(Received 28 December 2022; revised 12 March 2023; accepted 5 April 2023; published 21 April 2023)
We develop a theoretical approach that makes it possible to analyze the role of multipole contributions in
the scattering spectra of arbitrarily shaped magnetic particles with the relative permittivity and permeability
given in a general tensor-valued form. The method for calculating the exact multipole moments with the
inclusion of induced electric polarization and magnetization is suggested and explicitly applied for dipole and
quadrupole terms. The final expressions for the dipole and quadrupole moments are obtained in such a form
that they can be easily implemented in numerical solvers. Successful verification of the analytical expressions
for multipole moments and the multipole decomposition of the scattered field and scattering cross section is
provided by comparing the results obtained for differently shaped magnetic particles using the analytical Mie
theory, numerical discrete dipole approximation, and COMSOL MULTIPHYSICS software. As a particular example,
the manifestation of the Faraday effect for fields scattered by a ferrite sphere is discussed in the framework
of the multipole decomposition method with the derived magnetization terms. Accounting for the magnetic
properties of particles in the multipole analysis of the electromagnetic scattering significantly expands the
method’s capabilities for studying and modeling metamaterial properties in the spectral ranges where natural
materials can have a relative permeability different from unity.
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.107.155425
where GFF (r, r ) is the far-field approximation of Ĝ(r, r ) and the extinction power Wext can be found from the optical
[43], which is determined by theorem [39]
eikr ω 1 ik
GFF (r, r ) =
(1̂ − nn)e−ik(n·r ) , (13) Wext = Im E0∗ · p + [m × ninc ] − (Q̂ninc )
4π r 2 v 2
where nn is the dyadic product of the unit vector n = r/r ik
+ [ninc × (M̂ninc )] + · · · , (20)
directed to the observation point from the origin of the co- 2v
ordinate system.
where E0 is the electric field at the point of the multipole
moment localization corresponding to the incident electro-
III. MULTIPOLE DECOMPOSITION magnetic plane wave Eeik(ninc ·r) and the asterisk denotes the
To implement the multipole decomposition for the scat- complex conjugation.
tered field, we introduce the total induced current density
A. Multipole moments
jt (r) = −iωP(r) + ∇ × M(r) (14) Expressions for calculating multipole moments related
to the scattered fields are determined by the method of
and rewrite Eq. (11) in an ordinary representation [40]: their introduction. There are two general approaches: (i) the
long-wavelength approximation (LWA) based on the Taylor
Escat (r) = iωμ0 μs ĜFF (r, r ) jt (r )dr . (15) expansion of the electromagnetic potentials [41] and (ii) the
Vp exact multipole approach (EMA) based on the spherical har-
From this representation, we can derive the multipole decom- monics presentation of the scattered fields [40,44]. The LWA
position of the scattered field in an ordinary form [40]: is better suited for the cases where the scattering object is
smaller than the incident wavelength and the main multipole
k 2 eikr 1 moments, determining that the scattered waves can be rep-
Escat (r) = [n × [p × n]] + [m × n]
ε0 εs 4π r v resented by only their first quasistatic approximation. As the
size of the scatterer increases, the number of such quasistatic
ik ik
+ [n × [n × (Q̂n)]] + [n × (M̂n)] + · · · , multipole moments (including dipole terms) increases rapidly,
2 2v making multipole analysis unnecessarily complex. In the case
(16) of EMA, the multipole moments are described by exact in-
tegral expressions that give their exact values for scatterers
where n = r/r is again the unit vector directed to the obser- of arbitrary shape and size. Importantly, both mentioned ap-
vation point from the multipole localization point coinciding
√ proaches are mutually related: LWA can be obtained from
with the origin of the coordinate system; v = 1/ ε0 μ0 εs μs is EMA by performing simple Taylor expansions of the spherical
the light velocity in the surrounding medium; and the vector Bessel functions which are included in the definition of exact
of an electric dipole (ED) moment p, the vector of a magnetic multipole moments (see Ref. [44]).
dipole (MD) moment m, the tensor of an electric quadrupole The expressions for the first important multipole moments
(EQ) moment Q̂, the tensor of a magnetic quadrupole (MQ) are presented in Table I. They are related to the polarization
moment M̂, and all other multipoles are determined by the P and magnetization M expressed by the current density
total induced current density given by Eq. (14). Since the total j [40,44] by replacing j with −iωP and [∇ × M]/μs , re-
current density jt includes individual contributions from the spectively. In the latter case of magnetization, subsequent
electric polarization P and magnetization M, all multipole appropriate transformations are applied to eliminate the nabla
moments can also be divided into the electric and magnetic operator ∇ from the integral expressions (see Appendix A).
parts, respectively: The expressions for the multipole moments in LWA are pre-
p = pE + pH , m = mE + mH , (17) sented in Table II.
