SPARKS Smart Parking System

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Volume 2, Issue 12, December 2017 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456 2165

SPARKS: Smart Parking System

Prajakta B. Kulkarni1, Ankita A. Joshi2
Students, Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
D. Y. Patil College of Engineering and Technology, Kasaba Bawada, Kolhapur, Maharashtra, India.

Abstract:-Parking problems have become ubiquitous Our proposed system reduces the time taken to check space
and are growing at an alarming rate in every major city. for the vehicle. It also helps in reducing the fuel
It causes parking problems which leads to traffic consumption. [4] Our proposed system uses ultrasonic
congestion, drivers frustration, and air pollution. When sensors to sense the car. [1] There are three tired
we visit various public places like shopping malls, functionalities, the lowest level comprising the sensing
multiplex cinema hall & hotels during festivals or functionality, a middle tier dealing with data forwarding,
weekends, it creates more parking problem. The and the upper tier handling data storage, processing and
searching for a parking space lead to 30% to 40% of client interfaces. Our proposed system uses image
traffic congestion. Because of this, car parking in turn processing using ANPR technique to detect the number
causes the traffic issue. There are some problems related plate of the car. [5][6][7] We have also added the
to car parking like: How to control the number of the functionality to calculate the wages automatically. The use
car in the parking lot, monitoring the movement of car of android technology combined with the recent advances in
in/out side of the parking lot, check whether there is a wireless applications is the key to solve emerging parking
place inside for more cars or not and the safety to park. problems. [3]
This paper proposes a solution for these problems using
the concept of Internet of Things. SPARKS is a fully II. Related Work
automated system which senses the entry and exit of a
car, displays the total number of cars parked in the The following are some papers that were referenced for the
parking lot on screen and how many free spaces are project:
available in parking area. Automatic Multilevel Car Parking System in
International Journal of Electrical and Electronics
Keywords:-Internet of Things, Sensing Unit, Arduino UNO Research, ISSN 2348-6988 Vol. 3, issue 2, pp: (438-441),
Microcontroller, Image Processing, ANPR-Automatic Month: April-June 2015 by Ankit Gupta, Ankit Jaiswar,
Number Plate Recognition. Harsh Agarwal, Chandra Shankar [1]. In this paper, the
authors have introduced and described the concept of
I. INTRODUCTION automatic car parking system, which can automatically
sense the entry and exit of the cars, number of cars
Traditionally, many problems arrive in a manual car parking displayed on the LCD. This automated car parking system
system like traffic control, time consumption and fuel reduces the time taken to check the space for the vehicles.
wastage. The existing parking system doesnt provide an Here, authors have suggested the use of sensors to sense the
efficient way to predict and spot the vehicle occupancy in presence of the car.
real time. Whenever we have to park a car in the parking
structure, we have to manually search for a parking slot. Smart Parking System with Image Processing Facility,
This problem multiplies when the parking structure is full or I.J. Intelligent Systems, Applications, 2012,3, 41-47
multi-storied. This causes traffic management problems and published online April 2012 in MECS by M.O. Reza, M.F.
unnecessary time consumption in rush hours. Hence, Ismail, A. A. Rokoni, M.A.R Sarkar [2] [5] [6] [7]. This
existing system doesnt enable better real time monitoring paper has shown the Smart Parking Systems which obtain
and management of available spaces in the parking area. All information about available parking spaces, process it and
this causes inconvenience for the people. We face various then place the car at a certain position. Also, the authors
problems related to car parking like: How to control the have introduced a concept of an optical character
number of the car in the parking lot, monitoring the recognition technique, i.e. ANPR-Automatic Number Plate
movement of car in/out side of the parking lot, check Recognition for number plate recognition of cars.
whether there is a place inside for more cars or not and the
safety to park. [1] We have implemented a smart system by Android based Smart Parking System in International
using various technologies and advanced researches. The Journal of Innovative Research in Computer Engineering
smart parking system is implemented in many environments Vol. 3, May 2015 by Pallavi Mane, Radha Deoghare,
with various features, which solves the problems faced in Samiksha Nagmote, Shubhangi Musle, Shraddha Sarwade
the day to day activities. The main idea behind the Smart [3]. In this paper, the authors have proposed a design of
Car Parking System is to help the user to find areas where Android based smart Parking System that regulates the
parking is available and the number of slots free in that area. number of cars to be parked in designated parking area. This

Volume 2, Issue 12, December 2017 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456 2165

is done by automating the Parking and unpacking of the car

with the help of an Android Application. An Android
application will help the user to find out the exact parking
slot allocated to him in the parking area. Data will be
accessed locally. Directions to the allocated parking slot will
be shown to the user [3].

