Energy Conversion and Management: M. Benghanem, K.O. Daffallah, A.A. Joraid, S.N. Alamri, A. Jaber

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Energy Conversion and Management 65 (2013) 50–56

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Performances of solar water pumping system using helical pump for a deep well:
A case study for Madinah, Saudi Arabia
M. Benghanem ⇑, K.O. Daffallah, A.A. Joraid, S.N. Alamri, A. Jaber
Physics Department, Faculty of Science, Taibah University, P.O. Box 344, Madinah, Saudi Arabia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The photovoltaic water pumping systems (PVWPS) constitute a potential option to draw down water in
Received 15 June 2012 the remote desert locations for domestic usage and livestock watering. However, the widespread of this
Received in revised form 20 August 2012 technique requires accurate information and experiences in such system sizing and installation. The aim
Accepted 21 August 2012
of this work is to determine an optimum photovoltaic (PV) array configuration, adequate to supply a DC
Available online 11 October 2012
Helical pump with an optimum energy amount, under the outdoor conditions of Madinah site. Four dif-
ferent PV array configurations have been tested (6S  3P, 6S  4P, 8S  3P and 12S  2P). The tests have
been carried for a head of 80 m, under sunny daylight hours, in a real well at a farm in Madinah site. The
Photovoltaic water pumping system
Optimal PV configuration
best results have been obtained for two PV array configurations (6S  4P) and (8S  3P) which are suit-
Deep well able to provide the optimum energy. Powered by the selected PV array configurations, the helical pump
Daylight hours (SQF2.5-2) delivered a maximum daily average volume of water needed (22 m3/day).
Outdoor conditions Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction has environmental impact, in particular the release of carbon diox-

ide (CO2) into the atmosphere. Madinah is located in the north
Many researches published on photovoltaic (PV) water pump- west region of Saudi Arabia, where, there is a great potential of so-
ing system were interested essentially either in water pump mod- lar energy source [16].
eling and control [1–3]. PV water pumping systems (PVWPS) have The yearly monthly daily average irradiance yield received on
been developed and tested around the world. Their performance horizontal plane is about 7.5 kW h/m2/day and mid static levels
has been assessed under varying climatic conditions and solar of water ground sources is varying between 40 m and 120 m in
insolation. These systems are operated with AC or DC, directly cou- Bahra valley (25 km of Madinah city). The main purpose is to pro-
pled or battery operated, using various pumps, and running under vide water for irrigation in the palm tree farm.
different climatic conditions [4–6]. There are also many solar pow- Over the last few years, many studies were focused on photo-
ered systems in the world today, powered by wind generators, voltaic water pumping system (PVWPS) sizing, based on the poten-
photovoltaic arrays or hybrid systems [7–10]. Solar pumps are par- tial of solar energy and water demand [17,18], in similar regions of
ticularity useful for intermediate applications like small villages the solar belt countries.
and moderate agricultural needs. Many researchers have studied Some works of PVWPS sizing were carried out based on the
the performance of PVWPS. There are several theoretical and pump performances in various aspects [19]. The same works of dif-
experimental studies about PV water pumping systems, which ferent PV pumping systems were studied in different selected sites
are installed in remote regions to supply water for drinking and in Algeria [20]. Different models were applied to test PV water
irrigation [11–15]. pumping systems [21]. However, many sizing studies in this con-
Across the Saudi remote desert regions, the citizens use tradi- text neglect the importance of the PV array configuration which
tional systems to drawdown water from the wells, by using inter- can provide a maximum rate of energy. Recently, a performance
nal combustion engines, as diesel pumps. study of PV powered DC pump has been done on an artificial well
These systems are easy to install, however, they have some ma- with the maximum simulated head of 35 m and the corresponding
jor disadvantages, especially, the diesel pumps, since they require maximum daily average volume of water was 3 m3 [22].
frequent site maintenance, refueling and often the diesel is not Since, the large potential of solar energy in Saudi Arabia and
available in those areas. Moreover, the consumption of fossil fuels particularly at Madinah site, we have setting up the first PVWPS
in Madinah site adapted to a reel deep well in Bahra valley
(25 km of Madinah city).
⇑ Corresponding author. Address: ICTP, Strada Costiera, 1134014 Trieste, Italy.
In order to efficiently and economically profit from the solar en-
Tel.: +966 507346783.
E-mail address: [email protected] (M. Benghanem).
ergy source in such installation, the PV array design optimization