Note that corresponding expressions for the higher-order
Q̂ = Q̂E + Q̂H , M̂ = M E + M̂ H , (18) multipole moments can be obtained with the same method
using their representation in terms of the current density [40].
where the superscripts E and H are related to the multipole
moments of the polarization P and the magnetization M, B. Point of multipole localization
The total scattered power W is then determined by a stan- Note that the above equations, including those collected
dard procedure [40,43], in Tables I and II, refer to multipole moments located at the
origin of the coordinate system. However, it is known that the
k4v k6v value of multipole moments depends on the choice of their
W = |p|2 + |Qβγ |2
12π ε0 εs 160π ε0 εs μs βγ localization point [45]. Therefore, the question of where to set
the origin for the coordinate system arises. In this regard, there
k4 k6 is an important rule: the point of localization of multipole
+ |m|2 + |Mβγ |2 + · · · , moments must be chosen so that the number of multipoles
12π ε0 εs v 160π ε0 εs μs v βγ
required for the correct description of the scattered fields is
(19) minimal. For homogeneous scatterers of an arbitrary shape,
TABLE I. Exact multipole moments, including electric dipole (ED), magnetic dipole (MD), electric quadrupole (EQ), and magnetic
quadrupole (MQ) terms. All expressions include the corresponding spherical Bessel function jl (kr) of the lth order.
3k 2
j2 (kr)
MD mE = −iω 23 Vp
j1 (kr)
[r × P]dr m = μs Vp kr Mdr + 2μ
H 3 j1 (kr)
s Vp (kr)2
[r(r · M) − r 2 M]dr
ik 2
j2 (kr)
EQ Q̂E = Vp
j1 (kr)
[3(rP + Pr) − 2(r · P)1̂]dr + 2k 2 j3 (kr)
Vp (kr)3
Q̂H = ωμ s Vp (kr)2
{3(r[r × M] + [r × M]r) − 2(r · [r × M])1̂}dr
2ik 2
j3 (kr)
× [5(r · P)rr − r 2 (Pr + rP) − r 2 (r · P)1̂]dr + ωμs Vp (kr)3 {7(r[r × M] + [r × M]r) + (r · [r × M])1̂}dr
+ 2ik
ωμs Vp (kr)4
j4 (kr)
{5(r · [r × M])rr − r 2 (r[r × M] + [r × M]r)
−(r · [r × M])r 2 1̂}dr
2 (kr)
MQ M̂ E = −5iω j2 (kr)
Vp (kr)2
([r × P]r + r[r × P])dr M̂ H = μ15s Vp j(kr) 2 [rM + Mr − 3 (r · M)1̂]dr
+ 5kμs Vp j(kr) 3 ([r × [r × M]]r + r[r × [r × M]])dr
3 (kr)
this point coincides with their center of mass. Generally, this where δ(r − rl ) is the Dirac δ function, rl is the radius vector
point can be found using various optimization procedures. of the center of the volume discrete cell with the index l, and
pl = ε0 (ε̂ p − εs 1̂)El Vl (22)
The volume integral expressions collected in Tables I and
II are the definitions of multipole moments. For their calcu- ml = (μ̂ p − μs 1̂)Hl Vl (23)
lation, it is necessary, first, to know the distributions of the are the ED and MD moments corresponding to this cell and
total electric E(r) and magnetic H(r) fields in the scatterers located at rl , with El = E(rl ) and Hl = H(rl ).
and, second, to perform the corresponding integration. In the Typically, in numerical calculations, the choice of the
general case, when the scattering object has a complex shape discretization step (the volume of the discretization cell) is de-
and/or composition, the calculation of full fields can be im- termined by the required accuracy for the result to be obtained.
plemented only numerically using various special software It is important that the total electric and magnetic fields within
packages, including commercially available ones (e.g., COM- the discretization cells can be considered almost uniform.
