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Analytical Representations for Frequency

Dependences of Microwave Permeability

Konstantin N. Rozanov #1 and Marina Y. Koledintseva *2
Institute for Theoretical and Applied Electromagnetics, 13 Izhorskaya ul., 125412 Moscow, Russia
Center for Electromagnetic Compatibility, Missouri University of Science and Technology,
4000 Enterprise Dr., HyPoint, Rolla Missouri 65401, USA

Abstract—Electromagnetic materials applied to solve various dispersion may be neglected, otherwise described by the
EMC and EMI problems require adequate analytical description of Cole−Cole model or its modifications based on the concept of a
their RF and microwave material parameters. This is necessary for distribution of the relaxation times [8]. Multi-term Debye [9] or
numerical optimization of wideband electromagnetic performance of wideband Debye (Sarkar–Djordjevic) [10] representations are
devices incorporating these materials. The paper discusses the shape
of frequency dependences of microwave permeability in
also widely used to curve-fit dielectric responses of materials.
homogeneous materials and composites. The Lorentzian frequency In contrast, magnetic frequency dispersion often appears in
dispersion law is shown to allow for rather accurate description of all the megahertz and gigahertz frequency ranges. It is the
types of magnetic loss peaks, including those related to the frequency dependence of permeability that is the subject of the
ferromagnetic resonance and the effect of eddy currents. To model paper. Section II discusses the case of homogeneous materials
wideband electromagnetic performance of composites, mixing laws where the dispersion arises due to the ferromagnetic resonance
are typically used. The problem is which mixing law is to be chosen and the skin-effect. The Lorentzian dispersion law is shown to
to adequately describe a particular composite. The paper gives allow for rather accurate description of these magnetic loss
recommendations on how to make the choice of a proper mixing rule. peaks. Section III explains the features of the dispersion laws
I. INTRODUCTION observed in composite materials. It is shown that mixing laws
can be used to fit wideband electromagnetic performance of
Electromagnetic materials have a number of promising
composites. A choice of a mixing law for describing a
applications in various microwave devices, including those
particular composite is also discussed.
related to EMC and EMI problems [1]. For this reason, study
and prediction of frequency-dependent RF and microwave II. MAGNETIC FREQUENCY DISPERSION IN BULK MATERIALS
properties of materials currently attract much attention. The
problem of interest is the wideband analytical description of A. The Lorentzian dispersion law
microwave material parameters, permittivity and permeability. The dependence of permeability, μ=μ’–i μ”, upon frequency
This is necessary, in particular, to numerically optimize f may generally be composed of several magnetic loss peaks
wideband electromagnetic performance of materials and with a corresponding frequency dependence of real permeability.
devices. The optimization made with analytical representation The main mechanisms of RF and microwave permeability
of frequency-dependent material parameters rather than with dispersion include the ferromagnetic resonance, domain wall
raw measured data makes simulations faster and eliminates motion, and the skin-effect. Additional peaks may appear due to
errors arising from measurement and interpolation uncertainty, Aharoni (exchange mode) resonances, which can be observed
which may affect greatly the optimization results [1], [2]. in nanoparticles [11], [12], or may be due to splitting of the
The paper presents a review of published data on the analysis ferromagnetic resonance into separate modes in magnetic films
and description of frequency-dependent RF and microwave with the stripe domain structure [13], [14].
material parameters, including the case of composite materials. Approaches [8]–[10] based on the Debye dispersion law are
The frequency dispersion of permittivity of the majority of non- not always suitable for fitting of the permeability dispersion
conducting materials is trivial over the RF and low-gigahertz curves, because resonance phenomena are of importance in
frequencies: the real permittivity varies weakly with frequency, magnetic materials. The magnetic loss peaks are known to be
and the dielectric loss tangent is small. Only few materials are governed in many practical cases by the Lorentzian dispersion
known to have a strong microwave dielectric dispersion. These law,
are some ferroelectrics [3], composites filled with conductive μs − 1
fibers [4] or carbon nanotubes [5], composites filled with μ ( f ) = μ∞ + , (1)
carbon black [6], porous materials filled by water or other 1 + iβ f f res − ( f f res )2
liquids, e.g., biological tissues [7]. For ferroelectrics and fiber where μ∞ is the optical permeability, and μs,, fres and β are the
composites, the dielectric dispersion is of resonance type; for static permeability, resonance frequency, and damping factor
carbon black, nanotubes, and biological materials it is of of the Lorentzian resonance, respectively [15]. The optical
percolation type. In most other cases, the dielectric frequency

978-1-4673-2060-3/12/$31.00 ©2012 IEEE 422

B=γ(Hk+4πMs(nу–nz)), γ≈3 GHz/kOe is the gyromagnetic ratio,
Hk is the magnetic anisotropy field, nx, ny, nz are the principal
demagnetization factors of the ellipsoidal particle. Eq. (4)
will be referred below to as the LLG dispersion law.