0196-8904/$ - see front matter Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M. Benghanem et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 65 (2013) 50–56 51


Apv total PV array area (m2) Pm max peak power of the PV array (W)
Ch hydraulic constant (Ch = 9800 Kg/(m2 s2)) PVWPS1 PV water pumping system powered by PV1
E solar intensity (W/m2) PVWPS2 PV water pumping system powered by PV2
Ei incident energy on PV Array (kW h/day) PVWPS3 PV water pumping system powered by PV3
Ee electrical power of the pump (W h/day) PVWPS4 PV water pumping system powered by PV4
Eh hydraulic energy of the pump (Wh/day) Q flowrate of water (m3/h)
FF fill factor (%) Vm nominal voltage of the pump (V)
H head (dynamic level) (m) Voc open circuit voltage of the PV array (V)
Im maximum current of the pump (A) npv efficiency of the PV array (%)
Isc short circuit current of the PV Array (A) np efficiency of the pump (%)
MPPT maximum power point tracking nsys efficiency of the total system (%)
P power required by the pump (W)

and performances evaluation are necessaries. A comparative study 3.1. Characteristics of the PV array configurations
has been done to select an optimum PVWPS configuration, based
on experimental performances results of a helical pump, PV  The PV array consists of an array of solar cell modules con-
powered by 24 PV modules (75 W) in different configurations. nected in series–parallel combinations to provide the desired
Through the tests of each PVWPS configuration, the daily flow-rate, DC voltage and current [23]. The proposed PV array designs
hydraulic energy and electrical energy are determinate. Also, the consist of four different configurations, based on mono-crystal-
pump efficiency and the total system efficiency curves are plotted. line silicon (75 W/20 V) PV modules, the optimal tilt angle is
The goal of this work is to select an optimal combined PVWPS con- equal to 23.5° which nearly equal to the latitude of the site
figuration, which can work at the optimum conditions in term of [24] and facing to south direction. The four different PV array
cost and demand of the load. configurations are: namely: PV1 (6S  3P), PV2 (12S  2P),
PV3 (8S  3P) and PV4 (6S  4P) which mean:
 (6S  3P): 18 modules connected in three parallel rows with 6
2. Characteristics of the site
serial modules in each.
 (12S  2P): 24 modules connected in two parallel rows with 12
The Madinah region is classified as semi-arid area and has a
serial modules in each.
great potential in solar radiation [16], with a daily annual average
 (8S  3P): 24 modules connected in three parallel rows with
yield ranges from 4.5 kW h/m2/day until 8.5 kW h/m2/day, re-
eight serial modules in each.
ceived on tilt PV surface. The water static level of wells is between
 (6S  4P): 24 modules connected in four parallel rows with six
40 m and 120 m in most of the wells. The Madinah city is situated
serial modules in each.
at 420 km north of Jeddah (second big city of Saudi Arabia). The
major types of agriculture are Palm trees and local vegetables.
Our aim is to rich the best performance of the pump by testing
The meteorological characteristics of the studied site of Madinah
the above configurations.
are given in Table 1.
Under the outdoor sunny days of the site, the PV arrays have
been put into tests, and then their maximum power points
3. Description of solar water pumping system (SQFlex system) (MPP), Fill Factors (FF) and their efficiencies (pump efficiency,
npv, and system efficiency, nsys) have been concluded. The MPP is
The SQFlex system is a reliable water supply system based on the product of the maximum possible voltage and the maximum
renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind energy. The possible current that the PV total cell area can produce in sunlight
SQFlex system incorporates an SQF submersible pump which is at a given level of irradiance [25]. The performances of each PV ar-
very flexible as to its energy supply and performance, the SQFlex ray, is characterized by the quality of its (I and V) sharpness curve,
system can be combined and adapted to any need according to which consists of the rate power, that the PV array configuration
the conditions on the installation site. can provide from its total power capacity rate production to feed
The system components are such load. Many models of PV energy rating have been developed
[26], and then it is calculated by the Fill Factor as follow:
 SQF submersible pump. V m  Im
 Solar panels. FF ¼ ð1Þ
We have setting up a PV water pumping system (PVWPS) in a The total efficiency of each PV array configuration is obtained by
reel well of 80 m of head. The PVWPS is composed by: photovoltaic the comparison between energy output of PV generator and solar
generator of 1.8 KW, submersible helical pump of type SQF2.5-2, incident ray on its surface, then it is calculated by the following
flow meter of type Electromagnetic and Agilent data logger system relation:
connected to computer for data acquisition and treatment (Fig. 1).