SOL MULTIPHYSICS). Using representation (21), the integrals from Tables I and
If the total E(r) and H(r) fields inside the scatterer are II can be converted to a simple summation, which can be
known, the integration of the expressions from Tables I and easily implemented numerically. For reference, the discrete
II can be performed by applying a straightforward numerical representations of the exact ED, MD, EQ, and MQ moments
procedure. This implies the discretization of the scatterer on are collected in Table III.
a regular three-dimensional grid with N elementary cells,
where each cell has volume Vl (here l is the index of the V. VERIFICATION PROCEDURES
corresponding cell). This approach allows one to obtain a
discrete representation for the induced polarization P(r) and In this study, we perform the verification of the obtained
magnetization M(r) as follows: representations and demonstrate the capabilities of the devel-
oped approach, considering different examples of scattering
N objects. In particular, we consider differently shaped magnetic
P(r) = pl δ(r − rl ), M(r) = ml δ(r − rl ), (21) particles supporting multipole resonances in the microwave
l=1 l=1 spectral range. Reference [42] showed that for spherical
TABLE II. LWA multipole moments, including electric dipole (ED), magnetic dipole (MD), electric quadrupole (EQ), and magnetic
quadrupole (MQ) terms.
TABLE III. Discrete representations of the exact multipole moments, including the electric dipole (ED), magnetic dipole (MD), electric
quadrupole (EQ), and magnetic quadrupole (MQ) terms. All expressions include the corresponding spherical Bessel function jl (kr) of the lth
N N 3k 2 N
MD mE ≈ −iω 23 j1 (krl )
l=1 krl [rl × pl ] mH ≈ 3
j1 (krl )
l=1 krl ml + 2μs
j2 (krl )
l=1 (krl )2 [rl (rl · ml ) − rl2 ml ]
N ik 2 N
EQ Q̂E ≈ l=1 krl [3(rl pl + pl rl ) − 2(rl · pl )1̂] + 2k
j1 (krl ) 2
Q̂H ≈ ωμs l=1 (krl )2 {3(rl [rl
j2 (krl )
× ml ]
× l=1 (krl )3 [5(rl · pl )rl rl − rl (pl rl + rl pl ) − rl (rl
j3 (krl ) 2 2
· pl )1̂] + [rl × ml ]rl ) − 2(rl · [rl × ml ])1̂}
2 N
+ 2ik
ωμs l=1 (krl )3 {7(rl [rl × ml ] + [rl × ml ]rl )
j3 (krl )
4 N
+(rl · [rl × ml ])1̂} + 2ikωμs l=1 (krl )4 {5(rl · [rl
j4 (krl )
× ml ])rl rl
−rl2 (rl [rl × ml ] + [rl × ml ]rl ) − (rl · [rl × ml ])rl2 1̂}
MQ M̂ E ≈ −iω5 j2 (krl )
l=1 (krl )2 ([rl × pl ]rl + rl [rl × pl ]) M̂ H ≈ μ15s Nl=1 j(kr
2 (krl )
[rl ml + ml rl − 23 (rl · ml )1̂]
2 N
+ 5kμs j3 (krl )
l=1 (krl )3 ([rl × [rl × ml ]]rl + rl [rl × [rl × ml ]])
particles with ε p = μ p , the backscattering equals zero re- Ref. [47]). Then, with these moments, the discrete represen-
gardless of the incident wavelength and particle size (the tations of the induced polarization P and magnetization M
Kerker effect). Analytically, in the framework of Mie the- can be obtained from Eqs. (21) (more details on the DDA
ory, this statement is written as an = bn for n = 1, . . . , ∞, numerical method and its applicability for electromagnetic
where an and bn are the scattering coefficients determining, scattering problems by magnetic particles, including the ex-
respectively, the nth-order electric and magnetic multipole pressions for extinction and absorption cross sections, can be
contributions to the scattering cross section σscat
[46]: found elsewhere [28]).