The demagnetization factors depend on either the shape of
the magnetic particle or the shape of magnetic domains in the
particle [14]. For a single-domain particle, Eq. (4) is related
to the case when the magnetic moment of the material is along
z-axis and the high-frequency magnetic field is along y-axis.
It is seen from (4) that the magnetic permeability is greatly
dependent on the orientation of the magnetic particle.
The magnetic loss peak described by (4) is located at the
frequency fmax=(AB/(1+α))1/2, and the frequency, above which
Fig. 1. The frequency of the magnetic loss peak appearing in the Lorentzian the real permittivity is less than unity, is (AB·(1+α))1/2.
dispersion law normalized against the resonance frequency and plotted Equation (4) is not convenient for the purposes of fitting, as it
against the damping factor (black curve). The blue and red curves show the
result of approximate Eqs. (2) and (3), respectively. involves four parameters to be fitted. Indeed, the main features of
a loss peak are its magnitude, location, and width, i.e., three free
permeability is typically equal to 1, because the permeability parameters. The fourth parameter can be responsible for the
of any material tends to unity at the high-frequency limit. exact shape of the peak (its asymmetry), which may depend on
The frequency, where the Lorentzian magnetic loss peak is many other factors, such as material inhomogeneity. For this
located, fmax, depends on fres and β. In the case of the low reason, an optimization procedure may lead to a large uncertainty
damping, β<<1, fmax is close to the resonance frequency, with in this parameter estimation, which results in an uncertainty in the
a low-frequency shift depending on β, other parameters as well. Because of this, fitting of magnetic
( )
f max = f res 1 − β 2 8 . (2) dispersion curves associated with the ferromagnetic is typically
made under assumption that A=B – see [16], [20], and [21].
For large β>>1, fmax is located near the frequency fres/β: Equality A=B is held for approximately isotropic magnetic
f max = f res 1 β + 1 β 3 . ) (3)
materials, with all three demagnetizing fields being about the
same, which is typical for polycrystalline ferrites. Another
In both the cases, fres defines the frequency, above which the important particular case is A>>B. It is found in the magnets,
real permittivity is less than unity. Eqs. (2) and (3) provide a where one of the principal components of internal magnetic field
good approximation for the magnetic loss peak frequency in a is large, and two other are small. For these, the magnetic moment
wide range of damping factors, see Fig. 1. of the particle is collinear to one of the small components of the
If several separated loss peaks are present in the magnetic internal field, while the other small component is responsible for
spectrum, or the shape of the dispersion curve is distorted, for the low value of B. These conditions are to be held for high-
example, because of material inhomogeneity, the dispersion frequency permeability values in a material to be large.
curve may be quantified as accurately as desired by a sum of Examples of such materials are thin ferromagnetic films,
several Lorentzian terms (1). ferromagnetic platelets, and long magnetic wires with circular
The Lorentzian dispersion provides an accurate description magnetization, where demagnetizing fields fulfill the above
of magnetic loss peaks associated with the domain wall conditions. For hexaferrites with the easy-plane anisotropy, the
motion [16], though other types of magnetic loss peaks may conditions are held due to a strong magnetic anisotropy field that
also be fitted by this dispersion law [17], [18]. The is perpendicular to the hexagonal plane.
