SSRN Id3274917
SSRN Id3274917
SSRN Id3274917
Abstract—Today with the growing number of vehicles intervention to a minimum. Our proposed system
in the metropolitan cities, there is high demand for a presents an Autonomous car parking that regulates the
smart parking management system. When people reach number of cars that can be parked in a given space at
their destination, searching for a parking slot to park any given time based on the parking space availability.
their vehicle itself creates lots of traffic congestion in the When a car arrives at the entrance, it will be stopped
parking lot/roads taking their precious time. Hence there
is a need for a smart parking management system
at the main gate and the driver de-boards the car. Using
assisting the users with the information about the the Android application on his Android device, the
availability of parking slots at the entrance of the places user commands the Parking Control Unit to check the
like malls, organizations etc. they visit for avoiding Status of available Parking slots, through an SMS. On
congestion, irritation and tension. The proposed solution receiving this command, a search for free slot is
system in this paper tries to resolve this by detecting the carried out and corresponding information is provided
available slots for parking in the parking area using IoT to the user, by means of SMS. If the availability of
technologies and displaying the same on a Parking space is confirmed, the user commands the car
webpage/display for user’s kind reference. This system to get parked to the designated slot. The car traces its
also provisions the users to book the free parking slot
soon after entering the parking area thus solves the
path to the entrance of the parking area. Here, it waits
internal congestion inside the parking lot, saves their and the details required for parking of car at the proper
valuable time and relieves people from tension. slot are communicated to the Car Control Unit. On
Keyword- automated parking system (APS), parking lot, receiving the information, the car will further trace its
parking booking, internet-of-thing (IoT), image processing, path to free parking spot. On successful parking, the
yolo data on the LCD will be updated automatically. For
retrieval purpose, the user commands “Un-park”,
I. INTRODUCTION through the Android Application. On reception of this
SMS, the car begins to trace back the path to the
Variety of occasions turn up when we visit various entrance, where the car driver is waiting. Thus, this
public places like Shopping malls, 5-star and 7-star system proves to be useful for the purpose of the car
hotels, multiplex cinema halls, etc. The difficulty we parking automation and thereby helps reduce the car
encounter at these places is finding the availability of driver’s time, as the searching of the free parking space
parking space. Most of the times we need to traverse is handled by the Parking Control Unit. There is a lot
through multiple parking slots to find a free space for of fuel and time wasted by countless commuters to
parking. The problem becomes more tedious if the find for a place for parking. This became our main
parking is multi-stored. Thus, the problem is time- motivation to develop a system were commuters can
consuming. This situation calls for the need for an get parking information on finger tips, because time
automated parking system that not only regulates saved is time earned.
parking in a given area but also keeps the manual
Fig 5- Real Time Object Detection Fig 6. Picture of the license plate
Step1: Visit and
complete registration and login process.
Step 2: With the help of the website search for a
parking area on and around your destination.
Step 3: Select a particular parking area.
Step 4: Select the amount of time (in hours) for which
you would like to park your car for. Fig 7 – Image processing of the number plate
Step 5: Pay the parking charges either with your wallet
In Fig.7, for processing, one can use this structure for
or your credit card.
verification and authentication of one’s vehicle.
Step 6: Once you have successfully parked your car in
the selected parking slot, confirm your occupancy
using the mobile application.
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