The total scattering cross section σscat (without applying
2π the multipole decomposition; labeled “Total” in the figures) is
= (2n + 1)(|an |2 + |bn |2 ). (24)
k 2 n=1 defined as [28]
Thus, these contributions of the same-order multipole mo- k4
ments (electric and magnetic dipoles, electric and magnetic σscat = e−ik(n·r j ) {[n × [p j × n]]
16π 2 ε02 εs2 |E0 |2 j=1
quadrupoles, and so on) must coincide with each other in all
spectral ranges where ε p = μ p . 2
We can see the manifestation of the Kerker effect in 1
+ [m j × n]} d , (27)
Fig. 2(a), where the results of the Mie theory calculations for v
the scattering cross section and dipole and quadrupole mo-
ments for a magnetic-dielectric sphere are depicted. In what where E0 is the electric amplitude of the incident wave, n =
follows, we use this effect to validate the correctness of the (sin θ cos ϕ, sin θ sin ϕ, cos θ ), d = sin θ dθ dϕ, and integra-
integral expressions for multipole moments presented above. tion is carried out over the total solid angle . The origin of
Here we consider two numerical verification approaches the Cartesian coordinate system is taken inside the scatterer
based on the use of the DDA (adopted for magnetic particles) in its center of mass. The total scattering cross section as a
and the COMSOL MULTIPHYSICS solver. sum of the multipole terms (labeled “MULT” in the figures) is
obtained from
A. DDA versus Mie theory 2W μ0 μs
σscat = , (28)
The main idea of the DDA method for magnetic particles |E0 |2 ε0 εs
consists of the replacement of the scattering object by a cubic where the scattered power W is given by Eq. (19). Note that
lattice of electric and magnetic point dipoles with known in the DDA, the multipole moments are calculated by direct
electric (α̂ E ) and magnetic (α̂ M ) polarizability tensors: application of the expressions from Table III.
α̂ E = 3ε0 εsVd (ε̂ p − εs 1̂)(ε̂ p + 2εs 1̂)−1 , (25) The results of the DDA calculation for a spherical particle
with μ p = ε p are shown in Fig. 2. We can see good corre-
α̂ M = 3μsVd (μ̂ p − μs 1̂)(μ̂ p + 2μs 1̂)−1 , (26) spondence of the total scattering cross section, the spectral
position of the resonant peaks, and the multipole contributions
where Vd is the volume of the discretization cell. In the follow- with their counterparts obtained from the Mie theory. This
ing consideration, we assume that the scatterer has isotropic confirms the correctness of the expressions derived above
properties with ε̂ p = ε p 1̂ and μ̂ p = μ p 1̂. The corresponding for the multipole terms as well as the applicability of the
electric dipole moment p j and magnetic dipole moment m j suggested numerical method. Importantly, in accordance with
induced in each lattice point j (with the radius vector r j ) are the general theory, full coincidence between contributions
found by solving coupled dipole equations (see Eqs. (1) in of multipole pairs of the same order to the scattering cross
FIG. 2. Scattering cross sections and corresponding multipole FIG. 3. Scattering cross sections and corresponding multipole
decomposition contributions calculated with the use of (a) Mie the- decomposition contributions calculated using the DDA method for
ory and (b) the DDA method for a magnetic-dielectric sphere with a a magnetic-dielectric disk with a radius of ∼90 mm, a height of
radius of ∼61 mm and constitutive parameters μ p = 5 and ε p = 5. ∼70 mm, and constitutive parameters combinations: (a) μ p = 4 and
The sphere is placed in an airlike environment (εs = μs = 1) and ε p = 8 and (b) μ p = 8 and ε p = 4. The disk is placed in an airlike
irradiated by a linearly polarized plane wave. The inset demon- environment (εs = μs = 1) and irradiated by a linearly polarized
strates the discrete presentation of the sphere applied for the DDA plane wave, as shown in the inset.
section is numerically obtained (see the contributions of the either μ p /ε p = 1/2 or μ p /ε p = 2/1 [see Figs. 3(a) and 3(b),
ED-MD and EQ-MQ pairs in Fig. 2). Note that the same respectively]. Since the refractive index for the two combi-
behavior of corresponding multipole pairs is also inherent in nations is fixed, the scattering characteristic (total scattering
particles of another shape with axial symmetry (e.g., disks) if cross section) does not depend on the chosen μ p /ε p ratio.
