Nilyanarayan CTO

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Ref No. JSPCB/HO/RNC/CTO-11402725/2021/1460 Dated : 2021-11-29

Consent to operate (CTO) under section 25 /26 of the Water (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 and
under section 21 of the Air (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1981

1. Application (s) dated 2021-11-16 of NILAYNARAYAN POLYCHEM LLP, Occupier Name :PUSHPA
DEVI AND RUDRA NARAYAN PANDEY for consent under section 25 (1)(b)/25 (1) (c)/26 of the Water
(Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 and under section 21(1) of the Air (Prevention & Control of
Pollution) Act,1981..

2. Documents Relied Upon:

(a) The content of CTE vide Board's Ref. No. JSPCB/HO/RNC/CTE-9044773/2021/18 dated 12.01.2021
for production of Sodium Methoxide – 200 TPM, Potassium Methoxide - 200 TPM, Diethyl-Butyl
Phthalate – 100 TPM, Urea Solution - 300 TPM, Micro Crystalline Powder – 200 TPM, Sorbitan Mono
Oleate - 200 TPM, Polycarboxilate Ether – 300 TPM, SLES/LABSA – 300 TPM, Plastic Wastes - 300
TPM and Calcium Nitrate – 300 TPM (Recycling of Hazardous Waste, Plastic Wastes and Disposal of

(b) The content of JSPCB/HO/RNC/CTO-9785010/2021/279 Dated : 15.02.2021 valid up to 31.12.2021

for Sodium Methoxide – 200 TPM, Potassium Methoxide - 200 TPM, Diethyl-Butyl Phthalate – 100 TPM,
Urea Solution - 300 TPM, Micro Crystalline Powder – 200 TPM, Sorbitan Mono Oleate - 200 TPM,
Polycarboxilate Ether – 300 TPM, SLES/LABSA – 300 TPM, Plastic Wastes - 300 TPM and Calcium
Nitrate – 300 TPM (Recycling of Hazardous Waste, Plastic Wastes and Disposal of Wastes) with
compliance report.

(c) The content of self declaration declaring to procure raw material from valid sources.

(d) The content of Corrigendum (of lease deed No. 81 dated 05.01.1993) leased deed of agreement made
between JIADA and the proponent for 99 years.

(e) The content of inspection report (I/R) vide Ref. No 1237 dated 13.11.2021 of R.O. JSPCB, Dhanbad.

3. The consent is granted under section 25 / 26 of the Water (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1974
and under section 21 of the Air (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1981 to operate the project in
Mauza -Tumudaha , P S -Kandra Industrial Area , District -DHANBAD , as follows:

Project Site-Area Investment Product & Capacity Period of CTO


Plot Nos. Area Date of issue

Before Mauza - 0.44 251.0 Lacs Sodium Methoxide – 31/12/2023
Expansion Tumudaha, Acre 200 TPM, Potassium
Khata No.- 74, Methoxide - 200
Khesra No.- TPM, Diethyl-Butyl
D167 (P), No.- Phthalate – 100 TPM,
04 & 5 Urea Solution - 300
TPM, Micro
Crystalline Powder –
200 TPM, Sorbitan
Mono Oleate - 200
TPM, Polycarboxilate
Ether – 300 TPM,
TPM, Plastic Wastes -
300 TPM and
Calcium Nitrate – 300
TPM (Recycling of
Hazardous Waste,
Plastic Wastes and
Disposal of Wastes)

(A) Specific Conditions:

1. That, the occupier shall submit AAQR, SMR, Effluent and Noise monitoring report yearly to the Board

2. That, the occupier shall maintain and operate pollution control devices.

3. That, the occupier shall ensure the cleaning and wetting of ground regularly to improve house keeping.

4. That, the occupier shall submit noise level monitoring report to the Board.

5. That, the occupier shall operate Pollution Control Device (APCD) viz. Effluent from dehydration,
Centrifuge & Gravity settling sent to CETP, Provision of recycling system for cooling water, regularly;

6. That, the occupier shall do unloading of raw material in such a covered area that fugitive emissions shall
be minimum and fixed type water sprinkling system must be installed in this area;

7. That, the occupier shall make Work area and transport roads concrete/ black top of issue of this consent
order failing which Consent to Operate shall be revoked.

8. That, the occupier shall purchase raw material only from valid source and shall maintain record of it and
shall show the record to the Inspecting Officer during inspection;

9. That, the occupier shall inform to Regional Office-Cum- Lab, Jamshedpur and Head Office, JSPC
Board, at Ranchi within 24 hrs from the time of closure or opening of the plant.

10. That, the occupier shall submit point wise compliance report of condition of this Consent to operate 120
days prior to the date of expiry of this consent yearly on successive year.

11. That, the occupier shall if be found violating the Consent to Operate at any point of time during
inspection of the plant by the competent authority, the Consent to Operate shall be revoked as per provision
of the acts.

12. That, the occupier shall submit photographs of all the above as proof of compliance, specific to Tree
Plantation, Rain water harvesting and Water sprinkling system.

13. That, the occupier shall do cleaning & wetting of the ground regularly to maintain_good house keeping

14. That, the occupier shall do recycling of Hazardous wastes.

15. That, the occupier shall comply the all conditions mentioned in Registration Certificate - cum - pass
Book issued for recycling of Hazardous wastes;

16. That the occupier shall operate and maintain Effluent Treatment Plant

17. That, the occupier shall, plant 100 Nos. of Trees of different species and maintain it for 06 years.
Submit the photographs of 100 trees plantation with count Nos. and name of species planted, within Six
months as compliance of this conditions and is mandatory, failing which the Consent to operate (CTO) shall
be revoked

18. That, the occupier shall submit applications for renewal of consent under section 25 / 26 of the
Water(Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 and under section 21 of the Air (Prevention & Control
of Pollution) Act, 1981 again 120 days prior to the date of expiry of this consent i.e. 31.12.2023, with
documents showing compliance of all of the above condition

19. . That this CTO is subject to compliance of the provisions of HOWM Rule, 2016, Plastic Waste
Management, Rule, 2016 and E- Waste Management Rule, 2016.