Automatic Smart Parking System using Internet of Things

(IOT) in International Journal of Scientific and Research
Publications, Volume 5, Issue 12, December 2015 629 ISSN
2250-3153 by Mr. Basavaraju S. R [4]. In this paper, the
author has introduced a concept of Internet of Things (IOT)
which plays a vital role in connecting the surrounding
environmental things to the network. The Author has
suggested a use of categories of IOT like sensing, processing
and connectivity of data. Also, the author introduced a
design of a Smart Parking System by making use of IOT Fig 2. Android Application
supportable hardware such as Arduino UNO microcontroller
The android application provides the exact route of the
which consumes less power.
allocated parking slot to the user. The application then
takes the allocated parking slot number as an input and
displays the route that the user needs to follow to reach the
parking slot. [3] The data is accessed locally.
A. System Overview
The system architecture shows the schematic of the smart
parking system. At the entry point, when the car enters B. Modules
into the parking lot, web camera captures the image of
number plates and the image processing unit is used to The proposed system is divided into following five modules:
convert it into text format and it is used to allocate a
parking slot which is then stored into database. [4] When a). Sensing Unit
the car is parked in the allocated parking slot, then sensing
unit senses the presence of a car in the parking slot. The The Ultrasonic Sensors are used to sense the presence of the
Arduino unit then processes this raw data and store it into car. Ultrasonic sensors are proximity sensors. These sensors
a database through the internet via Ethernet Connectivity. sense the presence of the physical object without coming in
[4] contact with that object, so the lifespan of these sensors is
more. In this proposed system, we use HC-Sr04 ultrasonic
distance measuring sensor which is able to sense an object at
distance ranged from 2cm to 51cm. Ultrasonic sensor
consists of transmitter, receiver and control unit with trigger,
echo and I/O pins. The data measured by the sensors is
b). Arduino Unit

It is the Microcontroller Unit, which processes the data

collected by sensors and updates the database. [1] The
corresponding changes are reflected in the database and
displayed on the front end. The Arduino unit processes the
data sent from the sensors and sends it to the database using
Ethernet Shield using the internet. The data sent by the
sensors is analog data. [4] The Arduino unit converts that
raw analog data into digital format. The digital data is used
and a default range for car parking is set. A predefined range
is compared with the range measured by the sensors.
Depending on this status of a parking lot is determined.

c). Ethernet Connectivity

For connecting microcontroller to the database, Arduino

Ethernet Shield is used. The Arduino Ethernet Shield
Fig 1. System Architecture of Proposed Car Parking connects our Arduino Unit to internet in a few minutes. [4]
System An Ethernet Shield is mounted on the Arduino board which

Volume 2, Issue 12, December 2017 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456 2165

facilitates connectivity to the internet over the Ethernet. The D. Experimental Setup
Ethernet Shield acts as a gateway for the system which is
helpful to access online repositories. We have used standard The following are the hardware and software requirements
Ethernet libraries provided by the Arduino unit to read and for the proposed system:
write the data. The Arduino unit is connected to the database
using the internet. [4] a). Hardware Requirements

d). Image Processing Arduino Microcontroller-ATmega328

HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensors
We have used a technique called ANPR-Automatic Ethernet Shield- Wiznet W5100 Ethernet Chip
Number Plate Recognition in our proposed system. ANPR REES52 Premium USB AB Cable
is a technology that uses optical character recognition on RI193 Jumper Wires
images to read vehicle registration plates. [5][6][7] With the Web Camera QHMPL PC Camera: QHM495LM
help of web camera, we capture a picture of the number
plate of the car and we have designed a code which converts b). Software Requirements
it into text format which is further stored in the database
automatically. The javaanpr.jar file is used for image
Arduino IDE
processing. This file includes various inbuilt libraries which
JDK- Eclipse
are used for comparing and processing the image [2][5][6]
Database- MySQL
[7]. The ANPR technique consists of following steps:
i. Number plate area detection
ii. Plate fragmentation IV. Dataset
iii. Feature extraction and normalization of characters
The values from the ultrasonic sensors are a part of the
iv. Recognition of characters
dataset. The maximum range of the sensors is 51 cm. The
blind spot for the sensors is 2cm. The database has entries
e). Android Application
for the time at which the car was parked, the parking slot
number and status. The status of a parking slot can be empty
An Android application is created using Eclipse. The
(0), booked (1), parked (2). The input for the web camera is
android application helps the user to find out the exact
an image of the number plate.
parking slot allocated to him in the parking area. Data is
accessed locally. Directions to the allocated parking slot are
shown to the user [3]. V. Result Set

The following are the snapshots for the Smart Parking

C. Algorithm
There are seven primary algorithms that the software
requires for identifying a license plate:

Plate localization This technique is responsible for

finding and isolating the plate on the picture.
Plate orientation and sizing This technique
compensates for the skew of the plate and adjusts the
dimensions to the required size.
Normalization This technique adjusts the brightness,
contrast of the image.
Character segmentation This technique is used to find
individual characters on the plates of car.
Optical character recognition.
Syntactical/Geometrical analysis This technique is
used check characters and positions against country-
specific rules.
The averaging of the recognized value over multiple
fields/images is done to produce a more reliable and Fig.3
confident result. Especially in the case of any single
image may contain a reflected light flare, be partially The above screenshot shows serial monitor screen used in
obscured or other temporary effect. Arduino tool. When car is parked in allocated parking slot,
serial monitor displays maximum distance of car from
ultrasonic sensors. The screenshot shows maximum distance
that ultrasonic sensors can sense is 51 cm for parking slot
p1, p2, p3 and p4.