Table 1
Characteristics of Madinah site.

Latitude (°) Longitude (°) Altitude (m) Sunny days per year (%) Daylight hours Average ambient temperature Yearly irradiance (kW h/m2/day)
24°55 N 39.70°E 626 90 10–12 h 10 °C (January) 48 °C (August) 4.5–8.5
52 M. Benghanem et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 65 (2013) 50–56

 Maximum power input (P1) of 900 W.

 Maximum current of 8.4 A.
 Maximum speed of 3000 rev/min.

The pump delivers its maximum performance when the above

limitations are reached.
Flexible as regards power supply and power range, the motor
can be supplied with either DC or AC voltage:

 30–300 VDC.
 90–240 VAC, 50/60 Hz.

4. Methodology of the test

The mentioned pump is connected to the selected PV array con-

figuration, then it is mounted in the reel well of 120 m of depth.
Powered by the selected PV array, the pump is tested for a fixed
head = 80 m during sunny days (from 4 May–16 July, 2012). Each
Fig. 1. Control and data acquisition for PV water pumping system. configuration has been tested during ten sunny days. All data of
the instantaneous output power P (W), hourly flow rate Q (m3/h),
the current I (A), voltage V (V) and the solar radiation intensity E
(W/m2) were stored in data logger Agilent 34970A. The obtained
V m  Im
ePV ¼ ð2Þ data have been treated, then the study included different parame-
E  APV ters affecting the pump performances as, the required electrical en-
The Manufacturer’s nominal power, the calculated Fill Factor ergy (Ee), the hydraulic energy provided by the pump (Eh), the
and efficiency of each PV array configuration are concluded in incident energy received on the PV array (Ei), then the pump effi-
the Table 2. ciency (eP) and the total efficiency of the system (eSYS) have been
The average efficiency of each PV array configuration has calculated, for each configuration.
reached the amount of 14%. It means that the PV modules (75 W/ The daily electric energy required by the pump is obtained by
20 V) are very adapted to deliver a significant amount of energy, integrating [28] the power P (W) demanded by the pump during
under the outdoor conditions of the site. It is worthily to mention 12 h of straight pumping, is given by the following relation:
that the maximum efficiency of the mono-crystal cell is around
Ee ¼ P  dt ð3Þ
15%, under Standard Test Conditions (STC) (E = 1000 W/m2, 12h
T = 25 °C). The (I–V) and the MPP curves obtained at noon of the The daily hydraulic energy provided by the pump is calculated
four different PV Generator configurations (PV1, PV2, PV3 and by the following relation:
PV4) are shown in the Fig. 2. Z
Eh ¼ Ch  H  Q  dt ð4Þ
3.2. Characteristics of the pump The incident energy received on the PV array area during 12
daylight hours is given by the following relation:
The pumping subsystem is composed of a helical pump of type Z
SQF. We have used the helical pump which are the new pumps Ei ¼ APV  E  dt ð5Þ
used for a deep well. The built-in electronic unit gives the SQFlex 12h
system a number of advantages compared to conventional prod- The pump efficiency is obtained by the comparison of the
ucts [27]. One of these advantages is the built-in microprocessor hydraulic energy provided by the pump and the electric energy
with MPPT (Maximum Power Point Tracking). Thanks to the coming from the PV array, and it is given by the following relation:
MPPT-function, the pump duty point is continuously optimized
according to the input power available. MPPT is only available Eh
eP ¼ ð6Þ
for pumps connected to DC supply. The wide voltage range enables Ee
the motor to operate at any voltage from 30 to 300 VDC or 90 to The total efficiency of the whole PV pumping system is obtained
240 VAC. This makes installation and sizing especially easy. We by the comparison of the daily hydraulic energy provided by the
do not need an external DC/AC inverter for an AC electric motor pump and the daily incident energy on the PV array, given by the
or DC/DC inverter for a DC electric motor. following relation:
The motor has been developed specifically for the SQFlex system
and is designed according to the permanent-magnet principle with Eh
esys ¼ ð7Þ
built-in electronic unit. The motor has three internal limitations: Ei