consideration below is aimed at checking the applicability of In the both cases under consideration (A=B and A>>B), an
the Lorentzian fitting for magnetic spectra appearing due to averaging of the permeability over all possible orientations of
the ferromagnetic resonance and the skin-effect. the magnetic particle does not change the result. This is
because all the orientations are equivalent at A=B, and only
B. The Landau−Lifshitz−Gilbert dispersion law one of the orientations plays the dominant role at A>>B, while
Rigorously, the ferromagnetic resonance theory yields the the contributions of two others are negligible.
shape of magnetic dispersion curve differing form the The shape of the magnetic loss peak produced by (4)
Lorentzian law. Kittel’s solution of Landau−Lifshitz−Gilbert coincides with the shape of the Lorentzian loss peak, if either
(LLG) equation for the ferromagnetic resonance in a single- A>>B or α<<1. In these cases, the difference between (1) and
domain ellipsoidal magnetic particle results in the frequency (4) appears only at very high frequencies, due to the different
dependence of the permeability given by [19]: high-frequency asymptotes of the equations. As f→∞, the
imaginary permeability is proportional to 1/f3 for (1), and to
4π γ M s ( A + iαf ) 1/f for (4). The difference in the high-frequency behavior has
μ( f ) = 1 + , (4)
( A + iαf )(B + iαf ) − f 2 been experimentally observed in [22]. A comparison of the
where 4πγMs is the saturation magnetization of the material, α Lorentzian and LLG dispersion laws at frequencies near the
is the Gilbert damping parameter, A=γ(Hk+4πMs(nx–nz)), loss peak is shown in Fig. 2 for the case of α=1. It is seen that

Fig. 2. Solid curves: frequency dependences of permeability calculated by (4) Fig.3. The solid curves are the calculated real (blue) and imaginary (red)
with 4πγMs =2 T, A=1 GHz, B= 1 GHz, α=1 for the red curve and 4πγMs=2 T, permeability in a magnetic material with the account for the effect of eddy
A=10 GHz, B= 1 GHz, α=1 for the blue curve. Dotted curves: fitting of the currents. The intrinsic permeability of material is governed by the Lorentzian
solid curves with the Lorentzian dispersion law (1). dispersion with μs=100, fres=10 GHz, and β=1. The imaginary part of the
intrinsic permeability is shown as the black curve. The colored dotted curves
the agreement between these dispersion laws is close when are the best fit of the calculated data with a sum of two Lorentzian terms.
A=10 × B and disagreement is large when A=B.
Therefore, the LLG dispersion law agrees with the Lorentzian magnetic materials. Electromagnetic field does not completely
dispersion law at A>>B, i.e., for materials with high microwave penetrate into a bulk conducting sample; therefore, μ∞=0 for
permeability. For such magnets, Lorentzian law (1) is more such samples. The requirement of μ→1 at f→∞ is not held
suitable for fitting the frequency dependence of permeability, with strong skin-effect, because the frequency dependence of
since it involves three physically meaningful fitting parameters. conductivity, which must also disappear at very high
Notice that the validity of the LLG dispersion law for A=B and frequencies, is not accounted for.
α≥1 may also be under question. The damping factor of the The skin-effect is mathematically accounted for by
ferromagnetic resonance peak in real materials is often introduction of the “apparent” permeability. For a spherical
determined by a spread in the resonance frequencies rather than conductive particle of diameter d and conductivity σ, the
by intrinsic damping of these resonances. For this reason, very apparent permeability μ is related to the intrinsic permeability
large values of α, up to several hundreds, may be observed [16]. μ0 of the material as [25]
In such cases, the shape of the loss peak, which helps to 2 ( sin θ − θ cos θ )
μ = μ0 2 , (6)
distinguish between the Lorentzian and LLG dispersion laws, is ( − 1) sin θ + θ cosθ
defined by the distribution of the resonance frequencies rather
than by intrinsic magnetization processes. Measuring very high- where θ=2πd(εμ0)1/2/λ and ε=2iσ/f. Equations for cylindrical
frequency asymptotic of imaginary permeability, which depends and film shapes are available, e.g., in [26].