Volume 2, Issue 12, December 2017 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456 2165

Fig. 4 This Screenshot Shows Parking Status for Parking

Slot P1, P2, P3 And P4 Depending Upon Whether Car is
Parked or Not.

Fig.7 The Above Screenshot Shows An Empty Parking Lot

In The Android Application.

Fig.5 This Screenshot Shows Distance of Cars From Sensors

When Car is Parked In Parking Slot P3 And P4.
Accordingly, It Shows Parking Status=1 For Parking Slot P3
And P4. Since, No Cars Are Parked In Slot P1 And P2,
Their Status Remains Unchanged.

Fig.8 This Screenshot Shows The Parking Directions For

Parking Slot 1.

Fig. 6 This Screenshot Shows Admin Login Form.

Volume 2, Issue 12, December 2017 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456 2165

VI. CONCLUSION user. However, now-a-days, getting a GPS connection

inside parking lots is difficult task. It will take lots of
Now-a-days, the problem of parking is tremendous as there innovation and technological wizardry to achieve.
is no proper plan in place. The existing car parking system is
inefficient. To overcome this problem, we have created a REFERENCES
Smart Parking System (SPARKS) which enables the parking
of vehicles and thus reduces the time taken to check the [1]. Ankit Gupta, Ankit Jaiswar, Harsh Agarwal, Chandra
space to be used by displaying the spot where the space for Shankar, Automatic Multilevel Car Parking in
parking is available. In this paper, an efficient car parking International Journal of Electrical and Electronics
system is proposed which majorly reduces the parking Research, ISSN2348-6988, Vol.3, issue2, pp: (438-
problems. This paper shows how the parking problem at 441), Month: April-June2015.
crowdy places can be handled with a well-thought plan. It [2]. M.O. Reza, M.F. Ismail, A.A Rokoni, M.A.R Sarkar,
helps the clients to find out the availability of a parking slot Smart Parking System with Image Processing
in parking area, get the availability confirmed, and reach to Facility in I. J. Intelligent Systems and Applications,
the allocated parking slot within parking area. It helps to 2012, 3, 41-47 published online April 2012 in MECS.
makes the management easier on administrator side. It also [3]. Pallavi Mane, Radha Deoghare, Samiksha Nagmote,
saves the time of the clients required for searching a parking Shubhangi Musle, Shraddha Sarwade, Android based
slot. Thus, the designed smart parking system is simple, Smart Parking System in International Journal of
economical, and more efficient as compared to existing Innovative Research in Computer and Communication
systems and provides better customer service. Engineering Vol. 3, Issue 5, May2015.
[4]. Mr. Basavaraju S, R, Automatic Smart parking
VII. FURTHER SCOPE System using Internet of Things (IOT) in
International Journal of Scientific and Research
The smart parking solutions now-a-days are still in the Publications, Volume5, Issue12, December 2015629
infancy state. As these solutions mature, additional features ISSN 2250-3153.
will be offered that will make parking easier for customers. [5]. Serkan Ozbay, Ergun Ercelebi, Automatic Vehicle
The following are features that will also be implemented in Identification by Plate Recognition in International
Smart Parking System: Journal of Electrical,Computer, Energetic, Electronic
and Communication Engineering Vol:1, No:9, 2007.
Payment Modes: Both on-street and off-street parking [6]. Priyamvadha Krishnakumar, Automatic Number
spaces charge for parking. This transaction can be easily Plate Recognition (ANPR) through smart Phones
done from the mobile phone. Also specific parking lots using Image Processing Techniques in IOSR Journal
have a time limit, usually on-street parking. If in case a of VLSI and Signal Processing (IOSR-JVSP) Volume
car over-stays the amount of time it is parked, then an 4, Issue 4, Ver. III (Jul-Aug. 2014), PP 19-23 e-ISSN:
alert can be sent out to the towing company / police in 2319 4200, p-ISSN No.- 2319 4197.
order to take the car to the impound lot in parking area. [7]. Teena Singh Rajput, Automatic Vehicle Number
Parking Reservation: Customers will be able to reserve Plate Recognition Using Morphological Edge
parking from their home, even before leaving instead of Detection and Segmentation in International Journal
driving to the parking lot and then getting directions. of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering,
For this, the server will have to be connected to the ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal,
Internet, and must recognize the appropriate customer. Volume 5, Issue 1, January 2015.
Connected Lighting: Parking lots are kept illuminated
throughout the day. Basically, this technique will helps
in keeping the track of which parking spaces are
occupied and which are not. The sectors/parking slots
with no occupancies will be dimmed out immediately.
Similarly, office parking lots can be dimmed during
work hours. As every new car entering will be detected,
appropriate sectors can be illuminated, and others kept
at diffused setting.
On-Street Parking: On-street parking will be the next
sector that will be targeted once off-street parking has
reached a better state. Already pilot projects are being
implemented in the cities of Los Angeles and San
GPS Based Directions: For both on-street and off-street
directions, GPS based systems will no doubt be the best
possible solution. The user will be able to get real time
directions that will guide to the parking space. It will
not be just a route drawn on a map, but the arrows
pointing towards the possible destinations are shown to


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