Table 2
Characteristics of the different PV array configurations.

PV configurations Manifacturer’s nominal value Apv (m2) FF (%) epv (%)

Modules PV (S  P) Shunt current, Isc (A) Open voltage, Voc (V) Power, Pm (W)
PV1 (6S  3P) 14.8 130 1350 9.03 70.1 13.97
PV2 (12S  2p) 9.87 260 1800 12.05 70.1 14.45
PV3 (8S  3P) 14.8 173 1800 12.05 70.3 14.00
PV4 (6S  4P) 19.74 130 1800 12.05 70.1 15.17
M. Benghanem et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 65 (2013) 50–56 53

I - V Characterisation and Power I - V Characterisation and Power

15 1500 10 2000
6S X 3P 12S x 2P

10 1000

Current (A)
Current (A)

Power (W)

Power (W)
5 1000

5 500

0 0 0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Voltage (V) Voltage (V)

(A) (B)
I - V Characterisation and Power
I -V Characterisation and Power 20 2000
6S x 4P
8S x 3P

15 1500
Current (A)

Power (W)
Currents (A)

Power (W)

10 1000

5 500

0 0 0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Voltage (V) Voltage (V)
(C) (D)
Fig. 2. I–V characteristic of different configurations used: (A) 6S  3P, (B) 12S  2P, (C) 8S  3p and (D) 6S  4P.

6S X 4P 6S x 4P
12S X 2P 12S x 2P
3.0 1200
8S X 3P 8S x 3P
6S X 3P 6S x 3P
2.5 1000

2.0 800
Flow (m /h)

Power (W)

1.5 600



4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
Time (h) 04:00 06:00 08:00 10:00 12:00 14:00 16:00 18:00 20:00
Time (h)
Fig. 3. Daily variation of flow rates provided by the four different PV configurations
(head = 80 m). Fig. 4. Daily power variation curves for different PV configurations (head = 80 m).
54 M. Benghanem et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 65 (2013) 50–56

5. Results and discussions 80

(12S x 2P)

Through the obtained experimental results of the selected Pho-
tovoltaic Pumping System configurations, a comparative study is

Pump Efficiency Ep (%)

carried out to determine the total performances of each PVWPS.
That means the maximum PV array output power to satisfy the 50
pump under different solar irradiance levels [29]. The results of
four PVWPS configurations (PVWPS1), (PVWPS2), (PVWPS3) and 40
(PVWPS4), which consist of the pump PV powered by (PV1),
(PV2), (PV3) and (PV4) respectively, are assembled in the Table 2.
The first (PVWPS1) configuration is simple; it consists of the 20
pump, powered by 18 PV modules (PV1). The results show that
the system delivers an average daily water volume of 15 m3, from 10
a pumping head of 80 m. A significant average daily volume of
water has been pumped between 20 m3 and 22 m3, for the three 6:40 7:55 9:10 10:25 11:40 12:55 14:10 15:25 16:40 17:55
configurations (PVWPS2), (PVWPS3) and (PVWPS4). The corre- Time (Hours)
sponding pump efficiency and the total efficiency values averred
that the system is operating at its optimal efficiency.
Through the comparison of the obtained performances results 70
of (PVWPS2), (PVWPS3) and (PVWPS4) configurations, we try to (8S x 3P)
select the most optimal design, able to supply the maximum water 60
volumes to satisfy the farm. The first step is to start by the compar-
ison of the flow-rates and powers provided by the four PV water