on the intrinsic damping, may allow for distinguishing between The skin-effect in a conducting sample results in a
the magnetic damping and inhomogeneity effects, which is not magnetic loss peak appearing at the frequency, where the skin
feasible by any other approaches [23]. However, no experimental depth is equal to the dimension of the sample. Therefore, the
studies of this kind are found in the literature. skin-effect distorts the shape of the magnetic frequency
One more useful asymptotic relation is Acher law [24], dispersion associated with the ferromagnetic resonance. A

check on whether a peak is attributed to the skin-effect can be
2 made by applying (6). However, in many materials, especially
(γ 4π M s ) ∫ μ ′′ ( f ) f df ,
≥ (5)
π 0
in composites, the conductivity and intrinsic permeability are
which relates the high-frequency and magnetostatic behavior characterized by a large dispersion, and may be unknown or
of a magnetic material. The equality in (5) is held for known with a low accuracy. To avoid the uncertainty, the
materials with A>>B enlisted above. For magnetic materials skin-effect criterion has been proposed recently [27], and it
with A=B, the well-known Snoek’s law is held instead of (5). was used in the analysis of measured data [28], [29]. The
For the Lorentzian dispersion law (1), the right part of (5) is criterion is based on the equality
equal to (μs−1)fres2, which can be used in fitting of microwave μ ′′ ( μ ′2 f ) = Sd 2σ , (7)
performance of materials to avoid non-physical results. For
the LLG dispersion law (4), the integral in the right part of (5) which is valid for any material with the permeability
diverges because of the high-frequency asymptote μ” ∝ 1/f, independent of frequency over the frequency range, where the
and the constraint to the high-frequency permeability of loss peak due to the skin-effect appears. The left part of the
magnetic materials cannot be accounted for in fitting. equality depends on the characteristic dimensions and
conductivity, but does not depend on the intrinsic permeability.
C. The effect of eddy currents The factor S depends on the shape of conducting particles. For
The high-frequency limit permeability may differ from example, in the case of a sphere, S=(4/5)(π/c)2, while for a
unity because of the effect of eddy currents in conducting cylinder, S=2(π/c)2, where c is the light velocity.

Actually, the use of the skin-effect criterion is based on the
low-frequency asymptotic behavior of the magnetic loss peak
arising due to the skin-effect, which is μ’=const and μ” ∝ f.
However, the real permeability is an even function of
frequency, and the imaginary permeability is an odd function
of frequency [30] in all materials. Therefore, this asymptotic
behavior is inherent to any other magnetic loss peak. For this
reason, the use of the criterion is feasible in only cases, where
magnetic losses, attributed to the ferromagnetic and domain
resonances, are located far in the high-frequency region as
compared to the skin-effect loss peak. A compliance with (6)
at low frequencies is not a proof for the dominant role of the
skin-effect in magnetic loss, because the equality is held for
any other magnetic loss, too. Fig. 4. The frequency dependence of effective permeability of a composite
In many cases, magnetic spectrum arising from a calculated by the EMA with p=0.25 and n=1/3 (solid curves, blue curve for real
permeability and red curve fro imaginary permeability). Inclusions in the
superposition of the ferromagnetic resonance and the skin- composite exhibit the Lorentzian frequency dispersion with μs=100, fres=1 GHz,
effect can be fairly accurately described by a sum of two and β=0.5. The dashed curves are the best fit of the solid line with the Lorentzian
Lorentzian peaks, which is illustrated by Fig. 3. Both Lorentzian dispersion law, the dotted curves − with a sum of two Lorentzian terms.
peaks involved in the fitting have the resonance frequency
It is seen from (9)−(11) that two different cases are possible.
equal to that of the initial magnetic dispersion curve. The
When (μs,i–1)n<<1, the shape of the frequency dependence of the
damping factor of one of the resonances indicates the location
effective permeability is the same as that of the intrinsic
of the loss peak associated with the skin-effect. Additional
permeability, with a decrease of magnitude proportional to p and
validation of such fitting can be found in [31].
no frequency shift. When (μs,i–1)n>>1, the loss peak in the
III. MAGNETIC FREQUENCY DISPERSION IN COMPOSITES composite is shifted towards higher frequencies as compared to
the loss peak of inclusions. At frequencies above the peak, the
A. The shape of dispersion curves in composites effective permeability is proportional to the intrinsic permeability
The shape and location of loss peaks in composites may again. At frequencies below the peak, the effective permeability
differ greatly from those in the constituents of the composite. depends on the composite morphology only, and is independent
The effective permeability of composite, μeff, depends on the of the intrinsic permeability. In the above consideration, the
permeability of inclusions, μi, permeability of the host matrix, factor (1−p) is neglected, as it is not significantly different from
μm, volume fraction of inclusions, p, and the morphology of unity in practical polymer-based composites.
