Vehicle Preventive Maintenance Checklist
Vehicle Preventive Maintenance Checklist
Vehicle Preventive Maintenance Checklist
Maintenance activity to be undertaken in consultation with product maintenance manual Tick the adjacent box for the
completed task
Nature of Maintenance
5,000 Kilometers Intervals/every four (4) months
Inspect Radiator Water Level
Inspect Engine Oil Level
Inspect Transmission Fluid Level
Inspect Clutch Fluid Level
Inspect Brake Fluid Level
Inspect Power Steering Fluid
Inspect Tire Inflation/Wear (Replace)
Inspect Brake Pads and Shoes
Inspect Battery/Cables Clean
Inspects Belts for cracking/fraying
Inspect Windshield Washer Fluid
Change Oil and Filter
Wash/Clean Vehicle
15,000 Kilometers Intervals or if necessary
Rotate and Balance Tires
Wheel Alignment
Change Window shield Wipers
Inspect Engine Air Filter
Inspect Coolant (Antifreeze) Level
Inspect Brake Pads and Shoes
Inspect Ball Joint
Inspect Driveshaft Boots
Inspect Steering Boots
Inspect Exhaust System
30,000 Kilometers intervals or if necessary
Change Cabin Air Filter
Change Engine Air Filter
Change Transmission Fluid/Gear Oil
Change Brake Pads/Shoes
Inspect Front Differential Oil
Inspect Fuel Line/Gaskets
Inspect Hoses (Brittle, Cracked)
100,000 Kilometers intervals or if necessary
Change Battery (if needed)
Change Timing Belt
Inspect Drive Belts
Change Spark Plugs
Replace Wiper Blade
Replace Wiper Arm
Replace Clutch Operating Assembly
Replace tires
Install Starter Relay
Change Engine Coolant
M – Due to Mileage