ε p = μ p [42]. However, the contributions of the corresponding multipoles
to the resonances acquire the rearrangement (ED ⇔ MD,
EQ ⇔ MQ, etc.) on the wavelength scale, as the principle of
B. Multipole duality electromagnetic duality suggests. This result confirms the cor-
Here we perform our calculations for a disk-shaped mag- rectness of the obtained expansions since the duality principle
netic particle under the frontal irradiation conditions of the implies the rearrangement of the spectral hierarchy of reso-
incident wave (i.e., the wave is propagated along the axis of nant contributions of same-order multipoles when the μ p /ε p
the rotational symmetry √ of the disk). We fix the refractive ratios are interchanged.
index nR = μ p ε p = 32 and the size of the particle, and We stress that the interchange of values of μ p and ε p leads
two particular combinations of its constitutive parameters are to the rearrangement of the spectral hierarchy of resonant
considered: the ratios between μ p and ε p are chosen to be contributions of same-order multipoles. This follows, for in-
FIG. 5. Scattering cross sections and corresponding multipole decomposition contributions calculated with the use of (a) and (b) the DDA
method and (c) and (d) COMSOL MULTIPHYSICS software for a magnetic-dielectric particle with a radius of 72 mm and constitutive parameters
μ p = 5 and ε p = 5. The thicknesses of the vertical and horizontal circular layers are 25 and 35 mm, respectively. The particle is placed in
an airlike environment (εs = μs = 1) and irradiated by a linearly polarized plane wave. The insets in the top row demonstrate the discrete
presentation of the particle applied for the DDA calculation and the incident wave configurations, whereas the insets in the bottom row show
the patterns of the inner electric and magnetic fields and vectors of the electric p and magnetic m dipole moments calculated in COMSOL
MULTIPHYSICS according to Eqs. (17) at the resonant wavelength λ = 452 mm.
calculations are made on the interior boundary of the PML the particle (“Total”), and (iii) deriving the scattering cross
as the scattering theory suggests. The expressions for the section by summing the dipole and quadrupole contributions
exact multipole moments from Table I with the corresponding (“MULT”).
modification (see above) are implemented in the Component The results of our calculations made using both the DDA
Section of the solver as variables. method and COMSOL MULTIPHYSICS are collected in Fig. 5.
The simulation computes the local electromagnetic field It is easy to see very good agreement between the results,
on each mesh point accompanied by an incident plane wave which confirms the correctness of the obtained expressions.
with the polarization and propagation direction specified, as Nevertheless, while the resonant wavelengths for the scatter-
shown in the insets in Fig. 5. Both frontal and lateral irradia- ing cross section and contributions are the same for these
tion conditions for the incident wave are under consideration. two methods, a slight difference in the amplitude and width
The verification is made by carrying out the calculations in of the resonances is noticed. Additional testing, as expected,
three independent ways: (i) utilizing COMSOL MULTIPHYSICS’s revealed that this difference decreases as the discretization
built-in far-field computation node using the optical theorem increases, although for finer meshes the computation time
(labeled “Opt. Theorem” in Fig. 5), (ii) deriving the scattered rises sufficiently for both methods. We must stipulate here that
energy by integrating the Poynting vector over an imaginary the consistency of the results presented in the figures is deter-
sphere (interior boundary of the PML) constructed around mined primarily by the features of the calculation method used
FIG. 6. (a) and (b) Extinction (σext ), scattering (σscat ), and absorption (σabs ) cross sections and (c) and (d) the corresponding contributions
of the electric and magnetic dipole moments for a ferrite sphere irradiated by the left-handed and right-handed circularly polarized waves. The
external static magnetic field H0 is applied in the Faraday configuration (i.e., parallel to the incident radiation propagation, H0 k) as depicted
in the insets in the top row. The insets in the bottom row show the patterns of the inner electric and magnetic fields and vectors of the electric p
and magnetic m dipole moments calculated at the wavelengths of the ED and MD resonances, respectively. The sphere radius is 4.0 mm, and
the wavelength-dependent constitutive parameters of ferrite are given in Appendix B.
