Sudent Worksheet Giving Example

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Task 1: Listen and practice
Peni : You’re really fit, Perdana. What do you do to stay healthy?
Perdana : Well, I exercise a lot and avoid liquor as well as fast food, for example, I go jogging every morning, play
badminton twice a week, every Tuesday afternoon and Thursday evening.
Peni : What liquor and fast food don’t you consume?
Perdana : I don’t drink liquor such as gin, vodka, rum, whiskey, tequila, brandy, and wine. I also do not eat fast foods, for
instance, burger, pizza, kebab, hotdog, instant noodle, spaghetti, donut and sandwich.
Peni : Are you serious? You can avoid all that kinds of foods!
Perdana : Sure!
Peni : How do you spend your spare time?
Perdana : I did my hobbies, e.g, fishing, traveling, hiking and taking part in off roads.
Peni : Superb! How do you entertain yourself?
Perdana : Oh, I watch TV and listen to the music.
Peni : What TV programs do you watch?
Perdana : I watch some local news such as Kilas Petang, Kabar Terkini, Seputar Indonesia and Prime Time news.
Peni : Wow! And what music do you listen?
Perdana : I listen to local music, for instance, dangdut, degung, and keroncong.
Peni : Now I know why you look so happy and healthy. I hope I can do them too.
Perdana : Of course, you do.

Task 2 : Listen to dialogues expresing examples. Match the issues in the left column and their examples

1. Camping equipments a. Pizza and hamburgers

2. World leaders b. Behavior Psychology 102, Child Psychology 223 and
3. Hobbies Group Dynamics 301.
4. Food c. Julius Caesar and Alexander the great.
5. Famous people d. Jimmy Hendrix and Janis Joplin
6. Cities e. The Twilight Zone and Giligan’s Island
7. Psychology classes f. Jacques Chirac
8. Old TV shows g. Fishing rod, matches and a sleeping bag.
9. Asian languages h. Korean, Chinese and Thai
10. Rock musicians i. Seoul and Taegu
j. Collecting stamps or baseball cards

Grammar Review
Task 3
Analyze the sentences in the left column and pay attention to the explanation on the right.

1. There are many places to visit in Bogor. For example, For example and for instance have the same
the Botanical Garden has numerous displays of plants meaning.They are often used as transition
from all over the country.
2. There are many interesting places to visit in Bogor.
The art museum, for instance, has an excellent
collection of classic paintings.
3. There are many interesting places to visit in Bogor, e.g. – for example
e.g., the botanical garden and the art museum. e.g, is an abbreviation of the Latin
4. There are many interesting places to visit in Bogor, for phrase exempli gratia
example, the botanical garden and the art museum. 3 and 4 have the same meaning
5. I prefer to wear casual cothes, such as jeans and Such as ... for example
sweatshirt. 6, 7, 8 have essentially the same
6. Some cities, such as Makassar and Medan, are big, meaning eventough the pattern are
7. Cities such as Makassar and Medan are big. varies
8. Such cities as Makassar and Medan are big

Punctuation not
 Periods are used with eg in American English.
 Periods are not generally used in eg British English
 When the “such as” is omitted without substantially changing the meaning or the sentence, commas are used.
 No commas are used when “such as” phrase gives essential information about the noun to which it reflects
Example : Words such as know and see are verbs. No comma is used

Task 4
Rewrite the following sentences using for example, for instance, into like, then into such as and vice versa
1. Famus singers like Kris Dayanti and Nuno have sung here.
a. ____________________________________, for example _________________________________.
b. Such __________________________ as _______________________________________________.
2. A lot of famous people have visited this house, for example, Sukarno, M.Hatta, Suharto and Habibie.
a. ____________________________________ , like ________________________________________
b. Such ____________________ as _____________________________________________________
3. A lot of great composers led interesting lives, for example, Mozart, Beethoven and Choplin.
a. _________________________________, like ___________________________________________.
b. Such_____________________________ as _________________________________________________
4. A number of famous country houses were built in the eighteenth century, for instance, Isola Building, Gedung sate, Savoy
Hotel and Eiffel Tower,
a. __________________________________________________________________________, like _______________
b. Such _________________________________ as_____________________________________________________
5. The last two stars also appeared in a series about Wagner with other wellknown actors, for example, Richard Burton,
Vanessa Redgrave and Ralph Richardson.
a. ________________________________________, like _________________________________________________
b. Such _______________________ _______________as ________________________________________________

Task 5.

In pairs student A gives instruction or asks questions as shown in number 1 to 10. Student B gives responses prompting the words.

Example : Gime me some example of sports you enjoy.

Response : I enjoy sports such as football, basketball and tennis.

1. Give me some examples of places you would like to visit.

I would like________________________________________________________________________________.
2. Give me some examples of television programs you enjoy..
I enjoy ___________________________________________________________________________________
3. Do you like bright colors or dark colors? Can you give me some examples.?
I like _____________________________________________________________________________________
4. What are some examples of gifts that a woman likes to receive?
A woman
5. What are some examples of gifts that a man prefers to receive?
A man
6. Give me some examples of problems a new student can easily overcome?
A new student can easily overcome _____________________________________________________________
7. Are there many sources of problems? Can you give me some examples?
There are many
8. Give some examples of emotion we all experience?
We all
9. Shoud I buy a big or a small car?
You should
10. What qualities do you appreciate in a friend?
I appreciate ________________________________________________________________________________

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