Maharashtra Pollution Control Board: SR No Product Maximum Quantity UOM
Maharashtra Pollution Control Board: SR No Product Maximum Quantity UOM
Maharashtra Pollution Control Board: SR No Product Maximum Quantity UOM
B] The Applicant shall operate the effluent treatment plant (ETP) to treat the trade
effluent and recycle the entire treated effluent into the process for various
purposes such as for cooling, process & Scrubbing with metering system so as to
achieve Zero Liquid Discharge. There shall be no discharge on land or outside
factory premises.
C] The Industry shall ensure connectivity online monitoring system to the MPCB
server including separate energy meter for pollution control system.
D] The treated effluent shall be recycled for secondary purposes to the maximum
extent and remaining shall be discharged on land for gardening within premise
after confirming above standards. In no case, effluent shall find its way for
gardening / outside factory premises.
2. A] As per your application, you have provided Sewage Treatment Plant of designed
capacity 20 CMD for the treatment of 16 CMD of sewage.
B] The Applicant shall operate the sewage treatment system to treat the sewage so
as to achieve the following standards.
C] The treated sewage shall be recycled for secondary purposes to the maximum
extent and remaining shall be discharged on land for gardening within premise
after confirming above standards. In no case, sewage shall find its way for
gardening / outside factory premises.
3. The Board reserves its rights to review plans, specifications or other data relating to
plant setup for the treatment of waterworks for the purification there of & the system
for the disposal of sewage or trade effluent or in connection with the grant of any
consent conditions. The Applicant shall obtain prior consent of the Board to take steps
to establish the unit or establish any treatment and disposal system or an extension or
addition thereto.
4. The industry shall ensure replacement of pollution control system or its parts after
expiry of its expected life as defined by manufacturer so as to ensure the compliance
of standards and safety of the operation thereof.
6. The Applicant shall provide Specific Water Pollution control system as per the
conditions of EP Act, 1986 and rule made there under from time to time/
Environmental Clearance/ CREP guidelines.
Terms & conditions for compliance of Air Pollution Control:
1. As per your application, you have proposed to provide the Air pollution control (APC) system
and also to erect following stack (s) to observe the following fuel pattern:
APC System Stack
Stack Type of Sulphur
Source provided/prop Height(in Pollutant Standard
No. Fuel Content(in %)
osed mtr)
(NG- 200
TFH - Nm3/hr/
1, TFH LSHS-250 150
S-1 Scrubber 48.00 - TPM 3
-2 & Kg/hr) for Mg/Nm
TFH - 3 each TFH
nm3/hr /
Boiler 1
500 150
S-2 & 52.00 - TPM
Kg/hr) for Mg/Nm3
Boiler 2
DG set Acoustic TPM 3
HSD 200 Mg/Nm
S-3 (2 Enclosure 30.00 1
Ltr/Hr 192
Nos.) Stack SO2
2. The Applicant shall provide Specific Air Pollution control equipments as per the conditions of EP
Act, 1986 and rule made there under from time to time/ Environmental Clearance / CREP
BG Forfeiture History
Amount of Amount of Reason of
Consent Submission Purpose
Srno. BG BG BG
(C2E/C2O/C2R) Period of BG
imposed Forfeiture Forfeiture
BG Return details
Srno. Consent (C2E/C2O/C2R) BG imposed Purpose of BG Amount of BG Returned
General Conditions:
1. The waste generator shall.-
a) take steps to minimize generation of plastic waste and segregate plastic waste at source
in accordance with the Plastic Waste Management Rules, 2016 or as amended from time
to time.
b) not litter the plastic waste and ensure segregated storage of waste at source and
handover segregated waste to urban local body or gram panchayat or agencies
appointed by them or registered waste pickers’, registered recyclers or waste collection
2. All institutional generators of plastic waste, shall segregate and store the waste generated
by them in accordance with the Plastic Waste Management Rules, 2016 amendment from
time to time and handover segregated wastes to authorized waste processing or disposal
facilities or deposition centers either on its own or through the authorized waste collection
3. All waste generators shall pay such user fee or charge as may be specified in the byelaws of
the local bodies for plastic waste management such as waste collection or operation of the
facility thereof, etc.;
4. Every person responsible for organizing an event in open space, which involves service of
food stuff in plastic or multilayered packaging shall segregate and manage the waste
generated during such events in accordance with the Plastic Waste Management Rules,
2016 amendment from time to time.