Pump Efficiency Ep
pumping system configurations (PVWPS1, PVWPS2, PVWPS3 and
PVWPS4), for the same head of 80 m. 40
The curves shown in the Fig. 3 represent the daily variation of
flow rates provided by the four different PV pumping system con- 30
figurations, for the head of 80 m. The curves averred that the flow-
rate provided by the (PVWPS3) is more significant around noon, 20
when it reaches its maximum rate. The flow-rate provided by
(PVWPS1) is less significant than the flow-rate provided by 10
(PVWPS3), and it reaches its maximum rate, since the beginning
of operation in the early morning, and then it is still practically 0
6:40 7:55 9:10 10:25 11:40 12:55 14:10 15:25 16:40 17:55
constant during the whole day.
Time (Hours)
The curve shown in the Fig. 4 represents the variation of the
corresponding powers provided by each PV pumping system config- (B)
urations (PVWPS1, PVWPS2, PVWPS3 and PVWPS4). The powers
provided by the configuration PVWPS3 is the most appropriate 70
since the pump reached their maximum power of 900 W. The power (6S x 4P)

issued by the different configurations is practically constant during 60

Pump Efficiency Ep (%)

the day, since it achieves its maximum rate in the early morning.
Due to its parallelism configuration (the resulting current is the 50
sum of the respective module currents), the (PV3) provides enough
current intensity to meet rapidly the operating point of the pump,
which allows it to start and reach its maximum power rate quickly,
in the early morning (rapid increase), and then it stills constant until
the late daylight hours, when it dropped rapidly (rapid decrease).
The power produced by the (PV1) is insufficient to provide the max-
imum power rate to the pump. The power produced by the (PV4) is
over the maximum power supported by the pump.
The next step is to make a comparative study of the efficiencies
provided by the three PV pumping system configurations 6:40 7:55 9:10 10:25 11:40 12:55 14:10 15:25 16:40 17:55

(PVWPS2, PVWPS3 and PVWPS4), through the interpretation of Time (Hours)

the pump efficiency and overall system efficiency plots. Fig. 5 (C)
shows the pump efficiency curves of the three different PV pump-
ing configurations, plotted for the head of 80 m. In each system, the Fig. 5. Pump efficiency curves of three PV configurations (A) 12S  2P, (B) 8S  3p
pump achieves the same efficiency rate, in the morning and in the and (C) 6S  4P.
late afternoon. The pump efficiency provided by the (PVWPS3) is
more significant than the pump efficiency provided by two others shown in the Fig. 6. The total system efficiency provided by the
configurations (PVWPS2 and PVWPS4). Table 3 shows that the best (PVWPS3) is more significant and constant, during the pumping
average efficiency of the pump is obtained for the configuration daylight hours of the day, except in the morning, when the pump
PVWPS3 which gives the maximum volume of water per day starts operating and in the afternoon, when the sunlight drops.
(22 m3/day). The total system efficiency provided by the (PVWPS2) is less signif-
The total PV water pumping system efficiency curves provided icant during the bright sunny day, except in early morning and late
by (PVWPS2), (PVWPS3) and (PVWPS4), for the head of 80 m is afternoon, when its total efficiency is more important.
M. Benghanem et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 65 (2013) 50–56 55

Table 3
Performance of the PVWPS for a head = 80 m.

