
around the building is composed of the plant types that existed
in the region during the structural projection phase. No energy
efficiency related arrangements have been made in the vicinity
of the sample building in this regard.
Open Science Index, Energy and Power Engineering Vol:10, No:11, 2016

A. Analysis towards Energy Efficient Plant Design for the

Building Close Environment
Fig. 6 (a) The appearance of the northern façade of the sample Plant arrangements to be made in the vicinity of the structure
building to facilitate productive use of energy inside the structure must
be designed taking into account the meteorological and climatic
data of the application region. In this respect, for the plant
arrangement to be designed for the vicinity of the Sample
Building of the Energy Efficiency Training Facilities, the
climate type of the province of Ankara must be reviewed and
temperature, insolation and rain data must be determined, as
presented in Table I.
B. Energy Efficient Plant Design Samples for the Building
and the Building Close Environment
In the energy efficient plant design which is to be carried out
in the vicinity of the sample building examined in this study, the
primary aim is to determine the types of plants that are suitable
Fig. 6 (b) The appearance of the southern façade of the sample for the region with regard to the climatic data. Determination of
building suitable plant types must be based on their ability to thrive in
the type of climate encountered in this region. However, energy
efficient plant designs should also aim to mitigate the effect of
the extreme climatic values on the structure during the winter
and summer months.
Once the plant types have been determined, with due
consideration given to the lowest and highest climatic values for
the province of Ankara, as given in Table I, these plants should
be positioned with the purpose of facilitating lower levels of
insolation and thus less warmth for the building in the summer
months, and more insolation and thus more warmth in the
winter months. Plant types with denser leaves like Acer
platanoides, Aesculus hippocastanum and Tilia cordata are
most successfully used in energy efficient plant designs applied
Fig. 7 (a) The appearance of the eastern façade of the sample building
in regions with a terrestrial climate due to their ability to filter
out solar beams by 95% and solar heat by 75%. An additional
advantage is that they defoliate in winter months and hence
allow the transmission of solar beams inside. Tall trees are

Low radiation coated heat control glasses reduces heat loss from the preferred as they will be efficient in shading each floor of the
building to outside by reflecting back inside the heat radiated from sources of
heat such as radiators, stoves inside the building.

International Scholarly and Scientific Research & Innovation 10(11) 2016 1406 ISNI:0000000091950263
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
International Journal of Energy and Power Engineering
Vol:10, No:11, 2016

Ankara Jnr Feb Mar Apr May Jun July Agu Sep Oct Now Dec
The Average Values (1954-2013)
AVG Temp (0C) 0,4 1,9 6,1 11,3 16,2 20,2 23,6 23,3 18,7 13,1 7 2,6
AVG MAx Temp (0C) 4,4 6,5 11,7 17,2 22,3 26,7 30,2 30,2 25,9 19,9 12,9 6,6
AVG Min Temp (0C) -3 -2,2 1 5,6 9,7 13,1 16 16 11,7 7,3 2,5 -0,6
AVG DUR of SI (hour) 2,5 3,5 5,2 6,3 6,4 10,2 11,4 11 9,2 6,5 4,4 2,3
AVG NUM of RD 12,2 11 10,9 11,9 12,5 6,6 3,7 2,8 3,9 6,8 8,5 11,8
AVG of MLY TTL P (kg/m2) 42,2 37 38,8 47,7 49,7 35 14,5 10,5 19,2 29,4 32,6 45,4
The lowest and the highest values for many years (1954-2013)
HIGHEST TEMP 17 20 26 31 33 37 41 40 36 32 24 20
LOWEST TEMP -21,4 -21,5 -19,2 -6,7 -1,6 3,8 4,5 6,3 2,5 -4,1 -10,5 -17,2
AVG= average, TEMP = Temperature, MAX = maximum, MIN = minimum, DUR = duration, SI = solar insolation, NUM = number, RD = rainy days, MLY
= monthly, TTL = total, P = precipitation.

An energy efficient design approach could also be used to

protect the northern façade from cold winter winds. With the
plant designs to be applied around the building's northern
façade, it is possible by preventing direct contact between the
Open Science Index, Energy and Power Engineering Vol:10, No:11, 2016

cold winter winds and the building to keep the indoor

temperature stable with lower consumption of energy. From this
perspective, a group of bushes (Buxus sempervirens L., Berberis
thunbergii L.) is to be positioned at the northern part of the
building's vicinity. Planting these bushes in the form of an arc
will be efficient in stopping strong winds. Types of low
deciduous trees such as Rhus coriaria L. and Viburnum lantana
L. positioned right behind the group of bushes in an arc form
will help mitigate the strength of cold winter winds. Types of Fig. 8 (b) The sample plant design which blocks cold winter winds
evergreen plants like Elaeagnus angustifolia L., Pinus sylvestris
L. and Picea orientalis L. positioned closest to the building Vertical garden designs applied on the structure’s façade can
behind the low deciduous trees, again in an arc formation, play be given as another example of energy efficient plant design.
a significant role in energy efficiency by minimizing contact Today, vertical gardens are not only preferred for aesthetic
between the cold winter winds and the building. In this kind of purposes, but are also highly significant in terms of
energy efficient plant arrangement, it is preferable to compose functionality with their characteristics of minimizing the sudden
the design with three different layers in order to achieve suitable climatic changes indoors due to building surface exposure to
positioning for blocking severe winter winds [15], as shown in cold winter winds in winter months and solar beams in summer
Fig. 8. months [7]. With the vertical garden design to be applied on the
northern façade of the sample building being examined in this
study, it will be possible to block cold winter winds, as shown
in Fig. 9.

Fig. 8 (a) The existing plants

Fig. 9 (a) The bare façade

International Scholarly and Scientific Research & Innovation 10(11) 2016 1407 ISNI:0000000091950263
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
International Journal of Energy and Power Engineering
Vol:10, No:11, 2016

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these methods which have been used since ancient times
supports the intelligent use of natural resources. Making these
approaches generally applicable to today’s buildings is an
important area of study in relation to energy efficiency.

International Scholarly and Scientific Research & Innovation 10(11) 2016 1408 ISNI:0000000091950263

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