the composite that characterizes the shapes of inclusions, B. Mixing laws
correlations in the location of these, etc. The morphology is
quantified by mixing rules, a review of which is given in [32]. To account for the performance of real composites, a number
Herein, the Maxwell Garnet (MGA) approximation is used, of mixing rules have been suggested. The mixing rules differ
μ eff − μ m μi − μ m from each other by different account for inhomogeneous fields
=p , (8) excited by neighboring inclusions. The problem of effective
μ m + n(μ eff − μ m ) μ m + n(μi − μ m ) material properties of composites is considered based on the
where n is the demagnetization factor of inclusions. The MGA Bergman-Milton (BM) spectral theory [33], which is generalized
defines the weakest possible cooperative phenomena between for all possible mixing rules using the spectral function B(n),
neighboring inclusions that are feasible for the given p. which is associated with the composite morphology,
To compare the magnetic frequency dispersion of the intrinsic ⎛ 1 ⎞
μi − μ m
permeability of inclusions and effective permeability of a μ eff = μ m ⎜1 + ∫ B(n ) dn ⎟ (12)
composite, we assume that the morphology of the composite is ⎜
⎝ 0 μ m + n(μi − μ m ) ⎟⎠
quantified by the MGA (8), and the intrinsic permeability is In fact, the BM equation (12) accounts for a distribution in
governed by the Lorentzian dispersion law (1). Combining (1) effective shape factors of inclusions in a composite, which may
and (8) one can get the Lorentzian frequency dispersion for the appear because of both the inhomogeneous fields, and the
effective permeability, the parameters of which are given by: distribution of real shapes of inclusions, comprising the
μs, eff = 1 +
(μs,i − 1)p (9)
composite. It follows from the BM theory that Acher’s law is
(μs,i − 1)n (1 − p ) + 1 , held for composites as well, and the volume fraction of magnetic
inclusions is involved in the left part of (5) as a factor [32].
β eff = β i (μs,i − 1)n (1 − p ) + 1 , (10) When (μs,i–1)n>>1, such distribution results in distortions of
the magnetic loss peak. If any mixing rule, other than the MGA,
f res, eff = f res,i (μs, i − 1) n (1 − p ) + 1 , (11) is applied to a composite containing inclusions with the magnetic
where additional subscripts, “i” and “eff”, are related to the dispersion of the Lorentzian type (or of the Debye type, as a
Lorentzian laws governing the intrinsic permeability and the particular case), the resultant dispersion curve of a composite is
effective permeability, respectively. distorted. As an example, solid lines in Fig. 4 shows the

permeability dispersion curve of a composite obtained by the When μs,in~1, the Maxwell Garnett mixing rule usually
effective medium approximation (EMA) mixing rule [32]. The agrees closely with the measured data. This is the most
dispersion curve is calculated under the assumption that p=0.25, frequent occasion for the microwave permeability of magnetic
n=1/3, and the inclusions exhibit the Lorentzian dispersion with composites, as the intrinsic permeability of magnetic materials
μs,i=100, fres,i=1 GHz, and β=0.5, the volume fraction of inclusions does not exceed several units at microwaves due to its fast
is. The calculated effective permeability is shown by dotted lines decrease with frequency according to Snoek’s and Acher’s
in the figure. The difference between the solid and dotted lines is laws. With these relatively low intrinsic permeability values,
evident. It is seen from the figure that the EMA produces an the dependence of the effective material parameters on the
asymmetrical magnetic loss peak with a very spread high- shape of inclusions appears. In particular, a low-frequency
frequency tail. Because of this tail, the quality factor of the fitted shift of the loss peak is observed with as p increases. However,
Lorentzian law is lower than that of inclusions. the dependence is still weak and may therefore be
Fitting of the data in Fig. 4 by a sum of two Lorentzian characterized by an averaged demagnetization factor n.