PV configurations Maximum flow, Maximum Power Maximum efficiency, Average efficiency, Maximum efficiency, Average efficiency,
Q (m3/day) of the pump, Ee (W) ep (%) ep (%) esys (%) esys (%)
PV1 (6S  3P) 15.0 700 76.00 43.25 8.90 4.09
PV2 (12S  2p) 20.9 750 72.21 42.47 7.29 3.56
PV3 (8S  3P) 21.8 900 67.00 45.06 7.40 4.12
PV4 (6S  4P) 22.0 1000 58.40 37.34 9.58 4.77

(A) 8 (12S x 2P)

Total system Efficiency Esys

6:40 7:55 9:10 10:25 11:40 12:55 14:10 15:25 16:40 17:55
Time (Hours) Fig. 7. Evolution of solar radiation during a sunny day (site: Madinah, 07 June
(B) 8
(8S x 3P)
7 irradiance available to the PV array, and the current and voltage
Total system Efficiency Esys

demand of the load. The voltage production of the PV array re-

mains practically constant under all different levels irradiance dur-
5 ing the whole day, but the current produced is directly
proportional to the level of irradiance available at any given point
4 of time. Since the power is the product of current and voltage, the
power produced by the PV array is proportional to the level of irra-
diance at any given time. Fig. 7 shows a daily evolution of solar
2 radiation data during a sunny day.
In point of economic and environmentally view, it is interesting
1 for Madinah site to use PV water pumping systems since there is a
great potential of solar energy at Madinah site. There are nearly 90
6:40 7:55 9:10 10:25 11:40 12:55 14:10 15:25 16:40 17:55
% of sunny days over the year. Table 4 shows a comparison be-
Time (Hours) tween PV, diesel and wind systems in Madinah site according to
economic analysis, sustainability and environmentally.
(C) (6S x 4P)
Total system Efficiency Esys (%)

6. Conclusion

Through the comparative performances study of the four PV
water pumping system configurations (PVWPS1, PVWPS2,
6 PVWPS3 and PVWPS4), it has been averred that the configuration
PVWPS3 is suitable to supply the maximum daily quantity of water
needed which is 22 m3/day.
The total system efficiency comparison shows that the
(PVWPS3) is more appropriate. However, for optimal energy
2 exploitation, an efficient use of the PV pumping system design is
In view of this goal, a combined PV array configuration between
6:40 7:55 9:10 10:25 11:40 12:55 14:10 15:25 16:40 17:55 the PV2 and PV3 is proposed to feed the pump. This design consists
Time (Hours) to use both the two PV pumping system configurations simulta-
neously, whenever, the need is required. In early morning, the
Fig. 6. Total efficiency curves of three PV configurations (A) 12S  2P, (B) 8S  3p (PVWPS4) is advised to be used for providing enough current
and (C) 6S  4P.
intensity to start the pump and during optimum sunlight; the
(PVWPS3) is an appropriate choice to run the pump.
The direct current DC power received by the pump from a se- To match the Maximum power points of the PV array with the
lected PV array is mainly controlled by two parameters: The solar IV load of the DC pump, an Electronic Array Reconfiguration
56 M. Benghanem et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 65 (2013) 50–56

Table 4
PV powered, diesel powered, and wind powered.

System type Advantages Disadvantages

PV powered system  Low maintenance  Relatively high initial cost
 Unattended operation  Low output in cloudy weather, but in Madinah site, the cloudy days represents
 Reliable long life only 10 % over the year
 No fuel and no fumes
 Easy to install
 Low recurrent costs
 System is modular and
 closely matched to need
 Works well in sites with a good solar potential like
in Madinah site
Diesel (or gas) powered  Moderate capital costs  Needs maintenance and replacement
system  Can be portable  Site visits necessary
 Extensive experience available  Noise, fume, dirt problems
 Fuel often expensive and supply intermittent
Wind system  No fuel and no fumes  High maintenance
 Potentially long-lasting  Seasonal disadvantages
 Works well in windy sites  Difficult find parts thus
 costly repair
 Installation is labor intensive and needs special tools

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