(B) General Conditions :

(1) That, the occupier shall maintain the National Ambient Air Quality Standard given below:
Concentration in Ambient Air

Time Weighted Industrial, Ecologically

SN Pollutant Average Residential, Rural Sensitive Area
and Other Area (notified by
Central Govt.)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

1. Sulphur Dioxide Annual 50 20

(SO2), µg/m3 24 hours 80 80

2. Nitrogen Dioxide Annual 40 30

(NO2), µg/m3 24 hours 80 80

3. Particulate Matter Annual 60 60

(size less than 10 24 hours 100 100
µm) or PM10,

4. Particulate Matter Annual 40 40

(size less than 2.5 24 hours 60 60
µm) or PM2.5,

5. Ozone(O3), 8 hours 100 100

µg/m3 1 hour 180 180

6. Lead (Pb) µg/m3 Annual 0.50 0.50

24 hours 1.0 1.0

7. Carbon Monoxide 8 hours 02 02

(CO) mg/m3 1 hour 04 04

8. Ammonia (NH3) Annual 100 100

µg/m3 24 hours 400 400

9. Benzene (C6H6) Annual 05 05


10. Benzo(a) Annual 01 01

Particulate Phase
only ng/m3

11. Arsenic (As) Annual 06 06


12. Nickel (Ni) Annual 20 20


Note : Serial no. 1 to 4 – Mandatory

Serial no. 5 to 12 As applicable for specific type of industry.
(2) That, the occupier shall maintain the emission quality within the standard and the quantity, as follows:

SN Parameter Standard

1 Particulate Matter 150 mg/Nm³

(3) That, the occupier shall keep process effluent in close-circuit and the quality of effluent from other
sources in conformity with the standard (s) and the discharge quantity as below:

SN Parameter Standard

1 Total Suspended Solids 100 mg/L

2 BOD 30 mg/L
3 COD 250 mg/L
4 Oil & Grease 10 mg/L

(4) That, the occupier shall dispose of solid wastes as follows:

SN Waste Type Mode of Disposal

(5) That, the occupier shall keep D G Set(s) within acoustic enclosure and shall keep the height(s) of
exhaust pipe(s) as per Central Pollution Control Board norm.

(6) That, the occupier shall install and maintain Central Ground Water Board/ State Ground Water
Directorate approved system of rain water harvesting-cum-ground water recharge and submit the
photographic view of the structures within a month.

(7) That, the occupier shall grow and maintain greenery of the project in the periphery and other available
spaces and shall continue enhancing its plant density and biodiversity.

(8) That, the occupier shall submit environmental statement with supporting stoichiometric calculations
analyses reports, every year latest by 30th September of the next financial year.

(9) That, the occupier shall submit report(s) duly monitored and issued by an NABL accredited / ISO
9001:2008 and OHSAS 18001:2007 certified laboratory in compliance sub-para (2), (3), (4) and (5) of
paragraph 3 of this CTO yearly at required periodicity.

(10) That, this CTO is valid subjected to the validity of mining Lease/Mining
Plan/Ecofriendly/Environmental Clearance, if applicable. In case of no renewal of Mining
Lease/Mining Plan, this consent shall be treated as revoked automatically.

(11) That, this CTO is issued from the environmental angle only and does not absolve the occupier from
other statutory obligations prescribed under any other law or any other instrument in force. The sole
and complete responsibility to comply with these conditions laid down in all other laws for the time-
being in force, rests with the industry/ unit/ occupier.
(12) That, this CTO shall not in any way, adversely affect or jeopardize the legal proceeding , if any,
instituted in the past or that could be , instituted against you by the State Board for violation of the
provisions of the Act or the Rules made there under.

(13) That, the occupier shall comply with all applicable provisions of the Water (Prevention & Control of
Pollution) Act, 1974; the Water (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Cess Act, 1977; the Air
(Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1981; and the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 and Rules
made there under.

4. That, this CTO shall not absolve the occupier from making compliance of other statutory prescribed
under any law or direction of courts or any other instrument for the time being in force.

5. That, this CTO is being issued on the basis of information/ documents/ certificate submitted by the
unit. This CTO will be revoked if any of the information/documents/certificates/undertaking given
by the occupier is found false/fictitious/forged in future.

6. The Order shall be valid subject to compliance of all other legal requirements applicable to the unit.

7. The State Board reserve the right to revoke, withdraw or make any reasonable variation / change /
alteration in conditions of this consent.

Digitally signed
This is issued with the approval of the Competent authority KUMAR 2021.11.29
16:04:41 +05'30'
(Dilip Kumar)
Environmental Engineer
Memo No. : JSPCB/HO/RNC/CTO- Dated : 2021-11-29

Copy to: Sri PUSHPA Devi, Managing Director of M/s Nilaynarayan Polychem LLP, At- Plot D-167 (P)
No.4 & 5, Kandra Industrial Area, Bhitia, Govindpur, Dhanbad/Director of Industries, Govt. of Jharkhand,
Ranchi/Deputy Commissioner, Dhanbad / Chief Inspector of Factories, Govt. of Jharkhand, Ranchi / G.M.,
D.I.C., Dhanbad/ R.O., JSPC Board, Dhanbad for information & necessary action. DILIP Digitally signed
(Dilip Kumar)
KUMAR Date: 2021.11.29
16:04:52 +05'30'
Environmental Engineer

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