in which the obtained expressions for the multipole moments VI. MAGNETIC RESONANCE IN A FERRITE SPHERE
are implemented. Both the DDA and COMSOL MULTIPHYSICS
Finally, in this paper, we apply the obtained expressions
are finite-element methods, whose accuracy depends on the
for multipole moments to study the magnetic circular bire-
density of the mesh partition; however, a comparison of
fringence (Faraday effect) in the scattering of electromagnetic
the accuracies of the calculations by these two methods is
waves by a ferrite sphere. As a material for the sphere, we
beyond the scope of the present work. However, note that
consider yttrium iron garnet (YIG), which is widely used in
since the DDA implementation includes the ordinary practical
practice when constructing nonreciprocal microwave devices
scheme [28,50], the criteria for choosing the discretization
[52]. In the chosen wavelength range, the permittivity ε p of
(the number of dipoles) are the same as described earlier (see
this ferrite is a dispersionless scalar quantity, whereas its
Ref. [51]).
permeability μ p is treated as a nondiagonal tensor acquiring
As an additional benefit, implementing the expressions
dispersion and absorption properties (see Appendix B). They
for multipole contributions in COMSOL MULTIPHYSICS makes
arise as a result of the manifestation of a ferromagnetic reso-
it possible to visualize the orientation of the corresponding
nance caused by an external magnetic bias field. In this study,
vectors [see insets in Figs. 5(c) and 5(d)] and thus facilitate
we consider the direction of the externally applied static mag-
the analysis of the resonant states arising in the complexly
netic field H0 and the wave vector k of the incident wave to
shaped particles.
be coincident, as they should be in the Faraday configuration.
As is well known, the eigenwaves of an unbounded ferrite we accounted for the fact that the total current density in-
medium propagating along the magnetization direction are the duced in magnetic particles by incoming radiation includes
left-handed (LCP) and right-handed (RCP) circularly polar- the individual contributions from the electric polarization and
ized waves [53], which differ in the propagation constants. magnetization, whereas all multipole moments are divided
From a phenomenological point of view, the Faraday effect into electric and magnetic parts. The final expressions for
is explained by the fact that each of those waves propagates the moments were collected in a tabular form convenient for
in the medium with a different effective permeability μ± = additional software implementations. In particular, we im-
μT ± α, where μ+ and μ− are related to the LCP and RCP plemented them in the calculation procedures of the DDA
waves, respectively [54]. Near the ferromagnetic resonance, method and COMSOL MULTIPHYSICS software. The DDA im-
circular dichroism also takes place, which consists of a sig- plementation was verified by comparing the results with the
nificant attenuation of the LCP eigenwave as it propagates in classical Mie method applied for the calculation of the scat-
the ferrite. The manifestation of these effects can be easily tering cross section of a spherical magnetic particle with
recognized in the field of circularly polarized waves scat- reference to the Kerker effect. The correct fulfillment of
tered by a ferrite sphere as presented in Fig. 6. These data the conditions for the Kerker effect was also verified using
are obtained with the COMSOL MULTIPHYSICS software using disk-shaped particles. For a magnetic particle with a very
equations from Table I for the multipole moments imple- complicated shape, the validation was performed for the DDA
mented inside. implementation versus the COMSOL MULTIPHYSICS software.
In particular, we can see a significant difference in the cross The peculiarities of the manifestation of the Faraday effect
sections for the cases in which the sphere is irradiated either for the circularly polarized waves scattered by a ferrite sphere
by LCP waves or by RCP waves. In the selected wavelength were also discussed.
range, two resonances arise from the contribution of the ED We believe that in the future, the obtained expressions
and MD moments to the total scattering cross section of the could be useful for studying the manifestation of known
LCP wave, whereas in the scattered field of the RCP wave, magneto-optical phenomena (Faraday rotation, Kerr effect,
only an MD resonance appears. The conditions of these reso- etc.) in magnetic particles with a complex shape, as well as
nances are also confirmed by corresponding distributions of for revealing other exotic effects associated with the appear-
the electromagnetic field inside the sphere induced by the ance of toroidal, anapole, and supercavity modes in magnetic
incident wave and the orientation of vectors p and m for these particles and metamaterials in those wavelength ranges where
resonances, which are extracted from COMSOL MULTIPHYSICS. the corresponding constitutive parameters exist.
It is noteworthy that the resonant wavelengths for the MD res-
onance do not coincide for these two orthogonal polarizations;
the MD resonance for the RCP wave is blueshifted compared ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
to its LCP counterpart. Moreover, at the resonant wavelengths, A.B.E. acknowledges funding support from the Deutsche
the absorption cross section of the LCP wave is greater than Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foun-
that of the RCP wave, which is a manifestation of magnetic dation) under Germany’s Excellence Strategy within the
circular dichroism. Cluster of Excellence PhoenixD (EXC 2122, Project ID No.