terms produces more close approximation, but the parameters The case of μs,in>>1 is a rare occasion for the microwave
of resulting Lorentzian peaks have no physical meaning. It permeability. However, the analogous inequality εs,in>>1 is
can be concluded from this that the use of mixing rules in characteristic for the permittivity of metal-dielectric mixtures, as
fitting of frequency dependences of material parameters of the imaginary part of the permittivity of metal inclusions is so
composites would produce more solid results. Theory (12) is high that the absolute value of the microwave permittivity can be
not convenient for fitting the dispersion curves for the considered as infinite. Hence, the microwave permittivity of
purposes of performance optimization, as it involves an composites filled with metal powders typically is independent of
unknown function B(n) and does not consider a volume both frequency and the intrinsic permittivity.
fraction dependence of material parameters of composites. More accurate approximations of the frequency-dependent
The mixing rules are the same for the permittivity and material parameters of composites may be needed for
permeability of a composite. From here, another useful constraint broadband modeling and applications. Then the value of μs,in
on the material constant of composites filled with powders of may vary in a wide range due to the pronounced dispersion of
magnetic metals and alloys follows. As the static value of intrinsic the magnetic permeability over the frequency range of interest.
permittivity of any metal particle is infinity, and the static intrinsic Also, simultaneous description of the microwave permittivity
permeability of any magnetic material is finite, then the ratio of and permeability is needed in many cases. From the physical
the effective static permittivity and permeability can not be less reasons, such description must use the same mixing law for
than the permittivity of the host matrix in any composite both the complex permittivity and permeability.
comprising ferromagnetic conducting powders and non-magnetic Checks for validity of mixing rules are conventionally made
host matrix. In other words, in composites possessing high static by comparing the concentration dependence of permeability
permeability, the permittivity is always even higher. Over the measured at a certain frequency (or at several frequencies) with
microwave range, the difference between the permittivity and the predictions of the theory. To do this, the values of all parameters
permeability increases because of the strong magnetic frequency involved in the mixing law, i.e., p, μi, μm, and n, must be known.
dispersion and weak dielectric dispersion. This constraint may be In practice, μi and n are rarely known with a sufficient accuracy.
helpful in finding a reasonable solution, when simultaneous The effective permeability may be measured over a wide
optimization of dielectric and magnetic performance is needed. frequency range, and the intrinsic permeability often exhibits
strong frequency dispersion. It is quite possible that all the
C. The problem of selection of a mixing law for description abovementioned cases are observed within the same measured
of a particular composite frequency dependence. In this case, both intrinsic permeability
The above consideration allows for determining the validity of inclusions and parameters characterizing the morphology of
limits of various mixing rules. The problem of comparing the composite can be found simultaneously from the
measured data with mixing rules in practice is complicated. The permittivity and permeability measured for a set of composites
intrinsic permeability of inclusions in composites depends not with different volume fractions of inclusions [34]. An accurate
only on their physicochemical and crystallographic structure, but description of such data requires accounting for distribution in
also on the treatment regimes and manufacturing technologies, inclusion shapes, which leads to the mixing rule given by [35]
and therefore must not be considered as known for granted. μ − μm 1 − p 1
The effective material parameters of composites must be p eff + = 1 (13)
μi − μ m 3 pn 1 p − 1 pc − 1 n (μ eff − μ m )
considered in different ways, depending on the relationship
between the form factor and the intrinsic permeability of for composites filled with inclusions of nearly-spherical shape.
inclusions. Three particular cases may be considered: μs,in<<1, In (13), n and pc are the parameters characterizing the
μs,in>>1, and μs,in~1. morphology, the average form-factor of inclusions, and the
For the case of μs,in<<1, the Landau−Lifshitz−Loyenga percolation threshold of the composite, respectively. Both these
mixing rule [30] is a rigorous result. For majority of practical parameters are found from the volume fraction dependence of
cases, it may be rewritten just as μeff=μm+p(μi−μm). This case the effective permittivity governing by the same equation with
is typical for microwave permeability of composites filled all μ substituted to ε. As soon as these two parameters are
with either fibrous or platelet inclusions, as well as for all found, the permeability of inclusions can be calculated using
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