An analysis of the multipole contributions to resonant 390833453). V.R.T. is grateful for the hospitality and support
states in a ferrite sphere shows that the multipole moments de- from Jilin University, China.
rived from magnetization M are important when analyzing the
scattering in the presence of an external magnetic bias field.
In particular, it is revealed that although the MD resonance APPENDIX A: EXPRESSIONS OF THE MAGNETIC PARTS
occurs in the scattering spectra of both LCP and RCP waves, Now we show how the nabla operator can be eliminated
the amplitude of the MDH contribution is almost equal to that from the expressions for the magnetic parts of the exact mul-
of the MDE part in the LCP case. tipole moments. Let us consider, as an example, the exact MD
Thus, it follows that for a correct description of scatter- moment:
ing by ferrite particles, the magnetic part of the multipole
moments cannot be ignored. Since the design of dielectric 3 j1 (kr)
metamaterials relies mainly on the multipole decomposition mM = [r × [∇ × M]]dr, (A1)
2 Vp kr
method, accounting for the terms derived from magnetiza-
tion significantly expands the possibilities of the method in where j1 (kr) is the first-order spherical Bessel function. For a
the analysis of structures when considering magneto-optical system including only a single-point MD moment m j located
effects. In particular, this addendum allows one to reveal at the point r j , the magnetization can be written as M(r) =
the separate impacts of the electric and magnetic subsystems m j δ(r − r j ). Substituting this magnetization in Eq. (A1) and
explicitly in the framework of the multipole decomposition performing the integration with the delta function, we can
method. write
mM = [r × [∇δ(r − r j ) × m j ]]dr
We derived expressions for the exact multipole moments 2 kr
considering electromagnetic waves scattered by magnetic par- 3 j1 (kr j )
= [r × [∇δ(r − r j ) × m j ]]dr
ticles of an arbitrary shape. When deriving our approach, 2 kr j
3 j1 (kr j )
− rj × ∇ × mj
2 kr j
j1 (kr j ) 3k 2 j2 (kr j )
=3 mj + [r j × [r j × m j ]], (A2)
kr j 2 (kr j )2
where the following useful relations are used:
[r × [∇δ(r − r j ) × m j ]]dr = 2m j (A3)
jn (kr) jn+1 (kr)
∇ = −rk 2 . (A4)
(kr)n (kr)n+1
Replacing m j by Mdr in Eq. (A2) and integrating over the
volume where M = 0, we finally obtain
3 j1 (kr)
mM = [r × [∇ × M]]dr FIG. 7. Wavelength dependences of the relative permeability pa-
2 Vp kr
rameters of ferrite with the magnetization along the z axis. They are
j1 (kr) related to yttrium iron garnet (G-113) with the following parameters
=3 Mdr
Vp kr (see Appendix H in Ref. [52]): H0 = 3500 Oe, H = 45 Oe, M0 =
1780/(4π ) G, γ = 1.76086 × 1011 C kg−1 , and scalar permittivity
3k 2 j2 (kr) ε p = 15.
+ [r(r · M) − Mr 2 ]dr. (A5)
2 Vp (kr)2
Using a similar approach, one can consider and transform
the expressions for all multipole moments. The necessary the magnetic losses (the time factor is e−iωt ) [53]:
relations are listed below:
⎛ ⎞
μT +iα 0
{r · [∇δ(r − r j ) × m j ]}rdr = [r j × m j ], (A6) ⎝
μ̂ p = −iα μT 0 ⎠, (B1)
0 0 μL
r 2 [∇δ(r − r j ) × m j ]dr = −2[r j × m j ], (A7)
where μT = 1 + χ + iχ , α = + i , and μL = 1,
{r[∇δ(r − r j ) × m j ] + [∇δ(r − r j ) × m j ]r}rdr = 0̂, with χ = ω0 ωm [ω02 − ω2 (1 − b2 )]D−1 , χ = ωωm b[ω02 +
(A8) ω2 (1 + b2 )]D−1 ,
= ωωm [ω02 − ω2 (1 + b2 )]D−1 ,
2ω ω0 ωm bD , and D = [ω0 − ω (1 + b )] + 4ω0 ω b ,
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
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